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@EmrysTernal For future knowledge, please don't swear in here. Clean mouths, dirty minds.
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@HotRPGQuestions smart enough not to want to do whatever you want it to do
@trogdor that's the real answer
I've never met a donkey but my personal idea of what they are like is more or less that statement XD
I've only personally known four donkeys, but ever one of them was adorable and great.
Horses... I've knows some horses that just couldn't be bothered to have a good day.
well you probably weren't trying to drag them into something they didn't want to do :P
I wasn't trying to say Donkeys are mean so much as they know better than to do some of the stupid things people might try to get them to do sometimes
at least in my head
because again I have never actually like, been in the vicinity of one
I don't drag, touch, or even look at horses that aren't very friendly. As a horse, if you even want me to look at you, you've got to be either very chill or so excited to see people that it's all but impossible to resist the search for apple or summon snow peas incantations their happy prancing about invokes
Also, if you intend to meet horses, a pocket of snow peas or chopped apples is a good plan.
I've actually met some horses
even ridden some
but I assume it's not 1/1 with donkeys
@GcL A friend of mine is a horse vet (who adores horses) and she swears they are among the dumbest animals on the planet.
@NautArch I don't consider them dumb, but I generally stay away from them. Now pigs... those a-holes are clever as all get out. The swine research center had to replace a bunch of locking mechanisms for the stalls after one enterprising pig sorted them out. Story I got was it was very short order until the rest of the pigs had observed the technique and also been able to run amok.
Lost a pair of jeans to a pig once.
3 hours later…
5 hours later…
I've done a bit of horse riding when I was younger. One horse did decide to try and have a roll in the snow while I was on it, which was... exciting
2 hours later…
Q: Where can you find Swords Secret online?

FeringI was reading the Lore Warden (PRG:AG) archetype (careful, there is another Lore Warden archetype for fighter) and one of its features is the swords secret, but I cant find any of them online. Swords Secret A lore warden learns specialized techniques that help her to quickly analyze and defeat h...

3 hours later…
@ThomasMarkov Do you know if Math Stack allows for questions along the lines of: "I just noticed this weird thing happens with these specific numbers, does it happen with others? When does/doesn't it happen, and why?"
Yeah, they get questions like that from time to time.
Usually well received if you show some work.
Gosh, keeping the Math.SE newest questions tab open is... daunting
1 hour later…
speaking of stacky things, is it possible at all to embed things in SE posts onebox-style? (the case in question involved a YT vid)
Yes (for certain things, including YT vids)
i just wrote in some positive feedback via the contact form, that it's great to see staff interacting with our meta
(even if it's to decline feature requests, it's good)
......... i hope i didn't mix up words and use "mods" in that contact, now that i think about it
Q: Ticket smash for [status-review] tag

Anita TaylorIn 2020, we instituted a new process for escalating and responding to Meta feature requests and bugs. As we announced a few weeks ago, we are doing a ticket smash today to work through the backlog of posts escalated under that process without a response. You may see a number of older posts surfac...

@Someone_Evil oh? how does it work then?
Hmm. I suppose I should correct myself to "it should be possible"
Some sites support youtube embeds, but it looks like it's a per-site feature that gets switched on manually once the site demonstrates need for it:
A: Video Embedding for Movies.SE

Robert CartainoVideo Embedding Enabled After reviewing your content and the moderation efforts to keep photos and such from causing problems with your content, we decided to activate video embedding on this site. I'm not anticipating any problems, but please keep the concerns (listed below) in mind. Video shoul...

Movies & TV has it switched on, Scifi.SE does too, RPG.SE probably does not have it switched on
@doppelgreener yeah, this was DIY.SE, but I doubt it's switched on there either :P
Hey y'all I've got a question about 5e that I figure isn't really "enough" of a question to ask on main, I hope it's on-topic to ask here?
@cairdcoinheringaahing fire away
I'm DMing my second campaign (starting at lvl 1) with 2 Rangers. Previously, I just handwaved counting arrows as my only PC with a bow used it as a secondary weapon so it never really had a problem. With rangers, is saying "You can assume you've made sure you have enough arrows" going to break my game?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ranger doesn't necessarily mean archer-first btw
@cairdcoinheringaahing do you have any technical aids (such as a VTT), or is this straight-up in-person pen-and-paper play?
@Shalvenay Yeah, but they both have longbows and I think a shortsword each, so I'm expecting them to make good use of their bows
@Shalvenay In person, paper and pen play
@cairdcoinheringaahing nods fair enough
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, that does make the book-keeping a bit harder -- are the players generally used to book-keeping such things themselves though?
@Shalvenay First time players, which is why I'm leaning more towards handwaving arrows
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah. I suspect that that's been asked before re: "impacts of handwaving arrows" given how often I'm sure it's come up
@Shalvenay Browsing didn't yield anything; mainly just questions about recovering ammo
@cairdcoinheringaahing In my experience, no. Not counting ammo has not been a problem in my games
1 hour later…
Some of you may remember me talking about a TPK in a DiA game?
well, we had our second TPK now
Q: Is the max HP reduction from the Diseased Giant Rat permanent?

JaveThe variant Diseased Giant Rat (MM pg. 327) has a feature that when it hits with an attack and the target fails a saving throw, they contract a disease. The text says Until the disease is cured the target can't regain hit points except by magical means, and the target's hit point maximum decreas...

What the heck is wrong with that first dungeon? A monster that makes two attacks for 14 damage each against a second level party? That’s already weak from dungeon delving?
@cairdcoinheringaahing mundane ammunition is so cheap and weighs so little that it's really not worth keeping track of unless you're playing a game where that kind of inventory management and planning is meant to be important
if and when they acquire magical ammunition of some kind, then you want to keep track of that, because that stuff is actually valuable. But for mundane arrows, it doesn't matter.
2 hours later…
@Carcer (cc @Someone_Evil) That's good to hear, thanks! I thought that'd be the case, but I've seen far too many posts here along the lines of "Will seemingly harmless thing break my game?" that turn out to be awful to not double check :)
@Carcer Yeah, I made sure to keep track of the Arrows of Undead Slaying in my last campaign :P
@Carcer I just track it in cost and only have 20 ammunition easily accessible unless some other arrangement is set up. Have only ever see a ranger with horde breaker go through more than 20 shots in a combat though
@TheDragonOfFlame I can't really say for sure, because I don't really know what's going on with DnD 5e adventure modules, but sounds like it might be one of those modules where the players are meant to pick their fights carefully, perhaps?
@kviiri That was my experience with Storm King. You try to fight all of the available encounters head on and you get dead or drowned.
@GcL And mine with CoS, to a degree. But I don't want to generalize by it, knowing it's meant to be a bit more oppressive in tone than the usual campaign.
(And it's a port of an earlier adventure, too, so might not entirely respect 5e design sensibilities because of that either)
Some of the ad&d and 2nd ed canned quests were pretty brutal. Sooooo many henchmen perished in those endeavors.
Freakin' lightning bolt ricochet!
It is nice that some things didn't change between editions. E.g. "There's no fireballs in the treasure room"
Q: Can I enchant a necklace with the equivalent of a healing potion?

LefioaI know nothing of magic items really, especially custom ones, so I'm just going to describe an ideal scenario and I'd love some help in how something like it could be achieved, please! Am looking for some way to enchant a necklace with the ability to give some HP to the wearer. In an ideal world ...

@kviiri I mean, it's possible, but both times we have been attacked

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