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Playing in a oneshot right now (L16) with a rogue, Battlemaster 13/Rogue 3, Battlemaster 13/Cleric 3, and a... hmm. I should know. But the two battlemasters and the rogue just synergize sooooooo nicely =D
@Rubiksmoose what <4th level spell are you really looking for though. Most of the great ones are 4th and 5th which you have to wait for 10 anyway. (Other than guidance if you have no cleric. guidance is amazing)
I found the cutting words a tad inconvenient though because I had to keep on reminding my GM that he has to roll in the open all the time.
@DavidCoffron Fireball, because Bards don't really have lots of direct damage potential. Haste, too.
@NautArch every college gets a new way to use BI
@kviiri Yeah, that's the potential downside. If your DM doesn't roll in the open, it's much less useful.
@DavidCoffron Depends on what you want to do! Bless is always a nice choice. But there are plenty of options.
Is it okay that I made a drow tomelock and that I made him want to grow in power and that I made it so he had a dream that he made a pact with a unicorn and the unicorn said that he would give the drow power if he went on a journey to reform himself to be good and that in exchange he would continue to make him(the drow) more powerful? @Rubiksmoose
@DavidCoffron Fireball?
@NautArch I think RAW the player should know the roll
@kviiri This is absolutely true.
@Yuuki I agree, hence why I'm polling for new and exciting subclasses :P
@kviiri RAW for cutting words?
@NautArch Well ok, less RAW than I remembered...
> You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the attack roll or ability check succeeds or fails, or before the creature deals its damage.
@kviiri Right :( THey can roll and just not say anything.
I will take that as a no @Rubiksmoose
@NautArch I think the intent is pretty clear there, though. Why even stipulate that if the player can't see the roll?
Well ok, if the player decides for some reason to CW their party members, but then it's even more absurd because it becomes a fast draw game of "do you remember your party mates' stats?"
@kviiri Preaching to the choir :) Just saying I've played with DMs who did not/would not say.
@kviiri Making your party members (charsheets, I assume) Community Wiki is a bold move.
A certain JC agrees with me this time, but then again I'm not usually too keen on listening to this guy. At least without reservations.
@DavidCoffron Dominate Beast, Find Greater Steed, Guardian of Faith, Counterspell, Fireball, Mass Healing Word, Revivify, Spirit Guardians....
I wish they had clearer language in the books :<
yeet yeet yeetyetetey yeet
My DM rolled secretly, making cutting words effectively useless. When you roll a 12 on the CW and the enemy still passes you start getting a bit suspicious
@NautArch Mine was totally cool with letting me know the dice, but it was still a bit of an inconvenience.
@AidanLancaster What part of this do you not expect to be ok?
all of it
it mostly how I worded it though
@AidanLancaster you may be interested in the Celestial Pact in Xanathar's Guide to Everything
That's what I have him as
Nothing seems wrong on the face of it.
@AidanLancaster then I see no problem with your character motivations
@AidanLancaster Everything there should be fine, but be aware that it may not be very impactful. Given it's AL you may not be playing with the same GM week to wee, a GM who does want to include your backstory has limited places where they can do that, you don't know who your table-mates are and whether they'd appreciate spotlight time being devoted to interacting with that....
@AidanLancaster The only potential downside I see is that you might get some eyerolls at making a Drow that is/will be good aligned since they are portrayed as being evil overall.
@nitsua60 Oh, this is AL?
@Rubiksmoose the book says there are exceptions...
But that is a pure flavor thing and not rules.
its AL
(On the other hand you may end up with a stable group of like-minded players and a GM who's happy to stray from solely running the adventure verbatim; one of my AL groups is much like that.)
@Rubiksmoose Depends. The opposite (I'm a drow, therefore I must be a backstabby edgelord) would also provoke eyerolls.
@MikeQ Also very true.
@MikeQ edgelords are definitely the shadarkai. But your sentiment stands
@DavidCoffron That is does.
I plan to make him not unable to work with at the table but still kinda evil
Nov 1 '17 at 20:06, by nitsua60
Are these stereotypical drow, or are they all misunderstood loners struggling to nobly live their ideals in a world that paints them unfairly, dual-wielding their dancing ribbons in moonlit reveries to Elistraee?
and the farther I get in the story the more I become more good
@AidanLancaster In D&D, as long as your character isn't antagonistic (i.e. acting against the party and making things unpleasant for other players), then character motives and alignment are generally not a big deal
@AidanLancaster like striving to good but doesn't realize that what he does is really evil kind of thing?
