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there seems to be a bit of a community of them on youtube if you're not already familiar with any, sounds like you might enjoy them
youtube.com/artifexian is the guy I was thinking of
I'm familiar with a few of them
And the Traveller book has some pretty good guidelines.
okay I'll check it out
Oh um I got my first gold badge today
oh yea, how's that?
@Gwideon mazel tov!
oh, that question about a homophobic PC. Nice job!
Congrats \o/
tactical rephrasing
was already on it lol
there you go
Um i got the famous question badge for my most recent question
great job!
@Carcer yea, as soon as I hit enter I reread it and realized the error of my ways.
7 more badges and you can challenge the Elite Four
anyways um i just want to say that um i'm enjoying my time here. Um most of the people here are really helpful
I can't read your name without thinking of Lil' Gideon from Gravity Falls
oh man, someone starred your message. you've got like 2 minutes to make any edits you want before it is cemented.
and I'm glad you've had a mostly help-filled experience so far.
only mostly help-filled
what does a starred message mean
clearly a few of us are letting the side down
@Gwideon if you're on PC, there's a starboard to the right ---->
on mobile uh.... I think you hit the menu and there's an option for it?
Welcome back @Ash ^_^
oh okay
@goodguy5 2 min edit window on messages unless mod
oof. thanks
@Gwideon Users can star messages as interesting so they show up on the star board. You can see popular or relevant topics that way without reading the whole transcript
It's not a chat upvote. Except when it totally is :-) (ie it's not meant to be one, but is occasionally used that way anyway)
@Gwideon this is one of my favourite rooms on SE, because the people are generally kind and helpful. :)
@goodguy5 it gets deleted same as anything
@Ash it's very smooth, as well. good job, devs
I was worried it'd be jank
@Gwideon in case I missed it somewhere - what pronouns would you like us to use for you?
Gwe Gwem, obviously
Well Um I'm a Them
@Gwideon highfives I'm also a they/them user!
Don't we have another, or am I confusing another chat? (arqade?)
[wave] Thanks for sharing!
There's at least one other they/them around here but I dunno how out they are so I'll let 'em mention it if they want.
totally understandable.
just wondering but um why were you asking. sorry It's just i'm not used to being asked that without some sort of intention behind it.
I'd bet we have a sizable population, but just haven't really asked
@Gwideon politeness
@Gwideon Most likely, in case someone wants to refer to something you said / wrote
@Carcer and inclusivity!
What's nice is I think we generally avoid gender pronouns here by habit :) Not sure how prevalent that is, though.
Ash is good about modeling the kind of behaviour they want to see, I admire them for it.
it can be rude to assume and most people to whom it's relevant consider asking to be polite, welcoming behaviour
@NautArch Do we? I guess I never thought about it. Generally speaking, I feel like it just doesn't come up much.
....Ooh. [checks] Okay yeah, my he/him is in my profile here too.
@BESW dats me i'm one
it you?
Enby mod on deck!
I just realised I could add my pronouns to my chat description today, even
@goodguy5 Yeah, that's my general feeling. WHen responding to questions, etc. it seems like most folks here refer with "they" rather than a gender.
You can't fool me, Doppel. We all know that you're a sentient patch of green haze.
@BESW o7
@goodguy5 Sure! But I'm a nonbinary sentient patch of green haze.
I suppose.
I do my best not to assume gender when pronouning albeit I am aware I am not perfect
(One would think it comes with the being a sentient patch of green haze but this assumption doesn't necessarily bear out; a doppelgreener is much more complicated than that.)
@Gwideon Worldbuilding can be fun. Keeps the mind busy. Kinda sad sometimes though. With virtually no players, I'm pretty sure that 99% of my ideas won't be used anywhere.
is Deb, the sentient patch of haze from WtNV, gendered?
@Carcer it me!
@MikeQ You can make 'em into little setting modules and publish them on itchio!
@MikeQ that's when you write a novel or short story so you can use those ideas
@Carcer The wiki genders Deb with she/her.
