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4:00 PM
it's not our campaign, it will ultimately boil down to what you and the DM can agree on. I think an outright immunity to Madness is a bit strong, but perhaps advantage on Wisdom saves against succumbing to Madness effects is a bit more in-line. Either way, like Moose said, you want to make sure it's relevant but not overpowered
@MageintheBarrel If you are negating a major effect of the story (madness) by your backstory, if I were a DM I'd add a different liability. Such as yeah, you're immune to demon madness, but stress can cause your own brand of crazy to manifest in new ways.
what's a brand of crazy that won't ruin the game for others?
honestly the madness tables
they're pretty well-designed. There are a couple of the more serious effects that can be problematic, but most of them are character quirks
@MageintheBarrel Depends on what you mean by crazy, or ruining the game, or who these others are. It's really going to vary by table.
@MageintheBarrel I have to say, this plus "spent hundreds of years lost in the black forest" is setting off my GM danger sense. Being "very crazy" still needs to allow the character to have some kind of coherent motives.
4:03 PM
True, incoherent characters can be hard to deal with from a DM perspective, and annoying from a fellow player perspective. Especially if they my-guy and try to justify being disruptive.
you just have to make sure you don't infringe on other players' fun and agency. And yeah like Mark said, you want to still allow your character to "buy in" to the situations at hand
At minimum they need a reason to participate in the adventure, and a reason to work with the group (since those are the people you're playing with)
@Derpy You have my permission to keep bugging me about it until I watch it ;)
I wonder would a mute character be difficult to deal with
@MageintheBarrel Yes.
4:05 PM
@MageintheBarrel Kenku
@MageintheBarrel Yes.
@MarkWells Maybe something along the lines of "Well, you're pretty normal for the black forest, but for "normals", yeah, you're just nuts.
@G.Moylan also yes it's very hard
@Rubiksmoose you do realize that once I used a bot to keep reminding another user that he should watch MLP, right? You are asking for troubles :P
@MageintheBarrel Yes. We had a character that could only communicate through one person, and it was difficult to coordinate at the best of times. When the translator went down, we effectively lost two for one.
4:06 PM
If the mute character has some means of communication (e.g. hand signal language) then it could be workable. But it needs DM buy-in and player buy-in.
what about this
“I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.”
I've always had an interest in a mute GOO warlock
@MageintheBarrel Communication is one of the most essential things for a party and for a group of players. If you take away the easiest way to do that without replacing it with something else, things get frustrating fast.
@MageintheBarrel So why not play an assassin then?
@MageintheBarrel Good God no
4:07 PM
@MarkWells that's one of the madness effects, I think
@MageintheBarrel Again, it depends what you do with that character motive. If it's "I enjoy killing, so I joined this orc-hunting quest" then it could be in line with the game, but if it's "I enjoy killing so I will stab my fellow adventurers" then it'll probably annoy the other players.
yeah infinite madness
@Derpy hahaha I'm willing to accept what I have coming to me lol
@MageintheBarrel I would stay away from the Indefinite table effects and select from the lesser tables, but apply them as permanent character quirks/flaws. The Indefinite effects are designed to be cripplingly bad
4:09 PM
@MageintheBarrel Here's the thing I see coming: you cannot and should not use "bUt I'm CrAzY" as some sort of license to do outrageous and party-harming things. Instead, use them to make your character odd in interesting ways that the party can interact with.
@JohnP OTOH we had a character who was super-crazy and had one other party member she was close to, and when he went down, her player handled that with the most glorious emotional meltdown ever
@G.Moylan What if you had the benefit of being immune to imposed madness, but battle (or similar level) stress has a 1 in X chance of triggering an effect from the short term table, and a 1 in Y chance of triggering a long term?
Rule of thumb: If the character is a nuisance for the other participants (such as by being antagonistic, or disruptive, or uncommunicative) then it will probably be received poorly at the table
@MarkWells very similar to this: The character becomes attached to a “lucky charm,” such as a person or an object, and has disadvantage on Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and Saving Throws while more than 30 feet from it.
@MarkWells If it's handled well, it can be a fun quirk of a game, but it does def require all player buy in.
4:11 PM
@JohnP it would trigger too frequently, I think
@JohnP That would mean that the background trait becomes too active IMHO. EVery single battle? Way too likely to trigger. And the issue of being immune to demon lords would still be there.
