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@Ben I’m getting all the technical difficulties today
More accurately, the kid I’m tutoring is having technical difficulties, but they’re affecting me
Anybody got experience making gifs in Procreate 5?
@BESW none at all unfortunately
Gaming Like It's 1925 Hosted by Randy Lubin, Copia Gaming. A new year means new material entering the public domain! From January 1st 2021, works from 1925 are free to use and remix.
@AncientSwordRage I'm having technical problems with the export and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm not handling the layers properly but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
@BESW can you save a flattened version before exporting?
Procreate animates via layers, so flattening would make it a static image.
Unfortunately, all the good tutorials I'm finding are for previous versions of Procreate that had a much different animation interface.
@BESW sounds like not handling layers properly is rather a fatal issue then.
I got a secret hat!
No idea how or why, because it was awarded from RPG.se, and I have had nothing happen (as far as I am aware) since before the Winter Bash started lol
And another..?
On sale: Thunderbolt: An Aerial Knight RPG by Ajey Pandey. A fast-paced jet-fighter RPG drawing on the tension and drama of fighter-pilot games like Ace Combat and Star Wars: Squadrons. Rush into sorties, face off against enemy pilots, and turn the tide of an entire war in a game that merges the fast and tense combat of the *BOLT RPG Engine* with narrative-building tools of *Aether!*
@Ben mine is also a secret. Some of the other ones I really dislike, but this one is a stylish straw hat. I like it. Keeps the sun off of my head and out of my eyes.
@Ben The one you got is awarded by upvoting a users first post..
Check out my hat.
Ahhh! What! Ahh!
It's a reference to the 2018 wuxia film Shadow, I think.
I've got an English grammar question: I can say something is perfect or perfected. With or without the -ed is valid, but also very different in implications. Anyway, what's the term for these ... forms? Tenses? Whatever they are? There's words here like "infinitive" that I don't know and I'm sure there's a couple for what "perfect" vs "perfected" is
I want to be able to say "use the {fancy exact English grammar term} version of this word"
I think that's gonna depend on exactly how it's being used in the sentence.
I think that most of the time what you're describing is a past participle but grammar terminology and I don't get along well.
The development has allowed us to perfect it; and in doing so it has been perfected; thus making it perfect.
Maybe it's the present perfect tense because it's the word "perfect"
@TheDragonOfFlame So what's the quarantine hair?
@Ben Wear two different hats, I think.
@BESW Well, I played with one, but didn't apply it, then put on the other one. Does that count?
I suppose that's why it's a secret :P
Q: Winter Bash 2020 hat list 👒 🎩

GlorfindelWinter Bash 2020 has started and the hats (and masks) are listed below. As always, there are only two answers: one for the secret hats, and one for the regular hats. The secret hat list will be updated as we learn them. Please, only edit the secret hat answer with definitive and correct triggers....

@BESW Wear a hat.
I am.
There you go. That's easy lol
Oh no I meant that's how you unlock the Quarantine hair. You only need one hat lol
One might say that it's a bit of a "hat on a hat" situation.
@Ben as opposed to a “cat in a hat” situation? Though the grinch might be better (I’m grumpy towards the radio station; which plays this same song through the whole Christmas season, and doesn’t rest even when sneezing)
I got myself confused trying to rhyme
@BardicWizard In all honesty, that's part of the reason why I avoid public places as much as possible this time of year.
It doesn't matter who's singing it, or what song it is, it's the same song. On repeat.
...I have a tendency to play the HPLHS solstice songs in retaliation.
I look forward to the dawn of the New Year where Buble realizes that the weather is either too cold, or too hot, to be wearing a 3 piece suit in the "outside" and Mariah Carrey decides that she is sweating too much glitter, and they return to their caves.
@Ben our local radio station has three covers of “last Christmas”, 3 versions of “you’re a mean one mister grinch”, and like 8 versions of “its beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. It runs about three hours before it repeats and it’s awful to listen to after about three hours and one minute
yeah there is a lot of Christmas music and some of it is good but all of it is played toooo much
@BESW nice.. bob dylan is pretty good
I'm a fan. He's one of those artists who knows when he's got something to say, and chases that.
hw won a nobel for literature
because of his lyrics
And it annoyed SO MANY people, it was glorious.
