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@ThomasMarkov the spoiler edit seems incomplete due to the title including the same information.
It’s progress, the exact details of the feature are hidden.
@AncientSwordRage Fact. I smashed upvote on that one pretty hard.
@ThomasMarkov that poor upvote button. It had a family....
I retitled this Curse of Strahd question (be warned: spoilers!) from an old title into a new one per a request from comments to not have spoilers in the title. Is that better or still spoilery?
Does this sentence feel unsupported or just wrong to anybody else: "The most familiar is sexual dimorphism in many animal species: which is why female Dragonborn have breasts."
@doppelgreener I'm debating adding a line "Spoilers for the character [SPOILER] Baba Lysaga [SPOILER]" Using a spoilerblock
@Medix2 [cough] do we wanna avoid that spoiler here
like i tried to do :P
that might be overdoing it though? you're either ready to read a question that spoils which character has shapechanging, or you're not, and once you click into the character name you now know who
we currently just do spoilers for the adventure or not at all
@Medix2 (gentle poke again to edit that out before the edit window's passed)
Time limit reached
I also don't know how much the name existing is a spoiler. But perhaps a lot
i mean, it's the entirety of the spoiler that was asked to not be in the title
Fair, fair
(that being X character can do Y)
@Medix2 @AncientSwordRage mind deleting a moderately spoilery message from chat? 🧹
I'm just gonna keep debating commenting under Dale's answer
actually it just clicked i never said what the character could do here in chat
@AncientSwordRage false alarm
@Medix2 yeah that paragraph is a stretch
(that's not even the why)
(i mean, they're lizards, there's a lot more "why" to be had there than just "oh, dimorphism")
They're also anthropomorphic, so uh, of course they're like humans
Like, I guess you can say "members of a species look different because they look different" but I'd be confused
I'm amused by 4e's "Okay so if anybody actually knows how dragonborn were made, they aren't telling, but one theory is that Io borrowed Moradin's template."
@doppelgreener sure?
Like they obviously aren't lizards any more than dragons are lizards, and you'd need some aggressively competent art direction if you DID want to make them obviously non-mammalian in form, so let's just roll with "eh, whatever, it's cool."
@BESW that works for me 🤷🏻‍♂️
i like that too, haha
"whoever made them just copied someone else's homework with a different paint job, and that's how they wound up that way"
whoever it is, it was their very early work and they're kind of embarrassed about it so they've gone to significant effort to hide any link to it
@ThomasMarkov Why remove the skills tag? We don't have anything better for ability checks. And we have the synonym skill-check
@Medix2 wanted to make room for the system tag, and that one seemed like the best one to drop since the grapple tag was there.
Oh truuuu
Curse you cap of 5
Feb 18 '17 at 4:04, by BESW
Dragons say that dragonborn sprang forth from drops of blood sprayed when the original dragon god Io was split in two; Dragonborn say they were created by Io after he made dragons, and he learned better how to balance the elemental with the astral so they're more reasonable and less temperamental; most everyone else says dragonborn are just the descendants of folks whose parents were a dragon and a humanoid.
Feb 18 '17 at 4:04, by BESW
(Dwarves have the same origin for dragonborn as the dragonborn, except they say Io had to borrow the dwarf template from Moradin for the job.)
I like the Dwarf version
because it feels like they are just trolling the Dragonborn
in the best possible way
Aye, same.
Dwarves be dwarves, after all
Though I also like that it can be read as more of a "our gods were pals and we're not so different" kind of thing.
Especially given how badly so many groups treat the dragonborn in PoL.
That the dwarves are willing to claim kinship even as a joke is perhaps a small... point of light in the darkness, if you will.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer (81): Does rolling AC to oppose an Attack Roll impact game balance? by tommyelliott on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose @ThomasMarkov)
spam delete that
@Medix2 that's what my advisor for my masters degree said: uses too many words to say the same thing.
@Axoren nothing, unless you hate contractions
@BESW that's nice
I did it, team. I gave the party a legendary item. (Black Dragon Mask)

