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Q: How can I use TWF on a dex-based character who casts spells?

A_S00I have a character who wants to: Use two-weapon fighting Use their dexterity bonus, not their strength bonus, to attack Cast spells with somatic components I'm having trouble finding a way to accomplish all of these: If I use two weapons, I have to drop or sheathe one of them to free up a hand...

4 hours later…
@Medix2 I don't think I can neatly define or list learning difficulties, so I've left the examples in my question after clarifying
@AncientSwordRage Yeah that's fair
I was just thinking about the fact that ADHD isn't actually defined as a learning disability, well, in the US. Instead it falls under "other health impairment."
@Medix2 yes and no: it is not medically one, but depending on the school system and/or school education plan, it puts you in a "special needs group" - as in you can get different material or the same material with different structure.
@Trish Yes and that is by falling under the "other health impairment" category and not the "other learning disability" category
however, afaik about the Indian school system, it is not recognized at all there.
That sort of proves my point ^
Right so if somebody answers this from the perspective of India's schooling system, ADHD isn't a learning difficulty. Eh, I guess any good answer will really just give a full list so it doesn't really matter the nitpicking and legal mumbo-jumbo
@Medix2 I'm hoping by naming it, they'd include it... I can provide a list from somewhere and just caveat that my list isn't exhaustive either
2 hours later…
So, in a game I run, I need the characters to get into the bad guys’ dungeon, so they can meet a demon who is imprisoned there.
My initial thought was that I could have them attacked by overwhelming odds and captured, but that seems like railroading.
any thoughts?
If they're anything like mine, mentioning the dungeon and/or some reason to enter could be sufficient
What kind of dungeon is it?
Is it the kind of group where you can tell them your goal and ask for ideas and support to achieve it?
@Someone_Evil I am talking a literal dungeon, prison cells, chains guards the whole shebang
Kidnapping's a classic, but I'm fond of the Formal Invitation From The Villain.
@BESW haven’t tried that. Not sure how they’d respond. I did sort of send out a general question asking what they’d like in the game, but they only gave long term goals
Have a different prisoner they're motivated to meet in there? Maybe to break out?
Doesn't actually need to be different either, come to think of it
> Dearest Nemesis and Sidekicks,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I'd hate for you to drop dead of something boring before our game is played out. In light of which, please accept this invitation to dinner tomorrow evening in Darkest Dungeon, on the corner of Fifth and Main. It's an intimate black tie affair, just some of our closest rivals. The messenger will be providing you with the binding fae pledge to non-violence on everyone's part that night, and proof that I've already taken it.
Bonus points if they've never heard of him before.
@BESW I can only assume that this is delivered verbally, and that the villainous plot involves a flatbread based ambush.
That sounds like a really cool idea!
Have some stray cat (literally) approach the party saying "There's a fair prince imprisoned against his will in the dungeon! He would be extremely grateful if you rescued him! Also there are a lot of magic items in there."
And when they get there have the demon go "I didn't expect that stupid imp to be useful for a change! Would you be so kind to break the binding crystals so that I can RIP OUT THE SPINES OF EVERYONE IN THIS TOWN!"
Is this too broad? Trying to compare entire classes seems like a lot, but someone may be up for it.
@NautArch I feel like variations on that question have been asked before.
@NautArch My idea exactly. First impression was that it should be closed but I might put together a spreadsheet comparing DPR for some sample builds.
@GcL I thought so too, but I couldn't find anything with [dnd-5e] [ranger] tags that matched. Maybe some other tags might work.
@GcL Between entire classes including subclasses?
But it also seems familiar from other questions, hence my asking before doing anything :)
@GcL Put up my own answer to the "pinning" question. You're right that it shouldn't be closed.
I suppose you could bin it as DPR in good match ups and DPR in poor match ups. That way you don't have to try to pick a particular foe. E.g. fighters in good match ups can expect [X1 to X2] DPR in poor match ups [Y1 to Y2].
ANd silly question, are martial classes just martial? Like does eldritch knight count as a martial now?
Or a college of swords bard?
Is a rogue martial?
Doesn't seem like a useful question to me, so I'm not really interested in putting together a DPR comparison.
Ranger subclasses vs all possible subclasses seems like an enormous undertaking
@NautArch I would assume fighter, monk, ranger, paladin.
@GcL paladin counts with all their magic?