@BESW lol
@BESW "he's a poet, don't'cha know it?"
probably going to be mumbling "must be santa.." for the rest of the month
(Also it wasn't just for "lyrics," it was for "new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," because literature isn't just writing down words no matter how much Certain People want to say it is so that they can lock entire cultures out of "literature.")
> The words in Shakespeare’s plays were meant to be acted on the stage. Just as lyrics in songs are meant to be sung, not read on a page. And I hope some of you get the chance to listen to these lyrics the way they were intended to be heard: in concert or on record or however people are listening to songs these days. I return once again to Homer, who says, “Sing in me, oh Muse, and through me tell the story.”
- Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize acceptance speech
@BESW alright
That's one of the things I like about Dylan; quite aside from being a great singer, instrumentalist, and song-writer, he just makes people so mad by exposing the cracks in their assumptions about how things are.
I aspire to that
maybe not on the same scale
Like when people tried to say he'd "plagiarized" Timrod.
(And yes, I think he's an excellent singer and anybody who says "he's a great lyricist but should only have other people sing his songs" can fight me.)
@doppelgreener If you say "past participle", you will be correct, but you may not be understood.
@BESW people say that? wow
@trogdor yeah. Especially for All Along the Watchtower.
Don't get me wrong, Jimi Hendrix did great stuff with his cover of that song, but it's not a "better" version of Dylan's. It's a completely different song with different meanings.
I do think there are great covers of that yeah
but that's like
not great to say just because you like covers XD
People think his voice is too nasal or that he isn't holding the notes properly or whatever, but like. He knows his instrument, he's workin' with it. Those quavery breaking "all I wanna doo-OOOOO" choruses aren't Dylan failing at singing.
I don't have anything against his singing XD
his singing is quite evocative of a certain mood.. I for one, enjoy it
I talked to my mom about getting my extended family to use they/them pronouns for me when we talk to them for Christmas! I feel preemptively excited!
@BardicWizard that's great / good luck!
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a standard way to handle spells that have *willing creatures* as targets but no ruling for unwilling ones?

EddymageSome spells allow to target willing creatures and specify what unwilling ones should do (usually, a saving throw) to avoid the magical effect (see Scatter, for example). Other spells use wording such as "up to \$X\$ willing creatures", "You touch a willing creature" and similar, but they do not h...

1 hour later…
I'm guessing nobody here has experience with playing/running War of Ashes?
Hi everyone, has been a while since I was here (last time was in July).
A quick question: is it possible to tag in chat people who are not here at all? I'd like to give some updates on this question without using the comments back there
i.e. I'd like to tag the people who answered me back there and give them some updates, thought it might be nice :)
If you try to type their name with the @ in front and it doesn't auto-complete, you can't ping them. You can, however, leave a comment on one of their posts inviting them to chat. If they have a chat profile you can invite them to a chat room. And in extreme cases you can prevail on an elected moderator to use their special powers to ping someone.
Thanks @BESW :)
Would it be ok if I type my update in here regardless of them being around, and then link it in my comments?
Sure! Here, or you can make a dedicated chat room for it if you prefer.
@BESW as I said, my last time here was about 6 months ago when I was starting into D&D as DM. We have had probably only 3 sessions (everyone was quite busy during the summer and fall). I do remember that the community here, you included, was so welcoming to me with all my noob questions.
Thanks everyone for that
@BardicWizard this sounds awesomely promising!
@BESW no unfortunately not
Alright, so here's a small update after this question for anyone who has time: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/171544/group-with-split-likes-in-dd-game-role-playing-and-combat
A bit of context is that I'm running my first campaign as DM, and the group is mostly novice. We had probably just a couple of sessions after that - covid and work, people were quite busy. And what I saw was that there would need to be a bit of everything in my sessions. They are about to reach level 3 (only, I know!) but have been having fun.
(Forced line breaks within a single message break most markdown, including hyperlinks.)
