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@BESW my little brother only did that a little, beyond agreeing to go talk to the dragon. He ignored the queen after that, preferring to focus on the dragon and on changing the setting technologically
That's awesome.
I believe I mentioned that before
@BardicWizard I like this
Found it
Jul 20 at 4:38, by Bardic Wizard
@BESW meh, he seemed to like it. He did decide that there were phones and cameras and machines and (apparently most importantly) cars, but other than that he seemed to like it. Although he did say “I like rolling dice and there aren’t enough of the funny ones” and “I think the dragon shouldn’t eat humans but it can eat salami sandwiches”.
@BardicWizard I like the "there aren't enough of the funny ones" about the dice
He’s six (“I’m six and a HALF!!!!”) and amazingly adorable
I love his approach to things.
A long while ago, my table wanted a system to RP as kids having nostalgic LARP adventures after school. Game loop was go to school and extra curriculars during the week days (downtime) and on weekends they're go on "adventures". As the adventure went on, their pretend adventures would slowly turn into real situations that the kids shouldn't be getting involved in: finding missing people in the neighborhood, stopping crimes, fighting an actual alien invasion or something.
Only reason we didn't end up playing it was time, and one of the reasons we didn't share it was because a system where people RP as kids could have been problematic in what we saw as the RPG community at the time.
Tentative name was Kids with Sticks.
@Axoren sounds good
Migrating to a larger hard drive and I found some scattered notes.
@Ash "there aren't enough of the funny ones" is a quote to live by
The idea was that the player handout was suspiciously marked every weapon available as "nonlethal" but eventually, the kids would be going on actual dangerous adventures with real life stakes.
And even that could have been problematic.
But while it was in the works, we were all really hoping to play a game of it.
I've definitely planned (just in my head) a game where the players start as kids, but the CoD rules for kids are disappointing
@Axoren vs vampires?
It would start as realistic threats, like finding a hiker lost in the woods and then being faced with a dangerous animal.
And it would progressively get crazier like stopping kidnappers, bank robbers, domestic terrorists.
All within suburbia
And everything had a make-believe interpretation
@Axoren I like the sounds
I’d play it
@Axoren I've seen a lot of people using the No Fascists statement and variations on it, to make very clear that potential abuses of their work are Not Working As Intended. I'm not sure how much I agree with it (I think it's only useful in tandem with built-in protections, otherwise it's just words; and I'm not sanguine about the phrasing), but it's definitely got some traction in indie spaces.
@BESW I feel like it's like the xyz don't interact things you'd see on tumblr or whatever
where it felt like more noise than it actually did anything
Yeah. It's an attempt to put the head on the robot, but it's more like shouting very loudly that the robot has a head and hoping nobody checks.
Yes, very much that
I think something like it might be useful as a "No, you're not imagining it, there is a head on this robot" label, but that'd be more for people who want to play with robot heads, than a warning-off of people who'd misuse headless robots.
As it is, it relies too much on the bugbear of Authorial Intent, and since when has RAI stopped anybody from doing anything?
(The Bugbear of Authorial Intent is probably a Phantom Tollbooth demon.)
I suspect you are correct, somewhere in there it has to exist
What about the Hobgoblin of... Not sure what?
Kickstarter: Endgame Sequences by Elizabeth Ballou. A zine of essays and criticism on death, dying, and grief in games.
Two hours left to back Mnemonic: A Weaver's Almanac.
@BESW I backed this! I am excited.
Mnemonic is so exciting.
@NautArch @Someone_Evil I have to wait for DDB staff to get around to updating my legendary bundle :P
It's not just a really cool innovative way of looking at games, Dee is challenging assumptions and norms about the industry and creators.
And I'm excited about projects like Endgame Sequences too because I think part of making the TRPG hobby both sustainable and approachable, has gotta be normalizing support for people talking about TRPGs in ways that aren't directly feeding into particular game products.
Updated: What's So Cool About Fighting Games by Lucas Valensa. Create your very own fighting game character and go head to head with a friend in this GMless, 2 player, competitive RPG filled with Combos, Special Moves, and Super Attacks.
