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Q: What does it mean for a word or phrase to be a "game term"?

Thomas MarkovThese two questions use the phrase "game term": Is “a special melee attack” an actual game term? What does 'ally' mean, as a game term? Both answers seem to make a distinction between game terms and regular English, but what exactly does it mean for a word or phrase to be a "game term"? I will ...

Most games I've played (including at least one edition of D&D) don't even try to use the same character rules for PCs and NPCs, because the two categories fill dramatically different roles in the game and the story so they should have different rules to help them achieve their purposes.
The only really effective counterexample I've encountered is when a game is structured so that PCs/NPCs isn't a useful distinction at all. And that's rare.
@BESW I'm not going to disparage the value of asymmetry between PCs and NPCs in terms of mechanics, since to me it represents a preference in playstyle and not an objectively superior/inferior style. But personally, I like it when NPCs have to, within reason, play by the same rules as PCs.
Part of it has to do with 5e's design itself: if every single creature has "a non-spell magical effect that [does X]", then spells like dispel magic become nearly useless unless the DM/Module adds a bunch of "also dispel magic can be used on it" caveats and rules.
(This is also why it irked me so much when my DM in my other group added a fourteenth damage type to the game, exclusive to a faction of NPCs, that had no rules interactions with any feature anyone else had, meaning a lot of class features were rendered useless)
@Xirema I started designing a BBEG using PC rules. He ended up being level 8 with 3 classes, just to get the abilities I wanted. He also had a lot of abilities that I didn't care about... I'll probably end up redesigning him as a NPC, he'll be less complicated that way.
Q: Would the advantage against dragon breath weapons granted by dragon scale mail apply to Chimera's dragon head breath attack?

DragoonKiteIn D&D 5e dragon scale mail grants many buffs, one of them is advantage on saving throws against dragon breath weapons. Would this apply to the dragon head breath weapon from a chimera?

@Adeptus Yeah, NPCs almost never need the complexity of PCs. NPC and PC mechanics can be designed to interact with each other if that's considered from the ground up; eg, in 4e PCs and NPCs had a shared vocabulary of effects their abilities produced, regardless of the mechanics used to produce them. So dispelling an ongoing effect worked on any ongoing effect.
But PCs used a lot more complexity and nuance in how they created ongoing effects, because PC abilities were designed to meet a lot more use cases and intersect with a lot of other features.
Correction: 4e's dispel magic targeted "one conjuration or zone."
@Xirema I would not use it. It seems a bit broken to give permenant 18 AC to the entire party as a baseline
it wouldn’t be broken if it was 13 plus the targets Dex though
Who wants to help me make a 5e PC?
@Ben Sure. What did you have in mind?
Well, the concept is based on a Techpriest from 40k.
The new Asus 5e PC is two exponents superior to its predecessor.
@BESW So that means you're keen? I only have the min-screwdriver set. HAving some needlenose pliers would be awesome
@Adeptus I'm not sure if I want to go with a Warforged, or a Dwarf.
The concept is that they belong to a "Cult" that believe that the "Flesh is weak" and the ultimate state of being is to be a machine (I.e. like a Warforged), and they "upgrade" themselves through augmentation
Was thinking of going with an Artificer, maybe multiclassing into some kind of Fighter class
How about a forge domain cleric, who gives blessings of the omnissiah onto their allies' armor? Or an armorer artificer, who basically lives in a customizable mechanical suit?
A: Character build for Gandalf in D&D3.5?

BESWBuild him by feel SevenSidedDie has an excellent answer about why there's no definitive Gandalf build, but I think we can talk constructively about how to go creating a Gandalf build. You want to "recreate Gandalf from the books" "in D&D3.5 terms." You can't, not precisely. D&D isn't a good fit...

@TheDragonOfFlame That's already regular mage armor at 1st level, though.
@MikeQ That could very much work
TBH if I did introduce it to my campaign as an actual spell my players could learn, first thing would be to set an 8-hour duration, at minimum.
@Ben that's your best bet I think
Forge cleric is also a good idea but quite MAD
@AncientSwordRage Mad?
(assuming they're multiclassing)
Multiple Attribute Dependent
Well I think I'd probably go with the Forge Domain Cleric. So that removes the issues with MC
That you can have 160,000 rep and think answers like this are okay is absolutely astonishing to me.
@ThomasMarkov no idea
Q: Does the Mind Sliver cantrip's effect on saving throws stack with the Bane spell?

WarcupineThe cantrip mind sliver from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (p. 108) has a secondary effect that subtracts 1d4 from the target's next saving throw: [...] subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn. The spell bane from the Player's Handbook (p. 216) has a s...

