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@BESW that lines up perfectly with the day I can't stay nearly as late
Yeah, so if you wanna come to the con...
so that works out great
what time is it?
I dunno how much other than Lady Blackbird would be of interest to you though.
11-6 Saturday, 12-5 Sunday. Epixcon wobsite.
Lady Blackbird is great, but it might indeed be the only reason I would go
There'll be D&D tables and some TCG tables, costume contests, anime screenings, etc.
Maybe some board games? They're trying to pivot from "anime con" to "geek hobby con."
But it's all very last-minute (Agana Shopping Center didn't give the organizers enough time) so a week from the con they still don't know exactly what all will be in it.
well I will consider going at least
I wouldn't even do that if you were not going to be there running something
that the thing is Lady Blackbird is a nice bonus
hey there @bruglesco, how're things going?
@Shalvenay all is well
Been a while since I poked my head in here
How are all of you?
doing fine here
Low-key panicking about suddenly being asked to do my first con game ever.
You've got this :)
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@BESW I would recommend the one minute sales pitch, not the one sentence sales pitch. (elevator pitch more or less)
@Shalvenay Good evening, and how art thee?
@KorvinStarmast It's hard to fit the one-minute sales pitch into the program pamphlet.
@KorvinStarmast doing alright, as to you?
@BESW Ah, I'd still recommend more than one sentence. A paragraph? Three sentences?
@Shalvenay Our local mosquito population are most affectionate.
Our recent tropical depression blessed them with ample breeding pools, and so they overwhelm us with kisses
@KorvinStarmast :P
@KorvinStarmast I am confused. Since when is commentless downvoting inherently an issue with RPG SE?
@Shalvenay I have over thirty confirmed kills in 48 hours in the house alone ....
@MikeQ I don't think it is, and I think that particular user is saddened by more than commentless downvoting.
@MikeQ Seen it on all of the sites where I participate
It was Draco's comment that I had hoped to highlight, is that not the one that cropped up?
It did, it says the site is uninviting, doesn't really explain how, so I can't really agree or disagree with their opinion
@MikeQ The discussion on that meta q&a has ranged over a variety of topics and discontents. I find each position has something to it for me to mull over. The answer I offered was directed more at what prompted the question than the question itself.
@MikeQ I don't want to reopen that can of worms here tonight. Doppel and BESW encouraged me to raise it in meta, and I did, so I'll leave it at that.
@KorvinStarmast That's a very personal frame to give the conversation, directing it at me individually.
@BESW that is a direct link to a discussion you and I had a while back, maybe over a month ago, in re your efforts and ideas on community building. I believe that your efforts along those lines continue, do they not?
@BESW I thought that you might find that observation of interest in light of your efforts in that direction.
Yes, but you've presented the link to me as "a challenge" to me personally, which it is not.
@BESW Given how you still receive whatever I send to you with a negative slant, I guess maybe let's drop it. I thought you might find that feedback of interest, but if not, then I guessed wrongly. I was in that same thought acknowledging hour efforts at community building.
You could say "our community building efforts" or "rpg.se's community building efforts" and it'd be more accurate and less needlessly confrontational, as if I'm personally responsible for the community's efforts to be a welcoming experience (which you'd made clear multiple times are not acceptable to you, so... yeah, please don't put an entire community on my shoulders).
Good night all. @BESW, if you can't take a compliment, then how about I just bid you all good night and wish you well . Cheers.
@KorvinStarmast Thank you for the thought. I was interested in that meta post and have discussed it previously.
It's difficult, however, to see a compliment in having someone link me a complaint about the entire site and say it's a challenge to my efforts in avoiding what the person's talking about.
Perhaps you misspoke.
@NautArch Present low-level guys who are thematically-linked to BBEG who also have similar mechanics. If a bunch of earlier encounters have included "slippery" foes (but who weren't otherwise too difficult to deal with) you communicate the possibility without overly frustrating that one player.
(Dealing with this now in a RL campaign were a particular type of foe has ~interesting~ death-effects. The first few they've seen aren't too bad, but if BBEG has something like that, they'll have been warned!)
@nitsua60 I can only assume that by "RL campaign", you mean you're literally running around in real life killing baddies for their ~interesting~ death effects.
Anyone online for a really stupid, basic D&D 5E question?
fire away
@KieranMullen Sure.
I am an older RPG'er. I ran D&D with an original, illegal copy of Deities and Demigods.
