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@V2Blast Same, I'm running LMoP right now, so seems worth it.
But target is sold out of it online, and at every store near me. Good for the hobby I guess. :-)
Morning all
@C.Ross I'm running LMOP for my IRL friend group as well, but they're close to the end of the adventure. But yeah, heard it was sold out from some others too
@Ben guten morgen
How was/is everyone's weekend?
@V2Blast How is LMoP going for you? We just started, and are still on the Goblin Hideout
@Ben Good, yours?
@Ben morning already?
@C.Ross Scheduling is the worst part. Two of my players have irregular weekly schedules so we end up playing maybe once a month or once every few weeks at best. Tying into that, my players don't seem very invested - they say they want to keep playing, but they don't really read the rules at all and often don't know what their spells do. Understandable when starting out, more annoying when they're at the end of the adventure and still haven't made the effort to learn.
@Ben Tiring
Saw Spiderman and Yesterday. Both worth a watch
Went to a restaurant for a surprise celebration of a family friend's 30-year anniversary
@Ben Nice. I usually watch MCU movies with my mom and she's currently in California so I'll probably see it in a week or two
@V2Blast Ah lovely! Congrats to them :)
@V2Blast we pruned our group ... we play every Monday. people who can commit regular, your in. can't commit? no thanks.
@V2Blast It could still e running by then... hopefully.
@Ben It came out 5 days ago, it'll definitely still be running then :P
I will say one thing: there are 2 credits scenes. One half-way, and another post credits
@BlackSpike Then I'd have virtually no players
@Ben I mean... that's true of almost every MCU movie :P
@V2Blast -- btw, on that question re "names for +1/+2/+3" -- I use "first rank/second rank/third rank enchantment" for that sort of thing
I don't believe that's a common convention, though....
@V2Blast Yes, a common frustration. I'm playing with co-workers, at least some of them seem quite excited.
@Shalvenay ...okay? it's not my question, so not sure why you pinged me about it :P
@V2Blast I hear you. We started from a large pool (university club), but it's still a struggle to get scheduled ... literally twenty years, and I'm still texting "Game monday, yes? Who's in?" ...
@V2Blast was wondering if you had any thoughts on the idea? :) although if the rest of the channel wishes to chime in :)
we're down to 5
@BlackSpike I've basically given up asking at this point; if they want to schedule a session they can figure it out themselves
@BlackSpike Fortunately our group is the opposite. "Anyone not coming?"
We've only got 4 in our group though
one of the players seems relatively interested in D&D; he recently bought his own set of metal dice
@V2Blast Ooooh nice
another player is probably the one who actually pays the most attention during the game (the others are... more easily distracted)
@V2Blast nice! Metal dice is definitely a sign of commitment!
a third player already had his own PHB and built a character when he joined (a few sessions in)... but he's easily the worst at paying attention during the game, and is remarkably skilled at distracting others
I've started dating someone, and at this point I don't really want to join their group just yet. You know, it depends on how the relationship develops, primarily.
And because I don't want to scare them off with my 130 dice. Lol
@V2Blast Double proficiency in charisma-based misdirection
we have to check schedules ... 1 is a Nurse (odd shifts), another a teacher (also doing a Masters course (random deadlines) ... 1 (only one!) is a Family Man (with kids, and everything! xo ) so not 100% reliable ...
@Ben 'grats on dating!
and the fourth... he's engaged at the start and comes up with some creative ideas, but he loses energy very quickly. I just need to be more conscious about scheduling breaks at regular intervals. (The problem, of course, is that the breaks tend to last longer than planned...)
@V2Blast Dare I ask, does anyone in the group smoke?
And due to the craziness of their schedules (and the fact that the fourth player goes to sleep comparatively earlier than the others), it's not like I can just have a longer session to accommodate these longer breaks
@Ben nope
I dropped in, then rapidly out, of my gf's regular game. Really got on with the folks, as people, but not as gamers ...
@V2Blast I have two players who haven't played much who are really into it, and two who played more who are really available and interested, but quiet during the game.
I am the family man (or one of them) in our group
@C.Ross I'd take quiet but available and interested over disengaged and distracting
@V2Blast OK. We had one group where roughly half did, so we'd go out for a "smoke break", which usually would only last 5-10 minutes, and we could all sort of gather ourselves, review plot points etc. This conversation would drag out the "quick break" to about 30 minutes sometimes, but it was a good way to time things
@V2Blast can agree with you there
We play at my house (well, my landlord's house, I'm the lodger. He plays too). we're allowed to smoke at the table.
Other games, I tend to be the only smoker, so nip out while the game carries on without me
@BlackSpike maybe you could switch it up, for that reason. it takes you away from the game, and you can talk in more of a "player" mindset than in the character's.
I also drink ... so toilet breaks are needed! :D this is a good time to think "oh sh't .. what next?" :D
@Ben at-the-table, we like to get immersed. not 100%, but we like to be in-character
@V2Blast Very true
In other news, excited to see Jack the NPC is up for an ENnie!
with occasional break-downs ... one player stopped the table last session ...
I mentioned the Psychic Devil-Goat? it has a Fear Aura, making peope think it is more Dreadful than it actually is .. player mentioned that it 'seems' to be "hung like a goat" ... but hat is really only a illusion ... actually .. little-finger ...
I had a group like that. It kinda killed the mood and made things hard to continue
We had to stop and regroup! It's all good :)
@Ben I struggle with this. You want people to have fun ... but you also want to play the game once in a while.
That player has not had too much spotlight recently, so running with his jape did work! :)
I've been listening to Acquisitions Inc and they cut up ALL the time.
@C.Ross yeah, it's a delicate balance
I try to tend towards GAME
Q: My players are a crude bunch, and I'm having a hard time staying in character among the chatter

