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Everyone should be allowed to be as fantastic as tehy wanna be
(And I will happily teach anyone to paint their nails should they wanna. I have many many many colours we can use.)
@Ash I would have to take much better care of my nails before I even thought about calling attention to them with paint.
I just clip them a lot
@Ash I'll just add the plane ticket to your bill for the suit
@BESW Mine are short stubby messes, but I like colours too much to care? I'm just like LET ME HAVE MY RAINBOWS.
@trogdor Sounds perfect.
(I literally have a polish that looks like the rainbow shimmer of an oil slick in a rain puddle, it makes me very happy)
Do you paint them all one color, a bunch of different colors, or switch off doing one or the other?
@Ash oh neat
@Ash well, I'm not sure if there's much of anything where a well-tailored pantsuit isn't suitable formal wear :) -- I've seen a wedding where the bride and her entire party were in pantsuits, and I think it was Kagan who argued before SCOTUS in one (before she became a Justice that is)
I've seen plenty of ladies with like, all one color
@trogdor Depends on my mood.
But sometimes someone has like, 2-5 different ones
If I was going to do it it would be a bunch of different ones or nothing I think
@Shalvenay nah, I want like a proper fitted like fancywear suit with a tie and all. (I'd have to learn to tie a tie, though)
@trogdor I am all for this.
@Ash that's fair
I've done Pride rainbows, I've done polka dots, I've done animal prints, whatever
I mean I most often do single colour or single colour plus glitter because I like to sparkle
@Ash I printed this out and put it in my jacket pocket:
@Ash like lepard spots on a different color on the same nail or?
@BESW die fiend tie die!
@trogdor Whenever I see the word "fiend" I get the "Making Fiends" webseries theme song in my head.
@BESW Oh, that's helpful!
@BESW lol
I find the four-in-hand is easiest.
And the half windsor is a four-in-hand with an extra wrap at the beginning.
And the windsor is a half windsor but the extra wrap at the beginning is reversed.
And the shell knot is one step removed from the Lovecraft.
According to my calculations, 4 in the hand is worth 8 in the bush
@trogdor Like this:
Zoo themed nails because I am going to @TheTorontoZoo tomorrow!
(I thought that was on instagram, but apparently Twitter, so it took me a while to find. Also I am sad I don't have that rainbow ring anymore, the colours literally fell out of it)
@Ash ok yeah that's exactly what I meant
On the same nail
(It has been replaced by a dinosaur spinner ring)
@Ash they what now?
@trogdor the colours in the ring, they fell out - they were like tiny rubber bits mashed into channels in the metal.
I genuinely love how every time I check in on the chat, it's a totally different conversation topic
Aug 7 '18 at 20:02, by doppelgreener
At least for this chat, going by its history, the most off-topic thing anyone's probably asked in here was a tabletop RPG question.
It's true, the new topic is everything else
Except not really
@BESW It looks like the priestly person is trying to wololo the bug monstrosity
@BESW I can't get a four-in-hand to finish symmetrically. So I just stick to the windsor. Or the bowtie. (Which I also can't get to finish symmetrically, but that's okay because it's dashing no matter what.)
@Ash I feel like the little-little hair elastics my daughters use could be... pressed into service to resurrect that ring.
what happened to the dice testing room? I can't find it
It probably froze
Dice roller and formatting something something?
@trogdor yeah
Click show frozen
It's on the first page
Then get a mod to unfreeze it
@nitsua60 mind unfreezing the dice roller room?
@nitsua60 thx
> Friend for a day. Once per session you can roll opposed Overcome to convince an opponent to enter a temporary alliance with you against an obvious and immediate bigger threat. If you succeed or fail by 3 or more, the target can change one of their character aspects to reflect their relationship with you.
(I was thinking about TMNT plots, so skills aren't mentioned because I designed the stunt for the Fate of the TMNT system which uses aspects-only rolls.)
It also perfectly characterizes an interaction that happens once every Dresden Files story.
> Power Couple. The Teamwork bonus you and your partner grant each other is +3 instead of +1 when using superpowers in tandem.
@Miniman it did seem to happen a lot
Yeah, it's a pretty common trope in serialized fiction. I was just specifically thinking about the TMNT 2012 TV series.
Could just as easily work for Gargoyles.
