And yeah, it's not for everyone, and even for those that do enjoy it, there's different levels. Some people take it really seriously, and to others it's just a way to pass the time haha
I saw a short pardoy of Pokémon, they're looking at the Pokedex, thinking "What next? We've got the Sun and the Moon, Life and Death, all four of the seasons..."
The guy goes "Only one place left... WE GO FOR GOD."
Heh. It always makes me go ??? when people complain about the object Pokemon when in gen 1 you had Pokemon that were pokeballs and living toxic waste. I've played every generation of Pokemon, and honestly, the only real differences are gradual changes to the art style.
I don't think it's particularly necessary to keep playing them though, because every game essentially is a repeat of the last, with a new minigame gimmick and a few tweaks. I just really like that type of game (though even I didn't buy the latest gen, as I don't have much video gaming energy lately).
@Pixie I have no problem with objects, personally. The recycled ideas and concepts that honestly just seem dumb, combined with the crazy levels of escalation, are what killed it for me.
I mean, there were more legendaries in Gen 4 than in Gen 1 and 2 combined...maybe even 1 and 2 and 3.
That's fair. It doesn't bother me much, but, again, it's just a type of game I enjoy. I've also always been a big fan of Digimon, and frankly, nothing Pokemon does can out-weird Digimon. :P
but either way I would either have to illegally pirate it, buy a new device and cartridge or wtv is used for it now,... or find a really old one that might even be more expensive?
I remember in the Old Days before I had a link cable, I'd have to have my friends put Pokemon we wanted to trade into Pokemon Stadium and then transfer it out... it was a pain.
Yeah, I don't have a Switch yet, and I'm not sure I will anytime soon. I'm also not super into what I've seen of Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. I mean, it doesn't look bad either, but it's pretty much "Go on a console + gen 1 nostalgia." The latter I like, the former less. :P
@trogdor Gen 1 was the foundation. It was a good idea, solid, and well rounded. Then they built on it. Problem is, a foundation can only support so much
@trogdor Honestly BotW is one of the few occasions where they built outside the box. And it paid off. Yeah, there's a few things that make it a little clunky, but all in all, it is a great game, because it has that "Open world discovery" type feel to it. You go on your quest to do x, and get distracted by other things... it really is an enjoyable game.
And yeah, like @Miniman was saying earlier, they really went off the deep end with the whole "gods" thing in Pokémon. "Oh, you're a god? Ok... I'll have to pop down the shop to grab a few more Ultraballs. BRB"
@Ben See, for me, I tried BotW, and it just seemed like a bunch of small annoyances piled up into a really annoying game. It's really killed the Switch for me - that was the big draw. Although when Octopath Traveler comes out I might change my mind.
Kirby is what generally determines when I buy a new Nintendo console, but I still haven't picked up a Switch... and I skipped the WiiU, too. I guess I've become a bit of a PC gamer. I'd miss Kirby, except that I have a million other Kirby games.
I can spend my video game money on like, probably at least 10 good games instead of one good one I didn't like the weapon system for and it's really expensive console
PC for life right now
I don't make enough to buy new consoles when they come out
along with new games
(especially, again,.... if they only currently have one really good looking game coming out with them)
Yeah. I completely forgot to check my cart out during the Steam summer sale, but it was just kind of like, "Aww, I couldn't buy 20 more games I won't have time to play. What will I do? Just play the 50 other games I haven't played yet? Preposterous."
@Ben Honestly, I'm just sick of the games industry trying to shove open world down my throat. Giant landscapes dotted with small camps of enemies are just not interesting to me, let alone MMO-style "collect 100 Xs in this area".
@trogdor I don't remember if it was the PS4 or the Xbone that had the same issue... after the console war, one pr bpth pf them only had like, one game that anyone cared about... which really killed the craze
My dad insisted on buying me a PS4 for Christmas one year. I pretty much only use it for KoF and Digimon games. But KoF came out on Steam after... (oh well, I would have had to have the limited edition artbook anyway, because I love KoF far too much).
Honestly, that's probably what it really comes down to for me. I don't like consumables, and BotW is a game where as many things as possible are consumables.
I'm not upset about the amount of DLC characters for KoF, though, because the roster was ridiculously big to begin with (as any KoF game should be). I was like "Yes, please, let me buy Whip. Thank you so much."
@Miniman seeing as bombs are really really necessary to get to certain areas in most Zelda games,... I wish they had been like they are in BotW from the start
@Pixie hey if it works
I was lucky enough to pick up Skullgirls when all the characters were out
so I didn't need to buy new DLC just to get like, Beowulf or Big Band or Eliza or whoever
which I probably would have done,.... but yeah didn't need to
@Miniman I have heard good things about it. My only issue is that I'm very hard to convince - I have somehow developed a very high degree of "Judge a book by its cover"
You've got 3 different stances, light and heavy attacks in each, 2 different weapons equipped...and the game rewards switching it up continually in every category.
God of War kinda overdid it too... there's a lot less in comparison, but there's 3 different weapons to use, and all have 2 "stances" which is handled by timing your attacks... at least this can all be bypassed if you don't want to use it
@Ben Sorry, rage mode in the sense of an ability that you can only use occasionally that makes you more powerful for a short period of time. Often referred to as "super saiyan".
Mini, do you mean that in most games with an occasional resource, you have trouble remembering you have it and using it at times when it's of the most benefit?