@MikeQ For anything like this, it's important to talk with the rest of the group about it.
@G.Moylan Depends on what X and Y are. 1 in 100? one in 500?
how would this play in
“I am the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and most beautiful person I know.”
If I were to use a system like that I'd likely set it up like Wild magic: roll a d20, on a particular roll, make a Wis save. if you fail the save, roll for madness. But if it's triggering off Combat it's still incredibly frequent
4:13 PM
I can definitely understand the compulsion to design your character, but always remember that you can get away with a lot of otherwise "party-breaking" things if you talk it over with your group before.
@G.Moylan Probably true, but you could figure out something to where the chance of it happening is an equivalent offset to being immune to demon induced.
@Yuuki Wouldn't it be more prone to party-breaking if they don't talk it over before?
@MikeQ That's my point?
besides having a massively inflated ego of course
@MageintheBarrel - if you are set on this, to help get player buyin, if they agree to try it and it becomes unworkable, your character may need to be miraculously cured.
4:16 PM
good point
We had a player with a GREAT backstory, but it introduced elements that eventually became unworkable, so there was some retcon/fudging that happened to keep the cool elements and core concept but not make it a chore for everyone else.
a homocidal maniac sounds like it would be pretty annoying
@MageintheBarrel It is. Every solution becomes "No prob. I'll just kill them."
Yep. One-note "lolrandom" characters may have occasionally amusing moments, but their charm (if any) runs out very quickly
isn't that what a chaotic evil character?
4:18 PM
@MageintheBarrel No. No. No. No.
Never include evil characters in the party because their solution is inevitably "why don't we just cause more problems?"
well there are brands of crazy that aren't tottally unstable
We've often had evil characters in our party, but they generally understand they're living in a wide world with repercussions for actions. They still can be them, but they're aware of the world around them.
@MageintheBarrel This is why a lot of groups won't allow chaotic evil characters. It gets used as an excuse for "I'm bored, let's blow something up."
just had flashbacks to yuno gasai from marai niki for some reason
4:24 PM
@Yuuki I wouldn't say "never". I've had it done in parties successful and very well (even in parties with LG characters). More like you have to be very thoughtful about how you do it.
@MarkWells Probably one of the best examples I've seen of a mass media CE character was Denzel's character in Training Day.
@JohnP "Battle" seems like way too broad a trigger. I've seen this done effectively with triggers like "being surrounded" or "endangering myself to protect others", though.
Or possibly Keyzer Soze.
@MarkWells Seems reasonable.
so how would i make “I’ve discovered that I really like killing people.” not annoying
@MageintheBarrel Don't translate to "I kill everyone I meet".
4:25 PM
@MageintheBarrel May I ask why you're fixated on that particular one?
something i watched recently rubbed off on me
@MageintheBarrel You probably can't.
Especially not in certain types of adventures.
^^ That.
You're essentially deciding to play Hannibal Lecter without the charm school.
i'd be more like the when noone's around type
@MageintheBarrel If noone is around, who are you killing? ;)
4:27 PM
@MageintheBarrel and then you're constantly having to bug the DM to discuss things away from the table so you can do your thing
@MageintheBarrel It's about roleplaying when you've killed someone - not in looking to kill everyone. You can even roleplay disappointment when someone else gets the kill.
None of those things turn you into My Guy.
i meant no witnesses
@MageintheBarrel You could not like that you really like killing people.
@MarkWells Oooh, that's another neat way to handle it.
The point of it, as a madness effect, is that you notice that violence isn't disturbing anymore, and that itself disturbs you. It means you're losing some of your humanity, or dwarfanity, or whatever.
4:30 PM
what about this one
"The character does whatever anyone tells him or her to do that isn’t obviously self-­ destructive."
After looking at the full table, the one that I could see be one of the more interesting ones is finding it hard to care what goes on around you. All of them could be potentially party breaking, but that one could be played with.
@MageintheBarrel So you don't want to have your own agency?
i'm pretty used to "not having my own agency"
THe problem is that a lot of these are things that may become disruptive at the table. It's not the ideas that are problematic, it's the way you may play them.
@MageintheBarrel why's that?