...although I think Xanatos needs his own subsystem to keep track of who he's helping, betraying, supporting, exploiting, etc.
Ah, in Gargoyles it sorta becomes permanent
@BESW Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to suggest that it's unique in that respect. Just that it seems to happen like clockwork, once in each book.
@trogdor That's why I put in the "if you succeed or fail by 3 or more" thing.
Fair enough
So that often it'll get reset at the end of the adventure but sometimes it leads to a long-term ally OR to a generic enemy now having a lasting grudge.
Like Demona, or Karai.
Hmm I wouldn't say Demona was "generic"
Maybe not big leagues at first but the main characters knew her personally
Q: Is there a specified length of time that a pc must wait before trying to perform the same action (due to a previously failed ability check)

Greg0141For example, a rogue fails a roll attempting to unlock a prison cell. All other pc party members fail on their respective rolls. At that point, may the initial rogue try again or are the prisoners in the cells just stuck there?

dupe of
Q: I failed to open a lock. Now what?

Bradd SzonyePicking a lock typically requires a DC 15 Dexterity check (Basic rules, p. 49). Likewise for manacles (p. 50), which can alternately be escaped with a DC 20 Dexterity check or broken with a DC 20 Strength check. But what happens if you fail? The general rules for ability checks state (p. 58): ...

Seems like the older question is a subset of the newer one.
good evening, folks
and also with you
NEW PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT: The D&D Young Adventurer's Guide series from @TenSpeedPress launches July 16, 2019 with MONSTERS & CREATURES and WARRIORS & WEAPONS Bring new people into our favorite hobby. I'm so incredibly proud of these books, gang! http://www.jimzub.com/the-dd-young-adventurers-guides-launch-july-16-2019/
Happy Quantum frame of reference from a sky fireball to you as well
I think we can stop, Troggy won.
Or lost. If you haven't read the last message yet then it's still in a superposition.
@nitsua60 I never thought of that..... intrigued
Though you might have... until you said that.
But now you did.
I think we're crossing light-cones =\
@BESW I won something? Huray I expect to receive it soon
Just gonna rip off that erroneous peice of paper saying it belongs to someone else
Much better
headcanon: HMS Consolation is a famous fast ship from the clipper age and the Consolation Cup is a long-forgotten trophy for the longship crew that could row across some bay the quickest.
Happy 13th anniversary to @UrsulaV's Biting Pear of Salamanca. #lolwut
So I'm looking at a question and wondering what is to be done. It's largely a duplicate of a different question, but there are a couple unusual bits in it that might make stackable questions in their own right. The stock dup message says to leave the question closed as dup and ask some others; is that the preferred approach for a dup-close, or should it be edited and reopened?
Dupes drive search traffic by their existence, so I can see the argument for letting them stick around.
@BESW Pear.
Hm. Looks like leave it around.
@Miniman: Is there a reason you just rolled back SSD's edit (to the tags) here? The edit seems justified to me: rpg.stackexchange.com/posts/45871/revisions
The question is centrally about the weapons and armor of enemies (or "monsters", in the "all enemies of the PCs generally" sense)
(also the RAW tag doesn't belong there because it's not a question about a strictly literal interpretation of the rules; it's just a rules question)
(...it also doesn't belong on the two questions of yours which you just added it to, unless you are interested in a literalist interpretation - but your questions just look like rules questions, and the specification of "only RAW-based answers or explicit statements of developer intent should apply" is enough to mark it as such, so the tag doesn't belong)
Afternoon all
Hmm. "I want to make a Dungeon World campaign with new races; how do I deal with their racial moves?" Is that an adequately stackable question or is it too much of a list question?
@Ben so say we all
@Glazius what do you mean by "deal with"?
If you're soliciting help coming up with racial moves, that's not really Stack. If there's some move causing you trouble in play/prep, ask about that problem.
> Welcome to rpg.se! Please take a look at the [tour], it's a useful introduction to the site. Stack Exchange is a Q&A site, not a traditional discussion forum. This question is off-topic because undirected, open-ended speculation produces more noise than value. Please [edit] your question to describe the problem or challenge you're facing, and tell us about your own research.
hahaha. yeah, I haven't played DW, but you'd have to define what your actual problem is/what you're trying to do
(i.e. what "deal with" means in this context)
@V2Blast They are all questions asking about the strict interpretation of the rules, despite the best efforts of many answerers and voters. And your final paragraph suggests that asking for RAW in the question invalidates use of the tag, which combined with the consensus on meta that use of the tag requires asking for RAW in the question would invalidate the tag entirely.