Back then, there were Mages, with a subclass of illusionists.
@KieranMullen For reference, we don't support illegal stuff here in any way, shape, or form.
(It was illegal because TSR included copyrighted stuff of Michael Moorecock w/o his permission).
(It was removed from the next editions :-)
@KieranMullen The More You Know
Anyway.... I stopped playing D&D for many years.
Now, I see that there are sorcerers, wizards, warlocks, etc. What mechanically differentiates them? Different spell lists?
@KieranMullen There are different spell lists for each class, available just before the list of spell descriptions.
They all have the same basic number of spell slots per day (except Warlock), then tweak that concept somehow.
For example, Wizards have a recovery feature, whereas Sorcerers have a Sorcery Points feature for either recovering or boosting (metamagic) spells.
So, different actual spells, and the recovery is different?
Wizards have a book of spells, and change their memorized spells for the day based on that book. Sorcerers always know the same spells day to day. Clerics can select any spells from the Cleric list for the day.
How different are the spell lists? By that I mean are they effectively similar in that they all have damage spells, defense spells and informational, but healing is left to the clerics?
Clerics were run that way in the Old Days (tm) as well.
@JoelHarmon Clerics were run that way in the old days (tm) as well.
Warlocks are the odd duck here; they have many fewer spell slots, but they get them back after a short rest rather than a long rest, and those spells are always upcast to the highest available level for the warlock. It encourages going nova in more fights, because they can rest and get back to full more easily than a wizard.
Clerics still have more healing/buffing with some damage. Wiz/sor tends to be more damage-y, but there are certainly enough spells to make an illusionist, necromancer, etc.
@JoelHarmon But healing is still limited to clerics/druids/paladins?
@KieranMullen If you only look at the spell lists, than that's basically right.
Oh, also Bards, who are full casters.
Within each class you choose an Archetype. This includes Wizards picking a school of magic to specialize in, Sorcerers picking a magic source (Wild or Dragons), Clerics picking a domain, etc.
Paladins and Rangers are half casters, and one Figher archetype and one Rogue archetype make you a one third caster.
@JoelHarmon Thanks, I looked at the SRD and saw a lot of the spell abilities I remembered, but could see much operationally different between the sorcerers, wizards, etc. I see from your answer that the flavor specialization is different between Wizards and Sorcerers.
There is also some overlap between spell lists of different classes
Looks like Clerics, Rangers, and Paladins haven't changed much in concept, but thieves never had built in spells in the Old Days.
Flavor wise, Wizards are more studying magic, Sorcerers are more intuitive manipulation of magic.
In 3.5 anyway, Rogues using Use Magic Device was pretty important, On the other hand, you called them Thieves, not Rogues, which dates you a bit :)
Thank you - this helps me understand the spirit of many of the questions on the RPG.se
Thief became Rogue in... 3e, I think
@MikeQ yup
Yeah, I had one of the original boxed sets. A real neckbeard.
@KieranMullen healing is divine casters (clr/drd/pal/rgr) + bard
And giving some rogues magic in 5e, that's to replicate the Arcane Trickster, which was typically built as a rogue/wizard multiclass in previous editions. Same thing with Fighters becoming Eldritch Knights.
oops. Autocorrect: What is "drd"?
@KieranMullen Druid.
@MikeQ exactly
Ah yes.. Druids were a subclass of Clerics.
Rangers a subclass of fighter
Illusionist a subclass of Mage.
And Monks were an oddity off on their own.
yeah -- you're going straight from AD&D classes to 5e, skipping the 2e and 3.x magic splits on the way
@KieranMullen Some things never change.
yes, 3e? narrowed monks from their AD&D/2e utility-ness
playing a monk/priestess dual class in AD&D was a bit of a hoot :D
:-) You had to have good stats to pull that off.
@KieranMullen That's why certain classes are said to be MAD, which stands for something like Multiple Attribute Dependent
@MikeQ in AD&D/2e, it wasn't just a dependency, it was a hard prereq
@Shalvenay That only comes in for multiclassing in 5e, of course.
@KieranMullen yes. best part about that char -- she was a gnoll, with decent INT. spoke more languages than the human in the party by far XD (got a decent across-the-board roll with a bit of DM fiat to help out in a couple of key spots to make the char work)
As a returning RPG'er, it seems to have gotten a bit more difficult for people to pick up the game if they are not familiar with RPG's. Just looking at all of the interactions of spell effects discussed on this site is a hoot.
