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@bobble πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
@bobble it really is
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
got swallowed by a purple worm last night. Got out using DD. Yuck.
1 hour later…
[Load expressions of exasperation]
Hang on, I can do that better
[Exacerbated expressions of exasperation]
Much better
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (78): How much would a weapon cost that grants advantage on damage rolls? by martin roy on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose @ThomasMarkov)
@SmokeDetector SPAM Alert
4 hours later…
Might ask this as a main question
But Ill gather some initial thoughts here
Is flame strike hot garbage or am I missing something?
It's a 5th level spell, and it seems to be strictly worse than 3rd level fireball most of the time.
Fireball is too good is maybe more the argument
There are also advantages to controlling the area, but yeah, if you compare anything with fireball it's gonna look underwhelming
cone of cold is wayyy better.
destructive wave is also stupid good.
Radiant damage is sometimes important, and the radius makes it very occasionally better.
It is one of those spells that is only good in niche situations and bad most of the time.
I was thinking of taking it with my cleric when I reach 9th level, but I was like "honestly i'd rather just have fireball".
There's maybe an argument to look at class lists for these spells. It makes it a little bit of an apples to oranges thing
@Someone_Evil Yeah, I know destructive wave is more of a paladin class feature that they dont get till 13th.
^Destructive wave is paladin only.
@Akixkisu tempest domain clerics get it at 9th
So if you want that radiant damage your options are limited.
@ThomasMarkov oh, I didn't know about that.
So they are even better than they already are.
Oddly enough I never had a tempest cleric reach a high-level in any of my campaigns.
@Akixkisu Im starting at 8th with my new twilight domain cleric. It's gonna be twilit.
Class exclusive spells occasionally get to do cooler things (find steed is possibly the best example). <insert mini rant about artificers not having any exclusive spells>
@ThomasMarkov those are the ones that I encounter most at higher level :D
@Someone_Evil No "exclusive" spell is safe when there is a bard around.
Except the cantrip encode thoughts.
@Someone_Evil Artificers have some of the coolest features though, the arcane armour is probably one of the most fun builds to play.
Q: Do healing spells harm undead in Starfinder?

Jimmy Fix-itSo after being programmed through years' of D&D play, we are trying Starfinder. I guess we just assumed that undead creatures are harmed by heal spells and effects but we can't find RAW saying so. Do heal spells harm undead in Starfinder and if so, where do the rules state that?

@Akixkisu Well, the armourer wasn't a thing when I started mine
And yeah, the artillerist basically has the exclusive spell as a class feature
@Akixkisu Fallout 3 chinese stealth armor
I think the alchemist is the most boring artificer, and they still have neat tools.
Is something like "Is flame strike as underwhelming as I think it is, and if so, what changes would make it less underwhelming with respect to other 5th level spells?" focused enough for a main site question?
@Akixkisu That seems to be the general consensus, with a number of hotter takes than that
I guess it can be worded as one question, "what changes need to be made to flame strike to make it less underwhelming compared to similar 5th level spells?"
Which leaves room for "no changes necessary"
@ThomasMarkov I would probably mention the specific spells that I think make it underwhelming.
@Akixkisu Well yeah, Im going to put in my analysis that led me to the conclusion that it sucks.
@ThomasMarkov I'd maybe try to put less emphasis on the latter half. A good answer should show where it becomes less powerful than other spells, but the realm of "how to make a spell better" is rather open ended
It can easily slide into hombrew-this-for-me territory, so your phrasing should avoid that-
This is probably a relevant as a previous question in the style
@Someone_Evil But the actual mechanic Im asking you to homebrew for me is quite focused.
But, if I just asked instead "would changing the die size to d10 make it balanced" would not be "homebrew this for me", right?
That would probably be homebrew review, but that's not "how can I make this spell better?" which is how the proposal reads to me
@Someone_Evil When I say "how can I make this spell better" I mean "which change should I make to the damage to bring it in line with what I expect from a 5th level spell" lol
Well, what you expect is that there's some redeeming quality which justifies the level, right? That could be many other things than just amount of damage
I know better than to invite open ended suggestions for improving the spell. I think the spell should do more damage or be way bigger, Im just not sure how much more damage, or how much bigger.
Either way, I would suggest getting the analysis first, and then basing the follow up on that. Tend to just be cleaner
I guess compared to vanilla cleric options it's still the best aoe spell.
@ThomasMarkov and should really be a paladin-only spell because of that.
I don't think there's good enough guidance or consistency in the existing spells to really lock in what damage or area it is missing (assuming it is)
Playing non-cleric casters has skewed my expectations of damage spells.
Well, clerics kinda get to do everything else so something should be limited
Would one of you be up for vandalising some comment sections to see if a rapid exchange somehow can trigger a moving to chat discussion link quicker than regular speed?
@Akixkisu I'm always up for vandalizing comment sections.
You pick the place
Q: How balanced is the UA Draconic Options Nathair's Mischief?

