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Hello! Long time no see, chat.
hey there @eimyr
Speaking of handsful of dice, I read about a (fairly and admittedly crunchy) skills-based system whose action economy was tied into the dice pool, too. d6 based. Any time you roll for one of your skills you roll a number of dice (you choose) up to your skill rank, and keep the top three results. You're limited in a turn to six kept-dice worth of activity.
So if you want to be pretty sure of success in your awesomeness (6 ranks, maxed out), you go ahead and roll 6d6k3, and that's all you do. Or you could take a little attention off of that and only roll 4d6k3 in that area and have two other
Sounds like a dice version of the old-school "speed" mechanics where every action cost speed points so the more speed you had the more you could do in a round.
(wow, type much? Sorry for the multiping.)
@eimyr hey-ooh!
@BESW Yeah--I wonder how many seconds it took before a player in the first group started needling the GM to let them quest for a seventh die =)
Also reminds me a little of Lady Blackbird's personal dice pool--you have a pool of extra dice and you can add any number of them to your roll. If you succeed, you lose the dice you put into the roll. If you fail, you get the dice back and gain another.
(You can reset your pool to starting size by taking an RP scene with another character.)
@AntiDrondert A previous errata changed the Martial Adept die to scale with existing superiority dice if you have them, but I think the 2018 errata changed it back
The current wording says:
"You gain one superiority die, which is a d6 (this die is added to any superiority dice you have from another source). This die is used to fuel your maneuvers."
Tunnels and Trolls question; is the Deluxe set worth getting? I am tempted to get it, my dim and drunken memory of T&T sessions was fun, beer and pretzels, and a lot of d6's on the table of various colors.
No, I never played it sober, we were in college ... beer went with certain games ...
@nitsua60 Is that a T&T thing you are referring to?
Next time I see my brother, we are gonna play snit smashing ...
@RyanfaeScotland Go with Ranger, they are fun in D&D 5e. (That is my experience).
@KorvinStarmast I forget the name--something with alpha and omega in the title. They called it the "6-6 system" I think. (Though perhaps its origin is elsewhere.)
@nitsua60 Someone asked a alpha omega question recently, didn't they?
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, that's what got me reading about it. I'd not heard of it before.
@nitsua60 Hmm, OK, off I go to do research. I am mightily tempted to get T&T, I just cant decide which edition.
(Though I now know that searching amazon for "alpha omega" books, even specifying role-playing, mostly returns boy-boy romance novels.)
OK, I'll look under 6-6 system and see what games are in it.
PS: We got an omaha steaks delivery, four days late. Rotten meat on my doorstep for christmas. Yummy!
@KorvinStarmast Blech =(
@KorvinStarmast Did I tell you the boy got Axis & Allies & Zombies for Christmas? We're having fun with it.
@KorvinStarmast Sacrifice it to the hogfather in advance of Hogswatch
(Nice bit: the front endsheet of the instruction booklet is a one-page summary of the differences from stock A&A42, so we could get started pretty quickly.)
(Not-nice bit: the "quick start" simplified scenario meant for people trying it for the first time is on the back endsheet. Seriously bad design, there, Avalon Hill.)
@nitsua60 Grats! here is a review of a 6-6 system... looks like something we'd have tried in college.
@KorvinStarmast Holy moley... halfway through the review and I'm already tired of tracking stats. Good thing I only found romance novels the first time I looked =\
@nitsua60 Yeah, crunchy it is.
Just got the latest 5e Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/5e-fantasy-dragons-dungeons-maps
There's some maps by Alyssa Faden, some papercraft terrain by Fat Dragon Games, some adventures and some reference material for their Blight setting, a monster book by Kobold Press, some monsters/NPCs and some adventures by Nord Games, some "mini-encounters"/interesting events by Tabletop Adventures, some feats by TPK Games (though at least some are literal ripoffs of actual PHB feats, which seems legally questionable on their part, and the rest just seem mediocre), some adventures by T
> They attempted to create a perfectly new system that reflected the conflicts and resolutions they envisioned in their world. To that end, they perfectly succeeded. For any other purpose they created one of the most interesting, inventive, clunky, crunchy systems I’ve ever seen or feel likely to see- take that for what it’s worth.
@nitsua60 which game is this in reference to?
@Shalvenay The one KS linked about eight messages back.
@nitsua60 ah
@nitsua60 The system fits their vision. Good. barrier to entry for the non avid gamer ... tough to keep that afloat.
I guess it didn't "take" so it has a small following ... the recent question I noted earlier was someone who had played and asked "what happened to this?" kind of like my question a year or two ago about space quest ...
this one is what caught my eye
@Glazius I don't know if you ever posted elsewhere about it, but I did point SE staff to it and thank you very much for bringing attention to it. Thanks!
@nitsua60 Yeah, I posted it on meta and filed a report based off what I was linked to, though the autoresponder said everybody was on vacation until next year.
@Glazius Sounds good. I did ping an employee in a back-channel so they'd know, but I'm sure it's not urgent enough for anyone to spend more than a minute looking at it and forwarding it to the right person for dispatch in January.
How'd you find it?
Oh, nvm. Just read your meta post. Derp.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 If you want to know specifically how, I vanity-searched "Fightgar Endbringer" to see how many times I'd associated my sample The Fighter with his Signature Weapon. Twice, as it turns out.
10 hours later…
hey there @ACuriousMind
hey hey
how're things going?
Quite alright, though I'm battling a mean hangover
How're things for you?
alright here
@ACuriousMind I think John, Lord Marbury, has you covered:
You know, there are some marvelous remedies known in the certain remote parts of the subcontinent. Licorice root, for instance, combined with bamboo sap and a strong shot of whiskey. Ginger root, also, mixed with, uh, citrus peel.