I think we had a good game last week. Gave the Warlock (well, one of them) more information about her Patron, made the schmuck mayor more complicated, and and doled out some gear.
Does anyone else use a rough template of the Resident Evil mansion any time they use a mansion in game?
The reasoning in this answer is incorrect, it should not be cored as highly as it is.
@KorvinStarmast Contractions killed my father, so now I am an edgy Rogue driven by vengeance.
When I experience folly? I will say "I've become what I swore to destroy."
@goodguy5 I'd use Tegel Manor if they ever bothered to send it to me from the Kickstarter. Jerks never made good on that ... Grrrr.
@Axoren as well you should! 😁
@ThomasMarkov I've upvoted your competing answer, not downvoted the wrong one, because I think as a rule of thumb self spells do only effect you it's just that 5e is wonky enough to have exceptions.
@AncientSwordRage I counted. 45% of all spells with a range of self affect or target more than only the caster.
So not a great rule of thumb when it is wrong almost half the time.
49%, actually
found another. At least have of all Self spells do not target of affect only the caster.
@ThomasMarkov that's 5e for you
Roll on 5.5e/6e
@AncientSwordRage ATLA update: my sister highly approves of Azula and thinks she's much better at villian-ing than "that boy"
@Medix2 Generally, I remove passive voice when reading the text gives me a headache, and always along with other edits - in the specific situation "that" indicating the (distinct) object - the poison one drinks; and the poison tag.
All the passive voice sentences are written by users that were failed by their English teachers.
Sorry is what I am for that.
The headaches of a native speaker are generally a good measure for when to change a sentence to a better structure, as long as they're characteristic of other native speakers.
I write like the English I've imbibed - mostly, a wide array of poorly written YA novels. Or, if it's for a school thing, like a stuffy textbook.
Some of us were made to use passive voice after we stopped having english classes. Blame academia
In research, the passive voice crops up A LOT in research paper drafts.
If the researcher isn't confident in their work, they won't commit to direct statements about it.
And the peer review system may or may not instill self-esteem issues in young researchers.
"Our results show that our method achieves 90% accuracy on this data."
"It is shown by our results that our method has 90% accuracy on this data."
Edited to be a fairer comparison. This is the kind of stuff we find a lot.
English, ain't it grand?
Q: What happens to this Curse of Strahd character when using their Shapechanger ability?

Confused Curse of Strahd DM. My confusion comes from the use of the word polymorph, and no mention of what happens to her other stats while polymorphed into the swarm. Every other shapechanger has a clause about what doesn't change while polymorphed using it's shapechanger ability. Does she shapechange as though she was usi...

@Axoren in bad research.
@Axoren I'm an academic whose third language is English; I already struggle enough with the language. I learned it frustratingly late, mostly self-taught in my late teens
@Akixkisu It's rough even in native English speakers to avoid the call of passive voice.
You write well enough to convince me, at least.
@Axoren nice. My advisor made the same observation.
@bobble she get even better
and so does 'that boy'
@Axoren yes, and the unfortunate cultural habit of talking around points doesn't help.
but let's remember for RPGSE: there is no style guide.
@Someone_Evil You mean "Academia is to be blamed" surely ...?
I had to conform to a style guide when I drafted official stuff in the Navy, and while I was effective at it, my creative writing suffered a lot from picking up those habits.
@bobble sure is
I definitely can't write stories the same way after academia. I tried to continue a novel I was writing that I was 100 pages into, and I just couldn't match my old writing style.
It was almost sterile by comparison.
@Axoren ooof that sucks
Yeah, it's something I'll have to see if I can ever get back into a comparable headspace, but it's not something that's gonna come as easily as it used to.
Q: Should we make the recommendation tags throw a warning or error?

Someone_EvilA while back there was a rewamp of the ask page which introduced a lot more per site customization. Of relevance here is that we can have the page react to tags: Tag-related error messages and warnings, regex-based (seen with custom error text in screenshot 4, with the default text on screensho...

