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@Medix2 That what exactly happens. I'm imagining a number of different scenarios, and none of them make a whole lot of sense
There goes my productivity for the day :P
A cow produces a "batch" of milk, I assume it is not all immediately sent into a single carton of milk, but ends up spread across multiple cartons which spend various amounts of time in different stores/locations until all of them are bought/used. Once all traces of that "batch" are purchased/disposed of the "batch" is out of circulation
@Medix2 Does milk not come with an expiry date where you live?
@kviiri proof positive that chatting with kviiri leads to goodness and smiles. :) And bear.
@Someone_Evil It does, but not everybody follows it, also sell-by is not the same as expiration in some places, you'd also still have to track it
Though now I wonder if all the milk produced on 03/01 expires on the exact same day... and presumably it doesn't
@Medix2 No, it does not. FWIW, we go to a farm an hour+ north of where we live once per year for raw milk and the butter made therefrom. Must bring one's own sterilized container. It is sooooo good.
@Medix2 those collection vats are something else.
phew. a half-pint of 15% beer is something else.
@kviiri I think I need to wait on my "One Unique Thing" until you have a chance to get the game set up. I am otherwise about 95% done with Bard creation.
@KorvinStarmast nothing beats fresh raw milk
@NautArch yeah, it reminds me of the milk I drank as a kid ..
@goodguy5 15% beer and 85% of what exactly?
I assume water, malt, and hops.
maybe some bourbon barrel particulates.
@NautArch I prefer a not upset stomach personally
@KorvinStarmast you already made a 13th age character?
@Someone_Evil lactose intolerant?
@NautArch Yes
@NautArch oh yeah, was talking with Kviiri about it yesterday and got all excited.
@KorvinStarmast hahaha, I may do that to keep my mind off reality.
@Someone_Evil milk gave me ear infections as a kid, but grew out of it
but how
@NautArch I came up with about 9 questions and kviiri helped me through about six in chat. the rest I may post at main site.
@NautArch I dare say you were drinking your milk wrongly
@NautArch Oh, you were one of those Heiner kids
@KorvinStarmast and that's tonight's reading material
@NautArch I rolled random, picked half elf. Then it was "what, Ranger or bard?" Finally, after talking to kviiri, I chose Bard.
I am committed
And Mrs S says I should be committed. X^p
@goodguy5 ??
There's a rare genetic disorder that occurs in kids pre-2-years.

Milk and Ear Infections (among a lot of other things)
ah ha, found an article.

I don't think so
I also don't think so.
But Interesting
@KorvinStarmast did you roll a seven sided die for race?
@NautArch I rolled a d12
Tiefling was never an option
Dark Elf
High Elf
Holy One/Aasimar
Wood Elf
I like it.
@NautArch I had a really hard time choosing Icon between The Jack and Great Gold Wyrm. I finally decided on Great Gold Wyrm.
@KorvinStarmast just starting to read through, but chaos mages look fun
@NautArch I like the engaged, nearby, far away thing for combat. It reminds me of some relationships I had in my 20's.
@NautArch I think my bard needs to be a lady, but I need to run something past Kviiri on the "one unique thing" spectrum. Brain overcooked on the drive home today.
What I think might be a good idea might be a godawful idea.
@NautArch I was looking at the classes in the core book and it only had basically the base 5e classes... I'm guessing chaos mage and the like are from other books?
@V2Blast Chaos Mages are at the 13th age srd site. here
@KorvinStarmast I'm aware
I looked at both that and the core book PDF
and was wondering why they were in the SRD but not in the core book
same with Commander and some others, I think
@V2Blast Oh, sorry, ah. There is a mention made somewhere on that page that they added some stuff after some legal things were ironed out. I stumbled over it as I was digging through stuff yesterday.
I figured that since kviiri had pointed me to the srd page that we'd work from there. shrugs if not, we can adapt.
ah ok
the SRD pages seemed to be somewhat lacking in, e.g., fluff/flavor text
so I was looking at the core book PDF too
And I finally figured out my "one unique thing" and found support for it in 13 true ways. Yeah, I had to get it as it is where metallic dragons are finally put together. So, no need to get 13 true ways, I have it as a resource. (we can find legal ways to share, I am pretty sure)
@V2Blast that they are, but all one needs to play is there, I think.
But I have to run it by kviiri to get the "yeah" or "uh, not quite" as a fit for the campaign
@KorvinStarmast mechanically, sure. I needed something to look at for inspiration ;)
@V2Blast oh, yeah. the core book (I got the pdf) provides a lot more meat. ;)
I am glad that I have a few weeks/months to get my brain around this. I am trying to make a little chart for the spell, song, battle cry synergies and relationships.
d20SRD (the website) really did a great job of giving gamers the term "SRD" and a really terrible job of explaining to them what an SRD is (with the site name)
@V2Blast FWIW, I really like the distinction between perm and temp magic items. I like what they did there.
Q: Can Transport via Plants be used to teleport people to you?

