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so it's october
halloween's gonna be interesting this year
@Yuuki I expect to see significant spikes in COVID cases on college campuses,
Aren't we already seeing that?
Speaking of Halloween, imagine a haunted house but instead of jump scares, it's awkward social interactions.
I've seen a lot of haunters working on changing their techniques and styles to make houses safe.
For example, here's a trailer for an online course, "Dynamic Scaring in a Post Covid World."
Allen Hopps has always been a "Figure out what you can do with what you have, don't let your limitations stop you from making stuff" guy, this is just another set of parameters for him to work with, alongside budget, space, crew, etc.
I must say I'm disappointed in chat today. Several people are discussing a falling whale, and nobody mentions a bowl of petunias?
I rather like that this is a space where 40-year-old shibboleths aren't considered mandatory.
@BESW likewise
However to fit in better you must know what a shibboleth is... Only kidding
@AncientSwordRage sounds like a Lovecraftian monster... /s
@Adeptus No, I think that one comes from purely human horrors.
@JoelHarmon I have no idea what you are referring to.
@Ash Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Ah, a thing I know very little about and have no real interest in.
If it helps, the petunias thought "oh no, not again" before falling from orbit onto a planet. The whale's thought process was wondering what the ground was, then hoping it wanted to be friends.
@BESW I did not know all of that about whales. I like that I know that now.
@ThomasMarkov Ooh, I wanna guess. gelatinous cube, a slime, and a mold?
@nitsua60 Gas spore, shrieker, violet fungus
@Yuuki That's basically every Halloween for me. I have a severe discomfort with costumes/masks/esp. makeup. But I have three cute little children, so I'm very much pressured into going out walking around for at least a while among people whom I'm normally friends with and who, that day, make me want to claw out my eyes, run away screaming, and hide under my covers.
I'll take half a gorilla suit any day!
@ThomasMarkov Aah!
@JoelHarmon Importantly, a great deal of tragedy could have been averted if only we'd known why the petunias thought that.
@BESW That always makes me think about people endlessly quoting Monty Python and how that must grate on those comedians who valued improv comedy so much.
Hmm... I suppose sketch comedy isn't improv comedy.
I'd assume that making people happy decades later would be appreciated, but hearing only five or ten of your jokes repeated ad nauseum might dull that.
Q: Playing to find out "Why X" and not "Will X"?

starfightercourageI've been brushing up on DW rules in anticipation of a game I might be running soon. One thing that's got me scratching my head is the Stakes in your Fronts/Dangers. So I can cut to the chase, I'm going to assume you already know how they work. There are some stakes I feel like you could come up ...

On the subject of horror, I made a friend a crocheted Cthulhu for her birthday!!! It’s a jellyfish pattern with an extra tentacle made to be the nose/mouth/snout/whatever the h*ck Cthulhu has.
Unfortunately I forgot about pictures until after it was wrapped and put in a mailing box.
@Yuuki I'm less concerned about the diminishing returns of the funny, and more about how knowledge of certain properties has become an obligatory sign of belonging. That it's remarkable to the point of comment when a 40-year-old British pop culture reference isn't made at every possible opportunity, in every "geek" adjacent space of any kind.
It's no longer a joke, it's a ritual.
yeah,... it's weird to think about that
To describe one catechism with another, "this is the way."
I don't have any idea where that is from
5 hours later…
@trogdor I know where it's from but I have not seen it
@AncientSwordRage what is it?
The Mandalorian
I have approximate knowledge in many things
yeah haven't watched any of that
1 hour later…
@trogdor same
I have seen the baby yoda thing circulate but that's basically all I know
and that was mostly "look at this picture isn't it exceedingly cute"
it wasn't a treasure trove of information XD
@trogdor which to me is ... not really anything outstanding. I mean cute things existed before 'The Child'.
The other thing that annoys me is how the series inspired the phrase 'Do X, you cowards'
I have not seen that around
also to some extent I agree, there are plenty of cute things
but I also don't protest more cute things
(The production team was going to make The Child using CGI, when animatronics/puppetry were available, so someone involved/respected said "Use a puppet, you cowards")
But people use the phrase very carelessly
my thing is, sure Baby Yoda is cute, but it's not the cutest thing I have ever seen
to the level of "Re-open my question, Cowards!" (not seen that specifically) or "Re-print these cards, Cowards!"
not so mind blowingly cute that everyone on the planet should have been linking it around places, but wtv people have different tastes in cuteness and people like the show I guess
there will be another thing that gets passed around like that just like there were things before it XD
@trogdor The connection I see is something like "It's from my fandom, and it's cute?!" as though that makes it more noteworthy to people outside that circle, which feels... shallow? I'm not sure how to express my feelings on it
no I understand, I think
having also not watched the show at all, and being generally a fan of cute things, at best I found it ignore-able
but like you said, I wouldn't normally protest more cute things
probably not annoying but not like, something I was personally interested in
there was a time when I might have protested cute things because I was insecure about liking cute things
that time has passed
@trogdor [ everybody liked that ]
It feels, I'm speculating on my own inner thoughts, that people want to draw attention to how special this New Cute Thing is, based on its cuteness, without realising the real reason seems more that it's a New Fandom Thing.
I won't say I'm no longer insecure about liking cute things to some extent but i'm definitely not at the point anymore where I would protest cute things
@trogdor this is good
come to the cute side, we have cute things
I mean I don't like to broadcast all my interests to everyone who knows me but that's a general thing really
it's not restricted to cute stuff, although that's at the top of the list because toxic masculinity is still a thing and I'm not interested in experiencing more of that
judgement and ridicule and wtv
but yeah I aspire not to add more of that into the social ecosystem at the very least
I don't personally see huge appeal to Baby Yoda over other cute stuff, but people like the show and it's their perogative if they post baby yoda over other cute things / shrug XD
Q: How do I handle bonds that don't resolve?