@Axoren advice to myself as well, but would reading more help?
Is anyone else getting notifications for chat replies you've already seen?
@Someone_Evil You get an additional one due to edits. Could that be it?
@Akixkisu Neither of them have been edits. And to be clear, I've gotten inbox notifications for chat messages I've dismissed the message for
@AncientSwordRage The way I wrote back then was I wrote the way I wanted to hear someone tell a story, like around a campfire. So that's how my older work read. I could read it out loud to friends and people would lean in. And the flow would feedback into itself and I'd get more into reading it myself. I personally still feel like that's the kind of story I want to read, but it's no longer easy to write in that way and get into the flow-state.
I wonder where you picked up that style from
I didn't really read much literature, but what I did read gave me a good baseline for "Wow, I don't like this."
D&D and Video games probably played a huge part in settling on that style
I'm showing only 19/48 questions tagged dnd-5e on the front page right now.
@ThomasMarkov You could do some retagging ;) -[dnd-5e] -[dnd-4e] -[dnd-3.5e] -[dnd-3e] -[dnd] -[pf-1e] -[pf-2e] -[adnd-2e] -[adnd] -[odnd] is:q dnd
You can use wildcards in tags when searching btw, so -[*dnd*] -[pathfinder*]
Lots of them won't get dnd tags, but some of them still use incorrect tags.
@Someone_Evil wildcards in tags spook me :D
It shows you which tags it catches when you search
(It would also not show the playtest qs which I want to look at, but thanks for trying to help out)
@Someone_Evil I didn't think it worked on both sides...?
@AncientSwordRage It does; https://rpg.stackexchange.com/search?q=-%5B*dnd*%5D
that's not the link you think it is
@bobble yeah, I realized that
the wildcards on both sides don't seem to work if you're searching for something, only if you're excluding something?
I think all the questions have been specifically retagged as such, as the tag at the time got synned into
@bobble Wat?
@bobble works fine for me
maybe because I'm anonymous?
[****dnd] is only one tag, [odnd] and it gets included when you search [*dnd****]
It does seem to work, but searching with wildcards and other tags don't play very well
okay, this is wild
my asterisks werent playing well with markdown
is what I get searching [*dnd]
Thats correct
note that while that's the [odnd] wiki, the title is wrong
@bobble its not wrong.
Ah, I see the "questions tagged with [*dnd]"
The search results are correct though.
That wildcard only catches one tag, no?
searching [*dnd*] gets me that
@Someone_Evil whack, not sure where I got that idea from
also, hullo bobble
Can one of y'all try searching in an incognito tab or somesuch?
Searching [*dnd*] got me "[dnd-5e] or [dnd-3.5e] or [dnd-4e] or [dnd-adventurers-league] or [adnd-2e] or [dnd-3e] or [adnd-1e] or [dnd-beyond] or [dnd-bx] or [odnd] or [dnd-next-playtest] or [dnd-4e-character-builder] or [dnd-becmi] or [dnd-encounters] or [dnd-insider] or [dnd-miniatures-game] or [dnd-holmes-basic]"
I think something ate her
Also [*dnd] isnt picking up any of the adnd tags
oh no, she's ok
@bobble I'm not allowed incognito at work :(
But if I try to search it directly it stutters
Use \* to stop markdown eating your *'s, btw
oh wait that's because it's the minus, nevermind
I get the same as you when not logged in. Probably worth a bug report
@ThomasMarkov How about [*dnd*]?
@Axoren it got 1
but theres more than one
I figured.
@Axoren We had an entire, rather lengthy, discussion on this earlier, and I'm not going to recount it all, but I extremely disagree
@Medix2 I was taught by my English teacher when to use passive voice as a rhetorical tool. It has its place.
I'm probably just gonna stop asking about grammatical and prescriptive edits people make because it will probably get me nowhere but angry
@ThomasMarkov There's two AD&D tags, and [*dnd] picks up neither and [*dnd*] picks up both as expected. It doesn't pick up synonyms though, which should have put the 1e tag in with the former
@Medix2 That was just a passive voice sentence that was made by me as a joke. It's a view that isn't strongly held by me, if at all. Sorry if it wasn't clear that facetious is what I was being.
Thank you text, where tone is even harder to discern than in real life XD
Worry is what you shouldn't do about it.
I wonder if the recommendation Meta should also mention designer reasons or if that should be separate
Christ, though. It reads worse than Yoda-speak if you go all-out.
@Medix2 english will do that to you
@Medix2 probably wouldnt be helpful because users dont use the designer reasons tag when asking questions usually.
TIL the tag existed
what the heck
21 questions already tagged?
@ThomasMarkov the stack used to be pretty wild
> A system-for-setting question should specify the setting features that should be mechanically supported. An answer should explain how those features are supported by the system.
Nearly every question is closed, lol
@AncientSwordRage I know, I see so much stuff that would get VLQ flagged today being highly scored way back when.
@Axoren the one that isnt closed is manually locked
@ThomasMarkov It feels like most of those were my questions whenever I go looking >.>
I'm writing up a bug (when I should be doing studying...)
@bobble oh no
Q: Answering off-topic questions

finduslRecently this question was closed (correctly I think) as off-topic. By my understanding the Roomba will clean it in ~9 days (depending on how many edits come) and then it is deleted. I had not known that it was considered off-topic and already written an answer. The answer is now deleted so not v...