Yeah, I was pretty sure she was a she but it's been ages since I listened so didn't trust my recollection
Scientifically only a doppler-blue-er and a doppler-red-er is possible :P
@Gwideon @Ash high fives o/
@Gwideon But I don't want to write adventures. I want to write worlds, and instead let the players write the stories as a participating audience.
@SirCinnamon That's what this chat script is for.
@BESW altering the wavelengths of light? :O
@BESW Yes, install this script to help adjust the laws of the universe governing the color spectrum. It will make mod names show up in the correct color and poses no risk for the fabric of reality, I promise.
@SirCinnamon Green shift occurs if an object is moving relative to you along the time axis
that shouldnt be done in javascript it should only be done in.... c
yeah that can be annoying
(get it?)
@SirCinnamon I C what you did there
i geddit
I've been reading a somewhat physics heavy scifi series
@SirCinnamon which one?
@NautArch Three Body Problem
@SirCinnamon I'll have to check it out! Still got a ways to go on my Rift series travels.
@Gwideon I ask mostly because it's kind to ask, so I know how to refer to people in ways they are comfortable with even if they aren't here. It's my way of just...showing respect and care. :)
@SirCinnamon ha, my brother told me about that series a few weeks ago
Originally written in Chinese, I haven't read much translated literature
(sorry, got distracted a little by video games)
It's very good. A coworker mentioned it and when i looked it up it was well reviewed by Barack Obama and Hideo Kojima and i was like... I gotta know what thats about
he said it's interesting how different it is from Asimov-like scifis he's used to, presumably because of a different cultural background
@AndrasDeak Yeah, the cultural difference is apparent and refreshing
@SirCinnamon That one's on my nightstand stack to read.
he also said it's great
@BESW Unsure about that. I prefer to cater my games based on my specific intended audience (and myself). My personal game goals and preferences are kinda baked in. It might not make sense for other groups.
You can package them with your goals and preferences explicit in the text, so people know what they're getting.
Quality niche material is what indie stuff is all about. Let Wizards and Paizo worry about the LCD.
Ok. Business Structures in the NISP passed - 91%. Go me. :p
@Ash then um thank you. um I will let you know That um i'm used to being referred to by male pronouns (I um kinda have to hide my status as non-binary)
@MikeQ Would you consider yourself a person who enjoys arcane rules and has an interest in getting an associates degree in medieval history?
anyways I'll shut up
with a minor in greek philosophy?
That's oddly specific
@Gwideon You're a green box with an white pattern in the middle to me.
hahaha yeah I need a profile pic
@Gwideon Ah, maybe worth mentioning, there are usually multiple simultaneous conversations going on in chat. It's not like anyone needs to quiet themselves if someone else is discussing stuff.
@Gwideon Just to be clear, if you are uncomfortable with the issue you have no need to continue talking about it. But you also have no need to "shut up" at all as far as the room is concerned :) Please feel free to talk as much as you want.
@MikeQ Just wondering if that's a audience you'd include yourself in.
@Gwideon no worries! You don't have to shut up. Here, you can be however is comfortable. If you want to use they/them you can, and if you would rather we use other pronouns, we can also do that!
oh no it's not that. I tend to ramble so sometimes I need to mentally kinda stop myself
@SirCinnamon and added to my wishlist :)
(I am an enby who uses they/them mostly.)
N B - got it
also yeah i would prefer they but um I'm not super strict on pronouns
@Gwideon oh trust me I feel you there, but it's all good. :)
@Gwideon so they it shall be, then. :)
@goodguy5 Mediabrowser did the same thing when they relaunched. It was colloquially known as MB, and now they're Emby.
I can be a bit of a rambly chatterbox myself, especially if you find one of the things I hyperfocus on
@Gwideon Excellent. I'll remember "they" for you then :)
@NautArch Woohoo! I hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!
@SirCinnamon It'll be awhile. I've got quite a few books left in the Riftwar Cycle
@GcL Then I'll tentatively say that I'm not specifically part of such an audience. It's usually easier for me to process a small set of generalizable rules, than a large set of very specific ones.
@NautArch Yes, i know the feeling, I have a several book backlog as well
Ouch, There's like 18 books left :/
@MikeQ Fair enough.
