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@AVeryLargeBear has entered the chat
How are you?
@AVeryLargeBear I once saw a guy on xbox live with a similar name - "A Hobo on a Bench". It makes for very humorous tag lines. "A Very Large Bear has assassinated you" - "A Very Large Bear has Sniped you" - "A Very Large Bear is on a killing spree"
hey @Ash :)
@Ben Well, what do you want your Druid to do? If the answer is scribe scrolls/brew potions, then great. If not, pick a feat that lets you do want you want to do.
I suppose I'm in a position where I really am open to suggestions. My druid is sort of the "buffer" between the other members of the party. We have the Barb (damage dealer), and the Cleric (Healer). I'm liking the scribe scroll/brew potion due to my predicament of having to predict my spell list, and having a limited amount of spells to use. But on the other hand I usually do have issues in combat, particularly with not being able to take/deal damage
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 that's not bad advice for a D&D DM, if we look at the pinned tweat on Mearls' twitter page ..... fits a sandboxy approach as well
@KorvinStarmast I think the answers to that "how do I railroad them, but I don't want to railroad" question are lacking a good frame challenge: "don't. If your players are game to play the 'rise up against your oppressor' storyline, put the oppression in the past."
@nitsua60 I guess I need to flesh mine out, but we are about to walk the dogs. But I think you are right.
I don't know if it naturally fits in yours or is a separate answer. Either way I don't feel like writing it =)
hi @nitsua60
Hey, @Vylix
I'm curious why the part of the storyline that's summed up "we're having to do these things we don't like because we're under this guy's thumb" needs to be played out, rather than just being in the characters' pasts when the campaign starts?
Are your players on board with playing "we do bad things for this guy, but some day we'll break free!"?
i get what you mean, but I think the answer is "partially", in a sense that I design the campaign premise, but the party will agree whatever I throw at them, "blindly" trusting me to play fair
hey there @MikeQ
Hello internet friends
@nitsua60 that's a good idea, I never thought it that way. It may be a good idea to define the encounter scene a flashback, with a known outcome.
I think if it were my group the whole "breaking free of an oppressor" bit would be part of the pitch, and then we'd discuss whether we want to play any of that out or just take it as our play-sessions' premise.
@MikeQ -- how familiar are you with Dungeon World?
(But my group tends to run that way: a handful of people interested in running games will put together descriptive pitches, we circulate them to the mailing list, and whichever pitch attracts a quorum becomes our next game.)
I was thinking about telling them the premise, but I don't want to spoil the plot line :P
@Shalvenay I understand the system premise, I know bits and pieces about the mechanics
@Vylix If you (and the players do want to play it out) I think you're right about bounded accuracy tying your hands a bit.
Resistance to nonmagical damage would be one big deal for L3 party to deal with.
ah, that will be a good idea
But even then the action economy makes it hard for one to stand against five. So give him lieutenants and mooks.
Enough so that if the party starts to carve through them the bigbad can still walk away.
@Vylix Nitsua's idea about having it as a fixed cut scene in the past is what I was trying to imply. Establish it as part of the campaign baseline and you don't need to railroad a scene at the table
I was thinking of a scene (in initiative, I think), where the villain get refused, then he blinked to the back of the refusing character, "I'm not asking, I'm telling you to."
If it is in the past, depending on the play-group you could even hand a lot of it over to them. Use some story-game's mechanics to let them feed a lot into how the party got under the bigbad's thumb.
Immunity to non magic weapon would make it certainly a one sided fight. But I would still fear the party fighting to the death anyway. Which leads to you handwaving why they didn't die
@nitsua60 I can actually speak to this one - If the intended antagonist hasn't really done much to antagonize the PCs in-game, if you just say "Hey this is the bad guy and you don't like him", it's hard to get the players invested in it
@linksassin will definitely be my top consideration
@MikeQ I'm suggesting that the campaign doesn't start unless the players are invested in it. It strikes me as the sort of thing to be bought in to at the pre-campaign, table level rather than trying to ensure that it happens in-game.
@nitsua60 Ah, yes, that's a good point, it may be one of those pitfall that I and other newish GMs tend to fall into, where it's a storytelling device that works in other media but translates poorly to TTRPG format
@linksassin now I'm thinking to use some kind of "hold person" to hold them in place, then critting them one by one, until the last of them agree to do it :)
@Vylix I don't think your players would take that well
In a Fate-style game, part of character creation would have players writing a short, pithy phrase about their relationship with the villain.
