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03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@SirCinnamon it does.
@SirCinnamon If you cast "Cloudkill" and the point of origin is you, are you affected?
If any part of you is in the AOE you are affected
@LukeSommers Thats a sphere - so yes
@SirCinnamon So that should answer your question, right?
@LukeSommers you can't be the point of origin. A point in your space can be though
@LukeSommers No - cones and lines are different
@SirCinnamon Ah. I've taken it as it casts right in front of your hand, so you aren't touching it.
@DavidCoffron "DMG (p.251) states that a creature is affected by a spells effects if half, or more, of the square they're in is in the Area of Effect."
@SirCinnamon only in grid play, which is not the default
I guess flavour wise, its just "too easy to dodge" unless half of your square is taken?
@DavidCoffron What's the default?
@LukeSommers Theater of the mind
@LukeSommers not grid play. Distances and angles are measured in plain English
@Rubiksmoose Ah.
@DavidCoffron That's fine, but its what i'm talking about
Thats how you have ranges of Touch and distances of less than 5 feet
@SirCinnamon in a grid a point of origin is never included because it doesn't take up half the square then
(Unless the origin is a creature or object in that particular spell, then it might)
@DavidCoffron Unless you fire from the "back" of your square and the other part of the spell does cover half your square
@SirCinnamon correct
or its an object/creature and they willingly say they are in it
@DavidCoffron "Touch" is within 5 feet, yes?
Off-topic: The only way I remember how to spell 'success' is from remembering Bart Simpson spelling it out as he dances on the burlesque house.
@LukeSommers some.people rule that way, but as written it's you have to touch it (so arm length presumably)
Q: Does the bugbear's long-limbed ability apply to melee spell attacks like shocking grasp?

paddiwack99In Volo's Guide to Monsters, bugbears have the ability Long-Limbed: Long-Limbed. When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal. This ability doesn't specify weapon or spell so I assumed it could be applied to melee spell attacks as well as melee ...

@DavidCoffron Alright, we're on the same page then - an odd edge case came up in last nights session. 15ft cone attempting to hit an enemy to the North and East - it can only be done if you fire from the SW corner at an exact 45 degree angle which requires hitting your own square
@DavidCoffron You have 2 arms. So, conceivably, with Spare the Dying, and the Death Domain for Clerics: " When you cast a necromancy cantrip that normally targets only one creature, the spell can instead target two creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other," you could Spare 2 people?
@SirCinnamon yes that would hit you whether you like it or not
@DavidCoffron That was my ruling - you're basically firing down at yourself in order to widen the cone before it hits the enemies
@LukeSommers yep. You could also touch them with one hand if theyre close eough.
Could you target up to 4 people then?
If they were around you in a circle, all within 5 feet.
@LukeSommers no. Spare the dying targets "a creature"
Can you cast it with both hands?
@LukeSommers yes, but it's still just one casting
@LukeSommers Sure - as long as you can touch them i don't see why it cant be with your tongue and foot if thats what it takes
also ew gross
One casting of spare the dying equals one creature saved. Death domain let's you do two but that's the limit.
Got it.
Fallen Aasimar Warlock!
@LukeSommers Well don't just leave them there. Help them up!
@Rubiksmoose You're right and I'm sorry
@Rubiksmoose From an optimization standpoint, Scourge would probably be better... but also a warlock with necrotic wings...
Or a Scourge Aasimar who's patron is the Celestial!
Bloodhunter's Order of the Profane Soul is basically like taking a level in Warlock...
@LukeSommers I've never played around with that order... rereads...
@LukeSommers yeah it's like the Eldritch Knight for warlocks
2 hours later…
Murnin all
Sweet sweet time alliance with Australia
I must warn you, I am very tired, and the caffeine is overly powerful... so my brain is working in strange ways this morning
One must cut allies some slack when they are assaulted by bean monsters
[Crackling over the phone... muffled shouting] HELLO?? [Gunfire.... screams] YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO SPEAK UP!
Sounds invigorating, and annoying
Ok... I'm having a mind blank... there was a game where you were a little robot, and you had to collect things to solve puzzles to work your way back to your girlfriend...
That;s it
03:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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