BenI am running a game with 3 players, and we're about 5 sessions in, and everyone is beginning to feel comfortable. This is fine, this is where I want my players to be. However, with a comfort zone, a collection of crude humor and sassy jokes has also arrived. In everyday conversation, this would ...

But we do have some sessions were we do -very- little game ... lots of jokes, some non-game chatter, a but of planning, some "oh, I didn't spend my XP yet, can we do that now?" ...
@Ben This exactly
Our group know we are in it fro the long-haul (current game is on Session 80. this is not unusual), so the odd non-session isn't a problem.
I appreciate that other tables vary
We turn up , we have fun (we didn't do much GAME!) ... we'll turn up next week ... :)
@Ben The struggle is real when the players want to continue into in character talk and not deal with the consequences.
@C.Ross I find the struggle is when different players want different things. 1 is making jokes, 1 is trying to push the plot, 1 is trying to Roleplay Their Character ...
And Player C has fallen asleep. Again. (true story)
@BlackSpike I suppose it's frustrating when I (the GM) am the player trying to push the plot.
@Ben re: Question. depends how well y'all can separate in-character and OOC stuff.
We often have moments of OOC hilarity and joking, but hen knuckle-down,a nd go "yeah, this is a serious moment" ... and someone makes a joke ... and then we're back in the seriousness ...
@BlackSpike The "in character lamp" is useful for that
A: Using a rash decision to move gameplay forward

Brian Ballsun-StantonWhen this happens in my games, I give a very clear warning: "Folks, the in-character lamp1 is lit. Anything you say is now considered in character. Anything you say you'll do, you'll do." By locking down conversation to in-character conversation, this sort of rambunctious chatter can be reduced...

