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@V2Blast Yeah, I try to use the first session to establish (or re-establish, if it's an ongoing group with a new system/game) the mutually collaborative nature of the activity.
Morning all
Played some board games on the weekend. One was Bloodborne, which was actually quite fun, and the other was "King of Tokyo", which was similar to @BESW's King of Monsters
We played both of those multiple times. Was very enjoyable :)
Nice! I've heard of King of Tokyo. Actually, it was featured in the first (and only, so far) episode of Achievement Hunter's board game show, Let's Roll: youtube.com/watch?v=-axyMhKkmMU
I really enjoyed that one. They have big, heavy dice too haha
@Ben I've enjoyed King of Tokyo a couple of times. It has a nice, "gonzo" feel to it =)
Yeh, definitely haha
So I think we've decided to have one "board game" night a month after that :)
@Ben What's the bloodborne boardgame like? A friend of mine has the dark souls boardgame, but we've never gotten around to playing it.
@Miniman I think, from what they've mentioned is that the Dark Souls game is a lot more "brutal"?
But the Bloodborne one is good... It seems complex at first, but it's pretty good.
hey there @nitsua60
You each have cards; weapons, items and a couple of special cards. You take turns to deal damage to an enemy, and collect tokens. At the end of the game, the person with the most tokens wins
It also has a "cooperation" play to it... Some monsters have a lot of health, so it's beneficial to get rid of it asap, so you can coordinate - discuss what you are going to do, like all play damage, etc, then you play your cards. And you don't have to cooperate at all, if you don't want to haha
It adds a new level to it.
@Shalvenay hiya hiya
My only qualm is that the end "Boss Monster" is a bit anti-climactic. They have an effect that is active for the whole game, but when you finally get to them, there's nothing special. So one boss has a rule that all players have a reduced health, but then being the "Final Boss", they're just big and tough, which by the time you get to them, everyone has a lot of good weapons.
@nitsua60 d60 question -- would a die like that be biased towards one face-shape or the other?
So it's a bit anti-climactic. But my friend and I are already working on a "home-brew" addition for that :P
@Shalvenay Not sure what you mean? What shape(s) are you imagining? A 62-sided barrel-prism could be obviously fair, as could a 30-30 zocchi-like kite-based shape. (Think like a d10, but moreso.) Personally, I roll a d6 and a d10, call it a d60, and move on =)
@nitsua60 How would >10 work?
Wait... <10
@Ben 6=0
@Shalvenay Fair enough. I thought that might work (Unless you get a 6 and a 0, that would be 60)
@Ben or just a 0
2-dice d100 sets are 00-99
@Ben Either that or it's d6-1 with 00 read as 60, like most percentile sets are used. I don't use percentile dice--prefer just rolling 2d10--so I'm pretty used to the index-offset for the first-read die.
@Ben oh?he better sue them eh? :P
Speaking of which, I just realized I never dropped a link...
Well I think they're pretty safe on this one. All likenesses are purely coincidental. :P
I particularly liked "Sidewalkia," and another (whose name I'm not finding now) about letter-writing in WWI.
Hah be your best Keanu XD
Fantastic name there
@nitsua60 I think that's the Dear Elizabeth one?
No... two players, you sit back-to-back, one is a soldier in a trench, the other is someone on the homefront. I cried just reading it.
@nitsua60 Oh wow
Please do share if you find it
Letters from the home front
@nitsua60 @Ben
Ah yeah good idea
Yes ^^
Wow... That's...
Is that meant to be "Morale"?
Seems like it
Makes sense. That's so sad :(
@nitsua60 -- as to the d60 shape thing -- buckyball-shaped d60s are the ones in question
I received a package today - a friend has bought me something (is a surprise) and it arrived today.
However, apparently one of the dogs took the liberty in opening it.
Thank the lucky stars that it's in one piece.
That explains why dogs chase mailmen
They want to open the package themselves,
But no one let's them for obvious reasons
Q: Is this question (or some permutation thereof) on topic?

Isaac ReefmanI'm interested in the possible ramifications of switching to a hex grid for combat within DnD5e. It seems to provide a better reflection of how being adjacent/surrounded etc works (there's always a "side" of a cell that you share with adjacent cells) and also how movement works (diagonals, again,...

@Shalvenay Buckyballs have 60 vertices, not 60 faces. They'd be a d32, and a pretty bad one.
