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aw man, i can't make jokes about this being a chatroom about portable anti-tank weapons anymore
TRPG = the rocket propelled grenade
problem solved
@doppelgreener I also recommend 4'33'' The RPG by CureWiki.
Q: When are verbal commands issued to conjured animals?

Admiral SnackbarI’m losing a lot of actions with my (Druid) conjured animals, especially when there are lots of actions, and the battle is fluid. So many things change during a turn, so that my verbal command, issued during my turn, has typically long since been obsoleted or is far less optimal. For example, an...

Q: Can you stand from prone if your speed is 5 and you have no movement remaining?

Medix2This is inspired by the following question: How much movement would a wood elf have left if they needed to spend half their movement standing up? The answers there state that, assuming we are on a grid, if you have 35 speed and you are prone it takes 15 movement to stand up which leaves you w...

@Glazius That's the one!
@MikeQ I friend of mine had one of those go through his helicopter in Beruit. Early 80's. Luckily, it didn't detonate but it left a hole going in and going out.
@BESW I like this one.
@doppelgreener I spent Easter afternoon playing a TRPG with my brother and my nephew, and a few other friends. I think you described that perfectly.
That sounds like a fulfilling afternoon :)
2 hours later…
Yeah, brightened up the day during these rather grim times. :)
Q: What happens if 2 wizards cast Secret Chest on the same chest?

Ryan C. ThompsonI my game, in which I play a wizard, I have met an NPC wizard who is willing to let me learn Leomund's Secret Chest from her spellbook. This got me wondering what would happen if I learned the spell and cast it on the same large chest that she had already cast it on (using my own separate tiny re...

4 hours later…
Q: Can you use martial weapons while untrained?

GoluxasFor example, alchemical bombs are martial ranged weapons. Can an untrained character buy and throw these? If so, what modifiers apply to the attack roll?

@BESW That looks like a rather adversarial engagement with the bounds of the category (much as the original 4'33" piece was). Which I guess I should've expected. Though I would also point out that there is no roleplaying going on during those 5 minutes.
@HotRPGQuestions in theory you can give the chest to someone else to destroy
Is that (ab)usable 🤔
@HotRPGQuestions then it's no longer secret. duh
@kviiri I'm American, in English-speaking communities. So not just a regional thing then :P
@doppelgreener them's fightin' words 'round these parts
Nova Drift is just $9 on Fanatical (40% off) for the next 5.5 hours: https://www.fanatical.com/en/game/nova-drift
It grants you a Steam key for the game. (The game is also available on itch.io and GOG, in addition to Steam.)
As the product page describes it, Nova Drift is "a 'rogue-lite' space shooter that melds a classic arcade experience with modern action-RPG elements like theory-crafting and deep player choice." It's currently in Early Access; Chimeric (the developer) is very active in the Discord server for the game, and very responsive to player feedback.
Free games on Steam:
- Transpose ("a dreamlike and gravity-defying time manipulation puzzle game in VR"): https://store.steampowered.com/app/835950/Transpose/
- Arcade Moonlander Plus (basically what the name says): https://store.steampowered.com/app/727020/Arcade_Moonlander_Plus/
- Gravity Wars (kinda like Geometry Wars; a review calls it a "four player (or AI) action game where the player with the most color coverage and last the longest wins"; reviews are mixed): https://store.steampowered.com/app/877150/Gravity_Wars/
For the next 3 days, Modiphius is having a 50% off sale on core books for Star Trek Adventures, Vampire: The Masquerade (5e), Conan, Infinity, Achtung! Cthulhu (7e) and Mutant Chronicles (3e): drivethrurpg.com/sale.php
Felicia Day and the rest of the cast of the The Guild (a 6-season webseries that ran from 2007-2013) are doing a D&D stream, DMed by Amy Vorpahl, from 7-10 pm PDT this Thursday (4/16) to raise money for the No Kid Hungry charity campaign: twitter.com/feliciaday/status/1248689214901776390
2 hours later…
Q: Do spells with the Attack trait have a range increment?