@AidanLancaster Whatever you do, just don't steal from your fellow players lol
@Rubiksmoose or kill them. Thats a thing too
For ex. I would not let somebody die, I will protect them, but I might steal something small or valuable.
@DavidCoffron That would also be highly inadvisable lol
@AidanLancaster Yeah don't steal from other players.
Not players but from shops
Right, but then the guards come after you (and possibly your allies) and the game has been derailed
@MikeQ a bunch of friends of mine made AL characters who got their stealing on by stealing magic items from each other (reflavour of trading in downtime)
Hopefully we wont get stampeded with guards
@AidanLancaster breaking the law can cause a lot of problems in AL games.
@AidanLancaster Beware the common fallacy of "my guy syndrome". Basically, the player creates a character that causes or invites trouble, resulting in intra-party conflict, and then tries to deflect responsibility by blaming it on the character.
Hate to be a spoilsport, but "stealing from NPCs/shops/whatever", when we're talking about petty theft and not something like a carefully planned heist to relieve a major artifact from a villain, is generally one of those things that gets old fast and derails adventures into fixing messes you create. I'd abstract thievery as a downtime activity.
Q: What is "my guy syndrome" and how do I handle it?

Nameless NickI've been reading forum posts and blogs who mention "my guy" syndrome as a specific type of difficult player, but I can't seem to find a solid definition for the term. Can someone explain this particular kind of problem player to me? How do you deal with this kind of problem?

@DavidCoffron Also the DM can't even let it succeed right? Because treasure is strictly awarded?
umm... ok
See also: seducing NPCs every session
what can I do...
what to do...
new guy inour group tried to do the steal thing in his first session. That was pretty clearly stopped :)
@Rubiksmoose depends. Some adventures specifically allow for theft (and have detailed punishments, etc) as part of the module but in general you are correct. Anything you steal cannot be kept between adventures
what to do...
@AidanLancaster Do what you would otherwise do, minus the stealing :)
@AidanLancaster If you want you can say that your downtime Running a Business is theft.
But while on an adventure you stick to the goal at hand
Hey that could work!
Yep, that's how I'd recommend doing it.
Argh, so my party is currently on the Astral plane. DM is treating time to pass for spells, but does not pass normally for rests.
@AidanLancaster although I don't remember if that is PHB or DMG. One sec
@DavidCoffron Might be Xanathars?
@NautArch Your DM makes me so angry and I haven't even met him. lol
@NautArch where does it say time doesn't pass in the astral plane
@DavidCoffron apparently he's making it 1000 years on astral plane is 1 day on material. Our days are measured by Material even though we're on Astral. BUt spells run normally.
To elaborate why playing your character as an indiscriminate thief is usually bad: it steals the spotlight from the group to your character. Sure, the GM can impose penalties for it, and there might be risks involved, but it's still hijacking a chunk of your group's common fun time just for your character instead of doing something that'd be fun for the whole group.
We've got a player who died and we had thought we could hang out on Astral plane for 4 days before returning so that we can have the character recover from Resurrection.
@DavidCoffron So far the closest I can find is that it says creatures don't age.
And while there are exceptions, I don't think the other players imagine their characters' as "the sidekicks whose job is to clean up the messes Terry the Thief keeps making".
@DavidCoffron do you think a thieves guild could work
Well now I'm glad I brought up stealing. It was a kind of shot in the dark, but it is a very common route people go to show evilness.
@AidanLancaster As in, your character begins as a member of a thieves guild, and therefore knows about thievery stuff, without actually spending game time for stealing shenanigans? I say that works fine. Then again, I'm not an Adventurers League DM.
@AidanLancaster apparently running a business isn't an option in Adventurers League for downtime
You can Practic a Profession though
> You can work between adventures, allowing you to maintain a modest lifestyle without having to pay 1 gp per day (see chapter 5 for more information on lifestyle expenses). This benefit lasts as long you continue to practice your profession.

> If you are a member of an organization that can provide gainful employment, such as a temple or a thieves' guild, you earn enough to support a comfortable lifestyle instead.

> If you have proficiency in the Performance skill and put your performance skill to use during your downtime, you earn enough to support a wealthy lifestyle instead.