So once the "lamp" is "lit", anything that is said, is IC
in action-scenes, i find it easy just to say "the foes are acting" .. joke all you like, but I need a reaction from you ..
slow-scenes (planning, prep, etc) ... we'll waffle for hours ...
So like, say you're all at a very fancy dinner, and the "lamp is lit", then someone makes a fart joke, then everyone at the table reacts as if the Dragonborn just let one rip.
Man I've been away a long time ... that Q&A is from four years ago.
I'm not a fan of that. I've seen it. used it. Not my way.
It's not something that needs to be enforced all the time, just a tool to help things stay under control.
We have a symbol : someone makes the "timeout" gesture "T", it's OOC.
When the waffle has waffled on long enough, the lamp helps get everyone's minds back on the game
Often during deep, IC RP, people "T", drop a line in ... we all know it's OOC ... and we carry on IC
@BlackSpike Yeah that's good, but what about getting back into the game?
it's treated as a quick aside
Just might be helpful to have a "time-in" identifier as well
they drop the "T" , they're back IC
Not commenting on your gaming style or how you handle the rules, just sort of explaining the point of the Q&A
@BlackSpike Nice
It's also used for Clarification. chat-chat-blah-blah ... "T" <You said "Black Hand? Do we know them?" ... Yes, 3 session ago .. Servants of the Dark Queen" .. "oh yes .. carry on" /T
TY for the upvotes peeps. Lol
@C.Ross Lol. That was my first attempt at GMing, too
@Ben Good for you sticking with it :-)
Well... no. Haha. I only rarely GM, for maybe a one-off or two. I had one regular group that lasted a couple of months, but since then, I don't think I'd be up for it
@Ben Mmmm, waffles
@V2Blast I made an omelette yesterday
I'll be glad to get this game over and done! I do enjoy GMing ... but ... tiem for someone else to have their turn :)
@BlackSpike [cough] what about a new system... with new players... in new format..?
Can't ditch these players ...
Oh no, not suggesting that.
No room fro a second game :(
Unless you only have the time for one group, in which case that could be an implication. But not the intention.
My gf has like 3-4 games ... I can just about manage the 1
I'm not a Student any more ... we used to play 24/7 ... all the games, all the time ...
I'm the opposite lol. I can handle 3 or 4, maybe. But the girl I'm dating only has one. And that's every fortnight. Lol
Opposite side of the world ... things work differently there :)
Speaking of which .. you've got a Day to do .. and I've got a Night ... time to sleep!
@RedRiderX [wave]
hey there @RedRiderX
hey howdy
How's things? I don't think we've actually spoken before. Lol.
@RedRiderX did you want a link to the demo booklet for Golden Sky Stories btw?
@Shalvenay Nah it's fine I found it on Drive Thru RPG
@RedRiderX cool
I've only played it, haven't ever run it. Trogdor's run a few games of it though :) and I played in one of them, was a hoot
@Ben Pretty good though I'm trying to figure out what the Revolver Golden Gods are atm
long story
@RedRiderX Over my head lol. Never played it
I think it's like an award show?
But I don't know what for
Oh right... completely the wrong format then hahaha
[quick google] Are we talking the 007 Golden Guns, the one from RDR, or something to do with Chuck Norris? Lol
Chuck Norris has Golden Guns?
I think it was a short lived heavy metal music award show put on by a smaller magazine in the mid-2010s
Don't ask my why I was looking that up :P
It happens to all of us
I'm looking up stuff on the internet and stumbling into things I never heard of before all the time
Therefore I can speak for literally everyone
@trogdor seems legit
@trogdor oh, I know the phenomenon, it's just that it tends to be different stuff that I find :P
Good XD
@Shalvenay huh?
Ok lol
I mean that only makes sense
Q: Is it okay to roll multiple attacks that all have advantage in one cluster?

RyanFromGDSEI am planning to make my first Ranger and going Hunter to eventually get Volley. If I get the preemptive strike from an unseen position, then RAW I get advantage on attack rolls. Let's say I am moving stealthily through a forest and spot 6 orcs marching down in a caravan, all within 10 ft of eac...

Q: Is there a saving throw against the Hex spell or the Hexblade's Curse feature?

Christopher McDanielThe hex spell and the Hexblade's Curse feature don't list any saving throw in their descriptions. I would think that they would use a warlock's spell save DC and Charisma to save against it. Do hex or Hexblade's Curse let the target make a saving throw against the effect?

Q: How does the Melf's Minute Meteors spell interact with the Evocation wizard's Sculpt Spells feature?

SzegaThe evoker wizard feature Sculpt Spells is worded thusly: Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative safety within the effects of your evocation spells. When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal ...

@HotRPGQuestions wow slow down my dude, too many hot questions in a row is bad for your digestion
The trip to the restroom is not going to be fun
I was trying to be tacktful
But yes
I think the tact only dropped from a 9 to a 6. So still above par. Lol
I only got a 9?
My roll sucked
Out of 10
Ok that's actually pretty good XD
I can't complain about that one
Well, you could, but it would deficit your original score :P
We'll go with "not inclined to" then
The fact that there are rules for tact that I hadn't even known existed, let alone what they were, explains a lot about my life.
Wait there are rules for it? :P
If there are rolls, there are rules.
@Miniman Well, we follow the Australian system, and the Internet Forum rules are still being updated.
Ours are going through some iterations at the moment... some of the new ones need to be refined a little, and we are lacking a few that just need to be brought in already... I still don't know why they haven't
Someone asked a pretty interesting question about Dueling and natural weapons (I recall seeing a similar question on reddit or Discord), but ended up self-deleting it as I was midway through typing up my answer... so I decided to ask (and eventually also self-answer) a similar version of the question here:
Q: How do natural weapons interact with the Dueling fighting style?