ryanMy party had the idea of using Transport via Plants to bring people to the druid, but I'm a bit unsure if that's possible. This spell creates a magical link between a Large or larger inanimate plant within range and another plant, at any distance, on the same plane of existence. You must hav...

Q: AnyDice compare dice roll value to number on a multidice roll

NulisDefoI've been trying to use AnyDice to calculate some stuff and got completely overwhelmed (never used it properly before). I'm trying to do something along the lines of: Roll n + p amount of d10 dice. If any of those result in 1, check for each 1 roll 1d10 + p. In this sequence I'm trying to see...

I feel like this might be a good place to ask for inspiration :P
At work, we need to come up with a list of "consequences" if we don't complete work on time, simply to act as an incentive to focus on our priorities.
So, simple things that are an inconvenience, rather than anything that might be a "reprimand".
So for example, we could say that if we don't complete a job on time, we have to help out at our local sporting club for a day, or something
Has someone with a Management Science background evaluated the likelihood that an employee will, rather, see the "inconvenience" is actually a simple cost to be paid? I.e. "I don't feel motivated to push for $thing, so I'll just spend Saturday at the soup kitchen (which is a good thing anyway)."
Well, the task still needs to be done, it's just doing it in time is part of the lesson - some people don't prioritize properly, or don't allow enough time. I foresee that this isn't going to be a permanent thing
It's only a small business too, (myself and two others) so we don't have to worry about Billy down in data entry
@Ben Oooh, three people. Then it's easy, no? It's who picks up the lunch tab.
Was thinking that could be an option, which I'd be fine with. But we want a bit of a mix. We're going to "draw out of the hat".
And there are some times when people don't want takeout or have brought their own in, so that won;t work every time. Especially if someone has underestimated by 2 weeks XD
Right. And in two weeks who knows if lunch will still even be a thing!?
Adding to my earlier posting:
Apparently, Onyx Path is offering each of their product lines' 20th Anniversary core books for free, one each day this week: theonyxpath.com/socially-distant-monday-meeting-notes
> - You can get V20 Dark ages here today: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/144495/Vampire-20th-Anniversary-Edition-The-Dark-Ages
- Tuesday we’ll be offering the Werewolf 20 core here: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/112871/Werewolf-The-Apocalypse-20th-Anniversary-Edition
- Wednesday is Mage 20: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/149562/Mage-The-Ascension-20th-Anniversary-Edition
- Thursday is Changeling 20: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/210616/Changeling-The-Dreaming-20th-Anniversary-Edition
Q: Can players resurrect their old, dead characters, once they're a higher level?

MeekbonesResurrection can revive someone that has been dead for less than a century. So let's say my level 5 druid dies and I make a barbarian to continue adventuring with my party, then a year later when we are high enough, our Cleric wants to resurrect my druid from way back when (remembering where we b...

