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"surrender to me"
@Carcer If I"m healthy and I know what i'm fighting why would I run?
I like the simpler suggestions, "back up" "run away" "protect the door" or any other thing someone might hear in combat from a friendly that functions to take them out of combat.
@NautArch actually the exact wording is that "The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable."
Yeah, I think the inherent challenge in suggestion is to find something that's already supported by circumstances but still works to your advantage
@KorvinStarmast Why did you reopen this?
@NautArch If you know it is a superior enemy. Sometimes that is reasonable even if they are fighting anyway because of some misplaced sense of pride (as in, not surrendering is the unreasonable course)
@Carcer And you've got two sentences for the suggestion and to make it reasonable.
@NautArch My sentence is "buffalo the Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo"
@NautArch Why did it get undeleted?
@GcL Because it's good to leave duplicates up?
And it's a neat application
I dunno. It seemed weird to have the question undeleted.
but it's still aduplicate.
@NautArch For sure
@DavidCoffron Korvin didn't provide a reason and just left :( Want to reclose?
@Akixkisu For what its worth, in most cases you get 2 saves: "if it conflicts with the creature’s normal activities and desires"
@DavidCoffron yup but Fast Friends is also incredibly versatile, why would you not have that prepared (if you have to prepare your spells)? It solves so many issues that make some other niche options outright obsolete.
@Akixkisu Has anyone else played a character who considers mind control unethical? Because that would be one reason.
@Akixkisu well, as a player it only deals with one opponent, if there are fifteen guards to the temple, convincing one to let you in doesn't do it all while invisibilty may let you in (assuming there are no other wards)
@MarkWells For example, it is illegal in Waterdeep.
:50989709 that would be a workaround that helps in limited cases, but doesn't resolve the core level of the raw power/versatile function/oppressiveness of the spell.

I mean some of the villains are "good" characters who wouldn't use that spell, but so many NPCs (and players to a lesser degree) would have almost no reason to forgo using that spell.
@DavidCoffron yes but invisibility is hardly a niche spell.
@Akixkisu Maybe you have your party place contingencies that are sure to kill them if triggered (and only the party knows how to trigger them), so that they can threaten to trigger if the party-member adheres to the enemies requests. Then the spell just ends
Also, dispel magic is a thing that is accessible at that time
36 mins ago, by Akixkisu
@NautArch yes and those come at a stage where players can deal with them.
@DavidCoffron sure, but should my players be that orientated at countering one spell?
@Akixkisu What is an example of a niche spell. I'm having a difficult time thinking of one that I would consider niche. Closest I can think of off the top of my head is feign death or gentle repose.
@GcL feather fall, see invisibility?
@Akixkisu They aren't. If you are up against a wizard or bard, you definitely want dispel magic
(and almost every spellcaster gets acess to dispel magic)
@NautArch I could see that. How often are you falling so far that you want to burn an action?
@GcL It's a reaction for when you fall
@GcL Those are spells where you don't need them most of the time. But when you want them, you really wantthem :)
@NautArch See invisibility is a good example. Expecto invisibilitum
I always prepare it when I'm in a mountainous or cavernous region
@GcL The reason why we undeleted it was because we like like having duplicates around, the question was well-asked and was receiving upvotes and there seems to be no compelling reason why it should have been deleted in the first place.
@DavidCoffron Which is kind of the niche for that spell.
@DavidCoffron that is fair, but is the spell balanced compared to other spells of that level?
@Rubiksmoose Why did the OP delete it?
@GcL Probably because they're new and think duplicates shouldn't be up because it's alreday been asked.
but I'm just guessing
@GcL It isn't clear, but likely because of the common newbie impression that closed questions should be deleted.
The reason the undelete privilege exists is exactly for cases like this.
And I'm a little (unreasonably) frustrated it was reopened. OP basically confirmed the duplicate by the deletion (and by their comments.)
Maybe I'll just have to arrange a one-shot where I can extensively playtest the spell.
@NautArch [speculation] Sometimes gold-badged people do forget that they can unilaterally reopen posts.
@Akixkisu That sounds like a fun premise for a blog post or brief write up. The good, bad, and ugly of fast friends.
Do it with orc and pie to start. Fast friends for fast food!
@Rubiksmoose Well, hopefully someone will reclose. I can't. :(
@GcL Not my cup of tea to do that, but i would read it.
@Akixkisu I was hoping you'd write it after your one-shot(s) and then I could read it.
