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and then there's utility ritual spells like Comprehend Languages and Detect Magic
and stuff like Charm Person and Disguise Self
Faerie Fire is also good for giving your damage-dealers advantage against enemies (if they fail the save), especially if the enemies are grouped up
Yeah, I've been super useful at making the others shine. I just have to get used to not being the one doing the fighting.
Yeah, basically. College of Valor is a PHB subclass if you end up not liking the non-martial thing
I've got another level to consider it, but I really want Spiritual Guardians at level 6. I love the idea of that spell.
I'm a Harry Potter fan (Hufflepuff), and it reminds me of a Patronus.
@Shalvenay hi! I’m dropping in and out a lot because I’ve been hanging out with my 2yo (and therefore away from screens) a fair bit last couple of days.
@V2Blast If I may offer a hearty "Amen!" to the Tasha's point. MikeQ applied a very timely Tasha's last week that took a scary monster out of the fight. When it works, it works very well.
Spirit Guardians is excellent at battlefield control
@HenryWLee1066 Probably a common thing: I’ve had a lot more time with the rules etc then with actually playing the game, so I’ve only played a barbarian and (basically) a rogue, but bard is high on the list for next class! Definitely keeping an eye on the advice you’re getting for inspo!
plus, as long as you can see your allies, you can exempt them from the effect
Bard is one of the few "known casters" that I haven't played yet (maybe the only one?). though I did play the equivalent in Hyperlanes
PHB classes I haven't played yet: bard, cleric, druid, paladin, wizard. (also the PHB ranger, I guess; I've only played the revised ranger)
@IsaacReefman I've read so many damned optimization guides that I always feel shortchanged if I'm not dipping two levels in Hexblade Warlock. I forget it's not a competition - but rather it's a team game.
Right!? It’s so easy to head down that path. I feel like 5e (compared to 3.5e) is actively trying to limit the appeal of optimisation by limiting its scope while leaving lots of room for flavour, though I haven’t played 3.5e, so that may be a misunderstanding.
Haha. I always try to make the most of my class, but I've never multiclassed for optimization reasons :P
I don't think 5e's trying to limit the appeal of optimization, but rather to keep it balanced so that there aren't "trap" builds and flatly superior builds like in previous editions
@V2Blast yeah, I'm with you here
so you can multiclass and be effective, or single-class and be effective, but you can't combine features and traits in a way that wildly outclasses everything else
@V2Blast What do you mean by battlefield control in re Spirit Guardians? PS: no trap builds besides 4 elements monk. ;)
I mean, you force creatures to either take damage when they get close to you, or stay out of your area
I actually like the idea of using spirit guardians to control who gets away from you/increase damage for a melee beast, or alternatively control who is likely to try to come up and hit you if you’re more of a glass cannon. That’s how I understood it, too; discourage certain things, effect how others on the battlefield are likely to behave.
so you control the way in which enemies can safely move around the battlefield (in terms of getting close to you, anyway)
@V2Blast My only problem with it was that at the level where I used it the monsters did not have much problem hitting me. Keeping the darned thing up was a challenge.
Ranged attacks would still be a problem too, though cutting words could help if you’re using it as a bard.
I actually love the bardic spells/abilities that basically shame creatures into missing or (even better) taking damage. Vicious mockery probably rarely ends up being the killing blow, but when it does...
As to MC, my nephew did a neat MC: one level of monk, the rest cleric, dex/wis build. That unarmored defense feature was sorta nice, no encumbrance problems, and early levels a quarterstaff plus bonus attack made for decent fighting when called for.
@KorvinStarmast that’s cool - also from a flavour POV; monks in DnD seem to often lean towards “Shaolin monk” sort of thing, whereas that feels more like a western religious monk with some badass background to me.
@IsaacReefman I wish that campaign had not gone dormant, we were having good fun.
@KorvinStarmast that'd work pretty well for replicating my Gnoll monk/cleric in 5e I reckon?
Yes, I think it would.
Ok, here’s one; any actual game-running dos and donts type tips for me first-time DMing a game for first time role playing?
I’m either going to run the first chapter of LMoP or a premade 1st level one shot adventure, though if we go over and need a second session that’s fine.
Uh, don't forget to have fun. Don't forget to keep pace of play moving. err in favor of the players.
Especially on keeping the pace of play moving, do you have any tips on how to achieve that or what pitfalls to avoid?
Make sure each person gets a turn in the spotlight; make sure each person is listened to. it's a social setting, your social skills are a big factor ...