And a strong shot of whiskey?

Yes, of course. In fact, you can throw out the ginger root and citrus peel, and still be well on your way.
@nitsua60 Heh. Where's that from?
@ACuriousMind I am guessing TV show, west wing...
2 hours later…
@ACuriousMind Yeah, The West Wing. A visiting British ambassador is giving the President tips.
3 hours later…
Q: Is it appropriate to post a question to illustrate the Chronicles of Darkness combat system?

Kieran MullenAs some people have noted, there are not a lot of published examples of round-by-round combat worked out in the CoD system for many splats. I would like to post a question along the lines of "what is a good example of how combat works in Demon: The Descent" and then work out an example (no doubt...

I just singularly closed a [dnd-5e] question (as a duplicate) for the first time since getting my gold badge
It's quite a power...
Q: Does True Seeing automatically detect the illusions from Weird?

Allan MillsThe weird spell creates illusions in the minds of those it is cast upon (unless they make their save). The true seeing spell gives truesight, which grants the automatic detection of visual illusions and saves against them automatically succeed. Do the illusions created by weird qualify for this...

for anyone wondering
woohoo! Dupe hammer is certainly an interesting power lol
@V2Blast I think everyone has that reaction...
Sep 22 '16 at 21:23, by nitsua60
Whoa. First dupehammer.
Think I'm gonna feel it tomorrow. I probably should've stretched.
Welcome to The Hammer Throwers =)
I'm having a brain-fart: in 5e is there a spell that changes objects into other objects? I have a chair, I'd like a guitar. Rather than learning luthiery I cast...?
Not one that immediately comes to mind
True Polymorph can do creature to object, object to creature, or creature to creature
But you could use something like Fabricate to save yourselves the labor if it doesn't require specialized knowledge
Fabricate (Wz4) is close....
or a forge cleric could turn metal material into something worth up to 100 gp that contains some metal
@nitsua60 What is it about Fabricate that isn't what you're looking for?
@PeterCooperJr. I didn't know about it =)
(And the exact use-case is for a crossbow, so fabricate prompts the question of what skill proficiency would need to be combined with the spell to make it all work.)
I mean if you want the complete overkill route, there's always casting True Polymorph twice, once for Object to Creature and then again for Creature to Object.
it'd take 2 days (or 2 high-level casters)
@PeterCooperJr. Yeah--I noticed that one =)
Catapult gives you a crossbow-like effect once
I do love me some good chair guitaring
If you're okay with starting with a Stone Chair and ending up with a Rock Guitar, there's [Stone Shape](https://www.dndbeyond.com/spells/stone-shape).
It even explicitly says you can make a weapon, though I'm not sure whether making a crossbow made out of stone with "up to two hinges and a latch" would really work.
If you used True Polymorph on a certain type of fish you could get an Eelectic Guitar.

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