@nitsua60 Out of curiosity why would it be a bad one?
1 hour later…
I guess because not all its sides have equal area, so it's unlikely to be fair.
It's composed of hexagons and pentagons, pentagons being roughly half the area of hexagons.
(No I don't know this stuff. I'm a discrete mathematician!)
Praise Wikipedia
Very modest
Geometry is like a secret science to me. I have no idea how it works beyond basic planar trigonometry x)
Lol well, I dare anyone to explain why gravity and magnetism work, not how but why
To be fair, there is always going to be some point at which no one can explain something any further
I believe so too
I'm really fascinated by elementary particles. Not that I understand them well but... well, it's where the universe starts to look like an automaton :>
Quarks quarking with each other...
Mesons messing around
Although mesons aren't elementary
but they are,.. messyon
no that doesn't work sorry XD
4 hours later…
Good $LOCALTIME everybody!
@Rubiksmoose Good 11:54 to you too!
seems oddly specific though
Everyone knows that X:54 is the best time and should be celebrated with online acquaintances as often as possible.
@Rubiksmoose "Good $APPROPRIATEGREETINGFORLOCALTIMEANDCULTURE everybody!" Is clearly what you meant
@Sdjz Maybe I'll just stick with "Hello." lol
@Secespitus And a happy diurnal isomorphism to you too.
@Rubiksmoose I assume that X:54 will be the working title for a Vin Diesel movie about fifteen years from now.
@BESW hahaha!
@BESW lol
2 hours later…
I think this late answer is very helpful: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/129549/28591
@Rubiksmoose If nothing else, the faces are different sizes. If one assumes uniform density it takes less torque to rotate off of a small (pentagonal) face than a large (hexagonal) one, so the 12 small faces are each less likely to be a result--since they're each opposite another small face, which is less likely to be a base--than the 20 large ones.
@nitsua60 Ah I see. I guess I assumed that molecule had equal sized faces. Makes sense.
2 hours later…
Greetings puny mortals, what random shenanigans will we discuss today
Well there is no more eagle cam so there is basically nothing to talk about ever.
The eaglet soars in heaven now
It didn't die, im just complimenting Estonia
yep guess so
[this room has been deleted by doppelgreener]
There are a number of other animal cams to select from. Open a meta vote for a new chat mascot cam?
I was watching a stork cam for a while and that was really cool. Apparently they occasionally (intentionally) murder their young though so maybe not the best fit here lol.
You watch nature... sometimes you see nature.
I've been on hikes with people that were surprised that wild animals aren't tame nor domesticated.
Watch large cats sleep!
@ColinGross I can do that at home
@GreySage But these cats are even bigger! and sleepier!
@ColinGross I can't see any lions there though. Where are they hiding?
Probably ninja lions. You won't see them until it's too late
As apes go, humans aren't that great. We'll skip all the human cams.
Lion spotted
as in, in sight, not as in cheetah spots
Passive perception, webcam
Aaaannnd that's about all I got. Back to writing up mechanics for a sea faring Eberron campaign
Can you find me a snipe cam? They're my favorite animal.
i've actually got those bookmarked along with jackalopes and drop bears
Not sure which ones are going to be awake at this time of day
If only there was a livestream of this
Truly the most appropriate chat mascot
Oh man that is mesmerizing.
But do they have a live cam?
NIST Randomness Beacon is nice if you want to get random from a radioactive source without having to set up your own.
Oops... it's a quantum entanglement system.. not a nuclear decay one.
they dont as far as I now
Awww man. A live dice rolling cam would be nice.
Don't google for one. You'll get a lot of results that aren't what you're looking for.
@ColinGross Would you say the results are dicey?
Ha! I'm entertained.
Excellent, my work here is done.
If you ever make it out to A2, there is a group of pro pun people you could join up with. They also play D&D'
I'm not going to be around to write up an answer, but if anyone wants a tidbit for tackling the cunning action/dash/overland travel question just posed, consider looking to the chase rules in the DMG: characters can only dash 3+CON times per rest, RAW.
At least 2 of my group members lives in A2 actually so I'm there fairly regularly.
anyone trying out the pathfinder playtest?