I know I wouldn't if they happened to me at a table
@MikeQ (It's like when we started our ToA and had the explicit expectation set "this is going to be an Exploring Chult game." You-all are free to wander around Chult all you want, but if you want to hop the next ship out of Port N back to Baldur's Gate, thassfine. But it does mean that the game I was running is over.)
@Vylix (This sounds like the exact opposite of what I was talking about. That's okay, I just want to be clear I wasn't suggesting this.)
@nitsua60 In other media, a common trope is to introduce the antagonist during the story, not at the beginning. Strong first impression and such.
But I don't know the players at all. @Vylix what other sorts of campaign-starts have gone well or poorly for this group? What different games have you-all played together?
Yeah, basically what we're saying here is that you can't use in-game mechanics to force table-level behavior. If you want the players to buy into your story conceit, you need to pitch it to the players and not their characters.
@nitsua60 do you think if I asked them "what do you feel if I do this" to your characters in session 0, it might be tolerable?
@BESW I'd substitute "need" for "want" in that second sentence. (I.e. if you just "want" them to follow one line, but they don't, that might be managable. But if you "need" them to, be up front about that.)
@Vylix I'd be interested in hearing more about you and your players' past exploits before venturing a guess on that.
@Vylix I'd suggest that would be the bare minimum you need to do if you really wanted to do this
@nitsua60 No amount of in-game coersion of characters will keep players from walking away from the table if it's a game they don't want to play.
@nitsua60 we only have one campaign before. Our campaign starts as a sandbox with them being nobody and quickly rise to be one of the leading guild in a country
The trope of "have the antagonist make a big establishing entrance while the protagonist watches helplessly" scene does not work well in TTRPGs like D&D where the assumption is that players can interact with whatever is taking place in the scene
I am saying this because others have faced this issue, and because I have tried it too many times in my own games. It. Never. Works.
@MikeQ Never mind that you won't even get through your box-text describing the villain's outfit before the players start interrupting =)
Trying to pull in the in-game combat mechanics to simulate a cutscene is just going to make the mess muddier
My suggestion is to drop the assumption that you need to establish the villain this way
@Vylix here's an example of the sort of thing my group uses--it's a pitch for a game from a while back:
A D&D5e adventure for 4-6 players set in the middle of an all-out Dwarf-Orc war. Attacking from deep in the Kholulir Mountains, a seemingly-endless invasion of orcs looks poised, three years into the conflict, to push the Khagulihr Dwarves from their ancestral mines and forges and caves and valley-farms. We will play weekly sessions in Kent, intending to continue on Wednesday evenings when the 18-19 academic year starts. (Though this adventure is likely only a short one, meant for a half-dozen or dozen sessions at most.)
Matt Coville has an excellent video on establishing your villain. Running the Bad Guys check particularly for the section on Kaleral the Vile
Note it clearly establishes some things: you will be a rag-tag unit, and you will be sent on missions, and you'll be dwarves fighting orcs.
Thus when we plop down the map with notations for the orc units that need scouting, anybody who'd rather spend their time trying to track down the hoard of the dragon they saw fly overhead last week can know that's not part of the game.
@nitsua60 This is a strategy I starting using early in my time as a GM, and more recently I involve the rest of the group in designing the pitch.
But yeah, it's super helpful to have that kind of "this is what your characters' [goals/motives/alliances] have to be in order to tell this kind of story" thing set down right away, rather than attempting to push the players' differing ideas about the game toward my idea once we're in play.
Our challenge is that we don't have a solid group: it's not six people meeting on Tuesdays who can take some time to design a game together, it's twenty people who like to relax and play RPGs all with kids and insane schedules. So we do the pitch-and-sign-up thing.
But maybe I've been thinking about it the wrong way. Maybe it needs to be that: six people regularly coming together, and the game(s) can grow out of that. If we can't make the first happen, maybe the second isn't worth it?
(Except is it--we have had fun playing together. Grr... people are hard.)
Maybe switch from prep-and-pitch to using systems that require little/no prep and can be run for whoever shows up.
It means not getting long-form campaign stories, but it allows you to still play RPGs with whoever comes.
@Vylix your campaign's premise reminds me of the beginning phase of the game Kingdom Death: Monster. If you have a chance to play it, I highly recommend it. It does an amazing job of establishing "horrible things are happening, many will die before ever making it to safety, those few of you who survive must band together to get free of this darkness...."