@medix @NautArch use your dupe hammer here
I feel we have a better dupe somewhere in the ether
Like something about multiclassing and preparing the same spell twice
Though, yeah, David Coffron's answer answers this very clearly
@Someone_Evil can you trim the last sentence of this comment?
@nitsua60 not sure this is really what the star board is for, but okay, whoever you are.
I'd ask that nitsua's message be un-starred; it is somewhat ironic though to increase the traffic towards a call out that warns against the traffic a different call out may receive
@Someone_Evil and while you're at it, do you mind deleting my message from two minutes ago? (Which I can't delete... I guess because it once had a star?)
Aug 9 at 22:28, by Akixkisu
I think we have to approach the subject "what language barriers do we no longer accommodate" due to the severe downvoting and closure of questions asked by Jhyarelle Silver. They ask honest questions on the internet in various forums, and almost all of them are usually poorly phrased and on-topic. Unfortunately, several veteran users seem to have developed a particular dislike of their questions.
Reminder that the star board is not for super-liking stuff, and is instead intended for interesting stuff that should be visible for longer
@nitsua60 Hmm? I cancelled the star
Reminder that stars are for all things useful for the transcript.
We should not tolerate unkind behaviour or harassment towards users, and as far as this user is involved we should eventually approach the topic.
@Akixkisu Characterizing users as not being accommodating of a language barrier is not at all a fair read of the situation. On occasion, Silver has responded to questions for clarification, going into extensive detail of the thought process and research that went into question. They just didn't bother including it initially.
Yes, the language barrier leads to the confusion behind the questions, but they have proven themselves more than capable of writing a good question if they just put in some effort.
Then downvote and move on.
In either case, a reminder should be sufficient action, and airing frustration is unnecessary and fruitless.
first half of my bug-sleuthing: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/368894/…
@bobble I'm envious of your thoroughness, that's some excellent sleuthing
heh. My mom was a QA person before moving to management.
@bobble that checks out
as a developer QA is so important
Hey I made it into the post, Im famous
@ThomasMarkov bobble-famous
aw, it's intended behavior
I'm not completely following animuson's answer? It seems like it only covers part of it?
Dupe-closing myself because of the line "Anonymous users are limited to... three tags at a time" - not something I was looking at originally because I assumed wildcards were borked somehow, not more fundamental limits. — bobble 33 secs ago
I looked through the wrong FAQs, dear goodness
@bobble what, you mean the FAQ wasn't clear? :o Admittedly it's pretty niche aspect of the site, so I'm not that surprised
Now, I looked through FAQs about wildcard searches in general - it didn't occur to me that rate-limiting would be the answer
Well, time to reopen a question just to closed it XD
@Medix2 or flag for a mod to handle?
@AncientSwordRage good idea.
@bobble you've made an excellent dupe target though
Me and Medix cant hammer it.
@ThomasMarkov :p Rogue users, running round with hammers.... tsk... :p
I was cautious of using a flag, worried people might think it isn't a duplicate, but fair enough
@Medix2 no use a custom reason and send to a mod
I suppose I could always flag just for it to be reopened, hmmm
I was actually a recent editor of that FAQ - but never managed to internalize the tag-limit for anonymous users, I guess. Don't think I've run into it before.
@AncientSwordRage can get the dupe close votes going
@bobble I doubt most registered users have
@bobble That seems like an extremely niche case, so I'm not surprised
you can tell your mum that you found an edge case today :D
Still got two more wildcard-search bugs saved up, though
(since I found 3 total during my sleuthing for that one bug...)
Though I haven't looked carefully about whether the others were reported yet.
probably worth cross-checking the FAQ after studdies?
There are a lot of FAQs on Meta
The key is knowing which to check, and I apparently got the wrong key this time
@bobble yikes
@bobble easily done
And then there are things that aren't in any FAQ, because they're perhaps extremely focused cases, but they're FAQs for my purposes
So for my purposes, e.g. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/231364/… is an FAQ - it details how wildcard searches should work
1% of the time of a bug report is noticing it's the case, 9% is taking pictures and writing up a Q, and 90% is searching to get links and see if it's actually been addressed before
sounds like a lot
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, it was weird. Even though the star was gone, and it was within the 5-min window, I still couldn't delete.
@Catofdoom2 Howdy
i'm back
@ThomasMarkov how are you thomas?
100ft tall and 10ft thick a bad ratio for a wall?
What's the purpose of the wall?
its the wall defendng the capital city
Defending it against very tall people?
That's a lot of wall
Also its probably much too skinny for 100 feet tall.
supposed to be invincible. unil of course a monster turns it to dust EZ
@ThomasMarkov 12ft or 15ft or 20ft
For a large city, it might make more sense to have layers of multiple walls that divide the city districts, rather than one very big perimeter wall around everything.
But if it must be a single 100 ft tall wall for story reasons, then it would need to be very thick or very magical. Also consider what it was originally built to keep out, assuming it wasn't designed to prevent large monsters from breaking through.
For perspective, the walls of Troy were up to 8 meters high and 5 meters thick.
@Catofdoom2 you'll want it to be a slight bit thicker at the base than at the top and taper up to a couple of fee thick at the top. (See also the side view of how a dam is built to stop a river, but not as pronounced of a different in thickness)
@MikeQ A good example is Minas Tirith(LoTR) or Baldur's Gate(FR)
1 hour later…
If it needs to be a 100-foot wall for story reasons, I'd consider growing it.
@Someone_Evil Can I use this screenshot in a bug report?
Sure. What the bug report about?
The word "inquiry"
or rather, "inouirv"
It's not covered here already?
Much scrolling later ah, it is
3 hours later…
Meta regarding open-ended questions, come help decide what questions are on- or off-topic. (also consider that all of them are non-dnd questions)
Q: Are open-ended system-introduction questions off-topic?

