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@nitsua60 He means as opposed to shal's proposed item.
Oh. Got it.
calling dragons would work too though :)
@trogdor calling all dragons
“Is this Tom Lehrer?” Morris asked over the phone, working to hide his nervousness.

“Yes,” replied a voice some 1,000 miles away.

“The Tom Lehrer who teaches math?”


“The Tom Lehrer that did some records in the '50s and '60s?”


Morris apologetically explained his school assignment, worried that Lehrer wouldn’t want to speak to him and self-conscious for having interrupted his day. The retired performer listened patiently to his request.

"Rather than talk to me for very long, just make up anything you want and I won't deny it.”
Power move
"Make whatever up, I'll go with it."
@Ben magic items detected, confiscation proceddure inacting
BURNINATE all evidence
In other news, thanks to a youtuber that likes to set himself challenges in Bloodborne and Dark Souls (OP at level 1) and make fun builds (How to be a helicopter), I have now become somewhat addicted to Powerwolf.
@Shalvenay random or predetermined dragons erupting out of the can of wyrms? Sounds like a quest item that is the target of a long campaign: something like "the dragons are slowly leaving the world/dying out ... we need to restore dragons or sorcerers all lose their access to the weave" .... that sort of thing.
@KorvinStarmast either random or prepackaged ;)
Alternately, it's like the Ents looking for entwives: the lady or man dragons have been dying off, and one of each kind seeks a mate. OUt of the can erupt an adult dragon to match the few remaining dragons ... echoes of the Pern problem of dragon mating, but from a different angle.
@KorvinStarmast Failed/Hilarious wizard prank: Remove springy snakes from "snakes in a can". Set up summoning spell summon wyrmlings when can is opened instead.
They have been trapped by a "evil giant/The Kraken/a Liche" in a demi plane for centuries ...
@Ben That too.
(To new wizard apprentice during tour of the school): "Oh, and do not trust Carl. He's a prankster, and a volatile one at that. Gerald is still recovering from his last prank."
@Ben LOL that'd work too
3 hours later…
So apparently the business that got hacked yesterday was actually hit by a Conflicker Worm. It works it's way through the network and sits in the Modem, so any new devices that connect will also be infected.
So that firewall?
Infected/not helping?
Haven't done anything with that yet.
The goggles do nothing :<
Sorry to hear that. Malware is a pain to deal with.
Yeah it's a big pain in the rear
I formatted one PC, and rebooted at as a "crash course" recovery, then left it there, so they could at least just re-install everything and start over. Of course they did have a few system issues - updates and such causing problems, nothing too drastic.
Especially since there are so many different kinds
I had this rather computer illiterate friend (by his own choice, much to my chagrin) get infected with one of those faux antiviruses. He was totally oblivious to its true nature, even if it was painfully obvious to probably anyone else who took a good look at it.
But after talking to an over-the-phone assistant, they pointed out they had the Conflicker worm in their system. So I've stepped it up, given it a higher priority and going to make sure the whole system is clear.
I just hope their phones didn't get infected.
Whenever he booted, he'd get a warning that his computer was infected and it wasn't safe to boot until he bought the expensive full version of the "antivirus". There were two options apart from that: "YES, prevent booting to protect my system" and "NO, don't boot to protect my system". Argh.
Luckily, that thing only autostarted in normal Windows boot. It was easy-ish to remove in safe mode.
I did a derp like that once. Bought a second hand PC. Ran a format on it just to be sure. After reboot, it needed updates for drivers etc. It was about 11pm at this stage, on a school night, so I was a little tired, and thought "ahh... ok I'll just google for an update site".