I guess ranger magic counts.
anything that gets Extra Attack, might be a decent dilineator
I think asking which classes they want would help.
That may be worth closing for.
You forgot Barb
The plus side is that it is limited to PHB, and damage only so a lot of subclasses don't matter
@SilentAxe like what?
Ok, I forgot that Oath of Devotion gains sacred weapon otherwise it is the same as Oath of ancients
Assassin vs Thief also don't get any damage boosts unless you count the very situational Assassinate
@SilentAxe Yeah, one of my players just asked for assassin for their next characdter and reminded them of that.
They were okay with it /shrug
Now I've got to help them manufacture surprise :)
And this is not a group that surprises.
@SilentAxe sneak attack is nice, but really doesn't scale super well. The dodge or hide bonus action does make them really damn hard to hit though.
Also the dex save for no damage can be entertaining. I'll take fireball for 0 damage, LeVar.
@GcL As a DM my main problem with rogue is that I never know how much hiding I should let the rogue get away with and therefore how much power I give them. If I let them hide behind the only tree in the desert or any corner in the dungeon, they basically have perma advantage and invulnerability. If I always tell them "Enemy just saw you. You can't hide" that that severely gimps them.
@GcL Thief and Mastermind are subclasses I'd like to try for rogue.
@SilentAxe I usually go with the narrative. I'll try and make places for them to hide, but not every environment is possible.
@SilentAxe I usually let rogues hide most places when they go out of line of sight. They foes can know the last place they saw the rogue which lets the charge over to that spot.... sometimes to great hilarity when the rogue isn't there anymore.
My current rogue player is also a swashbuckler and took the tasha's alternate option for not moving one round to get advantage the next (he took that even though I said no tasha's and I didn't realize until later.)
@NautArch I concur. If you're running a game for a rogue, make sure your environments are sufficiently detailed to allow a lot of hiding. Take a look at the Paris catacombs or caves near Budapest or any really old city for inspiration. Plenty of places to hide.
My icewind game is on hold tonight, so going back to Scum & Villainy. Really enjoying that.
And one of the guy's in my group is going to try and set up a Fate of Cthulhu one-shot. Never played that before.
Is "Summon Beast" AC in line with what could be expected of a "typical" monster of that level. e.g. AC 12 at level 1, AC 16 at level 9, AC 20 at level 17 and above?
@BESW this is delicious
@SilentAxe I want to say "no" in that beasts usually got more HP as they go up, not more AC.
@NautArch My spreadsheet also said that attack bonus mattered surprisingly little at high levels but I just checked the "Creating quick monster stats" table in DMG and that says AC 13 for CR 3 and below, AC 16 at CR8 and AC 19 at CR17 and above, so that's very close.
@SilentAxe The table is more general, but it seems like the primary toggle there is HP vs AC. Monsters seem to have primarily one or the other.
Unless they're wicked powerful and get both.
But the highest Beast CR appears to be 12
which ain't that high.
Introducing the Monsterizer for D&D 5E by RPGBOT.
@AncientSwordRage I've not test driven that yet, but it looks quite comprehensive
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica unfortunately, I think your question would be better served asked by your DM then by you :-(
Unless you want to play the game of telling the DM what the town has, and the DM confirming whether or not that's actually a thing. But it may not be even though other towns do have the thing.
@NautArch I'm mostly asking it from a 'well, assume creatures are living in there; approximately what options do they have?'. It's more of a worldbuilding question than GMing one.
Err, maybe that wasn't phrased well. Sorry.
Establishing the baselines (and knowing what to ask about) rather than seeking final verdicts.
@AncientSwordRage Can't wait for someone to do a Daniel D. Fox on that if it isn't entirely compliant.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica I fully agree, but it's not your world.
Otherwise looks pretty awesome.
@NautArch Well yeah, it's not mine. I'm hoping some people knowledgeable about the world (or at least the default state of the world) may be willing to share that knowledge on the matter. (Of course anything found gets run by the GM.)
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica if that's the case, I think you're going to have to give us more details about the size and look of the town. But even then it's your DM's town not a forgotten realms town. Not all towns of that size have the same things.
But I do understand that my answer is more of a frame challenge than an actual answer. I'm just not sure we can actually answer this in a helpful way for you and your table.