Arrrgh I started an essay on why the AL player’s guide document and the new racial customization rules aren’t enough and don’t solve the problem of the lack of diversity, and then my dad pointed out that they specifically said this would be a long process
so now I get to scrap it and try to rewrite it to be accurate
I’m glad I learned I was wrong before sending it out into the world though
@V2Blast weird. I guess someone else has it
5 hours later…
While I'm not entirely sure if BOLT is the right system for me... I'm also tempted to buy everything that's available for it...
And BOLT is one I might actually play! There's so many games out there which are like "I'm never gonna play that, but I want to drink it."
Have you SEEN the graphic design for Mörk Borg?
I want to drink it XD
Which makes me think about how the choice of system can bleed into worldbuilding... I've noticed how much I have leant on D&D lore/stereotypes when making decisions for my world. It's not "what races are in my world?", it's "where do the PHB races fit in my world?" My mid-level BBEG was built around "vengeance paladin (+ multiclass) with a vorpal weapon". etc
oh wow i do not like that
I did not like looking at that
@Adeptus Yeah, @doppelgreener and I got hit with that kind of thinking HARD when we were working on a D&D-ish world together many years ago.
So now I'm like... do I take the "easy" path, and use the system that I know my players will accept? Or do I (can I) build my world without system in mind? Or choose a new system & build for that system?
Or use the existing system but refuse to accept its setting assumptions (to whatever extent possible).
eg, running a Thousand Cousins campaign in D&D.
1 hour later…
@BESW is thousand cousin's a type of setting or a specific setting?
Aug 7 '19 at 23:50, by BESW
DREAMSCAPES vol. zero: The Thousand Cousins, a system-agnostic setting about DIASPORA ELVES and reclaiming a home and a heritage that has fallen to environmental disaster. By Carly M. Ho.
Basically, all the humanoid races that aren't humans, are diasporic elf-cousins
@BESW ahhh
@BESW I read the itch.io blurb but didn't get that some how
Orcs, for example, are the decendents of the noble families that lived closest to ground zero of the magical disaster which destroyed the ancient homeland and drove all the elves into diaspora. They have an arrogant attitude toward the other cousins, and believe the best thing for all the cousins is to reunite under the banner of the orc families. They are willing to force this militarily if necessary.
@BESW thats a cool take
Yeah! All the cousins have their own values and worldviews and cultural focuses. There's the cousins that have most integrated with humans, for example: they're the wealthiest, and all the other cousins are a bit jealous but also think it's kinda gross to be so cozy with humans.
I like this as a setting already
It's absolutely the kind of setting I'd use if/when I ever got back into anything remotely D&Dlike.
Jun 10 at 13:38, by BESW
...I've got as-yet-uncongealed ideas about a setting based on mashing together space is a sea and you are its sailors with The Thousand Cousins...
May 26 at 14:06, by BESW
Thought of the day: Thousand Cousins using Agaptus rules.
oh I like that idea
although I also kinda like the Agaptus setting at least on paper
@BESW totes. @Adeptus When I was working on my Bastion setting, I totally went into "so how can I fit in the basic races and primary enemies into this setting", and arrived at some fairly stereotypical roles and locations for elves, humans, dwarves, elementals, and zombies.
I also found a place for primordials and gods because I am as irrationally fascinated by giant monsters as Hulk is.
We also wound up with a lot of bloat and weird corners in the setting from trying to justify stuff that didn't actually serve any purpose but was D&D Stuff so Of Course It Would Be There.
In particularly the need to have stuff for players to do at every level, wound up meaning a lot of pure padding.
Oh, yes! I had to fill a level 1-to-something progression, which meant I had to have content that filled spaces. I don't clearly remember the specifics, but I know there was a gap somewhere in the early levels and decided "right, okay, over there is this ancient battleground, I'll put a necromancer over there and have that be a threat for the players to deal with." But it was functionally filler episodes—none of that was important for the main plot thread.
I have almost totally forgotten those details given they were completely unimportant and I stopped thinking about them almost as soon as I found out I could play this game in systems that didn't have the concept of level progression and thus didn't require padding to level up the heroes, which was pretty early on.
