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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@NautArch I mean, yeah, at least a few.
@Xirema So, you may not even get to a point where you'd give this weapon out?
Oh - It would be useful in a scenario where someone is forced to attack an ally, and wants to pretend that they're really hurting them
@NautArch Well that's something I'm trying to gauge. I'm trying to tune the homebrew to identify outliers in terms of overall weapon power. A +4/-2 dagger can seem pretty fancy, but if you're better off with the (automatically determined to be of equivalent rarity) +1 dagger instead, then it begs an important question about whether the assumptions about that item's quality are valid.
Because in my homebrew, a +4/-2 Dagger and a +1 Dagger both rate as an "Uncommon Major Magic Item". If it's much better than that, then I should be rating it as Rare. If it's worse than that, I should be rating it as "Common".
@Xirema honestly, I don't love the +/- mechanics. I had a weapon that had separate hit/damage and it was hard to keep track of.
Maybe it's well-crafted as a weapon, but uses a very soft material
Masterwork war noodle
@NautArch Definitely a valid point. I'm generally not too bothered by that kind of stuff because both in paper and in roll20, I just write down the aggregate modifiers, i.e. I'm not writing +7+4 to hit, 1d4+3-2 damage, I just write down +11 to hit, 1d4+1 damage.
A problem I see with the +X/-Y weapons is that they are making play even less exiting. Reliably hitting for a small amount of damage is more monotonous. Making hitting things with your stick less varied isn't making good use the design space for magic items.
@Xirema Yeah, i had that, too. But at that point in my character's life i knew it's stats and rarely referenced things. But I'd been using my +3 weapon for a long time before it became +3/+1. So it was just hard to keep track of it.
@Someone_Evil Well, I'm gauging a whole range of +-/+- weapons to see what stands out. The +10/-5 was the only one that immediately stood out, since -5/+10 is basically just GWM without the feat.
just my own personal experience
@Someone_Evil Everybody loves the slam dunk, which is worth the same as a regular layup.
Actually, if @Rubiksmoose wants to thaw out the Elemental Plane of Math, I'll dump my current chart over there with the modifiers I tested. =P
Q: Can a Pact of the Chain warlock forgo their Attack action to have all familiars from the Flock of Familars spell make an attack?

SorlackThe Pact of the Chain warlock gets the following benefit: Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack with its reaction. If I have 3 familiars running havoc from the Flock of Familiars spell (Lost Laboratory ...