AkixkisuI asked What is Avatar Legends: The RPG, and how does one play it?. It was closed within 30 minutes with the reason "This question needs to be more focused." Should we close it and questions like it? Such as: Is there a summary of Nobilis 3rd edition rules for new players? Learning Fate systems f...

Some historical context, especially the bit was often used as a replacement for ...
Q: How can we make sure [new-players] and [system-introduction] are distinct?

SevenSidedDieRight now these two tags have significant overlap, in that they both 100% equally apply to "I'm teaching a system to players for the first time" questions, with no distinction I can see between them to help choose the right tag. new-players: "Players new to a specific system or to RPGs in gener...

Q: Do we need the [trying-new-systems] tag?

SecespitusI stumbled upon the tag trying-new-systems. Sadly it has neither a tag wiki excerpt nor a full tag wiki, and I can't find any discussions about the tag to learn something about the reasoning behind the tag. It's currently used for four questions: Fate based minigames in a historic/fantasy rea...

@Akixkisu lol did you just downvote my answer without even reading it?
That's... not a very charitable assumption.
@ThomasMarkov I read it and disagree with it.
You must read exceptionally fast. The score changed before I finished reading the first sentence after I posted.
I know people whose reading speed seems impossible, except that I've seen it.
I make up for it by typing exceptionally slow, much to my dismay.
[glances at answer] Yeah, I'd be okay with a downvote on that, the debate around "read the book to me" questions is complicated but a pretty common benchmark is that expertise includes being able to find information spread out across a text and collect and summarize it effectively. Also we've established pretty well that questions can be about material that the querent hasn't read.
@BESW “I read the rule and just don’t understand it” is a problem that isn’t solvable just by reading the rules. Lots of questions that appear to be “read the book to me questions” are this type, and they usually work out just fine.
...also, the quoted material from [help] is inherently bad because it defies a basic content-generation goal of the Stack as a whole: it implies that if you can Google something and find an answer, you shouldn't ask it on the Stack; but a major Stack goal is to become the top answer on Google searches. That tension isn't a problem with the answer itself, but an answer which relies on it is going to be weaker because it's built on a faultline in the Stack.
It’s not clear that Akixkisu’s question is this type, and if it is, it needs more focus because as written, it’s about every rule.
So you're arguing that if it's a different kind of question, it's a bad version of that kind of question. The conclusion is sound but the premise is not.
Are you arguing against questions as categorically topical, or are you arguing that this particular question is improperly tagged and it's not a question but instead a bad expression of a different but topical category?
The associated tag does the majority of defining the issue at hand. I could add an utterly pointless paragraph to, redundantly, satisfy an eligibility criterion. I don't think that it would be meaningful.
Because "explain the system" and "explain this rule" are fundamentally different and it's weird to me that you seem to be talking about both at once.
@BESW I don’t really have any interest in the tags here. I just think The question is either about all the rules at the same time and so needs more focus, or we don’t know what the question is about and so needs details.
"all the rules at the same time" is literally what is for?
As written, copy and pasting the entire rules text is an objectively correct answer to the question. But it’s probably not helpful, but the question doesn’t tell me why it wouldn’t be helpful.
What? no, copy-pasting text without explanation is never a good answer to any question.

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