@Sos Glad to hear it!
@AncientSwordRage It's the first game I've read for many years that's more than several dozen pages long, and it's a bit overwhelming. Not helped by all the call-a-rabbit-a-smeerp-ing, either.
we could play something else?
No, it's fine. You're really looking forward to it, and I'm curious and willing.
I do wish I knew somebody familiar with it in play, who could point me at what deserves more focus.
that's fair yeah
I could really do without the ylerks and dirkus and runnigum stuff though.
just all the weird random names of the animals and stuff?
It's a yak. Call it a yak.
that's fair
I think they really really wanted to go for flavor
and probably overdid it
It's frustrating because I like a lot of the lore, but their dedication to inventing new words for mundane things sometimes borders on a nearly comprehensible parody of Niven and Final Fantasy, etc.
Could've just gone with McCaffrey's much more sensible approach and used words like runnerbeast, herdbeast, etc.
> Alas, the ensuing dirkus infestation, which in turn attracted packs of runnigum, triggered the presence of roaming Marhn trolls.
An Actual Sentence:
I'm sorry
[grin] No worries, it's mostly not that bad and I do like a lot of what it's doing.
I have no idea what a runnigum is but it certainly sounds naughty
it's some kinda thing
some kind of like, Muppit-esk animal monster or something
Consult your doctor if you experience a dirkus infestation after runnigum.
runnigum puts me in mind of a frog that's gotta go fast
It fills the role of something like a dire wolf, but looks like this:
that sure is a face
now I'm just thinking of scrabs
I definitely like the way it looks
I actually like that
I really like the art.
Evil Hat always shells out the bucks for illustration in their books.
Almost every spread has at least a sketch.
I do really like the art in the book
It contributes more than the text to the aesthetic, I think.
I can't argue against that
@BESW fraggledrake
1 hour later…
@Sos Hehe, if your mistakes are on the level "forgot to request a check to identify a creature", I'd say you're doing pretty great :)
(I personally don't do ability checks to recognize creatures or spells, but ofc your playstyle may vary)
Or I mean, didn't do back when I GM'd DnD 5e.
@trogdor Did you catch that one of the Jaarl names is Arduino?
Good morning all.
good morning!
@trogdor I'm tempted to play an extremely unorthodox character.
Anyone else having fun in the snow today?
@Someone_Evil why cant I protect this question rpg.stackexchange.com/q/178602/62294
I'll just go with Naut and close it.
There's a question age limit on protections, no?
That's silly.
Well, the site wants to ensure questions get answered
Yup, needs to be a day old
Yup. Content creation is the Stack Overlords' highest priority, followed by sorting content, then preventing/removing extremely poor content.
@Someone_Evil I think you just deleted a right before I hit flag.
Well isn't that fun
Does anyone know if there's an Ushanka Hat hat, and how to get if there is?
@RevenantBacon o/
Just removed another offensive phrase.
@nitsua60 how you doing down there? We've got about a foot or so already.
@ThomasMarkov Correction, your flag autodeleted it
Oh nice.
I dont think the answer is salvageable tbh.
I voted to delete.
@BESW This looks like it's for FATE
@ThomasMarkov thanks for the final closure vote
@NautArch I was on the fence until I saw the question couldnt be protected.
@BardicWizard You say that as someone who's never had to deal with it. It looks nice, but aesthetics are the only valuable thing it puts out. It snowed a whole foot here, it's still going, and I still had to go in to work
It's a HUGE inconvenience
Also, it's 17°F outside
I assume that's cold?
@Someone_Evil -8 C
@ThomasMarkov Oh, so not really then :p
Nah, not so bad.
I got the Cruse of Oil hat.
Just woke up this morning with it.
@Someone_Evil I beg to differ.
@BESW Those temperatures are alarmingly consistent.
@BESW It's not my fault your island is uncomfortably hot all year through
13.4° N, yo.
@RevenantBacon that’s fair, I haven’t lived anywhere with regular snow before (we got hail in 6th grade and that was the closest thing to snow I’ve seen without going out of town)
@Someone_Evil Uncomfortably hot? Psshhhhh
Hope some mods can read russian.
