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I'd be interested to see how she responds when Stellata arrives back from Umdaar.
If we ever return to that campaign, the return of Sweetheart will probably involve needing to help her.
@BESW @doppelgreener How do you make an NPC like that connect with the character without seeming either condescending or helpless? I’ve never been able to do that
Same way you support someone without smothering them in real life: put them in charge of deciding how you will help them.
I'd love to hear what Greener felt worked in that situation.
@BardicWizard I like there being space carved out for spells =)
@BardicWizard well also, she wasn't technically an NPC, BESW joined that game as a player of a one shot character more like
I realize that might not sound like a big difference but, that's the exact way it worked rather than the character being an NPC
I was the GM for that session
So, context: Stellata was a dryad created in a science experiment from an oak sapling. Her creator, Doctor Light, played by @trogdor, was very firmly established as not the greatest human being. For a start, he was actually now a plant monster in a lab coat. (Picture the Swamp Thing.)
Stellata had been his proof of concept. If he could turn a plant into a person, then he could turn himself into a plant! Makes sense, right? Well, no, but this is action science and that's not important. The experiment worked, and now he's a plant monster.
Around the time bringing in Sweetheart to the story was just a concept that hadn't yet happened, we had considered and established that what Doctor Light did was probably pretty unethical, and he was not necessarily the best plant monster dad a young dryad progeny could ask for, on account of, he was pretty much still 100% scientist and 0% dad. We'd revisit this much more concretely later, it was a big part of her character arc.
Sweetheart comes in from a related agency whose responsibility is to uphold the welfare of Weird lifeforms. Like a talking dog, or like a dryad made in a science experiment. Sweetheart was there to make sure everything was okay, and to make sure Stellata was happy, so... that's what she did. She came with us on an adventure to help out, saw Stellata in action, talked with her to check she was happy, and left Stellar her business card in case she ever needed to call.
That was kind of it? Sweetheart wasn't there to meddle and do things for her. Sweetheart was there to kick ass and take names alongside everyone else, and then also while doing so keep an eye on things. I imagine Sweetheart might have dealt with plenty of cases of abuse, and wanted to make sure this wasn't that or wasn't other bad things. When she was on a mission with us, her mission wasn't Stellata, it was the mission.
It was an important step in Stellata's development, I think.
Yeah. Basically Sweetheart just did a mission with us, and at the end took Stellata aside for a "are you happy, here's my card" chat in which she made it very clear that she would move heaven, earth, and Doctor Light's pedantic butt, to make Stellata safe and happy--but only according to Stellata's needs as expressed by Stellata.
Like, BESW didn't introduce this character to meddle in our activities. He introduced this character because it would develop ongoing character arcs we were consciously choosing to develop. This character didn't even reach the game table without BESW and I talking over it and both of us agreeing we were interested in seeing this happen with our characters, and it would not have worked very well without that I think.
All of that, yes. I didn't suddenly impose a black ops social worker on Greener's character and expect that to be fine.
And Troggy was in the conversation too, because (a) everyone's in these conversations, they happen in group; and (b) Sweetheart's introduction would potentially impact his character's arc too.
Fate asks you to approach the game from the stance of a director quite often during and around play. We are separate from our characters, arranging and conspiring to put them in interesting situations variously either within or against the character's interests for fun and drama. So we consciously had conversations about where we wanted things to go, to the extent we knew, and talked about interesting ways to progress in that direction.
(This is a game where characters failing, and even failing hard, progresses things just as much as succeeding the same amount, just along very different story routes. Hence working to even introduce situations that are against our characters' interests. This wasn't one of them, of course.)
That’s actually really helpful advice. I like that you guys talked it out ahead of time and that seems like it helped.
For example, one of the next Big Moments in Stellata's character journey was, after having terrifying lucid dreams that made her confront her creator's failures as a father, she exploded at him in the middle of a stealth mission and the ensuing confrontation caused (almost) everyone to get captured and thrown in the dungeons.