Found one that looked semi-legit, and went for it. Downloaded a trojan and a few other viruses.
That's when I remembered; duh... windows has its own update service.
Driver and DLL downloads are minefields
Re-format. Start over.
I'm too used to the Linux world where installing things is just a single CLI command 90% of the time.
I do remember one time I was trying to play a derelict Angband variant I had enjoyed a lot earlier
Had to be compiled, no working instructions provided. I'm an ok programmer, and I know C but not makefiles beyond "do what the readme says". And I was getting desperate.
So I read some basics of makefiles after which I did some semi-informed pokes at the file (fun fact: such hacky changes to configuration files are referred to as "stabbing" the file in the Finnish IT slang)
Eventually it compiled :>
@Ben yes, but sometimes even that crashes your computer XD
I've had that happen once on Windows 10
@trogdor Crash > Infected. A necessary evil
Unfortunately it's not that uncommon actually. I've heard of a few stories where that happened.
Yeah same
I lost files to that too
But thankfully I have backups to all the important stuff
So not a huge problem
Just,... Really annoying
2 hours later…
About to go to bed, but I want to post this link before I forget. Really beautiful little maps and tokens for free.
oh nice
5 hours later…
Howdy all.
Real quiet today huh?
I've spent most of the day... heck, practically all of it, trying to figure out why my code worked out yesterday but didn't this morning.
@Vylix I guess we get kicked from here after too much inactive time.
@Rubiksmoose Oh hey, missed ya
:) Easy to do lol
@Rubiksmoose Shh, don't tempt the chaos
Tempt the Chaos would make a great metal band name
Or some genre
Spitballing an idea here. Based on this question, would "reversed" magic circle work as a low grade version of Dimensional anchor? My idea is to cast the Magic Circle into a ring of spell storing, reverse version of it, and then cast it to a creature so that it can't get out of a magic circle ... at least, not without making a Charisma save. Does that work?
> I don't have XGtE so I can't review the spells there. This is as close to Dimensional anchor as I could come.
@KorvinStarmast seems like it'll work to me.
But only if the creature is "celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead. "
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, I can't get the browser to load the answer. Rebooting. :P
Today is extremely smokey in my city - forest fires drifting in
@Rubiksmoose I mis remembered the casting time issue. Trying to find a feat/meta magic that shortens the time, no luck. RoSS and Scroll won't work.
@KorvinStarmast I always forget the casting time thing as well tbh. If it did allow that RoSS would be so much better than it even already is.
@Rubiksmoose I can see using banishment and magic circle in tandem ... let me check on a few things.
@Yuuki Almost got that set you were showing off. I like the headpiece.
@Maximillian It's very cool looking.
It was the first piece I made from that set.
It also doesn't hurt that it has Divine Blessing.
@SirCinnamon Spooky!
It stacks with the divine blessing I have from the preorder charm.
So that's a 30% damage negate when it kicks in.
I also use the Lumu pants so I have 50% damage reduction from Divine Blessing.
It's great.
I'm enjoying how I can basically quickplay a hunt by searching SOS flares.
Gives me time to sneak in a hunt in the morning before work.
@Maximillian The SOS flare is really fun. My friends were on a hunt i wanted to be on but the sessions were being... rough. So they fired an SOS and i managed to paratroop in to join them and the immersion on that was really fun
I didn't realize the game has global servers, it's not region segregated.
(For reference, what game is this? Platform too, if it matters)
Monster Hunter: World. Which was released on PC recently.
Find dragon/dinosaur, engage with a variety of neat tribal-society weapons, kill/capture the beastie, and make it into a hat.
Then find next dragon/dinosaur.
Sounds neat, might pick it up at some point.

