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@V2Blast Yeah, I have the download for Appendix D. I was thinking of the Teleportation Circle Sigils, and various art throughout the book.
I'm looking for a good curse that would apply when a PC takes gold from a room in a dungeon. I want to entice them to take the gold, but have a repercussion for doing so. Someone mentioned a Mummy's curse at some point, but from my research I don't think it quite applies to my situation. Any other ideas?
@Azog4 What system?
sorry, 5e
@PeterCooperJr. Ah. For what it's worth, the D&D Beyond versions of books are great for that - every image is its own file, so you could download/print each separately.
In 4e I once had a curse that gave the recipient a powerful once-per-encounter attack which turned the pain of the target into a valuable gem... but every long rest forced a save and each failed save gave a +1 to thieving skills and a -1 to all other skills, cumulative.
Effectively the curse said "Oh, you're a thief? Grats, you're going to be the best thief ever but you'll get trashed in every other aspect of your life."
It could be removed voluntarily, with a little effort--the trick was that it was designed to be so tempting that the player didn't want to remove it until it'd seriously messed them up.
@V2Blast Yeah. I play in person, and there's certainly a part of me that likes the harkening-back-to-days-of-yore of having fun without any fancy technology at the table. But I end up copying/printing a bunch of stuff for the players, and typing up descriptions of magic items by copying from the book, and so forth, that maybe even when playing in person I should buy the book digitally and just print what I want, since I'm printing a bunch anyway.
With D&D Beyond, can you download all the stuff in DRM-free formats, or do you only "own" it for as long as D&D Beyond decides to stick around?
Maybe I'm over-complicating things (I usually do), but what do others do (when playing just on paper) for giving magic item descriptions to players? Photocopy the page from the DMG or Adventure, or type it up, or show the book to the player and have them write down their own copy of what the item does, or what?
@BESW thanks for the idea, it could work, I'll just have to see how it fits in to my story :)
@Azog4 The specifics should be tailored to your player and game, I think. It's about finding that balance where there's a real temptation to let it go too far.
...And still making it fun for the players, of course, even if it torments the character.
@PeterCooperJr. There's no officially available DRM-free digital format of the books.
Hmm. I always find it odd that music managed to figure out how to have DRM-free be common, but for books and movies it's really rare.
Bits and Mortar managed it, as did the Humble Bundle.
Kobo provides DRM-free ebooks and it's one of the bigger ebook services.
There's stuff out there, I know. But it can be hard to find. I've gotten plenty of Humble Bundle stuff, but a lot of the games on there now are just keys for getting them on Steam.
I did get a bunch of non-Wizards D&D PDFs there in a couple bundles they had quite a while back.
Question: would you guys say either of the two following questions are duplicates of one another?
Q: Does using “Flee” with Command provoke an Opportunity Attack?

KhashirOn a failed save, the target obeys the Flee command by [Spending] its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means. Three questions: Does that mean they take the Dash action? If not, do they take the Disengage action? In case the answer to 2 is no, do they provoke Opportunit...

Q: Is the target of a successful Flee Command able to Disengage before moving away?

Gael LThe Command spell has the Flee option, which if failed, forces the target to spend its action to move away from the caster. Is the target able to do the Disengage action before moving away? I thought it would be a no (part of the use of this command seems to be to generate opportunity attacks),...