This wasn't just okay, it was awesome because it was dramatic and interesting and our characters were competent and proactive enough that "thrown in the dungeon" was less "a problem" and more "we didn't have to bother sneaking in."
(Also at that particular time in the story, Stellata's creator had been replaced by a shapeshifting villain whose only knowledge of their relationship came from reading the creator's mind--and he thought he was a GREAT father, so the villain was being a better father figure than Doctor Light would have been in the same situations. And everyone at the table knew it even though none of the characters did, so we loved the delicious drama of it all.)
@BardicWizard If we hadn't, this wouldn't have happened at all, I'm sure. This whole thing came out of conversations we were having around the game.
Working out what we thought about the experiments was part of that. (Stellata didn't have a frame of reference to even consider something might have been not okay with her circumstances, so none of that was in character; Sweetheart probably helped her begin to think about that.) At some point BESW raised the idea of bringing in Sweetheart, we were all interested, he suggested doing this with her, we liked that too, we talked about it and developed it further and then it hit the table.
This all comes from us being positioned as equals in shaping where we wanted the story to go and how we wanted it to get there.
I was the primary GM, but that mostly just meant that I helped mash everything together and felt more comfortable running sessions more often than playing in them.
@BESW This whole thing was amazing. The specific line Stellata blew up with, yelling at what she thought was Doctor Light but who at this time was actually this shapeshifting villain, was "you're not my real dad!!!". The villain thought their cover was blown!
I don't know if he thought he was a great father so much as he just didn't think of it at all
Which isn't better for sure
In fact I wasn't even thinking of him as a father all that much, partly because I didn't orginally conceive of the character with this as part of his backstory
(but stellata had more to yell, so the villain realised it wasn't meant in the very literal sense. But there was a very awkward silence for a moment there in which the villain was sweating bullets.)
So I realized through the rest of the group how he was a terrible parent and it was amazing
It was great
Yes, it was :D
I think that was actually my favorite role playing moment, if not of all my time doing it than at least of that campaign
And it's probably of all my time doing it
@trogdor I am very happy this worked out that way too
I'm really glad I agreed when you came up with Stellata being like, his sort of prototype
because that idea took over the whole show during that moment
and it was fantastic
On a meta-level it was interesting to see how, once again, Troggy's PC became the pivot around which a campaign revolved despite not particularly loud or pushy about his presence in it.
Troggy's got mad invisibility powers IRL but his characters almost always bend the story around themselves just by existing.
that is weird actually
I think I flip a switch when I am role playing or even acting in a play or something
I really noticed it with Iados, who tended to be a major pivot of the story and party even when you barely had him say or do anything all session outside of combat turns.
Q: Did D&D 5e ever use a d3 prior to Tasha's Cauldron of Everything?

AndrendireThe Path of Wild Magic Barbarian recently released in the preview for Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has the unusual design choice of requiring a d3 roll for Bolstering Magic. Needless to say, it's highly unlikely that the average 5e player has a d3 die in their collection. I can't recall any oth...

I mean like, you know I don't like attention for extended periods of time
sometimes when that starts happening I talk less
I don't know why that is still a thing even when I'm not doing anything
I haven't explored this as much as my more normal interactions with people
and it does kinda require other people's involvement
in some arcane way I don't understand
Wow. I don’t have the right kind of relationship with the people I play with (in all but one group) to be able to do something like that all. It seems like it needs a lot of trust and a clear knowledge of the other players to make it work well
to do what in particular?
If you've got reopen voting, throw one on here: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/175499/…
@trogdor ...just kinda all of it: the relationships between PCs and NPCs that feel real, the ability to tell players something that their characters don’t know and not have it horribly abused, and the culture of trust and openness that creates an environment that lets it all happen.
@BardicWizard ah yeah I mean, we kinda had to work on literally all of that together
It’s probably also the system; I play almost entirely D&D5e cause nobody in my group wants to try other games (which they define as anything that isn’t D&D or Star Wars d6, which we played once) whereas you guys were playing something that sounds like Fate
The Fate system is structured in a way that requires players to discuss with each other (as players) about what they want from their characters and from the story. d20 systems don't provide that framework in any explicit way.