I'd also like to laugh a little bit at their "PC" official page, where they advertise that its features include changing graphics settings and keyboard+mouse compatibility (which is fair since it's a console-original game, so graphics settings and keymouse aren't default... but those two things are practically required for any respectable pc game)
Well, for a console port, they're not things you always get.
So they bill them as features.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to remark in parens. It just feels a little humorous to see nearly-ubiquitous things as the only two advertised features
The most important part of Monster Hunter is that you have a cat buddy. A 'Palico'.
I'm sold
He is not particularly good at fighting, but he does bring a helpful tool along and you get other tools later. Plus they meow like crazy and are full of cat puns.
They usually help draw aggro when you're playing solo.
Otherwise some of the monsters would be nigh impossible to fight effectively.
The game isn't bloody, even the act of carving up creatures results in the corpse just fading away. The series so far has never had human foes or dark plot twists. It's always about studying and keeping big beasts from wiping humans off the map.
And I love the co-op, because they've got a system where communication with others isn't necessarily needed. Every weapon type has a job and you can't harm other players. You can stun them though, so friendly fire is a slight concern, but there's not a lot of vectors for trolling.
Oh, lunch is here.
I'm personally rather interested in games where communication is only possible through in-game actions, making it a trade-off. Eg. the classic card game Bridge, whose bidding phase is largely just you communicating your cards to your partner.
@kviiri Ever played hanabi?
@SirCinnamon Nope, and the name doesn't ring any bells either.
Also we're in the last four hours to back TROGDOR the board game
@SirCinnamon Such a good game. Tough too.
(and I never really liked Bridge either, it's just an example)
@kviiri A great travel game i picked up for about 15 dollars. You hold a hand of cards facing away from yourself and the game is based around deducing your own hand and helping the others deduce theirs (it's cooperative)
@kviiri I think Euchre is what we play here in the mitten state instead of bridge.
I should clarify, a great game and a very portable game
@SirCinnamon Oo, that sounds interesting
@SirCinnamon I taught and played with my high school age cousin on a card trip. It gets a bit finicky and not the super easiest to do in a car but definitely much better than most car-wise.
@Rubiksmoose Yea, Bridge is rather uncommon here too. The national paper used to have a Bridge puzzle(?) or something like that every Sunday over ten years ago, but to be honest I think they just had a single enthusiast in the press or something x)
@Rubiksmoose Yeah I can't say i've ever played in a car, but it's small, no finicky pieces, just a small deck of cards and can fit in a largeish pocket so i bring it to a lot of parties
@kviiri hahaha that is probably true. I think we even have bridge puzzles in our papers too...though the only time I see a dead-tree newspaper is when I do the crossword puzzle.
@Rubiksmoose I tried again on Dimensional anchor, and it's a bit complicated, but I think it works. I'd value your take on that response.
One of my favorite card games is Cassino. A couple of weeks back I even hit up some random people in a bar just to play a few rounds.
@KorvinStarmast Looks good to me! You addressed all the downsides I would have pointed out quite well in the answer itself. I think it is a good and clever answer. :)
Although that building rule has never been present in any Cassino game I've played in Finland.
And scoring has varied from table to table but never matched the one in the wikipedia article: my preferred variant awards one point for having the most cards among players, two points for the most spades, two for 10 of Diamonds, and one for each ace and the 2 of Spades.
@KorvinStarmast Also a too-silly-to-post-under-the-answer response to your comment on the druid question: "Not Bard, Druid! Why would a Druid be barding?"
Yeah way too much effort for not a lot of funny lol
@kviiri I recall this from reading the paper at my greatgrandmother's house as a little girl. Not knowing what bridge was, the descriptions always felt very mysterious. :P
@Pixie Bridge is a super hard game to penetrate
@kviiri As a lifelong bridge player I have to disagree. In my experience almost everyone tries to start "teaching bridge" by "teaching bridge well."
The literal rules are not extremely complex, nor is the trick-taking part strategically much different from other trick-taking games... but that bidding minigame, jeez.