I've just started playing in a West Marches group with the exact premise of episodic campaigns with a central set of characters
@linksassin will check it later, thanks!
With a rotating DM and player group of nearly 20 people
Its great for when you have lots of people that want to play but struggle to find regular schedules
Previously we have 3 separate groups but they all struggled to maintain campaigns for very long.
@nitsua60 twenty on a single session? :o or a pool of 20?
@Vylix Pool of twenty =)
pool of 20 surely.
(I think the largest session I've run is 14 or 15.)
I did once run a one shot for my partners birthday with 26 players
A had a co-dm for the night though and simplified the rules
@linksassin might be a good idea for an Epic play
if it can be known before there will be 20+ coming
I think the most players I've ever run for at a single table was nine, and that was with Roll For Shoes.
@BESW (Though I wonder if organizing a duplicate bridge night counts? In that case, I've run for 32.)
hey there @linksassin
@Shalvenay hello
how're things going?
alright, is there something I can do for you?
pondering DW campaign fronts and what a city'd do with an entire tribe of Orc refugees (blame the human idiots who thought trying to break illithids to their will was a good idea.)
you wouldn't happen to be familiar with Dungeon World I take it?
Unfortunately no. Most of my experience is Pathfinder and 5e. Though I have played a few other systems DW isn't one of them
But always happy to talk campaign idea, just don't know the system.
An orc refugee storyline doesn't seem like it'd match up well with DW's move set.
@linksassin ah. I've played DW but never run it myself, am working on the genesis of a DW campaign but need someone to sanity-check the campaign front furball I've been cooking up
@BESW yeah, the orc refugees are from something else :P
@linksassin that's a good point on the "replacing Drow High Magic feat spells". I missed the lost of "cast without spell slot"
@Shalvenay we can help you come up with a Stack worthy question if you want? Then the DW experts on the site can weigh in
@linksassin it's a bit more back-and-forth/idea-brainstormy than would befit a Stack question I reckon
@Vylix No problem.
@Shalvenay Is your problem related to the rule system or plot creation? I know DW has some very particular rules about what the DM can do so am hesitant to give advice on a system I don't know. But can maybe provide a sounding board for story ideas
@linksassin it's kind of about how the story I am thinking of would fit into the DW campaign fronts system, and whether it'd be overwhelming or problematic in how it uses some of the functionality there
@Shalvenay Yeah I'm definitely unqualified to help with that. But it doesn't necessarily mean it isn't a stack worth question. Even if it needs to be split across multiple questions.
If you can present what you have done and what you want to achieve and where you think the problems are you may get some help.
@linksassin yeah, I'm also running it for some Stackizens so don't want to tip my hand too far ahead of time, as to not get them excited about something that won't have a chance to appear at the table
@Shalvenay ah, that problem. My friend and I are dealing with that. We both run games the other plays in and can't really talk about stuff.
here's a list of other forums you could try if you need to stay clear of stack. rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5449/…
@linksassin yeah, it'll probably suffice if I can find someone else experienced in DW I can pull aside into a spoil-lair or the likes :)
nods that gives me an idea as to someone I can ask here on Stack-chat actually :) so that's good
@nitsua60 I have a local group of about 15 people. Our general rule of thumb is when there are pitches for 5 games, we'll organize 2-3 hours on a weekend afternoon to pitch in person. This is surprisingly effective at incentivizing people to get pitches together. Typically the interested players will talk to the DM and schedule something via Doodle.
It's worked very well for oneshots and shorter games. I think only one sizable campaign came out of it, but there was enough interest that it got twinned and the DM just ran it twice in parallel.
4 hours later…
@Shalvenay The main issue is, one of the big principles in Dungeon World is that everyone including the GM plays to find out what happens. Trying to fit a story you already have into fronts contradicts that idea.
That said, I don't mean to say I advocate a dogmatic approach on this. You can of course try to run a game based on a story you have in Dungeon World, and it might work out. You'd best be very open to your players that you're going to be taking a risk and subverting a large part of the system, so it might play out different than they're used to, and you might not get the full potential of the system.
So basically, you can try but should expect trouble, as is usual whenever you're subverting core pieces of design of the system you're using.
3 hours later…
Q: My question was edited and now it looks like that the answer is in the question