@IsaacReefman Have you had a session zero yet?
@IsaacReefman have they already created characters?
No, I think I may have to have individual phone calls instead of a session 0, as time is something of an issue.
some have created characters, others not.
I’m giving the option of either creating one from scratch with as much help as they want, or picking one of the premade ones from WotC’s website.
Or option 2 with some customisation. Sticking to the PHB unless someone discovers something else they really want to try, which is unlikely considering none of them really have other resources - they’d have to do some online digging even to find anything.
Also, I’ve never had a session 0... may need to look up exactly what that entails rather than guessing based on context.
im driving now so I’ll be out for 90 mins or so...
Oh, dear, company has arrive, Sorry I must go!
@IsaacReefman: make sure they know where to look if they look online, lest they return with something from dandwiki
but yeah, session 0 is a good thing to have
a list of things that may be useful to cover (you don't have to cover them all, but this gives a pretty comprehensive set of things you could cover): reddit.com/r/dndnext/comments/601awb/…
Sep 7 '14 at 12:44, by BESW
Here's my cardinal rule of gaming, for players and GMs alike: Make sure everyone is safe and happy, in that order, and talk with the group about what will help keep them safe and happy.
Sep 7 '14 at 12:48, by BESW
If you can get a group dynamic where players feel free to give input on the experience, and you listen to it, then your mistakes will be forgiven and your triumphs will belong to the group. That will make a memorable experience.
@BESW good advice, thanks!
2 hours later…
@IsaacReefman Take good notes, don't be afraid of "dead air"--go ahead and sit back and listen frequently. Don't be shy about asking for a few minutes' break if you need it. In fact, set your timer for repeating 55min segments and each time call for a 5 min break.
@IsaacReefman Angry GM has a series on session zero, too.
3 hours later…
@V2Blast awesome, had a read, that’s a good checklist.
@nitsua60 sweet, I always rate Angry GM. I’ll check it out! And good idea about the 55minute thing. Never thought of that!
glad to help!
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 Yes, breaks are useful, but I've never timed them. How interrupting is your timer? Is it loud or quiet, and do you break immediately or after finishing this round (or whatever is the immediate action), or do you try to wrap up a scene fast and then take the break?
3 hours later…
hey there @HenryWLee1066, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
@Shalvenay Howdy. Thank you.
Just re reading some posts in response to a question I asked last night. This chat exchange helps me recover from optimization guides I've read. Reminds me to have fun with my friends rather than try to win D&D.
hello ????????
hi ash
how r ya
@Anaphory Fairly unobtrusive, and I just use it as a reminder to go ahead and take a break when it presents itself. I don't interrupt combat or cut a scene short anything.... Specifically, I take the phone out of the pocket to turn off the timer and lay it on the table with my gm materials: every time I look down, now, there's a reminder to take a break when it naturally arises and when we do I put the phone back in the pocket.
I know that for me, personally, if I'm not intentional about stepping back/taking a break I can run a group into the ground, energy-wise. So I build in structures to try and fend off the worst of my habits =)
hey there @Zachiel
how're things going in your quest for a new PC?
@Shalvenay I have decided the parts. It's a little bit over budget, but I'm ordering today.
The fact that I will end up having 2 monitors and maybe a single PC again in a few weeks irks me to no end.
I'm thinking of ridging up the old monitor whose stand broke in order to avoid buying a second monitor
a third monitor?
@nitsua60 Last week the day I first tried out an undershirt was also the day the temperature dropped from 30 degrees to 20 overnight. So technically speaking undershirts have 100% correlation with me staying cool. More warm weather due later this week to test with though. 👍
I'm also thinking about getting a used graphic card (one that was returned to amazon because the plastics were scratched
@doppelgreener Don't trust the sample-of-one
@Zachiel you're right, needs more trialling before I can safely determine that undershirts have cosmic world-altering potential.
1 hour later…
Ah, the thin line between wanting to show that my character is good at something, actually willing to buy the right items while coping with my analysis paralysis issues and at the same time not bothering other human beings, especially fellow players :|
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener Extrapolation ftw!!!
@nitsua60 Excellent mode! Yes, that's what I thought I might be doing. Today went well without, but the mission structure in MG is very nice to just have breaks in between missions, in particular now that I have it down to not overload a mission but instead run 2 or 3.