Courage MindFrom Core Rulebook, p. 279: Range: Ranged and thrown weapons have a range increment. Attacks with these weapons work normally up to that distance. Attack rolls beyond a weapon’s range increment take a –2 penalty for each additional multiple of that increment between you and the target. Attack...

@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Yeah, and yet.... There's something to the fact that calling it a "roleplaying game" sets up something in the mind of the player, and then you struggle with/against that. So if there's a list of a hundred actions and engagements and superficial features that 99% of the things we don't argue about tend to share fifty of, and this game makes you think about fifty of those...?
@V2Blast Those were fun to watch. Glad to see them getting together again.
Can't you just see Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton--whom she just picked up from prison--standing in the back of a Chicagoland church... the clouds part and a beam hits Felicia, illuminating her in a heavenly glow... "the guild," she says to Wil... "the guild?"
"The guild, Wil, the guild."
The congregants cheer as Felicia back-handsprings down the aisle to join the dancers.
"The guild?" Wil wonders. "The guild. The *GUILD!*"
(RIP James Brown)
@nitsua60 Yes, and luckily Carrie Fishcer isn't alive to chase them down and shoot at them! 8^D
But yeah, that would be awesome.
@nitsua60 I'm not sure what you're saying. 'Struggle against'? That seems a strange idea given that the two things seems (the game aspect and the roleplaying aspect) to be the reason people want to get into RPGs.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica I just mean the dissonance of calling the thing a roleplaying game, when you don't "play" or "roleplay" in the usual sense. It engages the notions in your head while not activating them, if that makes any sense.
(Or maybe it activates them without engaging them?)
@nitsua60 If you don't do either, that seems a clear-cut case of not being a roleplaying game. Just like war is not peace.
It's sort of like how some video games don't really follow conventional video game design principles, and instead aim for some desired experience rather than what most would think of as "gameplay". But technically they're still video games.
howdy howdy
At some point they stop being games and start being digital toys, tools, and/or just digital stories (the three directions/alternatives I can name offhand).
@NautArch howdy.
(Can't muster two howdys on a rainy Monday morning)
I'm currently trying to decide if i'm going to let my players keep blackrazor/wave/whelm after this adventure if we continue on.
Although, whelm is...underwhelming compared to the other two
@NautArch Well, it ain't named overwhelm.
@nitsua60 really disappointing. And currently the only dwarf in the party has Blackrazor, and BLackrazor already let him know that he'll be leaving him.
Here's awesome blackrazor...and now here's whelm. By the way, you're screwed in openair daylight..
@NautArch Nice. So Blackrazor's all "I'm not going to lie to you. You're a four. And I'm a nine. So we can hang out for a bit, but I'll be ditching you the moment even a six comes along."
@nitsua60 Heh, kinda. More that the weapons all know each other (from what I've gleaned), and that Blackrazor knows that WHelm wants a dwarf and will give his dwarf to it.
What are the pros and cons of letting the players keep the weapons?
@MikeQ Pro - players really happy (except for Whelm).
Con - encounter balance gets wonky.
Wave alone is bonkers. Critical hits also deal 1/2 max HP damage. And we play with flanking, so advantage is common.
so basically, they crit on an enemy that's close to bloodied, and it's dead.
If we're still quarantined when White Plume is over, we'll move on to Dead in Thay.
we've been doing 1-2 4 hour sessions per week.
You could nerf the items into +X weapons, maybe with watered-down versions of their normal abilities
Yeah, i'd thought about that, too.
e.g. the "spirits" of the weapons depart after the current quest, leaving behind a more balanced magical weapon
Or Keraptis says that they can't actually have them, but provides some consolation prizes.
Hmm... Couldn't that risk the players getting defensive and fighting back? If balance is a concern then this may be a time to restrict player choice a bit.
@MikeQ What really bugs me is how some people are adamant that visual novels aren't games. Granted, the only visual novel series I've played is Ace Attorney (which I've seen the specific complaint raised against) whose game mechanics are practically "point-and-click adventure game" with a few minor differences.
I guess there's also the crowd who thinks "game" would belittle visual novels, but I just personally don't see why the two categories'd need to be mutually exclusive.
@MikeQ It could, but I think it's also par for the course with someone like Keraptis. I'm also very much inclined right now to just have fun and these weapons are fun.
@kviiri Visual novels is a very broad category. Some things that are both visual and novels are games, in the sense of having gameplay. Others seem to just be a series of pictures-with-texts with no gameplay elements - no branching plots, no game-mechanical choices, not even choosing in what order to visit scenes.
Bread update (that nobody asked for): 5 days longer than the instructions called for my sourdough starter is finally alive and super vigorous! This after a few days of almost no activity and little hope for me.
Will probably be attempting a pure sourdough leavened bread today for baking tomorrow :)
@Rubiksmoose so jealous
but hey, i cleaned the first floor gutters yesterday.
@NautArch :(
@Rubiksmoose In a similar vein, my ginger ale, using the sludge from the previous batch, fermented nicely
or ginger beer. Never know which one mine is supposed to be.
@NautArch I parsed this rather strangely at first as "I cleaned the first [floor gutters] yesterday
@kviiri Nice!
@Rubiksmoose ha! But also, no way was i getting up on the roof for the 2nd floor ones.
@NautArch Hey, I'd be willing to try and dry and ship mine if you wanted.