@KieranMullen I need to scurry off now. I hope I was helpful, and that I'll see you around.
@KieranMullen I'd say it's easier than it used to be
5e is much less finicky about this sort of thing than 3.5e was, thanks to some design changes WotC made
Ok! Thank you everyone, and good night!
(not that AD&D/2e didn't have crazy spell interactions either, that is :P)
@KieranMullen D&D has definitely accumulated a lot of "because tradition, that's why." The wider world of RPGs, though, is intimidating mostly for being spoilt for choice. I tend to collect games with an eye toward "If a new-to-RPGs friend shows up on Geek Night, can we get them playing in under fifteen minutes?"
5e - Improvised weapons
> An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage
I don't see how using a table (provided the character has enough strength to effectively wield it) deals 1d4 damage.
@Ben So, just to be clear, you think hitting someone with a table should do more damage than stabbing them with a knife?
Hmmm, there don't seem to be any much traveller players :/
@BESW thanks for the pin and support!
@dot_Sp0T Sorry it hasn't panned out.
What do folks like to see in table signs for con games?
@BESW as in signs to advertise opportunities to play boardgames at a convention?
yeah. Whatever I've got at my table to draw people in.
I've been asked to do a non-D&D RPG table at a local con next weekend, and I've never even seen a con RPG table before.
[panicked googling]
what game you doing?
I've decided on Lady Blackbird.
Damn that looks cool
What system is that?
Or is it a wholly self-contained thing?
It's decidedly not D&D, but not frighteningly unfamiliar. The rules are concise and easy and come printed on every pre-made character sheet already. The setting and conceit is familiar (roughly, it's Princess Bride on Firefly in Star Wars). The pre-made characters are well-made with obvious hooks (and you get XP for hitting your character's major traits!) but open-ended enough for players to make 'em their own...
And the GMing style makes it one of the easiest games for me to GM, ever.
@dot_Sp0T It draws a lot from a game called Solar System, but it's not exactly like anything in particular.
Are you artsy&crafty?
I'm a graphic designer.
Major in art studio. Print specialty.
how about filling a balloon with helium and disguise it as an airship?
....I'd have to make at least four to get through the two-day con.
@BESW sounds like a fun and cool challenge?
I'm not sure I'll have the time in just a week though.
you could even make some more and give them away to the players that utterly impress you (sneak advertising)
another thing you could do would be to write a big poster saying 'DnD NOT'
I'm mocking up some potential table posters.
(Depending on whom you ask I am or am not quite creative)
@BESW That seriously depends on how the con advertises tables in general. In Amsterdam, people were asked between blocks what they'd run next block, and then the organizer went verbally through the list and everyone named gave a verbal pitch. Here in Leiden you had to sign up through an online form in advance, pitches were plain text published on the website.
In Osnabrück, there are sign-up sheets each with a few lines to fill your name in, with a pitch; that's probably closest to your train of thought.
I strongly doubt there's going to be anything that organized.
I think that the program will say "go to table X for Lady Blackbird," and if I tell them start times they'll put that in the program too, and other than that it's me sitting at a table hawking my wares.
Yes, but I wanted to give context :)
Here in Switzerland at some Cons you're happy enough if they don't mess up the spelling and start-times you give them
If I need a one-minute pitch, it's basically going to be the opening text crawl.
@BESW Yes! LB comes with a very beautiful pitch written for you.
I actually thought it might be good to put the crawl on a poster so observers can refer to it.
Great as a secondary info-poster, not so great as an eye-catcher as it's just too much text
@dot_Sp0T Indeed!
Put three Owl-posters out, near entrances or public spaces; if there is a spot where the RPG-interested people gather, supplement the poster there with the crawl.
I was thinking the other eye-catcher might involve the Wild Blue graphic, but I haven't gotten a version of that which I like yet.
I'm pretty sure I can only post at my table.
@BESW Also fine.
@BESW circumvent that by printing t-shirts and giving them away for free to obvious boardgamers
[amused] I have neither the time nor the budget for some of these ideas, but they're good.
@BESW Hm. That's bothersome, because it means everyone interested in your game has to find your table first, and be physically there (possibly interrupting/influencing your game) to find out more.
This is an anime convention that's trying to pivot into a hobby convention, but the sponsors didn't give the coordinators much advance notice.