I have books I need to read
I have the second book of the dark tower series to read
I recently finally finished reading Iain Banks' culture novels
I was missing one in the middle for some time so obviously couldn't progress
@NautArch Oh yeah! you are totally right.
um can I upload something I've been working on
@Gwideon Depends what you're working on, and where you want to upload it
Well it's a character from an animation i'm working on. It's um based on one of my dnd characters. I'd just like to put it in chat
this is a terrible place to upload things because it's a text chatroom and not a fileserver but it takes links to files that are hosted somewhere else very well
you may!
@Carcer oh yeah. we do have a limited image host though.
I think the protocol is to post a link to wherever it's hosted, but not the media itself
@Carcer it uploads to stack imgur, right?
okay I'll see what I can do
if it's a flashy/flickery animation, best to link to it
would you believe I've actually only just noticed that upload button
well it's not the animation itself
@NautArch 18 books? You must still be Serpentwar Saga
@doppelgreener And even if you upload you can edit away the onebox ;)
@AndrasDeak true!
Or a certain mod can... :P
also true! many mods in fact
it's just an image of one of the characters
Many certain mods
Are there uncertain mods?
For sure
is very confuzzled
@Carcer Only in moderation.
many mods make a minor mission of minimising maddening multimedia
@Gwideon go ahead, it's fine
@doppelgreener Glorfindel
it's probably not that good
(just note that uploading here cements it on the internet for all eternity)
that's fine. it's nothing bad
@NautArch - Just an FYI, The Riftwar Legacy and the Legends of Krondor series are not really part of the Riftwar Cycle, they are standalones. The Riftwar Legacy was also the basis of the computer game "Betrayal at Krondor" which...was decent to play.
Stumbled on this:
TL;DR man hunts deer and eats deer
@goodguy5 oh, deery me.
Speaking of images, I dunno who here reads the articles on D&Dbeyond, but there's an unintentionally very silly artwork in the writeup about devils
@JohnP orly? I was going by the wiki. And working my way down the list. I accidentally skipped the Empire Trilogy, but about to finish Book 2 of that before starting back up with Riftware Legacy.
@Gwideon I think it is awesome!
@AndrasDeak So like 10 years until google stops indexing it?
I have no artistic ability (as far as producing art) but I know a good one when I see it, and it's really good! And I'm also jealous at your skills.
@GcL at least until imgur goes bust
@NautArch Yeah, Empire Trilogy, and those two are set in the same universe, and have some of the same characters, but aren't really (IIRC) mentioned otherwise. I think there are a couple of short paragraph or two references, but no real major impacts to the main arc.
I don't mind it being out there. I was gonna upload the animation this character was apart of to youtube anyways
@Carcer or SE
@Gwideon You could make it a gif and put it on imgur.
I haven't read the last 4 books, but the Conclave of Shadows group was my favorite other than the initial 3/4 (Depending on how you count Magician, I read it as two separate books).
@JohnP I'm well past that part of the timeline in the main series and there definiitely weren't any references to what was going on there. There may have even been new info about some characters mentioned that wasn't elsewhere.
@Gwideon or get all fancy and convert it to webp format. I hear it's the new hotness.
no because the animation is kinda gonna be dialogue-heavy.
so it needs to be a video format
gif comic strip?
I don't know
I think they just wanted to show it, not asking about how to disseminate it :)
yeah I did kinda just wanted to show it
@Rubiksmoose /shrug. Still good to verify, but glad Medix put their edit back in now for now.
@NautArch Empire...isn't that where one of Aruthra's sons marries an empress from Kelewan? Borric maybe?
oh hang on
@JohnP Empire was the one in Kelewan about Lady Mara.
Daughter of Empire, Servant of Empire?
I've read those!
literally just the empire trilogy out of the whole riftwar thing, somehow
Did you like them?
They seemed entertaining enough
it would have been probably about fifteen years ago though and I have learned to be somewhat wary of what teenage me thought was good
@MikeQ Do you like adorable animals and very simple rules and bite sized increments of play?
@Carcer Well, current middle-aged me likes them :) Take that as you will.