@Miniman I'm not saying "asking for RAW in the question invalidates use of the tag". I'm saying asking a rules question doesn't mean it needs the [rules-as-written] tag.
The tag is not for rules questions in general, even if you're only looking for official rules (vs. houserules)
"For questions seeking to avoid answers based on house-rule or opinion, simply say so in the body of the question. Not everyone who will attempt an answer understands our tagging system, let alone that a tag might mean they should answer a certain way, so tags should not be used as a replacement for simply stating what you need from the answers. Answers at RPG.se are also expected to be based on more than mere opinion anyway, so no special efforts need to be made to prevent such answers."
In particular, the RAW tag info mentions: "Questions that are about the logical interactions and application of the game rules, when their written form is interpreted as strictly as possible, without reference to explanations or considerations outside of the rules texts." Official rulings and statements by designers about intent would not belong on questions with that tag, because they're looking for "strictly literal reading[s]" of only the rules exactly as they are written
Given that I'm so angry I'm shaking right now, I'm not going to continue this discussion at the moment; I'm likely to say things that I really shouldn't.
@V2Blast Right, right. I wanna really PHB it up, with the tieflings and the dragonborn and the gnomes and the orcs, so did I just sign up for doubling up the racial moves all by myself while dodging duplicates? Presenting eight unique flavors of Fighter? That seems a little overwhelming.
@Miniman ...Okay then
@Miniman I hope everything is ok.
(All of what I've said about the usage of the tag is based on my understanding of what's stated in the tag wiki, and what's been discussed by other users in meta and in the comments of questions where it's been debated whether the use of the tag is appropriate on a particular question. I might be wrong but that's my general understanding.)
(zee background: DW race/class combos are restricted by default, AD&D style. Each combo gets a flavor move - dwarven fighters make better friends when they're drunk, elf fighters can take a precision weapon and attack with dex, halfling fighters get +1 on all saves if they make their size matter, human fighters reroll one damage roll per combat.)
@V2Blast FWIW, it's not your fault or even primarily directed at you.
@Ben I'm fine, just a bit worked up.
that is the cutest lil doggo
About to stream our D&D 5e actual-play podcast in a little under 20 minutes: https://www.twitch.tv/events/QUKeD9seQ8OHeYVCVyyANg

In a universe adjacent to our own lies a world known as Runia. This world, once peaceful and idyllic, is now threatened by a monstrous being from its prehistory. A group of adventurers known as Whiskey Company have risen up to do what they can to fight this entity known only as Nagat. They have trekked far across the mortal realms in search of the shards of Barrinoth, the Titan of Justice, in hopes of returning him to his full power.
@V2Blast It's called a "dapple" Dachshund.
Ah, cool :)
The lich that spent 4m years making wish scrolls because he had nothing better to do is quite the prize if you can manage to take him down.
we are live
@V2Blast can't remember my account details. OR even if I have a twitch account lol.
Still watching at least
yay <3
Is there an "optimised" stat set for 5e? Like, 16/14/12/10/8/8 that can be applied appropriately depending on class/build?
Based on the point-buy system
Other than weird builds, no class has more than 3 stats they really need.
Barb: Str Dex Con
Bard: Cha Dex Con
And so on.
@Ben there is the standard array. not exactly optimized but fairly distributed
@V2Blast 12/12/12/10/10/10 right?
no, lol
15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8
Ah right
@Ben Well, yeah. As it happens, Con is one of those 3 stats for every class.
@Ben I'd say there probably is but it's not as straightforward. Point buy can only get you to 15, so you need race benefits to start at 16 in your primary stat, and different races can give +2 or +1 to different stats, which leads to different point buy combinations to get there.
Since only even scores matter, there's not much reason to start at 15 when you could do 14, unless a +1 from race would apply (or a future feat, or you have an even number of odd scores to split an ability score increase later).
No I want to run into a dungeon with 6 hp, gimme low con please
Yeah racial modifiers do come in to play, that might help buff/balance out those 8s
@Ben The opposite - they're to get your important scores higher than 15.
