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@BardicWizard Seems like all of those owe a lot to not having home work ;)
@RevenantBacon I hate coconut rather passionately.
Like, if I could make a career out of hating coconut, I'd never retire.
The only thing coconuts are good for is making horsey sounds.
@ThomasMarkov You sound like my dad, he hates it that much too.
My mom, on the other hand, loves it as much as I do
@BardicWizard I was one of those weird kids who loved brussel sprouts, broccoli and well. All things cabbage tbh
I could live on coconut macaroons
A lot of childrens' media was hard to relate to in the gastronomic sense
Well, besides the fact that I would die from lack of proper vitamins and variety
@ThomasMarkov more like not having school in general
@kviiri I like Brussels sprouts but my siblings don’t
@BardicWizard Well, then you should be outraged that your parents ate them all and didn't leave any for you! :p
I like to saute brussels sprouts and asparagus in bacon grease and then add the bacon I used to make the bacon grease.
Vegetables are only optionally healthy.
I've moved up to top 2% this quarter
@ThomasMarkov I like them roasted in the oven with maple syrup and bacon applied liberally
And enough cheese on my broccoli to drown in :p
@ThomasMarkov I'll just take the bacon if you don't mind
Pretty sure any vegetable can be improved upon by adding Caesar dressing and shredded Parmesan.
@RevenantBacon Ooh maple glazed bacon is so good
@TheDragonOfFlame I got my 300th bronze badge today
@ThomasMarkov wow..
I've only been on nine months..
Of course, youve only been on 10
I mostly just lurked for the first three months lol
He spends a very large amount of time on the site
Yeah.. well.. top 2%
Of course you are top .03%
Also, out of those 300 badges, over 200 of them are "Nice Answer" which is like, the easiest badge to get
@ThomasMarkov I remember that answer! I asked the question!
@RevenantBacon I have 268 Nice Answer badges lol
I dont think I've even written 200 answers..
(63% of my bronze badges)
I am still mostly lurking tbh
Ive written 17 answers
@DavidCoffron I only have 14 LMAO
@TheDragonOfFlame You have 17 answers, but your average answer score is 3.76 which isn't terrible
@RevenantBacon My silver badges are 65% enlightened badges.
@ThomasMarkov 435 answers, with 216 "Nice Answer" badges. That's pretty close to a 50% ratio
My average answer score is 11.97, so it makes sense that I have so many Nice Answer badges
Thomas' is 11.38, so also makes sense with those badges
My uncapped rep is 58000
@ThomasMarkov That's really good for less than a year, dang
I've lost almost 24000 rep to the rep cap
Also only 24 days away from legendary
@ThomasMarkov You're closer to Legendary than me (I need 26). Bravo
@ThomasMarkov 1000 more lost to cap and you could create a fully privileged user out of your lost rep
This is my favorite badge related statistic: run this from 06-01-2020 data.stackexchange.com/rpg/query/1293554/…
@ThomasMarkov Dang. That's a lot of quick high-quality answers
Since July 1st ive received 24.8% of all the enlightened badges given out
That used to be NautArch's wheel-house but you are knocking it out of the park
(if you run it for 2019, NautArch is the clear leader)
I had a lot in 2018 (close to 100), but I slowed down after that
Im still ahead of Naut for badges since 01-01-2019
@ThomasMarkov Yep, that's what I'm saying. 2018-2019 it was Rubiksmoose, NautArch, and myself as the most prolific answerers (if i remember correctly), but you are outpacing the three of us in our prime this year
@ThomasMarkov You've lost more rep than the total that I've gained
Oh dear, I've lost 70,757 to rep cap
That doesnt sound right..
Thats your total rep if there was no cap
Run this.
Oooh. The text in the beginning is worded weird
@ThomasMarkov YOu've lost 68% of rep to cap, dang
That calculation seems incorrect, it does (lost rep) / (actual rep) rather than (lost rep)/(lost rep + actual rep)
Q: Slaying the Target Outright

DyinIn Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition's Player's Handbook I. on page 288 states: Under "Coup De Grace," there is the rule "Slaying the Target Outright": "If you deal damage greater than or equal to the target's bloodied value, the target dies." Does the above rule apply to standard combat or only f...