Here's my town.
@BESW that’s a very consistently hot weather forecast
@BESW what the what? That's incredibly consistent
@BardicWizard Living on a pretty small island very close to the equator, temperature is very constant. The CHamoru seasons are more like "time to catch fish" and "time for storms."
@ThomasMarkov that’s not a high average temperature and that’s barely a record high temperature
@BESW cool!
For people who don't live off the land, our most noticeable seasons are rain/dry, constant/irregular wind, and "expect typhoons." And they aren't mutually exclusive.
@ThomasMarkov I used to live down in Texas, and they had consistent streaks of 100 days of over 100 degrees most every summer. It was wild.
My wife's family is from Michigan, and they say there are two seasons: Winter, and road work.
@BardicWizard It's deceptive. The average humidity here is over 80%. My 94 is probably much worse than your 100.
I just dug up an old recording of Chuck Berry doing Run, Run, Rudolph and then Keith Richard's cover of it. (Chuck's the better singer, obviously). That tape is getting a little stretched. Yes, I still have a cassette player that I drag out now and again. My kind of Christmas music; that, and the Bob Rivers comedy group doing the What's It To Ya chorus. (Parody of Handl ...)
You know how people will say a place is hot, "but it's a dry heat"?
@BESW wow. Wow. That’s just wow.
This is my area, and I would call the average high temperature a little low, from experience
The "comfort level" thing is, of course, subjective. Winds make it a lot nicer, and so does just... being used to it...
I could tell that stupid Netflix film was scripted before anybody stepped out of a plane onto the island, because none of the settler characters complain about the humidity.
Where are you guys going for these charts?
@RevenantBacon Wikipedia
LMAO I found it literal seconds after I asked
@BESW calls a game “War of Ashes” and fills it with silly animal names
The thing about New England where I live is that the averages are super deceptive, because we rubber-band between the high and low on an almost daily basis
@BardicWizard snow: 3.5 feet, as of now. Temparature: -24 Celsius
Google says that’s -11.2 F
@TheDragonOfFlame 3.5 feet OOF
and then the summer with highs of 40 C
104 F
It's not that high but compared to winter
Wait, where do you live?
southern canada
@TheDragonOfFlame Well yeah, nobody lives in northern canada.
@ThomasMarkov XD true though
@TheDragonOfFlame Ah, that explains the 3.5 feet of snow
I live in a small city (40 K ish) and it has higher population than most of the northern provinces
@TheDragonOfFlame goodness gracious
That's not overly surprising, we've got a pretty similar situation with Alaska
more than half of canadas land mass houses less than a 20th of its population
I gotta say though, one of the few advantages of living in new England is that since our weather fluctuates so rapidly, that while we may get a foot of snow, odds are it'll be mostly melted inside a week. It may be 17F out today, but it'll probably be 40-50F tomorrow or Saturday.
dont you want snow in december though?
@BESW yo what's up gamers it's ya boy who pulls all his systems off the back shelf
AFAIK War of Ashes is an adaptation of an existing miniatures game, so they were sadly kinda hip-deep in smeerp to start with.
Mariachi hat has been confirmed. Chat message with 3 stars.
I learn a system from the skeleton out, so I would start with the 30-second version of history, jump into character creation (p. 137), put a pin into any and all smeerps encountered, and then go back for the culture and bestiary once all the rules were done with, but maybe that's not your bag?
If nothing else you'll get the practical upshot of the world from all the sample aspects they huck at you.
Most of the rules are standard Fate Accel, there shouldn't be too many surprises, but you'll want to pay attention to the Roar Phase (p. 215), Weight (their version of Scale, p. 222), and the gods and magic system starting on p. 244, including Divine Interest, a group-wide shared consequence track.