Tunnel Goons by Highland Paranormal Society is "a table top RPG that's simple and easy to play online." An analog adventure game for nice people.
For D&D 5e, the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount is (going) live on D&D Beyond. This thread lists most of the included content, including new subraces/variant races, reprints of several existing races, the 3 new subclasses, 15 new wizard spells, 2 new backgrounds and variants of 5 PHB ones, new magic items, new monsters, 13 new mundane items, and 2 new vehicles.
Luchalibris has released a free playtest edition of Fur One Night Only!, a one-shot party RPG about cats who sing and dance.
@V2Blast But what is Wildemount?
A continent in Matt Mercer's world of Exandria, where Critical Role is set
@Powerdork It's how you breathlessly ask someone if they're gonna get off their horse.
1 hour later…
Included content in EGtW:
- new subraces/variants: Pallid Elf, Lotusden Halfling, Draconblood Dragonborn, Ravenite Dragonborn, Orc (Exandria variant)
- many reprints: Sea Elf, Aarakocra, Aasimar (all subraces), Firbolg, Genasi (all), Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Goliath, Kenku, Tabaxi, Tortle
- Hollow One: supernatural gift that adds traits (similar to lycanthropy; not yet implemented in DDB)
- 3 new subclasses: Echo Knight (Fighter), Chronurgy Magic (Wizard), Graviturgy Magic (Wizard)
- 15 new wizard spells: *sapping sting, gift of alacrity, magnify gravity, fortune's favor, immovable objec
2 hours later…
Heads up: "Procreate for Android" is a virus scam.
3 hours later…
Q: Can characters Ready an action with the trigger "when the target stops benefiting from Dodge and before they use their action"?

bloodmonarcyI ran into a situation with ready action that I feel goes against the spirit of the game and maybe the rules but I'm unsure. I'm running a homebrew game. I made this Bladesinger NPC that I gave a magic item, so that when they took the Dodge action, they got more reactions. He challenged my play...