V2BlastMany creatures in D&D have natural weapons. Player characters can often get natural weapons themselves - whether simply by picking a race that has a natural weapon as part of a racial trait (so far, all such official playable races also state explicitly that they can be used to make unarmed strik...

I did wonder about that, but when I couldn't find the original I figured that was it.
I do love ambiguities that get mooted by mutual (mootual) outcomes.
@Miniman haha
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (81): What would +1/+2/+3 items be called in game? by James Hull on rpg.SE
1 hour later…
@BESW ...mine?
Yeah. I have FaceBook sandboxed so it can't interact with anything outside of dedicated browser tabs.
And your avatar is using a fbcdn.net host.
Hahaha well I feel special that you investigated that. Lol
It's been bugging me for MONTHS.
There we go.
Is that better or worse?
I can't see some people's avatars at work
but at home it's all visible
(insert crude joke here, preferably about insertion? no I'm horrible)
It'll take a while for the change to propagate to chat.
[gets home]

[puts on x-ray glasses]
Ben seems to have developed invisibility
is that a medical condition
It freaked me out the first time I saw a website pick up my gravatar without me telling it to.
@BESW A couple of friends and I took the quiz once when we were bored. Turns out there are only 2 houses you can belong to - either Hufflepuff (if you give answers that indicate that you're a human being not a shallow archetype) or Slytherin (if you game the quiz).
Gaming the quiz to end up in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw is obviously grounds for Slytherinhood.
Well, we know Gryffindors are just Slytherins who understand the necessity of good PR.
I mean, so are Ravenclaws, perhaps even more so. "Oh no, we're not cunning, we're wise."
Ravenclaws are Slytherin who know that a solid plan needs solid research.
Q: To what extent would a wizard be able to combine feats to learn to mimic unknown spells?

Victor BSearching for how to give a rogue I'm building a sort of eidetic memory, I came across many posts throughout the net about using the feat Keen Mind as a way for wizards to negate having to worry about it in battle. Not having understood Keen Mind's definition in this way, it got me to look at fea...

@BESW lol I love this "all the houses are actually really similar" meta
Hufflepuffs are Slytherins who know the real villainy is the friends we make along the way.
1 hour later…
I think it's kinda funny Voldemort used his phenomenal cosmic powers to siege a school and to disband the other three houses. Sure, Hogwarts is influential and special and everything, and he's not a very clever fellow, but it seems somehow super petty as well as... rather positive?
The house system sounds like fertile ground for fostering petty rivalries and bullying
Ooh, ooh, I have a resource on that. [rummages]
Don't hesitate to share :) I might go offline soon but will look at it later!
@kviiri at least they didn't put all the females in Gryffindor Blue.
TL;DR: the Wizarding World has lived under a state of emergency for hundreds of years which makes formal rule of law almost impossible, and an informal patronage system rose to give stability to their society in its place. Voldemort is not trying to destroy society, merely to place himself at the top of it, which means Dumbledore--as the most influential patron in the world--is his primary adversary.
> There exist a number of key strategic pieces over which each primary [patronage] network seeks control or influence, Hogwarts and the Ministry being two, and Harry himself representing a third (others may be Gringotts, The Daily Prophet and possibly St Mungo’s). A network not controlling a particular strategic piece has the options either of outright conflict for possession of it, entering into an alliance with the network that does have control of the strategic piece, or working to discredit or eliminate the importance of the piece concerned.
@BESW Is this the HP version of "The Last Ringbearer"?
No, it's a monograph.
It's not fiction, it's an academic article about the existing fiction.
Q: How do natural weapons interact with the Dueling fighting style?

V2BlastMany creatures in D&D have natural weapons. Player characters can often get natural weapons themselves - whether simply by picking a race that has a natural weapon as part of a racial trait (so far, all such official playable races also state explicitly that they can be used to make unarmed strik...