@ThomasMarkov I feel like this could lead to a Meta post
"Answering the question vs. Solving the problem"?
That's pretty well covered, under frame challenges.
And a major component of a successful frame challenge is addressing the need for the challenge.
@Xirema normal mage armor is 8 hours and only you
@TheDragonOfFlame Mage Armor can be cast on anyone! I've made that mistake before of assuming it's a self-cast spell, but it can be cast on the whole party if you choose!
It’s mostly the infinite duration that makes it good
(Have to spend a spell slot for each, but still)
Woah you are roght
what the heck
I have never even heard of anyone ever casting that spell on other people
It's a very niche spell for anyone other than the spellcaster.
If they have good Dexterity, they probably already have appropriate armor and they're getting maybe +1AC with Mage Armor, which is a very poor benefit.
And if they don't, then they're probably using Medium or Heavy Armor, where Mage Armor is probably strictly worse.
"Devlog: Tampalasan Initiative System" by Half Minotaur Farmer. some aspects from initiative systems I took inspiration from, and what aspects I don't like about them.
@ThomasMarkov If you understand the general approach as "anti verbosity" it makes more sense. But in this case, brevity was not the soul of wit.
2 hours later…
Good news: I’m not technically grounded any more. Bad news: I’m “voluntarily limiting my time on stack exchange chat” for the foreseeable future. Worse news: my parents aren’t removing screen time limitations on chat for a very very very long time. Slightly good news: I have less than three years (2.5 and a bit) until I could move out and have full control over my computer and screen time limits so at least I have a worst-case end date for my “voluntary limitation”
Anyways hello and goodbye again cause I’m already nearly out of chat screen time just by reading back a few days
1 hour later…
@BardicWizard Aloha... in both senses
3 hours later…
@BardicWizard We'll all still be here whenever you pop in
1 hour later…
Aye, we'll be happy to see you when you can show, but don't get in trouble on our account!
yeah it's better to listen to them on this
at the very least to keep yourself out of trouble with them
1 hour later…
Pro tip: the difference between a generic murderer and an assassin is that you're only an assassin if the murder was for political reasons
In case your players ask
So if your players start calling themselves assassins after murdering a travelling merchant to steal his stuff, you can tell them that they're wrong.
did something just happen?
And that merchant was important to someone!
Okay but what if the merchant was selling blackmarket assault swords to underground insurgents?
Yeah, some of the players in my brothers group that he runs on Mondays decided that they really needed something a random travelling merchant had, but were short the funds to acquire it by the traditional method
And started calling themselves assassins.
Because apparently, this is not the first time it's happened, and "you're an assassin if you do it more than once"
I dunno, it was silly
@RevenantBacon Young Agent 47 subtly raises an eyebrow.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica He's a contract killer, but not really an assassin
Isn't assassination just targeting a prominent figure?
It's an interesting word with a lot of very confused usage over the centuries. etymonline.com/word/assassin
@ThomasMarkov Well, then he's a prominent and valued community leader.
I think we're holding RB to something they didn't mean, but it's still a silly exercise :P
@NautArch Well, it usually involves a prominent figure because most prominent figures are politicians
and most politicians are prominent figures
Like if the king gets killed, you generally don't get more prominent than that
or more political
But the reason he gets killed also matters. If he's killed because the royal vizier wants to usurp him, that's assassination
If he gets killed because it will fuel some dark ritual to summon Lord Darklord, The Lord of Darkness, then it's just murder
@RevenantBacon According to my research religious motivations qualify a murder as an assassination as well.
I have an impression that the definition isn't anywhere near as agreed-upon throughout the world.
It's not like any word, much less a word with such varied history and potentially nation-threatening context, is going to have only one or two strict definitions.
@ThomasMarkov Only if Lord Darklord is a god. Otherwise it's not a religion
Godless religions raise another eyebrow. ^_^