Which isn't, in my opinion, a good way to teach it.
@nitsua60 I mean, one isn't a good fit in a table of more experienced players without understanding the bidding strategy
And at least here, finding inexperienced people to learn with is a pain
I dunno... to me that's like saying that playing chess with your kid isn't a good fit because they don't have the endgames memorized.... at some point you've got to play with learners, no?
Fair point, I guess
Anyhoo, I'm just saying that it drives me insane when I see someone try to teach bridge and they start by handing someone 13 cards and say "jacks are worth 1 point, aces are worth 4..." THOSE AREN'T RULES OF BRIDGE!
In my experience in an evening of playing you can get someone from zero to bidding decently if you just teach the rules first.
Then, after some badly missed bids you start to talk about how to think about bids.
By the end of the night I usually have kids up to "game/no game" level of bidding-thinking which, for my money, is about enough to last you your first year of playing.
</rant> sorry =)
A part of my assessment is admittedly regional - it's simply hard to get into a team game that doesn't have too many players nearby. The internet is of some help, but my experience with strangers online is that they don't necessarily have the patience to teach a newcomer :<
(sorry for taking some time to reply, I was perusing that Cassino article and noted that the rules as presented there as actually rather different to how I've always been playing it)
Bridge doesn't have lootboxes, so I like it already.
You unboxed a platinum 7 of spades! When played, another player must fight a lion before play resumes.
(good for one use)
@Rubiksmoose Tee hee, I enjoyed the joke.
I found Aces over the Adriatic from 200wRPG to be a very fun RPG concept. I'd really like to try this one out!
@Kviiri That looks like a hoot.
@Rubiksmoose I mean I laughed. But I am inordinately infatuated by puns
Dammit Crawford. If you can read the rules a different way, why did you give an authoritative ruling.
Man. That feels like Mad Hatter rulings. "CHANGE PLACES" this rule can now work this way!
@Maximillian I don't understand his rulings sometimes. This one is literally a "please don't hate me" ruling. Flexible casting does NOT say you can't use Warlock spell slots. And the multiclass rules make no mention of "nonwarlock" things
Twitter is no place for consolidated rulings. :(
FAQ & Errata should be the way to go... but 5E didn't want to do that, did they? (I don't own 5E.)
@Maximillian they only errata obvious mistakes. They do have an FAQ article (called sageAdvice) but it isn't the most helpful for ambiguous things (just more obvious rulings imo)
May 2 at 7:34, by kviiri
@nitsua60 Funny you should mention Talmud. I have a great (but amateurish - I am not a rabbi!) interest in the Jewish law and exegesis, and I was just reading about The Oven of Akhnai whose story has a very similar issue with single authority as our community has regarding Crawford's role.
@kviiri nods approvingly. That does fit pretty well
@DavidCoffron :)
@Maximillian Yeah they are only FAQing that that are essentially "wrong" but not things that are unclear. And even then their definition of "wrong" seems very narrow.
@kviiri I got lost in the metaphors. I feel like I'm not as intelligent as I first thought.
Torilla tavataan!
@Zachiel spoilers!!! ;)
You'll meet in the market square?
@DavidCoffron Uh, I didn't think someone wanted to watch the games later, it's just the qualifiers. I'll ask for removal.
@nitsua60 can you please delete my parenthetical, above?
@Zachiel i always rewatch all of them. Dont have time during the day.
I'm only gonna watch the finals
But it's hard to avoid spoilers anyway for me since my brother watches em and likes to send me updates. (I silent his notifications lol)
Last year I watched even tho I accidentally saw the outcome.
@Zachiel It's a tradition when someone from Finland wins something :>
Or Finland is even mentioned because we usually lose to Sweden
Someone: "Finland exists!" Finland: [celebrates]
@DavidCoffron Is coffeelock actually a problem? What's the math on that? look like?
@ColinGross Theres a Q&A on it.
@Rubiksmoose Exactly
@Rubiksmoose Is it called coffeelock ?
@ColinGross depends on the ruling. If you don't rule that there is exhaustion, it depends on how your table handles downtime. Even then, it takes a long time to get spell slots
@DavidCoffron Yeah... I think I want to sort out the max with exhaustion... how many extra spell slots does that generate in two days?
Q: Does this cheesy character concept violate RAW, and if so how?