@NautArch Yeah, it's a frame challenge and I understand that. And I appreciate the effort spent on crafting the text. But after seeing similar answers many times before when asking about a specific setting+system combination, I think they soon stop being as helpful for askers.
I think that it is practically helpful but not theoretically helpful. You are looking for a potential theory, I am trying to give you an answer that you can actually bring to the table.
If you are looking for something more specific I think you need to give us more details then. Experts on the lore may be able to help, but they're going to need to know more about that town.
Knowledge of current town defenses and size will help guide other stackisms in finding a more direct answer.
@KorvinStarmast I don't think Vicky's party is in the town when the dragon approaches. They're asking more about what the town can do.
I'm asking more about what towns typically can and do do.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica but towns are very diverse. If you're looking for help in figuring out what this town might have we need to know more about that town.
This isn't a question about a *specific* town though*, it's a question about the *typical available solutions* to a problem that is recurring for the denizens of the setting.

* == I actually fear naming the town will just lead to people handing out spoiler tactical info for the specific scenario instead of helping me get the big picture of what are the expectations in the world.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica if it's not a specific question about a specific town, then I think you can leave everything out about your party and what you're trying to do. You're just looking for information about what was done mundanely to help ground a dragon.
But I also don't know your relationship with the DM. Are they usually open to the players telling them what's in their world?
It just may be possible that this is a narrative event, and trying to do something more is stepping on the toes of what the DM is planning. Which is the players do all the time :-)
My answer was really based more on actual table play, not on lower information. If it really is about the lore, again I'd very much recommend removing all the specifics about your situation and just ask the general question.
@NautArch Errrrr, most or all of extra details about the party are there because I got questions about it, not because I wanted to focus on it in the first place.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Who asked questions to include that? But either way, this is either a specific situation with specific solutions, or it's general and shouldn't have the specific details.
By grounding this in your story, I'd hope that answers are tailored to your actual need and not just general. If you're looking for general, I'd remove your story from it.
@NautArch You're right, it shouldn't really have those specific details. Maybe I am wrong, but I got the impression that the discussion wanted me to disclose some of those details.
I'm . . . not sure what to do at this point. Deleting comments would just be confusing.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica I think it did as it grew (but I don't think you added them, they were already there.) But if your question isn't about your situation, then I'd really remove your situation.
I'd edit all of that out and just ask about in lore (5e or otherwise) how have towns defended themselves with mundane equipment from dragons (specifically grounding them.)
Want me to take a crack at it? You can always revise/rollback.
And then a comment clean-up :)
@NautArch Sorry, I probably overreacted to the 'are you the GM or player' question. I'm open to edits, at this point I'm thinking my original question is not great at attracting answers that I'm likely to read to get a better idea of the typical approaches.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Quick and dirty, but what do you think?
And sorry about the GM or player - that really was to help me figure out what you were looking for. I think that threw me, too.
And on a side note, Command to bring down a dragon was hella fun,.
@NautArch Q&D does look good. Might be worth some additions, but it's probably better than my own text. Thanks. I'll be back later and see how it goes.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Removed my answer as well. Clean up in aisle comment!
@Catofdoom2 Howdy howdy
i'm in a new campaign as a human monk at level 1 and i somehow 1 shotted 3 bandits in a row while the other 5 players are just getting whooped
Dice gonna roll
the DM also said that she wouldn't let one of the other players ever no longer how long we play asscend to godhood
@Catofdoom2 Mostly on account of all the paperwork. You answer one prayer and then it's just work work work.
but she wants to be a god of death
how long and how much hard work do you think should be needed to become the grim reaper, god of death kinda things
@NautArch @GcL
@NautArch I’ve done it. What I would do is calculate the best build you can make with only the core class features for dpr (without over the top min maxing) and compare. Ranger fairs quite well! After first level at least
I’ll give it a try
@Catofdoom2 That's actually one you're born into. Although, you do have to be a nanny for quite a while as training. Something about chasing off monsters under the bed and closet monsters with an umbrella.
what if you make a deal with the devil? @GcL
@Catofdoom2 Which devil?
@Catofdoom2 It seems to me the biggest obstacle to becoming the Grim Reaper is going to be the guy who currently has the job.
@JoelHarmon Actually, they're busy at a timeshare with the Hogsfather.... so it's open half time at least.