Ugh... this is an awful spell. Dependency Circle ... it's like the opposite of teleportation circle, because once your'e in it, you're going nowhere.
@rubiksmoose Oh NVM I see Korvin's comment now.
@Rubiksmoose I see it, but it still isn't right to reopen. Not finding the questions isn't the same thing as there are actual questions.
But i'm not going to argue Korvin about it in comments. Is what it is.
Although I do dislike the duplicates where it doesn't tell you what it's a duplicate of
@GcL sounds unlikely that I would do that, but maybe I will be so furious that it happens.
@GcL what do you mean?
@Rubiksmoose [more speculation] The social framing around closing questions looks an awful lot like the community accusing the newbie of violating a taboo, and it's totally understandable to respond to that by saying "fine, sorry, I'll take my post down if it's not allowed". If that's considered an unwanted outcome then can we change the social cues we're sending?
It's like, "your prince answer is in another castle posting"
@Akixkisu Idk, it is kind of on par with enemies abound.
@MarkWells the default coded-in behaviour of Stack Exchange being interpreted as hostile to new users is not a new problem nor one we can really do a lot about from here, it's all been discussed to death in the past
(the other level 3 enchanment spell)
@Carcer ^
Not in this case. I was in review queue, and this one came up after an edit.
Based on the edit I felt that it was worth reopening. They said the other questions didn't answer their question.
@DavidCoffron what kind of outside of combat solution are you achieving with enemies abound within that 1 minute?
@KorvinStarmast The questions eventually duplicated do answer that. Not sure if they saw it, but do you think they don't?
@Akixkisu I didn't involve out-of-combat. Enemies abound seems as useful as a combat spell as fast friends is as a non-combat spell
@NautArch I'll get rid of my comments under the answer. We can agree to disagree if I should have done that or not.
@KorvinStarmast cleaned up mine,too
it's fine for a question to be a real specific subset of another question with the point being "does it really work this way", imo
@Carcer Usually those are still closed as dupes? The answer remains the same. But maybe we should take it to meta?
@DavidCoffron maybe my intuition about the odds of using Fast Friends in combat is off that could be a thing.
@NautArch I am a bad person to ask that. Why? I have 4 years of digging into rules to bizarre depth and length asking and answering questions here. With that lens, I can see how those Q&A answer the question because I am used to making those inferences. From the querent's perspective, it doesn't address his use case.
@Akixkisu I'd try and see how AI used it themselves? They do a lot of RP there.
@MarkWells We have essentially no control over those types of basic site mechanisms at the site-moderator level. This topic definitely has been discussed at length before on various Metas big and small (I'll dig some up if you want when I have the time) with the general result being that the people with the power to change it, don't see the need to do so. (this is a pretty big oversimplification though)
@KorvinStarmast his use case doesn't affect this, though. His application of "can I cast spell X before spell Y" doesn't change that what's they're fundamentally asking about is whether they can use an Action before or after a Bonus Action.
@NautArch that sounds rather time extensive, but not exactly a bad use of time.
@KorvinStarmast Sorry about that BTW, I should not have speculated as to your intent.
@Akixkisu Yeah, it definitely will be time consuming. But my gut is that they use a lot of their spells in specific situations.
@NautArch the idea is very neat, no doubt about that.
@Rubiksmoose No worries, because I have sometimes fallen into exactly that boo boo. More than once in both directions when I first got the dupe hammer.
@Akixkisu Non-RP, but I was listening to one where there was a monster that had decreasing AC based on damage thresholds. Neat mechanic.
@KorvinStarmast Me too. More than I'd like to admit lol.
@NautArch Splittermond is the system to look at in that regard, sadly I don't think that there is an english translation.
@G.Moylan While I in general agree with you based on my four year lens, see above, I felt that this spell specificity piece was sufficient to address it. And if that was a boo boo, it can be closed again.
@KorvinStarmast It's a specific interation that is answered with the more general question. But yeah, I guess we'll see if it gets re-duped or not.
And we historically have always rolled those up.
@Akixkisu I could try and google translate it from the german, but I understood the mechanic well enough :P
@NautArch It has different levels of injury that affect abilities and dependent on your "con" equivalent each stage of injury has more or less health.
@Akixkisu Yeah, I really like that type of mechanic. Adds a bit of flavor to a fight.
I typicaly don't do a lot of homebrew monsters, but I'm wanting to stretch my legs a bit on that.
@NautArch Splittermond has a great combat system in general with lots of dynamic interaction. It uses a time-table that is so elegant in indicating who can do what and when while being interactive at all times.