We tried to tie it all together so stuff felt connected, but that just made stuff needlessly complex and confusing and added more opportunities for coherency failure.
"Oh, we need a place for dwarves in this world, but we don't want to just have a dwarf monoculture so we'll add multiple dwarven societies..." and the next thing you know there's a civil war subplot for no reason except "dwarves exist."
Yeah I honestly don't remember at all what role the undead were actually going to play in the grand scheme of things. They were probably going to march on civilisation.
But that narrative role was already fulfilled by the Elementals, who would also march on civilisation. Less in an invadey way, more in a "we're looking for something specific that we know is around here somewhere, and we're going to turn over and/or level everything in a hundred mile radius if it will help us find it" kind of way.
To be fair, the mechanics of the system you intend to use shape your world because most people have a tendency to look at it from a players perspective, where the rules say "this is what you can do and how you can do it", which then informs you on how/what things can be done
Unlike when your the DM and can just pull stuff out of the aether and say "this works now"
I'm not sure how to parse that exactly. Yes, I was setting up my world to have things for players to be able to do?
But i'm not sure that's what you're trying to say, so I'm not sure what you do mean
@BESW they sound like a cool combination
@doppelgreener I think you're misreading it. Obviously we want the players to be able to do things, that's the whole point. That's what the rules system is for. What I'm saying is when people do world building, they tend to let the rules system they use impact how they build the world, because they look at the world and say "this power works like this because the rules say so" instead of "this power works like this because I say so"
Oh, yes, totally
Like, there's a reason it shook out this way
But that can come with issues, and the root of the conversation we're now having is poking a bit at dissatisfaction with the way that makes our worlds manifest.
howdy howdy
@NautArch \\oo/
@nitsua60 I'm loving this weather.
Hey @nitsua60 the whole gang's here!
@NautArch It's like it's New England in fall, or something!?
@NautArch ಠ_ಠ
@nitsua60 hehe! Something like that!
@AncientSwordRage o7
@nitsua60 aye aye capt'n
Almost all set in stacking the enxt couple years of firewood
and then...it's almost leaf time :/
that's less fun.
@NautArch I find myself wondering if this is the one year in a decade where we don't get that late-Sep/early-Oct week in the 90s.
@nitsua60 it's hot and muggy in old england ATM
@nitsua60 I saw something shared with my wife that was like this is "false fall".
@AncientSwordRage Muggy I'd expect. Hot, though, has to be unusual, right? (For September.)
@nitsua60 who even knows
it's not a heat wave, but still unpleasantly warm
@NautArch Reasonable. I mean, this has that mid-Oct feel to it.
Gotta run to class. Calculus ain't gonna teach itself!
@nitsua60 just sittin' here listening to my son's 3rd grade virtual class.
@doppelgreener Apologies for picking at the loose thread in meta. I'll leave it be.
@MikeQ I have reviewed those two spells; pls drop by the back room for further comments.
@BESW had that same problem in a world I built (Neverron, basically “the same premise as Eberron but taken in the opposite direction”) where I ended up having to add a bunch of races (tieflings, dwarves, aasimar) for reasons and tried to tie everything together. It ended up a mess.
@NautArch Hey! That's okay. I wanted to reach out to say sorry for how I came across and for being hurtful.
I'm happy it seem I was able to clear it up right away? But still
@doppelgreener no worries. I didn't take kindly to the 'just relax', but you were right in that this isn't htat big of a deal.
and that was more important
Yeah I had part of me telling me the other part of me "that won't land well" but I figured maybe it would
But it was weird having a discussion about the relevance of a question on meta in comments.
I think it was fine there, but if it had grown bigger it might've warranted its own question for sure
@doppelgreener bigger?!
but given the question itself wasn't great, you're right in that pursing it is totally unnecessary.
well like on mainsite we gotta face closing/reopening and potential arguments
Sort of like editing a bad closed question and bumping it up for views.
@NautArch i figure it was sorta just, it could've worked out either way, it worked out this way, it's not precedent-setting in any particular way as to how to handle these questions, we just had a weird situation and handled it OK and we'll handle the next situation fine too
Urrrgh I just want to delete one of my answers. It's not bad, but it's not great, I hate the way I framed it, and it keeps getting Weird But Actually Comments.