Honestly, defining your character from a table of effects that is largely meant to be punitive seems like we are working from a set of things that is already suboptimal.
4:32 PM
@NautArch The biggest complication that I can see is that any of them really intrude on almost every single encounter, which is why they become party annoying.
i'm used to being ordered around so I generally listen to whatever my parents tell me
@Rubiksmoose "What is your preferred method of being shot in the foot?"
@NautArch Thinking about it further, I wouldn't have such an "Oh God no" reaction if this was inflicted on my character by an outside source. It's the idea of choosing it deliberately when building a character that makes me think no good will come of it.
But it won't be easy to play it well. It's easy to fall into the My Guy trap.
@MarkWells Right - but that's why it's less about what it is and more about how you play it.
@MageintheBarrel what is your goal here? What are you trying to achieve with your character by making them crazy and how do you want that to play out?
4:34 PM
i like crazy characters so I wanted to play as one
@MageintheBarrel Maybe some extensional definition would help. Which "crazy" characters do you like?
let's see yuno gasai being a pretty iconic
@MageintheBarrel But what is your definition of crazy? There are a gabillion brands of crazy. What about it appeals to you?
simple the fact that I tend to teter on the edge of crazy myself
some part of me just wants to see the whole world burn
Hmm... maybe you should see a therapist about that.
4:38 PM
i'm good at surpressing that tho
That's not healthy.
Hrm...I can see discussing crazy in the context of a character, but when it crosses over like that, it's probably a topic we don't want to embrace here.
Yeah, this is leaning into "not our area of expertise".
should i have lied?
If that is truly how you feel, then you probably need to talk about it with someone. And I wouldn't suggest playing something that could feed it.
4:39 PM
i don't want to make a character that crazy
@JohnP @MageintheBarrel I very much agree with this. And I think we should try refocus the discussion to character play.
We don't want to discourage you from talking about it, but we do want to encourage you to talk to the right people about it.
well then let's change the topic
so how do write a character?
any advice
@MageintheBarrel Just remember we play these games to have fun. But everyone at the table needs to have fun. It's when your fun infringes on theirs where My Guy comes into play and that's what you every much need to consider the whole table and not just your character.
Also remember that your character is fluid. Their background is one thing, but they're going to grow and change as they adventure.
@NautArch Gas expands to occupy the volume of its container.
4:42 PM
@Yuuki That explains the flatulence.
guess i'll stick with my ninja just for fun idea
kudos if you get the reference
I do have some experience with the madness table. My last campaign ended with daily rolls on the table after WIS save failures while we were in the 9 hells. It was fairly annoying, but made some sense. Ended up mostly just burning spell slots to use Greater Restoration to resolve it.
@MageintheBarrel What I've done when trying to come up with some character concepts, is take a character in a movie or book that I really like, and trying to think about how I would play that character and go from there.
Probably the best examples I can think of (And it's likely because they actually started as game characters) is the hero group from Dragonlance.
@MageintheBarrel I also think this process is pretty different. For me, I start making my mechanical character first. I build them functionally and as I build I think about how I want them to play and then fill in backstory that supports my functional choices.
But my tables lean heavier on combat then roleplay :)
4:58 PM
Discovered I hate playing Wizard in adventurer's league. Gotta completely rework my character to something else
@Ryan ohnoes! Why?
All the fun parts of Wizard have been done away with the scripted linear nature of adventurers league
maybe if I was pure evocation wanting to just be a huge damage dealer it would be fun but then I'd be a sorceror
@Ryan oh weird. haven't done AL, but it seemed like it's easier to get magic items (scrolls) which would make a wizard even better because you can more easily expand your spellbook.
The real fun of Wizard is complaining about all the young people these days.
@Ryan Do you want to stay a caster?
5:00 PM
@NautArch nope because you dont get money
there's no gold at all in Adventurers League season 8
its terrible overall but even worse for wizards from what im finding
like why do I have Tensers Floating Disc if we don't loot anything
@Ryan oh dang. And there aren't a lot of scrolls in the games to find?
There are but how are you spending money and downtime to copy them into your book?