@nitsua60 I recall an article on charging parents who are late picking up their kids from daycare as an incentive to keep them on time so the staff could leave. Apparently, that scheme increased the frequency and duration of lateness, rather than reducing it.
A fine is a price.
Quantifying behaviour as a negative effect on the person doing the thing, rather than focusing on its negative effect on the community, makes it easier for the individual to justify their actions.
@JoelHarmon Because providing a bonus service and asking for a cost if you're doing it looks like a de facto transaction that 'for some reason' is presented under another name.
Basically, yeah, people stopped feeling bad for being late, because they were compensating for it.
@Ben I'm not so sure that it's safe to assume that all/majority of people tend to draw the distinction the way you described it.
@JoelHarmon It probably doesn't help if the compensation value is purely symbolic rather than something actually reflective of the amount of effort necessary to provide the unplanned service (which normally would come at a multiple-fold markup).
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Define "unplanned". It seems reasonable that you start expecting people to be late. I suppose it's also possible to start a sliding scale, rather than flat per minute. Anyway, it's just curious to me how disincentives switching from embarrassment to money changes things.
@JoelHarmon 'Outside the plan as mutually agreed-to by contract' is an okay start for unplanned.
Also, embarrassment, despite all of its ability to manipulate nice people, is not even a reliable means to curtailing such things. It just leads to less-nice people being the ones who keep coming for the 'free bonus', which in a way makes things worse for the ones providing the 'free bonus'. Example from personal experience: administrators in state schools.
@Yuuki I, too, am terrified of words you can't pronounce.
@BESW "yo squidman wasssup" does have a ring to it 🤔
Did any of you play a monk in 4e D&D? I am under the impression that it was a skirmisher/striker class, but as I did not play that edition, I cannot say with any confidence.
@V2Blast While I tip my cap to Matt Mercer and the team for making his setting popular, my gut reaction is "bloat, splat, power creep" ... but of course we see this in every edition eventually.
@vicky_molokh-unsilenceMonica Amen to all of that.
@KorvinStarmast It's very much "get in to dance between swords and land decisive strikes with mystical martial arts", yeah
@Powerdork skirmisher or striker?
Skirmisher isn't a defined 4e class role, striker is; the monk is one by way of the other.
OK, got it, Striker
Skirmisher is a monster type, though
(Hence the edit.)
Yeah, just pointing out why term might seem familiar to a 4e person
@kviiri Should I be looking at the SRD link or should I get the core book? Or am I(are we) getting way ahead of ourselves :P
@NautArch Yes you are :D The SRD contains content that's not in the core book, not sure where it's from and how official it is.
To not overbloat myself with content I'd prefer core book stuff only
@kviiri is there a 'basic rules' that's free or do i need to purchase?
I dunno, tbh. I do have a pdf, I'm not sure how sharing it goes, I need to check its license.
@kviiri and @NautArch I have core book and 13 True Ways in pdf. (Lucky for me the Bard is core as is Half Elf, so I lucked out). (Hmm, there are 9 or 10 races, IIRC).
@kviiri OK, I have the "One Unique Thing" figured out. Since there isn't something mechanical, and I just had to have the book with Metallic Dragons (how is that not core!!!!) I went ahead and got the 13 True way volume to check out if Metallic Dragons can shift into human form. Yes, can be done, so the back story/one unique thing fits. Will send to you for review/approval later today.
I might go seek out 13 True Ways too
If the license allows me to share legally, I'll work with you on that. I can't get at it until later.
Reminds me of the old days when a group of us would chip in to get the book/books for a new game. That's how Runequest happened for our group.
@kviiri Occultist!
I would love to play my Occultist in a different system. The concept was so good.
@BESW Is that the one who can buff the escalation dice for the duration of their turn?
The COmmander is what I was looking at the most
but i really just started
@kviiri I don't remember that particular ability. The Occultist "focuses" on their own turn, and then expends the focus to do things on other peoples' turns, justified as predicting or bending chance and fate around themselves by tapping into mind-melting awareness of reality.
@BESW Ah, gotcha.
One of the nifty setting flavor things about the Occultist, which is representative of what I appreciate about 13th Age's approach to lore overall, is that there can only ever be one Occultist in the entire world at any given time.
Ohh, nice!
To the Stars by Scott Turriaga is a short solo Indigenous journaling game. It is you against the Void in this short, solo-play fiction game. Guide the good ship Nookomis to your homeland and your ancestors.
Cabin Fever Sale, a sale hosted by Halfling Caravan Games. Each item 25% off! or buy everything for 30% off!
Pidj Sorenson has doubled the number of community copies on their game Graffiti Speak, which is designed to be played on a discord server. Play as Graffiti Artists trying to find each other in an ever-evolving city, avoiding cops and crowds as you leave hopeful messages.
Lark Brigade is curating Google Drive lists of every solo TRPG and every two-player TRPG on itch.io.
@BESW that sounds like a fun game.
@BESW that is a good pricing model.
@BESW If I can call out one in particular, I've had a good time with Ironsworn in solo play.
I'm also working on a solo oriented virtual tabletop app for the system.
No ready for prime time yet but it's got some basic functionality. I can't wait for it to be ready for others to use.
@RedRiderX Looks promsing from the reviews.
@KorvinStarmast when describing the Blackmoor monk, I wonder if it's worth giving the "monks had d4 hit dice" some context? Anyone who's played only in the last ~20 years would see that as shockingly low, where I see that and remember my first 0e "fighting man" having "just" a d6 hit die =)
@nitsua60 will do. Tat that time, monks MUs and Thieves had d4's.
Right--your hit die could be big or little, for unusual-to-today's-audience values of "big" and "little" =)
@nitsua60 revision complete. A +2 per HD with a 16 Con had a really big help to a Monk, but that would need ability scores of 15 15 15 16 ... in other words, hot dice!
Seriously. Only Bard was tougher back in 1e, IIRC?
(For you youngsters who're overhearing this front-porch rockers conversation, this was before ASIs. You needed loaded dice and/or wishes to get those kind of stats. WISHES!)
@RedRiderX Oh, same.
@nitsua60 oh wow.
@Rubiksmoose And Lord help you if your DM thought it was funny to drop a girdle of masculinity/femininity in a dungeon in the hopes you'd think it a belt of strength. Then you might end up cursed into a gender (thank you, 80s RPG writers, for that bit of awareness) that limited a stat of yours below what was required for the class =(
@nitsua60 yyyyyikes
@nitsua60 Ran into one of those back in the day. It was a lesson for a greedy player who wanted all the magic items.
@GcL Running into a girdle seems like either a very inefficient or very very efficient way of getting one on.
@Rubiksmoose beats having to wiggle in and figure out all the clasps and ties.
@Powerdork I actually do have a demo I can show: imgur.com/a/eFi6q9U
Though if you're not familiar with the system it may be a bit confusing.
Hmm imgur gifs aren't very clear...
Oh I love Ironsworn and I'm loving the look of this!
I'm trying to keep the scope small to actually finish it but I'm already starting to get ideas of how to include the Delve expansion.
Core Ironsworn is already not small; I'm automatically impressed by any roller effort that handles momentum.
Q: When did Monks make their first appearance in D&D, and how do they differ between editions?