(Useful to remember that modern dictionaries are descriptive, not prescriptive, and limit themselves to the most commonly relevant contemporary information about a word.)
Yeah, if youre in the business of corporate ceremonies that summon otherworldy and supernatural beings, you have a religion, even if you arent calling the object of your allegiance "god".
@ThomasMarkov Who said he was otherworldly or supernatural?
He's a long-dead warmonger in my setting.
@ThomasMarkov There are plenty of real-world faiths which fall under the category of religion without anything that would be accepted as god-like by a Western audience.
@BESW Quite so, quite so.
@RevenantBacon Where is he before the summoning?
Yeah, his body is dead. Where is he though?
He's really just a guy who was good at doing the war
You mean like souls/afterlife stuff?
If youre ritual is just bringing a dead guy back to life, resurrection is a much more appropriate word than summon.
Ah, fun fact: we don't have a separate afterlife plane in my setting. And resurrection magic is... a little different by extension.
[Insert 'Depends on the Setting' reaction image here.]
Neato, where do the souls of the dead go?
Also they didn't have the body on-hand, so they quite literally had to summon it from across the plane
Well, it depends. Strong willed souls tend to linger for some time. Others are reborn, and a good chunk just dissipate after death.
Also, some that are special to a particular god, like an especially devout worshipper, or a high-level cleric/paladin/etc. can be selected to be reformed into a celestial/infernal being (depending on the god) after death.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica we were recently watching a moderately OK mini series featuring Marco Polo and Kublai Khan (and various other characters) that included a visit to The Old Man in the Mountains (more or less the legendary founder/leader of the original assassins) complete with the "hey, let's have some Hashish and have hallucination" scenes.
This might lead one to suspect that some of my friends in high school, who were very fond of smoking hash, were prospective assassins. (Spoiler: Turns out, they weren't). That it all started as a religious order, in terms of where the term comes from, is kind of interesting.
There is a suggestion that ninja were founded in the 12th century, though a lot of sources point to the 15th century. Sun Tzu, who was centuries before that, addressed the use of assassination (obviously a local term for it) in his works. The practice well predated that particular group's activities becoming infamous.
Still some disagreement on Sun Tzu's time period (5th century BC or 3rd century BC)
@KorvinStarmast There are no ninjas in Rokugan
@RevenantBacon The problem with secret societies is that they may not leave records. I am happy to go along with 14th century though ... not a hill worth dying on.
So Rokugan is from the L5R setting
I was guessing that you were making an inference as to where 'in history' that family of RPG/Card game setting is placed ...
No, that's a literal reference to the game's lore
By Imperial mandate, There Are no Ninjas in Rokugan
... just as D&D has morphed from feudal to medieval to renaissance depending on the edition ...
@RevenantBacon ... as far as the Emperor knows. 😛
Kind of like the old joke about "Delta Force does not acknowledge its own existence, and neither does the Army ..."
In a "There is no war in Ba Sing Se" kinda sense
As I have some real life experience with "there is no civil war there" official utterances when I was (one of many) dealing with an active civil war, I think I'll let this all pass... wrong room and not really up for further comment.
I believe it's what we call "an open secret"
Back to D&D Assassins: Julius Caesar's assassination didn't need no rogues, just some very upset political opponents ... a 5th level D&D assassin could have pulled that off with a lot less fuss and perhaps prevented a civil war, or at least prevented Marc Anthony's monologue 😛
"Lend me your ears" -
*why, Marc? Did you just fail a spot check* ?
@NautArch heh, 19 minutes before that bounty expires. But thanks for bringing that post to a few more people, looks like some of our readers found it useful.
@KorvinStarmast lol
@KorvinStarmast was trying to get you to 20 :)
@NautArch The sight line may end on the target; there cometh, perchance, a misfire
Thing I learned this weekend: how to use `shift` + `enter`
to make internal line breaks in chat and on discord. 😎
A: What are the most and least-resisted damage types?