AkixkisuNathair's Mischief is a spell from the relatively new UA Draconic Options, p 6. How balanced is it in its current iteration when compared to similar options published in non-playtest material and does it introduce any problematic ruling situations that you have experienced during your playtest?

just gave me the prompt.
so on 7
3 pairs, KS's comment isn't relevant
I got the prompt when I clicked the box to write my 7th comment.
i mean my 4th
7th total
Oh, right, yes. After 3 back and forth pairs
@Akixkisu deleted my comments
Do you need an argument partner to get it to trigger?
It sometimes gets, or looks, messier because one of the commenters have been exchanged comments with others beforehand. Those don't count towards the move (AFAIK) but will also be copied (but not the comments from that other user)
@ThomasMarkov yes
So me sending a bunch of comments at once will only throw the spam flag to the mods but never trigger a chat prompt?
But I'm honestly not sure if you could also do it with multiple argument partners like abcabc prompt, my guess would be 3 completed pairs between ab are necessary.
@ThomasMarkov after 20 comments they will always receive the prompt.
I'm pretty sure having a third user post a comment will reset the count
@Someone_Evil Wanna do a trio test?
@ThomasMarkov There's an autoflag on total comments on a post, but just as a terminology nitpick, spam flags mean something else
Uhm, sure
@ThomasMarkov you pick the place,
@Someone_Evil trying to find a place with no comments on it yet
A: How can I add a separate damage dice to my hombrew magic item so that it rolls two separate dice on D&D Beyond's new dice roller?

Thomas MarkovThe feature you describe is currently not supported. I’m pretty familiar with DnDBeyond’s home brew tools. As of right now, there is no way to have multiple types of damage dice display in the dice roller button for a weapon. For now, it can only display the base damage die of the chosen weapon ...

Akixkisu, S_E, then Thomas, let's keep the order
I spent a bit too long there trying to come up with something witty
@NautArch Methoughts it already and used my one close vote last round.
@ThomasMarkov Methought, but me changed mind. I VTC'd but withdrew.
Now methoughts have changed again.
I wanted to give it a chance.
Shame on me.
@Someone_Evil see? :)
@NautArch I think it is on the verge of good subjective, and we might have to unfortunately close it.
@Akixkisu It may have been, but the answers are definitely not, though.
That was why I wanted to give it a chance. But clearly, it didn't deserve it.
Or it did, but it failed.
@Akixkisu Sure, but you're pinging me the user in chat, you should be using flags to bring mod attention to posts or comments. The two exceptions I can really think of if it's something urgent (and those are fortunately rare), or you just have a question about previous actions or artefacts thereof
Either way...it's not being answered appropriately.
@Someone_Evil There are also things like editing questions with a historic lock that probably don't require a follow-up in most cases.
Oh, hist-lock prevents flags?
I don't think so, but they probably don't need actions because they are locked already - like you adding a tag that I think should be there.
@Someone_Evil Just flagged something, please take a look.
I think that settles that.
So the comment chat prompt seems to never come up with three cycling through comments.
@Someone_Evil Thank you, I removed my comment as well. But this is getting absurd.
@Akixkisu are you gonna add "tell the third person commenting to stop it" to your answer?
@ThomasMarkov yes
@ThomasMarkov maybe there's something good to be said about it hitting a 40 foot cylinder? Could catch multiple flying opponents
Also, maybe you don't want to keep bat poop on you, or set your surroundings on fire?
Moustache. Ah, the forever pain.
@Akixkisu do you consider a moustache your surroundings?
A: Is there a way I can make "Let us continue this discussion in chat" happen sooner?