@kviiri How much longer until you expect to have something drinkable? Or is it already?
@Rubiksmoose It is, yeah. Nicely carbonated, tastes gingery and lemony. Good stuff. Not quite as good as the best store brands but way cheaper.
Discounting the effort, but a batch every now and then counts as a hobby
@kviiri Mmmmm that sounds amazing! And no trips to the store needed!
How much do you make in one batch?
@NautArch [guilty face] I haven't cleaned our house's gutters since we bought it. I should really fix that.
[adds to the list]
@Rubiksmoose Seven liters. No significance to the number apart from the amount of bottles I have
@Rubiksmoose heh. It's not that bad of a job if you've got a ladder that can reach it.
I also did it first thing in the morning, which wasn't a great call. The stuff inside was half-frozen. Made it easy to take out, but froze my hands.
@kviiri That should keep you in bubbly for a decent amount of time! I'll bet it would make great Mules or Dark n Stormys
@NautArch Ya know, I'm not actually sure if we do have a tall enough ladder.... hmmmm
anyways glad to hear you crossed it off your list!
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica That's where the weirdness of game design theory starts to come in. Technically, reading the text and pressing the "next" button counts as gameplay. No choices or lose conditions. Of course for many people, that's not enough to constitute a fun or interesting game.
yeah, continuing to work on lawn and gardens instead of sourdough starter :P (i may take you up on the shipment...)
@NautArch Nothing like the feel of frozen leaf glop in the morning eh?
Limbed a whole bunch of trees, too. Hoping to get more sunlight onto the lawn.
which is in dire need of help.
@NautArch I was serious about the offer! I'd have to look up how it's done but my impression is that it isn't super hard to do.
@MikeQ That's enough to be fun, but calling it gameplay seems extremely disingenuous, because by that criteria a PDF reader is a game.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica The gamification of things is real.
(sorry not a serious response)
@NautArch I actually really need to shift some attention to my lawn as well. We technically have a garden bed from the previous owners, but it is entirely overgrown.
And we'd actually like to grow some stuff this yeear.
@NautArch You can certainly turn many things into games, but if you say scrolling pages is inherently gameplay, I have a bridge book War and Peace to sell you.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica I'm 100% positive we can make a game out of reading war and peace.
@NautArch Make out of sure. That's not really in dispute.
But there's a difference in something being a suitable raw material to turn into X, and something being X.
For comparison, games like Candyland or LCR involve no player choices, yet they are considered games
@MikeQ (I don't consider Candyland a game. I consider it practice/training for games.)
@MikeQ I would argue that Snakes and Ladders and the like are a case of wearing a game's trappings but not being one.
I think i'm in the camp of if you say/think it's game, it's fine to be a game.
Because what's a game to you may not be to someone else. And vice versa.
As we just saw above.
Candyland is a form of play. I'll leave it at that. Young kids seem to like it.
What makes candyland not a game?
I suppose one could call it a 'board toy'?
The lack of choice?
@NautArch If the kids are young enough, they try to eat the cards. Since it is sold as a game, I think one needs to call it a game.
Kids draw cards and something happens. I don't think its creators cared about agency, they cared about entertaining young kids for a few hours. Or until they ate the cards.
@KorvinStarmast heh. But that doesn't really answer the question. BUt it sounds like folks are saying that Agency is required to be a game.
Which would make things like the card game War not a game, right?
Something is a game if 1. it is intended to be a game, and 2. it has an objective (which may or may not be terminating). Yes, that's a very frustrating principle.
@NautArch really? OK, I'll step out of that, since "No True Game" involves a lack of agency is a position that seems to be on the table. Wait, is a slot machine a game of chance? Not a game?
But i may be wrong as to why they think Candyland isn't a game.
@KorvinStarmast A slot machine is similar to Snakes and Ladders: wearing trappings, but not having player interactivity besides choosing to play or not to play.
As an annoying thought exercise, consider the case of household chores. Not a game. But if I say "let's play a game where the gameplay consists of doing chores, and the objective is to complete chores", then now it's a game.
@NautArch There are no choices to be made. Once the shuffling's done, the outcome is determined.
Also, it makes me want to strangle small children, which is not desirable in a game =)
@nitsua60 okay, so War card game isn't a game. What about slots? That also does seem like it shouldn't qualify.
Won't get an argument from me =)
It's a game because it has players who engage by playing it. And they play it because it's presented as a game and it has objectives. At least, that's the theory, anyway.
(Nor my cousin, who designs slot-machines.)
There was a slot machine at a sports center within a biking distance, that had an unusual feature: it was always possible to determine whether the machine would provide a win or a loss on the next play, from overt features of the slot machine (not just highly under-the-hood looks)
Every symbol on every reel was numbered, with complete "maps" of each reel printed on the side of the machine. Above each reel was a display telling how many positions it would roll
There was also a "double or bust" minigame which highlighted the option one should pick to win.
@kviiri Did... it make money?
That seems ripe for... [dons shades]...
@Rubiksmoose Presumably, yes. Not 100% sure though. The locale didn't seem too slots-machine-friendly.
Another weird thought exercise: The waiting game. The objective is to wait for an arbitrary amount of time. You lose if you stop playing before time runs out.
which means the phrase "wait a second" can be a game if it's intended as a game
