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@G.Moylan see this FAQ, specifically the bit under "You lose reputation when:"
@bobble not badly unusual though I think?
I was using "unusual" as in "different than average"
that's probably a more usual reading, I hear interpret it being used negatively too often
why on earth would you lose rep for a Q on which you suggested an edit being deleted?
c.f. being #2 in the all-time editor rankings despite being notably newer than the other users up there
@G.Moylan the logic is that the edit is no longer benefiting the site
@bobble but it did at the time, why would you be penalized for someone deleting that later? doesn't make sense to me
It is probably a programming "feature."
> [for deleted posts] Reputation changes from votes (both up and down), bounties (both giving on questions and receiving on answers), acceptances, and approved suggested edits on deleted posts (including answers to deleted questions) are nullified. Two exceptions:

First, reputation earned for posts with a score of 3 or higher, and where the post has been visible on the site for at least 60 days, is retained. This does not include reputation lost from giving bounties on them (this will be nullified as normal).
See the section titled "What else should I know about deleted posts?" for this FAQ
Generally bounty is tied to deletion, and I think suggested edits are victims of the implementation.
And nobody bothered to make them an exemption.
But that is purely speculative.
So I can delete my most upvoted answer without it affecting my rep? interesting
@G.Moylan another justification could be to prevent "turd-polishing" edits from getting the editors rep
You'd even get a badge for it ;)
@bobble I think that could be a justification, but it seems much more likely that it didn't play into considerations.
I'm pretty sure I've seen both justifications used somewhere around meta, but people do come up with retroactive justifications for things there sometimes
*raises hand*
Jul 21 at 18:22, by bobble
A: List of unlinked pages on Stack Exchange sites

PopsGlobal pages Site list /topbar/site-switcher/site-list, e.g. stackoverflow.com/topbar/site-switcher/site-list can be accessed from any site, with identical contents HTML format Hot questions for mobile https://stackexchange.com/hot-questions-for-mobile JSON format (need to parse it manually...

@bobble I wish we would be on of those sites that used a different home page.
I wonder why it requires 10 rep to see the /reputation page
@ThomasMarkov raises paw
@bobble probably just lumped into some other 10 rep permissions
@bobble I think it's quite server heavy to show
The error message also gives the wrong name for the privilege, and the page it links to makes no note of the /reputation audit
Because it's fully recalculating your rep. Useful if caching goes awry somewhere
Anyone have a 1-rep sock to test if it's actually tied to 10 reputation or if the problem is just that I lack an account?
@ThomasMarkov what is that?
@G.Moylan reputation audit
A: How do I audit my reputation?

Jeff AtwoodMake sure you are logged in, and visit: https://sitename.com/reputation For example: https://stackoverflow.com/reputation https://cooking.stackexchange.com/reputation https://serverfault.com/reputation https://gaming.stackexchange.com/reputation https://superuser.com/reputation https://meta.st...

@bobble I do on another stack, let me see
oh no wait, I don't
they're 101 at minimum
That's the association bonus for you
nevermind, found the answer
Q: Reputation audit page ("sitename.com/reputation") says it requires 10 reputations to view when not logged in?

ArulkumarWhen I accidentally added the /reputation in end of the any non-joined community site name, it says I need 10 reputations to see the reputation history. But I can see the reputation history /reputation when I have 1 reputation itself in the joined community. Screenshot for reference: https://ac...

@bobble oooh, bookmarked
@Medix2 Youre the closest to the legendary badge, and the only relatively active user that is close.
@bobble I don't see an answer there? Out of Coffee error?
@ThomasMarkov how do you check?
@AncientSwordRage the answer is in the question
> But I can see the reputation history /reputation when I have 1 reputation itself in the joined community.
@bobble ahhh that's sneaky
@ThomasMarkov Quadratic Wizard is also still active, and fairly close.
@Akixkisu Not active enough to make meaningful progress toward the badge. Only hit cap twice this year.
How many times does it say I got it this year?
Hmmm, contingency - is it like Glyph of Warding, in that the concentration is applied by the glyph being triggered? I have an idea to cast Wall of Force (Sphere) when a certain contingency triggers, but if I end up at 0 HP for the contingency to trigger, does that void the concentration aspect of WoF or does Contingency take care of that? Hmm.
Idk, I just manually counted from your activity page.
Which I got 12ish
Q: Does a concentration spell still require concentration when triggered by Contingency?