@JohnP That doesn't translate well to those of us to whom basketball was something that happened on a different continent. (I had to google layup, but I still don't know what your point is)
@Xirema Raw numbers alone may not be enough to excite players
@Someone_Evil "Something unreliable but flashy is more exciting than something that's more reliable but boring, even if they're both worth the same # of points"
they are both worth two points. Nobody cares about the layup because it's boring. Slam dunks are exciting. Players will prefer exciting damage over mundane even if it is the same amount. "I hit you with a stick repeatedly for 22 damage." or "I hit you with a stick that BURST INTO GLORIOUS FLAMES" for 22 damage.
@JohnP But in this case, you're doing that slam dunk for just 1 pt instead of 2 (the -5).
I am, naturally, toying around with a few -1/+2 or -2/+4 weapons, but I think I would need to treat those as especially powerful. It's increasingly clear that in principle, +1hit < +1damage.
@JohnP That might be getting at a different problem/aspect. I'm talking about hitting every time for 5, or hitting half the time but for 10. The 10s are more exciting (and will mean less number tracking for the DM, which is nice)
@Xirema I personally think +X is better as +1dY, because rolling more dice is fun.
@Someone_Evil I'm generally reserving that for alternate damage types, like 1d8 Slashing + 1d4 Piercing for a barbed weapon.
Or, like the canonical 5e examples, a flametongue sword that deals +1d6 fire damage.
if you have multiple situational save bonuses do they stack if they all apply in 1 situation like if you have a +2 will save against charm and compulsion illusions and enchantments +2 will save against all mind affecting spells, and +2 will save bonus that applys to everything
@MageintheBarrel PF1?
@MageintheBarrel Maybe post a question for it? I'm guessing there's probably a duplicate for it already, though, so check if there is.
Ah, good ol' typed bonuses.
On this question are my related actually duplicates?
@JohnP Behold, it is Mithrillini, the legendary war noodle. Crafted from enchanted flour, it has the durability of steel and the rigidity of boiled pasta. You have a +10 bonus to attack rolls and -5 to damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
@MikeQ I'll take 3 please. And Can I please pickup the Shield of Sauce?
@NautArch I don't think so, they are different spells which use different wording, so should be seperate
@Someone_Evil fair enough. I'll leave as related.
Or if others feel like they are, then they can vote as such.
At the end of the day it's "the spellt alks about using my hands, do they need to be free for that?" WHich is why I asked, but they are different spells.
> Chaos Longsword: Martial Weapon, Melee, Major, Artifact Once during your turn, when you hit an enemy with this weapon, you may deal an additional 1d4 damage for each of the following damage types: Fire, Cold, Acid, Poison, Psychic, Force, Thunder, Lightning, Radiant, Necrotic
The Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom has nothing on this bad boy.
additional 10d4 on a hit once/day?
@NautArch That's once per your* turn. XD
@Xirema I'd ban it. That would get really annoying rolling the dice individually for different damage types.
holy half sister of Mary!
@Xirema I want a weapon based on the infinite improbability principle.
It's only marginally better than the FRPSoD, which itself had a +20 bonus. This has a [mathematically equivalent on average] +25 bonus.
Although the FRPSoD didn't limit itself to once per your turn.
@Xirema critical hits...ermergerd.
@NautArch Also that.
@MikeQ ^ Behold, it is the legendary war poodle... I mean pudel
@kviiri Is that Boy?
@kviiri what a cute pupper peper
@MikeQ That is supposedly from the English Civil War (notice the two dogs are labeled as Roundhead and Cavalier) so I doubt it :(
Oh wait
It says in the article that Rupert indeed did take part in the English Civil War
There was some discussion a few weeks ago about adding weapons that innately have the "Expanded critical range" of Champion Fighters or the "increased crit dice" of Barbarians, which mostly just resulted in observations that both of those features are pretty lamesauce in terms of overall power (although weapons with those properties could benefit an actual Barbarian a fair amount).
Yeah, the Wikipedia article actually seems to note that
@Xirema I'd say that most features that are just "make the number bigger" may seem lackluster due to lack of versatility
@MikeQ Well those at least have some added excitement. If your crits result in rolling 10 dice, you're probably more excited by that than just adding +2 to every hit, crit or not.
> <Weapon> of the Dice-pocalypse. On a hit, roll 1d20. Roll this many damage dice. Discard the result.
> On a hit, roll 1d20. The number of damage dice is equal to this number. Once the damage is resolved, physically destroy the dice.
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it....
> Rusting Edge Melee Martial Weapon, Major, Legendary This weapon's damage dice is 4d8. Every time you make a hit with this weapon, roll a d20. On a 1, this weapon loses 1d8 from its damage dice. When it loses all these dice, the weapon disintegrates into rusted metal dust.
> <Weapon> of 'So I Got That Going For Me'. Whenever this weapon rolls a 1 on a damage dice, roll another damage dice.
Q: How can a PC determine what planes a Cubic Gate is linked to?

NathanSThe Cubic Gate (DMG, p. 160) says: The six sides of the cube are each keyed to a different plane of existence, one of which is the Material Plane. The other sides are linked to planes determined by the DM. I'm the DM in this situation, and I've decided which planes the cube is linked to. Ho...

The other one I'm presently thinking about is the Shadow Blade spell, but as a template to apply to regular weapons.
> Shadow [Weapon] Melee Martial Weapon, Major, <rarity> This weapon deals Psychic damage instead of its normal damage type. When you attack with this weapon and you are in Dim Light or Darkness, your attack rolls are made with Advantage.
Not sure what the Rarity should be on such a weapon though.
> Switch Hitter. On a hit, the next attack made by the wielder using another weapon deals an additional 1d8 [bludgeoning/slashing/piercing] damage.
I'm tempted to say Rare, but the problem is that the weapon is objectively worse than an actual Shadow Blade, itself a level 2 spell. So higher uptime + worse damage = what?
Hmm... is probably really good for a rogue since it guarantees advantage in dim light or darkness.
But judging rarity based on an edge case sounds off to me.
oof. I just binged 2/3 of Let's Play (webcomic) that I only stumbled upon because of facebook and I need to get some progress done on this ticket.
4 hours later…
hey there @john, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@JohnP how legal is this link that you are sharing? It seems to be uploaded by a private entity including issues as recent as 2007. IANAL but that seems fishy to me.
I'm not honestly sure even if it isn't legal, how much of an issue it is. Just wanted to see if you had any insight.
@Rubiksmoose Archive.org is always a little tricky. It's Internet Archive and they basically say everything they have should be public domain or CC licensed to be there (or other licences that allow for redistribution) but I know there've been problems in the past with people uploading stuff to IA that they technically didn't have the rights for
(I know more about their internet archiving than their print etc. archiving, though)
Q: Does a gnoll speak both Gnoll and Abyssal, or is Gnoll a dialect of Abyssal?

A Random GuyIn the Dungeons and Dragons 5e Monster Manual, the gnoll statblock lists their language as Gnoll. However, in Volo's Guide to Monsters, the section on gnolls indicates that they communicate with howls, whines, gestures and a broken form of Abyssal. (emphasis mine) Is there any other docume...

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