@Carcer Ugh... kids those days when you were a kid, right?! The music we listened to! I blame all the noises. /S
@NautArch I meant the series, I'll have to go look. I'm curious now.
@JohnP I don't think Borric did, but I don't think he did (or least not a Borric I've encountered)
@NautArch No, neither he nor his brother evidently. I know someone did, but there are so many books that I have not read in a long time...
@JohnP Well, it hasn't happened yet but i'll let you know when/if it does :)
I'm totally drawn into this multigenerational storyline
@NautArch Yeah, it's woven pretty well.
Moving back to the EMpire trilogy was hard though because I"m a couple of generations past that in the main stoyr.
Hey Fate peoples, is there any way to do a tag-ectomy on this question?
um does anyone have any tips for giving better answers? I've found I'm not very good at giving them
@Rubiksmoose I think it should be either AE or Core, not both.
Um i wonder if my answer is sufficient for a question
@vicky_molokh OK are all the other tags really necessary/ok there?
@Rubiksmoose There's two editions of Dresden, one that is Core-like and one that is Accelerated.
@vicky_molokh I'll also yield to your expertise here, is there any way to walk the user to figure out which ones are relevant?
um it's the bountied question about grappling in pathfinder 2e
It could make sense to use [fate] [fate-core] and [dresden-files] OR [fate] [fae] and [dresden-accelerated], depending on intent.
@Gwideon Well people here should be able to give you some feedback on your answer if you wanted to try running it through here first.
I don't know whether Mantles are specific to one of the editions.
um okay
In my experience, the freehand used for the grapple is occupied as it needs to be used to continue hold onto the creature. To make the attack with the gauntlet would require you to let go therefore releasing the grapple but according to the core rules the grapple can be released as a free action so if you have a second attack available you could release what you're grappling then double slice it but then whatever you where grappling wouldn't be restrained anymore so what would be the point.

I've had a similar situation come up with one of my players before and as a GM this is how I ruled i
@GcL no the music I listened to when I was younger is still perfect now and that will never change
@Rubiksmoose I generally have minimal knowledge about Dresden.
> Mantles are currently a mechanic unique to the Dresden Files Accelerated game, which is built off of FAE. You are not far off in describing then as archetypes; my personal description of them would be:
i know it's not very long but i don't think the question requires a long answer
That's from a reddit thread.
@vicky_molokh OK, well thanks for your help!
I'm not really sure what to do or how to adjust the tags at this point, but if someone with time and experience could help out (or don't if it is unnecessary!), then I'm sure it would be appreciated.
@vicky_molokh Do you think this is a case where all the clashing tags affects the clarity of the question such that it would complicate or confuse answers?
@Rubiksmoose I'd remove [fate-core], and maybe [dresden-files], but I'm unsure if this will run into 'AE is technically a subset of Core' issue. And I'm not sure if [df] is meant to be setting-scope or original-setting-and-precore-system-scope.
@Gwideon Not every question needs a long answer for sure!
@Gwideon Also I can't really help with the answer too much because I've never played PF2e, but there are others in here who can.
@Rubiksmoose Sorry for not giving a confident answer.
it's okay
@vicky_molokh No worries at all! It helps me a bit and I'm sure we'll get it all worked out eventually. :)
Thanks for taking time to explain that to me. I'm just not familiar at all with the Fate landscape.
it does seem that this player is trying to be kinda rules lawyery but yeah. It seems like a really strange thing to base a build around
@Gwideon I do think your first sentence might need some more evidence/explaining. What does "in your experience" mean as far as convincing someone here? Are you talking IRL or at the the game table? And you should answer the question (if the latter) why should my experience at the table be held specifically as a good way to run/interpret it and how does it help with this rules issue?
Do the rules support you statement? If not, is it because the rules are missing or unclear or something else? And why does ruling this way make sense? :)
it is unclear within the rules but it is implied by the rules
I've encountered a situation like this while GMing for a group of friends. I ruled that freehand used for the grapple is occupied as it needs to be used to continue hold onto the creature. To make the attack with the gauntlet would require you to let go therefore releasing the grapple but according to the core rules the grapple can be released as a free action so if you have a second attack available you could release what you're grappling then double slice it but then whatever you where grappling wouldn't be restrained anymore so what would be the point. I do think you would be able to fol
Is grappling better resolved in Pathfinder 2e than 5e?
i um edited the answer
@NautArch they seem to be really similar in how they're resolved
@Gwideon that's too bad. SUch an underwhelming option 5e.