If at all possible, try to convince the organizers to put up one at least at the entrance to the room/hall you play in, you have good arguments. And in that case, include the metadata – “in this room”, “up to 5 players”, “Starting time: XX:XX”.
Could make a post or some flyers and just deposit them at the info-table; I'm sure they won't mind
In any case, in the absence of a GM screen, a large-ish inverted-V stand with the “Lady Blackbird” swash on both sides to put on your table might be useful. It's independent of a poster wall etc. (which may or may not relate to the table nearby) and confirms “yes, this is the LB table” to those looking for it.
Yeah, I'm not sure I'll have an easel or a wall or anything, so I was thinking of making stuff sized for tent-folded tabloid paper.
Also folded nametags for characters, with their blurbs on as well ("Naomi Bishop • Former pit-fighter and bodyguard to Lady Blackbird")
@dot_Sp0T Actually, if you managed to have something floating above your table linking (not necessarily in the internet-sense) interested people to text they can see somewhere else, that might stand in for the lack of wall.
So, back to the balloonship
[googles "papercraft steampunk airship"]
Nooope. Nope nope nope. I do not have the spoons for that this week.
1 hour later…
Good day all
@kviiri Hyvää päivää! (I'm still saying Kiitos.)
@Anaphory Hei, mitä kuuluu?
Joo, hyvä!
I'm replaying Gateway, loosely based on the novel by Pohl
These old IF titles often have a nice touch for detail
@BESW how many attendees do you expect, and/or how big is the venue?
@JoelHarmon I have no idea. It's gonna be at one of the largest shopping malls, but that's not saying much compared to mainland malls, and I don't know which space they're giving us.
@BESW Fair enough. I just ask because there's an obvious relationship between size and advertising strategy. With 20 people, you can clearly talk to everyone personally; not so much with 1000.
yeah, if it's the space I am thinking of, it's impressive for here
At a very uneducated guess, I wouldn't expect more than about 50 or 75 people at any given time.
but I also half expect we will be shunted somewhere so the normies won't get scared :P
1 hour later…
Someone's been going through my questions and upvoting them
apparently that happens to someone every once in a while
1 hour later…
How about that blanket question though?
What about it?
I just think it is interesting that is all. As a DM I would disallow it as cheese, but there doesn't seem to be RAW against it.
Or at least it is very ambiguous.
It's a good question though in that it really makes clear the ambiguity in the cover rules.
Blanket questions should be closed as too broad.
@BESW hah!
The rules for cover make use of the term "obstacle" frequently
I dont think I would consider fabric an obstacle
@SirCinnamon What about a tent?
I suppose it breaks line of sight but obviously enemies are smart enough to attack the square you are obviously in
@Rubiksmoose Fair point, I dont know where that falls
I think part of the issue is that what can be considered an "obstacle" depends on what you are talking about being an obstacle to.
Like something might be an obstacle for mystic magical connections, but what about arrows? Maybe arrows but what about boulders?
@Rubiksmoose Exactly, it's a grey area. But maybe that is how it is meant to be played
You have cover against the guy trying to get you with firebolt but the arrow is going to pierce the fabric
Maybe just play with cover being conditional to the attack
@SirCinnamon I'm sure to some extent it is. They certainly made no attempt to define any of the important words in the cover description. Then again I'd argue they also do this with many words they really should define mechanically.
But I agree that this is a perfect example of why 5e gives the DM so much power.
Yeah, they're willing to put that responsibility on the dm which is a blessing and a curse.
I thought deliberately leaving mechanics vague and letting GMs sort it out narratively, so players can't anticipate what effect their choices will have, is part of 5e's stated design goals?
And I also feel that DM are burdened with fixing all the things that WotC doesn't care to. And their excuse is that it is left up to the DM. Like you said blessing and curse.
@BESW I'm not sure about the "can't anticipate..." part but 5e definitely made DM adjudication an intentionally prominent part of 5e's design.
There are plenty of ways to make GM prerogative a charming feature of a game system. Leaving things vague and poorly explained is not, I think, one of them.
@Rubiksmoose I get a distinct "hah hah, take that system mastery optimizers" vibe off the whole thing.
@BESW Agreed. I kind of feel like WotC in some ways uses DM adjudication as a crutch to fix/excuse bad/vague writing.
That's rather traditional, but not usually so... explicitly textual?
In my experience with past editions there's been an attempt to write coherent rules and "GMs can fix it" is the developer defense after the fact--rather than saying "We're gonna make this hard to figure out, good luck!" up front.