@BardicWizard breaking out of only playing D&D was definitely part of the process for us
Of course it's possible for a group to approach a D&D game like this, but the system won't force them to do so. Thus there's a general tendency to default to... well, whatever patterns we typically observe in D&D games.
yeah I mean it's not that I don't think you could do it in D&D
I think there are at least two reasons you should probably switch systems if you want to work towards that
the first is just that if you play any of the same game all the time you will probably wear a comfortable groove into it, and that's not bad per se but it might get in the way of changing your play patterns and so forth
It's important to note that we began the social work well before we left D&D.
the second is I just don't think the D&D rulesets are,... any good for helping you with this kind of thing
@BESW this is true too but I think switching systems helped us grow towards where we ended up
But that we kinda hit a plateau with it until we started using other systems--and while Fate had some very good specific bits that helped us, I think just playing several different systems was more important than any particular system we played.
yeah basically
what I'm advocating is broadening your game horizons
the more different systems you play the more different perspectives and wider experience you will have
which will just help in general really
You've seen this post by me, right, @BardicWizard? That work we did wasn't just about GMing, it was also laying the groundwork for a group dynamic which empowered the kinds of stuff Troggy and Greener are describing above.
Okay, anyone know how to convince a bunch of teenagers how to change the group dynamic when you’re just the GM (and nobody else wants to do that?
@BESW no, I haven’t before. That’s actually super helpful
I mean, if no one wants to do it it isn't going to work
We can't ethically convince people to play a game in a way they don't want to play. But we can model behaviour, and invite them to join us, that shows them why they'd want to play that way.
And, not everyone in that D&D group came with on the journey.
I think the first thing you have to do if no one wants to engage with a dynamic change is convince them
That's going to be the hardest part but if you manage it you will find the rest of the process easier I bet
If you try to force it from the start it's going to be difficult from step one all the way to the end, someone will get hurt, and it's still not guaranteed to work
I mean, some of them didn't get a chance to come along on that either
But yeah
Mostly a few people left before we ever changed systems
It was a long process to be honest
It happened in part organically and in part because we were trying to figure things out
And we lost a lot of people for various reasons
Some of which may or may not have been involved with the dynamic change itself
Some were definitely not specifically because of that
anyway, the point is, the idea isn't to try to trick or force or coerce your group to make this kind of change
if you really want to do it you have to open by talking to them about it
and if they just are not interested,... you can't really do it
hopefully that's not the case but that's just how it works
And it's a process.
it is
Like, if I'd just up and said "Hey, Troggy, wanna GM a 4e game?" he would've noped out to another planet.
But after months of everyone helping each other to make characters, track conditions, fold minis, etc., you know what you were getting into and you knew that you wouldn't be alone.
I mean by that point I wanted to run some 4E
but yeah if you had asked me to run 4E before I was even familliar with the system that would have been a hard no
I also didn't have the confidence at that point to run anything really, even if I had understood the system well
I actually think I still struggle a lot with running games yo be honest
It's hard to tell in the moment what I should do to maximize everyone's enjoyment and experience
1 hour later…
UUUUGGGGHHHH. I just got some troll putting comments on a google doc pdf for an rpg I wrote (the one about stabbing stuff) that were really just suggesting deleting the whole thing and even though I didn’t let it happen it’s still frustrating UUUUGGGGHHHHH
that's some pretty messed up trolling
What’s the best way to keep this from happening? Bc I need the doc to keep comments open cause I have a friend who’s occasionally trying it
You can make it so only that friend can interact with it.
I can’t believe I didn’t remember that.
You've got a lot on your mind and the Internet is a h*ckhole.
Granted it’s almost 11pm here and I nearly fell asleep in history class today
@trogdor I mean... same? All the time! It's part of why I push so hard for open communication at the table and being able to stop and ask "hey, what should happen next?"