The Roar Phase introduces a slightly nonstandard arrangement of the approaches, if you're familiar with the usual dichotomies, but I think it works.
hehe two more to go
Actually, wait, am I wrong about the usual dichotomies? I thought it was forceful/clever, quick/careful, flashy/sneaky but maybe I got that crossed up.
i haven't heard of them being specifically grouped as dichotomies
in part because there's lots of contrasting pairs, not just three
I smell a @Rubiksmoose
for example, forcefully breaking down a door is as opposed to carefully opening it. and forcefully knocking someone out is as opposed to sneakily taking them down.
@ThomasMarkov sniffs armpits
True. And some other stuff I've found has grouped them in different ways.
flashily impressing people as the life of the party is as opposed to carefully mingling, or cleverly engaging in witty banter, or sneakily slipping by quietly or starting rumors, or quickly assessing the situation to make your way to the buffet table asap
Agaptus uses a rota: quick forceful flashy clever careful sneaky (quick) and certain mechanics will lock you into one approach and the two adjacent on the circle.
in any given situation you will find multiple avenues available to approach it, all with very different outcomes, and each situation thus presents its own opposites
@Glazius that sounds interesting!
i guess if it works on a case by case game design basis, it's helpful for that game's ends :)
@Rubiksmoose Smells like plastic and alaska.
Q: Does damage reduction from Shadowfell Brand Tattoo stack with resistance?

VylixShadowfell Brand Tattoo, the new magic item from Tasha's has this effect: Shadowy Defense. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to become insubstantial for a moment, halving the damage you take. Then the reaction can't be used again until the next sunset. Does this reduction stack wi...

1 hour later…
My life with master, a roleplaying game where you play as the minion of a villain
Heads up, that game is intense
It was made as a Forge experiment to challenge the notion that role-playing games should be enjoyable.
@doppelgreener Camping is intense...
(in tents)
@doppelgreener :-|
Lots of notions are worth challenging, and it's a fair warning.
It's definitely worthwhile that it has been created.
@BESW and @trogdor have experience with running it (once).
@Rubiksmoose The game has the players (the minions) create the master, and then the remaining player plays that master. As I recall, their role includes the duty to identify any source of enjoyment the minions might be having, and do their best to crush it mercilessly. And because the master is created by the players, it inescapably has a piece of each of them in its character, and so the master is horrifying as a reflection.
Related, I've had consistent experience that players creating the NPCs serves strongly to make them resonate with the players. Bubblegumshoe had us create friends and relationships that mattered a lot. Cortex has had me do similar.
Re: temperatures. We don't have snow. We should have :(
For the past few years, snow in December has been more like a happy occasion than a rule, and it bugs me.
Ugh, I somehow ended up reading a question about Wizards and concentration saves, and have come across multiple answers that assert taking 0 damage still counts as taking damage
@doppelgreener That really does sound like... something.
@Glazius What's a smeerp?
A rabbit.
Or, more broadly, a concept which could be relatable to the reader but is given a nonsense name for "authenticity". tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallARabbitASmeerp
Oh ... No.... Not TV Tropes....
Phew, been there recently
@doppelgreener oh god My Life With Master?
That game had some issues
I have no idea if it was intended or not but the mechanics as laid out could extend the game forever
On top of all the uncomfortable things that are supposed to happen in it
It's decidedly not a cozy game that is for sure
Our group that played it had some,... disagreements due to the entire nature of the game
Basically I reccomend caution and the use of very good safety tools if you attempt to play it
I don't intend to ever mess with it again myself
I’ve never actually played it, it just looked interesting. I will proceed with caution
You can definitely try it if you are set on the idea just know that it's a rough game to go through
Most of our gaming group who participated in it were in some way,... put out by the game
I myself got kinda upset when we reached the endgame for various reasons, not the least of which being that the mechanics as written seemed intended to make us get stuck there for,.. well possibly indefinitely
We never finished the game (I don't know If we would have if we stuck with it but things had started getting heated and we decided to stop playing it)
1 hour later…
@Ben have you read any of the Fatemarked series of books? I note that Estes now lives in Oz ...
... not sure if I want to get into it without a sense/first impression from someone who has read it.
Hoping for the second book in "Lens of the World" by RA MacAvoy in my stocking ... she's got a neat voice.
Two of my hats were revoked.