Thomas MarkovA third commenter interrupting an exchange seems to prevent the prompt. Akixkisu, Someone_Evil, and I took to vandalizing one of my answers, and we could not get the prompt until Someone_Evil stopped commenting and Akixkisu and I did a three-pair exchange: After four cycles of (Ak, S_E, TM), sti...

@Akixkisu @ThomasMarkov You'll both also notice that my comments weren't copied to that chat room, even though replies to me were
Whats this about mustaches?
@ThomasMarkov It is the US-spelling, inconsistent with my use of the UK-spellings :)
This gets you to things like: The armour required for the Arcane Armor feature[...]
I can't guarantee I haven't called it Arcane Armour in one of my answers at some point
@Someone_Evil Only one instance of "arcane armour" on the site.
And its a closed question.
my meta answer received a downvote.
@ThomasMarkov oof, I upvoted it.
Oh, right, I forgot a comment on that. My bad
@ThomasMarkov I don't usually go to meta of my own accord, but if you really need another down vote I'll make that trek for you. Just put up a link and I'll head over.
@GcL usually heheheheh
@Akixkisu I'm still very confused
@AncientSwordRage Ah, spelling is one of those things where I like to be consistent. I settled on UK-spellings many years ago, but sometimes I will use US-spellings - it annoys me greatly.
@Akixkisu oh, right, I thought you were replying/commenting on something here
I used a lot of UK spellings as a teenager because of playing Runescape.
Had to unlearn a lot of that.
@ThomasMarkov counter: adopt all UK spellings
@AncientSwordRage Thomas's screencap documented my evildoings :)
I wish I could disable sticky keys caused by honey.
@Akixkisu still not following, and I think I'm beyond using coffee to help me wake up
No thanks. Colour is an extra useless letter. Centre spelling exists just to confuse. Why even have a 'z' if the you're not going to use it and stuff an 's' there when the 'z' sound is still used. For the American spelling of things, one of the few strengths is the tendency towards simplicity.
On the other hand, that's also a real weakness.
Isn't the american spelling things just the result of one guy (who was writing a dictionary) changeing them?
@Someone_Evil Dunno. It has evolved over time as to what is acceptable. I do like they history of the great vowel shift in English. I consume a lot of media from GB and some of those linguistic artifacts are entertaining to hear.
My favorite is "shire" still pronounced like "sure" or "shurr" with a variable number of h's and r's depending.
Dupe hammered, check behind me.
Is polymoprh sufficiently congruent to wild shape for that to be a useful duplicate?
@GcL It has precedence on the site.
And yes, but Im gonna reopen it.
It's asking a slightly different question.
Are petrified creatures still creatures? or do they lose that?
This makes it seem like it's still a creature: dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/…
A: What happens if a druid is wild shaped and gets turned into stone

Thomas MarkovEarth Elementals are immune to petrification. See the Earth Elemental stat block: Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious

I've recommended they ask a new question where the wild shape choice is not immune to petrify, is that the right course of action?
Instead of changing the question to not be about something immune to petrify?
@GcL it was Webster trying to divorce american spelling from british spelling (afair)
@ThomasMarkov right
@ThomasMarkov I picked up some UK spellings because of Runescape too! The hardest to shake for me has been "grey". I grew up in a neighborhood where all the streets had vaguely British names, and mine had the word "grey" in it. I still can't bring myself to write "gray" at any point, it just looks so wrong to me!
@ThomasMarkov I can't wait for someone to bring up JC's rulings on invalid targets and suppressed effects.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah different question.
@ThomasMarkov does being petrified and reverting to non-wildshaped form constitute simultaneous effects (with a ruling in Xanathar's?)
@AncientSwordRage huh? The petrifaction happens before the change, right?
@ThomasMarkov ahh, I had assumed the condition knocks you unconscious or something?
That's how I'd run with it. Petrified bear becomes petrified druid after the duration of wildshape runs out. However, it might be better for a narrative for a petrified bear to become a druid after the party druid insists on burning their greater restoration scroll to "save the animal"
and voila, a druid owes the party a favor (aka plot hook & reward) later on.
@AncientSwordRage incapacitated. I don't think that includes unconscious though, or it's the other way around. Unconscious includes incapacitated.
@GcL gotcha
I think the point I would make to the readers that have some misconception about "being stone prevents reverting to a form" is that "being flesh doesn't prevent changing into something made of stone" nor "changing something made of stone into something made of flesh" and the accompanying reversions.
Xanathar's overlapping effects cuts off a lot of edge cases.
1 hour later…
If anyone wants 100 points I bountied some pretty low hanging fruit just now.
@G.Moylan lookin at you
@ThomasMarkov πŸ‘€
cracks knuckles
If you can put together a better explanation of a very clear rule than JC, you get 100 points. EZPZ.
Best bounty message @ThomasMarkov
Every time I find on of these Q&As Im going to comment on how happy I am we've moved away from JC tweets being seen as great answers.
Cuz you see, when I was taking secondary school math, if you didn't show your work, you didnt get any credit, even if you posted the right answer.
I'm cooking one up. gotta take care of doggo rq.
trying to see if I can define "weapon type" anywhere
because it seems to imply that it works that way but there's not even a Sage Advice mention for it so we have to try to define "weapon type" that if possible
I'm inclined normally to define them as martial, simple, ranged, etc. but I haven't found anything that calls that official
The weapon types are defined by the table in the PHB, no?
they aren't called "weapon type" are they?
there are "simple weapons" and "martial weapons" et al. in tables
did I miss one?
Weird, "type" is never used to refer to weapons in chapter 5, but for armor it is used like 12 times.
right, which is what makes this more abiguous than it should be
"Simple" and "Martial" are explicitly called out as categories on p 146 under "weapon proficiency"
For posterity:
> 100 points to an answer that works entirely within the rules of the game, without citing twitter. This bounty has been sponsored by the Jeremy Crawford Made Me More Confused By Just Posting a Ruling Without Explaining the Rules Relief Fund. If multiple answers are posted meeting the aforementioned criteria, further (likely arbitrary) undisclosed criteria will be considered.
and the "Weapons" table on p 149 just says "Name" in the first column rather than "Type"
@G.Moylan The armor table says the same, then refers to the different named armors as types.
@ThomasMarkov πŸ™ƒ
@ThomasMarkov heck the Armor table actually says Armor in the first column, not even Name
@G.Moylan DDB is showing "Armor Name"
@ThomasMarkov that's not what my book says
@G.Moylan Wild.
the D&D rules phrasing salad strikes again
I'm inclined to just extend the "armor type" logic here and say it can be any weapon, regardless of properties
but that's not wholly RAW
Don't telly anybody, but DDB edge cases are more sensible than the ones in the books.
well, they both make the same weird phrasing exclusion here
where was the hexblade released?
@G.Moylan I would just go with Medix's logic here
@G.Moylan XGtE.
@ThomasMarkov ah that explains why I can't find it in print on my shelf
I don't actually ahve a copy of that
10/10 would recommend. It's a good resource.
The random encounter by environment tables are great.
XGtE is the best value/money book that isn't part of the core three.
@Akixkisu Agree
One of the random encounter tables has the tarrasque on it.
"As you keep watch....*rolls d100*...ummm, what's your passive perception? 10? That's good enough. You notice a tarrasque lumbering toward you. What do you do?"
@G.Moylan Header, should be "any pact weapon"?
fixed ty
I am 3rd in total rep given away, behind @AncientSwordRage and @doppelgreener
Ive got a long way to go before I have given away more than Doppel.
@ThomasMarkov I think you beat me on percentage?
No lol, I have more rep than you
I'm at like 8% of total rep given away.
Youre at like 30%
@ThomasMarkov 😳 I did not know
Or at least if I did I've forgotten
oof, might have been smacked by that Kensei answer
nice work @SilentAxe
@G.Moylan and the smacker has now joined chat
@AncientSwordRage here to apply smak
@G.Moylan Thanks!
@SilentAxe You provided a good citation to a fact that was probably already obvious, which is a great find.
I love it when I can prove something that everyone agrees is obvious, but cant really put a finger on a proof.
Today's D&D rules salad was brought to you by: Jeremy Crawford and Xanathar's Guide to Everything. I recommend a vinaigrette and deleting Twitter.
2 hours later…
@V2Blast yeah the more I read it the more I think Kensei Weapons doesn't help
That feature doesn't even say what types are in the first place. In fact, I could see an argument that it defines types as melee and ranged
@Medix2 "one melee weapon and one ranged weapon" is simply a limitation
not a definition of "two types"
that's like me saying "pick two types of flowers: one red and one yellow." that doesn't limit possible types for all flowers to red or yellow, it just limits the group you can pick from
the newest answer I think has a point, though
@G.Moylan "Each of these weapons can be any simple or martial weapon that lacks the heavy and special properties."
To me that says what type of type is being referred to
What I've always found confusing is how longbow is specifically called out
@AncientSwordRage I'm specifically referring to the phrasing of the kensei feature used in the other answer
Ahh ok, one sec
@ThomasMarkov wow, that's a bit, huh
one thing i've done is do bountymas once a year, but nowadays i don't know enough about most of the questions to do that
if you want to, you could also do that :D
@G.Moylan ooooh now I want a warlock with a jelly pact weapon!
@AncientSwordRage ochre jelly
@ThomasMarkov just thinking, regarding questions where the game's unclear, there's something i like about the request to tag answers: this site's very prone to authors treating "no system specified" as defaulting to D&D, and answering as though D&D is The Universal System. the preference to tag those answers means they gotta announce their bias and step away from "oh yeah, this is generic"
@ThomasMarkov my hammer question got reopened πŸ‘€
@AncientSwordRage Meta seems to be leaning toward closed.
@ThomasMarkov that's what I thought! And I was happy with that
Having it open sets a precedent that makes me nervous.
"We closed this question because campaign research questions are off topic" "Well this question about hammers is open"
I pinged you in the auto-chat Room
Q: The visited link color on our mainsite theme is missing because --theme-primary-color-300/800 are not set