@trogdor I didn't realise it was you... I just thought "Who's this numpty?? Oh."
@Ben perfectly according to plan
@Miniman Yeah I get that. Min-max isn't quite optimise though :P
I suppose I meant "buff those 15s/balance those 8s" lol
If playing a +2/+1 race where both stats are ones I care about, I favor either 15/14/14/10/10/8 (goes to 16/16/14/10/10/8) or 14/14/13/12/12/8 (Goes to 16/14/14/12/12/8).
@Ben Not universally, but generally.
Standard array can also be perfectly fine. If the +2 is your primary stat, that can go to 17/14/14/12/10/8. 17 in your primary stat means you could take one of the feats that gives +1 to a stat and some other perk at level 4 without losing pace in advancing your primary.
1 hour later…
Now all my campaigns are going to have a shifty Aussie-accented Drow salesman that proves to be shady as heck but also too useful to shake.
I've seen that image posted like 50 times
Probably because everyone has accepted it as head canon
@V2Blast your DM does some great accents btw :D
he does :D
@Ben Huntsmans are servants of lolth. Change my mind
The spiders or the people?
I did not realize that huntsman spiders have Australian citizenship. TIL.
One of our more fondly mentioned neighbours
Which says something about the rest
I see
My GM represents undercommon as aussie english
@GeoffreyLim This can also apply :P
He's also regretting making a country the british stereotype of americans
because my current charachter is from that charachter
well country
I didn't realize there was an American stereotype about denim
it's really weirdly specific
but yeah it's now a joke that the only thing wrong with the charachter I play is how he talks
everything he says is reasonable and friendly
@Ben btw thanks for tuning in! (and to anyone else who did so)
@V2Blast no worries :D I always enjoy a good sesh haha
1 hour later…
> Rocks are for character development. (game-wide stunt effect) When you are trapped with someone else for at least an hour and you have nothing to do but talk with them, you gain two fate points if you roleplay dialogue that deepens your characterization and change one of your character aspects to reflect it.
4 hours later…
@GeoffreyLim That makes a more sense than the simple pun would imply.
This one puzzle me... Is it gm-technique, or is it Writing Beta.SE?
Seems a legitimate gm problem, but ill phrased for rpg.SE
Ok, nevermind, it has been swiftly closed xD
While the question isn't strictly off-topic, it would need some criteria to be answerable here. There are plenty of ways of conveying lore to the players, but some may be more effective depending on what their goals are.
Well, he asks about a style of written lore
So I'm not sure it's about the mean of conveying the lore. Possibly "what style to write the lore in"...
The (what type of tools does a tailor use) questionhas an answer in the form of a joke: "thieves tools: have you seen the prices for alterations lately?"
@Nyakouai For broad and opinion "What X is best?" questions, they can sometimes be rephrased into something stackable like "What X is best to achieve goal Y given constraints Z?"
@MikeQ I like that template.
@ColinGross It applies across most of the StackOverflow/StackExchange sites
@MikeQ It's a nicer template than the more neckbeardy sites.
Which is usually, "I'm running this. How do I un-f@#! that?"
@ColinGross Everyday question at my workplace
@Nyakouai I feel that how to un-F something is the quintessential technological question.
The real problems are when someone is trying to un-F a problem using technology when the problem is fundamentally a people problem. On here, that usually manifests as "what in game thing can I do to solve <some interpersonal problem>?"
While that's an issue here, it's not what I'm referring to
The question "How should I present written lore to my players", without any constraints, could invite an answer like "Write notes on your foot using a sharpie and then ask the players to remove your socks "
I'm entertained.
But with constraints and goals, e.g. "How should I present written lore so that it's accessible to everyone, both in and out of game", then answerers can provide support for their approaches, e.g. a wiki or shared google doc would address OP's needs.
Also, the OP for that question isn't articulating the outcome they'd like to see in the question.
They want to give characters objects that convey lore about the world. One constraint being it shouldn't be cut and dry.
I'd probably point them to the way the tool tips and flavor text was done in sid meier alpha centauri.
An interesting fan dissection of the topic: https://youtu.be/1m0aEO7CrxM
Not directly related to RPG, but definitely related to story telling and "transparent mechanics" which is something 5e seems to have some issues with.
