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@NautArch Evidence for me would be something to the effect of "player characters cannot benefit from this feature" or "PotC does not permit the variant features of Pseudodragons, Imps, Quasits, etc." or something else like that. Crawford's Tweet does do that, but tweets aren't rules. ;)
@NautArch I am willing to concede it is a DM's call, on the basis that a DM can decide whether Pseudodragons even have that feature in their setting at all, hence being a "variant".
Rules are rules. If you don't like em or want different ones, " Ask your DM " is an answer that shows up often on this stack.
Ok, we've said our piece. If the variant is working for you and your table, that all is good.
But again, the DM can with the variant remove it permanently from you.
What kind of variant table? If it's actually a mimic, I don't like it.
@NautArch Which are consequences I'm willing to accept.
You laugh. The DM laughs. The table laughs. Everyone rolls initiative.
Consequences shmonsequences. Just don't buy dice made out of precious materials and the table mimic won't eat them!
@Xirema Does your DM understand that?
Why is everyone's first move to attack the mimic table? You've already been sitting at it for a few hours, it's clearly not aggressive.
@NautArch (Although technically the Find Familiar spell does allow you to permanently dismiss a familiar, and the "changing forms" part only applies if you already have a familiar when you cast the spell)
Plot twist. Xirema is the DM and he's losing an arguement with himself dun dunnn dunnnn!
@Xirema The variant is more specific. It can remove it's bond at any time on it's own.
@GcL I am Player and DM at two separate tables...
And if I'm your DM and you're trying to get all the benefits without the downsides, I wouldn't be as favorable.
@NautArch Right, but then you'd just summon a completely different spirit.
@Xirema You've got two roles at two tables? That's like... four roles! That's like 8 times the number of rolls!
@Xirema See above. There are trade-offs. This is the trade-off with the variant.
(I only noticed that part like two minutes ago)
@NautArch You know,.... you never hear much about "trade-ons". I think we should spend some time considering those.
@NautArch Yep. Any Pseudodragon you summon with that feature could end its service on its own terms. That could be really bad if it happens in the middle of an important fight.
@GcL The way the table I'm DMing at is going, there's pretty good odds the entire party ends up with Familiars at one point or another.
~We all need something to cast-Find-Familiar on~
hmm doesn't quite roll off the tongue
The paladin wants to go the same route I took in my other group of eventually taking a few warlock levels. Been hypothesizing ways to integrate that into the long-term campaign plans.
Oh. Speaking of.
Paladin-warlock is one of those multiclasses that I feel was by design. It works really well both mechanically and narratively.
Q: True Polymorph, Dragon Change Shape, and True Sight interaction

Number268So what happens if one of my PC's casts True Polymorph to turn into an adult gold dragon, concentrates on the spell for the full hour to make it permanent, then uses the the dragons Change Shape feature to turn into some random humanoid. Would True Sight see only the original form of the PC, only...