@BESW linky?
What about making an anti-sock-puppet, whose sole purpose is to disagree with and downvote your own posts?
groan My fourth-highest-voted answer on the site. It got me a gold badger and is well on its way to getting me another, and I just hate it.
I should have known better than to weigh in.
@BESW sorry but I just upvoted it
@BESW man I feel that way about other earlier answers I left justifying "here's why your player can't do the interesting thing"
@AncientSwordRage downvote on the way!
If it helps, I have removed my upvote from it in solidarity with your feelings about it, lol
It brings up a valid issue with the plan though
I recently got an upvote on another answer explaining that if you want to swing around alchemist's fire, your entire backpack will explode and you will die and so will the rest of the party, which is basically passive aggressive fun-deprivation to fix a hole the game itself left wide open.
and I do not like that way of resolving problems
Like, I still think the answer is probably "they shouldn't do it," but more because the player is so obviously trying to address some table-level expectation the GM really ought to stop and figure out with them.
and the game shouldn't warrant me providing anti-fun solutions like that to make it operate under the guidelines it set out itself
it's a big game, it can fix its own problems
(it won't but, like, that's the game's own failing, i'm not here to make excuses for it)
@BESW I'm shocked nobody on that page has mentioned abused gamer syndrome; it's at least plausibly relevant
I mean, I don't think it's the full solution—like you say, it's definitely trying to fix something that warrants a conversation, and isn't necessarily at the abused gamer syndrome level—but it's definitely something that would come up in conversations about this nowadays on mainsite, if only to tell the GM "you might be beginning to inflict this on your player".
@BESW “Have an out of game discussion about the expectation for the game” seems to answer half the questions on the site
@BardicWizard And the other half tends to be:
@BardicWizard Kind of true, but not entirely. Lots of social issues involve "have a conversation about it" as a step, but that would be an inadequate answer on its own. There's what kind of converastion to have, with whom, about what, how to structure and approach it, and possibly more than one conversation about more than one kind of thing.
It's a fair observation though. Many question premises seem to assume that everything must be handled in-game, in-character. Because talking things out and deciding things as players, outside of the in-game logic, is "metagaming" and therefore punishable by eternal damnation
Yeah, for sure
Like, our hobby is fundamentally a hobby of semi-structured conversations. We're just drawing peoples attention: do more of that, but like this for a bit.
And sometimes yes we just have to remind a person to stop trying to solve this in game
My most upvoted answer of all time is basically telling someone "don't try to solve this in game"
@doppelgreener My most upvoted answer is about jumping off a cliff.
(except, like, a lot more paragraphs than that, including validating their hurt, directing them to what to do instead, and showing them how they might have more satisfaction other ways)
@ThomasMarkov Well, that's pretty good too.
I think @NautArch's most upvoted answer is one of the best.
Oh no is that the new Can A Horse Grapple?
I was just thinking of that one!
@ThomasMarkov also BESW! We more or less shared notes on that one, and we both answered it.
@ThomasMarkov i'm totally cheating for upvotes with farside cartoons.
@doppelgreener The ms paint arrow sells that for me
Omigosh that's from before I insisted on inserting my typographical quirks into my answers.
@NautArch thank you
@NautArch I remember there was a brief period in our distant history where people were beginning to include humorous images in their answer, because it had a fully observable effect of people going "lol funny picture +1" regardless of the content of the answer and everyone was starting to catch on and do it because the Stack Game told them to do all they could to maximize their upvotes. But, like, you have a good answer there and the image is helping to accentuating the point.
@doppelgreener I definitely wasn't thinking about it would be funny pic for moar votes. Just that I remembered that comic :)
Now, lead titles that are evocative of other pop culture stuff? yeah, I do that.
I imagined it'd be like that!
Like, making our answers entertaining is good. It makes for fun reading.
Back then this was a big problem because we were seeing people (and votes) focusing on funny pictures more than answer quality, and using funny pictures for a crutch.
I used to see how many obscure pop culture references I could make with eg the examples I'd write.