Case in point about one of my favorite topics, DnD 4e pre-MM3 damage values :P
@kviiri I wish 5e would do the Monster Manual 1, 2, 3 thing instead of giving us weird unbalanced supplements with a bunch of random stuff. (the supplements all have a mix of subclasses, monsters, races, and dungeon master's tools)
@Someone_Evil do we want SmokeDetector to report here for experimental reasons?
Or @kviiri youre authorized technically as a room owner to make that call.
@ThomasMarkov What does this mean in practice?
I dont know lol, Someone_Evil responded over in Charcoal HQ
(I'm not going to make the decision alone, but I'll be happy to provide some input)
I thought Smoke Detector was already in this room:
2 days ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (43): Thoughts on Monster Class Homebrew (pokemon trainer) by Alan Busca Pe Huynh on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
Yep, that's a part of my confusion, so I suspect the "experimental reasons" here is the meat of the question?
I think we're fine without it (I passed on the option for now). It's not like things aren't generally picked up, so I think we can save ourselves the false positives as the smokey folks work out heuristics
I think the procedure that would have caused ol smokey to catch that one is "experimental"
we dont need smokey when we have thomas
3 hours ago, by Thomas Markov
spam on this question: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/q/14035/62294
@BardicWizard that's some beautiful parenting
@AncientSwordRage I concur
@AncientSwordRage I love my mom and dad, but they make me nervous sometimes
@BardicWizard you and I have similar parents then
@AncientSwordRage I think it applies to all parents
@BardicWizard At least all biological parents. They make our nervous system :P
@DavidCoffron sigh
@BardicWizard What happened?
@RevenantBacon the Brussels sprouts thing
I meant “my parents are wonderful angelic creatures”, of course (Mom’s looking over my shoulder)
@BardicWizard First thing an angel says is 'Do not fear, mortal', eh?
@BardicWizard isn't that pwoms (or is that no longer used)
That was the acronym back in the AOL messenger days
@DavidCoffron what’s aol? I’ve also never heard that abbreviation
The users who have more than 100 posts and an average post score of 20+ are nitsua60, guildsbounty, Tiggerous
@BardicWizard Gosh, now I feel old. It's a service provider and used to be super commonly used for email and instant messaging. You may have also heard AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
It was popular in the early 2000s
I remember ICQ.... hah, that takes me back!
@BardicWizard Ah, so nervous in the sense that "Oh no, now I won't get any brussel sprouts!"
You can tell them that a Random Stranger on the Internet (tm) approves of their tomfoolery
@RevenantBacon So that's what RSOI stands for; I always thought it had something to do with the military
@DavidCoffron guildsbounty's badge distribution is pretty crazy.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, nearly every bronze badge has a corresponding silver badge
It's because his Enlightened, Guru, and Good Answers nearly equal his Nice Answer badges
@DavidCoffron I keep telling people I’m just really young so they’re not as old as they think
@RevenantBacon I'm close to there as well; I spoke to some of my old friends for about 3 minuts on Facebook because I was trying to remember a board game I used to play in HS. That's the extent of it for me lol
@BardicWizard Fair enough.
@BardicWizard Oh no, I missed that bit. I really am old
@RevenantBacon I mean if your breakfast foods are undead, I can only imagine how long you've been around
@DavidCoffron That's pretty presumptuous of you
Imagine, thinking that bacon is only a breakfast food
@RevenantBacon I personally don't eat bacon at all, so I am un-knowledgable in that venture
I just cant stand the taste
@DavidCoffron First of all, how dare you. Secondly, how dare you
Bacon is LIFE
I could LIVE off of bacon
@RevenantBacon I figured I was in for it when I said that and then looked at your profile picture. :P
@DavidCoffron You come in to my house
@RevenantBacon If it makes you feel any better I can tolerate turkey bacon :P
Turkey bacon is worse than coconuts.