@MageintheBarrel I tend to look at the setting, and think about what would motivate someone to go and be an adventurer.
the dm said we'll die it all together once everyone gets their backstory together
btw rough draft
@NautArch i dont know i just hit level 3 and debating if I should stick it out until level 4 or change now maybe to Rogue. There's just so much emphasis on fighting in Adventures League
5:08 PM
@Ryan A lot of folks don't like the monk, but I've had some fun with it. Your toolkit isn't as big, but the tools you have a are a lot of fun. And narrating your own actions is my favorite part.
CoS question: if Strahd now knows where all the items and his enemy are because he was in disguise as Ireena and the party has told him what her reading was, would it be in character for it to turn out that Eva knew this and gave a false reading to throw him off?
@NautArch Ive thought about Monk many times.
I'm kinda torn and thinking maybe AL just isn't for me unless its a really RP heavy group which most seem to not be
@Ryan If you're not having fun, then the time spent isn't worth it.
most play it like a hack and slash and im tired of trying to be the only intelligent one in the party.. we had almost a TPK on first day yesterday and did have a player completely die with 3 failed death saves
@Ryan Tactics are important. THere's a guy at my table that always ran off by himself because he was "just playing his character". New game starts, different character...same actions.
5:13 PM
and I was powerless as a Wizard because everything would hit my teammates as well because in combat a Wizard relies on tactics
We tend to metagame our tactics a bit (but not play things if our characters can't see/aren't aware)
meanwhile out of combat is minimized in AL so I couldnt do much there either cause they're just trying to reach the checkpoint for the session
so I think im better off having fun as a damage dealer skill monkey that is always useful
@Ryan Rogue :)
@Ryan Arcane Trickster, then?
@Ryan Everything anyone says about AL just sounds depressing. It's on rails so you can't be clever. Also, it's mostly just combat. Also, now you don't get to come back with piles of treasure.
5:16 PM
Arcane Trickster is exactly what im looking at
@MageintheBarrel Why do you think you're the only monk? What will happen when you discover you aren't?
ninja not monk?
@Ryan We've played with a couple of those and they are awesome.
it a homebrew rouge that uses ki
@MageintheBarrel I may be misthinking this...what game?
5:16 PM
@MageintheBarrel "ninja" in 5e is shadow monk.
its a little similar to the Whisper Bard I just played as but I enjoyed that.
@MageintheBarrel Oh, I don't know about the homebrew class. But has the DM confirmed there aren't any others?
@MarkWells Shadow monk would play nicely into that black forest concept.
5:18 PM
@MageintheBarrel So this is a rogue subclass or is it an entirely new class?
no he hasn't but my character has only been in the new world for a couple days when this monolouge is going on
so i think it's normal to have not run into a shadow monk
she just assumed she was the only ninja because she learned all her techniques in another plane
with unique mechs
dm approved
@MageintheBarrel SO you get all the normal rogue benefits, too? At first glance, this doesn't seem particularly balanced.
but that's between you and your DM :)
they get less ki than a monk
i think 12
@MageintheBarrel May I ask how much RPG experience you have in a group?
@MageintheBarrel In that case should this just be a multiclass?
5:22 PM
@MageintheBarrel It's 2/3 of your level. But doesn't say round up or down. Not the clearest mechanic
Also, 12? What level are you?
it literally says you get 12 at level 18
@MarkWells The description says it's additive if they were to dip into Monk to get more Ki.
@MageintheBarrel You start at level 18?
BUt it simply says it's based off of 2/3 of your rogue levels.
So when you have none until level 3. At which point you have 2 Ki points.
5:23 PM
@NautArch I mean monk/rogue, not monk/weird homebrew thing
2/3 is an odd apportionment. I don't think I've seen that before.
@MarkWells Oh, gotcha. Sorry.
it's the ony not blantantly naruto ninja i could find
Class name does not mean archetype.
@MageintheBarrel being the 'only thing you could find' does not make it a good homebrew. It makes it the only homebrew. I'd much more strongly recommend building a naruto ninja type character using the existing mechanics.
I don't know enough (read: any) about naruto to help - but i'm guessing others here do and can.