And it was just happening, like, a lot, and wasn't funny anymore. Naturally we responded by executing everyone involved deleting a whole bunch of irrelevant pictures from posts.
My best answer is to "How do I stop my PCs from acting like insomniac monkeys on crack?" and only contains in game answers
argh. I think there is a very high percentage i'm going to homeschool my 3rd grader.
@NautArch better than actual schooling at a school at this stage
@doppelgreener We're 100% remote right now, and it's awful.
does this need to move to NAB or coronovirus zone?
Short rant incoming: Why do people even post these low effort questions? It's always "How does this feature work? is it (A) exactly what it says in the feature, (B) almost exactly what it says in the feature, but not quite, or (C) something completely different from what it says in the feature?"
@RevenantBacon Sometimes they just don't understand it or they want to confirm it really is what they think. It's not always low effort.
But other times, it's because they want something else out of it and are fishing for that.
@doppelgreener I don't think a hybrid will work with him, but we don't know what the hybrid will be here yet. So...
@RevenantBacon I've definitely asked "I'm pretty sure I understand this, but please help me double check"
not all questions need to be ground breaking
@NautArch I'm mostly concerned with these ones, and they tend to be obvious
especially when it's a fairly simple feature
@RevenantBacon is it this?
Q: Can a Wild Magic Barbarian restore a 7th(+) Level Warlock's spell slots?

WillibrordIn the recently released preview of the Wild Magic Barbarian that will be in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (preview here), I noticed the 6th level feature 'Bolstering Magic'. This feature has two applications. One acts as a Bless-type option, the second one reads: Roll a d3. The creature [you'r...

@RevenantBacon that's what downvotes are for.
because I would have probably asked the same question. It looks like the intention is to help, but completely excludes warlocks...which seems weird to me
@NautArch Yeah, I know, it's just kinda irritating to see
But on the flip side, finding new ways to do something can be fun.
@NautArch i have heard stories about this including a preschooler having to sit through a video conference on zoom and saying every few minutes "who are you! i don't even know you! i don't care! can i go now??"
honestly that preschooler is all of us i think but they don't know they're not supposed to say it and instead just suffer like the rest of us
i respect their energy
@doppelgreener that's a big sad
He is just so bored :(
it's hard to see, because he wants to learn
I was homeschooled for the first five years, for a variety of reasons. I was very lucky though; I was in a family of teachers with a lot of insight and very mindful praxis.
@RevenantBacon So about that: a lot of our games are hard. Especially D&D. I don't know about you, but if I think back to my first few weeks of learning the game, it was arcane to me. It was a struggle just to ensure my character sheet was correct. Multiple times a session we'd find out I filled out something wrong. When it was time to level up, I only had to change a couple of things but I had loads of questions about it.
I remember asking my fellow players how to handle my dexterity modifier. They showed me how to handle it. I don't know how they knew how to handle it, so I asked and they pointed me to that part of the rulebook. I didn't know how they knew that was the part of the rules, and I don't know how they knew to interpret it that way—it was impenetrable to me and I was sure putting in the effort.
Just managing small parts of my character seemed to involve 20 different rules from 30 different pages.
Jan 10 '13 at 2:49, by BESW
@Lord_Gareth I find it's very easy, once we've gained understanding of a thing, to forget what it was like to not have that understanding --and even more, to not remember what it was like when we didn't know it was a thing at all.
Yeah, absolutely
Now that we understand the game—we're experts at the game, even—all of this stuff is dead simple and straightforward to us. We know the rules. We know where and how to look them up. We know how the mechanisms work. Especially, we know that when we read a given sentence, there probably aren't any surprises waiting for us in rules we haven't learned about on pages we haven't read yet. But it took each of us months to get here and have this sheer confidence with operating the rules.
Now that we're here, it's easy for us to have forgotten that back at the start we barely knew a damn thing and would have needed significant guidance to understand how to handle things and to recognise what does and doesn't apply to various things.