Basically you won't have to spend money during downtime while thieving (but that won't matter since you don't pay lifestyle expenses in AL unless you are doing something else) so basically it's already assumed that you are doing this
@DavidCoffron I think I will do a thieves guild so I know about stealing and have stolen but not do it in game
@AidanLancaster if it's just part of your backstory and something you do between adventures to have money for food, lodging, etc. than you should be fine
cool thanks for helping me out with my character
I think it would be neat if after I had the unicorn patron dream that he would wake up with a dagger that has what looks like a sharp unicorn horn and that the handle would be the unicorns neck and head
and he learns that it is his arcane focus
also a spiral glows around the unicorn horn
That sounds like a fun idea
Why not acquire the dagger first (maybe through a stereotypical drow raid) and then the dream occurs as your drow "attunes" (not actually attuning like a real magic item) with it?
When it comes to character backstory, motives, and flavor, all that matters is whether you're comfortable with it. Again, it may not be very impactful and the other players may not really care. But if you like it, then go for it!
that might just work
this website is awesome
If you really want to do a "change of heart" arc as a drow, your character should ideally start as a stereotypical drow. Drows are generally xenophobic (almost to an extreme), selfish, and lack pretty much any empathy.
That is how I described him @Yuuki
@Yuuki So are most murderhobo adventurers
I kinda want the reason he changes is because of the holy light and magic the unicorn gave me
@MikeQ It's a slightly different mindset, I think. Murderhobos know some things are bad things, but they just don't care. But drow don't really conceive of some of the terrible things they do as bad things.
They're just things that people do.
what kind of binding mark should I have
@AidanLancaster only trouble is, warlocks can't use daggers are arcane foci
so your saying I cant use it as a weapon?
@DavidCoffron If the arcane focus (unicorn horn) is pointy then perhaps it can work as an improvised weapon :P
cause Im not really worried about that
wasnt even planning to
@Mustachachu not without GM permission. It's up to the GM if using what is essentially a magic wand as an improvised weapon counts as a dagger
Im not using it as a weapon. is that ok
@Mustachachu yeah. Just call it a wand or rod (depending on how long it is)
the rules just say:
> An arcane focus is a special item designed to channel the power of arcane spells. A sorcerer, warlock, or wizard can use such an item as a spellcasting focus
I could use a umbrella :b
just a joke
And if you try to attack someone with your arcane focus, it will count as an improvised weapon and deal 1d4+STR bludgeoning damage.
Even if it's a dagger.
I know
mabey a bell
I just don't want him to have like a wand or staff
So if you fight a personification of the planet and it hits you, do you take falling damage or does it count as an improvised weapon?
and those I kill with the umbrella get swallowed by it and fuel its magic
@Mustachachu Sounds familiar....
@Yuuki the answer is that the planet is treated a creature and will have wildly different stats based on its approximate CR
@Mustachachu the available arcane foci for warlocks are crystal, orb, wand, staff, rod. You could treat a unicorn horn as a crystal or a wand probably
like a crystal in the shape of a unicorn horn
> An arcane focus is a special item — an orb, a crystal, a rod, a specially constructed staff, a wand-like length of wood, or some similar item — designed to channel the power of arcane spells
hey you know the toys that are a rod with a horse head at the end...
@Mustachachu The aesthetic details of the arcane focus are up to you and can pretty much be whatever. The important limitation is that it cannot function as a weapon or anything else mechanically.
It says "or some similar item" so you could use a unicorn horn itself if it was "designed to channel the power of arcane spells" (such as by your Patron) Just remember to deduct the cost from your starting gold and just treat it like a crystal or wand mechanically
do I have to pay for it cause the way its going is that I got it in a Drow raid
I will still pay for it if you say yes
@Mustachachu I think the warlock class lets you start with a free arcane focus
let me chek
@Mustachachu you don't have to pay for it per se. Just reduce your starting gold by that amount (or replace an equivalent item from your equipment)
Yeah @MikeQ I do start with one
How you get those items and gold in your backstory is up to you but you start with the same value in AL
I stole it :D
@DavidCoffron I checked the class. One of the warlock starting items is (a) component pouch or (b) arcane focus. So I don't think they'll need to spend starting gold on it.
@MikeQ I mean I consider that essentially equivalent to starting gold since you can buy and sell equipment before your first adventure in AL
Plus I stole it :D
I know Im going to use eldritch blast alot
Does anyone know how environmental and terrain factors affect the CR of an encounter? I couldn't find any existing questions on the site, but it's possible I missed it.