doppelgreenerVisited link text on mainsite is brokenβ€”the text is showing up black instead of the usual visted color. For example, on How to ask: This is because apparently --theme-primary-color-300 and -800 are not set, as reported by Firefox's inspector here: (it's not very clear here, but I'm

@TheOracle @doppelgreener I think you left us hanging with this one?
@ThomasMarkov I flagged it for the mods
@AncientSwordRage Is this a campaign research question, or just a question about game mechanics vs historical accuracy?
@NautArch I mainly wanted to know what a light/throwing hammer in D&D looks like (and what makes it throwable). It looks like there's no historical accuracy to base it off of, so I started looking at older editions
And I don't know what that makes it πŸ˜•πŸ€”
You're kinda the only one who can tell is what the goal of your question is.
The parenthetical bit is probably not answerable, tho.
But it sounds like you don't actually care about historical accuracy and really want to just know if it's been depicted in any edition.
@Someone_Evil got a sec?
@AncientSwordRage oops, got it (also @ThomasMarkov)
@NautArch so I know it's been depicted in 3.5, but that's a bit of a rubbish image.
I only care about historical accuracy if it provides a picture that looks like a d&d light/throwable hammer.
@AncientSwordRage Right, so i sounds like historical isn't really part of the question. It's more about are there any depictions (outside of the 3.5 image you don't like.)
Yeah, I only mentioned historical as I thought it might help, if that was what they were based on?
I was also thinking if it was in a previous edition it would help πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
Did Meta visited links always not change color?
Oh... Meta links go from white to grey when visited and mainsite go from orange to white. Weird
Also, I should look into table formatting because these ones are painful on mobile XD
Q: What happens if a druid is wild shaped as an Earth elemental and gets turned into stone?

Andrew A DeMarcoIn a D&D 5th edition game I'm running the PCs fought against Gorgons. The druid was wild shaped into an earth elemental (moon druid). The druid got turned to stone by failing two saves in a row to the gorgon's breath. What happens in this situation? Is he a statue of a an earth elemental, or a st...

@Medix2 Here's the MSE post explaining syntax for table formatting:
Q: New Feature: Table Support

Ham VockeUpdate: I've just enabled this feature network-wide. All sites across Stack Exchange are now able to use tables. Thanks for all the feedback. We'll keep monitoring this question and we'll continue to iron out some of the rough edges. No waffling, right to the point: What? When? Where? Ta...

Q: What happens when a druid is wild shaped and then is petrified?

Andrew A DeMarcoIf a druid is wild shaped into an animal when they are hit by an effect that imposes the petrified condition, are they: A. A petrified version of the animal they turned into. B. A petrified version of the druid, the petrified condition ending the wild shape. If A, can they then be reduced to 0 HP...

rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/q/11730/44723 I went ahead and changed bug to support, I wanted to do it for days, and now I did. If anyone cares to discuss that, let me know.

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