Yeah it is but it can be situationally useful
@NautArch I'd kinda like to see some martial archetype that does more interesting things with grappling. Locks, chokes, suplexs, throws, etc
@MikeQ Same. But the mechanics are so limiting out of the box.
by all rights the plural of suplex should be suplices
@NautArch Maybe? They did something similar with combat maneuvers and the battle master.
As someone who's played multiple grapple builds in 3.PF, and had to constantly bring notes to the table and re-explain the mechanics to fellow players and GMs, I appreciate the simplified grappling ruleset
@MikeQ Right, but don't see anything like that with grappling. The most you get is incapacitated, but then both the grappler and graplee get that condition.
Yep. So maybe the archetype would take less of a penalty when grappling, and have more options in dealing with grappled creatures
Actually pf 2e just requires one free hand to make a grapple action. You can still attack with the other hand.
@MikeQ But it also seems that 5e is less about control and more about damage.
I say as I'm trying to build more of a control wizard
I will say this. Pf 2e has more options for a grappler type build than just the grapple action.
@NautArch Hm. Then I think this archetype should go to monk, since most of its archetypes are more about striking rather than battlefield control
@MikeQ I could see both a monk and a fighter build for it.
@NautArch Possibly. I'm leaning more towards monk because the class is more reliant on melee/close combat, compared to fighter.
@goodguy5 how's goodbaby doing?
He just cut his second tooth!

He is pulling himself up to standing and can barely take little steps while doing so.

Also figured out crawling this past week, locked down.
Before that he was just forcing his body along the floor by force of will.
@goodguy5 is will a relative?
if so, that's kinda harsh of him.
@goodguy5 two on the bottom? That was how all three of mine's came in, and it's a super-cute look, I think.
bottom two, indeed
Or how about one on each side, like insectoid mandibles. Could be useful for grabbing prey and challenging opponents!
side note, I copied that german snippet (the german phb question) and went over to google.

I typed "translate" into the bar and it brought up german to english translations, and now I'm a little upset.
@goodguy5 Wuhappen?
1. question containing german snippet from German PHB
2. I copy the snippet into my clipboard
3. I search "translate" in my chrome hotbar
4. google translate comes up (expected), but it "defaulted" to German to English.
it usually does "auto detect"
Last setting perhaps? I know mine remembers, and I often choose languages manually.
@goodguy5 What about that did you find to be upsetting?
because unless the last thing I used was German to English (possible), Google knows what's in my clipboard and is choosing the translator based off of that
If Kiv is around, type something in ... uh... Finnish?
honestly, any non German other language will work.
Akkor adjunk egy nehezített feladványt a google-nek
try that ^
That makes me feel better. still shows German, until I change it to auto detect.
tough cookie for google translate :D
Then let's give google a puzzler

it said
yeah, that's what it told me too
I'd never have used "puzzler" but I guess it's okay. I said "So let's give Google an advanced [task/puzzle/riddle]"
@goodguy5 The impression that the search engine knows more ahead of time than it should is unsettling? Is that correct?
What browser?
@goodguy5 I can undestand that feeling.
@MikeQ I don't really think of suplexs when I think of grappling, but i guess a lot of throws could be considered a kind of suplex.
suplex is just
grapple + damage + prone
When I hear suplex, I think pro wrestling.
@goodguy5 That's would be true for sweeps and most throws in general.
greco I could see. They do like gator rolls and the like.
I was thinking all the backwards hip throws or sacrifices from judo or collegiate wrestling. You could construe those as a kind of suplex.
I had found this 5e reddit feat list and there's a couple that would be good for grappling builds.
(was linked in that feat list page)
Those are definitely my players.
I learned "murder hobo" from HNQ a few weeks back; is that applicable?

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