I did end up using it, finally... It went amazingly well... and then horribly haha. He managed to stay conscious for 2 extra wounds (once you exceed 3 wounds, your character falls unconscious), even before he lost complete control and went berserk.
Then he failed the vigor check and fell unconscious half way through the fight
I think this is a common thing. remembering that you have a common ability vs that one off thing is always a challenge.
It's either you always forget you have it, or it's a toss up to try and figure out if you should use it now, or later when a better opportunity comes up
@Miniman I liked the current question where the moonblade is given at level seven but the DM had the thieves guild steel their bag of holding. Your "not an answer" is step one, but I think that one may need to hash out ideas at a forum
@trogdor That one stealth mission where it starts out with the night vision sniper rifle, and then you check your secondary weapon and it's a rocket launcher...
I would murder an elite with stealth first if I could so I could shoot and melee with one of thier plasma rifles and then pick my sniper back up to carry it to the next area
@Miniman it was on legendary
I played too much
I started dueling elites by sidestepping them and back hitting them eventually
@trogdor As far as I'm concerned, the only ways to kill elites on legendary are vehicles, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, and plasma grenades. Mostly just plasma grenades.
@Miniman The fact that they even had "bosses" was cringeworthy enough. The only thing they were missing were actual on-screen health bars. And I'm not sure if that would have actually made it better
If you do play it, ask me about weapon upgrades, cos they range from "completely useless" to "turns one of the weakest weapons in the game into one of the strongest", and there's not a lot of hints to tell you which is which.
@trogdor No, I liked the difficulty level. (I played on the equivalent of Heroic). More that it was a pretty significant time investment that I don't feel would merit a replay.
We were interrogating the barman (after hours, cos we were an Inquisitor Squad - we had a reputation to uphold) and it was going badly (kept failing our Interrogation rolls). It started getting violent, but never went anywhere.
So we're all standing around, and it's like "So, what now?" Bobby: "I set the bar on fire" [The rest of us chuckle] "So, are we gonna kill this guy? Or do we pay him off and trust him not to talk?" GM: "well whatever you do, you'd best do it outside... cos these spirits are highly flammable, and the bar is on fire." Us: "Oh sh--"
@Miniman to be fair, if I were to pick it up and play on the hardest difficulty the specific things I learned in Halo would probably not translate well
besides aiming and shooting
I doubt Doom encourages handling all that much with stealth
@Miniman I mean the underlying scope of the game. "Kill them faster than they can kill you". Adding things like stealth or puzzle solving (sometimes "and" instead of "or") real;ly ruins the game
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, repeated url at end of long post: You must be ready to WANT by user45692 on rpg.SE (@doppelgreener)
My character was one. The Omnissiah Axe is kind of like the "staple" weapon for a Techpriest, although most classes don't get it until later levels.
My GM used to feel that a Techpriest needed it. To him it's like a Wizard without his Spellbook
It certainly made my Explorator an interesting case - Explorators are normally more intelligence-based, investigating new weird and wonderful technology. Then when battle comes about, this tiny, frail little guy is whipping around a huge axe
"this isn't over yet" seems cliche, there is a murder, and an enemy accuses a party member, the issue is dropped because the enemy doesnt want to reviel the contents of his cart, but latter challenges that person to a duel
the party will level between events
so looking for a line that the enemy could say as he walks away, to set the party thinking when they evel
Then of course you have to follow it by some kind of weird event that doesn't allow the party to confirm the death. Like, the room starts to collapse, or the body disappears somehow
Like, the bad guy just rises into the air slightly... they seem to be in pain, as they begin to glow (or perhaps are engulfed in flame)… they say the line, then they just implode
well, the party is in a caravan, the death is confirmed but the murderer is unidentifiable. the enemy is trying to keep their identity and cargo secret. So the encounter ends by merchants suggesting they open their cart to asses what is missng, which the enemy refuses to do and drops the accusation
so, I want to hint that although the enemy walks away, he doesn't drop the matter
Good morning (or whatever time it is for you, currently) :) Does anyone remember a question about kicking a new player (new to the hobby) out of the group without alienating him from the hobby? I know for sure I have read or heard the question somewhere, but I can't find it.
Case should be pretty clear in my case: Player applied to our (online) game even though he was below the minimum age I set (below 18, he is 13 or 14, that only became clear after a few sessions, from the first impression we all thought he was around 16) but the group decided we wanted to try it (He was new to Pen&Paper in general, but very interested and enthusiastic)
After 3 or 4 sessions, we had a talk with him about our playstyle differences (he is very "random" in his actions and just tries to do funny, nonsensical things, which does not really fit the rest of the groups style and the tone of the campaign), where we told him we want him to be in this group, if he wants to continue and if he is ok with adapting his style to fit (that style was also advertised for the campaign when I was originally looking for players)
This included a "if you don't want to adapt your playstyle (or can't), we will probably need to part ways" - Worked out for a few sessions, but got worse again over time, and is now where it started again. Should not be any XY Problem there, at least none that I can see :D
Yeah. We tried, and it was ok (It was not a horrible experience or anything), but it just doesn't fit. That's not fair for anyone involved (I as gm find myself giving that player less spotlight, because if I do, it will be a drastic tone change every time)
I thought it was Fortnite that was all the hype and craze these days? :D
Though, come to think of it, my little cousins (he's ten now) main themes to talk about in the last few years where FIFA and Minecraft, so that might be right :D