SorcererQzotDoes the following, very cheesy character concept, violate any RAW? Please cite rules or official rulings in your answer. (Apart from RAW, I expect my DM to disallow or limit the concept, in the interest of balance. That is not part of my question.) Elf. Multiclass: Sorcerer 2+ / Warlock 1+ / Ba...

Ok I don't think this really adresses the math part, but it was the one I was thinking about.
That Q really needs a better title.
"Does this character concept involving never taking a long rest and converting spell slots to sorcery points (coffeelock) violate RAW?" maybe?
@ColinGross making a level table now...
I changed it. People can edit it if they think they have a better one. If I can't find the post using really obvious keywords then it definitely had a discoverability issue. That should improve its SEO at the very least lol
@Rubiksmoose Thanks
Why a level of Bard?
Can you use sorcerer spell slots to cast non-sorc spells?
@ColinGross I wondered that myself.
I thought that had come up with wizard/sorc combinations before and sorc/cleric
Either way, with max cheeze at Warlock5 Sorc2 that's 240 points a day = 120 L1 spells.... kinda meh since you're risking exhaustion for it.
Warlock 3 Sorc 4 gets access to 2nd level spells... so straight casting 80 of those which is a little better, but poor economy for what a party of L7 characters is likely to be facing.
Are you restricting to level 7?
@ColinGross Yeah warlock is the only one with special slots.
@Rubiksmoose So you could use sorcerer slots to cast cleric or wizard spells?
"You determine your available spell slots by adding together all your levels in the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, and half your levels (rounded down) in the paladin and ranger classes. Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass Spellcaster table."
@ColinGross Yup
Okay. That's neat... so that gets you CLW or whatever.
when you MC into multiple spellcasting classes the slots count as one pile of generic spell slots.
So it's a machine gun of low level spells... 240 slots gives you 10 L5 magic missile. That's pretty good...
If you get max cheese and short rest button mash for a full day.
@ColinGross which is also questionable
Of course... you've got to be total L7 to do that.
Yeah the whole thing is pretty easily shut down by a DM with a reasonable player I think.
Q: Can a multi-hour short rest count as multiple short rests?