I think the weird design's purpose was two-fold. In addition to serving as a sort of marketing gimmick where the slot machine is ostensibly unprecedentedly fair, it was an independent provider's machine and therefore would've been illegal if it was straight gambling (most types of gambling, slots included, are subject to government monopoly here)
Not that it was necessarily legal anyway.
I mean one could plausibly make a claim that the machine was not gambling. You know whether you're going to win or lose, how is that gambling!? But in practice, the expectation is that people who play round t on the machine don't play it to see if they win on round t if they know it's a non-winning round, but to gain a winning round for t+1.
@kviiri huh. An interesting strategy at the least!
@Rubiksmoose I remember once, someone had left the machine in a winning state – albeit with only a 20 cent winning, "your bet back". But the doubling minigame was an option, so I played it.
I won 40 cents, to a net gain of 20 cents. A friend watched while I did this and we checked afterwards the machine was in a non-winning state.
"So now," he asked me, "it would make sense for no one to ever touch it again?" with an exaggeratedly dramatic tone that got a chuckle out of me
In retrospect, that's true of normal slots machines all the time I guess? Maybe depending on whether we use raw money as the "utility function" or not.
@kviiri hah!
As a side note, I had a friend who worked in a grocery store. Grocery lobbies typically have a few slots machines. Said friend claimed to have a "system" for some of them, especially a "Video Keno" machine where he claimed he could consistently win (where with normal slots, he only claimed knowing when each machine was "due")
Supposedly he had learned this by careful observation while working in said stores, but I say ... it might've been a tad easier to believe if he wasn't always the one who was short on cash :P
@kviiri hahahah. It is stunningly easy to convince yourself that you have an edge in these games...
@Rubiksmoose Rather hard to convince anyone else though... including the machine ;)
I used to think that I had the rhythm for the Pokemon Red/Blue slot machines down and that when I lost I just messed up the timing, but in retrospect it was just chance.
@kviiri The latter being the only important one to convince XD
Gambling is one of those things that... gets me a bit. I don't think it's objectively wrong, at least hugely so. But here we have a rather specific gambling culture that is luckily facing some reforms after getting due press attention.
The only thing like that I've consistently won was one of the crane/claw games that we discovered would award a free play if plugged in while a particular combination of buttons was pressed. Though I suppose it was more "theft" than "winning." But I'm trying to be less pedantic in my middle-age =)
Most of our legal gambling happens under the government monopoly Veikkaus. It's possible to get permits for raffles and stuff like that. Veikkaus has usually enjoyed very good publicity because they donate a large share of the winnings to a variety of charitable causes like sports, special needs housing, youth welfare, culture etc.
@kviiri So gullibility tax, essentially. In a rather literal way (in the sense of being distributed by a government monopoly towards causes governments tend to finance).
But esp. with slots machines, I think they're causing much more harm than good. It's usually the elderly people who play them with their meager pensions, because it gives them something to do. Lots of people get addicted to slots machines, and new R&D is pushing more and more addictive ones out there, using the money of the previous victims.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Yes, except of course a large share of the money stays in the organization to fund its own expenses. People say stuff like "it's the most fun way to give to charity" when most of the money goes to fund the machine, its developers, the management of the company that developed it, etc.
@kviiri Much like with drugs, this gets into two questions: (1) is it ethical to prohibit this (should people be prohibited from spending money the way they see fit even if it is arguably unhealthy) and (2) is it practical to do so (what will be the practical repercussions of driving gambling into the underworld).
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica That's a very over-simplified way to state the problem, to be honest.
@kviiri Perhaps, but most decisions of policies can be split into the ethical and the pragmatic, with either of the two being 'zoom-in-able'.
Since we're talking about a government monopoly whose proceeds go to charity, there's some math to chew with the ethics. If we spend 100k on designing new machines and forecast a 150k return of investment, a normal company would do it (unless they had a better use for 100k, of course). But for a company whose mission includes trying to reduce the harmful impact of gambling while extracting as much money from gamblers, there has to be more consideraton than just profit.
Roughly speaking, the more money the company extracts from the players, the greater the negative societal impact of gambling is. The more profit the company has made by the end of the year, the greater the positive societal impact of gambling is. It's a balancing act, and can be performed wrong, eg. by expending big money to suck addiction-prone players dry.
Although I must admit, I don't really know what the player profiles are. Gambling is a wide field. There's the casino stuff, mini-casinos, slots, sports, all that jazz.
Was there a consensus on the definition of game yet?
@GcL We're getting to it right after we figure out general vs specific.
Specific games? or general games? or games with generals?
This word has a wide variety of meanings. I think a game could be made of figuring out the context in which a phrase involving the word occurs.
@GcL TL;DR there are a bunch of theories that try to define a "game", but there's no universal consensus
Q: What happens when the Dominate Monster or Geas spells end?

