@Ben You don't want to get those mixed up... fries don't make a good garden mulch (the birds would eat them all), and woodchips would be terrible in cookies.
The Polymorph spell says:
The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's
Swarm of insects says:
Medium swarm of Tiny beasts
Can a wizard choose the form of a swarm with Polymorph, considering that even though its made up of many creatures it is trea...
I'm the secondary storyteller for a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game.
Our group is made out of mostly urban figures - specially Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawlers - playing out a very finance-oriented pack that is trying to do their part in saving Gaia by playing the Corporate Game/Stock Market and usi...
DnD 5e: What if my character is not in combat when using Misty Escape? For example, she could be imprisoned in a cell and use it to escape the cell. In that case, she teleports, but is not in combat when she rematerializes. Can she then stay invisible "Until she attacks or casts a spell?" "Until ...
Well, good news (potentially) the statement I gave on the day of my "epilepsy related traffic incident" doesn't match the triggers/symptoms of my actual epilepsy events.
Which is a promising lead to being cleared to drive again.
Bundle for At-risk and Houseless Youth by tim zee and 22 others. This bundle of TTRPG products is helping Horizons for Youth by donating 100% of proceeds (minus itch's fees) for every sale made until June 30.
"Going Generic! An Introduction to Generic RPGs!" article by Graeme Barber. 2021 is the year of the generic RPG here at POCGamer, and it’s long past time to kick this series of posts off. And where better to start than by examining what exactly a Generic RPG is, and what strengths and challenges they can bring to your gaming experience. So it’s time to go Generic!
Submissions are open for The Indie Groundbreaker Awards. These awards will recognize games (and game designers) who are creating new and exciting game designs that push the boundaries in innovation, in promoting diversity, and in expanding what it means to be “indie.”
@Ben Glad to hear they've thought of something as sensible as "that isn't really evidence about your epilepsy because that's not what your epilepsy does"! Hope it's all settled (the right way) soon.
@Trish I'm personally moderately hyped for Victoria 3, unusually so if I should say.
I'm not really that big on... well, hyping video games most of the time.
I've grown bored with most of Paradox's line-up (though I still have plans to play and mod CK3, and to play HoI4 mods Kaiserreich and The New Order) but Vicky 3 feels like a very nice change of pace from their usual direction
@kviiri I remember someone on twitter mentioning something about Bangladesh hoarding all the money from tea exports crashing the global economy in Victoria II ?
One of the reasons why Vicky 3 has been so preciously waited for is that in the last "generation" of Paradox games, all their other IPs/franchises had an update. CK2, EU4, HoI4, and two new grand strategy IPs (Imperator and Stellaris). Then came CK3
I have played, though, an old strategy game series called Imperialism which I think is a considerable source of inspiration for the Victoria series.
Spells like invisibility say the objects that the creature is carrying also become invisible, but does that mean the invisible object stops shedding light? Or will my embedded light arrow reveal their position by glowing?
Ah, so I do kind of agree that the dupe target mostly does answer the question, but I suppose it's reasonable to say it doesn't, dependent on DM ruling
Like, does an arrow sticking out of your arm count as something that you're wearing?
@Trish Then do that, I dont actually have any idea about the system, I just know that 5 system tags and no subject matter tag probably isnt the best we can do.
@ThomasMarkov In Mage, there are multiple types of spellcasting, spontaneous magic, where you use your skill in a variety of spheres to bring whatever effect you want directly in to the world, and there are rotes, which are basically spells or effects that you do often enough to spend points on not having to roll them. Spells is still an accurate tag though
> For questions about the nature of magic in a game. Use [spells] for questions on specific spells, and [spellcasting] for questions specifically about the process of spellcasting.
> The key to Mage’s magick system is this: every mage does as he or she Wills. Although World of Darkness mages do use spells, tools, Procedures, rotes, and rituals, the things they do with those instruments change reality in accordance with the individual mage’s desires.
The problem with mage is, it's technically... Reality-warping. super rarely [spells] (=Rotes) and at times [spellcasting] ("What spheres are X")... and most often simply "Magic"
@ThomasMarkov I have not a single question about a pre-defined effect-combo here. Which would be in game terms a Rote. Spellcasting seems more appropriate for most questions?