Phil BoncerDoes a spell that normally requires concentration, but which is cast with and triggered by Contingency, still require concentration once it begins? Part of the reason I ask is in comparison with a similar situation, in which a concentration spell cast into, and then triggered by, a Glyph of Wa...

Makes me think about categorising people in different types of turbo nerd.
@bobble I've bumped this for a grammar edit
@Medix2 hmm, wonder why I didn't get that to come up on my search. Thanks! šŸ˜Š
@Akixkisu Yeah, dont look at my reputation graph.
@Medix2 OK, I'll go with Resurrection as my contingency. I was trying to get too cute.
@ThomasMarkov I would be more interested in a graph that would show on how many days you have not answered two or more questions.
And then figure out if any pattern emerges.
@Akixkisu I was a turbo asker when I joined sci-fi
I actually joined Literature because I wanted to moderate it, not contribute :) But I rocketed up the privileges fast there.
@bobble thats very cool
I keep meaning to do the same on islam.se... but I haven't yet
I enjoy looking a different user tabs that compare by reputation gain, edits, and votes. So I pretty much know where reputation gain is at.
More obscure stats are always juicier.
@Akixkisu My favorite stat is reputation lost to rep cap.
You are pretty good at that.
@ThomasMarkov I'm on that list :o
Lit is a site that is extraordinarily hard to repcap on; you need to HNQ in a major, major way for that to happen. Puzzling too, but it's easier to HNQ there.
It's remarkably easier to HNQ here.
Question nets +1 with one answer +5, you'll probably get it unless the site was really active that day.
One user managed it by posting 95 questions in a day, attracting enough upvotes for the few that were high-quality that annoyed downvotes on the others were drowned out.
@ThomasMarkov +5 on an answer is hard on Lit, especially in one day
I once had the top answers on 5 HNQs at the same time.
Ended up being like 600 rep lost to cap that day.
As an example, this is a question which had a moderately successful HNQ on Lit (and I'm surprised it attracted enough interest to HNQ at all). End result is +7 on the Q and +6 on the As
@bobble wow
I thought there was a limit?
The only applicable limit was 1/minute
They had enough rep to remove the 1/40min limit, we're not big enough to have a 6/day limit, and it was too fast to trip the Q-ban
A: The Complete Rate-Limiting Guide

Lance RobertsRate Limit Rationale Loading pages Undisclosed limit, applies to IP addresses Applies to the entire network; if one makes too many requests on one or more sites, access to all network sites is restricted Does not apply to non-load-balanced services not served from the same network as public Q&A...

@doppelgreener actually update on this, i don't think it's even procedural correctness that's being described, but besw goes into that later
@bobble Ahhhh I thought I might hit a limit when I started on Sci-Fi and I think somebody quoted the 30 day rolling limit, without them realise it wasn't active on that site
is there an "or" operator in searches?
like if I wanted to search for [this tag] or [that tag]?
shame on me for thinking it would be less intuitive than just typing "or" between the tags.
@ThomasMarkov I was going to say...
From that question, you can probably tell how far my confidence in the search functionality has fallen.
'Or' is not intuitive because it could mean and/or, it could mean xor, and it is hard to know which.
@bobble I just tried it on rpg
@AncientSwordRage and it didn't work?
I think Thomas meant he shouldn't have assumed it was less intuitive, because in fact it was intuitive?
@bobble it worked
sorry I'm trying to interact with chat and pack up my things and not paying full attention
I should head off!
Ciao for niao
> To combine results from multiple tags, separate the tag names (enclosed in square brackets) with the word "or": [widgets] or [geegaws] returns questions tagged with either tag.
Apparently or also has an interesting specification...
[games] -[hats] or [bells] [whistles] searches for "has [games] and not [hats] OR has both [bells] and [whistles]"
And apparently that functionality was updated at some point... and I have no idea how it works now
Apparently searching "[dnd-4e] [dnd-3e] or [dnd-5e]" returns "[dnd-3e] or [dnd-5e] [dnd-4e]" ...
Oh good, apparently it's complicated with a lot of MSE posts
A: Should we make the recommendation tags throw a warning or error?

