I have to assume we do at this point
because I don't think science as it stands is nearly flexible enough to tackle every moral issue on it's own merit
I'm not even talking about the concept of science itself which is another beast in itself, but science as it is currently applied
I believe science, while important in it's own right, does not encompass every field of universal understanding
morality, and spirituality, culture, just to name three fields off the top of my head are not encompassed within science and don't deserve to be treated as subservient to science in any way
this isn't to say science isn't important at all, but it is not the be all end all master of all categories
not to mention that even if it were, our current understanding of it is not and never will be completely perfect
so using it to judge other categories of understanding is folly
at least to a certain extent, without using other factors as weight
there isn't anything wrong with debunking scientific arguments for racism or that kind of thing, but there is something wrong with thinking that is by any means even close to all we have to do
I think science is great to be fair and honest about it, but it always has to be kept in mind that our current understanding of it is going to change because that's just how it works
because our understanding of it is never going to be perfect at any time, and in fact we are better for it if we keep an open mind about that
we make science better by the very act of questioning it, but that doesn't work if it's the only metric we have by itself
other avenues of thought are great levers to force our frame of thought to examine science by other angles and see if we missed anything
not to mention I think it's a little unhealthy to hold Science as a higher ideal than other modes of thought
both for us and for Science itself
basically I believe our understanding of science is and should be subservient to the Truth, and not the other way around
that means that science is itself less perfect than the Truth, but that's fine as long as we can acknowledge that
there is certainly an ideal of science that it should always deal in the truth, but in practicality we don't always know if our science is right, and that uncertainly serves us badly if it is our only pillar of understanding
now some other categories can be,.. a little misty as well, morality is not entirely objective in that people can disagree on points of morality and still have points, certain religions even within the same religion can still disagree on key points, cultures can have different ways of doing things even within the same macro culture
but if you make any of those things subservient to science all you do is magnify those disagreements or differences in a negative way
when instead all of those things should be applied but not in an intrusive way
I won't say science is the only one that has been used intrusively, religion is a big one that has itself even intruded on science, but science has intruded on culture and morality in negative ways sometimes, even if not intentionally