5:25 PM
I think they want to avoid Naruto ninjas.
my dm said he's fine with it so I don't really see the problem
@MageintheBarrel Seriously, take a look at the Way of Shadow Monk subclass. It's a precision/stealth martial artist that grows into kung fu movie assassin powers.
already look at it
@MageintheBarrel what's it missing?
not my image of a ninja
the one i linked above basically fits my image of a ninja
which is why i choose it
5:29 PM
Has your DM reviewed and approved it? Have they worked with homebrew before?
you seem to be under the assumtion that I wanted ki
also for the third time my dm went over and said it was fine
ok, good luck :)
i'm not sure if they've worked with homebrew before tho
@MageintheBarrel Then...I'm not sure what you are asking us for?
I wasn't askig about the homebrew
someone asked why she said she was the only ninja when there were shadow monks so i brought it up
I was asking for feedback on my writing
5:33 PM
@MageintheBarrel Ah, ok. I missed that distinction. Good luck then :)
@JohnP On a side note, I had to drop out of the game I was playing with my goblin kensei monk and I'm pretty bummed.
@NautArch Why'd you have to drop?
@MageintheBarrel No, there are plenty of other ways to be killed or dominated for a PC.
uh context?
@JohnP Mostly time. That campaign was supposed to be an 'extra' game for us. We have our main campaign and one of the players wanted to start their own to schedule when the main couldn't meet. The DM has since rethought that and wants to schedule more frequently. I've got kids and can't do 2 games/week and I was causing scheduling issues because of that.
5:35 PM
@MageintheBarrel Click on the arrow. That's linking back to your "immunity to madness" comment
Or they were choosing to play without me, and that wasn't much fun for me :P
And then some of the other guys I play with started wanting to get together to play some music and invited me to join. And I'd rather do that then try and deal with all the other juggling - and that makes me feel like i'm doing something 'real' with my time :D which my wife also likes the idea of.
@NautArch Yeah, kids limit time. I'm finally back to the point where I will have time for a gaming group again.
i'll never have kids
@NautArch What instrument? I play bodhran and a little bit of flute/irish whistle.
@JohnP I've basically got general approval for 1 night/week. Don't want to /can't do more. ALthough I do have a game i run on roll20 that happens about once every 6 weeks on saturday nights. But that's after the kids go to bed, so isn't really a problem.
@JohnP clarinet :) Haven't played in a loooong time, but really enjoying getting back to it. We generally just jam.
5:38 PM
@NautArch got room for an observer?
@NautArch I tried saxophone. The reed bothered me too much :p
@JohnP I can ask the group. We generally start at 9PM eastern and play 3ish hours. Frustratingly short and infrequent.
I definitely have to get my lip back in shape.
Instrument hasn't been tuned/overhauled in probably 25 years.
it's a bit flat.
@NautArch HAHA! Yeah, prolly needs a bit of care :) and I hear you on the lip. Last time I tried flute, I lasted about 10 minutes before my lips cramped up.
@JohnP Tried the flute once but coudln't figure it out :) Did play some trumpet in high school because I played in the jazz band. Apparently our conductor was never able to get clarinet music so I played trumpet on my clarinet. Awkward when I was first chair playing clarinet so tried to learn some trumpet on easier songs.
@NautArch I played some trumpet in jr high, but when our Irish dance group needed musicians, I picked up irish flute and whistle, and some basic bodhran.
@JohnP Did you have to wear the wigs and outfits like the dancers? :D
5:44 PM
@NautArch No, just a kilt. Which is cool. I got an Air Force tartan kilt for xmas this year. :)
@MageintheBarrel I thought that when I was 28. My wife and I have two kids, grown up, daughter turning 30 this year. What you think your future is may change. :)
i plan to spend my whole life single
@MageintheBarrel Yep, that was my plan at 28. When I asked a friend to be a sword bearer at my wedding, he laughed "What, you're never getting married, you said so many times." He was a sword bearer at our wedding. Life is a funny old dog, that I can say. :)
well i'm 22
Heh, so you can see that I had had longer to assert "I will stay single my whole life." And then life changed. shrugs
5:52 PM
So what you're saying is, if I go to more weddings, I get more swords?
@MikeQ I never got any swords :(
@MikeQ Yes, if you are in the Navy (or so my expereince tells me)
Not sure how that works out for Pirates thought.
@NautArch My brother was a groomsman for a friend's wedding: all five of them wore kilts. It was neat as all get out.
But the bride's wedding dress was, obviously, far better to behold.
Did it have pockets?
@MikeQ That's what the sporran is for.
@MikeQ The wedding dress, the sword, or the kilt?