Yeah, they've been having a lot of trouble getting the triggers to behave it seems
I am very upset.
I want my money back.
@ThomasMarkov I have spoken to the hat team and they apologise. Here is your money back.
@doppelgreener Thank you. I will never spend my money here again.
Understandable. We will never accept your money here ever again.
please, someone must remove these birds XD
@trogdor they come with the hair sir, please do not disturb them, they are conducting important bird business
@ThomasMarkov It's all from the great hack that's being reported on the news. I mean, they even went after our hats! Will they stop at nothing? 😮
how do you get vexillologist?
@TheDragonOfFlame Something related to flagging.
@ThomasMarkov Thankfully, not something related to flogging. My cat o' nine tails is in the shop for repairs.
@BESW I did not
@BESW how do you mean this? XD
Q: How to make monsters stat blocks?

TheDragonOfFlameIs there a way that I can turn a character sheet into a monster stat block? I am trying to make some monsters, but there are sections for class and paragon path that are obviously meant for a PC. I have the D&D-4e sheet on.

does anyone have an answer for me?
Patience young padawan. The question's only a few minutes old. It often takes a few hours or days before enough mainsite users have seen it and tried to answer it.
And since it’s 4e it’ll take longer
oh I've done that before
I can't,... actually remember what I did though
maybe if I log back in and fiddle with it it will jog my memory
@MikeQ I’m sort of used to having answers or comments or votes within 2 minutes because 5e and active people
the stack is used to operating on the scale of hours, minutes is reserved for the most hopping happening stuff
In my experience some of the mods answer in minutes
@TheDragonOfFlame I'm not sure I understand the question, why do you need to create a monster based on a character sheet?
@kviiri I think in 4e, enemy NPCs used monster stat blocks?
yeah ok so
@TheDragonOfFlame That's largely because there are rep points to be had for 5e questions, and therefore competition for those points. When that competitive pressure isn't there, it doesn't seem like people put the same effort into monitoring for new questions to answer. Maybe put a bounty on it?
For speed only
when I did it I used the same sheet as the character sheet
@AncientSwordRage Yes, but that doesn't mean enemy NPCs are built from character sheets, hence the question
I have no idea if there is a seperate monster type sheet at all
So I'm wondering, how is @TheDragonOfFlame trying to create their monsters in the first place
but it's almost 1 AM here so I'm also off to bed about now
well quite possibly the same way I did it
IE just ignoring paragon path and epic destiny and filling out the relevant stuff
@kviiri but you could create them as a character, then try to convert them
It may be the dreaded XY problem
woa what.... did they change the edit interface?
I edited my answer because I accidentally posted it without the last bit and it's font type and size are different and,.... on a side scroll wheel
this is just proof it's been a really long time since I posted anything XD
@trogdor i think it’s in a code block
I,... didn't put it in any kind of codeblock
I tried to fix it
i think the 4 spaces automatically made it look like code but I’m not sure?
@BardicWizard that's it
my god
@TheDragonOfFlame word to the wise, it's often prudent to wait to accept an answer until it's had time to be seen and others have had the opportunity to answer it
@trogdor it's full of stars?
yeah you might get someone later who actually figured out how to find an actual monster sheet
at which point you wouldn't fall into the same pitfalls I did, like direct copies of monster sheets actually sharing hp when one gets hit in the interface (I honestly don't know why they have a copy button if that's going to happen but it's what did happen at the time)
@AncientSwordRage I just had no idea what I did to do that
I feel like an elderly person who doesn't know how computers work
I've even learned like a little coding, not a lot
Ask/answer/edit on SO and you'll come across code formatting
I never have
I've avoided SO
it just doesn't seem like the place I want to be
Wise beyond your years
Its not the worst place, but not the best either
I feel 200 years old so I don't know what to say about that XD
@trogdor 200 years wise
I'll give you one guess which of these characters I want to be.
The mighty steed?
dingdingding! That is the correct answer.
Can one of my aspects be just a thumbnail of that particular expression?
the expression that says "I love carrying people with sharp weaponry and armor" ?

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