@NautArch that sounds like a good time.
@Akixkisu I've got a session saturday night i have to plan...
@NautArch I think the mechanic would fit well if you have nova players.
Do we have a system tag appropriate for this question? They're using a light, seemingly unpublished stat system. I found , but that doesn't quite sit with me.
Looks like that should be tagged as homebrew.
Or game design
Question about that poison question: is this how everyone else reads the item:
> Once the save is successful the damage is reduced by 1d6 each turn until it is Zero.
My initial reading of it was more along the lines that each time the save was made successfully it would reduce the damage by 1d6. But as I type that out even I'm unsure that is correct.
@Rubiksmoose Your answer seems correct. The phrase "while you are poisoned this way" is the key.
@MikeQ oh yeah, this is separate from the confusion from the question entirely actually.
@Rubiksmoose Check the basic rules description:
> At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.
Right yeah I did read that. Same question though.
On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. So 3d6 always, then make a dc if no save then apply the condition which starts on the next turn, take 3d6, save -> next turn 2d6, no save -> next turn 2d6, save -> next turn 1d6, save -> the condition ends.
It is worded awkwardly, because it could be read as: roll 1d6, and subtract that amount from the result of 3d6, and if the result is zero then the effect ends (which is wrong)
Basically if they fail the save, and then, next turn, make the save does the damage automtaically decrease to 0 after subsequent turns? Or must you make additional saves?
The condition is save reduce damage by 1d6 for all future turns, but not this turn.
@Rubiksmoose You must make additional saves. Each success earns you a 1d6 decrease on the damage
@Akixkisu Yeah OK that is the way I read it as well. I think. They don't seem to be reading it that way though do they?
Each reduce in save is individual.
@Rubiksmoose Yes, both rulings are inadequate.
Though the friends theory is less incorrect.
The friend is still incorrect in that one save is not enough to get rid of the condition.
@Akixkisu I'm not 100% sure that is what they are saying. But I've commented to ask. The way they wrote the question it is unclear if either or both of them think that way about that point.
subsequent indicates that the current turn is not affected by the decrease of 1 d6
But one save only applies one d6 decrease.
Not a decrease on each subsequent turn that is 1d6 everytime.
Right yeah, you and I agree on that.
I just think it is unclear if they do. Their phrasing seems ambiguous to me.
I think that the user may have misunderstood what their friend said to them.
But the way it is written, the friend is also incorrect, because the assumption is to require only one save (after the condition is applied).
@Akixkisu Kinda have one, but they're still just 4th level. He's a paladin.
@Rubiksmoose that answer now looks great.
@Akixkisu Thanks :)
Q: Can the image from Mirror Image be a target of an attack or effect?

VylixThe mirror image spell description says Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell's duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of your duplicates. It does not prohibit targeting the illusory duplicate themselves, especially for a non-host...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (179): As the Dungeon Master, how do I handle a player that insists on a specific class when I already know that choice will cause issues? by pantrahi on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector That one seems like a "Help I'm trapped in a Greeting Card Factory!" type of spam. O_O
@Xirema not necessarily wrong, though.
@Xirema I'm just so confused by it; like why would someone click on the link after reading that. It has no call to action.
Do we homebrew for others? Or am I being too picky with the question format?
I mean, the stackable question within that is

"does 5e have a monster that causes people to behave erratically"

to which a good answer would either be
"yes, here it/they is"

or "no, but here are some examples from editions past"
There are definitely 5e examples. Intellect Devourer comes to mind.
@DavidCoffron Well, that's what I mean though. It seems like someone somehow found their way to a webform that was supposed to be used by the spammer to collect testimonials on their website (which they then disseminate to sites like ours), and instead the user posted their legitimate grievance with the state of British Politics and the webform just accepted it without validation.
@goodguy5 That's kinda how I feel - but not even sure if citing other editions past does that. I mean, what's the difference between an earlier D&D edition vs an entirely different game with regard to a monster/effect?
@NautArch tangential lore reasons.
@goodguy5 BUt it's not a lore question - it's a monster mechanic request.
I don't like his points 2 and 3, but 1 is still a valid question
and 2 and 3 only make sense within the context of 1
Boy, I forget how ugly the RAW around mounts are.
it's awful. We handwave mounts to be under player control.
And what's worse is that their attempts to make it mechanically more sound only made it worse.
@NautArch Would you rather him ask a separate question for each edition? I think it is dine this way
There are just enough rules to make it super confusing
Time for today's episode of Which Is It™?