@MikeQ I dno't think they technically do
@MikeQ no official rules. Encounter guidelines are very.rough approximations anyway. We can provide specific advice based on experience though
Hm, okay. Then maybe I could get some feedback on some feedback I gave to a friend.
They'd been working on this setting for a while, we had game #1 of the weekend, and I would be generous if I described it as "abysmal". When they asked for feedback, I tried to explain that the encounters were too difficult, but they were not receptive and basically ignored me.
Four level 1 players. Monster is CR 2, environment is rough terrain and limited visibility that the monsters can ignore. We were expected to have 3 of these encounters in a single in-game day.
The DM's math seemed to assume that players would always hit and always roll maximum damage. I tried to explain that, no, you have to account for average rolls.
Sounds tough indeed.
The monsters were able to 1-shot our tankiest party member, and we only succeeded due to the DM fudging and the party blaster getting a lucky critical hit.
@MikeQ are these custom monsters or did they pick monsters that could bypass whatever the terrain/visibility limitations are?
@NautArch I looked up the monsters after the game and they should not have bypassed the environmental limitations.
@MikeQ a CR 2 in normal conditions is a deadly encounter for 4 level 1s
what are some of yalls character ideas for dnd
@MikeQ ugh. Sounds like my DM :(
I'd probably consider the low visibility and difficult terrain to be a 0.5 CR increase in difficulty (per monster that isn't similarly handicapped) meaning it is 100 xp harder than a deadly encounter
@MikeQ This is annoying indeed. I mean, DnD has that thing where the GM is always right, so "these goblins can fly!" is within their rights but...
Pretty sure we're fighting an Elder Brain right now and he's having it control us without haveing first been incapacitated.
@Mustachachu umm... i have about 40 that I've played in the past and 12 that I'm waiting for the right table for
And about 60 NPC that have PC stats
tell me your favorites @DavidCoffron
even if its just a concept
And especially when the GM isn't actively changing the rules but just very bad with them and playing by the ear... they'd really need a second opinion.
@Mustachachu top 3 have to be my reskinned dragonborn based on a Beholder mad scientist that grafted a Gazer to it's decapitated neck, my tiefling favored soul sorcerer with a familiar that is the embodiment of his former demonic infused soul (from Magic Initiate), and my Beastmaster ranger that sewed his mouth shut as part of his culture and didn't fight except by using his rangers companion which was a flying snake he kept in a basket that flew out and back in to strike at enemies.
(The Dragonborn one was a human with a Gazer for a head and the breath weapon was an eye ray)
@DavidCoffron How does the ranger eat?
@MikeQ Do you really want to know?
@Rubiksmoose The dice say yes
@MikeQ he can pull the stitches out when he wants. There are beads on either end of the string to remove it, but he only does that to eat or drink (which he only does in private) or cast vocal spells (which he only does when he really has to)
If I make a draconic bloodline sorcerer do I have to be dragonborn or what can I do otherwise
@Mustachachu any race
so is like a tiefling can have 2 human parents and the child can be a tiefling
Draconic bloodline just means:
> Your innate magic comes from draconic magic that was mingled with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often, sorcerers with this origin trace their descent back to a mighty sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain with a dragon or who might even have claimed a dragon parent
so that how it works.
but how does your ranger eat
4 mins ago, by David Coffron
@MikeQ he can pull the stitches out when he wants. There are beads on either end of the string to remove it, but he only does that to eat or drink (which he only does in private) or cast vocal spells (which he only does when he really has to)
@Mustachachu For my current DnD campaign (Curse of Strahd) I wanted to make an Avenger (from DnD 4e) but since 5e doesn't have that as a class, I just created a Kensei Monk with a heavy emphasis on their religious upbringing. His name is Omar the Monk (there's a regional pun in there) and he basically spent his youth doing charitable deeds for the local Triumvirate (Tyr, Torm and Ilmater) monastery until a premonition told his superiors that Omar should be trained as a holy warrior.
@kviiri is vengeance paladin not close enough for that?
I've been aching for making an Alamut-style character for ages, but ultimately I decided to keep Omar relatively jolly despite their strong convictions.
that's pretty cool
@DavidCoffron We already had someone dibs the Paladin, and Avenger is more like light armor, swift blades -style anyway. They're like Assassin's Creed.