Im moderately interested based on the action point economy and 5e kinda burning me as a 4e player
not that pathfinder 2e is in anyway targeted at me
I've been reading through it and am gonna be starting a homebrew game soon-ish using it
It's definitely somewhere between Pathfinder, 5e, and 4e
Yeah that was my feeling its def not anywhere near 4e one to one but its much closer than 5e's WYSIWYG/theater of the mind focus
Yeah. Really my description was probably a little too simplified. More accurate to say it's somewhere between Pathfinder & 5e for complexity, with probably a few elements inspired by 4e
@Rubiksmoose Well, we should meet up for drink of some sort then. I feel like you should be rewarded for your cunning punnery.
@nitsua60 That's a good point. I do have a player that likes to dash ALL the time. Probably should add dash tokens or constitution tokens to my tabletop... and code up something like that for Fantasy Grounds.
@ColinGross I've never used it to limit a rogue in combat--it's both too "fiddly" to keep track of and I feel like it's taking away a signature bit of roguishness. But it's a nice way of being able to say, "nooooo, you can't dash three hundred times consecutively."
@ColinGross Sounds fun, we'll have to exchange info somehow at some point.
@Rubiksmoose Twitter. It's how all real world leaders communicate /s
What's with all the editing of questions from years ago?
@ColinGross Good question. Who knows. It is never too late to improve a post though lol.
@ColinGross Well, that edit was done more than a year ago...
@GreySage There's a bunch of old questions coming up with recent activity.
@GreySage Interesting, the edit seems to have vanished
Must not be the edits.
SSD definitely made one to that post somewhere. But it is now gone from my recents queue so [shrug].
Found it, and the edit doesn't seem like a good one.
"more" changed to "less" in regards to linear plots.
I thought railroaded plots were more linear... apparently ssd doesn't agree... still a peculiar edit.
It's essentially a rollback of a previous edit, but why not just actually roll back the previous edit?
@ColinGross Maybe to explain why?
Also it is confusing, but I see what the writer was trying to say by saying "less" there. They meant less linear than the example in the previous paragraph.
Full disclosure, I edited to make it 'more' because it fits the sentence and paragraph style
Although I get what SSD is saying, making it 'less' really makes it more confusing
Also, those edits only happened because you linked in here
I guess. I'm not a fan of making rollback commits that aren't rollbacks, but are just the same changes.
Well, then I have no idea why that question was coming up with recent activity.
no idea.
I know I had to churn a chunk of old posts up last night to burn a tag. And another old post today to fix a dnd-next-playtest tag (after it had gotten a really late answer to it already).
Can I get a couple other people to flag this comment for being Not Nice?
Whoa! That isn't a particularly friendly comment. I like the word "drivel", but applying it to someone's question is not a friendly use of the term.
@ColinGross Far from it. I flagged it as rude.
(really though it is an all-around useless comment anyways.)
looks lik eits already been cleared
It's almost a trollish comment.... and I do enjoy light banter with trolls.
From time to time.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Good work team.
Let this be our reminder that we non-diamond users have the power to delete comments as well. So flag them if you see something that shouldn't be there.
We are the Senate
I use flags to the fullest whenever I can
I actually just crossed my 1000th (helpful) one lol
@ColinGross I must say it is a pretty entertaining response. Though I do not recommend starting any kind of discussion (much less a trollish one) in the comments lol.
@Rubiksmoose I was going to see if I could temp him into a chat room... then have a completely different discussion. I've found it to be useful and entertaining. I think I'd pick his brain about stream operators and java 10.
He'd never see that coming!
@ColinGross Well they are a new user, so no chat for them. This appears to have been approximately their first and only action on the site thus far.
Sigh. My weekly playgroup is falling apart. Literally everyone's schedule changed at once. Might be salvaged by a day-shift, but we'll see...
@DavidCoffron Scheduling... the highest CR.
@DavidCoffron Nice answer to the dash question. Do you type in raw markdown or use the ui buttons?
@ColinGross Raw
@ColinGross The DC of scheduling a regular D&D game for 4 adults is "Impossible", +5 per additional adult
Or in d100, a difficulty test of 0%, with a -10% per additional adult
Somebody with 3.5 experience this shows that exhausted is a condition in 3.5 yes?
@Rubiksmoose ...yes?