The Artificer at my DM!Table has an ability I homebrewed for her that allows her to create an "Alchemical Surge" potion once a day, which when consumed (or hurled at an enemy with extreme prejudice) produces a random alchemical effect. To generate the table I just borrowed the Wild Magic Surge table, but I've been having to swap out some of the entries because some of them are Sorcerer-specific and don't work when applied as a Potion Effect.
Anyone got any good Wild Magic effects that they wish were on the Wild Magic Surge table?
Sep 10 at 17:40, by Yuuki
> <Weapon> of the Dice-pocalypse. On a hit, roll 1d20. Roll this many damage dice. Discard the result.
> On a hit Wild Surge, roll 1d20. Roll this many damage dice d20s. Roll this many d12s. Roll this many d10s. Roll this many d8s. Roll this many d6s. Roll this many d4s. Flip this many coins. Discard the result.
I am really pulling downvotes today
Just to give context, I already added "mile-radius Anti-Magic Field" to the table, because that absence from the Wild Magic table is easily WotC's most egregious mistake in 5e.
@Xirema What? Mile-radius antimagic field is an egregious mistake in itself.
@Powerdork For cowards!
Look, as a DM, if you can't handle your entire campaign plans being upended by a random 1% chance you had no ability to control, you really have only yourself to blame.
@Yuuki I do like the idea of spamming a bunch of die rolls onto the roll20 app, and then explaining nothing about why I made them or what their effect is....
DMs just rolling dice, then smiling smugly at the players without saying anything is something of a trope already, isn't it? You don't need Wild Magic for that!
@Xirema lol
@Yuuki or a bit of chlorine XD either way
even though that would be an extremely bad idea if it weren't a video game
(I am probably going to dial it back from 1 mile. The original text reads "An Antimagic Field with a radius of one mile appears at your location. The radius shrinks by 1 foot every round". Which I love as a Wild Magic Effect, but as a potion effect feels a bit off. I guess I could just have it follow the player around, but....)
@trogdor I don't think Chlorine creates Sterile Atmosphere.
You get rid of any germs but your food will still decay.
Whereas you can store all your food in unpowered ration boxes in a CO2 pit and it'll never rot.
oh interesting
Yeah, I have one placed right below my storage right now at the bottom of my base as a pantry of sorts.
@Yuuki Well, until the anaerobic bacteria get a hold of it...
But it does take way longer than normal bacteria.
All the CO2 produced should drift down into the pantry and I have a carbon skimmer set up in the kitchen to prevent overflow.
I'm working on getting a coal generator room set up next to the pantry as well for more CO2 production.
I'm apparntly wasting power on those two refrigerators then xD
@Yuuki How passive is the whole setup, once you have it up and running?
Also, look into ranching to get access to small amounts of refined metal and plastic without investing a lot of time into building refinery setups and cooling.
@Upper_Case The only dupe interaction it uses right now is providing coal for the generators and retrieving ingredients from the pantry.
I'm sure I can automate coal supply for the generators although I haven't looked very far into it.
oh I know how to get refined metal from it but plastic would be nice
@trogdor Tame some dreckos, put farm tiles in the drecko room and plant mealwood.
They'll eventually produce glossy drecko eggs.
Make sure you have a good amount of hydrogen in the room as well.
@Yuuki That's pretty interesting! I won't pester you after this, but what concentration of CO2 are you aiming for in the chamber, and what is the leakage/required replenishment rate like?
that will be a slight pain but it also still sounds better than getting oil right now
@Upper_Case Concentration doesn't really matter as long as CO2 is the only gas in the pantry.
which it probably will be too
Gas management is literally just me putting an airflow tile on the roof of the pantry.
as long as you don't drop chlorine in there
@trogdor You can get oil from ranching too.
yeah but all I want oil for is plastic
at least right now
Crude and petroleum are pretty good heat transfer mediums, IIRC.
I'm looking to harness a natural gas geyser to produce power and crude oil.
Just need to reach it and analyze it so I can run the numbers on how much stuff I need.
@Yuuki True, but straight-up production of CO2 can be tricky, so I wondered if there were more considerations. But apparently not! Cool project, good luck on the next phases
Pipe the natural gas to a generator, it produces polluted water and CO2. I can run the polluted water to pincha pepper plants (since it comes out hot and the peppers like hot water) and the CO2 to a slickster ranch.
The slickers will breathe in the CO2 and produce crude oil.
I've got a natural gas geyser already but I have it hooked up for power atm
if I can produce crude from it that would actually be pretty useful too
I didn't realize you could do that either XD
Mine's inside of a slime biome so I need to do some careful mining to make sure I don't get slimelung everywhere.
always have trouble with that
but I've gotten pretty good at cleaning that stuff up too
I also have a cold slush geyser that I'm currently using for base cooling although once I get my natural gas geyser setup going, I think I'm going to convert it to a sleet wheat production farm.
oh I wish it had cool slush this time
Sleet wheat + pincha pepper = yum yum pepper bread
so far I've found 3 different sources of water but they all produce a lot of heat
There's a couple ways to deal with those. I'm trying to decide between oxygen production or recouping some power from refining via steam turbine.
You can delete some of the heat from cool steam events by piping the water into an electrolyzer and then pumping the hot hydrogen in a hydrogen generator.
there is a cool steam vent close that I didn't tap
As for the oxygen, I'm currently using it for atmo suits, because I think oxygen temps doesn't matter for atmo suits, and storing the excess until I can either send it to liquid oxygen production or vent it to space.
heat is definitely the thing I have the most trouble managing
That's how you know you're in the mid-game.
Before that, you're managing food/water/oxygen production.
Mid/late-game is all about heat management.
heat indirectly killed all my bases so far except for the current one
Right now, my refinery is sitting inside of a slime biome that I cleared right below a frozen biome. Using the frozen biome for cooling but that's a temporary solution that I'm going to need to fix fast.
Seems useful
I have to decide whether to dig up to space to get access to space materials or dig down to magma to get access to easier power for fuel heat deletion machines.
ugh now i just remember that the slime biome that i spent so much time carefully clearing by placing a bridge of mesh tiles to drop the polluted water into one big pool has now been contaminated by food poisoning because some stupid dupes dug in dumb ways and they peed into the pool
I hate when they trap themselves and do that
Now I need to figure out how to clean that water without heating it a lot. I suppose I could build a second big reservoir and pipe the water through a chlorine room.
It slows down my planning a lot when I have to fix it
Or one of them dies, which happened to my current base
A pretty promising dupe too :/
I actually killed one of my dupes on purpose. I got them originally because I spent ten printing pod cycles or something looking for a suitable ranching dupe and I settled for one with narcolepsy because I was getting annoyed. Of course, the next printing pod cycle provided me with a much better ranching dupe.
So I sent the poor bugger into a caustic biome to dig some stuff and turned off his door permissions behind him.
I've since learned not to put my water supply at the bottom of my base.
I don't do that anymore either
> Entombed (6)
Six dupes stuck their heads in one block.
it's too real
I thought that art style looked familiar, it's the same people who made Don't Starve.
And Guacamelee.
and Shank and a bunch of other games
Did they do Mark of the Ninja?
I want to say that's also Klei.
Don't Starve is the only one I knew about. XD
I think they did
I've not played it but I think I've seen it in a Klei sale
Don't Starve might be their most well known game
besides maybe Guacamelee
For a brief period, it was Mark of the Ninja because it was just a fantastic stealth side-scroller.
Probably the best I've played in years.
@Xirema I had to scroll back a bit. Is this game called Oxygen Not Included?
@V2Blast Yes.
cool cool, will have to check it out :)
@V2Blast might want to check out the comments on the harpoon question. Getting a little heated.
will take a look
yeah well I'm tired of dealing with trolls in every part of SE when all I try to do is help people
@Ryan For what it's worth, I wasn't trying to troll and you added the detail I was asking for.
@Ryan None of that seemed to be trolling, though Oblivious Sage's reply didn't really clarify the issue. Knowing which "harpoons" you're talking about is indeed helpful to answer the question, and I appreciate that you edited the detail in.
Haven't read that module, but is it just NPCs that use them normally?
Its PCs that use them
Hmm, are they like siege weapons?
Or is it a machine mounted merrow harpoon?
there are 10 harpoons and a place to fling them
each war machine requires a crew. One on each crew is Harpoon Flinger. 10 harpoons, 3/4 cover
@Ryan hope you don't mind, I edited in an example into your post
@Ryan Hmm, so are harpoons the ammunition and the flinger the weapon?
does it make any difference to my question?
the answer seems to be no and none of this changes that
Okay, I'll back off. I was just interested and trying to understand.
thats fine, just say that
theres a difference between curiosity and required information for a question
to answer you - i have no idea it just says what i told you more or less
i cant give verbatim because thats not allowed for copyright here
@Ryan Generally short quotes seem fine, as long as you're only quoting what's needed/helpful and not whole passages of text.
Q: Ways to bypass spell resistance in 5e?