@kviiri "Your oaths bring divine wrath upon the enemies of your god. With methodical devastation you eliminate one foe at a time."
Seems like paladin to me and Paladin can wear light armor and finesse weapons
Yeah, but it's not a very effective build is it?
I haven't done the math
I'm guessing avenger avenge?
@kviiri it's the same as a regular paladin. Maybe a bit better. You just focus on dex instead of strength
And dex is just so good
Besides, Monk powers are fun and effective, whereas I'm not really a fan of divine smite or spell picks
so there like the vengeance paladin but lighter
@kviiri I mean your build sounds fun, I was just confused when you said "5e doesn't have that as a class"
@Mustachachu Well, they're a 4e class, so comparing them directly to 5e Paladin is rather inadvisable. In 4e, Paladins are more strictly oriented towards defense than in 5e
Personally I love reflavouring classes based on what I want
@kviiri 5e paladin aren't that defensive. They get saves but you can get pretty aggressive with them
so there more like a holy offensive character
@Mustachachu Exactly :)
that sounds awesome
I might try an create something like it
@DavidCoffron Devotion I think is the one of the closest to defensive (maybe crown?)
4e has this deal where classes have a role in the party: striker (for high damage), defender (for checking enemies), controller (for area of effect) and leader (for buffs and healing), although of course no class is purely dedicated to their area.
@NautArch I mean. There aren't really roles in 5e. Every character has some damage dealing options (i.e. Striker) and some defensive options (i.e. Defender)
@DavidCoffron very true. Perfectly Balanced.
@NautArch you can make a balanced party with any mix of classes whereas in 4e good luck doing much with 4 warlords
Humph. Apparently there is one user who rolled back a change just because they did not want a DnDB link added to their answer. That seems kind of...odd.
For religious classes, the classic Cleric is Leader and focuses on buffs and healing, Invoker (lore-wise close to Celestial Warlock) is a Controller and has strong AoE attacks, Avenger is Striker and deals the best single-target damage of the group with a variety of melee and ranged attacks, and Paladin is the Defender and can discourage enemies from attacking their allies.
sounds like a rouge, paladin, fighter, bard, and cleric
@Rubiksmoose probably because they don't like promoting digital copies for additional charge. I've seen that argument before
and a magic user for flavor
@kviiri Is the Classic CLeric a Life Cleric in 5e?
@DavidCoffron Huh, though to be fair, some people only have digital copies so I'm not sure that argument has any legs to it.
@NautArch I'd guess. I don't really know what sets a Life Cleric apart from the rest, but you know the traditional goody two shoes healer and buffer cleric :)
@NautArch what do you mean classic? Like from AD&D 1e?
Although 4e does allow for a "shield and prayer" type clerics too
I probably been on here for 5 hours now
@Mustachachu it's a great community (imo). I got hooked.
@DavidCoffron @kviiri said "classic cleric"
@NautArch oh. Missed that whoops
Yeah, in love with this chat
@Mustachachu you say that now. The question is what about when we start talking about baby eagles and your like wth?
I wonder what a owlbear cub looks like
@Mustachachu 4e does this thing where they slowly gave each of those four roles a class (or several) for each power source. Eg. you have Martial Strikers (Ranger and Rogue), Martial Defenders (Fighter), Martial Leaders (Warlord) etc for almost all combinations of power source + role.
@DavidCoffron I miss Jeff
@Mustachachu that's been asked so many times on this chat lol
Which, somewhat understandably, results in some classes feeling a bit samey with different flavor. Most of the time they did a good job giving them some distinction, but eg. Invokers feel a lot like Wizards by their mechanics.
@NautArch Me too :(
I want one NOWWW
what was it like playing a war lord if it is playable
@Mustachachu well... You could probably reflavour a familiar Cat to be a baby owlbear.
@kviiri What about Martial Goalies or Martial Mid-fielders?
@Mustachachu it was a lot like 5e valor bard. Buffing allies attacks and stuff
he is so FLUFY
oh cool
I think the next character I make is going to be a circle of the shepherd druid
he sounds like a really good support
and a good summoner
@Mustachachu "I'm Archdruid Shepherd and this is my favorite shop in Neverwinter."
By arch does it mean some sorta leader
@Yuuki None of those :< I guess that would've been in 5e if 4e hadn't been panned so much.
oh found what it means. your at level 20 so I was kinda right :/
I personally believe 4e was panned because "D&D only" types refused to acknowledge that D&D excels at combat but is middling at other things.