Thomas MarkovLeave the system as is. Since January 1, 2020, this would have been seen by 5 out of 9 possible querents (with a caveat). This search turns up only 9 questions asked since January 1, 2020 that ended up with either game-recommendation or tool-recommendation. Of these nine question, four them had t...

@Medix2 Dear Stackexchange: Have you ever even heard of De Morgan's Law?
whoops, maybe I can't do that.
@Someone_Evil Gonna do some digging on SEDE and see if I can get some better stats.
There's a SEDE query out there that lists deleted questions with tags, and now I cant find it.
Found one that may work
Actaually looking at the deleted -recs from the last year and half, a handful of them are straight up OT. c and jRPGs, League of legends, etc. I don't know whether that sways one way the other, but it's interesting
Fine, I'll just query every single deleted post on the site and filter it in R. Be that way SEDE.
The game rec tag is maybe easy to find if you're stumbling in blindly (which is a way to view asking a cRPG question here)
Did I just download a 55 mb csv? Yes.
That's a lot of commas =)
I'm having a bit of a hard time saying that because it's few questions being asked, we shouldn't put up a warning on it. They might be few, but (within a rounding error) none of the questions with the tag are gonna survive without changes
@ThomasMarkov I remember when I was taught that with a visual diagram, and then remember when I was asked to prove it with symbols
I dont know SEDE, but I know R, and Ive got the list of deleted IDs with the -rec tags.
Thing I just learned, excel cannot open a link to a deleted post, even if you are logged in in the target browser.
I would assume it does a check thing and stops things which return a 404
@ThomasMarkov pffffft I downloaded a 230mb JSON file t'other day
I'm excited to hear what you're doing with the CSV though
@AncientSwordRage Getting stats on game and tool rec questions
@ThomasMarkov nice
@Someone_Evil can just use deleted:1 in the search bar, I have to go through all kinds of ridiculous pageantry.
Can excel open bookmarklets?
I wonder if there is an option for excel to open the page even if it 404s.
@ThomasMarkov javascript:(function() {window.open(<URL>)})?
my dgts answer got another downvote
@ThomasMarkov so did my body sizes question, but ç'est la vie
I just accidentally opened internet explorer and panicked.
@ThomasMarkov that's a reasonable response
@AncientSwordRage ATLA update: Toph!!
Such a badass
Let's just say Toph is a small (5%) inspiration for Fin šŸ˜
My exact reaction to her showing up onscreen was "Hey, I know her." for some reason
@bobble she's a great character, that's why
Probably been referenced by a number of people online?
Yeah, I knew all the major characters going in, but she was the only one so far who has provoked a verbal reaction
Hello Future Me has a great video on her, but it's going to spoil her as a character if you watch it now
@bobble that's cool
Is this on-topic and should it have a system-comparison tag? rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/3655/…
Unfortunately, I think it should be closed for needs more focus.
Why does this answer's author still have a username and not a generic userXXXXX?
Because it was deleted a long time ago, when the world stack was still young
Q: Why is this non-anonymous username on this non-migrated question greyed out and not a link?

gerritThere are several reasons why a username might not be a link. The user may have been deleted, the post may have been migrated, or a few other reasons. None of those seem to apply to this post on Bicycles.SE. The username appears grey and is not a link, but it is not anonymous either and the qu...

I was waiting for that :p
Pondering whether this should or shouldn't have a dnd tag. rpg.stackexchange.com/q/5200/44723
@Akixkisu You absolutely should not bump that question.
@ThomasMarkov tag edits don't bump?
@AncientSwordRage they do
Oh no
These are really things I should know
A: What can cause a question to be bumped?

Kyle CroninThe following activities will cause a question to be bumped: Addition of an answer Editing the question or any of its answers (even if the answer is deleted) (with some exceptions; see Exceptions for edits bumping posts below) A suggested edit gets approved Using the rollback button or the 10...