Disclaimer: I don't recommend using the sharpie-on-foot method as a means of conveying information in a TTRPG, and I take no responsibility for what happens if anyone tries it
@MikeQ saves vs atheletics foot or take 1d5 itching and burning damage.
Sometimes, I feel like people get too into the weeds about character details that pretty much never come up during RP.
@Yuuki quick example?
@ColinGross I'm watching this group where one person has spent the last 30 minutes figuring out what their (exact) age and height should be.
@Yuuki Gotcha. Yeah. Seems like that's overly specific for something that isn't likely to be an issue ever. Maybe they enjoy sorting out those kinds of details?
They wouldn't happen to be a statistician and are also interested in measuring the heights and weights of incarcerated people?
it's him. it's the Installation Wizard
@Yuuki Dare I ask what system they're using?
Looks like Pathfinder.
Ah yes. Each race has a table of what dice to use for age, height, and weight
How could I forget such a vital detail that contributes to the fun
I'm one of those people...
Well I don't spend 30 minutes doing so, but I have a good 5 minutes of pondering appearance and mentality, and I think height and age help for those
Plus, you never know, maybe the GM will make a genie grants you a wish on your birthday, if you roll a nat 20 at blowing candles
@Nyakouai Is that where they go out but don't get wax all over the icing?
@ColinGross In 5e you'd roll an extra die to determine the number of candles extinguished; in PF you'd have to reroll the d20 to confirm the crit
@ColinGross There is no roll high enough to grant you that. But you could wish for it, tho
Coffee: WIS+1 CHA+1 DEX-1
Last day of February. Anyone know if we're going to see the next shot at 5E artificer today? Or will it be delayed again? (I hope they don't skimp on testing and release another rush job...)
@MikeQ hahaha
@MikeQ I feel like it's such a difficult conversion since the magic item creation mechanics in 5e are so vastly different than 3.5E
@Rubiksmoose While it would be hypocritical (and unkind) for me to deride people who enjoy playing PF, I'm still inclined to poke at the system itself
@MikeQ You don't have to hate the players to hate the game.
@ColinGross ...but it helps!
Whoa whoa whoa Ghosts of Saltmarsh? Why is this the first im hearing about this?
i don't know! But surprise!
Over/Under on the Artificer rework actually coming out today?
The name and cover invoked a lot of excitement
I give artificer a 15% shot at releasing today
@SirCinnamon Yeah........ Probably.
Amazon.comshows Ghosts of Saltmarsh at $50 USD
amazon.ca shows $40 CAD ( A $20 USD difference)
and amazon has price guarantees on pre-orders
IDK if thats a mistake on their part but gimme gimme
@SirCinnamon Kate Welch and Nathan Stewart spoiled a few weeks back on Spoilers and Swag that the first book of the year would be a nautical-themed adventure
and Amazon just leaked (seemingly) some info about it and then it was officially announced recently
@Xirema I keep my expectations low
@Xirema GAHHHHH!
Why isn't it out yet
Speaking of expectations low, I never looked at 5e's UA maritime rules. Do they look ok? They can't be as bad as PF's right?
@SirCinnamon :( :( :(
Luckily we aren't playing this week else I would be even more anxious for this.
@Rubiksmoose AFAIK, they're only ever been presented in UA.
@Xirema Oh yeah, but did anybody take a look at them/test them? Just curious if anybody had impressions on how they worked since I don't remember seeing any.
@Rubiksmoose Haven't tested them, but I've read through it. The combat mechanics are eons more coherent than the PF implementation
@MikeQ I remember reading through the AP for PF where they introduced the maritime rules. What a mess.
I was looking to run it, but dropped that idea pretty quickly.
For reference, the PF implementation tries to account for each individual siege weapon, and each individual creature trying to operate it, which results in a weird mess of action economy
Good to hear 5e is coming up with something better though. At least on its face.
@Rubiksmoose My big disastrous PF campaign? It was that AP. Skull & Shackles.