@GreySage ok lol
@Rubiksmoose Admittedly I haven't looked at the physical 3.5 rulebooks in a long time, but that sounds like a condition that exists, and it's on the list of conditions in the SRD, so... yes
@GreySage I only asked because it has been a long time since I looked at any 3.5/PF material and I wasn't entirely confident that what I was looking at was 3.5 material specifically.
@Rubiksmoose Anything* on d20srd.org is for 3.5. Anything* on d20pfsrd.com is for PF.
@MikeQ Good to know. That is certainly the way I remembered it, but again, just wanted to be sure.
2 answers, both deleted on that 3.5 sleeping question
@GreySage Admittedly one was self-deleted, but still.
@MikeQ NO NO NO NO d20srd.org also has a 5e section
(which then redirects to 5e.d20srd.org)
(Last time I prevented someone from doing something wrong with a WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT in an alarmed tone like that NO NO NO NO I was told to only do that if someone is risking their life, but I never learn.)
@Zachiel TBF, the possibility of accidentally using 5e rules in a 3.5 game could be considered risking a life. I mean, the life of a game/character.... but still a life for some definitions thereof.
@MikeQ Anway, how much do I ned to roll for Impossible +55?
@Delioth Last time was for preventing a coworker from adding bristol paper to the printer right after I launched a print job.
@Rubiksmoose Warning you too, d20srd has a section for D&D 5e with red dice logo and 5e.d20srd.org URL
@Zachiel Thanks! Good to know!
@Rubiksmoose And it's really... I'm not sure how to word it.... Validating? Anyway, I always love coming across something like your good, corrective comment and seeing that the offending one was user-deleted. It's like we the mods aren't out here alone =)
@Zachiel 1. Use a psyker to peer into the warp 2. ??? 3. Maybe profit or maybe awaken the chaos demons
@MikeQ Chaos demons only on a 24+
Was reading through the 200-word RPG list (in the starred messages on your right).
Escape Pod One actually sounds pretty fun.
All the others seem really awkward and take a lot of prep or really patient friends.
But that one seems like it plays in a few minutes and requires pennies and a stopwatch for setup.
And relies on actual gameplay mechanics rather than writing prompts.
Definitely something I'll be saving for later.
I feel like we should whip up a gist of ones that people like (and why) and link it over there. Or maybe in a meta. Hrmmmm.... Brb.
Most of them seem like they rely on storytelling gimmicks. Like "strike a match, if you succeeded the first time, something good happens. If it doesn't, something bad".
That is literally the entire premise of one of the runners-up.
@Zachiel Counterwarning: the quality of d20srd's 5e section is nowhere near the quality of it's 3.5 section.
How's this look for a meta post?
The 2018 200-word RPG contest has ---concluded--- arrived.
If you're not aware, the 200-word RPG contest is a free, public competition in which numerous stackizens have participated over the years.

Here we collect stackizen reflections/reviews/impressions of entries from the 2018 contest.

Let's have each "answer" be one game+one person. So if you've got multiple games you want to talk about, go ahead and post multiple "answers." If you want to write about a game that's already been written about either speak up in an existing answer's comments or post anew if you've got more to say.
I'm guessing the stuff between the three --- is strikeout?
(In chat ---foo--- renders as foo.)
oooooh hey I learned a thing
In a header it'll actually have to be <strike> tags.
It feels bad posting "questions" about opinions with multiple possible answers on Stack Exchange.
(two things, actually, the strikeout stuff and about this contest!)
@DanielZastoupil Meta's... different =D
I think it sounds good, the post.
Otherwise, I think it sounds pretty darn cool.
I mean, heck... we have a tag, even!
It goes against everything this place has programmed into me, but otherwise feels fairly good.
Of course, two of the existing 7 meta questions are about the tag itself, which really takes meta-ness to a whole new level.
I feel like I would need to fact check all of their emotions about the RPGs they looked at.
I feel like I need to spin a top to see if I've de-nested enough =)
@nitsua60 As always, we need a meta-meta-stackexchange
Okay, posted and put a few examples up there.
There is a tag on our meta
@doppelgreener good edit--thanks.
meta meta meta meta
@nitsua60 dumb question: how do you get it to not render in your example there?
@Rubiksmoose grave marks (the ` sign, on American keyboards it's the tilde key to the left of the 1) can be used as brackets to single out a phrase as not-to-be-considered-markdown.
this ^^
@doppelgreener meta-ception

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