I’m gonna head to bed, good night!!!
@BESW tis fair enough
@BESW yes this is also unfortunately true
4 hours later…
how're things?
Kia ora!
Hola, Que tal?
Toki!Sina pilin seme?
aight i had a dream about rpg.se last night. I think Im in too deep.
At least, I think it was a dream.
Gotta check my post history.
Oh yeah, I had a fever hallucination about IRCing for several hours in 2012
I broke off it shortly after realizing I usually IRC on a computer, not directly with my mind
In my dream I was trying to convince @NautArch to delete one of his answers so I could get a populist badge.
It seems so real, Im digging through my posts to make sure it was just a dream.
I hope so, because I don't think deleting an answer would gain anyone a populist badge
@Someone_Evil You're right, I dont think thats real.
That's a very... interesting dream :p
I've had dreams about doing things I just did
rarely though
and it doesn't seem to specifically happen just because I did a lot of a thing
I could do it one time and dream about it immediately after
and it's like, usually mundane stuff
The storm has been eventful
...but not for us.
Seems to have mostly passed by Helsinki, we have strong winds but nothing significantly out of the ordinary
@ThomasMarkov Successful dream cast
as opposed to the successful dreamcast. because it wasn't.
@kviiri good? or bummer?
i love storms.
A bit of each x)
I'm definitely happy there hasn't been major damage but I would've wanted to see a flashier display of nature
@NautArch My parents bought one when I was 5 so they could have email. Little did they know, Sonic the Hedgehog was going to run it into the ground.
A few years back we had an autumn storm that brought such thick clouds it was almost dark outside
I'm getting some rain from this hurricane right now.
just a little bit though.
Speaking of Sonic, I found this mildly interesting:
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, i feel a bit like a poser with all the talk about a storm because we don't... have anything like hurricanes x)
@kviiri I grew up on the east coast of the US, my family has hosted hurricane block parties with all the neighbors.
100 mph winds outside, and we're all sittin around drinking beer in the dark
@NautArch I could swear I dreamt of the Dreamcast before it was announced
also a fully glass home, which I'm sure I saw on TV years later
@AncientSwordRage As a kid I had imagined cars with screens in them. With each screen being controlled by the person in front it,
Although, mine also had barriers between the seats. Yeah, I had a sibling.
Yet, I am now a parent who doesn't allow devices in the car.
@NautArch smart
When older, I"ll likely allow music (since I had a walkman as a kid). But I don't think i'll allow video.
also don't allow it at the table. Not that we go to restaurants anymore.
@NautArch Yet another true strike idea ... if the caster forfeits all movement, they can provide Help/advantage at range (10, 20, 30, pick a range) to an ally. Similar to Mastermind but at an additional cost. Closer to balanced?
(Man, that cantrip is a mess)
heh. I didn't have portable music 'til high school, but prying my nose out of a book was nearly impossible.
@BardicWizard Tell them you are burned out as GM and suggest a board game or a card game for a while so that you can recharge your batteries. And then, a week or so into that break, if they begin to itch for a DM/GM game, ask any of them if they'd like to DM/GM a short adventure so that they can see it through your eyes.
@BESW Hehe. Reading in the car was no bueno for me.
Im gonna do that thing and answer a list question, and get an automatic downvote from @Nautarch
@ThomasMarkov finger on the trigger!
@trogdor I still have dreams, very rarely, tied to an aircraft accident I was in.
^ I second Korvin's suggestion, board and card games have been a very valuable tool for me to catch my breath about RPG stuff while still getting to play with friends
@ThomasMarkov My in-laws did that for a few hurricanes (they lived on the Gulf Coast)
@BESW Walked the same road ... the 9volt-battery-powered Sony hand held transistor radio I got at age 15 was (for me) a really big deal. Still read a lot, though.
@BESW That reminds me, my son and I are eagerly looking forward to Mandalorian's next season ...