@MikeQ oof
Everyone hated ship combat. Some of the players and I tried to homebrew something a bit more manageable, but it still didn't synergize well with the rest of the game
I'm concerned that the 5E UA still treats each weapon as an individual attack by the ship, but at least ships have like 2-3 attack rolls instead of 10-20
Well it does seem to be improved at least. I wonder how much they changed them for publication as well
What else... the 5E UA has some of the ship's defenses based on a "crew quality score" that is tied into morale. (for comparison, PF has most of the ship's offenses/defenses/skills have the captain's sailing skill as a bonus)
@Rubiksmoose Another big concern: both implementations treat the ship as an independent creature from the crew. In PF it was kinda like watching a kaiju battle from the sidelines. In the 5E UA it seems like the characters either help the ship's attacks or do nothing
@MikeQ huh
Jun 5 '18 at 19:14, by Mike Q
@GreySage Yes, that's how it works in the rules, on paper. In practice though, it can get repetitive because all the ships can do is damage to each other's hulls - basically the PCs are assisting one big Fighter versus another big Fighter
Jun 5 '18 at 19:16, by Mike Q
One of the main problems of the "ship as a creature" approach is that attacking a creature (the ship) doesn't necessarily pose any immediate risk to the passengers, so you end up with several rounds of combat with no risk or reward
I also haven't looked into how the UA naval combat interacts with UA mass combat
Anyway, my recommendation is to forget about all this and play Maid RPG instead
@MikeQ How does maid rpg handle naval combat?
Hey anyone here ever play with Myconids? Never have so I figured if I could get some tips on including them in my world
@SirCinnamon You could easily have a Maid RPG session take place on a boat, and the PCs are hired crew reporting to the captain
Heck, you could go the Arpeggio of Blue Steel route and say the maids are the boats themselves, on a mission to clean up the seas and appease the fleet commander
@KDodge I've only been to London once and it was just for a week so I can't really help.
What does London have to do with Myconids?
@MikeQ hahaha
MM 230 @Yuuki
@KDodge I've played a campaign as a player in which there were myconid NPCs.
@KDodge Sounds like "Michael Nids" with a strong Cockney accent.
@Rubiksmoose What can you tell me about them, ive had absolutely no experience with them
@Yuuki Who is Michael Nids?
I blame the Michael Caine mini-marathon last night.
They sound nice is the MM, but I feel like there is more to them than what is described in the MM
@KDodge If you have access to the Out of the Abyss module, there is a decently large chapter that deals with Myconids. Lots of interesting information
@KDodge well they are sentient mushrooms essentially. They have a neat thing where they can reanimate corpses as spore servants. They have lots of interesting spore effects
I'm not sure what exact kind of information you are looking for.
@GreySage Yup that is where I experienced them fwiw.
I don have access to that module, Im more looking for lore, behavior and beliefs, I want to have a decent idea of who they are and how they normally function before I try to incorporate them into my world
@Rubiksmoose The crazy mushrooms are creepy.
@KDodge Ah I see. Well, unfortunately I'm not sure I can help too much there. I know they live in colonies and they have a hierarchy. There are the hunters I know but not sure the other echelons.
Like I said I was a player so I never got to read the behind the scenes stuff.
I think the way my DM played them was pretty reminiscent of ents from LotR.
Behavior-wise I mean.
Well thanks for your help
Yeah sorry I couldn't help more.
Its alright, I just found the module Greysage mentioned so ill see if its any help
@Rubiksmoose Are Myconids not just Ents but made from mushrooms?
@GreySage do you know which chapter deals with them? Skimming through I don't see Myconids
@KDodge 5. Neverlight grove. There is a bit in Ch. 4, and 16 has some combat.
@Xirema I think so, but I would hesitate to say that is true with full confidence until I read their description. Certainly as a basic conception they are.
@GreySage Thanks
@Rubiksmoose I'd actually be interested in fleshing out personality differences between ents and myconids based on how plants and fungi differ.
Myconids use psychic spores to communicate telepathically, and basically live in a giant hippie commune, + mind-melding.
Most fungi grow much faster than trees, I think. And fungi don't perform photosynthesis, they (with a few noted exceptions) derive energy from decaying organic matter.
@Yuuki Myconids probably tell better jokes and organize more fun parties
@MikeQ Well.
@MikeQ They are.
@MikeQ Pretty.
@MikeQ .............
@MikeQ Interesting people.
What I've learned from reading philosophy questions in the HNQ bar? Lots of people on the philosophy stack don't understand what a "fallacy" is.
@GreySage Fallacy means the naughty bits right?