AkixkisuMy curiosity continues after asking When did Rangers make their first appearance in D&D, and how do they differ between editions? Also, see about Druids and Artificers. This series of question is based on the initial question regarding Warlocks by aaron9eee: A quality answer would have more ...

What's with all the "when did X class appear" questions? Is someone putting together a blog post or wiki somewhere and keeps running into this for each class?
@GcL My understanding? Someone started with one class, and other people found the concept interesting.
Incidentally there was a meta about them: rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/9824/…
@GcL aaron9ee started them, but then Akixkisu has kept them going.
I've asked one "origin" question myself, although of somewhat different form: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/112244/…
@JohnP I'm going to move it, i think it's best to keep all that stuff...quarantined to those rooms.
Thanks, I was just abt to move it myself.
Hah, very appropriate video :D
What this chat needs is a collapse button for video and pictures. I'm here for the inane banter, not the inane images. I've got imgur for that.
@GcL Inane I have, what's your topic?
@KorvinStarmast Excellent. Today it's a discussion about character weight and encumbrance.
Two medium characters 120 and 180 pounds in weight both with strength scores 16 got the ball rolling.
So they can carry as much as one another in addition to their own weight. Which got the question of at what weight can one creature carry the other, but not the other way around.
Also, trying to write out some weight related puzzles in a way that will make solving them satisfying to some 5e players.
@NautArch Would you say that the message was... quarantined?
Wait, you made the same joke. Nevermind.
Has anyone run Tales from the Yawning Portal?
I tried, but it made me sleepy
I've considered it because the adventures are modular, but I don't have players
@MikeQ yeah, that's why I want to try it. Short term social distancing gaming
Also evidently all the adventures in TftYP are entirely dungeon crawls, so its appeal may vary by group
@NautArch I have them on roll20. Our group would, if they ever get to it, have me run the Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan but we keep getting side tracked. The "shared world" thing is going kind of off tghe rails. By the time my brother is done with us and his plot, I may need to run the Giants adventure.
Against the Giants, a dungeon crawl? Hmm, sorta?
Q: Why is Jester blue and Lillith white in Critical Role?

NathanSI do not watch Critical Role and know very little about it. However, whilst looking into different skin colours for tieflings, I discovered the characters Jester Lavorre, who has blue skin, and Lillith Daturai, who has white skin. I am curious to know what in-universe lore exists in Matt Mercer...

