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In 3.5 there's just a list of magical keels that ships can be made with, which let the ship sail through different mediums like air, sand, lava, etc.
(One of my campaigns concluded with retrofitting a gnome armada for sand so they could take the fight to the villain's desert stronghold.)
Oh wow. There were three items in the review queue!
3 hours later…
@BESW Nice. I'm not sure if it's it's something I'd play or not, but I love the vibe of Threadbare -- it's the kind of thing I might buy just to check out. And I'm curious about Tiny Dungeons, too.
That's one that will likely get bought and tossed onto the pile of "games I want to play but probably will never get a chance to." :v
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body: is keto x factor safe? by zidane9506 on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
Diet spam might be here to stay at this rate. 🤔
Which is just regular spam and has no weight loss benefits, except from your wallet.
@doppelgreener So IS eating only every four days an option? It's probably great for that, as well.
@Anaphory Many things are an option, some things are only an option for the short term.
@doppelgreener at least you don't seem to have user profile based advertising. Yet.
(because u will be dead)
You can try any diet once, but not every diet.
Lose weight quickly! Become a lich today!
Seeing you two: Oops. I wanted to print my Masters of Umdaar character sheets today, but I left the files at home. So that's what my lunch break will be…
Example spam based profile - and those often don't post any content, so it is pretty hard to have them removed. Still, they do poison google search result
@Anaphory oh nuts!
@Derpy There isn't a flag option on there anywhere?
Empty profile spam is hard to detect, report, or remove — but it's also generally not an issue
@doppelgreener Lose weight quickly! Try Human Transmutation today. Our testimonial, Alphonse Elric, lost 100% of his fat mass with just one application!
@Anaphory you can't flag profiles directly if they don't post anything. Your only option is to custom flag one of your own messages and use the free text to explain the issue and link the profile.
But the staff is somehow against this, since they think that no-one is going to see those profiles since they didn't post any content.
So, they say it is not worth the effort to act on them.
Problem is...
Diets, car insurances and such are only a part of those spammers.
@Derpy So if someone has horrible things in their profile text but is a low-profile kinda-reasonable poster otherwise, that can't be flagged either?
On other sites you also get fake profiles advertising nsfw products. Having those pop out as google search results isn't exactly good for Stack (yep, someone checked and google does index the profiles)
@Anaphory profiles are an odd thing too, multiple arguments have been made on meta about moderating them more actively.
It seems the tolerance level is much higher on them. The excuse still the same: you won't see them unless you actively click on an user name
I had my fair share of "battles" trying to change this, only to end up with refused flags and the such...
My understanding is the lack of official concern about it is based on the idea you don't find this kind of spam unless you're specifically going looking for it.
@doppelgreener yep. That's what I mean.
Post spam on the other hand gets found where you're looking for it or not.
(e.g. it's right there on the homepage)
Still, profiles like this one (not spam, just somehow "offensive/rude" stuff) are somehow disturbing, at least for me. But yep, this one specifically I once flagged and the flag got rejected, so I just dropped any further attempt to moderate profiles. Basically, I now accept the idea that I am just overthinking it
@doppelgreener ugh I hope not
@Derpy At least in the current zeitgeist, yes.
@doppelgreener that said, It is funny to seen how the same content can be considered rude in a post but will be left there in a profile. Seems a little... odd at the least.
Different spaces, different rules.
With all these blog posts about the need to "build a more welcoming and inclusive network" it feels odd that one can be not-so-inclusive in his profile.
BTW: Smoke Detector can be configured to not continue to post messages in this chat, should we want that.
I think it's fine for now
if it starts posting a lot in a row I think then we would want that to stop
Turns out I had very little time, so I didn't follow deeply in @BESW's footsteps with making table tents etc., just sheets that fold up on top and I have no idea how user-friendly that will be, with all the scribbling and filling-in necessary on there.
That was the first time I've ever done that extent of paper-prop-prep.
I know. It inspired me, but I did not manage to follow through on it.
However, I will point out this:
A: Where can I find a foldable character sheet for The Dresden Files

Chuck DeeSince I couldn't actually find a character sheet like this for The Dresden Files, I created my own. Since I used assets from the Evil Hat character sheet, I'm submitting it to them first to make sure it's OK for me to distribute it, and I'll post it when I do (or make whatever changes they requi...

@BESW That's what this is inspired by. I just don't know how well it holds up in practice.
Let me know!
DFRPG was always a bit bloated anyway.
Note: The portrait for the first character is a fictional portrait titled “I am Crow” by someone called Kirby Sattler. Originally I was looking for a nice photo of a female Stormcrow Draughir from Empire LRP
Given my pregens, I might end up with a lot of very Flashy characters, because I left it empty for each one with space for a +3, apparently. Mind you, that can also allow people to fill in their second +1 there, so it's unlikely.
I like it.
@Anaphory that's kinda cool
2 hours later…
Is this question actually a dupe or is this a case of same answer, different question? Title question implies different, but body suggests it could be the same.
Seems like the same question to me
"Does disadvantage from sunlight trigger on this spell" == "Is this spell sunlight"
@SirCinnamon THat's why I don't think it's the same. You need to have an answer to "is it sunlight" to answer "does this feature get triggered?". Those are two distinct questions (just that one is reliant on the other.)
@NautArch But there isnt any actual confusion about if sunlight would trigger the feature
its just a differently phrased title
@SirCinnamon Right, I"m just not sure of "this question is functionally equivalent" is the same as "duplicate".
Duplicate answers are not duplicate questions. The question is very much "does this create disadvantage" not "is this actual sunlight"
@NautArch I've seen totally different questions that share an answer closed as dupe so i think that this counts
Those, I think, are two different questions with the same answer.
@SirCinnamon You should vote to reopen those
Duplicate answers are not duplicate questions.
@NautArch hehehe, tell that to the Science, Fiction and Fantasy users. ^_^'
Q: If an answer to question A can be found in question B, should we close A as duplicate of B?

enkryptorSituation — there are two different questions Aq and Bq. Question Aq has a specific answer Aa. Question Bq has a good detailed answer, which includes points Aa, Ba and Ca. Should Aq be closed as a duplicate of Bq? Or does "duplicate" imply that Bq has to be a duplicate of Aq as well?