1. The rules are absent
2. The rules are confusing
3. The rules make sense but are bad
@DavidCoffron No, I'd rather him not ask for how to adjust it to 5e. Just give him the list.
(Spoiler: it's all three!)
@NautArch tbh I agree
@Xirema I'm not even sure they make sense. A controlled mount is...controlled. You are directing as part of what you're doing.
@NautArch Oh. I hadn't seen that in his priority list
@NautArch In this "controlled" means by the character not the player. The GM still controls the NPC that is the mount
@Xirema hah! It's sad but it's completely true.
@DavidCoffron yeah, not a fan
@NautArch Agreed. Although as a GM I do reserve the right to disallow certain player-mount interactions that the mount would not go along with (unless it is a found steed or beast companion or something). Of course I make sure my players are aware of this fact.
Like no riding horse is going to jump over a half-collapsed wall into a flaming building without exceptional training
@DavidCoffron 100% agree. We've had relatively few mounts like that in our previous campaign. It was mostly Find Steed and then later a Unicorn.
@NautArch yakfolk from storm king's thunder, btw
@DavidCoffron But a warhorse absolutely would.
Yeah. We were able to elide a lot of the mounted combat rules when my Paladin picked up Find Steed, because the telepathic communication & bond eliminates a lot of rules weirdness.
@NautArch Right. It's all dependent
although i'd consider a handle animal
@NautArch There really ought to be a proficiency in mounts.
@MarkWells Yeah, controlling mounts is a learned task.
Although is that Mounted Combatant is trying to do?
It's not big enough or special enough to be a feat. Ordinary people learn to control a mount.
It's more like a tool proficiency
@MarkWells Yeah. Maybe Skill?
Or is that 'handle animal'?
Doesn't seem big enough to be a skill.
Yeah, I'd let you use either Handle Animal or this tool-like proficiency
With the idea that most folks can 'figure it out', but you get proficient and you're really good at it.
which you'd most likely get from background
We also tend to overlook needing saddles or a lot of the other mechanics of mount.
"it's part of the horse"
"you want to ride a mount? Cool!"
@MarkWells exactly
see, i'm not all strict! :D
Neogi and succubus
whoa context switch
@MarkWells Unless he's calling me that.
both of them?
There is proficiency with Vehicles (land) granted by the Folk Hero background. I actually though it included mounts, but I guess only wagons and carts?
@NautArch yeah, I'm thinking about just updating some of my answers to reflect how we actually run it: player control, share space, turns interwoven.
@NautArch It's at least on par with land vehicles
Gibbering mouther has the closest effect so far, I think
@Someone_Evil I thought Soldier came with Land Vehicles too? Mount proficiency would make sense for either a soldier or a folk hero
@Rubiksmoose Honestly, it makes mounts really powerful. But...mounts are really powerful.
@NautArch Oh with exotic mounts I make a big deal about crafting saddles (or finding master artisans). You can get whole questlines out of that
@MarkWells Huh.. you're right
@DavidCoffron Yeah, we'e still generally handwaved it. I didn't need to find a saddle for my Find Steed Pegasus.
@NautArch I'd rather them be playable and powerful than confusing and time consuming and slightly less powerful.
Although I did utilize the Unicorn owners magic saddle after it died.
@Rubiksmoose Same. And my point was that being on a horse is powerful. It should be.
@NautArch I mean historically mounts were huge, so it makes sense that having one is a big deal
@goodguy5 What conversation are you taking part in? I hope it's not the 5e mounts one going on around you...
@NautArch Oh yeah, I was agreeing with you :)
haha, that 5e question about a berserk inducing monster
Naut stopped participating, but I didn't
@goodguy5 I'm just not sure what exactly they'er looking for. I think it is stackable, but they'd be better in a forum imo
now that they've changed it, It's stackable, imo
@Someone_Evil Now that would be an exotic mount
@goodguy5 have not!
@Rubiksmoose You're right and I'm going to argue with you!
(nvm I parsed that wrong)
@DavidCoffron can't stop won't stop
@NautArch That's how most of my debates with my brother go, we argue for hours sometimes only to find out that we've been agreeing the whole time, just not using the same explanations
@KorvinStarmast @nitsua60 @NautArch @DavidCoffron Thank you!
@NautArch Just the usual kind :P
@goodguy5 and @DavidCoffron can probably clean up the comments in the berserk question.
