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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@GcL Well, I think I went a little too hard in the battle for Blackrazor. Party is seriously depleted and now they want ot long rest (after two short rests to identify and attune to items.) 2nd short rest activated the random encounter, but I may just let them long rest without encounters.
It also didn't help when the dwarf who took Blackrazor responded physically to the other character who wanted it.
That character dropped to 1 HP.
you only need 1
@NautArch I don't allow PvP. Essentially, the party is over at that point and thus the campaign.
@GcL With the introduction of Blackrazor, it kinda made some sense.
but Blackrazor also knows about Whelm, and it's going to leave this player once they get that as he's the only dwarf.
@NautArch That's the sword that has to kill something every day?
@GcL minimum every three days. And it's been starved for who knows how long.
@NautArch What's the other item? I thought there were three?
@GcL Wave
@GcL I don't encourage PvP in parties - I encourage teamwork - but now and again it makes narrative sense. But man, that development is fraught with risk. It really depends on the players on whether it's OK to let it ride, or if as referee I call an official time out. Very player / group dependent.
@NautArch Yeah... it's a shitty mechanic that can promote PvP. Drop the sword down a chasm and be done with it. I can see it making good story telling for an experienced group of players that know each other and the DM.
@goodguy5 Except when a random encounter comes up and there are two wights coming down the hallway.
I may make it one just so they trounce it and start the long rest. But I'm a bit worried about the long rest. Technically, I roll 6d12 every hour (with a 12 being an encounter)
@NautArch I still don't ever play with those since all of my group played AD&D where those a-holes level drain you.
@NautArch And now for the philosophical question: can you kill the undead to satisfy Blackrazor's hunger?
@NautArch So, flip a coin instead? or do number of 12's determine the encounter strength?
@KorvinStarmast I think the thing needs to have a soul?
@GcL Since I do not have the materal handy, not sure about that.
It might not be able to kill stuff without a soul. Now I'm going downstairs to grab my DMG.
@KorvinStarmast Oooo... actually, blackrazor doesn't damage undead. Instead it heals them and damages the wielder. Also grants temp HP when you kill something with it.
@GcL do undead not have souls?
@NautArch They do not. The lich does, but it's soul is trapped in a phylactery.
@GcL I may just say that there's a single random encounter. Make it simple. Sort of retcon the short rest encounter into the long rest.
@NautArch That might be a better move ...
@GcL hmm, interesting. I wonder if that does affect Blackrazor's desire. I guess that's why it doesn't give the tempororary HP for killing constructs/undead.
@NautArch Looks like missing out on souls only produces a conflict per the sentient items rule. Those have a bunch of outcomes listed in addition to the "you must pursue my purpose"
I like the one where it refuses to be attuned to the character or demands to be wielded by someone else.
@GcL I had vaguely remembered that it acted differently with undead, thanks for clearing that up.
@GcL Oh! And if it strikes an undead, the wielder takes damage.
@NautArch Ouch, I wonder how that synergizes with Divine Smite from a paladin...
@GcL Yeah, it'll drop the attunement once they find Whelm.
Speaking of undead, how's your starter coming @NautArch?
@KorvinStarmast Don't think there's an issue. Wielder takes 1d10 necrotic, target gains 1d10 HP. If this drops the wielder to 0HP, Blackrazor consumes it's soul.
@Rubiksmoose not as many bubbles this morning (now Day 4...again.) BUt fed it.
@NautArch Well, that's something maybe?
@Rubiksmoose not dead yet!
but day 3 had many more bubbles.
@NautArch [monty python.gif]
So many sourdough pancakes... ugh... which is why I promise not to maintain a starter every year.
@GcL we've been making pizza dough with the discard and grilling the pizzas.
@NautArch Well I'll have to see how mine does. My first starter was from a pretty strange recipe compared to most, and it failed to raise two loaves of sourdough (which I eventually sort of saved by re-raising with commercial yeast.
So far in new starter (<24 hours) a tiny amount of bubbles, no rise.
@Rubiksmoose same recipe a new one?
Doing the more traditional recipe.
The one I used before basically had you perpetually making dough and having it ferment like that. Instead of most recipes where you create flour soup basically.
Ironically though the "failed" loaves, after being rescued, where the best loaves of bread I've ever made. Though...that's not at all a high bar.
Considering almost all the attempts have been fairly awful.
@NautArch I had inexplicable variety in bubbliness, too. The smell, though, a couple of times, really got to me.
@nitsua60 yeah the way you described the smell, I can't blame you!
1 hour later…
Coronavirus-sourdough yeast is truly one of the weirdest symbiotic relationships nature has yet conjured.
@kviiri XD hahaha. And one of the yummiest!
hoigah. Now I have an idea what cabbage patch parents felt like. Spent a large portion of the weekend chasing a nintendo switch for the kids.
@JohnP And you were successful?
Not over the weekend. But on a whim I checked the Target website, and 3 stores that showed as "out" yesterday showed inventory today.
So, I toddled over to the closest, they started with 10 and were down to 4, 40 mins after store opened. I got one, and in the time it took to check out he had 3 more calls asking if they had them. He refused to hold any and refused to give an exact # (Store policy prohibits inventory checks currently). He was a nice guy.
@nitsua60 The Curse of Strahd game I'm in is run through TTS. TTS has DLCs for a few specific games, and there's a ton of community-created resources and such free on the Steam workshop.
@JohnP Wow! Well give this dad an award for dedication.
@Rubiksmoose Sorta. It's also a sanity saver for my wife, since normally she takes the kids to the science center, zoo, etc and now they are always home. Kids are a little stir crazy.
@GcL Indeed, I think the lack of a soul is what makes necromancy different from resurrection in D&D, right?
@JohnP Don't forget to enjoy it yourself if you can ;-)
@V2Blast That's my recollection and impression of it. Used to have to do with the negative material plane in AD&D... thus the dreaded level draining wights
We just watched the new Sonic movie and now my kids want me to get the sonic games.
@Rubiksmoose I have an xbox, but I might look at taking this on trips since it's pretty portable.
@NautArch They haven't seen the new movie yet, but they like the sonic cartoon series.
@JohnP We really liked the movie, it's pretty fun. Jim Carrey is Jim Carrey. Overall, I liked Onward better, though.
Onward was pretty fun, although they got a little scared at the dragon fight scene.
@JohnP how old again?
my 8 year old stays away from live action movies, but he came in for the end of Sonic and seemed to like it. My 6 year old has no fear.
I think when she was like 3 or 4 she navigated to Goosebumps! on Netflix and watched an episode.
@NautArch Connor is 5.5, Ian turns 4 next week.
@JohnP imma gonna guess you or your wife has some irish ancestry?
@NautArch I have a huge amount of actual ancestry, Ann is more lithuanian but competed in Irish dance for 20 years and now teaches it. So, she grew up in the Irish community.
What made you guess that?
@JohnP Your boys' names :)
oh yeh, that might do it :D :D :D
The middle names are irish/family names as well. Oddly, my dad's middle name and her dad's middle name are the exact same and spelled the same way, Rea.
Q: How does combat change without opportunity attacks?