@ThomasMarkov I think that's a 'bounded/finite' list kind of question, so I think it will pass muster. (PS, nice catch on Manshoon)
@KorvinStarmast that makes a lot of sense honestly
is there any printed statblock that can cst wish?
@BESW I didn't have portable music till my first job XD
And as a kid at least I read constantly
I still read but it would honestly be hard to read quite as much as back then
I was told I had the reading age of a 16 year old when I was just in single digits, but I'm pretty sure I never progressed past that reading age
I just don't have the focus these days
I was told something similar
I suspect people don't realize how good kids can be at reading
And also probably 16 year olds get forced to read so much they get sick of it probably
DDB's search is so terrible.
@ThomasMarkov it really is. I find myself searching PDFs more.
YOu have to know what you're searching for.
which kinda negates the search need.
@NautArch Aaaaarrgghhhhhh
ugh, just called my ISP to increase our internet speed and the connection has flickered on/off, but still no increase.
@NautArch Last time I called my ISP I talked to a robot for an hour.
@ThomasMarkov this was pretty painless. Except for the end result.
Did have to check first to make sure my modem/router can handle the speed. Modem is the choke point at 343/143
@trogdor as someone with experience, I think it’s really more about getting sick of reading school stuff. I’ve been reading other stuff just fine and I’m taking 5 honors classes this year (which between them means I’m reading 3 books right now just for school)
@Someone_Evil Im 1 silver badge short of you.
@ThomasMarkov I'm glad it's not a competition then :)
@BESW most of my friends got a smartphone in 6th grade, while I only got a flip phone in 7th grade and a smartphone in December of 8th grade. Some of that’s in the fact that I’m a child of the 21st century, but the only reason I got a phone at all before 8th grade was that I walked home from gymnastics (up until I quit) and both lived and went to school in very different places, but neither were the safest neighborhoods (Nothing ever happened to me though)
Yeah, a lot of "generational" tech access is really more about class.
@KorvinStarmast the problem with that suggestion is that it’s a 2 player group (plus me, the apparently permanent GM) and we play over zoom
There was no point in my getting a cell phone until I was in college, because I grew up and went to school in places with no reception.
I didnt get a smartphone until 12th grade.
My first nokia phone (8th grade) held a single charge for three weeks.
I think @KorvinStarmast and I will sit out of this conversation :)
@KorvinStarmast It’d be a good idea to save for when we can play in person though
And yeah, even in university I didn't get one until it was a safety issue. And then it was TracFone, which all the middle class people around me didn't even know what was.
@ThomasMarkov wow. I don’t think my phone has held a charge for 3 days ever
I got a smart phone when I entered the university in 2011, because I knew I'd have to move around a lot more and wanted a device with mapping capabilities
Yeah, it was a very different time, no charging ones phone every day
I used to compose ringtones for my family and friends back when the phones still said beep beep
@kviiri And no panicking when it dropped four feet onto concrete, because it was probably fine even though it didn't have a case.
@BESW Oh no it wasn't fine, we lost a lot of good concrete that way
@ThomasMarkov not sure if smart phones were really affordable when I was a kid
@BESW I accidentally dropped my nokia out the window at 60 mph on the highway. It was fine. Just a few scratches.
@BESW yeah. My family’s financially stable, which is something I know not everyone in my school can say, and it is kinda a social class thing to be able to get a fancy phone early.
@BESW my first smart phone screen died when I bumped into a table 😒
@AncientSwordRage When I was in 7th grade my friend's mom got him a Motorola RAZR for like $500. He was the coolest kid in school.
One of my friends broke his Nokia phone by repeatedly dropping it from increasing heights to see how high falls it could take
He wasn't very smart in all things
(sadly, he was also one of those friends who wouldn't have an easy time replacing a broken phone)
My first phone had this feature where you could compose your own ringtones, so my ringtone rotated between several Avenged Sevenfold guitar solos with 8-bit sounds.
@AncientSwordRage Yeah, "smart" phones are a different kettle of beeswax entirely.
@ThomasMarkov "It was fine. Just a few scratches" refers to the highway, right?