Stop Being EvilSo my first game of Dungeon World has hit the ground and we're all having fun, but something seems off in handling Bonds at the end of session. One of my players has the bond, "Able always has my back when things go wrong." while another has the bond, "I am working on converting Baker to my faith."...

@HotRPGQuestions try stronger acid XD
it's been a while since I made a stupid out of context joke at Hot RPG questions XD
that one was just too easy
As my daughter says each morning, "Happy morning time everyone!"
@ThomasMarkov it's a good phrase
good morning from other times of day XD
She will go from dead asleep and just pop up and scream it.
@ThomasMarkov speaking of sleeping...the rules about unconscious seem problematic.
or does asleep =/= unconscious and I just need coffee?
As noted in that comment I think Xanathar fixes it.
Xanathar's is just an optional rule, though.
Prior to xanathar's, is it weird?
Prior to Xanathar, it isn't at all.
Because asleep =/= unconscious?
No, because it just isn't defined.
Outside of the sleep spell
The only place "asleep" is given a meaning outside of XGtE is the sleep spell
"each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake."
Ah, gotcha. So without the unconscious condition, then it's not an issue.
I clearly am still asleep.
If you aren't using XGtE rules, asleep means whatever the DM says it means, since there are no rules for it.
Now i'm just not sure what to do with that edit on the question.
@NautArch Upvote my comment and flag for moderator attention? :P
@ThomasMarkov dI think I already upvoted. Not sure it requires mod.
but they're here, so....
I flagged it a little bit ago.
Shoot, my answer about armor class blew up over night.
@Someone_Evil I assume you saw my flag?
Yeah, looking at it now :)
@Someone_Evil You agree that it's not a dupe? It sure seems like a dupe?
I don't want to start a dupe-war and figure we can talk it out here before meta.
Seems like a bit of an odd criterion.
It's close, but the problem of the question isn't whether an unconscious creature can hear, it's that the creature needs to be able to hear for that ability
Right, but that's written in the question. If that's the question, then the question answers itself.
It's in the quote made by the question, but not in the analysis ie. what the question understands
Hi all, how's everyone ?
howdy @PierreCathé!
Quick question : is there any way to put a spoiler tag in a comment ?
@PierreCathé I do not believe so.
Not really, other than the pseudo-link method
Why do you need it?
@Someone_Evil I think it quite clearly satisfies the first two duplicate criteria. You're saying it doesn't meet the third?
I see, I wanted to respond to one of your comments @Nautarch, about how to intercept Sending, I think there's an example of that in Curse of Strahd
But I didn't want to include module spoilers in broad view
@PierreCathé you can tell me here and use spoilers. Is the spoil-lair still a thing?
Ok what's the markdown for that ?
@NautArch There's a bunch of frozen/deleted rooms
@ThomasMarkov I don't think it meets the first two, probably pending on "obvious"
Feb 28 at 4:43, by Adeptus
[spoiler](http://like-this "like this")
I wish we didn't have to hack spoilers into existence
nailed it
but make the bracket word "spoiler"
and then the actual spoiler goes in the quotes part
Ok so in Curse of Strahd, it's possible for spoiler
@PierreCathé spoiler
You have to put a http link I think
i give up
@NautArch Yeah it is, just saying that there is precedent to allow interception of Sending
@PierreCathé spoiler
@NautArch I got you :)
/// [spoiler]\(https:\//hmmmmm "Hmm, that seems to be about messages going in and our of barovia, not for within?"\)