@NautArch Yes Mom, I'll clean my room :P
@NautArch Make moose do it
That's his Job now, right?
who downvoted me and why?!
I haven't gotten a -1 answer in ages
and evened out.
@V2Blast Add my wishes as well!
The 11th site motto:
42 mins ago, by NautArch
@Rubiksmoose You're right and I'm going to argue with you!
Is it because they think the question shouldn't be answered?
@goodguy5 yes. But I tend to adjust my votes, so if the question get io an answerable state, and the answers are good, then I will change my vote. Can't say that about other users.
@goodguy5 Honeslty, I've downvoted both because they are generating ideas rather than saying "here it is", or "there is nothing". IN-between stuff is idea generation as there is no way to judge which one is better than the other (see my comment on the question.)
How is mine idea generation?
"no, you can't get the bonus, but here's how to make people attack their allies"
@goodguy5 because they're asking for more than just how to attack allies.
That's just one piece.
but that's what I say
I'm confused about how my answer and your envisionment of a "correct answer" don't match up
they're not looking for 'best bets' - they're looking for a thing. I think Stucki's answer is better in that they cover the problem and pieces without making specific recommendtaions thaat don't fit the bill.
@goodguy5 I had a crown of madness hit a Bb17 near the end of a campaign once--he almost took out the rest of the L17 party. It was pretty impressive.
@nitsua60 Nothing like WIS saves for a barbarian :D
@NautArch Yeah. That he was basically auto-failing the WIS saves dovetailed nicely with rage-resistances, and he might have been a Mage Slayer, even.
@nitsua60 hahahaha. poor guy!
We had a series at the end of the campaign where our cleric got hit by Feeblemind..twice.
@NautArch Oh, no--he had a total blast. It was the rest of the party that was sweating bullets. (The rolls came out perfectly: somehow he resisted banishment from the party cleric, but failed the Crown every time.)
@nitsua60 B♭₁₇? That would have a frequency of 3.8 million Hz, which for sounds has a wave length of just 90 μm. Doesn't seem safe
@DavidCoffron So... singing microwave?
(If I'm remembering my wavelengths right....)
Puts new meaning to "singing along with the radio."
Microwaves are electromagnetic. This is a sound wave. It would have molecules colliding so fast it probably causes nucleation. But I'm not a physics expert
"Do you sing along with the radio?" "No, with the klystron."
What did you actually mean by Bb17?
@DavidCoffron Barbarian lvl 17?
@nitsua60 Ah, good point! It's one of those spells where player control remains. Just at the expense of the rest of the party :)
@Sdjz That makes more sense
@Sdjz Not a B flat?
Q: What happens as wavelengths of sound waves approach tens of nanometers?

David CoffronI was having an online conversation about Dungeons and Dragons, and my acquaintance abbreviated "Barbarian Level 17" as Bb17. I took the opportunity to make a joke about how that is similar to musical notation (i.e. B♭₁₇). Then I tried calculating the frequency and wavelength and got: $$f=3.8 \t...

@DavidCoffron I applaud that question on physics SE. Geek out! :) (My piano keyboard doesn't go that high ...)
@KorvinStarmast I fear the piano that does
I don't have the math on me to write this up as a full answer, but the short version is that the air just eats the sound. You're adiabatically compressing a disk of air a few nanometers long and expanding the disk of air right behind it, which creates a temperature gradient. Heat conduction over that distance is very fast, so they'll equalize in temperature, which kills the pressure fluctuation.
@MarkWells Thanks, and nice read @MikeQ
@MarkWells Although this answer that MikeQ led me to suggests that 3.8 GHz is possible so we can have B♭₁₇ xD
@DavidCoffron However, actually inducing or detecting sounds of those frequencies is unlikely
@MikeQ Unrelated: The poster of that top answer appears to be suspended from all sites for a comically long period of time if I'm reading that correctly.
It's kind of like accelerating to the speed of light. There's an absolute cutoff, but getting anywhere near it, you're having to spend increasingly huge amounts of energy for decreasing results
@Rubiksmoose That is correct. There are related metas. They're not fun to read.
I'm guessing SE doesn't actually have a "ban permanently" function
@MikeQ Yeah I don't expect they would be :-/
have had with another site I used to run, to ban people permanently we set them ban durations of a thousand years (also known as sending them to the moon)
@Rubiksmoose 2092?
@Rubiksmoose Calling it '92 makes me uncomfortable
@NautArch Either that or he's suspended until time ends up looping back around to 1992. (what a terrifying thought)
@Rubiksmoose he seems pretty okay with it.
based on his profile
@NautArch Indeed.