I didn't get a smart phone until at least five years after I left university, when a friend gave me his old one.
@lisardggY No not at all, I had to harass the DOT for weeks to fix the pot hole it created.
(And I didn't get a data plan on it until a couple years later when it became clear I needed a reliable Internet point while meeting with clients, so it was a business expense.)
@BardicWizard ah, OK, had not realized group size
@NautArch Uh, I'm not that old even though electricity was a heck of a breakthrough when it came out ... .😎👀😁
@BESW I resisted smart phones until my favorite little flip phone died a horrible death 8 year ago (no longer compatible with the signal our cell service carried) - I used that little phone as an alarm clock for years after.
@KorvinStarmast yeah, we play through school (Virtual Club Day is tomorrow, so hopefully rpg club gets enough new players that we can have more people)
To be fair we aren’t the whole rpg club, only one group. It’s not that small
Hoping your wish comes true ...
We’re small bc there used to be 2 other players when we were in person and they quit when everyone’s groups went to going virtual (and being scheduled individually)
@KorvinStarmast Back in my day, the universe was still opaque so we didn't even have light!
For those of you who speak French ... I am messing about with character names and titles, and I have a knight who I'd like to call Sieur Lonell. While Mister/or Sir is what often comes back as Monsieur in French, I have a recollection from reading about 14th century France where the nobles or knights were "the Sieur of (x place)" . Is Monsieur literally "the sir" crammed together? Or is it "my sir" or is my attempt at deconstruction just a failure out of the gate?
Sounds like "M'Lord"
@AncientSwordRage Oh, you think you had it rough? We had to wake up in the middle of a quantum tangle with no breakfast then then phase shift through a worm hole to get to our jobs at the mill ...
@KorvinStarmast Wouldn't "the sir" be 'le Sieur'? (Note that my knowledge of French is quaternary, thus very limited.)
@KorvinStarmast Mill! You were lucky, back in my day I had to wait for two M-Branes to collide to create the universe
It would just me monsieur
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Yes, I also thought about that for Modern French, but there may be usages from older times ...
Noun: sieur m (plural sieurs)
  1. sir, Mr., lord; title of respect for a man
which is a literal compound of mon (my)and sieur (lord)
@RevenantBacon OK, thanks Mr Ferret ...
@AncientSwordRage got partway beat to it
I like oneboxes
I also like the M'Lord ref, I suspect that's related .. good stuff
sort of, Mon Sieur is "my lord" which becomes "M'Lord" in speaking ...
And sound's like "m'lud" to my ear when I see British dramas about courtroom stuff
I think I'll go with "Sieur Lonell" - I like the sound of it and it's close enough. It also allows me to do my awful version of a Frenchman speaking English; worked with a French naval officer in NATO years ago, and the sound of his voice is what I try to replicate but of course I can't.
But we have fun with it, since my nephew speaks pretty good French, and he gets to give me the needle ...
@KorvinStarmast "give me the needle"?
@AncientSwordRage "Take the piss" would be a similar british expression.
Also "Ribbing" is an American slang for that.
Also, side-ways related in a recent MTG expansion, they used Syr as a gender neutral version
@KorvinStarmast Na' yer speakin' me language guv'nor
@AncientSwordRage OK, good, but I still have trouble parsing Jordie ( Geordie?) when spoken ...
V'la le sire de Fisch-ton-Kampf, qui s'on va t'en guerre
(pardon my spelling)
Kampf is war in German, Guerre war in French, interesting sentence there.
My first exposure to French was a little song that began something like "sur le pon d'Avignon" and "lo nee tan say" (no idea how to spell that but it's something like we are dancing)
OK, so that's in my head from about age 4. Fast forward to age 30 and I read about the Schism where there was a pope in Avignon and one in Rome and there were all kinds of political and religious bickerings about that. (14th century) and in the middle of reading that, I had a little light go on. We were singing about dancing on a bridge in Avignon back when we were 4 ...