Human's have a habit of assuming their abilities are inherent and not earned in some way
in Fate chat and game room, Jun 14 '13 at 15:04, by BESW
We do have a tendency to get a bit elitist sometimes; it's easy to forget what it was like to be new to the ideas underlying RPGs, and to learn the systems. I'm always happy to see "new blood." Keeps us grounded.
When someone is asking something that seems super straightforward to us... it's straightforward to us because we're the experts. They're brand new to this. They're trying to piece things together still, make sure they've understood how to apply the 10+ rules and subsystems and implicit guidelines that a given feature probably engages in, and make sure there's no surprises they've missed.
A YouTuber I've been watching recently, ColdCrashPictures, likes to talk about the progression of learning from Unconscious Incompetence, to Conscious Incompetence, to Conscious Competence, to Unconscious Competence.
When we achieve unconscious competence with a skill, we can lose our awareness of the work we're doing every time we use it.
@BESW That's a neat quote. I wonder if that's how IT techs feel all the time
I've worked with enough people new to learning these things, in workplace or educational capacity, that it's been hard to forget personally.
But, that comes from engaging with people like this frequently.
Oh yeah, it's one reason I love the idea of accompaniment.
If I didn't have that, I'd probably totally forget.
In the lexicon of the Ruhi Institute, accompaniment is when two or more people with different backgrounds/skills/experiences/demographics/etc, work together on a task (usually a long-term project) not because it needs so many people (though it may, that's irr🐘) but for the sake of the doing it together. Even with disparity in skill and experience, accompaniment is not mentorship; the collaboration helps all people involved progress further on their own paths of learning and development.
Doing things with people, especially people who do it differently, is just amazing if you're open to it.
At its best, this site can offer brief moments of that.
@BESW That's very cool
It's a major influence on how I approach playing/hosting TRPGs, as you may have noticed.
Q: Are there rules for combining generic variant magic items?

47948201For example: Adamantine armor is an uncommon generic armor variant. +1 armor is a rare variant. Is there such a thing as +1 adamantine plate armor? What's its rarity? Does the situation change when one of the item "bases" is a generic variant, but the other isn't? For example, javelin of lightnin...

@BESW that's my experience with Pair Programming
@BESW I can see that for sure!
(In practice, accompaniment also tends to give long-term commitments more consistency and sustainability, so bonus.)
Like, Greener, you remember how we shared GMing roles. That was accompaniment. There wasn't a student/teacher relationship, we all learned from each other, and it helped keep the game going when just one GM would have burned out or ran out of ideas or had other commitments get in the way.
I remember. I also see you proactively finding ways to get us involved in things a GM would normally do all on their own even while you were running, which is good for all kinds of reasons but also seems like it would connect back to this.
@BESW questions that are about “what does X do when combined with Y”/“how to do X in Y game” or other questions that are about the mechanics of games, I think
@doppelgreener that’s true. I was simplifying a bit too far.
@BardicWizard you're not the first to make that observation though! "gee, a lot of our answers are some version of: have a conversation about it" gets noticed a lot lol
On an unrelated note (brought up by a random question in English class), what do people around here usually use as a venue for a play-by-post game? i had an idea
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (200): What are best tips for playing dungeons and dragons role-playing game by Niku Jena on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
Roadside billboards.
The game is played by driving back and forth along the motorways to check for updates.
@MikeQ I'm more of a desk guy. I write the move and put in the post.
@MikeQ I can’t drive
the problem with those ideas is that they imply self sufficiency
and I was looking more for like websites and such
In that case you could try the Say Anything approach of play-by-post. Record your post as a love song, then send John Cusack with a boombox to visit the other players.
... what???????
It's a reference to a 1980s film.
@MikeQ What about putting to the post in a bottle?
Ah, so older than I am by a lot
@BardicWizard This isn't a JOhn Hughes movie, but it's similar in some cases.
It's a great film, and the Hughes movies capture high school and 80s really well.
@BardicWizard I have a friend who is the right age to know 80s film, but it's a complete blank spot for them for some reason
hi @Safdar!
@SmokeDetector @nitsua60 it's genuinely impressive to see one of our former piracy sites devolve into literally spam. they even started using sockpuppets.
Am I being too nitpicky on this question?
@NautArch I gave a complete answer.