EldyI posted this question a few weeks ago: Do monks have a gempukku ceremony? As you can see, the second quote in this question seems to answer the question. If you look at the edit history, you can see that I didn't actually posted this quote, it was added during an edit. This quote is very rele...

Q: How can I rig a game where dice will always roll poorly?

LenaI'm planning an encounter with the owner of a hotel casino who loads his dice, and for this encounter only I want my players to use special dice to roll poorly. If there is no website to purchase these from or a method to load my own dice, does anyone have an alternative suggestion to make this e...

^ that seems to be degenerating into random pile of ideas fast
@kviiri I've asked for more specific clarification, which I hope will help this new contributor.
@JoelHarmon Cheers!
I think that's not a bad question, necessarily. The area of "tweaking your randomness" interests me
I agree. But I think it's important to know stuff I asked about. One option is 5e-style disadvantage; roll multiple die and take the worst. Easily expanded to hurt more by increasing N, but it's pretty obvious to the players what's going on (which may or may not be an issue). The DM could also use a varying size die to subtract from every roll, but the math may be off-putting and the players will also catch on to a counter-roll.
@JoelHarmon Yeah. My first impression was that the querent wants actual dice, as a sort of verisimilitude and possibly player puzzle thing
@kviiri Sure. But I would immediately expect shenanigans if I walked into a game and the DM insisted we all use his dice.
@JoelHarmon Yea! It's something I'm not really personally a fan of, on many layers... but I guess some people like it
@kviiri Which is why I asked, rather than assuming.
I mean, it could be a gimmick oneshot or somesuch. That opens up a lot of conceptual space
@JoelHarmon Yea
Definitely gimmicky, which gets into to what degree the DM is adversarial to the players and/or the characters.
What's up, otherwise?
Good games brewing?
hey there @kviiri and @JoelHarmon
@kviiri Nothing at all outside my own ideas to start a game.
Life's just been very busy, and the site fell off my radar for a month or two.
@Shalvenay hey there @Shalvenay
Ok, gotta run. Later, gents!
@kviiri in regard to your comment -- I don't have a predetermined story as to what will happen going forward, the idea is the party figures it out ;) they're contestants in a giant geopolitical Iron Chef with the various factions as ingredients as they try to sort through the furball in search of a path forward
when I said "story" there, I'm talking about the backstory, what happened before the campaign actually starts
Ah ok, that's different then :)
We're gonna have a "season premiere" meetup this Friday with my RPG group
Like a session zero for the entire year
Supplementary, not substitutional
@JoelHarmon That's interesting--might have to try that next time.
Someone deleted a production delivery directory....
it basically updates 1/week, so no big loss

But a project that I own tried to write to it and spat out "no directory found"

'That's Crazy', I thought. Try again.

"Nope, not there"

I pull up the directory. 'huh..... IT? HAAAAALP"
Does anyone have good methods for including each of the pillars in 5e?
@goodguy5 You mean like, prayer, charity, pilgrimage...? (smirk)
I don't get the joke
Exploration, Interaction, and whatever word they use for combat
@goodguy5 kviiri is referencing the 5 pillars of islam
ah, thanks
@goodguy5 you mean combat, social combat, and tedium?
I don't honestly, I'd love to hear some
I've never yet played in a game where the exploration pillar was at all appealing. Maybe it is me or maybe I've just not seen it done right.
@Rubiksmoose in games in general or in 5e specifically?
It's tough because personally I don't actually think that 5e is made for interesting exploration. But then again that could just be me with my subpar experiences in the matter
@Carcer sorry 5e specifically.
I think exploration is always going to be tricky to do in a way that's as engaging as combat or social interaction
combat has a lot of rules and mechanics for you to engage with. Social interaction is social interaction - it's easy to be engaged by talking to people
@Carcer I honestly have a hard time imagining what interesting exploration would be like in 5e.
As in what would it even look like? What would it involve?
I think I did an alright job last time I used it, but I wanted to know other people's thoughts.

Last mini-arc, I made a column for each pillar and wrote things in it that affected the party/setting. And if they related to another pillar, how that would happen
but it's a lot more difficult to convey an interesting and exciting environment when you just have words to describe what's happening
@goodguy5 How did you do exploration stuff?
fun exploration is basically puzzles innit
(if you can describe it without having to type an essay of course lol)
is there a mod handy to help tidy up rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/139044/… ? new user doesn't seem to grasp comment functionality (have flagged but you know, would rather they didn't get bombed with downvotes)
So, there was an old, dried river bed in a town that seemed fairly insular, but prosperous, otherwise. A run down mill sits where one would expect in a town with a river.