@MikeQ Merci beaucoup, Michel
@AncientSwordRage I may just be getting this from fandom, but I thought sy/syr/syrs was a set of pronouns for trill symbionts (from Star Trek). Though there are a lot of gender neutral pronouns out there
@BardicWizard this was more a title than anything else
Speaking of which, we took the kids to Mont St Michel back in about 1997/98 and it's a really neat place.
If you get a chance, on a fine spring day, it's not to be missed.
@KorvinStarmast It's from a satirical opera from the 19th century
@AncientSwordRage But you can't have waited long, since time had not yet come into being. :-)
@kviiri Not Fidelio?
(It's the only 19th century opera I can think of that isn't Wagner or Gilbert and Sullivan)
@KorvinStarmast at the same time it took forever
@AncientSwordRage nice double pun tips cap
ohh, it was actually spelled "Fisch-Ton-Kan"
@KorvinStarmast it's Geordie, but nothing I've said/written is in a Geordie accent
Fisch-Ton-Kan is an opéra bouffe in one act by Emmanuel Chabrier of which only some numbers survive. The French libretto was by Paul Verlaine, and probably Lucien Viotti, after the 'parade chinoise' Fich-Tong-Khan ou L'orphelin de le Tartarie of 1835 by Thomas Sauvage (1794-1877) and Gabriel de Lurieu (1792-1869). The title is tongue-in-cheek, as Fisch-Ton-Kan is a phonetic rendition of French fiche ton camp, which may be translated as "clear off!". == Background == Composed around 1864, when Verlaine and Chabrier, working as a civil servant, had become good friends, only five complete numbers...
@kviiri Hmm, intriguing; looks like it might be operetta? (Light opera?)
I only know of it because parts of it are on the Kaiserreich soundtrack
@kviiri love how things come together. (And yeah, it is a catchy tune. I'll share it with my younger brother, he's quite good with French)
My French is enough to understand the rough gist of the lyrics when I see them written, and picking up a few words here and there when sung
@AncientSwordRage Good thing too, as I'd not be able to understand it if you did. 🤣
Another good French song from the Kaiserreich soundtrack is this: youtube.com/watch?v=58v-IpXXUiQ
I think that one was written during the Paris Commune, but I'm not sure whose side, if either, the writer was on
@kviiri Man, I had a link to three albums worth of Serge Jaroff and the Don Cossack choir (original Deutsche Gramaphone recordings) and now it's dead. I had taped my dad's records but one day the Casette tapes broke, and I can't seem to find the songs I like ...
... some great songs in Russian sung a capella by an all male chorus. Got to see them live once, the performance was riveting.
Everyone should listen to the TMNT '87 cartoon theme song in russian
We ran a quiz at uni where you had to identify a theme song in another language, and that was the one I picked
My Swedish friend told me that identifying Finnish humppa covers of famous pop music is a popular pub quiz question category in Sweden
This was the least offensive to good taste I could find
(They're tongue-in-cheek. I would say not serious but humor is serious business!)
@KorvinStarmast This has reminded me of the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy teaching me the not-well-known word sirrah. A couple of times in my life I've encountered people using it like it's a version of "sir", but it's used for addressing an inferior man or boy, with implications of disdain or contempt.
@NautArch thanks for your support
@KorvinStarmast i'm debating on an upvote, to be honest. Generalizing the answer beyond spiritual weapon may be better.
@doppelgreener Yes, I have seen that. The first time I read it was in a book by W.C. Fields, and he was challenging someone with this line: "Sirrah, my seconds will see to you in the morning!" I have used/stolen that line on a number of occasions, to include Chivalry and Sorcery games.
but it's an intersting workaround.
@KorvinStarmast What a line.
@NautArch Man, you are a tough up vote: I don't have my PHB so I can't get to Bigby's hand ...
@KorvinStarmast You have to...earn it. :)
you're old enough to get that.
@NautArch I am so old that I know Smith and Barney (Barney Google and Snuffy Smith!)
