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For the attributes of that red stone, head to the DMB Artifiacts tables and some pick 1 beneficial and detrimental features for this item - might be best to tailor it to the PC level
Similar to but different to the Diablo I narrative, because when you defeated Diablo he always dropped stuff. So, the other two also have varying degrees of corruption: one earns madness, due to embracing the corruption more but not going as far, and the other, with least corruption, gets the award for "closest to resisting" but your "nobody gets out untainted is perserved."
chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/49836125#49836125 Two other items that drop the begemmed character can't even touch; he/she is too busy dealing with the overwhelming evil/madness/terror of the red stone attuning to them. Sentient magical item.
@Ben The other two items:
Madness item: char gets one DMG madness from the table, and the item has one beneficial and one detrimental from artifact tables.
Resisted item: Two beneficial, one detrimental (The detrimental could be a madness, or anything else)
@Ben Nobody gets out unscathed.

And now, they have quests for the future .... since the items attune to them.
The second act is: how do they find a way to un attune, and do they even want to?
What quest, or what artifact, will break this unwanted attunement/curse?

If you'd like, I can put together an example draft of the three items:
@KorvinStarmast Why'd you permalink to "Morning all"? Just confused
@DavidCoffron It was due to how badly this machine is lagging and timing out, and now I can't reverse that. The idea was to reach back to ben but that was a bust. Stupid time out thing ...
It's never too late to wish someone good morning!
@Rubiksmoose You've obviously never woken up a bunch of night owls at 5am with a cheerful "Good Morning!"
@ACuriousMind yeah, this.
@ACuriousMind hahaha. No I haven't. Usually because I am those night owls
@goodguy5 Here's how you do it, time progresses in 1/4 second intervals. Every behavior has a time period to act. You can interject at any point (and change which behavior you are on), but each behavior has a stopping time based on how far along you are.
And in about 40 minutes, you can finish a single round of combat...
@Rubiksmoose You're multiple owls? In a trenchcoat?
@ACuriousMind I was about to make a similar joke. grr
@DavidCoffron I'm sure it would've been a hoot :)
@ACuriousMind It was: What can you tell me about the experience of a plural being; thinking about it turns my head.
@ACuriousMind I was torn between "turns my head" and "makes my head spin" when you ninja'd me
The latter was probably the more fitting.
@DavidCoffron Being plural only requires having multiple voices in my head. Some days, stereophonic sound, some days cacophonic sound.
@KorvinStarmast Ooh "cacophoncic". One of my favorite heterological words
(at least I find "cacophony" euphonic personally)
@DavidCoffron I learned that term thanks to the Asterix comic books. :) The bard.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer (174): What happens when a metallic dragon and a chromatic dragon mate? by KazaJhodo on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer (174): What happens when a metallic dragon and a chromatic dragon mate? by KazaJhodo on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
@ACuriousMind whooooo me? [Flutters off]
@DavidCoffron Arguably you could do it "good enough" with just 1-second rounds, where everyone gets 1 action on their turn each round, and many activities are set up to be at least 1 second, or may take multiple consecutive rounds
e.g. if you think a pistol should shoot faster than a shotgun, pistol's Shoot becomes Shoot (burst of 3) with 3 attack rolls
@Delioth the segments in AD&D (and in Len Lekofka's long articles on that in Dragon) tried something like that ... our groups found it clunky.
Yeah, it almost certainly is
@SmokeDetector ok that's a tiny bit funny, even if it is in no way an answer
@SmokeDetector NGL.... A part of me wants to upvote that.
As I said - granular actions are probably best left to computer-based games (or at the very least, computer-assisted)
@KorvinStarmast Which word? Cacophony or heterological? They are both great words
@Delioth Yes, that, or GURPS. :) Or Role Master.
It might be neat to have a TTRPG that requires an app-based action manager
@DavidCoffron Cacophony, due to the bard being called Cacophonix and me needing to try and understand the joke. (I was about 11 at the time)
Now I need to come up with a scenario involving a loud noise keeping villagers up at night and the reveal is that someone flushed a firebird egg down the toilet.
e.g. something akin to Fate where there are just a few possible mechanical actions to describe the whole world and every round progresses as a 10-second window for inputting your action into the app, followed by a mandated 50-second window for description and resolution (where the app handles "doing the roll" and gives the GM a little annotation)
What D&D bard doesn't aspire to be as awesome as Cacophonix?
@Yuuki I think that you just did. :)
It's a cacophoenix.
@Yuuki Hmm, a fire spell specialist bard. Great character concept.
I'm not sure how much mileage I'd be able to get out of that pun though.
And of course, ought to be an aaracokra ... firebird or firebard? ;)
@Yuuki are you players conversant with asterix and friends?
I'm more speaking to the "firebird in the toilet" pun.
@Yuuki Just the simultaneous facepalm from all the players when you reveal it will be worth it :P
"Caco" being a Spanish colloquial term for "poop" or "excrement".
I was originally gonna base my very first D&D character on Obelix (and then I saw dragonborn in the PHB and swerved a little)
Not to mention some background music of Johnny Cash's "I fell into a burning ring of fire" to go along with it.
@nitsua60 hail and howdy. we are doing firebard jokes at the moment ...
(and I promise to catch up on the ToA log real soon. I am delinquent)
I’m at my mom’s Russian dinner party, and one of her friends asks me about my hobbies. I politely start to explain what Dungeons & Dragons is. She waves me off impatiently: “Honey, I met my husband at a D&D game in Moscow in 1998. I’ve been playing since before you were born.”
> 1998
> before you were born
The Hearts of Wulin page is now live! Learn about the game, find media resources, meet our team (@edige23, Agatha from @aznsrepresent, and @blue_troller), give feedback on our forums, and sign up to be notified with the Kickstarter campaign goes live! https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/hearts-of-wulin.html
I wasn't that old in 1998 but damn.
To be fair though, (some) people born in 1998 are now 21
If I'm not completely incompetent at math
@Yuuki Also, she's not saying she first played in 1998.
@BESW I read it that way at first too - she met her husband in '98, but presumably that was not her first time playing
@Yuuki for some reason, I remember that as "caca" but it is possible that memory is not being my friend there.
@KorvinStarmast "Caca" is actually right now that I think about it.
...I assumed you were just using a regional variant.
@Yuuki We'll not proceed to the jokes about how a parrot says "caw caw" or 'caca' depending on what just happened on the pirate's shirt .
Oh, wait, too late.
Well, it derives from the Latin "cacare" and the first person present conjugation is "caco".
Something lost in translation, I suppose. Language morphing, and stuff.
And I was thinking of cacodaemons.
Which are not, in fact, demons that look like poop.
Not with that attitude
By no means are you forbidden from making cacodaemons look like poop but you are not required to make cacodemons look like poop if you don't want to.
Ancistroides nigrita, the chocolate demon, is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae. == Subspecies == The subspecies of Ancistroides nigrita found in India are- Ancistroides nigrita diocles Moore, 1865 – (Bengal Chocolate Demon) == References... ==
@BESW that's great XD
I thought the rules-as-written tag got kilt
Q: Can produce flame be used to grapple, or as an unarmed strike, in the right circumstances?