firionDominate Monster and Geas allow to control a person (in different ways) and make then do things that you want, with some constraints. The spell descriptions do not say what happens when the spells end: Does the target know that he acted according to the caster will and not on his own? What does ...

Whoa, did the room name change?
I just dropped in before a conference call because of the following: Fire Mage covered in grease slides across the floor as a thematic way of casting Aganazzar's Scorcher.
Yes. Now those who write table-top with two Ts wears a purple handkerchief, and those who use one T wear the green one.
Duds versus Crits?
I don't remember how the two factions were called.
@kviiri Well, that's more about pragmatics. The ethical questions are still whether it is okay for a government to use a money from such a source at all, whether it is okay to monopolise such things, whether it is okay to restrict such things etc.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica It's OK in Finland, are you seeking some "universal truth" statement here?
@KorvinStarmast I'm not actively seeking them, just pointing out the contrast between the pragmatic and the ethical matters.
@KorvinStarmast Furthermore, you write 'OK in Finland' in a way that implies that it's about the 'is', not about the 'ought'. I wasn't really trying to prod at the former at all, and apologise if my post mislead you.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica No worries, I am just making sure I understand what's going on in this conversation. Thanks for clearing that up. Here is what I think is important: the people of Finland have already balanced the two factors regarding ought and have via legislation created what is.
The only place where your musing/question might matter is in a place that has not arrived at any sort of "is" on that topic (or combination of things that kviiri described)
@MikeQ So ... Game of Theories? I'd like a few dragons if we're going to play at that.
@GcL do you still want them in the made-for-tv adaption?
@NautArch No, but because the tv version has the best white walker. The Vanna kind. Also, I'd like to buy a vowel.
Q: What level of exhaustion will a Revivified creature have?

