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Justin Joyce asks on twitter for submissions of "something could serve as a Pre-Game Ritual for a Blaseball player" for their Blaseball Tabletop Game.
jay dragon announced on twitter that physical copies of Wanderhome are arriving at local game stores.
Meguey Baker wrote a #worldbuildingthread twitter thread about fibres. ( @BardicWizard )
Viditya Violeti shared on twitter a picture of "my stack of space between stars worldbuilder postcards."
3 hours later…
Dylan Grinder asks on twitter "What's your favorite superpower-themed RPG that's not Masks?"
@BESW love this
(Thanks for fiber links in general — I read them just don’t always respond cause I’m always busy now)
@BardicWizard Yey! I'm taking a break from this room except to post links, until it stops playing host to certain meta discussions, but I'm in the Not A Bar still.
And no worries about not responding, but I'm glad to know you're enjoying them!
Oh, I meant to ask: I’m organizing the rpg club table for club day next Wednesday (cause the other officers for the club are, respectively, lazy, lazy/never checks texts, and also running a club day table for both the GSA and the mahjong club), and i wanted to know if anyone could think of things we could have on the table
We know we get a trifold board that’s going to have our meeting time and place, plus the moderator’s name, our contact info, and a signup sheet, but that still leaves most of the board and the table itself.
@BardicWizard Like handouts? Maybe some one-page RPGs that it's legal to share that way.
Is there anything we should put on there to get kids interested in our club? We were (I was) thinking dice and minis, plus books (D&D5e, shadowrun 1e, Traveller mongoose, possibly star wars d6), but what else would be good?
@BESW there’s a thought — any suggestions?
Off the top of my head there’s Lasers and Feelings, and I know I printed out Risus stuff a while ago
The GSA always has a giant bowl of skittles to give away, but we weren’t planning on candy cause our budget is nonexistent (blame the student council)
Also none of us want to put in the effort to fold paper dice (that came up as a possibility)
Lasers & Feelings for sure... I dunno what license/copyright situation Honey Heist is under...
Danger Patrol Pocket!
@BardicWizard Roll for Shoes maybe?
also, the whole fibers thing reminded me of something one of my characters did some time ago that I'm not sure if I've told you about or not...
@Shalvenay probably not but I’d love to hear!
@BardicWizard basically, on one of the (very RP-focused) NWN servers I play on, the process for getting a magic item made involves writing up a narrative for the item in addition to its statblock, so to speak, and sending it off to the server staff for approval and implementation
part of that includes having to make a dice roll to see if the process succeeds, and you can increase your chances on that roll by incorporating valuables (such as precious stones) into the enchantment
so, I was working on a rather complicated enchantment, and trying to figure out how to work precious stones into it, after some back and forth with the staff member I was working with, I eventually came up with a solution. take a bunch of plain corundum rock, a pinch of iron filings, and a low-grade seed sapphire...attach the seed sapphire to an adamantine rod, then melt the rock and iron filings in a matching crucible...
...then use the seed sapphire to draw a fine fiber out of the crucible's contents
from there, the sapphire fiber lengths were then used to weave a doll-sized cloak, which then became part of the enchanting process
(some leftover thread/fiber was used as embroidery on the cloak, and the molten rock that wasn't used to make thread was cast into the shape of a crescent moon to form a brooch of sorts)
it's probably the single most extreme piece of crafting I've ever had a RPG char do
@Shalvenay love it.
yeah, it's actually had me wondering if that'd be possible to pull off with today's tech -- I know very well that we can weave glass fiber all day long, and sapphire optical fibers are very much a thing as well
(I've drawn a bit of glass fiber inadvertently myself during glassblowing class)
(Unrelated: my school just finished the big football game against our rivals, to which I didn’t go, and we lost. Badly. We were creamed 44-0.)
@BardicWizard welp.
@Shalvenay maybe? I can see it being plausible
but yeah -- char in question's a half-elven Corellonite priestess, and that cloak and her main sword are the two most valuable items she owns
@BardicWizard I reckon someone'd have to try it with a fiberglass-weaving loom and some sapphire fiber in order to know for sure
1 hour later…
Q: Is witch the equivalent of the warlock of D&D (lorewise)?

RorpAs a warlock fan in D&D 5e, I wanted to see if it is possible to play something like that in Pathfinder. I looked into a little bit, and it feels like the witch is the one. Is it correct to say that Pathfinder witches are the equivalent of the warlock in D&D 5e?

11 hours later…
Q: Is there a way I can make "Let us continue this discussion in chat" happen sooner?

Stop Being EvilI understand that I can simply ask that a discussion in comments be moved to chat, and then go to chat, but it looks like the automatic prompt does a lot more (room creation, tagging, title, inviting, etc), and while it triggers on its own after several comments, sometimes I'm relatively sure ahe...

3 hours later…
@bobble have you got a meta for how the automatic “move discussion to chat” prompt works?
Q: What's the exact time for "a short amount of time" requirement for triggering chat room?

Cosmos ZhuWhen I was reading the newest announcement regarding chat rooms at: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/74243/777820 I noticed 2011-06-10: When adding a new comment to a post with many comments between two users in a short time, a link is provided to create a chat room to continue the conversation....

Not answered, but does link to the FAQ about "four pairs of back-and-forth comments"
Though the comments argue that that might be inaccurate
I'm looking at a case with 3 pairs
But knowing SE it's probably subtlety complicated for some reason
1 hour later…
@Someone_Evil sounds plausible
Wait, when did we start doing roll call?
sorry teacher I'll be late
How was/is the weekend
Paging around various department websites in an attempt to construct a viable schedule of planned classes.
Just for clarification, I've had 6 hours sleep since Friday, been running around doing chores all weekend, finally finished some heavy labour to "bolt down" our new house for certification, and I haven't finished my first coffee yet.
My brain is yet to turn on
I am looking forward to Friday though, get to have our next 5e sesh
The platform I do online tutoring through had both the messaging and video-call functions break just when I needed them, which was great because I was both panicking over not being able to get into the lesson and unable to contact my student.
@bobble my initial reaction to that was to throw toast at my screen.
The grumpy toddler in me is strong today
@Ben Don't pick up their habits that is how they get you.
That's why I drink coffee. So rather than throwing physical tantrums, I have the mental energy to do it in my head instead.
Genesis of Legend podcast *Episode 302: Shores Not Quite Undiscovered" Presented by Pamela Punzalan, Vince Smith, and Alastor Guzman. *Many know that creators from all around the world exist, but few understand just how different their contexts can be from the status quo.
Meguey Baker wrote a twitter thread about how Michtim handles emotions.
exocited wrote a twitter thread about running a "Babes in the Wood #ttrpg for a group of two 5-year-olds and two grownups"
Also I'm working on an answer to my Sun's Ransom question that covers some of the things Glazius's excellent answer skips:
user image
@BESW this picture is a delight

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