break. close enough
you need the square brackets, the url, and also the words in quotes
So anyway that's all for me, back to lurking and commenting on obscure edge-case rules
Have a good day all
Im pretty proud of the phrase I just used.
"allegations of duplicature"
That's a 25 cent phrase around here
@ThomasMarkov you'll notice I didn't self-answer :) Mostly because I was typing the question I began to be unsure.
Im almost done with my three point sermon.
@NautArch I think the admission that deletion would be preferable is pretty self-incriminating, so to speak.
That's weird.
@ThomasMarkov yeah, i'm leaning heavily towards dupe-status, but I see where @Someone_Evil is coming from.
Every message I send tries to send twice.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, that happens to me too sometimes. It means there's some significant lag in the Internet somewhere between you and the Stack.
issue with main site, too
SEDE is still up.
We're back.
Q: Should this question on unconscious and hearing be a duplicate?

NautArchThis recent question on What happens when an unconscious creature fails their saving through against a banshee? seems to be a duplicate of this question on Can an unconscious PC hear you? As the entire answer for this is predicated on whether or not the siren can hear you, it seems like a clear d...

2 hours later…
@NautArch That question about ritual spells is asking a separate, wholly unrelated about guidance.
@ThomasMarkov I clearly glossed over that. Should be removed as it's not related to the title or the first part.
Good morning
@BardicWizard top o the morn!
The people here are about twelve times nicer than some people in my neighborhood, so thank you all for being nice
I'm both glad and sorry to hear that, which sounds odd
I was jogging and a person came out and yelled at me for making their dog bark. The dog was barking before I jogged by
THat's not weird
Did you bark back?
Q: Can the artificer's spell-storing item affect a Rakshasa?

4tomicMy character is being hunted down by 3 Rakshasa. The character is aware they possess limited magic immunity which reads as follows: Limited Magic Immunity. The rakshasa can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against...

@BardicWizard Maybe that's because you're not making our pets upset. /S
@ThomasMarkov that is adorable and made my day better :-)
@NautArch no
@BardicWizard Sounds like they wanted a scape goat shrug
Sadly, it's a particular breed of dog owners that are really defensive about their canine companions.
not that it's particularly dog-specific tho
re: the phonetic spelling discussion yesterday
The first Finnish rock band to make ~any impact outside Finland, Hurriganes, made their songs in English despite their lead singer not really knowing the language. (This was around the 1970's.) He had the lyrics written phonetically for him
@kviiri woah
and at least one of their songs, they self-described as "Rock-Esperanto" instead of English because though it's phonetically English and mostly uses English vocabulary, it makes absolutely no sense
@kviiri like phish lyrics?
It's something like Prisencolinensinainciusol except it's mostly actual words, just no meaning
Like Sigur Ros?
Hurriganes is the pure distilled sound of rock for me, I like lots of bands more but they represent to me what remains of rock when everything non-rock has been distilled away.
@kviiri sex, drugs, and alcohol?
@NautArch Alcohol is a drug too!
@kviiri Get out of my head! Was literally thinking that as I typed it.
Ahhhhhhhhh..... technically correct... the best kind /S
I'm not actually sure how rowdy the "Ganes" got. I know at least the lead singer had a criminal background and considered the music career to have helped him stay clean
Woof. Not sure if anyone caught that last comment on Pyrotechnical's answer to that racism question on meta, but whooboy. Glad it's gone.
Of course, "clean" is sometimes relative
Get your hands dirty learning a new skill, like guitar, then clean them by rolling them on rocks.
@NautArch Aww man, I missed it.
@kviiri Maybe their brand of rock and roll is more of a pumice.
@NautArch I did not catch it...maybe that's for the best
@AncientSwordRage I don't know Sigur Ros
You dodge 100% of the bullets meta shoots at you if you don't take yourself there.
Sigur Rós (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈsɪːɣ̞ʏɾ ˌroːus] (listen)) is an Icelandic post-rock band from Reykjavík, active since 1994. Known for their ethereal sound, frontman Jónsi's falsetto vocals, and their use of bowed guitar, the band's music incorporates classical and minimal aesthetic elements. == History == === 1997–1998: Von and Von brigði === Jón Þór "Jónsi" Birgisson (guitar and vocals), Georg Hólm (bass) and Ágúst Ævar Gunnarsson (drums) formed the group in Reykjavík in January 1994. The band's name means Victory Rose. They took their name from Jónsi's younger sister Sigurrós, ...
@GcL Wise words from a wise GcL
> All of the lyrics on ( ) are sung in Vonlenska, also known as Hopelandic, a language without semantic meaning, which resembles the phonology of the Icelandic language. It has also been said that the listener is supposed to interpret their own meanings of the lyrics which can then be written in the blank pages in the album booklet.
@GcL You also dodge 100% of flags when you step down as moderator. AMIRITE @doppelgreener!?
(he he he)
@AncientSwordRage Ahh right, that's more like Prisencolinensinainciusol except done towards one's own language (Prisen-etc is more like how Italian ears hear English)
They do capture the general sound of English quite neatly!
@kviiri I may have heard that one
@nitsua60 Opt not for the avenue lined in flags as a flag has no real significance for peaceful uses.
@nitsua60 hey that's our line!
btw I didn't link this here yet did I? a choir some of my friends sing in released this gorgeous video youtube.com/watch?v=wnUVbCnP5Ik
I just read that as 'chair' and not 'choir'
@nitsua60 low quality posts has flagged posts in it so i don’t think it’s quite 100% that you dodge
The guy with the plaid shirt and green trousers is one my best friends since early childhood
@BardicWizard True, but I doubt I've clicked into that queue for years =\
@nitsua60 fair
How’re people doing?
CSS by the day, computational science by the night
strange ironies of life
@BardicWizard Got my run in this morning, know what I'm teaching this afternoon, looking forward to a rehearsal this evening. So, pretty good! You?
@nitsua60 decent; busy with school mostly
What are you rehearsing for?
@BardicWizard I play in a community orchestra. Presumably we'll have a concert... someday?
@nitsua60 [sits back eating a sammich while a bajillion flags fly through the air]
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener I want a sandwich now
@V2Blast I didn't want one till V2Blast wanted one.
Im going to make myself a "what came first the chicken or the egg sandwich"
fried chicken breast with barbecue sause, a fried egg, lettuce and Duke's mayonnaise
@ThomasMarkov That ritual question...I did not even consider OP was taking too much time "casting" the spell.
@NautArch I definitely had not considered the possibility that they were taking 10 real minutes before moving on with the game.
@ThomasMarkov But we've got 3 answers with it.
hopefully OP replies, that's a bizarre reading.
Is the skin of the dragon different from the scales?
Cuz the image definitely looks like it has scales on it.
@ThomasMarkov Given that both techniques create scale mail, i'd say it's the same thing but two different ways of harvesting.
Imagine your an armor smith, and Johnny the adventurer brings you a dragon hide. Do you say "Im gonna make some scale mail with this, but first, off with these scales"?
Maybe, butit's the scales he's using?
i dunno, the exact formula ain't there. Just the parts.
I feel like what you quoted isnt enough to exclude actual scales being part of the composition.
@ThomasMarkov THat's all we have, though.
So I'm going with what we have.
Right, that's exactly why I think youre going in the wrong direction.
"It's made of skin and hide" does not mean "It's not made of metal".
"It's not made of metal" is just as much "more than we have" as "it is made of metal".
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, messaging number in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (340): Is there need for messengers in DnD 5e, if spell Sending exists? by Micheal Merry on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, I deleted. I think it's most clearly organic, but not worth arguing over.
I think the real answer is "it's unclear, so it's up to the DM" unless there is lore to support it from previous editions.
Now that's one I can upvote.
how can I get a closed question opened again?
I added a lot of explanation to the question :P (and am actually wondering with the new wording it might seem a complete different question).
Q: What is the appropiate use of ritual spells that provide little utility?

paul23Well say I have the "detect magic" spell as a level 1. It is kind of a waste of a spellslot to just use it willy nilly. However I could stand still every step and cast it as a ritual for 10 minutes. This however seems really silly when dungeon crawling, to stop at each "point of interest" and sta...

I think part of the problem is that it's starting to draw opinion-based answers.
I guess that's fair, I just felt really awkward during the first session not wishing to be splashy but at the same time feeling like I "need to do what I came here to do".
It sounds like it's really mor about finding your place at the table.
Which is reasonable!
Talk with your DM and other players about your character and how you seem them acting.
THat helps set up why and when you do your thing.
I like being a support. I do not like being in the spotlight :P. (It's why I like being a support who pushes someone else to the spotlight)
1 hour later…
When I made my 50th anniversary Doctor Who module, one of the pre-made characters had the stunt
Because I have leadership training, I get +2 when Flashily creating aspects to coordinate a plan.
It let her stand aside and give +2s to everyone else by orchestrating the action.
Q: Eldritch Smite: Can you decide whether the enemy goes prone or do they always go prone?

Cyanic Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a warlock spell slot to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target, plus another 1d8 per level of the spell slot, and you can knock the target prone if it is Huge or smaller. Since it says "can knock the target prone."...

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