enkryptorThe Revivify spell description says: You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. That creature returns to life with 1 hit point. This spell can’t return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it restore any missing body parts. If the creature died from 6th leve...

@KorvinStarmast Sentinel/DW question: Not going to answer because BlueMoon has it, but I do like the fighter having to make a choice.
I think there was a time when my bard cast it and then someone with sentinel stopped it. One of those"oh, man we forgot about that!" It made for a fun instance.
And then working around it in the future
@NautArch I have some beginner players and I think having the option would be neat, but as I read it it seems to me almost a drawback of the sentinel feat. I need to check the Cavalier feature and see if there's a subtle distinction.
@KorvinStarmast It kind of is, but not every feature works perfectly with every other feature.
Tough decisions can be fun, too.
Works the same way for a general OA. Maybe there's a wizard also engaged with an enemy. The Sentinel feat will stop the NPC from leaving in that case, too.
@NautArch yes, and your "fun with Whelm and Blackrazor" bears that out. :-)
@KorvinStarmast so far there hasn't been a lot of pushback on the barbarian wielding blackrazor.
i've been keeping the sword communicaitons private with that player, but i think i'm going to stop doing that.
@NautArch As for swords speaking out loud, I remember how cool it was when I first read the seventh Elric book and Stormbringer spoke to Elric near the end.
@KorvinStarmast didn't read that series, but I think it just gets more fun if everyone hears the crazy stuff the sword is saying
Oh yeah, you can really ham up the evil spirit thing. Just so you know, Lawrence Shick admitted that he modeled Blackrazor after Stormbringer. (Shick wrote the original White Plume Mountain module)
@KorvinStarmast oh dang. now I may need to read that.
Still deep in the rift series and a friend of mine just recommended The Traitor's Blade
@NautArch The first one I read was "Weird of the White Wolf" - I think I have all seven of them in paper back. I can mail them to you.
They paperbacks are thin ones, 60's style
They can be fast reads.
A friend of mine created a sword called "lifedrainer" in our first D&D campaign based on stormbringer; it had some odd side effects. if the Fighter wielding it killed to many monsters in a row it began to take actions on its own, dragging the fighter with it ...
Man that Monk question seems to be attracting low-quality answers. And we can't even blame HNQ...
Though, actually it did just hit the HNQ 6 minutes ago...
@Rubiksmoose low quality class :P
but seriously, i still like the monk class.
@NautArch lol!
@NautArch Monks are my second favorite "fifth PC" for any party. My fave is Warlock.
Q: Can a 6th level monk choose to not deal magical damage with unarmed strikes?