I know of Barney but not Snuffy Smith.
aha, the srd has arcane hand, not bigby's hand
....... I thought you meant the purple dinosaur, lol
@doppelgreener cousins who were once in the same comic strip
@KorvinStarmast yeah. Skippin' the big names in the basic rules/srd.
but pretty much any spell that creates something you can use to make a melee attack works.
@NautArch editing in Bigby's Hand now ...
conjures, hands, i'm sure there's more...
Heck, even animate objects
@NautArch Edited in Bigby's Hand.
@NautArch Mord's Sword?
Is NautArch's Upvote also a ranged spell that does a melee attack 🤔
@NautArch Thanks for egging me on; another Team Win! by combining brains. Appreciated, amigo!
@KorvinStarmast no worries! I'll go ahead and change it to a downvote.
Gotta love true friends sob
@doppelgreener Ahhh, it's used in the Comedy 'Upstart Crow'
1 hour later…
Q: Can I "High Five" my duplicates from the Mirror Image spell?

StandardEyreThe text for Mirror Image says: the duplicates move with you and mimic your actions [...] If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. Does this mean that my warlock can cast Mirror Image, slay an opponent in the first two rounds, then spend the remaining eight rounds giving himse...

@HotRPGQuestions rule of cool says yes
@AncientSwordRage 100%
you may all now convert your Mirror Image spellbook entries to Doppelgreener's Dashing Dance-Off should you choose, which is otherwise identical to Mirror Image except you and the mirror images will be dancing and if the spell remains active once combat is ended, the mirror images will begin a wicked sick dance-off with or without your participation.
@doppelgreener I’d rule you could even do that in combat
If you throw both arms out, it's possible that you'll glance an image
@doppelgreener critical hits result in "You got served!"
@doppelgreener you could make an illusion spell that made a dancing troupe that gave you're and your allies bonuses due to the added confidence
You wouldn't have to be faceing them for an elevated hand-slap. You only need proper positioning, and that is constantly shifting, as the spell describes. Throw your hands out enough times, and you'll eventually make (visible) contact, but you would never actually touch anything. Since it has no effect on the game, other than for fun, there's no reason why a DM shouldn't allow a high-five — Aaron 2 hours ago
Hey, random d&d question. If I have a swords bard that never uses magic in public, could I pass them off as a fighter?
Pass them off to who?
This is mostly a question for my ongoing “Gilbert and Sullivan characters as D&D characters” project, so to anyone that sees them fight
In which case my answer is that characters in world don't know what classes are, leaving the question moot
unless they're a fighter of a certain level?
Alright, then what if it’s in a d&d world and the characters are fearful of magic?
If you never used magic, why would they fear them?
Well, if I were running a NPC who was afraid of magic, I would have them react to magic (and magic accessories). Someone having a lute would not mean they were a spellcaster (even if players might make that jump)
Do you think it’s possible to hide it from the party (IC or OOC)?
The group would know that I’m making “a character who fights with swords” but maybe not the specifics
Q: Would this homebrew version of True Strike be balanced?

BlueMoon93True Strike has been a popular discussion point. On one hand, it's considered one of the weakest spells in the game, but on the other, balancing it as being a bonus action seems to make it overpowered. My approach is based on its fluff text. Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target'...

Why? What are you trying to accomplish by doing that?
Nothing in particular, it’s a theorycrafting idea for
sorry, for my d&d group’s next campaign
@BardicWizard there's at least one ability that lets a PC see what levels someone has
It's quite high level, but being found out can bring more to the story than perfectly hiding it
It's battle master, but it only find total or fighter level
Mastermind rogue has a 9th-level feature that does almost the same but only "class levels (if any)"
@AncientSwordRage both features only tell you if they're your superior, inferior, or equal in those regards - not the exact values or what classes
@V2Blast I misremembered
@BardicWizard Having secrets from the rest of the party is often not such a great idea.
@MarkWells Yeah, that’s true. It’s kind of just an idea and I was considering whether it’s possible
(the last few characters with secrets only worked by being open OOC)
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