@ThomasMarkov why?
> Historically-locked questions are not bumped when they or their answers are edited by moderators.
@Akixkisu it should totally be closed, and if it you bump it and itā€™s not closed, Iā€™d bet 100 point on a bounty to an answer of your choice that it gets a terrible answer with 24 hours.
@AncientSwordRage yup, fortunately it isn't historically locked.
@ThomasMarkov deal.
Is what I say, but.
It shouldn't have the dnd-tag.
So unfortunately, no edit.
@Akixkisu but it could be
@AncientSwordRage it could be, but I don't think it should be.
2k views doesn't make an extremely popular question.
But if you think it should have one, you can always flag for mod attention and request one.
I wonder how often that has happened.
I really enjoy this answer rpg.stackexchange.com/a/993/44723
They had a lovely blog going until 2012.
The grocery story feels so much like that time.
Okay @Shalvenay, since you clearly know lots about CFS construction: why? In my town I've watched four buildings of roughly comparable size/interior complexity go up. Two residential, two commercial. The residentials were traditional wood-framing, the two commercials went up looking (to my eye) almost the same in terms of structure and building sequence, but used all CFS members. And every day I thought to myself "why!?"
What's the driving concern on the commercial side that makes CFS the cheaper/more reasonable option?
One of their blogs is still going, what a fascinating find.
Beautiful prose.
@Akixkisu that's fair, I thought the people who wanted to edit it might have wanted that too
@AncientSwordRage Good thinking :)
@nitsua60 combustibility -- a wood building is Type V (combustible) construction unless you go to the extra expense of using special fire-resistance-treated wood and matching assembly detailing throughout in order to upgrade the construction, and that won't fly in some cases (sometimes for fire/building code reasons, at other times for insurance reasons)
@nitsua60 whereas with the use of noncombustible (structural-cement-fiber, metal-laminated gypsum, or cemented-magnesium-oxide although straight glass-mat gypsum can be used on appropriately braced walls) sheathing and subflooring boards instead of plywood or OSB, it's possible to build a Type II (noncombustible) building using CFS light-framing techniques
which has significant advantages for modest-sized buildings as CFS can be panelized (unlike heavy steel framing based on I-beams and K-joists) yet worked with easily as a "stick" product without needing to rent a crane (crane rental isn't cheap)
(if you want to follow up more @nitsua60, we can pop over to the DIY.SE chat or to Discord)
ThoughtyGames is asking on twitter for people to share "cyberpunk/neon games by Black, Asian, Indigenous, and other people of color ... especially those that work to go against the racism in common cyberpunk!"
Of Promises & Paper Airplanes by Ar-Em Bañas. One-page RPG about making promises and saying goodbye.
SidneyIcarus wrote a twitter thread "two cool ways" to approach "RPG mechanisms-for-threat" as "'what if this was a character?'"
Do you have any links for "racism in common cyberpunk"?
"Orientalism, Cyberpunk 2077, and Yellow Peril in Science Fiction" by George Yang for Wired. Cyberpunk as a genre, and Cyberpunk 2077 the game, are both rooted in a type of other-ization that canā€™t be ignoredā€”but it can be examined.
"Welcome to the Post-Racial Future. It's Still Pretty Racist." by Noah Berlatsky for Pacific Standard. In the fictional universe of Altered Carbon, the wealthiest humans have transcended race. Oddly, most of them are still white.
"Orientalism in Cyberpunk" by Robin Gibson for Geeks. Tracing the Genre's Fascination with Japanese Buildings ā€“ but Not the People
I'll save the others for later since I need to get some air after the first. Woof. Thanks for the links, though.
I recommend cyberpunk made by Asian creators an an antidote.
Apr 24 at 0:16, by BESW
HARD WIRED ISLAND by Weird Age Games. Retrofuture cyberpunk, inspired by 90s anime.
Dec 22 '20 at 2:10, by BESW
Balikbayan: Returning Home by Jamila R. Nedjadi. In this Cyberpunk-Supernatural game, you are Elementals on the run from the CORP. You have returned home to a city that's fallen apart: can you bring about the rebirth of Machine-Magic before your masters catch up with you? In this daring game that based on the innovative Belonging Outside Belonging system, create an amazing story based on Filipino folklore, myth, and legend.
Dec 10 '20 at 7:08, by BESW
Cyberpunk by Asian Creators Game Jam Western cyberpunk media borrows heavily from Asian visuals and fetishizes Asian culture, without the involvement of actual Asians. This game jam is for Asian creators who want to make our own cyberpunk games.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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