Various denizens travel to and fro, you notice that there are four focal points of the town: four churches at the cardinal points. They seem roughly equidistant from the large fountain at the center of town.
Exploration and Interaction kind of blend together, and I haven't really been able to understand how they're unique.
@Carcer I only downvoted after the second misunderstanding. It takes effort to ignore advisement to that degree.
@goodguy5 exploration is fairly tedious if you treat it like interaction in my experience. Sometimes it becomes just, they go to a place: I describe the environment, they aren't interest in that place so they go somewhere else. I usually narrate their exploration myself ("after wandering through the town, passing the bustling market, wandering the meandering streets avoiding beggars and playing children, you finally find someone who may be able to help"). I only break in the manual exploring...
eh. Based on the quality of their communication so far I'm guessing they're either pretty young or not a native english speaker.
(or both)
yes. I do try to avoid tedious "what's this do", but if everyone seems to be having a good time, then so be it.
... when it's more of a puzzle (Like @Carcer) said. If they need to find the area of an unknown region where time is critical, then I use puzzle mechanics for it
oh, okay. I just looked up that Interaction is short for "social interaction"
that helps me, personally, a lot
My brain was like "Well, they interact with everything, don't they?"
@goodguy5 I've had that exact same confusions.
So, environmental "interaction" counts as exploration. cool
I am not very fond of the DnD three pillars models
I prefer three pillows
Downy, Dry, Dermal-cooling
I think three pillars is trying to describe a genre of heroic fantasy adventuring, but doesn't exactly finish turning it into a genre of TTRPG. We have exploration, but no qualifiers to what it practically means in-game. We have social interactions, same story.
I categorise pillows as hard, soft, or beanbag
And surely social interaction isn't really supposed to be limited to "infodump via NPC" it often is?
@Carcer Look at that! We self-tidied! Take that mods, we don't even need you.
@Rubiksmoose I was presuming the mods had some special button that could turn an answer into a comment, I feel like I've seen that done
@Carcer they may, but I know they only use it very rarely. (I can't remember if it is comment -> answer or answer -> comment or both).
is "fence" spelled the same for selling stolen goods?
@goodguy5 Yep
thought so, but it seemed silly
Q: How to tag 3rd-party/homebrew content that is published?

David CoffronA recent question asking about a homebrew/3rd-party class has been asked, and neither the 3rd-party or homebrew tags fit (based on their tag descriptions). It feels weird to me not to have a tag, as it reads like something I just haven't heard of, rather than something separate from the base gam...

oh david
that's a can of worms as I recall
Q: Should we get rid of [3pp]?

doppelgreenerThird party publishers themselves are awesome, so their existence isn't in question. Rather, I'm wondering about the 3pp tag. Ostensibly it's meant to indicate the question's referencing third party material, but it barely gets used (6 questions since its creation in February this year). we ha...

@Carcer To be fair, it is a can of worms that may need addressing. I'm happy he asked it at least.
(I'm also happy he correctly saw the homebrew was not an appropriate tag for this, a common misapplication of that tag IMO)
Is there an anti-undead league in farun?
what do you mean
(also do you mean Faerun, as in Forgotten Realms?)
I do mean Faerun
and I mean is there a particular order or church that is dedicated to the systematic destruction of undead things, such as zombies, vampires, etc.
well, FR definitely has gods who are absolutely opposed to undead things
Kelemvor, the God of Death, views the undead as abominations, and his clergy would seek to destroy them wherever they are found
And is there a special word for Paladin barracks/church?