@ThomasMarkov no, the spell reads "For questions about specific manifestations of magic that we generically call "spells."" - specific. Mage has rarely specific ones.
Spheres are like types of magic. Correspondence is the idea of distance or lack thereof and so on. Each sphere has 5 ranks. Rank 1 is described generally:
> Rank 1: Perception – the ability to perceive and observe the forces in question. With such basic (yet useful) understanding, a character can sense things that few mortals ever recognize.
This has been interesting. I'm finding there are interesting parallels between trying to apply my D&D-centric understanding to other games and trying to apply my Western worldview when learning about other cultures.
That is anything but specific. It's what you could possibly do with it. Each sphere has a more detailed general guidance. Correspondence 1 is:
> Immediate Spatial Perceptions/ Landscape of the Mind Basic spatial understanding allows a mage to sense things in her immediate vicinity even if she can’t perceive them with her normal senses. Using that perception, she can estimate the distances between objects; intuitively find a direction (North, South, East, West); notice hidden objects or characters; and spot spatial instabilities – warps, anomalies, wormholes, etc. – especially the ones caused by other Correspondence Effects.
That still is more a bubble than something that can be called spell at all.
Proper "Spells" (Rotes) exist, but rarely used. They are written akin to this:
> Black Card/Little Black Box (•• Correspondence/ •• Forces/ •• Mind) If you’ve watched an action thriller within the last decade or two, then you’ve seen this trick in action: The security expert/thief/ superspy takes out a little black box or card, hooks it into (or passes it through) some part of the security system, stands back, and lets the lights flash and the numbers blur by until the digital locks open and the system lets her in. ...
So in general, most questions about "Which spheres?" or "what spell" actually is a question that is more about the casting process that puts together the actual spell (the result wanted).
Which is either the metaphysical "This effect is in sphere X1 and that in Y3" - magic - or "You can do that by following these things" spellcasting
@Someone_Evil Searching for quotes from sources that have had pronouns changed using bracketed text.
Searching [their] brings up questions tagged their, which is obviously empty, and searching "[their]" brings up every post that has ever included the word "their"
Spells would specifically be the correct tag for this question, because the question is asking what's needed to produce a specific effect eg. to cast a particular spell
Spells like invisibility say the objects that the creature is carrying also become invisible, but does that mean the invisible object stops shedding light? Or will my embedded light arrow reveal their position by glowing?
@NautArch I answer it as yes because it takes two actions. It took an action to cast light on the arrow, it took a successful hit to hit the target, and the arrow stays lit. I also rule that whomever it it stuck into can, on their turn, as a free object interaction break it off/pull it out and drop it ... to get the light to stay on the target (without an arrow) requires a touch action
@KorvinStarmast It's not arbitrary when people can add bounties onto questions thereby preventing them from being closed and potentially causing the close votes to expire
@Someone_Evil I'm not 100% sure. But I do think it needs more details. I may just leave a comment explaining that bountying such questions can disrupt and undermine the procedures of the site
Out shopping, will work on a clarification comment when I can
But close voting was otherwise done. Review and last close votes were two days ago and I don't think there's any outstanding clarifications requested? (I've opted not to clear out the comments for now)
Actually, you've already voted to close as opinion based so I don't think you can VTC it now
Yeah that's probably the case. I'm trying to find related questions to link like things about Murder Hobos and My Guy and whatnot. I'll get to it in like... two hours
On a related note, what happens to your rep if you offer a bounty and don't award it to an answer before it expires? Does it just poof, or do you get it back?
Additional question, regarding the daily rep cap and bounties: Does offering a bounty reduce my "earned rep for the day" and allow me to gain more? Like, if the rep cap were 500 and I had already earned 500 rep, then offered a 200 rep bounty, could I earn another 200 rep for that day?
@Someone_Evil Hi, disappointed you didn't open up for a dad joke as a reply to that. I'm Dad.
@ThomasMarkov However, in serious response to this, the best take I've ever seen on this problem is a greentext from 2011 which discusses the progression of Lawful Good players. Warning, language probably
Lawful good simply being a direct rejection of Evil and Chaos allows the player free reign in both axes, as long as they reside entirely within the Law or Good alignments.