Josiah RigganWith the wording of produce flame, it seems like you take the cast the spell action to make the flame appear. You can then attack with it later - it does use the wording "ranged spell attack." It never addresses what you can do with it otherwise, even though you are still holding a handful of f...

oh no I see it's got dramatic
It was tagged an hour ago.
well it still got dramatic
I was bemused by seeing the tag on a new question
@BESW huh?
@trogdor Carcer asked about the RAW tag meta.
oh and that got tagged as a finished subject now then?
I thought you had been saying the tag got changed to a status completed tag,... which was a weird thing to think
no, rules-as-written is done. It was a fun experiment but we're retiring the playstyle
yeah that's what I assumed was happening I just got confused about that for a minute
Lancer, a mud-and-lasers far-future Mech RPG is on Kickstarter. The pre-release rules are available for free here; that's the complete playable rules including illustrations but without finalised layout & printing details. Lancer is co-authored by the person behind Kill Six Billion Demons.
I expect it's got beautiful art
I wonder if the rules hold up
it seems like half the time it's one or the other
also I resent it for taking time away from him actually making Kill Six Billion Demons
It's 566 pages so there's a lot of stuff going on. I've been picking my way through the rules. So far they're working on a number of good philosophies.
150 pages of mech chassis and components
They are definitely going for grit and crunch.
I resent it slightly less
though there's a danger there that it'd be more fun to design mechs than it would be to actually adjudicate them in play
I'll have to give it a read at some point
that could be the case very easily yeah
@Carcer I agree.
It's already getting some spread-out playtesting, so I hope it's working out well.

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