@Yuuki Yeah, but I believe there was a healthy dose of snowball effect involved too. After some critical mass of hatred a game (or actor, or other work of fiction) becomes an acceptable target that people keep reviling for kicks.
@Yuuki People still do refuse to do this. I also fell into this trap at some point. Once people play other systems that are truly designed to do things that D&D does poorly, I think they quickly come around.
@kviiri something something the last jedi
@Mustachachu not quite. The archsruid in Volos Guide to Monsters is not a level 20 druid. (Level 17 if I remember). There is no official definition of archdruid. But there is a feature you get with that name at level 20
Once something gets that critical mass of hatred going against it, jokes at its expense don't need to even be true anymore. (cf. "Wesley Crusher always saves the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation")
I can't tell any more so what is the different for a mage and a wizard. I think its that a mage learns little bits of all magic and wizards manly focus on one school of magic
ok @DavidCoffron
There's nothing set in stone as far as naming goes.
@Mustachachu Just so you know, if you hover over a message, look to the far right and if you click on the arrow icon you will reply to that message.
@Mustachachu "Mage" is not a specific class in 5e, so it's just a non-specific term for someone who does magic..
One thing that people have trouble internalizing is that there's a difference between <Game Mechanics Class Name> and in-universe titles.
@Mustachachu mage isn't a term in 5e, but in 3.5 it has a specific definition
@kviiri ok
I could make a Warlock and go by "mage" or "wizard" in-universe.
@Rubiksmoose when you or someone else taught me that a couple months ago I was shocked (I used to click the drop down menu to reply)
@Yuuki ok I just asked because I saw to different definitions
@DavidCoffron Oh man! I always forget that you can even do that!
@Yuuki or play a wizard and go by Acolyte of Gruumsh
(Which I've done)
Heck, play a Paladin and go by "mage", a la Final Fantasy Red Mages.
@Yuuki I personally adhere to this principle (as a part of my Apocalypse World background where that's actually a part of the rules) but I know people who seriously object to it
@kviiri the rules themselves offer name changes though. (Monsterous shamans are druids for example)
Anyone who objects is just being needlessly pedantic.
@DavidCoffron Amen!
Or well. I can picture a genre where the distinction is important, but it's not how most people play DnD, I assume.
But yeah I want to also want to make a wizard that is famous for his magical talent in institute for wizard, bruxnyce. he has a rival unknown to him and the rival ambushes my wizard and he blackout. when he goes home and tries to us enlarge/reduce on a piece of soap to take a bath. but he realizes for one the dragon tooth around his neck(his arcane focus that has runes that glow reddish orange when used) doesn't glow and that the soap didn't grow. when he went back to the institute the
@Mustachachu who uses a second level spell to bathe? That seems a bit excessive
counsel restored his magic back, but not fully.they said the rival used darkmagic and the only way to restore his arcana and strength back was to go on a journey to restore his power
Btw for your unicorn horn, see this question
its because he doesn't care he is such a good wizard, at least that's what most people including him think
so he thinks of it as not a big deal
@DavidCoffron Im just going to say its a wand instead and make the sharp horn only pointy
@Mustachachu I guess if he got signature spells (Level 18 IIRC) then casting it is no cost to him
so what do you think about my character
@Mustachachu the wizard or the Warlock?
@DavidCoffron wizard he goes to a institute for wizards
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron is available NOW on D&D Beyond: dndbeyond.com/marketplace/source/37
@Mustachachu it's interesting. Make sure you pump that arcana skill. I'd go with variant human prodigy to get expertise on arcana because he's going to have a lot of knowledge of magic from his backstory even if his magic isn't as strong now
I'm going to make him a gnome
I think a rock but not sure yet
@Rubiksmoose new races!?! Are these official. How did I miss it...
We'll have our first 7th Sea game next Thursday \o/
One player still hasn't made his character concept, but that's forgivable because he's a quick substitute for another player who had to drop out
have to go to the movies will be back for sure
while yall are here comment on my character idea
@DavidCoffron It seems that way? This is the first I'm hearing of it as well!
Looks published today @Rubiksmoose @DavidCoffron
@SirCinnamon @Rubiksmoose @DavidCoffron looks like it's official
@NautArch ugh. Not changelings...
@DavidCoffron Nooooo it is the one I was hoping for.