SkidnsfThe PHB says a short rest is a minimum of 1 hour but doesn't say anything about a maximum duration. My players argue that because it only takes one hour, they can short rest every hour. This worries me because a fighter can heal up using Second Wind, short rest, use Second Wind again, and short r...

Not to mention your patron might get upset when your pulling tons if magic from him for a whole day.
Wizard L7 is going to get more mileage out of an L4 and a couple L3 spells.
And not doing anything with it
Without risk of exhaustion.
Yeah the short rest being "at least 1 hour" leaving the upper bound open.... the characters short rests for 8 hours and gets one short rest while the rest of the part gets 1 long rest in the same time.
I think coffeelock is a pretty narrow corner case and not an issue nor game breaking for most tables.
@ColinGross That is the way I would do it for sure. And it makes sense from an IRL perspective.
If I nap for 3 hours I am not taking 180 1-minute naps.
When you multiclass sorc/wizard which spellcasting ability score applies? just whichever is highest between int or cha?
@ColinGross Depends on the spell you are casting. Wizard spells take wizard mod.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah, they could break it up and do something strenuous or different for an hour inbetween to get 12/day... which is a lot less attractive
@Rubiksmoose Gotcha... so that one is locked to the spell list.
yup yup
I don't see that as being a problem. The damage per round doesn't increase that much, and the risk of death or movement 0 from exhaustion is pretty significant.
Our table just flat out gives a level of exhaustion for a day without a long rest.
If you ask me, adding strenuous activity shouldn't make a rest more effective under any circumstances. Doesn't mean the rest rules and coffeelock aren't rife with issues though.
Coffeelock keeps reminding me of my Sims characters... I was afraid something bad'd happen to them if they slept (next-level paranoia!) so I just kept them awake with a steady flow of coffee and intermittent bathroom breaks.
like, the worst things that can happen in The Sims are... burglars, who Sims can't do anything about anyway, and fires that won't start spontaneously.
@kviiri Not to make the rest more effective, but to provide a mechanism for breaking it up. Rest for an hour. Then do something else like help run the market, write code... errr arcane texts, or whatever that isn't resting. Rest after.
Provide a narrative non-resting activity between rests so you could point to the end of one rest and the start of the next... it's 1/2 strength cheese
@ColinGross Doesn't change the point - one'd still be gaining more benefits of rest despite resting less.
@kviiri It wouldn't be a single 24 hour long short rest. Nor would it be 24 1-hour long short rests.
This Q really should be reopened.
"ask the DM" =/= opinion based and I have no idea why people continuously think this.
It fits the short rest mechanic and provides a clear end of the "at least one hour" for the short rest definition.
@Rubiksmoose I concur.
@ColinGross Yes, but what I'm saying is that wouldn't fly at my table. I'm usually a RAW first kind of person, but I'm also zealous against rules that subvert the kind of game I'm trying to run - including trickery with rests.
My answer would be, "None". While the appendage arrangement of apes is the same, the proportions of the body and armor attachment points are not.
(one of my favorite house rules is time management, which makes short rests more of a strategic choice than a "free" thing)
@kviiri At that point, there's a narrative to the sequence and I'm fine with that. I would definitely make the player come up with a narrative for the sequence. Also, 12 short rests don't really net them enough sorcery points to make the risk and consequence of exhaustion worth the investment.
@ColinGross Nope, that excuse would not fly at my table.
@Rubiksmoose Could you run around the market for an hour during a short rest without messing up the short rest?
@ColinGross I don't really know a narrative that could justify resting less providing more benefits.
Rests benefit you because you are resting. One rest gives you one benefit. It does not make sense to gain more benefits for breaking up a rest than it would for resting for a longer period of time consecutively.
@Rubiksmoose It is better for work. Working for 4 hours straight, break, then picking it back up again generally yields better results than pushing through for 7 or 9 straight.
Napping for an hour here and there is generally more refreshing than napping all at once for three.
@ColinGross That is actually the matter of much medical debate in fact.
@Rubiksmoose Nice try, but I'm not following you down a pubmed rabbit hole.
You're on your own if you want to dig into that morass for sleep research.
@ColinGross hahaha. Regardless, to me, less rest = more benefit makes really no sense narratively and is a clear abuse of the rules in a cheesy way.
Sometimes less is more effective.
The fact that the rules state that short rests can last longer than 1 hour means that the benefit was intended to extend for a consecutive period of resting.
Not buying it lol
@Rubiksmoose If you short rest for an hour, do some adventuring for an hour, then you resume your original short rest?
@ColinGross Correct.
So you got one short rest there with an adventure in between?
For me the important distinction is whether the second part of the short rest is intended to recover for whatever happened between it and the first part.
@kviiri I concur that seems to be the RAI