AndrásUnsurprisingly Poison and Force, respectively Here is a nice summary of Monster Manual I shall transfer the relevant parts of the chart here in case of link rot: \begin{array} {|r|r|r|r|} \hline &\text{Resistance} &\text{Immunity} &\text{Vulnerability} \\ \hline \text{Acid} &18 &15 &0...

This answer is just two votes from 100.
I think it's swell and I brought it up to 98. Was wondering if anyone else was thinking the same to hit its author with a medal
Similarly for the question author
I smashed it for 100
@Axoren I voted for it some years ago. I guess I could add another answer that folds in Volo's and Mord's monsters, using the new table format in Markdown as an exercise in that tool ...
How is Markdown? I remember its introduction and learned absolutely nothing about it.
I just ordered Candlekeep Mysteries, pre order, from Amazon. I think some of us did a play test on a few of them with nits last year.
All I remember is that making headings in posts changed.
@Axoren have not tried it yet.
For tables. there's a meta se post with instructions if one is interested
@KorvinStarmast Julius Caesar's assassination involved a single Rogue, a Mastermind. He managed to get all of Caesar's closest friends to turn on him and kill him with their own hands. It wasn't about killing Caesar, it was about sending a message.
And it's VERY much in line with what a player would do.
Especially a Rogue player
@Axoren Rogue, Mastermind? OK, gave advantage to Cascius on a bonus action, so proc'd the Sneak Attack. Brutus did the 3.5 edition "coup de grâce"
On a secondary note, we learned last week in my group that Hexblade Warlocks are not allowed to learn Magic Missile under penalty of cheese.
Hexblade's Curse adds proficiency to each missile.
@Axoren due to?
It does? Ooh, I'll tell our warlock about that. Now, if I can only find him a wand of magic missiles ...
Bonus Action: Hexblade's Curse
Action: Magic Missile (1d4+1+Prof) * #missiles
It also applies to Scorching Ray, but that's harder to snag as a Hexblade
@Axoren If you know a wizard, have him put a couple into a ring of spell storing ... 😁
Honestly, just having a Warlock dip Wizard is dangerous enough
Or more commonly sorcerer
But if they go Wizard, they can go Evocation
Magic Missile (1d4+1+INT+Prof) * #missiles
On a never-miss? Ungodly.
Luckily, Hexblade's Curse is once per rest.
At level 11 (Wizard 10, Warlock 1), that would be 3d4+30 as a first level spell.
Plus an extra 1d4+10 per additional spell level.
For when you really just want to obliterate a man, hit 'em with 7d4+70 guaranteed oomf.
@Axoren Why use Scorching Ray when you can just Blast the day away?
Also: Wand of Magic Missile is an item that exists
Scorching ray can be upcast and includes more rays even at base level until the warlock is level 11
Which doesn't require attunement
@RevenantBacon Blast is a sustain. Scorching Ray while Hex and Curse are both active on a target? 3d6+Prof per ray, starting at 9d6+3*Prof? Fantastic.
Also, regarding Magic Missile, does it allow the use of class features?
@Axoren Depends on the feature lol
Like, can an Evocation Wizard use it with their Level 10 for +Int?
let me check
Only adds to 1 damage roll.
Well, it does say "you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its Charges to cast the Magic Missile spell from it."
> Beginning at 10th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier to one damage roll of any wizard evocation spell you cast.
So you can add your int only once to magic missile.
You are casting the spell, so you apply any relevant features
I think I answered this exact question actually
I think so too. It rings a bell
Almost the same question
A: If an Artillerist artificer casts a spell through their arcane firearm, how is the damage bonus applied to multiple-target spells?

Thomas MarkovGain a bonus to one of the spell’s damage rolls. The Arcane Firearm feature says: When you cast an artificer spell through the firearm, roll a d8, and you gain a bonus to one of the spell's damage rolls equal to the number rolled. Whether a spell requires you to roll damage once or multiple tim...

The feature uses the same language as the evocation feature
Q: How many times do you roll damage for Magic Missile?

user37158The "Damage Rolls" section of the rules (PHB p. 196, also in the online Basic Rules) says this: If a spell or other effect deals damage to more than one target at the same time, roll the damage once for all of them. For example, when a wizard casts fireball or a cleric casts flame strike, the...

You only roll damage once for magic missile
So you can add your int to every bolt.
Oh jeez my brain is broken
You roll damage once, which makes it 1d4+INT, but thats the damage for each bolt, so multiply that by the number of bolts
It's not 1d4, multiplied by the number of bolts, plus INT?
Magic missile has 1 damage roll: 1d4
Empowered evocation adds INT to one damage roll
So 1d4+INT, and that damage roll is the damage of each individual bolt.
If you roll damage once, then the spell deals (1d4+1)*(spell level+2)+INT damage
No, you use damage roll for every bolt, and empowered evocation modifies damage roll
So magic missile with N bolts does N*(1d4+INT)
Q: How does the Evocation wizard's Empowered Evocation feature work with the Magic Missile spell?

briddumsThe Evocation wizard's Empowered Evocation feature (PHB 177) reads: Beginning at 10th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll of any wizard evocation spell you cast I have an evoker with a 16 intelligence (+3 modifier). I cast Magic Missile as 1st level targeting 3 ...