@KorvinStarmast it says they're deadly, I'm wondering how deadly
@NautArch A couple of the chapters.
Does roll20 have a map pack?
Citadel, Forge, and ToH.
How were they?
Any preference?
I really liked Sunless Citadel. (It, like most, is a room-for-room re-skin of the original.) ToH is... well, it's what it was designed to be.
Honestly, though, it wasn't very horrifying at the level it claims to be for.
I'd go as low as 9 or 10, IIRC.
Okay--got my FY19 taxes filed. Time for Congress to pass sweeping changes.
@NautArch Tomb of Horrors is, well, meant to be deadly. The others are doable, but you 'll have to decide how tactically savvy your players are. Our Tier 3 group almost finished giants (we are in the middle of going for the Fire Giant King in terms of prepping) and the DM hit burn out due to 4+ years of running D&D since the Elemental campaign began.
isn't ToH just an older version of ToA? If so I can attest to it's lethality
@GcL I powerlifted in college, 148 pound weight class. When I worked with the moving company durint the summers, I had no trouble keeping up with the bigger guys. Not sure what your question is.
@Himitsu_no_Yami no
It's the original Character Killer Dungeon by Gygax, with a meta joke built into it.
Tomb of Annihilation is based on Tomb of Horrors - evidently some of the dungeon components are from ToH, but ToA includes other stuff like jungle exploration and misc sidequests. But Tales of the Yawning Portal has the actual Tomb of Horrors, converted directly to 5e.
@KorvinStarmast no? I thought I remembered being told ToA was heavily based on ToH just remade for 5e
@Himitsu_no_Yami no.
All that is similar is the liche
Yawning Portal also has the Doomvault, an infamously crazy dungeon with 100(?) rooms
Is ToH more or less lethal than ToA? Cus I know ToA was a hellscape for my characters
ToH is literally designed to be lethal, it's very Gygaxian with many gotcha traps
@KorvinStarmast The 5e rules about encumbrance make for a situation where two characters of equal strength could carry themselves plus 80 pounds of gear. For the lower weight character, them plus gear is 200 lbs total. For the higher weight character it's 240 total. Discussion follows about the weights of medium sized creatures such that one can easily carry the other, but not the other way around.
So is the tomb part in ToA
Basically strength score and weight aren't linked and inane discussion ensues
ToA has dungeons in it, but again, the players can do other stuff like wander the jungle, then return to the dungeon later
@MikeQ Like those puzzles that aren't solvable unless you know the trick
@GcL what if eberron isn't a planet but two really strong dudes carrying each other plus 20 million tons 5.9*10^24 kgs of extra gear?
Matter of fact, is there an intended party size for ToA? I know we ran it with 4 characters but that's all
@Himitsu_no_Yami 4 or 5 looks about right.
@Yuuki Like a big dragon wrapped around another dragon?
A double dragon?
@Yuuki You still have the beer, right?
@Yuuki It's a meal that you drink, and you don't have to blend any kale or protein powder into it.
As I walked into the store yesterday to get some Gatorade for Mrs S, I saw a man coming out with two cases of beer. I gave him a cheery smile and a thumbs up. Good Planning!
So DDB lists ToA as for "levels 1-11" but we made it to level 13 inside and it was still hell. I couldn't imagine doing the last fight at level 11 gods or no gods
Dunno. Could be the DM? Granted, our group never actually went into the dungeon, we just wandered the jungle. And talked our way out of several encounters. And formed a jazz band.
fair, one of my characters actually got PWK'd
@MikeQ We could still jump in there at some point... depending on how the next week or two goes I could have a spring schedule very different from what I'd expected.
@Medix2 Wanted to say thanks for finding that question for me. I didn't think to search with that wording.
If you need to draw cards from a communal deck but don't want all of Roll20's features: deck.of.cards
Technical Grimoire has written a guide to Playing RPGs On Discord.
@Himitsu_no_Yami I only knew about it because I answered it XD
I find the tags and to get confusing so I just check for wording most of the time
1 hour later…
House and Home Jam by Speak the Sky, starts in 2 days. This jam is for games about staying at home, or being at home, or being around the home, or substitute 'house' for home in any of those (or flat, or any other kind of place you could live).
Speak the Sky also has two sales!
Get 25% off Over the Moon, a 2-player role-playing dating game of dark lunar obsession, awkward online dating Q&A, and tantalisingly limited information that's designed for play via online messaging apps!
So my answer is now demonstrably wrong. Do I just delete it?
You can just update it (give due credit)
@Medix2 Edit it for posterity or delete it if there's no way to keep it.
"This answer is no longer up-to-date as of the release of X"
But there's another answer that mentions the correct answer so wouldnt updating mine just be rude?
As Someone_Evil mentioned, give credit. Your answer was based on accurate knowledge before the release of a fairly recently released module
Just seems like in "stealing" their answer and keeping the upvotes I only sort of should have
Alright, that's fair. I'll give credit where credit's due
The original poster has full access to the information of who posted what first, plus post edit histories. If they, despite that, still decide your answer is better, then your answer is better.

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