@BESW This is a pretty fair assessment and I think Voldy's choice to usurp the single school in the country is a pretty solid one --- but in all honesty, I just assumed it was (intentional or not) commentary on the British class system at works :)
It's the "disband all the houses" thing that feels silly to me
I think the only thing which makes your interpretation seem less credible to me than Pharnabazus's is that you ascribe intent to Ms. Rowling where Pharnabazus's analysis is entirely diegetic.
I wouldn't give her that much credit.
@BESW I thought I dispelled that with the intentional or not -disclaimer, although I'm not sure how to define non-intentional commentary...
Fair enough.
If there's commentary on the class system, I think it's through the lens of her most obvious literary inspiration, the boarding school novel.
Actually, I wonder if having four houses with their own patrons would actually be a better choice than having none, if we're talking about a country with a single school.
If someone tries to push too much agenda, they'll at least have three fourths of the wizarding community protesting.
@BESW It's borderline magical how she got that genre to work for non-British readers
@kviiri I mean, I grew up on Canadian boarding school novels...
@BESW hmm, makes sense they'd have them in Canada too
This Can't Be Happening at Macdonald Hall, written in 1978 by a 12-year-old boy in a boarding school in Ontario.
@BESW Wow, impressive!
I really like most of his books.
Gordon Korman's got this amazing talent for slowly building from a moderately reasonable premise to inexorably more ridiculous outcomes until the finale explodes in glorious and inevitable chaos.
Q: If an Order cleric targets a character at 0 HP with Healing Word and uses Voice of Authority, can the character make the reaction attack?

BridgerIf an Order Domain cleric targets a character at 0 HP with healing word and uses the Voice of Authority feature, can the targeted character make the reaction attack? I'm asking on behalf of a player. We are not sure if the spell uses the stack, or what happens first.

I have a hard time recalling what books I read in my childhood, except that we had lots of Franco-Belgian comics and Fabulous Five by Enid Blyton.
I at least still remember Mouse and the Motorcycle
By time I got to school, I read mostly books for school assignments (that we had quite many of). Most of the books were quite bad though, in retrospect I wonder how I didn't lose my taste for reading.
We read some Tarzan book on the fourth or fifth grade, which put off some students because it featured rather gratuitous violence. I was put off by a quality I didn't had a word for at the time, but that I'd now call "pulpiness"
And for the next book assignment, we had some really artsy cutesy fairytale about a lake nymph or something.
In middle school we could at least choose our own books most of the time. I read some Agatha Christie and one fairly popular novel about a youth whose Summer plans get derailed when his parents send him to the countryside with his relatives. And just a bit of classics too
I also read a lot of Asimov back then, my teacher liked to see people enjoying that kind of literature too.
Oh man
In high school we had an English Literature teacher who loved Jane Eyre
And stuff like that
My whole grade heavily protested it
The name is vaguely familiar but that's all I can remember.
We ended up reading Wuthering Heights ( I actually loved it but they were mostly unimpressed)
@kviiri quick, hide, before someone explains it :P
It's a classic
I've only read stuff like Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights in comics form. My dad had a large collection of Classics Illustrated. @trogdor would you recommend I read the real thing?
Hmm, I actually recognize the Finnish name better, after a bit of googling. Never read it but I think I know the basics
Hi @jcm o/
Hi all!
@jcm welp do you like a story where everyone hates each other and most of them have a horrible life? Try Wuthering Heights!
sounds depressing!
the original grimdark
I wonder if I should re-read some Asimov. I really liked him ten years ago but I think it was a part of some juvenile "I want to read dry adult stuff" phase
It's,... Honestly a pretty depressing story
I really liked it,... For some reason,
..... At the time
@trogdor wouldn't it be simple to just watch the hourly newscast?
it wasn't my favourite of the comic classics. hmm, can't actually remember which my favourite was
@Derpy oh god
Too real
Oh, Won by the Sword was good
@kviiri Asimov doesn't really have any people in his stories, just vehicles for ideas.
Dee Pennyway dropped some dragon lore from their not-yet-published RPG Mnemonic.
This week's free goods on Creative Market include 30 paper textures that might be useful for digital prop-making.
@trogdor There's a bit in the Thursday Next series where the characters of Wuthering Heights have a 12-step group counseling program for working through their rage at Heathcliff. And Heathcliff has a bodyguard assigned to him because readers keep sneaking into the book to assassinate him.
@BESW I use to joke that I had to use eye drops to compensate for his dry prose
It's sort of cute, how he kept trying to imagine how technology could change culture, but he could never imagine a future where sexy women wear warm clothing.
And by 'cute' I mean 'what did I just read and can I please take a shower now.'
and we back
I hope everyone enjoyed freedom reminder day
You mean the belated Juneteeth celebrations?
Independence Day
we sure do celebrate that here
Around here Liberation Day is a much bigger deal.
We just had a cabin trip over the weekend, enough celebrating for me
@BESW lol, he really is the worst, but he's not the only person who could use an attitude adjustment XD
Regarding Asimov btw, one of the happiest accidents in my life was when I stumbled upon a not-very-scifi story while browsing the English scifi shelf of the main library. It wasn't science fiction enough for my tastes back then --- but it sure showed me there's plenty of good literature that ain't scifi.
That was Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, and still remains one of my favorite novels.
Before that, I had read spacey stuff like Asimov, some Lem, Frank Herbert's Dune, Pohl's Gateway... I thought I wouldn't like stuff without spaceships. Thankfully Vonnegut showed me wrong.
The next book I read by him, Sirens of Titan, did have spaceships though.
@goodguy5 I think you mean "unpack all the boxes" day ;)
@Rubiksmoose I don't get it
@goodguy5 Well it is a holiday specific to me. Since I was moving and used the 4th to unpack all the things lol ;)
ohhhhh, ggotcha lol
@goodguy5 celebrate the country by blowing up a piece of it? Probably sane. I'm always entertained that it overlaps the resident rotation at hospitals.
Is there any way to disable to "New Feed Items" popup in here that appears on the top left?
Q: Can I silence ticker feeds in a chat room?