@JoelHarmon i think their is only one "death" but their are severel vessels and servents and "grim reapers"
You'll have to clarify what your cosmology looks like. Assuming you're playing D&D 5e, which seems likely, the system is nebulous about the whole cosmology. You might start by finding an appropriate spellcaster to contact someone in that hierarchy and inquire about job applications.
Q: Does the Fate Accessibility Toolkit cover learning difficulties like ADHD or dyslexia?

AncientSwordRageLooking at the description I cannot tell if the list on the product page is exhaustive or just a sample of what's inside? Discussion of specific disabilities, including blindness, D/deafness and hardness of hearing, mobility issues, dwarfism, chronic illness, autism, depression, anxiety, schizop...

@JoelHarmon i am talking about DnD 5e and its multiverse and stuff
@JoelHarmon Now I just want to watch the sketch about someone temping as Death
This is where you end up contacting a Reaper, who starts begging you to take his job.
@Catofdoom2 In that case, there is only one death. Also, there are many deaths. Also, sometimes death was an adventurer and the other deities were also adventurers. Either that or it's dragon's all the way down.
@JoelHarmon In my headcanon they try to get you by telling you how awesome the benefits and vacation packages are.
@Someone_Evil @JoelHarmon @GcL can anyone find the requirements to become a vessel to a god anywhere in the lore?
Gain a Cleric level?
@Catofdoom2 Yeah, they're called Clerics.
cleric to the god of death?
@Catofdoom2 At the base level, I think any ceramic works but they really do prefer glassware.
Alternately, Paladins for more of a warrior flavor, or Warlocks for their pacts-with-some-entity.
@Catofdoom2 I belive there's a domain in the DMG for it, or Grave in XGtE
@Catofdoom2 Yes, but now you have to choose which god of death. Several pantheons have distinct ones.
@Catofdoom2 That's most adventuring clerics really. Sure they say they worship whomever, but they mostly go places, see things, and murder the inhabitants.
the big one. the one that rules over all the other ones
That might depend on which one you ask
@Catofdoom2 Is there a big one? I thought they were separate fiefdoms.
That's the issue. There's an Elven pantheon, a Dwarvish pantheon, etc, and each has their own version of a god of death.
are they all real?
The deity of feline deaths is notoriously lazy and doesn't answer to anyone.
In some interpretations, each solar system also has a different one.
The real answer here is "talk to your DM about it, but have some ideas first".
@JoelHarmon solar system!? not universe or dimension? thats a lot of reapers.
@Catofdoom2 The proper term is "crystal sphere", as I recall, but that's from some older lore.
@Catofdoom2 You get a solar system? What kind of spelljammer campaign are you running there? You want gith?! because that's how you get gith!
Really, 5e doesn't want to lock players into any given thing, so even stuff like Greek/Roman deities are fair game.
@JoelHarmon If you do lock players into a thing, make sure it has a bathroom. Otherwise the clean up is awful.
Greek mythology does have a canon answer for how to become the god of death, but IIRC that starts with being born from a titan, so your options are limited
is their a way to make a deal with death and posses some of his powers yes or no?
You mean as a Warlock? Because that sure sounds warlock-y
i think warlock cause that can only be limeted by the DM but paldins and cleric are very simailar regardless of god
@Catofdoom2 Yes. Be a warlock. Choose the abstract concept of death as your patron. Write them letters that have morbid poetry.
not me, my friend
@Catofdoom2 I had a campaign where two clerics worshiped the same deity and were as different and diametrically opposed as two characters in the same party could be. Hilarity ensued.
You'll probably want Undead or Undying as patron
And my experience is that warlocks land a lot more similar to each other than clerics, but I can see that varying massively
@Catofdoom2 I know it was true in previous editions, and I think it is for 5e, but pally/cleric can dedicate themselves to an idea/ideal, rather than a deity per se.
I do like the 5e paladins. Such a better interpretation than previous editions.
My big complaint was the 3e alignment restriction.
They seemed to lend themselves to "my guy syndrome" and start all sorts of intra-party conflict over bullshit.
@Catofdoom2 level 20 still isn't deity level, so the answer is "infinite, and it's still not enough"
but feats and making deals and selling souls and making deals with devils
@Catofdoom2 there isn't one; that's part of the FR cosmology hitch.
@Catofdoom2 no unless your DM says yes
Alternately, there are an infinite number of creatures with the type 'devil', just as there are with 'demon' or 'angel'.
angel isn't a type
All of those are technically tags, but that doesn't change any part of the point being made
Bah, they spelled it "celestial".