@GreySage They've committed the most common fallacy of all: being incorrect
For any germans: https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/avqier/german_publisher_ulisses_announced_to_release/
"German publisher Ulisses announced to release several translated DnD 5E books through the year"
@GreySage it's the fallacy fallacy
@V2Blast I know very few Germans who're into D&D and haven't already bought the English versions of the books when they came out.
@Rubiksmoose Only if there's enough of "us" at the end.
@ACuriousMind I thought most Germans read & spoke English better than Americans.
Maybe that's falsch.
@ColinGross Eh, it varies :P
@ACuriousMind Grass is always greener probably.
Though I guess most indeed speak passable English on a grammatical level. Just their pronounciation is often terrible :P
@ACuriousMind yeah, it's oddly late into 5e's publication for them to announce German translations
With the recent announcement of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, @BeadleAndGrimm will be releasing a Sinister Silver edition of the adventure! Learn more from @MatthewLillard & Jon Ciccolini on #Dragontalk with hosts @Gregtito & @shellymoo. https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/dratalk_beadlegrimms #DnD #DungeonsandDragons
@ACuriousMind If there's one thing about English, there aren't good ways to pronounce it. It's all terrible.
@V2Blast Probably too many rule conflicts /S
@Rubiksmoose in response to your system-agnostic question, "definitely maybe."
@ColinGross lol
things are not going as I expected on that meta :-/ Despite a warning I was really hoping there would be an easy-ish and not super controversial answer.
The simple answer is yes. Probably not a non-controversial answer given the audience.
The whole topic borders on bike shedding for me.
@ColinGross I mean I guess. But it is an issue that people argue about and have issues with. It is exactly because people focus on it that I want to clear up how to use it.
Whether or not it is value added is not really the core point of my question.
@Rubiksmoose People argue about a lot of pointless issues. That's what bike shedding is all about. Trying to wade in and clear it up just contributes. "Once and for all, is the shed going to be blue or green?! Let's just hash this out since so many people are having problems with it."
I don't actually think this is a bike shed. I think it's something that provides some usefulness.
Well we'll see if it actually does! lol
I'm in the minority of users that have searched on that tag
So usefulness +1
Luckily my bee suit is proving unnecessary besides getting some sassy-ish comments to some of the answers lol
I wish there was a single tag for "I seriously don't want to see an F'ing D&D question/answer in the results. Seriously. For reals. Not for fakes."
@Rubiksmoose I'll sass you if you need more sass.
On the flip side, I can help you make tuna if the bees are bothering you. Bum bum bumble bee tuna.
@ColinGross Hmmm I'm usually pretty good on the sass-situation. I'll let you know if I ever run low ;)
But hey look at us letting all these bees into chat. Close that screen door would ya?
@Rubiksmoose Do the bees hate you?
@GreySage those are hornets. They're hate manifest.
@ColinGross I'm pretty sure that is actually geese.
I love me some bumble bees. Just derping along trying to do their best. Fuzzily getting from one place to another.
@Rubiksmoose Oooo.. canada geese are evil.
@GreySage evidence so far suggests that I'm pretty cool with bees.
Maybe its all the mead. Oh wait, maybe that would actually get me in trouble.
@Rubiksmoose I think they break the conservation of mass & energy as well. They eat little nibbles here and there then proceed to produce prodigious amounts of crap.
@ColinGross It truly is incredible. Geese are 60% hatred and 48% feces.
@ColinGross Canadian people are so nice because the early settlers made an eldritch pact to funnel all of their subconscious rage into the local geese.
@Rubiksmoose And they hiss! Damn darwinism. Those lamarckian bastards ate snakes to get their long necks!
Too good not to star.
@Yuuki You'd think that. Next time you're in a conversation with a Canadian (non-goose) try saying, "Oh, hockey? You mean ice hockey?" and see how many teeth you end up with.
@ColinGross As a Canadian non-goose, I'd just think you are weird for insisting on differentiation between the two terms.
@ColinGross It should be at most as many as the average ice hockey player.
@GreySage "non-goose" hmmmm I see no evidence of that.
@GreySage That's exactly what a goose would say!
Haven't we accused @GreySage of being a witch previously?
It certainly sounds like something we'd do.
@ColinGross If I were a witch I'd weigh as much as a duck, not a goose. Clearly I can't be both a witch AND a goose.
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