Someone got a good podcast that looks at the best, strangest, most innovative indie RPGs out there? Ideally episodes of around 30 minutes, with a tiny amount of Acutal Play and a lot of discussion of ideas? @eimyr pointed me to +1Forward, which does this nicely for PbtA, but I'm also interested in hearing about Ryuutama or Crash Bandits or Kingdom or Golden Sky Stories, and even more so about all the other things I don't know about
@V2Blast It's obviously D&D centric, but it's curious how GM-centric it is.
@Anaphory: What do you mean?
A lot of the detailed points start with “As a DM, how do you…”. So it somewhat implies that the DM will say “This is how it is.”, no wiggle-room allowed. You could discuss things with the players, but that's not how many of the points are phrased.
@nitsua60 That's actually decent advice, to a large extent even outside the high-prep player-depowered let-me-be-theatralically-grumpy style of Angry!
I have 10 characters which I have never used, some have 0 backstory, some have a little, I tend to wait until I join a campaign to make backstories.
@LukeSommers I play many, maybe too many, one-shots, so backstory is usually something to come up with on the spot when it's relevant.
Ah. I don't know why I make so many characters.
@LukeSommers Making characters is a cool activity in and of itself! I did spent making a few pre-gens for the Mouse Guard game I ran today last night, and making them each with their quirks and then musing how they fit together was nice.
I also tend to jump system a lot, so I don't make characters for my system because I don't have one system I mostly play and which all my characters are for.
2 daggers or 1 hand crossbow? 1d4 + 1d4 +2 or 1d8 + 2. Second dagger would use my bonus action...
@Anaphory Gotcha.
Also, the Hex spell: "Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target when you attack it." So if I attack them with a spell... do I get the extra damage?
@LukeSommers For what character?
@kviiri Warlock. Ignore that, won't be getting War Caster.
@LukeSommers "when you hit it with an attack", so yeah, spell attacks count as long as they are genuine attacks. Fireballs and such that don't do attack rolls don't count.
@LukeSommers I was mainly thinking that a rogue benefits greatly for having two tries to deal sneak attack damage.
@kviiri What about multiple rays of EB?
(then again, so does a Warlock who's going for Hex damage)
@kviiri Yeah, it does. MI is also nice for rogues.
EB counts, it's a spell attack. And nothing in the spell description restricts it working against multiple attacks, so I'd say yeah, still works.
So 5th level, I'd have 2d10+2d6+CHA mod (Most likely)?
Also... What if I use MI to get more Warlock cantrips and stuff?
@LukeSommers With Agonizing blast, yes, except you'd have your CHA mod twice too of course.
(assuming you hit both attacks)
Going Cleric with MI, Light, Spare the Dying, and Guiding Bolt
Here he is:
@LukeSommers Multiclassing?
Or do you mean you're going to take MI spells with Cleric... I guess that's it, heh.
I'm not sure if Guiding Bolt once per long rest is really worth a feat though
Hey. Our DM is sick, and the rest of us are bew at 5e. I'm going to DM a one shot side quest tonight, and I have some questions.
1. I'm using Kobold Fight Club's random generator to build CR2 fights for 4 level 2 characters. Is the total xp per encounter (450, I think) to be divided up between the 4?
2. Where can I find how much xp is between 2nd & 3rd level. Our DM is ok with us going up one, but not more than that.
Disregard #2. I found that.
@HenryWLee1066 Yes, it is divided.
Ok. I thought probably. It seemed like too much for one person. Thanks.
@Anaphory Yes, it's true that the session-0 post is quite GM-centric, but I think that's more because many DMs often go into things with certain houserules or a certain DMing style in mind... and then are surprised when players don't feel the same way. How flexible you are on those matters is up to you as a DM, but it's just pointing out that how you run those aspects of the game might be useful to discuss in session 0.
relevant info you might find useful (copypasted from what I told a DM in one of my campaigns who was confused about how it worked):
"this link does a good job of summing up how encounter XP works (though it doesn't elaborate on how "adjusted XP" works): https://rpg.stackexchange.com/a/70829/33569
As for that part, the adjusted XP (i.e. base encounter XP * modifiers) is basically for determining the difficulty of an encounter (based on whether one side outnumbers the other): https://www.sageadvice.eu/2016/03/26/adjusted-experience-points/
1 hour later…
Q: What is the [teamwork] tag meant to be used for, and how is it different from [helping] or [party]?

V2BlastThe teamwork tag has no usage guidance or tag wiki, but it's currently being used on 11 questions about a variety of systems: 4 of them are tagged as being about Fate Core 1 is tagged for Fate and the Dresden Files RPG 1 is generically tagged as science fiction and GM techniques 1 is tagged as ...

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