Ah for an hour, maybe not. But then again I wouldn't be having this discussion with my players because I am very generous with the rules, but if you try exploiting loopholes then I come down hard against.
@Rubiksmoose I'm inclined to allow it. It seems like some pretty weak cheese sauce in the end.
Having a nearly endless supply of L1 or L2 spells doesn't help against heavy hitters that aren't survivable for 20 rounds.
It also seems really ridiculous both narratively and flavor-wise though. And it just doesn't make sense in-world. Like really, the coffeelock is Taking 1 nap, jogging for 5 minutes, taking another one etc. for 7 short rests? Why is your character doing that?
That's what I'd make the player come up with.
@ColinGross Cure Wounds is a 1st level spell. That is a decent chunk of healing.
I could see doing work, taking a break, doing more work as a viable narrative.
@Rubiksmoose True... but it's pretty small during a battle with a CR 7 creature.
Healing potions just aren't worth the action economy during a battle.
@ColinGross Extremely strong after the battle is done though.
@Rubiksmoose An L7/8 party should have healing pretty sorted out. Should also have sufficient treasure to sink into that kind of thing.
What does the player do during the battle? lob cantrips at giant ape while it makes a mash out of the front line tank?
And you'd have to pump CON up to get a decent chance at missing the exhaustion... which is going to detract from the spellcasting score.
I'm not against it because it is game-breaking (though I still think there are a lot more imbalances that come from this than you think) it is because it is a very super obvious exploit of a rules loophole that seems extremely against intent and very strained narratively.
It just seems like an interesting corner case that has marginal usefulness between L7 - L14.
Spam sleep and color spray?
I think it is the opposite of interesting to use in a game honestly.
@GreySage sleep won't touch high CR critters.
@Rubiksmoose most of the min/max builds aren't interesting in game. hey, this pony has one trick. There it goes.
If you can get it to give you 2nd level spells, you can spam invis for sneak attacks every turn.
@GreySage A decent rogue will have a way to do that anyway by L7.
@GreySage well every other turn because of casting time.
I don't know, just throwing ideas out there based on spell lists
I agree it's not as powerful as it seems, and it's just ridiculous and no real GM would allow it
@GreySage Yeah. The L2 list just isn't all that compelling after a while.
@ColinGross I beg to differ. I make very interesting min max characters. Like I just built the best weapon wielding sorcerer I could come up with and it just so happened to be a gith Draconic bloodline dude which led to super cool backstory based on the red dragon riders in the Githyanki
@GreySage I'd allow it. I think it would teach the player a valuable lesson about character development.
I don't treat cheese kindly at my table unless it is on a plate with some crackers or on pizza.
@DavidCoffron Which has little to do with the min/maxing
... Club or Ritz crackers? This is important.
Ritz, with cheese, sausage, and pickles
@GreySage pickles? That's interesting
@ColinGross What would it teach them? I can justify literally anything narratively but that doesn't mean it makes my character interesting or helps them develop at all.
Pickles add a weirdly sweet-sour that kinda works. I've tried it.
@ColinGross I'm just saying you can make interesting characters that are also min maxed
@Rubiksmoose That the end goal of a cheese build isn't really all that useful nor fun to play.
Watch this: my character has restless leg syndrome and has to get up every hour otherwise the pain in his legs becomes unbearable. Short rest cheese now justified. Has this added literally anything to my character?
@ColinGross again. I've made many cheese builds that have other things interesting about them. @Rubiksmoose you might be selling your cheese makers short
@ColinGross The goal should be to enable fun with any character. I wouldn't want any player to end up with a character that isn't fun for any reason. That is why I would address this head-on.
@Rubiksmoose An interesting quirk about not being able to sit still... would definitely have some sort of adventure that requires being hidden for an extended period of time as a possible solution... or a dinner party with seating etiquette
Some people consider the Thief alchemists fire interaction to be cheese but that character was super fun to play for me. A unique fighting style and I got to actually make an Alchemist backstory (something hard to do in 5e)
@Rubiksmoose I have found it difficult to explain to players why the build they think will be fun likely won't be even with having challenges designed for the strengths of the character.
@DavidCoffron What cheese is that?
@ColinGross my brother made a character (mutant bloodhunter) based on a druggy. It got old fast and we ended up multiclassing warlock celestial (his rehab) to make things more fun for him
@ColinGross the fact that you can use it with fast hands since it is a Use an Object action
@DavidCoffron Is it? I thought you could use an action to throw it.
@ColinGross use an object is "when an object requires your action to use"
@DavidCoffron Then you could Use a Sword object to make an extra attack
@ColinGross you don't use a sword with use an object. You use the attack action
@DavidCoffron The sword is the object you use.
Q: My question was closed as too broad, but I thought it was very refined and filtered. Why?