Like if a place was a paladin hub?
I don't think there's a special word for a collection of paladins
@Carcer A smite of paladins.
a sub-organisation within a church is usually referred to as an order
in these kinds of contexts
^joking of course
cool. thanks
Not sure if there's a canon word, but Order is a common name for knightly organizations.
Ah, ninja'd
@goodguy5 Lathander is also vehemently agaisnt undead.
Most good gods will not be a fan
yea, but I wanted something more fervent than "yea, those are bad"
@Carcer IIRC Lathander is explicitly against it. Could just be the way we ran it though.
I think I'm going to go with Kelemvor
thanks, fam
Kelemvor is definitely the go-to god for opposing the undead, in the setting
The phrase "defacto leader" can be used by someone who is seen as the boss, even though no such position exists, correct?
"de facto" is two words but yes
if you were to say that someone is the de facto leader of something I would understand that they are not officially in charge but are for practical purposes
oh, two words makes sense
t'is latin, "by/from fact/deed"
@Rubiksmoose that's what my session planner looks like
usually lasts 3-4 sessions
@goodguy5 Neat! Thanks for sharing!
when I write it on paper, it's less organized and there are arrows all over the place. When I'm doing digital, I can reorganize on the fly
Miss Whatsherface Guard seems lovely.
@Nox I have her name written down at home, but I can't recall it
@Nox hahaha that gave me a chuckle too.
her sister Whatsername has prominent role in a Green Day album.
🔨 ha, nailed it
One thing re: social interaction I think I've been doing badly is social interaction. My NPCs have been way too normal to remember
substitute is for in, period for semicolon
I wonder if it'd work if the world was filled with Harry Potter level weirdness that the players start unraveling
We till routinely refer back to the party's first npcs
The father, Bartholemew, was missing.
So, they went out to his house, I decided it was a farm.
Okay. what kind of farm? uh.... peanuts.
Oh, you want to talk to his wife. What's her name? well, I'm a mature adult, her name is Deadre.... shortened to "dee" and she sells peanuts.... dee's nuts.

Huh... their son's name? Yep, that's Tharbalemew.
... you meant Deirdre, right?
You don't know how she spells her name
that's true
I shouldn't presume
I suppose it is an irish name and so you can't make any assumptions about spelling
haha. they do weird things
My wife and I agreed on Maeve (if we ever have a girl), and I had to talk her down from "medb"
"no, we're not calling her "m'deb"
"it's pronounced Maeve!"
"not to 99% of the people they'll ever meet, it's not"
now on to a fascinating delve into wikipedia
"Medb and Ailill had seven sons, all called Maine."
mythology is great
ugh, I hate when there is one point that I'd like to see in an answer to a question and it doesn't exists in any of the several answers.
like, I don't want to make a 6th answer to point out one thing
@goodguy5 Yeah that is always a pain. It is nice when there are really active users avaialble and I usually comment and ask them if they would like to add it. I have ok success at that.
yep, just about to do that
@goodguy5 'med-bee' is how I would pronounce that. I agree that names that rely on obscure pronunciation rules do not make good names.
pronounce "Siobahn", I dare you
'sow-ban', as in 'to sow a seed', and 'van, a type of automobile, with a b'
nope! If you heard it, you'd probably write it "Chavonne"
Siobhan (English: shi-VAWN) is a female given name of Irish origin. Its spelling in the Irish language is Sıobhán (Irish pronunciation: [ʃəˈvˠaːn̪ˠ] or [ˈʃɪwaːn̪ˠ]), while the most common anglicisations are Chevonne, Shevaun and Shivaun.It is derived from the Anglo-Norman Jehane and Jehanne (Modern French Jeanne) which were introduced into Ireland by the Anglo-Normans in the Middle Ages.The name is thus a cognate of the English Joan, derived from the Latin Ioanna and Iohanna (modern English Joanna, Joanne), which are in turn from the Greek Iōanna. This Greek name is a feminine form of the Greek...
@Carcer oh wow. Never in 1,000 years would I have guessed that.
@Rubiksmoose Given that those letters don't make those sounds in English, why would you have?
Or that actress Saoirse Ronan
youll never guess the pronunciation
yeah. I'm sure it all makes perfect sense in gaelic
@Carcer In the sidebar, I read that as "I'm sure it all makes perfect sense in garlic".
I knew that one, from the wif

as well as aisling
@goodguy5 M'lady deb.
Garlic makes everything better. Why should language be any different?
truer words never spoken
@Rubiksmoose I imagine this is why Italian is considered a romantic language.
And probably my most confusing statement out of context lol.
@Yuuki hah!
That is amazing and also 100% true.
If you didn't know, I am the Garlic King.