enkryptorOpportunity attacks have their long way in the world of tabletop games and D&D in particular. 3.5e/PF both had an exhaustive list of actions which can or can not trigger an OA. 5th edition simplified things a lot. One single trigger left: You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile cre...

@JohnP Like... 4.5 billions years of ancestry stretching back in an unbroken chain of inheritance and struggle back to a single self replicator common to us all. You definitely have a huge amount of ancestry. /S
@GcL I did a couple of those ancestry dna tests. Draw a line pretty much across the bottom of france over to just past the scandinavian countries and then up. That's 100% of my ancestry, with something like 55% british isles, 25% danish and the rest "Broadly northwestern european".
@JohnP And then there's the common primate ancestor. You may not be a monkey's uncle, but could be a distant cousin... 650,000 times removed.
@GcL Definitely. I forget which haplogroup I am, but that definitely has origins in mid Africa.
I don't need to take a DNA test to be told I'm generically South Asian. (Maybe a tiny bit of European ancestry due to historic colonization of parts of India...) :P
IIRC in most cases 23andme doesn't even provide useful breakdowns beyond that for people of non-European ancestry
23 and me must have updated. I now have .2% "unassigned". H1 Haplogroup maternal and R-L45 paternal.
@Shalvenay hehe, not sure if this will amuse you, but how an acid spitting dragon "works" was offered here. Maybe not the best world building ever, but fun to work through that problem and engineer a solution.
@V2Blast What if John's .2% unassigned is due to alien blood related to alien abductions around the time Stonehenge was completed, or even back when they build that place in Southeastern Turkey. Yeah, "history" channel had the "stonehenge was designed by space aliens" and "that mountain in Croatia is actually a big pyramid" show on the other day.
@V2Blast The alien abduction theory would, I think, explain a few things about my mother in law ... 8^D
@KorvinStarmast Your mother in law abducts aliens? Cool.
@JohnP Well, the other day I only saw here out of the corner of my eye, and I though that she looked like E.T.
@KorvinStarmast That's an amusing over engineering of projectile vomit.
@KorvinStarmast I wonder if you could do it in two parts. I don't know why the OP asserted it was impossible. I don't recall enough organic chem off hand to sort out a biologically copacetic way to store a Cl04 compound. But if you could, mixing that with HCl gives you a rather nasty strong acid.
Found it. Potassium perchlorate.
> We've released new fixes to four D&D books:

- Xanathar's Guide to Everything
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
- Out of the Abyss
- Player's Handbook

You can find links to the errata documents in the Sage Advice Compendium: https://t.co/1VSdsQ3xe0 #DnD

— https://twitter.com/JeremyECrawford/status/1247240580083548160
@Xirema There wouldn't happen to be a diff of the new errata with the previous?
@Xirema Only major change I can find (that isn't just fixing obvious typos or mistakes) is the nerf to Healing Spirit. There's a few other minor balance adjustments (I did see a creature in OOTA have its Passive Perception increase from 21 to 29!) but nothing groundbreaking.
@GcL So three of the Errata are first-time printings, so they don't need comparisons to older versions.
And the PHB errata, as usual, puts [New] next to anything that was newly added for that specific errata, which was only two items clarifying wording for the Arcane Trickster's spellcasting, and clarifying the effect of Heavy Weapons on small creatures.
"Guidance on what spells qualify for the sorcerer’s Twinned Spell feature" well that sounds helpful
@Medix2 They added a designer intent section about what disqualifies a spell for them.
Yup, doesn't feel particularly new, but good to know anyhow
I still feel like their "designer intent" should be codified in the text itself.
Like, they clearly want stuff like dragon's breath to be disqualified ("The spell lets you make a roll of any kind that can affect more than one creature before the spell’s duration expires"), but the text of the feature still doesn't do that.
Though there is a wording error, maybe. It says you can't twin a spell if "it can target an object" but things like firebolt can target an object, I just don't think they meant to say that you cannot twin firebolt, though hmm, maybe they did mean to prevent twinning firebolt
Funnily enough, it still doesn't clarify warding bond
(Also, trying to disqualify stuff like dragon's breath is, in my opinion, still a design mistake, but I digress...)
> Stone Giant Guide (p. 151). The last word in the first sentence of the paragraph is changed from “Gauntlgrym” to “Gracklstugh.”

That clears things right up for me!
Must have been a dialectal difference
If I ever get a player that wants to twin spells, I think I'm going to house rule that any are fair game until they try to take more than the two bites at the apple they're allowed... then both instances of the spell fail. Want to do something neat that you can now affect two creatures with? sure. Try to be clever and rules lawyer it... spells fail.
The weave is averse to metamagic rules lawyering in this universe.
1 hour later…
@GcL Isn't that a caustic solution?
@GcL right, mix two on the way up, or mix them at the exit point?
@KorvinStarmast No, but a powerful oxidizer
OK, I'll have to think through that, but it may make the plumbing more difficult, not less.
@Someone_Evil Hmm, for oxidizer is the desire to end up with a fire breathing dragon, or just really strong acid?
Oxidizing properties
KClO4 is an oxidizer in the sense that it exothermically transfers oxygen to combustible materials, greatly increasing their rate of combustion relative to that in air. Otherwise such mixtures simply deflagrate with an intense purple flame characteristic of potassium. Flash compositions used in firecrackers usually consist of a mixture of aluminium powder and potassium perchlorate.
@KorvinStarmast I think @GcL was going for it spitting a solution which is both acidic and oxidative. Nitric acid is a classic of that genre of liquids
@Someone_Evil OK, looks to be a little harder to engineer inside of the dragon, but likely doable.
@KorvinStarmast I was trying to think of stuff that react with HCl and water to give you a more potent acid.
So you could use barf + additive to get a more powerful solution than you'd be able to store internally
> Hakuna errata! It means "worries due to printing errors"

I'll show myself out
> I have swahili translate up for a game, that's "no errata", you want "errata matata" (which Google reliably informs me is also "errata ducks")
2 hours later…
Q: How can I calculate the distribution of “Roll 3D6, reroll any dice once, treat all 1's as a 2” in AnyDice?

DETIVAI'm wondering how to use Anydice to calculate the following: Roll 3d6, treating all 1's as 2's, you may reroll each die once, so we do this if the roll is below the average. So 3d6, can reroll each dice once, and we'll reroll on 2 and 3 because its below average. I've given it a go, but I'm not...

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