@ThomasMarkov okay.
@MikeQ But I'd still like to talk with you about the spells, eternal damnation be damned. :)
@ThomasMarkov Gave you an up and them a down. It's a bad question.
I don't hate it, tbh
@AncientSwordRage It's a bored WoTC dev trying to get cute.
it's weird enough to peak my interest
@goodguy5 it's lazy enough to not peak mine.
different folks
different strokes!
more 80s references!
@NautArch I was thinking about you as I wrote my answer :P
@ThomasMarkov i'm still worried you missed some and we're just going to get a string of answers.
but hopefully not
If its on ddb I got it.
nvm theres tons of magic items
i'm voting to close the question for more specificity
okay now im confident my answer is complete.
@NautArch did you unupvote? :P
@ThomasMarkov I did.
I just don't love answer coming in vbefore the question is understood (by at least me :) )
Light suggestion: let's be careful we don't handle "5e" as synonymous with "D&D 5e" in our questions and answers. I updated that that question's title.
That's both a bad thing for our hobby and a bad thing for our site, we're teaching users wrong while pretending D&D's the only game to care about.
And playing into the toxic perception that D&D's the only game with a 5th edition for that matter
Well ,it is tagged dnd-5e, but i hear ya.
Sure, this isn't about ambiguity of the question, this is about picking out when people are using "5e" this way generally.
yeah, that is an issue.
i'm not sure about the latest title edit. It feels that this is now 100% a list question.
and off-topic.
"what are all the d3 mechanics in 5e"
or is the bound of d3 enough? I dunno.
I mean I'd literally be among the first to suggest we could be clearer than maybe just dumping things into tags or that our handling of system information is a bit lackluster, but this isn't about those things :D
We're now basically two outta three on that list in things we now recognise are a problem, now that I look at it
and also kinda why i removed my upvote from @ThomasMarkov (sorry, mang.)
but then again, i've answered some of these...:P
@NautArch examples? for science, totally not gonna downvote them :P:P:P
A couple of years ago SSD and I had a long conversation about why we handle the sys-ag the way we do and the fact it's sorta overloaded in several different distinct usages, but neither of us have yet posted to meta about it
With Adrendire's update, I think it's okay now. I think we can tweak the language a bit more.
@NautArch I think so too. I was thinking through "how would I make this question work?" and that was basically what I arrived at
I made another edit that I think removes any issues.
This solution doesn't actually require "list to me all the things"; the only thing it's really doing is checking "wait, what? is this new? are they crazy? or has this actually done before?" [i feel like i'm taking crazy pills here.gif]
@ThomasMarkov Gave you an upvote
@doppelgreener Right, and that's all good. Just lazy for not looking themselves.
with so many examples, it's just a question with no effort.
It's interesting how many people know they're playing DnD 5e, given the influx of new players the edition brought and the less-than-minimal edition labeling in the books
Aaaah mandatory “virtual spirit week lunch activity” not related to RPG club
I hate it
@doppelgreener I think that's different. This is a research effort. Hae we used a d3 is a really easy thing to look for.
(i'm sorry for being sassy. it's just, we talked about this in here just a couple of hours ago lol)
@NautArch if you know how to look for it
And it's apparently still relevant
@doppelgreener And Adrendire isn't exactly a new user for benefit of the doubt here.
we're the experts, of course we know and it's trivial for us
I think this is different, and there are cases where it is a case of laziness. Not always, but they're there.
@doppelgreener Which is how AF 447 went down. ;)
That question is stretching the term "mechanic" a bit, though it's an interesting curiosity
But I don't want to debate this further, it's not going to be helpful.
@Someone_Evil You can change that term. I just call dice rolling mechanics.
If you want another word, go for the change.
or just delete the word :) it works without it, too.
@NautArch yeah that's fair, and this might be a user who's demonstrated they should be capable of doing this
"utilize a d3" is maybe just cleaner?
@Someone_Evil works forme!
@Someone_Evil why Utilize rather than Use, in this case?
y'all don't like my language, i get it.
@KorvinStarmast Because of tense maybe? They are synonymous
Although 'utilize' carries a connotation of something ... more I guess?