5:56 PM
@KorvinStarmast I was asking about the dress, but now that you mention it, a sword with pockets would also be nice
@MageintheBarrel Raising goats is not for everyone.
@Yuuki That's why necromancers aren't allowed near the petting zoo anymore
@Yuuki well played.
@MikeQ Hmm, as I was not the groom, I was not able to disrobe the bride and examine her wedding dress in detail. (For obvious reasons). My daughter's wedding dress I do not think featured one ... but I'll ask my wife. She'll know.
@KorvinStarmast Asking the bride seems much easier, for everyone involved
5:58 PM
@MikeQ Mrs Starmast was intimiately involved in the wedding dress shopping, selection, and detail. She'll know, and is easier to reach than my daughter.
But I can ask my friend's bride; I am sure she'll remember.
@NautArch Weddings are expensive. There's got to be a more efficient way of getting swords.
Or sword bears, which seem like a cool albeit dangerous thing to have
@MikeQ One could always try getting stabbed.
@MikeQ Scottish clan raids. You get swords and brides all in one.
Speaking of clan raids, it's about lunch time.
@MikeQ Although, if you include practice and competition models, I have 5 swords currently.
@JohnP I still have my officer's sword in a closet; since my wife insists that I not be cremated when I go (long story, and I'll be dead so I will be able to do nothing about it) I have asked that it be buried with me.
@KorvinStarmast Does your officer know that you have their sword?
6:08 PM
@MikeQ Since I am/was the officer in question, yes, I/he am/is aware. :)
@MikeQ Your parole officer has a sword?! Shit... mine was scary enough with a filing cabinet. /S
@MikeQ The O' Muse Brothers maybe should have stuck to stand up comedy?
You know you have a moth problem when you have to switch from mothballs to swords
"oh this? It's not for you... just the moths that try to infest the cabinets."
@MikeQ That's what those cocktail olive sword-toothpick things are for, right?
6:14 PM
@MarkWells Don't those protect you from those robotic cherries?
@MarkWells Yes, yes it is. :) Starmast, scourge of the closet moths was my nickname for many years ...
@MarkWells No, those are designed to fend against olives
Only if you are a battlemeaster ...
They are placed in cocktails as a deterrent to other food, warning them not to try any funny business
"This is what happened to the last fruit that tried to get into this drink!"
6:17 PM
You can, however, use a wooden toothpick to slay tiny vampires
Or moths, as long as they are vampiric moths
@MikeQ It's called a mosquito, sir.
@MarkWells Mothsquito
@Rubiksmoose The monster we neither needed nor wanted, but probably deserved?
Anyway, speaking of TTRPG homebrews, I'm trying to brainstorm a mechanic that rewards cooperative PC interactions in Uranium Chef, and/or discourages PVP. As written, PCs score points for their own creations, and can attack other competitors (but not their recipes) to catch up. So I'm looking into models for reinforcing friendly competition.
6:27 PM
@Yuuki Yes, I'm "researching" many episodes of that
@MikeQ You're trying to reward cooperative PC interactions, or to reward players cooperating by having their characters fight each other?
@MarkWells I seriously hope we haven't done anything to deserve that :)
@MarkWells As written in the Uranium Chef module for Fate, it's PVP. The game is about a sci-fi cooking competition show.
Competitors can impede each others' progress by attacking them directly, but they can't sabotage or target their ingredients.
If I added a blanket rule that penalized PVP, then I'd need to replace it with a different mechanic, otherwise the PCs don't really interact during the competition
...Does that make sense?
@MikeQ I know nothing about Uranium Chef but I've seen almost every episode of Project Runway, and it sounds like the concept of a team challenge.
You're trying to collectively make the best meal you can... but of course one of you will be declared the winner at the end so you want to distinguish yourself above the rest of your team, also.
(Not really anything there mechanically, though. I'm just gnawing pointlessly on the idea.)
@MarkWells Right. And I think I want to keep that premise. I've thought about making the whole thing cooperative, where the PCs are all on one team against an NPC opponent, but I don't like that PCs-vs-DM structure.
6:36 PM
Does it work to divide the players into teams?
Only if I had 4 or 6 players. And I can't assume that.