Daniel ZastoupilThe question on trial: What creature(s) can a Moon Druid transform into that would benefit from humanoid armor? TL, DR: When druids shapeshift, is there a valid form that benefits from their armor? It was closed as too broad, likely due to the armor only applying if the DM says it seems reasona...

Currently jabbering with my GM about the state of the game we're trying to keep afloat. Six players, mostly US, one UK.... Half the group is shift workers, so now coordination of play times is next to impossible.
@DavidCoffron Alchemist fire specifically says you use an action to throw it as a weapon.
I don't see how you could have Fast Hands get around that.
Also, using anything as an improvised weapon then makes it not a "Use Object" action.
@Maximillian My suggestion'd be to concede that there will be absences and just try to aim for more sessions
Same for oil description. Both say they're treated as improvised weapon.
Nothing kills our campaigns like waiting for over a month for a time that suits everyone.
@Maximillian Scheduling has the highest DC of any challenge.
Someone should homebrew a Calendar monster. CR 30
@kviiri My group hasn't played in over 3 months due to 2 of the members giving birth.
Q: What items can a Thief use as a bonus action with his Fast Hands?

Josh ClarkAt 3rd level, the Thief archetype for rogues grants a feature called Fast Hands that allows: the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action. Player's Ha...

@GreySage Yyep, parenthood is extra tricky
@ColinGross And why I just tell my players to come to me with their crazy ideas and cheese first. 90% of time I'll allow it and bend the rules to make it work. Usually it enhances the fun/story. However, in rare cases I will say no if I feel it is un-fun.
(sorry got called away in the middle of typing that response.)
@DavidCoffron Both oil and alchemist fire specify you use an action to throw it and that it's an improvised weapon.
Seems like that's more specific than fast hands.
Also, treating the oil as an improvised weapon seems to preclude the use an Object action.
@ColinGross it's not. I'll show you Crawford tweets too
Also a reason why I think it's better to be amenable towards absences -- having to take care of a baby results in unpredictable absences anyway. Waiting for two months just to get one session where everyone is present, only for the baby to get sick on that precise day, is frustrating as heck.
Otherwise you'd have a bag of stones that could always make improvised weapons out of
I don't read JC as stating that it's the use object action to throw the oil.
Last one has it
Healers kit is no different than the other object actions. They fall under Use an Object
Not for an improvised weapon
how about this, are all improvised weapons Use Object actions?
mobile.twitter.com/jeremyecrawford/status/… is in response to the question: "given the fact that throwing Alchemist's Fire is "Use an Object" action, on hit it adds DEX modifier to damage?"
@ColinGross no. Those objects don't cost an action to use. You just happen to be able to use them with the attack action.
That's not JC giving the fact. He just didn't respond to that part.
If you throw a healers kit as an improvised weapon, is that Use Object?
@ColinGross No, because that is not the use of a healers kit
@ColinGross No it's attack
@ColinGross No, it's Use Irony.
Stop getting hung up the improvised weapon part. It's not even an improvised weapon. It's just "treated" as one for action resolution
@DavidCoffron Is throwing anything a Use Object action?
It's just "is it an object (that's not a magic item) that has a use that says "use your action [to do X]?" If yes, it's Use an Object. If no, it's something else
Would throwing be a Use Action for a baseball?
@ColinGross As long as it doesn't have an attack roll
@ColinGross no. Throwing something is not an established action. It's an improvised action. I'll probably use an athletics check or an attack roll (depending on how precise you need to be)
@ColinGross If an object has "use your action to throw this" attached to it, then throwing it is a Use Object action. If it doesn't, then it has to be something else.
@ColinGross do you have the stats for your homebrewed baseball object?
Use Anachronism?
@DavidCoffron tiny. leather. stitched.
@ColinGross then throwing it is not use an object unless a specific clause says it's an action to throw
@Rubiksmoose you can find rules for that in the DMG under alien technology
Confirmed: baseball is of alien origin.
The PHB under Adventuring Gear does a pretty good job of saying when something takes an action, and every one of those would be under Use Object.
ammended item description: "tiny. leather. stitched. covered in glowing symbols. attaches to spine and possess those who attempt to Use this with an Action."
Today's Controversy: Does drinking an Antitoxin take an action?
@DavidCoffron Why aren't all thrown weapons useable by Fast Hands?
@ColinGross because they don't say you use an action to throw it
They say you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. Isn't that the same with alchemists fire?
@ColinGross I mean AF has special rules that say to treat it like an improvised weapon though. The rules for its use are in the object itself.
@Rubiksmoose the thrown property confers similar wording to a dagger.
@ColinGross A dagger is a weapon, Alchemists' Fire isn't
@ColinGross the thrown property doesn't say you use an action
@DavidCoffron Neither does tinder box.
@GreySage Exactly. AF is an object temporarily treated as an IW.
@ColinGross that's why tinder box isn't a Use an Object action
Is drawing a sword Use an Object?
Q: Does picking up a weapon or drawing one take an action?

briddumsI ran into a couple of questions while playing D&D 5th: Does drawing a weapon take an action? Does picking up a weapon from the ground take an action?

That seems to indicate that Use an Object action does work for drawing/sheathing a sword
@DavidCoffron Tinderbox says "using it to light a torch ... takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute". So TinderBox does have a Use Object usage.
Q: Drawing and sheathing a weapon in 5e, and the actions required

BestyI've seen this question asked about 4e, and I think I've found the passage in the 5e PHB that answers the question, but I'd like to make sure I understand this correctly before I impose it on my game. The question is can sheathing one weapon and drawing another be part of the same "free action",...

@GreySage It just doesn't say "As an action,"
Same with poison. The time required to apply it is an action
@ColinGross No, but it says it takes an action, which is the same thing in English
Is application of poison Use Object?
@ColinGross Unless there is something explicit about poisons, yes
@GreySage I'm sure if there were, WotC would raise the age rating on the box.
@DavidCoffron I just want it abundantly clear: I have the highest respect and admiration for RPG fromagers, I just often decline to sell their wares at my game tables :)
@Rubiksmoose seems fair
@Yuuki I just got this lol
@Zachiel Done =)
@kviiri Among the Marranos that would be Tortilla Tavataan. (attempt at a joke)
As to Use and Object, if we read the Basic Rules(p. 70) we look at a little green box and it says "Interacting with Objects Around You" ... and a few pages previous we see "interacting" as a paragraph heading (p. 60).
The rules say this: You can also interact with one object or feature of the
environment for free, during either your move or your
action. For example, you could open a door during your
move as you stride toward a foe, or you could draw your
weapon as part of the same action you use to attack.
**If you want to *interact with a second object*, you need
to use your action**
Back to your discussion about drinking anti toxins and throwing the alien technology called baseball.

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