@NautArch did you figure out how you got access to Icewind Dale on DDB?
@KorvinStarmast Because it was already in use and it wasn't the word tripping me up, though I went with "use" for the actual edit
Ive changed my header like 5 times to match the title question.
Sorry about that :p
@ThomasMarkov i have not!
@NautArch Their link has examples from pathfinder.
@Someone_Evil I applaud your final decisoin. :)
I changed the title again. "5e D&D" seemed backwards to me.
welp, i'm definitely starting to research how to teach 3rd grade.
Apparently in the character options for goblins you can just have some goblin slaves.
@ThomasMarkov wut?!
@NautArch Yeah, bottom of my answer.
This is probably intended for NPC design, but its also material for character backstory stuff.
@NautArch i wish you luck
@ThomasMarkov WHat's the source on that? I don't remember that in Volo's.
I think its Volo's.
It's not VOlos.
Went and got the book, and it's not in the monstrous races details.
It's in Chapter 1, monster lore
In the book itself its separate from the playable race.
DDB just put the goblin lore section from VGtM together with the playable race statblock.
Well, that's just not helpful. THere's a difference between monsters and playable races.
The lore is still relevant, yeah?
@MarkWells Not in the section under playable character races.
in the greater goblin lore, yes.
But not the rules around making aplayable race.
> This search gets us the goblin playable race. But this is misleading. DDB took the Monster Lore section on Goblins from Volo's Guide to Monsters and put it on the same page with the goblin playable race information. I recommend against giving your players slaves.
I clarified that bit in my answer.
@KorvinStarmast eh?
@AncientSwordRage using d3 rolls for anything
@ThomasMarkov I'd give the players slaves but not the characters. If the players have slaves, think of all of the logistics support ... (who picks up the pizza crusts from the floor, who does clean up after, who brings more chips/drinks ... ) OK, nvm, not that great of a joke ...
Plus, my dog eats the pizza crusts anyway ...
Q: Can you stack dodge modifiers?

alemayoYou can choose the Combat expertise feat and the Dodge feat. Both of them grant dodge modifiers to Armor Class. Are their Armor Class modifiers stacked?

Hey, can someone else take a look at this? I flagged it as not an answer but I don’t see it in the first posts review queue
A: How does Mage Armor interact with Unarmored Defense?

Elijah RosenbergWaaaaiiittt what about level 3 draconic sorcerer, with another level in barabrian for unarmored defense. (Total level 4 character) Would that make it Base AC=13 + con +dex?

Which has now been asked as a question Here
Q: Unarmored Defense (Barbarian plus sorcerer plus monk)

Elijah RosenbergWaaaaiiittt what about level 3 draconic sorcerer, with another level in barbarian for unarmored defense, and another level in monk... (Total level 5 character) Would that make it Base AC=13 + con + dex + wis? And then running a warforged would add +1 to AC, Plus 2 to con, and +1 to int, str, or w...

@BardicWizard I closed as a dupe.
Thanks. Also, is editing a closed question for formatting and language generally acceptable?
Sorry, for formatting and grammar. (No brain today apparently)
@BardicWizard Yeah, thats probably fine. Especially as bad as that one is.
Working on it
Q: Is it possible for a cleric in the Forgotten Realms to get his power from Thor?

Yuval AmirI am looking for an answer referring to the logistics lore-wise and in terms of mechanics in general. Thanks in advance :)

@KorvinStarmast I'd say it's closer to trolling...
I personally prefer d3 over d4 a bit. Additional hassle because it's typically rolled with a d6 with mental mapping of the result, but at least it's not a caltrop like d4 is
@kviiri I like caltrops
You can quote me on that
@Axoren You here bud?
@kviiri My favorite d4 is a d12 marked as a d4. I have three of them. They are the only d4's I have that actually roll
@KorvinStarmast Yea, I think it's a sensible solution. People just don't think of it as often as they should because a simpler d4 also exists x)
Even if it is so... unsatisfying to roll!
Hot topic in my office rn: pineapple does or doesn't go on Pizza
Pineapple on seems to be winning, but only slightly
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