VadrukIn my campaign we have a 6th level monk. She has: Ki-Empowered Strikes Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. The party is fighting a homebrew boss, a Mage Eater, who is immune...

@KorvinStarmast For the early answer on LMoP next up...another disadvantage is if these are new players, skipping levels may make it harder for them to understand their mechanics.
@NautArch Rght you are. Added in.
@KorvinStarmast I was also super surprised that the question about DW and sentinal hadn't been asked before.
@Rubiksmoose That's why I asked: I went looking for an answer and didn't find one.
@KorvinStarmast That's not how it works here.
oh wait.
yeah it is.
@NautArch ... In this best of all possible worlds ...
@KorvinStarmast oops, forget to give you an updoot. given.
@NautArch As we get older we get more forgetful. Welcome to my world ...
@KorvinStarmast hehe
Did 3.5e play have adventurers league, or is that just a 5e thing?
@NautArch I am sure it had public play, but I don't think it was called Adventurer's League. Adventure Path was the 4e thing. (And I suspect Shal or MikeQ or other 3.5e vets can recall the public play name. Before that there was the RPGA stuff ...
@KorvinStarmast "Encounters" was 4e's public play, IIRC?
@NautArch "Adventurer's League," as the name, is new to 5e.
@nitsua60 that's kinda what i thought. but I think snowcrash's self answer is spot on.
@NautArch I didn't answer in comments, no I didn't! And I deleted all of the evidence that I did so you can't prove it. 8^D
Yeah--it's pretty standard for statblocks going at least back to 1e. And definitely for settlements in 3/3.5--it's one of the few bits of 3 that I've read, that chapter of their DMG =)
@nitsua60 Oh, yeah, Encounters. AP is Pathfinder.
Adventure Path ~ Pathfinder DOH!
If it weren't in my office where I'm not allowed to go, I might even have dug it out to quote the DMG's description of settlement statblocks. Then again, maybe I wouldn't.
@nitsua60 and I still have not completed my review of Matt's Book on Strongholds. sigh so little time, so much game material to consider. Oh, look over there: shiny!
@goodguy5 Well, I may have finally found the almost perfect bard with a bow and scimitar and almost auburn hair image. Here's a gif, there are a number of still that capture almost what I am looking for.
@KorvinStarmast huzzah!
No metal armor, scimitarish sword/saber, bow, and dressed for adventure, not a swim suit or underwear commercial.
Hair close enough to the auburn I had in mind that I won't quibble. All I have to do now is wait for the summer an Kviiri's 13th age game to start. Woot!!!!
Also dressed stylishly enough that her mom having been a member at court would more or less "rub off" on her ... form follows function and all that in good clothing design ...
@KorvinStarmast ooh, what's that from
I think that is from a series called Arrow? As I look about, I think that is the actress Katrina Law. (or it isn't, and my image search was a failure)
aha, she plays a character called Nyssa al Ghul. Never seen the series, so this is all new to me.
Yep, daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Sort of a ninja princess?
@MikeQ It just dawned on me that Ra's al Ghul was in Batman the Dark knight (with Christian Bale?)
My goodness, it's been a while since I saw that movie. My son was still in high school, or maybe junior high?
Yep, also correct. Played by Liam Neeson in that one.
Ah, the pieces are clicking together. Anyway, I finally get a picture (I'll crop it) I can use for my PC sheet for the bard in 13th age.
If you'd like to see some old movie bloopers, that link to twitter is some black and white movie era funnies.
(warning, a few of them have "language' as the actors voice their frustration.
2 hours later…
Q: Does Minsc appear in any 5e pen & paper adventures?

RajI believe that Minsc did appear in a 4e adventure, but this question is for Fifth Edition. I found this question, but it's a couple years old now and I'd like to know if Minsc has appeared any adventures since then.

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