Whereas a lot of the problems people find is that they must reside entirely within the Law AND Good alignments.
A lot of the dilemma comes from trying to restrict all of your actions to one of the nine boxes on the alignment chart.
@Axoren That's generally how moral dilemmas are introduced to LG characters: do the good thing, or do the lawful thing. Do you A) free the slaves, because slavery is bad, or do you B) leave them, because slavery is legal? Obviously, the correct action is to work to make slavery illegal, but that doesn't happen in a day, and these salves are here right now
@ThomasMarkov The fun part of this is that generally, there's really no wrong answer, but it makes the player fight with themselves over what would elicit the best outcome both for themselves and the salves slaves
Incidentally, it's also pretty funny to pull the reverse of this on CE players: do you follow the letter of the law to screw someone over, or do you reject the law but allow something good to happen to someone else at your expense?
@ThomasMarkov Nah, LE would be strict adherence to the exact wording of the law so as to exploit and/or the enactment of laws that specifically benefit yourself.
@Axoren Neutral is mostly either deciding on a case-by-case basis, or being to uninformed to have a particular stance (which is why most commoners are statted out as TN)
Nah, ignoring them would be any neutral or evil, because they're just slaves, and not especially something you're prone to actually care about unless you have need of them
Freeing slaves would also typically be a Chaotic action, since most of the time, laws would state specifically who can be owned as slaves and for how long
And since owning a slave is a lawful action, freeing them from slavery is usually gonna be chaotic by default for defiance of the laws
Although, if owning slaves is against the law, owning them is a chaotic act and freeing them is lawful. It's all based on context.
Meanwhile, in campaigns I've been in, you can be perfectly Lawful and break the law constantly. You just have to follow some law set. Not necessarily the one the country you're in uses
For example: In 3.5e, you were expected to have magic items that boosted your primary ability scores, which in turn made you better at those skill checks associated with those scores.
@Axoren The sketch of the method is something like "set your baseline in 2e terms, calculate a range of probabilities, set a baseline in 5e terms, calculate a range of probabilities, then map the DCs that correspond"
I dont know, I feel like we should be able to calculate a probability of success in 2e, then find the DC that most closely matches that probability of success in 5e.
Right, but why should the probabilities be edition independent? For example, what if one edition expects lower success probabilities but has smaller consequences, compared to a different edition?
https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/DnD_Conversions_1.0.pdf > To convert traps and damaging hazards, use the Trap Save DCs and Attack Bonuses and Damage Severity by Level tables from that chapter.
I have an opinion question: As a GM, what are some good techniques for managing a new tag-along player who (1) you don't know well and (2) probably has little interest in the game mechanics? For context, I have a scheduled game (finally) and a player wants to bring along their spouse as an additional player.
@ThomasMarkov I think we could ask to clarify setting, but 5e doesn't have too many settings. Answering for them all doesn't seem like a big ask? But I also don't know lore well enough to say if it's too broad.
@ThomasMarkov There is no 5e setting where NPC's are assumed to be unable to both read and write unless explicitly stated. Heck, I don't think there are any settings owned by WotC at all where that's the case
@ThomasMarkov Yes, assuming they are capable of holding whatever implement is necessary to write in Giant Elk (which, of course, assumes that an implement is, in fact, necessary to write it, rather than say, their antlers)
The Giant Owl can speak the language Giant Owl:
Languages Giant Owl, [...]
Notably, this language does not appear on any of the tables of languages in any sourcebook (e.g. the Languages tables in the PHB/basic rules), but it does appear on the statblock of the Giant Owl and the Skeletal Giant O...
@ThomasMarkov True, but at this point, if the OP is a player my answer is fundamentally wrong and should be deleted and if I make significant edits it would invalidate the votes thus far
It seems that most languages are assumed to have a written component i.e. Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, etc. This general assumption should hold for any language inherited from the character's race. From the Player's Handbook regarding racial languages:
By virtue of your race, your character can spe...
I'm not certain about most of these--most of the bottom text appears to be more in the vein of a Dungeon Master's introduction or response than a specific historical note. However, locations at least can be found that correlate to each description.
Plains: Anauroch?
The largest, most magical dese...