@Catofdoom2 they were in a previous edition (lore) but that is currently fulfilled by the celestial creature type, with Deva, Planetar, and Solar. (Titans turn it up to 11)
@Someone_Evil Didn't Peter do that on Family Guy?
There were things like ascending to godhood, or demigodhood, in the Immortal set that was the last of the Basic/Expert/Champion/Master/Immortal line (parallel to AD&D) but porting that into 5e has not yet happened.
@NautArch Seems likely, but not too big on that particular humour/style tbh
@Someone_Evil More than fair.
@Catofdoom2 At the end of the day, it's perfectly reasonable for a DM to say that this isn't that type of campaign.
Not really. It's the beginning. Just lean in another direction.
@GcL Methinks I have a downvote to my answer on the shield-pin because of my downvotes to the others.
Also, that wasn't a "no". I'll circle back again to "the cosmology isn't super well defined, so you should talk to your DM and the other players, and see if you can get them to agree to one that meets your goals".
@JoelHarmon It was the DM who told them "no".
That said, if you did actually meet your goal, I'd suggest ending the campaign, because D&D as is doesn't really support that. Consider asking your group to try out a system that does, like Nobilis, to continue that campaign.
@NautArch Maybe I misread or glossed over something, but I didn't think that was the case.
1 hour ago, by Cat of doom2
the DM also said that she wouldn't let one of the other players ever no longer how long we play asscend to godhood
Ah, I took that to mean the other player couldn't become a god, not that Cat couldn't become a lesser celestial.
@JoelHarmon oh wait, maybe I"m wrong here. I thought @Catofdoom2 was talking about the other player.
@NautArch What do you need me to downv ote? I hadn't even opened up my fresh box of down votes, but I can go get it from the shelf.
Ouch, you really did it :P
Out of curiosity, doy ou really think it's downvote worthy, or is it just because I asked?
You literally asked. I didn't even read it.
Can I just say that I think it's absolutely hilarious that the same bot keeps spamming up this question? rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/53836/…
Just gonna need a bit of magic to get back your ex!
Are niche rules contradictions a finite resource within any given system? I was lured to this stack by 5e gems like 'Can I talk to animals as a wildshaped Circle of the Shepherd Druid?' Feels like there are less questions of that ilk now. Does the sweet stream of ambiguities eventually dry out?
Depends on how ambiguous the system language is. D&D 5e has a lot of ambiguity built-in, hence the overwhelming majority of questions along the lines of "can I use [combat ability with simple language] for [unintended purpose]". They never ran out, but eventually people were mostly asking the same questions or similar questions, and then those get disregarded as duplicates.
the pace of 5e's extra material output is also considerably lesser than previous editions, so there's not as much new stuff to ask questions about over time as there may have been in the past.
And the new paradigm for 5e is that most books are settings/campaign books, generally avoiding rules updates. Compare with 3.5e, say, in which each book had extensive new options for character generation.
A: How does the ranger's DPR stack up against other martial classes?

TheDragonOfFlameRangers are on par or better than other classes in terms of DPR. The martial classes are Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin and Ranger (assuming the definition of martial class as ‘class with martial weapon proficiency’, as the other definition ‘class that cannot cast spells’ does not include rangers). ...

Does my answer to this look good so far?
I was honestly quite surprised by my conclusions
sword and board fighter is a bit of an unfair choice for dpr optimisation comparison would be my observation
As opposed to great sword fighter?
Or mail, whatever
yeah, I feel if you're going to do dpr comparison you need to build each class with dpr as the focus
I was doing the typical example of a fighter, not the most optimised
I could do both maybe
doing both seems reasonable, yeah
Trying to compare against a "typical" example isn't going to support your answer. There is no "typical" build. Who says the typical ranger is dual wielding, and not ranged? If you want to compare DPS then your best bet is to compare how each class does DPR optimization.
@MikeQ I did no range because range’s benefits come from the range not from the dpr
And rangers come with two short swords default
though it would be highly amusing if advanced analysis determines that the reason everyone thinks rangers suck is that they forget to cast hunter's mark
@Carcer lol
dual weapon fighting is broken with hunters mark
i really want to make a level 2 ranger then the rest monk with hunters mark
@GcL Fair enough, just making sure!

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