I won the garlic eating contest at the poconos garlic festival last year
@goodguy5 On Friday, I made some Pizza Sauce out of 7 pounds of tomatoes. I have a large jar of diced garlic in my refrigerator, so I took a large serving spoon and ladled out like 4 large spoonfuls of garlic into the sauce when making it.
Marry me
Probably got close to a full cup of garlic added to the sauce.
Part of me constantly wants to buy a dehydrator so I can make black garlic.
@goodguy5 that is highly impressive.
Thanks ^_^
2.7 ounces in 1 minute.
@Rubiksmoose I wanted to clarify that I wasn't saying 3rd party content was lesser in anyway. I just wanted a way that it could be distinguished (for those like myself that try to have access to all 1st party material). Sorry if I came off as elitist in some way
@DavidCoffron Oh yeah I didn't think you meant that (and hope I didn't come across as saying that). Your question did not strike me in the least as being problematic or elitist.
nah you didn't come off as elitist in this case
I seem to recall there being some issues with general disparagement of third party content in the past, though
specifically I think it was kind of an issue with 3e-era content
@Carcer Well yeah, when they work, they pull influence from first-party sources and ultimately result in an ideological opposite taking power.
@Yuuki Not sure I understand what you are saying here.
any 3.5 experts want to take a gander at this most recent 3.5/5e question? I'm not even sure it is answerable given the combination of rules that they seem to be using.
@Rubiksmoose It feels like pure homebrew, so whatever the DM says is what it is.
I mean.... calm emotion didn't, afaik, cancel dominate person
And it doesn't in 5e
So, there's no reason to think that 5e calm emotion would cancel 3.5 dominate
This is from memory, I'd need to read all "four" spells, to be sure
@goodguy5 It actually seems to in 5e
Dominate charms, and Calm emotions supresses charm effects
so it does
but it supresses, not dispels
Hm... im going to use that in my evil GM group
@Rubiksmoose tl;dr FPTP voting
And the spoiler effect.
Well that got lots of answers really quickly lol
oh wow, that question accumulated several answers
I was like "pjrz answered before me, well I already spent a few minutes on this so I'll finish and" wham
The OP did clarify that their DM is trying to use a 3.5 module, but substituting 5e spells/concepts where possible.
To me, that was enough to make the question answerable.
@Xirema Yup it looks fine to me.
I just needed that clarification. If they had been mixing both... good luck.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah. I don't envy anyone foolish enough to try to do that.
In the absolute best case scenario, you end up with something like Critical Role, where the game/players seem to work just fine, but then you get a glut of questions on this stack from users who think the rules made for their use are applicable to 5th edition in general.
And in the worst case scenario... Modrons.
@Xirema I think one of the diamonds ran/played in a game with combination rules quite by accident IIRC.
@ACuriousMind your avatar changed!
...it did?
Haven't changed it for at least a month
from that last time I remember it.
@ACuriousMind goes to show you how much I remember!
@Xirema's is also newish though I'm sure I've seen it the last couple of days at least?
@Rubiksmoose I think I changed it around New Years?
CR isn't that bad for rules mashup, is it?
I know they've got a handful of house rules but that's hardly unusual.
@Xirema hah. Well darn. Guess things just look new to me today?
@Carcer The big issues come from the fact that they imported a bunch of Pathfinder stuff into 5e, and homebrewed things where there weren't direct 5e equivalents.
@Rubiksmoose IIRC, your browser has to invalidate the cache before the avatars update. So it can take awhile for changes to propagate to everyone.
Funny post at GiTP. The OP spelled "FEY" as "FED" so the title was "Annoying FED creatures" .. before the title got changed, the following response came in. :)
it would be kind of funny to have a bunch of pixies dressed as 1930's G-men ransack the PCs belongings on the suspicion that they're carrying illicit moonshine
@Carcer that comment you just left on the dominate person Q is definitely a comment-answer.
(IMO at least)
ah soddit
it'll go if it goes, a slight further explanation of 3e's stats might help the querent
@KorvinStarmast I'd play that game.
@Carcer Why not put it in your answer? You already have an easy place to put it if you wanted to.
And it really isn't great to confuse a new user as to how comments should be used.
But yeah your choice. A mod will remove it sooner or later (or we could by flagging it).
KRyan's got the better answer anyway, if I faff about with it now I'm just copying his and I'm not going to suggest it as an improvement on his because I'm still somewhat wary of interacting with him
ah. well regardless the comment seems to be gone. Sorry to bug you.
yes, I removed it
not your fault at all. It was a bit much for a comment.
whoever invented the duo mars bar is a saint
@Rubiksmoose someone must have cast dispel comment with a 5th level spell slot
@GreySage Yeah, playing fey with a certain amount of whimsy appeals to me.
@DavidCoffron Calm Comments would be a really useful spell to have sometimes
@DavidCoffron XD
what's that tool we like for generating dungeons?
just black and white grid
TIL the d20pfsrd lists of spells by caster class are crapola for component listing
(we need a system tag)
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