GillesA chat room can have feeds, either posted as regular messages, or appearing as an overlay at the top of the window (“into an extra area of the screen”) — ticker style. When the feed appears in messages, I can mute it by clicking on the feed user's avatar next to one of its messages and selecting ...

- win a charisma dc 30 VS BESW to trick him into adding you to the room owners list
- remove all the other owners soon after so that they can't fight back and take control of the room,
- remove the feed from the room
ah, but I dumped Charisma on this character
Time to start over!
@DucksGoMooful then I guess you will have to turn to the dark arts.
@Derpy Oh the old irc trick.
@GcL gotta love that there is only one level of "ownership" for a room.
Owners can remove each others if they want
IAM is a hard problem.
Basically, once A gives ownership to B, B can backstab A at any moment.
When you're numeral system doesn't have a zero and division is a nightmare, that kind of treachery is inevitable.
Though it looks like diamond mods can also add and remove users, so to complete the coup you also need to get elected ;)
Q: Can I play a mimic PC?

Th0t_Destroyer OofI am new to D&D. I have always liked mimics in all sorts of games like Enter the Gungeon or Terraria. Can my character's race be a mimic?

@Rubiksmoose My long quest to fix this problem begins now
I may become King in the process, but I will not rest until the ticker feed is abolished
are we okay with this username?
Th0t_Destroyer Oof
@goodguy5 even if it's just intended as a play on words, the term "thot" is still derogatory and evokes certain types of individuals I know I personally would rather not be associated with
@goodguy5 Meh. It's not great, but probably wouldn't go sharpen any pitchforks over it.
Q: Does a wizard need their hands free in order to cause their familiar from the Find Familiar spell to reappear?

TornPatriotRecently, in the first session of a new campaign, my level 1 wizard found himself held captive with his hands and feet tied by rope. The DM made it clear that I could not cast spells/cantrips that required a Somatic component. However, my familiar was already summoned and was temporarily dismiss...