@ThomasMarkov I love coconuts. Have it on my cupcakes every birthday
@ThomasMarkov In this, we are in agreement
@DavidCoffron Not sure if this is actually worse
@RevenantBacon I also put bacon bits on my salad sometimes, but it has to be a really light sprinkling (and only if I don't have any pepperoni to add)
Like real bacon bits, or that crunchy artificially flavored stuff?
@RevenantBacon Uh... the kind my girlfriend has in the pantry. Probably the fake stuff
Ohhhh dear
@RevenantBacon Venison though, I can eat all day
@DavidCoffron Alright, I'll allow it. You can be pardoned
Let it be known, that on this day, December the Twenty-Third of the year Two Thousand Twenty, @DavidCoffron has been officially pardoned for the crime of Not Really Liking Bacon All That Much.
@RevenantBacon Wipes sweat from brow
@RevenantBacon bacon is gross
(Says the vegetarian)
@BardicWizard The earth shakes beneath you
You hear a wailing in the distance
@BardicWizard Vegan bacon is definitely worse than any other kind. It's literally just gluten hunks with smoke flavoring
The smell of freshly fried bacon begins to fill the air around you
The sky darkens, as clouds being to form from seemingly nowhere
@RevenantBacon Lovecraftian swinepeople?
I miss Call of Cthulu
(not that it went anywhere, but the playgroup I had that used to play it dissolved a few years ago)
A voice booms from the sky
"OK, that's it, those are all the ominous things I could think of"
"Repent now, or forever be known as:"
"That one person, who hates bacon"
returns to the store and buys some cookies with the money I got from returning the bacon
"Okay, it's respent, we good now?"
That kind of looks like bacon. Or am I being affected by the toxic brain waves of this entity...
@DavidCoffron This has tangentially reminded me of a meme
Wait, no, it was from SMBC
@RevenantBacon that's a bit of a stretch, but a good stretch; like one that makes your back crack just right
Yeah, the site is full of goofy stuff like this
I think some have been posted here before; definitely good fun
Jul 20 '18 at 13:17, by kviiri
(obligatory SMBC regarding "verbed")
5And does anyone else get this thing where you smell smoke, but there's no smoke?
I know one or two people who say they smell smoke when there isn't any
although that's usually when someone is cooking food so they smell combustion so I don't know if that counts
idk, almost 1/day I smell phantom smoke. Today it's enough to give me a headache
It's only been in this house. I've been trying to figure out if I've developed something health-wise, or if it's the house.
no one else ever notices it
@goodguy5 That makes it very concerning
but, in "everyone's" defense, it's in the basement, where it's mostly just me
sometimes people come down, but it's 90%+ just me
and that's the main place I smell it
the main thing that makes me think that it's environmental is that I can like cover my nose with a cloth or something and I can't smell it anymore.
I think you should have that room checked out
Is there like a water heater, or a furnace, or something else like that that's down there?
@goodguy5 if its not physical, look up phantosmia
oh, I have
@RevenantBacon a boiler yea. I've got a CO detector near it
@BardicWizard non-vegetarian here, not gross for me but I do not get the obsession.
Its salt + smoke
@trogdor As soon as I feel like I can have technicians in my house without worrying about the rona.....
@AncientSwordRage I'm surrounded by heathens
@RevenantBacon you're outnumbered
@goodguy5 Then there's probably something on or around the heating portion of the boiler that's putting off the smell
@goodguy5 yeah that is an unfortunate complication
@RevenantBacon that's my guess. I know that my nose is a little more sensitive than my wife's so I can't tell if it's me or not
@goodguy5 my wife and I are the same but she's the one with super-senses
@goodguy5 Before you go and have a tech over, give it a once-over and see if there's an inordinate amount of dust/cobwebs/etc around it, maybe it just needs a bit of a cleaning off (assuming you haven't done so already)
@RevenantBacon I've given it about a once over, maybe a half over
I'll check this later. done work now
@AncientSwordRage in New York gangster accent Careful boys, they've got us surrounded!