@ThomasMarkov Putting all that aside, Hexblade's Curse applies to damage rolls, so it avoids having this conversation with the DM
Only Evocation Wizards need to struggle
I mean, I wouldn't call the rules here clear anyway, so ask your DM
At our table, we understand the ruling for magic missiles being simultaneous equal damage per missile and we use the multiplication rule
So if I upcast it to level 3, I do (1d4+1+INT)*5 damage, not (1d4+1)+(1d4+1)+(1d4+1)+(1d4+1)+(1d4+1)+INT
So it's not a problem for us at least
We also for ease of play apply the rule, but roll multiple d4s
Because we all grew up with multiple d4 MMs
@RevenantBacon This is correct
So a Wiz 19/Warlock 1 could do some wild things with magic missil.
@ThomasMarkov A Wizard 19/Sorcerer 1 could do some wild things to LMAO
The "**** this guy in particular" Combo.
With prof +6 and int +5, a 9th level magic missile would do 11 x (1d4+12) for a minimum of 143 damage, and a maximum of 176 damage
@ThomasMarkov Also I hate this rule. Tiny goblin brain wants to throw more click-clack rocks
@RevenantBacon throw more rocks, multiply bonus damage. Best of both worlds
Bonus action Hexblade's curse, action magic missile at 9th level. Averages 159.5 damage.
Damn near kills Young Dragons, with a chance to actually kill them
Next turn, 8th level magic missile for an average of 145 damage.
How long before you've killed Tiamat?
In two turns, a Wizlock has single-handedly bloodied her.
So what is the rest of the party doing?
Knitting Bagels?
That's her half her health in two turns.
Even better, take 1 level of fighter and action surge for 305 average damage on the first round.
Now, that's just morbidly obese.
@ThomasMarkov That's going to make you a priority target. I hope you prep'd Greater Invisibility
@RevenantBacon Truesight
When Tiamat dies, she instead goes to the appropriate Hell dimension of your setting. Because even there is better than another moment with Magic Missile Wizlock.
@Someone_Evil F
@ThomasMarkov And the best part is, you still get Spell Mastery, so you can always cast magic Missile at level one for free as an emergency backup
My favorite part is that Tiamat has no counter whatsoever to this.
Magic Missile 3d4+18 is better than literally every cantrip except EB.
I remember my group was theory crafting a strategy for cheesing Tiamat that would work but would also look Cinematically Beautiful.
Was to peel away at her Legendary Resistances with a Greater version of Water Sphere (she's too big for the normal one)
And then Resilient Sphere her while there are two 9th Level Cloud of Daggers blending her.
A group of 4 Wizard 17/Fighter 2/Warlock 1 can do an average of 1220 on round 1 to Tiamat.
She is FORCED to remain in the resilient sphere until the Clouds of Daggers have gone for their full duration
And when she retreats to hell, the Spellcasters pull out Tuning Forks of Hell and prepare to chase her with Plane Shift
Cloud of Daggers does 18d4 damage each turn at 9th level, so 180d4 damage by the full duration for an average of 450 damage unstoppable damage.
If two spellcasters do it, that's 900 unavoidable damage while she's stuck in the Sphere
isnt it a dex save?
@ThomasMarkov I dunno, the Wizard being dead seems like it's probably a pretty good counter
Yeah, but that's what Watery Sphere is for
Ensnaring Tiamat
Forcing her to use her Legendary Resistances
Im confused
Cloud of Daggers has no save
Only Resilient Sphere has a save
But then it lasts the full duration
He's saying use Watery Sphere on her to force her to burn Legendary Resistance so that when Resilient Sphere is cast, she doesn't have any Get-out-of-Jail-Free cards
Also, if the Watery Spheres land, she has disadvantage on the Resilient Sphere cast
Then drop some Cloud of Daggers inside the Sphere to make a dragon smoothie
So there's a bunch of spellcasters just beaning Tiamat with giant-ass balls of water and then finally they see their moment and then...
There we go
As @RevenantBacon mentioned
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Nothing breaks the game as much as an optimized wizard
I've seem Samurai come close.
thats a lot of LR to burn through
5, yeah
I actually ran a Level 20 one-shot where one of the encounters was a slightly buffed Level 20 Samurai.
One of the players brought a Samurai to the game.
How that encounter ended was magical.
The Samurai had an ability that allowed them to strike so fast, that the target wouldn't even realize they were cut until the beginning of their turn, taking some ungodly amount of damage if the target failed a CON save. The player was down to low HP, and so was the Samurai. The player decided to go all-in with everything, Action Surge, Rapid Strike, a blessing from one of the other players.
Not enough to take the Samurai all the way down. Samurai's turn, he makes the special attack and then follows up with a number of other attacks. The player activates Strength before Death, interrupting the Samurai's turn rolling a CON save and unleashing even more damage. The CON save was for half-damage at the end of the turn instead. This however activated THE SAMURAI'S Strength before Death, which lead to him striking the player down before collapsing himself.
I think that's the order it happened in.
But essentially, it was like time stopped just so those two could duke it out
These were ENTIRE TURNS being injected into the initiative
Samurai are crazy.
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