@DavidCoffron Oh wait, no, changelings are included. Are you saying ugh because you don't like them?
@Rubiksmoose to add to the confusion, you just said "no changelings are included" :)
@Sdjz hah! clarified.
@Rubiksmoose yes
@DavidCoffron Ah well I think they are awesome. I've been playing the UA version of one for a couple of years now lol
Sadly I have not had a lot of great uses for my shapechaning ability.
In short: Eberron? Yes! Ravnica? Yes! Longer: Read the details! Happy Monday! http://dndadventurersleague.org/when-worlds-collide/
@Rubiksmoose what details? I get 404
@DavidCoffron Weird it works for me. Does this work?
@Rubiksmoose Neither link works for me as well
@Rubiksmoose maybe it's mobile. You on mobile @Sdjz
@DavidCoffron No I'm not on mobile
@Rubiksmoose quick! Screencap the entire page and post on Google drive
@Rubiksmoose issue I have with channeling is shapechanged is either extremely broken or useless depending on the campaign
@Rubiksmoose and my axe! nor me.
Maybe they are just getting hammered by traffic.
Or maybe (and this is the one I prefer) I am just super special and awesome.
@Rubiksmoose meh. I don't play AL anymore so idc too much about organized play, but this means a lot for my home games. New races to try out is always interesting
@DavidCoffron Agreed. I love new races.
@Rubiksmoose I'm also excited that we get ravnica (which showed up in planeshift) bc it means we could get kaladesh and amonkhet (some of my favorite planes in mtg)
@DavidCoffron I mean I don't know about broken. It is only slightly more powerful than having someone with the Alter Self spell...
@Rubiksmoose except it's free and is a racial trait
@DavidCoffron But as far as campaign balance goes it really doesn't have an effect more so than disguise magic regardless of cost.
Plus that ability is in place of another racial ability that could have been there, so there is opportunity cost.
@Rubiksmoose it's functionally equivalent to Myriad of Many Forms (Eldritch invocation) which is level 14 IIRC
15th level* and I doubt a Warlock is ever using alter self for natural weapons so it's basically the same
@DavidCoffron I mean there is also the aquatic thing in there but yeah. I mean it is powerful sure. But I see nothing broken about it. Broken would imply that it has some negative impact on the game and one character choice giving a feature before another character doesn't necessarily equate.
@Rubiksmoose it makes any disguise based character have to choose to be optimal. I'm playing a mastermind rogue who went high Intelligence just to improve his disguises
Unless your game is heavily social and intrigue based, the feature shouldn't have basically any impact on play.
@DavidCoffron Why Int for disguise?
(Since almost all enemies can be negotiated with especially if you are the right race
I can make the Sunless Citadel super easy for example
@Rubiksmoose that's why I said it's broken or useless depending on campaign
@Rubiksmoose that's the one to make the disguise. Charisma to pull it off
@DavidCoffron Ah I see.
@DavidCoffron Well to each their own. I don't think that one thing being good at something makes it broken even if it is an optimal choice for some character types.
@Rubiksmoose shrug it just seems too easy.
It's a part of the intricacies of balance
Someone wrote a nice answer to a question I posted and I'd like to send them a message discussing it. Is there a way to message/email a user through the site?
@KieranMullen There is not. You can comment or invite them to a chat, but all is publicly logged.
Ok thanks!
@KieranMullen what question was it?. Just curious
FYI: Smoke Detector will now post in Not A Bar instead of here as a trial. If you feel like it should be switched back to posting here, ping me.
what is Smoke Detector? the spam detection bot thing?
@V2Blast Yep
cool cool
I played new games this weekend! Nothing of the new stuff I desperately need on my To-Be-Played list, but I also played Fiasco and Lovecraftesque, and they definitely stay on the list.
The homebrew Harry Potter game had an interesting point to it and struck a good balance between School and Adventure, and I hope I gave decent feedback.
The homebrew science fiction game was… very traditional, with a huge skill list and a world with interesting ideas, but not very interesting implementation.
The Sprawl runs Cyberpunk missions decently, but didn't convince me as much as other PbtA games, part of which is possibly due to group circumstances.
Hm. I considered starting to tweet about the games I play, short stories I consume and models I build. Turns out my usual username is already a (suspended) twitter account and now I need to think about some other handle, because I don't just want a 1 after it.
@Anaphory Ana4y?

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