I mean, who wants to eat anything that has to be cured before it's edible. I want healthy food.
The only thing that bacon needs to be cured of is being alive!
@RevenantBacon what’s the matter with live pigs? Pigs are better alive than dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact all animals are better alive than dead!!!! Except mosquitoes!!! Destroy all mosquitoes!
destroy the useless bug
not other bugs just the one that sucks blood
and spreads desease
all mosquitoes must die
(maybe not actually all but a large number of them should be sacrificed each year)
(mostly I'm worried about the innocent creatures that rely on mosquitoes as food, not the stupid mosquitoes themselves)
technically I think all of them die each year
I mean that's a fair point
but I mean like, tie them all up and put them on the tables of dragonflies and stuff
@trogdor yeah. Can we create a less awful bug to take their place? Please?
(yeah, I know, then why are they still around? per tradition I am inclined to blame the Devil.)
yeah something that chews on leaves but has the same nutrition for predators appropriate for their size would be nice
goes around shouting “SACRIFICE!!! SACRIFICE!!!” again
@BardicWizard I was meaning to ask because you, too, have seen the fog: San Joaquin Delta on a winter night. Would you describe it as "eldritch", or "uncanny"?
@MarkWells I’m more in the greater Sac area, but probably “eldritch” in general, especially when the sunset or sunrise hits it and it just barely glows. “Uncanny“ would also work but I’d more use that to describe morning fog that makes it impossible to see 20 feet in front of you
That’s an interesting question though, why? In other contexts, there’s sometimes other words I’d use for it
Weird California RPG setting
@DavidCoffron though I do delete most of my unpopular answers..
Really early in the morning, before there’s much light (~6:30), I’d call it eerie (Especially when it’s just super thick and cold and wet and not fun to walk through especially in the dark)
By 10 am or so it’s more “awkwardly still there and wet but not as cold” though I don’t think there’s a single word for it
the Delta is very haunted, like Dead Marshes level. the fog is a manifestation of the ghosts of everyone who has fallen prey to the hippos and giant catfish.
I’m not often up in the middle of the night but “cold” is the best description of it then
And when there’s frost on the grass, it’s “fricking freezing and freaking wet” as my bff calls it
@MarkWells I’ve never seen either giant catfish or hippos in either the Sacramento River or the American River, and I don’t think the zoo has either animal
@BardicWizard yeah, no hippos -- harder to rule out the giant catfish though
@Shalvenay the zoo wants to get a hippo though I think
@BardicWizard I have a literal phobia of giant catfish
And fairy tale town has a fake hippo I think
and normal catfish
They are fairly terrifying.
@BardicWizard although as it turns out, all of the native North American large catfish species have ranges that are by and large restricted to east of the Rockies
Today’s weather report: “After our morning fog, it’s been mostly sunny, though clouds will be forming overnight and expect more fog for Christmas”
That’s how prevalent fog is around here
(Source: the radio station does the weather every hour)
@BardicWizard phelddagrif?
@AncientSwordRage Are you insinuating those aren't real?
@Someone_Evil I don't have a PhD in them, so I wouldn't know...
@AncientSwordRage no, this is what I was talking about
Putting your head into the maw of a real hippo would be a terrible idea
Q: Slaying the Target Outright

DyinIn Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition's Player's Handbook I. on page 288 states: Under "Coup De Grace," there is the rule "Slaying the Target Outright": "If you deal damage greater than or equal to the target's bloodied value, the target dies." Does the above rule apply to standard combat or only f...

@Someone_Evil definitely... while I loved ftt when I was younger, half the stuff that’s there now scares me by its implications
@BardicWizard oooooh
Q: Would Protection From Good and Evil protect a monster from a PC?

ForestSome monsters can cast Protection From Good and Evil, such as an Orc Hand of Yurtrus. By spell name alone, this seems like it would be useful against a good-aligned party. The spell description, however, states: one willing creature you touch is protected against certain types of creatures: aber...

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