GrondOur DM originally began with Brooches of Shielding to nerf the Sorlock and Bladelock. After realizing that we had a new revenue stream after killing them and selling them (after any member of the party who wanted one, got one), and that the Sorlock and Wizard had other spells that were doing "too...

Q: How does the death ward spell work if you are at 0 hit points and take massive damage?

Medix2The death ward spell states: [...] The first time the target would drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, the target instead drops to 1 hit point, and the spell ends. If the spell is still in effect when the target is subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously ...

@V2Blast your wording is not accurate. Im editing it to be correct
go for it :)
er actually i guess it is
pretty sure instead of doing a GOO Warlock I'm going to do a Ranger. Its another class I've been wanting to play and think this is a great setting to actually use their abilities
@Ryan are there stats for the flingers (HP/AC?) Or just that it takes a crew to use?
shooting things across the wasteland
@NautArch RAW the vehicles have damage thresholds and mishap thresholds. The mishap thresholds can cause a weapon malfunction among other things
but as far as targeting the weapons - no there is nothing for that
@Ryan weird. does it define 'crew'?
I think Crew is already defined in the DMG which I dont have
I know my DM deliberately did some boat on boat combat the last few games to practice
Whats really scary is the fuel to use the infernal war machines
its GGPO to Paladins
it uses Soul Coins and any soul used is gone forever while "their screams of anguish audible out to a range of 60 feet"
@Ryan I think it's defined in Avernus: dndbeyond.com/marketplace/source/…
DMG doesn't cover it (I don't think)
I have the book in front of me
not sure where it is, just have the link dndbeyond link :(
i dont think it is. It would be in the Infernal War Machines section and theres nothing really defining Crew
all it really says is "An infernal war machine doesn't have actions of its own. It relies on crew to occupy stations and use their actions to operate the vehicle's various functions."
which I believe is the same as boats
but here's another crazy weapon for you
GIven that it takes a crew to use, I think it's pretty clear a single character's mechanics wouldn't influence it.
Chomper: A target reduced to 0 hit points by this damage is ground to bits and spit out through pipes on both sides. Any nonmagical items the target was wearing or carrying is also destroyed
but there should be a section on action stations and crew
Harpoon Flinger's crew is 1 not like 3 people
@Ryan oh! I was reading that as 1 crew, not crew of 1!
ah I see how that could be taken. I think its Crew of 1 basically
that would make sense, especially given it's damage.
so I think Sharpshooter would definitely get the first 2 abilities was just trying to see if there's a way to get the -5/+10 part
debating between Wood Elf or Variant Human
wood elf is always a winner for rangers
but feats are the bees knees
pretty much comes down to do I want Sharpshooter at level 1 or level 4
Q: Abuse of Illusory Reality

Joe LI'd like to know some methods of curtailing the abuse of the Illusionist power "Illusory Reality" in a game. Right now I have a player here running roughshod over the other GMs in the group by using it to pull off some highly destructive and, imho, questionable tactics. Things like, making part o...

Q: Can massive damage kill you while at 0 HP?

Medix2The rules on "Instant Death" state: Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum [...] Does this only apply if you aren't already at 0 HP? Or rather, wha...

and is darkvision important in your campaign?
@V2Blast Yes, and reading them talking about it makes me really want to play it.
@NautArch this for me? like Elven Darkvision?
eh I guess, i never really worry about that

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