Q: Does a "Minor Conjuration" object contain details of the original even if the caster did not see those details?

Sir CinnamonFor example, conjuring a sheet of paper which was face down, or a portrait with an inscription on the back. Can the object be conjured in order to examine details which cannot be seen on the original? If no - what appears in the place of the missing details? For example if you conjure a small ch...

Although im seeing now its no longer actually flagged as dupe haha
It was at one point!
THe system works!
> For example, I would rule that the object conforms to the caster's desires: if the caster wants to see a piece of paper with incriminating evidence, they will conjure one, even if it differs from the real sheet of paper
my evil side is already thinking how to dastardly use this.
Mage tries this trick hoping to get copy of evil overlord plan, he succeed, party goes to secret location marked on map and finds nothing
> "I said you succeed in conjuring some evil plan, not that those where identical to the original ones"
@Derpy I dont think I would rule that way. I think that actually makes the spell STRONGER than it should be
somehow, that would probably work very well in Paranoia. Reminds me to give the "Acme Evil Documentation Replicator Camera" to my victims players someday in the future.
Ugh, 1/3 players just dropped out of my game tonight. Talking to them to see if they want to risk playing with just 2.
I may be as kind as to put a warning line "Warning: the replicated document may differ from the original" in the instruction booklet.
@NautArch Small party games really take a hit from 1 player being busy. Bane of my existence
written in orange.
@Derpy on orange paper
@SirCinnamon Yeah, and they're about to start a pretty difficult combat. I can adjust (and even plan on the combat possibly being a hit and run), but it'll be tough.
Q: Is a question that relies on another question for an answer a duplicate?

NautArchThis is related to this question. The title is definitely a different question, although the answer does rely on the currently marked duplicate. The last paragraph of the body recognizes this, but I'm not sure that means it's a duplicate. It's close enough that I could see it being a duplicate,...

@NautArch I still think it's a dupe - the body doesn't actually ask anything about what counts as triggers for Sunlight Sensitivity because the asker already knows: sunlight. In the last paragraph though, they ask "is it actally sunlight? "
And yeah if they players want to go ahead you could tune for 2 players or let them play the missing character, or have an npc show up in that characters place
@SirCinnamon That's the bit that suggests dupe. But the rest is just "Is this racial trait triggered by Holy NImbus?" That's the question. The answer requires stating that Holy Nimbus IS sunlight, but the question is different. The more I think about it, the less I think it's a dupe.
@SirCinnamon I wouldn't throw an NPC in and I'm not a fan of others playing characters from someone else (what happens if they die?!)
@NautArch But taking out that portion is the question just "Does sunlight trigger sunlight sensitivity?" Is that a valid question for stack?
@SirCinnamon I'd say it is. I'd say it's not a good question, but it's a question.
@NautArch If that's the ruling of the stack then I'll stand by it.
@SirCinnamon Well, it's my opinion right now :) We'll see what the Meta response is.
I see it both as a dupe and not a dupe. It's a confusing one (for me.)
Yeah for sure. It's treading some kind of line. My opinion is, other than asking if the spell is "capital-S Sunlight" there isn't enough meat to warrant separate question
Interesting. Been reading the primer for Monte Cook's 'Invisible Sun'. The game allows for players who can't make it or cancel at the last moment.
2 hours later…
@V2Blast Hi,
Thanks for joining Indian Languages. Also consider to vote on existing questions and posting some example questions if possible.
@NautArch I consider it a dupe if a third party observer would consider it the same question if given only foundational (non-tangential) information
In this case it is abundantly clear that sunlight triggers Sunlight Sensitivity via the description so it is a dupe imo
@DavidCoffron Yup, as I said I totally get that. BUt I also see that it's a 2nd order operation. They're asking if Racial Sensitivity is affected by holy nimbus. The answer is yes, becaues it's actually sunlight. BUt that's different than the question "does holy nimbus give sunlight"
@NautArch we have many duplicates like that. We have some even more tangentially related that I think are valid
@DavidCoffron do you have an example? But I guess that makes the meta question more important to figure out what's right.
Actually you might be right for this case. Some instances of Sunlight Sensitivity call for "direct sunlight" and it is not avundantly clear if Holy Nimbus is direct
It's also why i commented with the link rather than hitting with the dupe-hammer. I just wasn't sure and wanted to see community votes.
The title should be "is a kobold's sunlight sensitivity..."
@DavidCoffron maybe, but doesn't necessarily need to be. THey reference Kobold in the first sentence.
@NautArch Drow from the monster manual doesn't have the language about direct sunlight. Different answer possibly
@DavidCoffron Maybe, but the body is clear as to which Sensitivity is being referenced. THe title doesn't have to be exact.
@NautArch but it should be the most precise possible to avoid confusion
@DavidCoffron I'm reading a lot of preferences, but no requirements, on Meta about this. yes, it should - no it doesn't have to.
5 hours later…
@Jack Hi!
Hi, BESW, sorry for not answering. Apparently I don't know how this thing works.
No worries! I'm in and out myself.
Q: Is this question within the guidelines?

JackIs the following question within guidelines? If not, what are some suggestions for how I might modify it to be within guidelines? ========= Title: How does PC access to life-restoration magic affect a westmarchian campaign? Body: One of the hallmarks of a westmarchian game is danger, with a ...

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