@NautArch To be clear, the terrifying thought was time looping back to 1992, not being suspended :)
@NautArch Well, I suppose you can read that as okay
@DavidCoffron Yeah, not super okay, but I don't think he's too concerned about going back.
@NautArch True
@DavidCoffron I've certainly seen at least several much more vitriolic profiles written among rage-quitters and even active members. But reading it definitely told me that I would not want to be reading all the metas surrounding this person lol
@Rubiksmoose I think the comical part is that the "temporarily suspended" link goes to an article titled a day in the penalty box when this clearly more than a day.
@DavidCoffron It's a day on a cosmic scale.
@Rubiksmoose I just glanced through a couple and they're unpleasant.
@G.Moylan you're probably better off not reading about it
Because I'm too curious for my own good, I think this seems fairly self-conscientious, but also demonstrates that he sees no problem with sending rude emails until explicit told to stop...
> The person I contacted in order to reach him was eventually so offended by my rude email questions that he told me to buzz off.
lol tracking down that Wikipedia profile is a bit of a laugh
it very much seems like the same guy
From what I can tell, and if he and others are to be believed, he seemed to have a genuine passion for the topics he discussed but had a habit of being a bit of a jerk about it
So anyway, what's this hubbub about riding proficiency in 5e
@MikeQ We were commenting on both the complete lack of useful rules and how mounts should require proficiency of some kind for certain actions
I'd like to propose for consideration the concept that Mounts should count as Vehicles for the purposes of [land/sea/air] Vehicle Proficiency.
@DavidCoffron Isn't the point of proficiency so that anyone can attempt, even without proficiency in that thing? It's not binary that way.
@Rubiksmoose "This kind of politics destroyed Wikipedia around 2008-2010, where nearly all the major long-term contributors were purged, and article writing/editing dramatically halted. For example, I got banned from Wikipedia..." HAHA
@MikeQ Some things require proficiency
@G.Moylan If you want more laughs of possible-connections you can check here
@Xirema I think I'd be on board with that?
@Xirema I'd propose that certain things you do while mounted should use Riding proficiency. For example, Dex saves, or charging with a lance.
@G.Moylan When you hold the philosophical belief that rudeness improves your arguments...
and that you could gain Riding expertise by various means, like by taking mounted combat as your fighting style
@SirCinnamon @G.Moylan I propose its own room for that discussion since MikeQ seemed to be opting for subject-change
Yes thank you. "Be nice" policy and such.
@MikeQ I think we've Been Nice thus far, but it is certainly worth taking somewhere else to let other convos foster here
Mmm, I think I'll just drop it - An entertaining snoop but not much worth discussing further
@SirCinnamon likewise
Fair enough. Empty room can be empty
Maybe put a couple chairs in there, a lamp or something
@SirCinnamon Let the lamps do their thing:
@MarkWells As in, the riding proficiency would count toward Dex saves? Or that a character needs both riding proficiency and Dex save proficiency while mounted?
@MikeQ uh oh, this is where I have to admit I hadn't actually thought that far ahead :)
The latter points toward 3.X style of design, where certain tasks require extra prerequisites and successful checks
@MikeQ The former reminds me of when a player asked if he could apply his acrobatics proficiency to all Dex saves.
I'm thinking more the Fate style of design, where if this skill is Your Thing, you get some leeway to substitute it for other skills
but arguably if you're not a proficient rider you shouldn't be proficient in Dex saves while you're on a horse
or you can be, but you have to jump off the horse as part of the save :)
@MarkWells Dex saves are usually to get out of the way of something. And quickly riding a horse out of an explosive blast is kinda similar. Maybe they count as proficient if the mount's speed is nonzero.
I don't understand, why would your mount have a speed of zero? Are you thinking if they're grappled or something?
Grappled, paralyzed, polymorphed into a stick, etc
@MikeQ Excuse you. Sticks are perfectly valid mounts:
I believe that's known as the Broom of Flying
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hi all
Ahoy, I just finished a laugh fest of reading the link that rubik provided to Poe's Law Perfectly Illustrated. Cheers.
Poe's law is -so- last millennium.
So, our campaign is coming to an end. Need to finalise one PC's Story. I think I'm going to give the players everything they want: All the rope :)
Our catchphrase for the campaign is "Dirty, Used and Broken", so they know even if they "win", it will all come crashing down at some point. Leave them on a high :)
An excellent weapons table by Grant Howitt.
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