I am trying to figure out if an extra attack can be interrupted by another effect and terminate the attack action before all attacks are completed.
The specific example I'm dealing with is thus:
I have a fighter with Riposte and the Crusher feat. Enemy fighter takes an attack action to swing at m...
The Eldritch Invocation "Gaze of Two Minds" states that "while perceiving through the other creature's senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings". My question is can someone perceive their surroundings while u...
This is extremely annoying behaviour. If you've voted to delete a post and then you press the delete button again, you can now rescind that vote, but then you can't vote again!
Because the button is exactly the same and there is always a confirmation popup when deleting, many people have made the...
This also gets me thinking about one of Aesop's fables, “The Boy Bathing”: A boy bathing in a river was in danger of being drowned. He called out to a traveler passing by, for help. The traveler, instead of holding out a helping hand, stood up unconcernedly, and scolded the boy for his imprudence. "Oh, sir!" cried the youth, "pray help me now, and scold me afterwards."
The moral is that counsel without help is useless, but I think the moral is that you first help the person and then counsel them on avoiding the situation to begin with. Imagine if the old man was just saying “wow hey you shouldn't be bathing in the river, it's really deep, you didn't even bring a rope, you—” and then looks around wondering where the boy's gone off to. (He's been swept down the river but he's being helped out by someone else, don't worry.)
So the initial flag gets marked disputed, but a second user flags the post again. My understanding is that now a mod has to do something, but I'm unclear on what the options are there.
It's functionally just a big list of currently active flags plus the posts attached to them, and a short list of options for action on those flags. (Helpful, unhelpful, delete the post, etc.)
Some actions will automatically mark the flag as helpful without the moderator explicitly dismissing it.
So like hypothetically, a mod reviewing such an NAA flag could mark it helpful and leave a little flag response message to the effect of "thanks for bringing this to our attention, we don't see cause to delete this but we're marking it helpful so you don't get flag banned"?
@ThomasMarkov Not sure if that is still the case, but they used to be able to send custom responses (which wouldn't even notify you in your inbox for some reason) - so unless something changed or part of the workaround hinges on those not working that should be possible.
@AncientSwordRage Sure, which is okay, but an explanation to that effect would be nice.
Because the vibe I get from Nits' answer is "we did this on purpose cuz you shouldnt have flagged those posts"
To be clear, I dont see that any of the mods have commented on Akixkisu's flag ban or the possibility of having marked the flags helpful without acting on the posts.
So "we did this on purpose" is speculation, but it's the sense I got from that answer, and I hope I'm wrong.
However "you shouldnt have flagged those posts" is not speculation cuz its the header of the answer.
Now I'm saying a lot, which is when I usually get myself in trouble.
jots down question for next election's question collection
I'm expanding this from a feature-request previously posted as an answer, as requested by dev Brian Nickel back in June. (Yeah, late to the party, I know. Maybe they've even stopped working on improving the new mod dashboard now. Anyway.)
In the new moderator dashboard, flags on posts can either...
Previous posts
Moderator Flag Dashboard soft launch
Moderator flag dashboard design refresh (alpha)
As of today, the Moderator Flag Dashboard is officially graduated and the old version sent to the smelter's yard.
Based on stats from the past month, virtually all moderators wer...
@Ben I think that happened at least a few weeks ago - I believe he's had the shorter hair in various Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter videos for the past month or two.
@ThomasMarkov I'm catching up after a day afk. My (our) intent is/was definitely not to intentionally cause a flag-ban on anyone. If you could help me make that clearer/find where it' snot clear in the post, I'd be grateful.
(cc: @Akixkisu)
@doppelgreener In fairness, I don't think the analogy is quite on point. OP isn't a boy drowning in a river, they're a boy who keeps drowning in rivers and is asking for help when he (inevitably, to his thinking) does so next time.
@Akixkisu We can still, and I try to very often. (As you may have noticed, I seem to have a surplus of words I'm trying to spend down.) I generally do on flags I mark "helpful" but on which I take the action that I suspect the flagger may not have expected--such as not deleting something. I generally do on flags I decline, too. Generally not on flags where I do the thing the flag seems to be pointing at me to do.
The rules for a Vorpal Sword include
When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature’s heads. The creature dies if it can’t survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune ...