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@KorvinStarmast In traditional lore yes they are separate planes. In my world the Shadowfell is a growing corruption of the feywild. There's some story elements tied into it and one of my players took the Fey Foundling feat and is heavily tied to the fate of the feywild.
I play pretty loose with the traditional lore and steal things from pretty much any setting. Keeping what I like and discarding the rest. Elements of my feywild are drawn from Matt Mercer's version, but also from the Kingkiller Chronicles (Name of the Wind), and a number of other sources.
@linksassin cool!
@ThomasMarkov that's one of those excellent session zero's that benefit the table greatly. Nice.
@linksassin Reminds me a bit of 4e's implications about the Feywild and Shadowfell each being manifestations of possible alternate versions of the Material Plane.
4e was always kinda hand-wavy about the exact nature of planes and their relationships to each other, and that led to some really cool potential.
@BESW One of the inspirations. Though I follow the mirrored geography a little less strongly.
I kinda went with the aesthetics of the Feywild being a prelapsarian vision of the Material Plane, and the Shadowfell being a post-apocalyptic vision of it, but I never let that get in the way of a cool setpiece or story opportunity.
Welp I’m back from my d&d game
The result: I didn’t even have to think about anything since they never even went into the first floor
Instead they stole the books out of the mage’s library
And blew a hole in the wall
Adventurers gonna 'venture, eh?
And they failed to notice any of the hints I dropped them that the mage was actually there. Even when they all rolled really high on a wisdom save that I didn’t give them a reason for (it was a compulsion)
There’s no paranoia among players nowadays
@BardicWizard Failing to notice hints? That doesn't sound like any player I've ever had....
@linksassin instead of, I don’t know, checking out the strange blue, silver, and black magical light slowly growing out of the first floor or where the NPC they’re babysitting went, they spent most of the session trying to steal the books out of the tower. And the tower itself.
It’s going to explode soon though... I’m a mean gm
@BardicWizard Last session my player's ignored 4 different NPCs telling them to explore the town and stock up on supplies. Instead rushing straight to the main quest thinking it wouldn't be that long.... Now they are in the feywild. After the session they all said "Guess we missed some hints there..."
Q: What happens if a Cavalier fighter or their mount is knocked prone?

ChumpNicholsonThe rules for mounted combat (PHB, p. 198) give direction in the following cases: Mount moved against its will: rider makes Dex save vs falling off and landing prone Rider knocked prone: rider makes Dex save vs falling off and landing prone Mount knocked prone: rider uses reaction to dismount st...

@linksassin sigh players...
@BardicWizard The bigger loss they don't even know about. There is an NPC travelling with the party who has lied about who they are and what their intentions are. The party missed every opportunity to learn the facts about the town that would have seen through their disguise.
So now they just blindly trust this person because they have no reason not to. The few deliberate inconsistencies in their story the players don't even notice.
@linksassin same with my players! I gave them a journal (which they didn’t bother to read), a lot of hints, and even the warnings about “girl of flame changes name” to warn them and they’re now following the BBEG around
Yeah, I eventually decided that if I wanted my friends to know something, I'd just tell them because it's more fun for everyone to be making informed decisions than for one person to watch others stumble around in the dark.
And if it's not important for them to know a thing, maybe I can just leave it out.
No two players (or GMs) will have the same mental understanding of their shared fictional world. They're not going to conceptualize or prioritize every detail in the same way that you do. They'll ignore a clue even if you know it's important. They can't read your mind. Assume that the players' total knowledge is bounded by whatever has been explicitly confirmed, either in-game or out-of-game.
If you really find that the players keep missing your clues, you should consider the possibility that your clues are failing to communicate whatever it is you want the players to figure out.
@MikeQ fair. I’ve got 2-3 players that pick up on everything and 4 or so that usually would prefer to blow things up or do “anything but my plot”
I try to reward my 2-3 attentive players by giving them little mini story hooks like “you’ve noticed this symbol on all your enemies lately, what are you going to do” that they can do to help the group
It works really well and gets others to pay more attention because they want to have their own little moments of putting the clues together and doing something about it
It's also possible for players to get overwhelmed by the information, even if they're genuinely interested, and forget about details that you know are important.
Odds are, they probably forgot they have that journal.
@MikeQ They pulled it out today. They just didn’t read it. (I know one player did, at most, and only bc they gasped when the npc introduced themself to the group so recognized the name from the journal)
3 hours later…
@MikeQ Fully agree with this advice. In this case though I was planning/prepared for them to miss them. Getting the clues was kind of a bonus for being particularly clever and paying attention.
Anybody struggling with how to distribute clues effectively without just feeding characters answers, I recommend studying Gumshoe's attitudes toward mysteries: you get the clues you need easily, but you have to put them together yourself. However, the player is signaled when something they've learned it important so they don't disregard something significant.
2 hours later…
Gumshoe sounds super fun tbh
I should try it out sometime
@eimyr Sup!
@kviiri Howdy!
There's a lot of variation in the different Gumshoe releases, and most of them are, in my opinion, clunky and over-dense. But the core concept is really solid and I wish there was more innovation of the system outside of L*vecraftian influences.
@BESW Haha, well. That's not a major bother in a way
I think 90% of the usage I've gotten from RPG books are "discussing RPG books" or "inspirational reading"
That's a really weird property for a commodity but I guess it goes up the more specialized industries one gets to?
Rare vintage wine? Not gonna drink, but discussing the properties of it if I were to drink it is where the value is at.
Hah, yeah.
I'd generally recommend more recent Gumshoe manuals, as they're doing more interesting experimentation and have let go of some of the more "tradition just because we couldn't bear to change that much" bits from its source material (specifically Call of Cthulhu).
They're also just, better at explaining themselves.
Oh, I keep forgetting these... Gumshoe has CoC lineage?
My understanding is that Gumshoe emerged as a direct response to Call of Cthulhu being an "investigation" game without any good support for... investigating...
In particular, CoC's skill action meant that a failed check could leave the investigators missing vital clues with no idea what to do next, and the mystery just withered and died because of some bad rolls.
Gumshoe's core conceit, then, is that if you have the right skill and look in the right place, you will always get the bare minimum needed to move the story forward.
(You can roll, or spend currency, to get more detail or extra bonus info which makes your life easier or solves the mystery faster--but you get the minimum just for being in the right place doing the right thing.)
I reconnected with an old friend recently and he asked me to play a few one-shots of CoC like we did back in the days... no idea if I'd like it anymore xD
Would they be one-on-one games?
Presumably no
We played with a small group back then, I think it was him, me plus two or three others
I'm in no hurry to decide though, he'll move back to Helsinki no earlier than December
You might suggest Gumshoe as an alternative, it's close enough that, for instance, Old Man Henderson is memetically Call of Cthulhu but it was actually run in Gumshoe.
There's also a lot of games more tuned to one-shot horror, like Trophy Dark, which has a lot of third-party scenarios, which it calls incursions.
Good morningish.
This does not work sadly
I have one of those!
Im pretty sure the top answer to this question is incorrect.
@ThomasMarkov Oh? Does the game ever distinguish the two?
@Someone_Evil Yeah, I added an answer.
Armor of Invulnerability gives resistance/immunity to all nonmagical damage, not just bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing.
@ThomasMarkov the irony is that when sorted by active, yours is the 'top'answer
So hitting someone in a suit of that legendary armour with a torch wouldn't be worth-while?
@Someone_Evil Definitely not.
@ThomasMarkov I'm not imagining a setting where ALL fire is inherently magical, due to the first flame being magical and it spreading that way
Maybe in the Dark Souls universe all fire is magical.
One of the sample diseases gives an example of nonmagical psychic damage that this armor would protect you from. See cackle fever
See this answer for a detailed explanation.
@AncientSwordRage I toyed with an animist setting where that would be true, from a certain perspective.
(One kind of "magic" in the setting was based on learning how to converse with the existential personalities of inanimate objects.)
@AncientSwordRage Well the most upvoted answer has received 3 upvotes since I added my answer, so Im not sure my answer was being seen at all.
@ThomasMarkov sorting by active is the trick, but I don't know how many do that
...Hm, I'd still like to revisit that setting's conceits some time, though I'd dramatically revamp its context. There were three paths to supernatural influence: talking with stuff, making stuff, and writing stuff down.
@BESW I like the idea
@BESW is there no 'taking stuff' evil option for villains?
Oh, you can take stuff that's been made or written.
even if it was framed as 'ask other existential personalities to take it for you'
But the paths to magic aren't good or bad in themselves.
I wouldn't want to have a "dark magic" option, just "misused magic."
@BESW Yeah I guess 'evil option' was a weak phrasing on my part
but misused is a more nuanced way of phrasing it
Either the ways you walk the path (like abusing things instead of treating them with respect) or what you do with the power (like making cruel weapons) can be "wrong."
@BESW it makes it deeper that way
@ThomasMarkov I think including the quote from the linked answer would be helpful
as it stands your answer isn't very convincing
Good observation, thanks.
Just watched a vid on hawai'i history and now I have a sad :/
going to do adult stuff
Also while researching for a conlang I was thinking of making, I came across something to answer an English se question that got poo-poohed
@AncientSwordRage what’s adult stuff? I’m going to (eventually) get out of bed and start on an essay so I can presume it’s not the same thing I’m doing
I had to go in to kill chickens today.
@ThomasMarkov ewwwwwww
@BardicWizard Yeah its pretty gross. I spend most of my time in the office though.
@ThomasMarkov I could not handle your job.
Most of what I do is statistics stuff.
@ThomasMarkov Which may or may not be worse, depending on who you are
Math is easy for me. Taking any life larger than ants is inconceivable for me and I don’t even take the life of many ants.
@ThomasMarkov why are there chickens in the office?
@AncientSwordRage IIRC, there usually isn't
@BardicWizard that's a good question
@AncientSwordRage Cuz its a chicken factory.
@ThomasMarkov I would assume you'd keep the office chicken free, unless they're also your colleagues
Only time there are actually chickens in my office are when Im doing a pathological examination on a bird.
Is it a typical office or more of a lab/wet room?
My office is a typical office.
@ThomasMarkov darn. I was imagining you worked in a chicken coop.
I would have thought you'd keep examination separate from computers and paper work because of y'know, stains and stuff
@BardicWizard no that's an office cubicle
@AncientSwordRage A path exam involves holding the carcass over a trash can next to my desk.
Usually happens on the plant floor.
@ThomasMarkov ah ok
Heres a bit of an odd question. Are all the forgotten realms adventures canonically set in the same timeline?
My concern is that, if several of the adventures are situated relatively close together in the same timeline, the adventurers who do one of them would conceivably be overpowered for the rest, more than capable of solving the worlds problems.
@ThomasMarkov You're talking about a setting containing a multitude of epic-level characters who have every reason to intervene in these situations.
If you're not worried about Elminster solving all of the problems with a wave of his hand, you probably shouldn't worry about "the party from the last campaign", either.
Not to mention characters like Laeral who actually appear in the adventures in question.
@Miniman I think a lot of the epic level characters are fairly gandalf like in that they have a grander perspective and don't always want to interfere (or have bigger fish to fry)
@AncientSwordRage Sure, and whatever justification you pick (including that one) applies equally to "the party from the last campaign".
Basically, I'm not saying that this is or isn't a real problem. Just that worrying about that one specific instance doesn't really make much sense.
@Miniman yes but not always. If the last campaign had the last party stop in waterdeep, why aren't they solving the latest issue in waterdeep?
At least it requires some explanation
@AncientSwordRage Same reason as all the epic-level Lords of Waterdeep. Whatever that might be.
But PCs and NPC's don't behave the same
@AncientSwordRage The party from the last campaign aren't PCs anymore, because the PCs are the current party.
It seems that whatever motivated the party last campaign should be similarly motivating to them now. It seems odd for them to save the world once then not care to do it again given their power.
And assuming your last PC becomes an NPC at least needs their buy in?
@ThomasMarkov that too
@ThomasMarkov Still applies to everyone else. I'm not saying you shouldn't come up with an explanation, just that if you feel the need, it kinda needs to cover every character that's had a book written about them.
Or, you know, just don't worry about it.
Heh, or they're busy dealing with the multitude of epic-level villains running around - that takes care of the other side of this problem.
This sounds like a good joke. When is a PC not a PC? After the campaign... (I have a hard time with punch lines)
4 hours later…
Where’s it say that if something prevents you from taking actions it prevents you from taking bonus actions as well? I checked the sage advice compendium but couldn’t find it
A: Can an incapacitated character still use bonus actions?

Thomas MarkovNo, an incapacitated character cannot take bonus actions. From the rules for bonus actions: anything that deprives you of your ability to take actions also prevents you from taking a bonus action. And as you have observed, being incapacitated deprives you of your ability to take actions: An in...

It's in the rules for bonus actions
@BardicWizard yOu dIdnT tAg tHe sYsTeM :P:P:P
It was 5e
I am in the middle of a combat round
and got stunned, was trying to figure out if misty step works
looks like a no
It’s a no from me dawg.
Thanks for the upvote tho ;)
@BardicWizard “It’s a no from me dawg” might be before your time.
Did you ever watch American Idol?
@ThomasMarkov never heard of it
American Idol is *after* my time, and you've never heard of it.
Guess I'll go back to my rocking chair....
Q: Storm Kings Thunder Maelstrom Mechanics

Ryan RCurrently running Storm King's Thunder, and my players just got the conch of teleportation. During the next session they will be using it. The module says that you take pressure damage for being at the bottom of the sea. I've looked it up and it seems like most people only count that damage when...

Welp our group’s either going to fall apart or end up better friends
The artificer and the GM have been almost constantly arguing the last few sessions, we had to end early last week because the gm broke down, and the rogue and I finally said “this has to stop”
So we’re doing a session 0 again next week
Having 'OOC meetings' is a reasonable thing to do when problems need solving.
Yeah, this is a people problem. Not the sort of thing you can resolve with game rules.
@BardicWizard Though I have to warn about assuming that compatibility as a group necessarily is an approximation of compatibility as friends, or vice versa. It has been my and some of my acquaintances' experience to see groups which work very smoothly IC, but are not friends OOC. Conversely, there are friends with whom I would be wary to RP together (or GM-and-play in either combination), because that seems to not work out well each time we try.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica we’re friends OOC, which may be part of the problem. The artificer and the GM are old friends, but the artificer has an attitude problem and the GM hasn’t always been emotionally able to take it lately
so the rogue’s player and I have basically said “this needs to be fixed or we don’t want to play anymore. Arguing is not fun for us to listen to”
I hate feeling like they’re just a moment away from ruining the session with an argument
It’s just hard to remember it well when this happens
and I’m already kinda emotionally sensitive with regards to my friends
I need hugs
Today I fed some deli meat to a random vulture during my walk from the grocery store. I may be a druid yet. Or a rejected Disney princess.
I hope you can work things out! But also keep in mind that friends don't have to do everything together, sometimes there's activities that just don't work out well with certain group compositions and that's okay, it doesn't change the friendness.
@BESW it’ll be okay, hopefully

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