@V2Blast I would say not - one is about whether they provoke opportunity attacks, the other is about whether they can choose to use Disengage.
The second one assumes the answer to the first.
@PeterCooperJr. I typically hand the book over to the player with a post-it (or the like) indicating the description; player usually takes a quick photo of it and hands back, and then copies the relevant info onto their character sheet.
Aug 13 at 19:46, by Mike Q
@ColinGross The DC of scheduling a regular D&D game for 4 adults is "Impossible", +5 per additional adult
Aug 7 at 20:02, by doppelgreener
At least for this chat, going by its history, the most off-topic thing anyone's probably asked in here was a tabletop RPG question.
Jan 5 at 15:22, by kviiri
DnD is the game where I argue about rules on the internet for maybe 40 hours weekly and then spend four hours per month with my friends pretending to be heroes.
Jul 30 at 20:57, by Yuuki
@MikeQ I prefer the Cambridge comma. It's simple, it's sensible and, it facilitates readability.
Happy Starmas!!!
Oooh, Starmas.
Mar 6 at 9:34, by Magician
Yeah, you don't so much have a gaming group, as a gaming anarchist collective.
Mar 7 at 0:25, by trogdor
I am more willing to do horrible things to my own characters if it was my idea in the first place
Jun 18 at 21:34, by Sir Cinnamon
technically all shepherds are sheepshifters
Jan 27 at 1:00, by nitsua60
OMG she's auctioning off the loot. Up right now: "his Canadian accent."
Oct 6 at 2:25, by Miniman
Oh, the improvement is obvious - now I have six full inches of empty wasted space on the left side of my screen. It always bugged me having content fill the screen.
Nov 19 at 21:22, by kviiri
I want to get off Mr. Strahd's wild ride
May 4 at 14:40, by doppelgreener
alternately, the meteor is an improvised weapon, roll 1d4 for damage
Aug 22 at 8:44, by kviiri
@MikeQ Thunder damage type is conceptually sound
Just got the [dnd-5e] gold badge :D
waaaaaall oooooooo quoooooooootes
@BESW oh yeah, I guess I said that XD
I am (checks notes) 11 answers away from getting silver in [dungeon-world]. Maybe next year.
3 hours later…
@BESW This is cool
@kviiri Thanks! It was fun to design.
> ZEHIR'S GREED: a curse on tomb robbers.
- You gain training in Bluff, Stealth, and Thievery. When you use one of these skills, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus to Bluff, Stealth, and Thievery, and a cumulative -1 penalty to all other skills.
- You can use the Greedy Hands encounter power a number of times per encounter equal to the current "stage" of the curse.
- At the end of every extended rest, make a Constitution check. You may choose to fail this check.
-- 20 or lower: The stage of the curse increases by one.
Nov 23 '17 at 0:59, by BESW
(Greedy Hands was an attack that dealt damage based on the curse's stage, and produced a gem of commensurate value.)
I think he finally gave up holding onto the curse when he nearly broke his neck trying to swing on a chandelier.
it was an interesting set of reactions to watch that's for sure
Definitely tailored for a specific person. [grin]
I remember that that was what you were doing
but it doesn't make it any less interesting to have witnessed
heck in some ways it contributes
3 hours later…
hey there @Zachiel
hey there @Kuerten, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
Hey @Shalvenay
how're things going?
A new turn of the usual usual, I guess.
I had my first D&D 5e game and we're still trying to grasp it
@Zachiel ah, other than still learning the ropes, how'd it go?
New player rolled a critical and killed a bandit on her first roll. Just one round of combat, most session time was used to fix errors and solve doubts about character creation.
Two of the players only have a +2 on their main stat and I'm a bit worried
@Zachiel that's not that huge a deal in 5e -- you can have a serviceable char with only +2 in their main stat(s), even if they won't be as splashy at first
Good to know
I got three people pass saves against my debuff spell (bane) on my only round
the thing that worries me more is that the rogue is some sort of kender.
@Zachiel bad case of the sticky fingers eh?
"It is my right to steal something if I need it" (Yes, I know, kenders were worse)
And, as usual, I'm the only human in the party XD
@Zachiel which adventure are you playing, or is it homebrew? and what's your party comp?
It's Waterdeep: Dragon Heist and we got a human priest of bane (me), a gnome rogue, a tiefling necromancer and an elven ranger
(whose village was attacked by a Death Tyrant Beholder while she was away. So my whole presentation amounted to "Hi, I'm Sean and my parents still live" XD)
Other than that, on Friday I botched a pathfinder encounter by miscalculating a stealth check which meant a full round of debuffs on the enemy which ultimately led to her demise. Which is somewhat good since it was 2 AM...
Today we play again, I'm curious to know if they will spare miss elven-Harley-Quinn or not.
I mean, this NPC comes with a jester disguise which she used to infiltrate a party, a madman attitude complete with wisdom-reducing drugs and adoration for an ugly evil schemer.
Is she on the run from copyright lawyers?
@BESW from pestilence. Is it the same?
Some of my best friends are diseases lawyers.
Mandatory question: do any of you have copyright lawyer relatives?
hey there @ACuriousMind
not much here, as for you folks?
Hungover from our school reunion yesterday, otherwise okay :P
En route back to in-laws from geocaching, then some desserts and sauna :)
Today I'm listening to Rebecca Roanhorse's soundtrack for Trail of Lightning.
4 hours later…
Pleasant holidays to all
Thanks! You too!
Watching Frozen and installing games on our Raspberry Pi :3
2 hours later…
'Twas the night/afternoon/morning before Christmas and all through the stack,
Hardly a stackizen was posting, except for @Obak.
(Full disclosure, Obak was the only username I could find that rhymed with stack)
hey there @GreySage
@Shalvenay Yo
@GreySage how're things going?
@Shalvenay Not bad, 4 minutes until I'm off work
@GreySage ah
hey there @Anaphory
2 hours later…
@BESW Thanks for the memory--that GM's a senior now, looking at colleges, and while I'll be sad to see her go it's awesome that some other school will get to benefit from her amazingness for some years.
@nitsua60 That kind of lateral creativity will get her far in life... and get her in a lot of trouble, too.
@Shalvenay Oh, hi! Yo, how's things?
Merry Christmas from the future!
yes we have magical hats here

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