@GcL I think it IS something worth getting worked up over. RPGs already have an image problem with anti-feminist males and someone using "thot" in their name doesn't exactly help get rid of that concept. dictionary.com/e/slang/thot
@G.Moylan Yeah, it does seem to be a pretty negative word.
So, is this report worthy or not
because my pitchfork is so ready
@G.Moylan I'm aware of the term. If it bothers you that much, raise heck about it. There's consequences to that action as well.
I actually don't know how to report a username
is it something that needs to be done by invoking the names of the forbidden ones?
@GcL I don't see how reporting someone's name as offensive could have terribly negative consequences, but ok. and @goodguy5 neither do I
Go poke square-prism-riddle.
@GcL ah the cuboid antelope
@Rubiksmoose you have been invoked!
Fire draw
and words let loose
summon now
the @Rubiksmoose
@G.Moylan One that comes to mind is being overly sensitive or perpetually offended. At least the perception of that can be pretty negative as well.
so, let's take instead the example that the username just straight up said "ho_destroyer oof"
@GcL I suppose. I just think a term like that definitely could send a message to certain viewers of our site, particularly if that question hits Hot or the Twitter feed.
It can also undermine endeavors to remedy bigger or more egregious issues.
@GcL like casual sexism, or at best, slut shaming?
From my point of view, it treads too closely to the boy who cried wolf.
but, there IS a wolf
Is it a wolf? or a coyote? maybe a small mangy dog?
those all count as legitimate concerns.
@GcL Feral dogs can carry rabies.
it's also not like this particular user is well-established on other network sites. This is a brand-new account and they only have a profile on RPG. The impact of changing the name should be relatively minimal
@JohnP would also work
@GcL coyotes are just as dangerous as wolves, if not moreseo
They do, but it can just as well cause problems down the line. The legitimate objections may be dismissed in the future on the perception of being overly sensitive.
Wait a second, are you slippery sloping us?
TBH, I think getting worried about people being "overly offended" or whatever treads kind of close to slippery-slope-ism. Working to make sure that the stack is and remains a welcoming, tolerant place means nipping small problems early before they blow out into larger, more substantial problems later.
Q: What's so fallacious about the Slippery Slope Fallacy?

Mason WheelerWhen you look at the world, I think it's a rather non-controversial statement that a good percentage, if not a majority, of social problems are caused by people making choices based solely on short-term outcomes--"if X then Y, and Y is desirable, therefore I will do X"--without taking long term c...

Nope. Just explaining a potential consequence of the action.
We focus a lot here on using safety tools in RPGs and nobody seems to consider that being overly sensitive. Why then would wanting to remove a sexist term from someone's name be considered so?
There was a tumblr account on food banned for being racist. The post that got it banned was a link to a grits recipe with the comment, "I actually like plain grits."
@GcL good thing we aren't tumblr
Because enough people flagged "grits" as racist, the whole account got nuked.
@GcL yes, but you're addressing hugely unlikely consequences of not even this action, but repeated actions like it in lieu of the actual real consequence of not doing it.
The path to being perceived as overly sensitive or perpetually offended is probably paved with good intentions.
@Xirema I thought the faux social justice warrior problem on tumblr was well known.
@GcL I would need a citation for that. Also, one blog being inappropriately flagged doesn't strike me as evidence of a broader, systemic issue.
We shall not be using what happens on tumblr as a warning siren, as it is a terrible analogy to most sites.
I would rather be perceived as being overly sensitive while promoting an inclusive environment than be perceived as tolerant of casual sexism
@goodguy5 Also this, pretty everything having to do with the management of Tumblr is a dumpster fire.
I think at this point, we need to move on. REport if you feel like you should.
Using Tumblr as an example is a straw man. Tumblr is its own problem but it isn't our problem
@NautArch but how do we do that aside from summoning mods?
Let's wait until we have a problem before we get worried that we're being too compassionate, okay? Tolerance cannot tolerate intolerance and all that jazz.
@G.Moylan flag the question with a custom flag
@G.Moylan Generally we start at the mod level by flagging something related to the user and using a custom flag reason. If that's not working for us, we escalate to a community manager using the contact form.
Is there some secret mod meeting? Usually you can't swing a necronomicon around here without bumping into a mod.
and state the concern in the text box.
@G.Moylan That sounds like an informed choice where the consequences of doing and not doing have been considered.
@GcL Do you really think that you need to socratic method us into considering the consequences of radical compassion? That's kinda condescending.
@BESW The previous statement was that it was not apparent what negative consequences of reporting could be. I voiced the concern that came to my mind.
I wrote a theme song for my new character. I can only disappoint everyone in the sessions to come if I start this awesome
@BESW And I liked the statement, "I would rather be perceived as being overly sensitive while promoting an inclusive environment than be perceived as tolerant of casual sexism"
@kviiri Do you have a recording?
inquiring minds want to know. They also really want to change the subject :)

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