I could do something like... if the PC does poorly but the judges saw them helping others, then the judges will "go easy" on them, in the form of bonus points
Or perhaps the expectations could vary over time? Maybe the PCs are informed re viewer surveys, which may change over time, therefore the GM can dynamically adjust the rewards and consequences for PC coop vs competition
7:00 PM
@KorvinStarmast Debating about linking my 'easy encounters, why?" question to the frost giant question.
@NautArch Yes, and thanks for your help on that question and answer. Two Thumbs Up!
@KorvinStarmast NP, but now i'm wondering if that frost giant shouldn't even have been mentioned at all.
but you think i should post that as a related?
7:21 PM
I think it is related, in terms of understanding what's in the book about encounters versus how it seems to play out.
@KorvinStarmast decided to throw an answer in. Not sure how it'll be received, but I think it complements yours and @Xirema.
@NautArch I like it. up doot
@KorvinStarmast anything you think I should add?
@NautArch I would comment on Frost Giant tactics being a swingy element to that encounter, to follw up on your point about tactics. That ties it to his question better. (He made a comment about rocks/nets, so addressing their use of that would fit)
@KorvinStarmast good idea, grazie!
@KorvinStarmast wait a second...is the frost giant net attack dc17 homebrew? Or is it from a source I don't have (SKT?)
7:33 PM
@NautArch I quoted the page number, it's Storm King's Thunder.
@Xirema ah, thank you. If they use that, do they forego multiattack? Or is it an option to net/greataxe?
@NautArch It's a tactical technique to allow the other two to make two attacks with advantage ... lots more crit chances ...
Four attacks with advantage is 8 d20 rolls, six without is 6 d20 rolls
@NautArch Multiattack specifically says they make two greataxe attacks, so yeah, there's no additional attacks if they're not greataxe'ing.
@Xirema Yeah, IIRC the boulder is a single attack at range ...
@KorvinStarmast Yup.
7:42 PM
How to tell when someone is using time to the second for their RNG: - Click roll many times in the span of a minute and get the same result each time.
@NautArch If the DM does that, "focus fires" those giants on one target, the encounter can look a lot like "squashed a bug" real fast.
@JohnP Who are we subtweeting? ;)
@KorvinStarmast True ( and I addressed this), but mechanically speaking, with that +9 to hit, they were fairly likely to make contact with the party. Using the net wasn't necessarily required.
@KorvinStarmast And yeah, frost giants aren't that stupid. INT 9 is still probably smart enough to work together.
@Xirema I was just checking random dice rolling web pages, rolling up sets of stats for a character that will probably never be. :)
@NautArch Well, I had an eye on the crit percentage increase ... the focus fire issue takes one PC per round down to 0 HP unless the dice hate the giants.
7:49 PM
@NautArch It is. 9 would be slightly below average intelligence.
huh. Stats of 17,18,17,11,8,5. That would be an interesting one to create.
@JohnP what's the dice roll? 4d6 drop lowest?
OK, I have a 7 stat to start my day. Nice.
I'll put it into charisma and make a half elf.
"How's your morning going?"
7:53 PM
@NautArch 4d6 drop lowest. Our old DM also allowed reroll ones a maximum of one time.
Q: Can Hunter's Mark be moved after Silence has been cast on a character?

VVilliamSituation: In a battle sequence our Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) has successfully cast Hunter's mark, later in the battle our Wizard cast Silence. We know that Hunter's Mark requires V (verbal) component to cast, but is it also required to "Move" the spell? Can the paladin move the "Hunter's m...

muahahahahaha I re rolled my one
7:55 PM
15. I'll take it to start.
Heck yeah!
7:56 PM
PS, the "IQ" thing reminds us to not try to shoehorn to tightly RL into D&D stats ...
I like how you have started with this character ...
@KorvinStarmast Well, in addition, you have many different IQ scales, book knowledge vs street smarts, yadda yadda yadda
7:57 PM
15 15 14 nice start ...
and I'll offer two more yaddas for the IQ thing .. yadda yadda
If an enemy has multiattack and a PC uses an ability that causes the enemy attack to have disadvantage, do they have disadvantage on all their attacks?
@JohnClifford depends on the ability
@JohnClifford depends. A lot of times the feature says "disadvantage on next attack" but if you restrain the enemy, all attacks are disadvantage

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