They did that in 4e... lore.
And that was cool, the broad strokes of the setting were consistent but the details felt more like folklore accounts with variations on a theme.
I feel like 5e has broad strokes defining things, but leaves the little details up there. The idea is: don't sweat the little details, they don't matter. But if someone, somehow found a caveat that needed the details, use your brain and your godly power as a DM to do it yourself
But some features just feel like they weren't thought out/tested at all. Like mounts for example. Huge amounts of ambiguity and confusion around how they work.
can I ask something to the chat council?
You have the floor Counselor Helwar.
@Rubiksmoose Obviously if you are a tiny creature on a large mount, your position becomes a waveform of possibilities on top of the mount. You are techincally everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Can you say this isn't intentional? :P
@Rubiksmoose There was a question this morning, wich I commented.
To be fair, we know Wizards isn't giving them the resources for proper playtesting, and never has.
I felt that my comment was a side-note. Like: "I don't know your answer, but maybe your whole issue is moot if you take into account these things"
@Helwar This is a kind of frame challenge answer, I think
If it'd solve the problem, it's an answer.
BUt everyone felt that was a real answer, half assed and in comments rather than it's proper place
@Helwar let me ask this: what was the purpose of you comment? What use was the information contained in it supposed to be put to?
but it's not solving what he ASKS, it's like if I were asking directions to the grocery store A, and I told you taht grocery store B is just behind you and you don't have to go to A
I'm still not telling you where Grocery store A is...
That's what we're here for: using our expertise to solve the problem that's being faced, even if it's not exactly the kind of solution the querent thought was necessary.
@Rubiksmoose To help solve his issue. I see where you come form but i'm still not entirely convinced :P
That's what frame challenges are for.
A: What's a frame challenge?

doppelgreenerA frame challenge is where an author answers a question in a wholly different way the querent never asked for, or potentially expressly forbade — but in a way which, the answerer feels, will actually solve their problem (or generally improve their life quality or prevent them from making a terrib...

then when I get home I'll answer it properly
@Helwar It may help to look at it from the other way as well. Comments have a white-listed set of approved uses. Suggestions to improve the question, asking for clarification, procedural things. Anything not on that list is not what comments are for no matter what the intent or actual use of the comment is.
I see.
I swear, every time I try to interact with a SE I do it wrong haha
@Helwar I mean, that is not really your fault (even if true). SE takes a while to get used to an many things are directly counter to what one might expect or have been trained to expect from other sites.
> Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) Tweeted:
After a short rest, the DM decides how much time must elapse or how much activity must occur before another short rest can start. Maybe 0 minutes, 1 minute, 10 minutes, or 1 hour. The key is that rests aren't meant to be a button you press. They're a narrative pause.
There is an experiment on some other SE sites that change the "comment" button to "suggest improvement" which I think is brilliant.
@Rubiksmoose That would make sense
@Helwar For the official words see this: rpg.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/comment
Also to be clear, I think it is an 100% valid answer to this question with some fleshing out and support. I would like to see some quotes about sources of magical knowledge from the various classes for example.
@Rubiksmoose The thing is I have the books in spanish, finding quotes and then translating is annoying haha
Then what is the expected purpose of comments, other than to tell people not to answer in comments?
> You should submit a comment if you want to:

Request clarification from the author;
Leave constructive criticism that guides the author in improving the post;
Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post (e.g. a link to a related question, or an alert to the author that the question has been updated).
@BESW I'll try to flesh out the thought behind that more fully another time. Sometimes, brevity is not the soul or wit nor understanding.
@JoelHarmon Rogues and using magic devices goes back to OD&D Greyhawk and their use of scrolls and IIRC some wands. FWIW. I think that Arcane Trickster came as a kit or prestige class in 3.x. (And I think it captures some of what Grey Mouser was, at least partially)
guys, in an answer how do I make a quote? Is there a way to encase text in a box or something?
Use >
just one in front of the line?
"> Hello" would become:
> Hello
great thanks
de nada
@Helwar Your heart's in the right place, hang in there. :)
I posted the answer as an answer this time... I'm sure someone will read it and find something to fix but I'm allegedly working right now :P
So.. I can't dedicate more time to writing answers
(more like I should not...)
@MikeQ Giggle, I did.
I'll fix anything later
@Helwar Good answer!
@Helwar Might you consider deleting your comment so the mods don't have to?
@Helwar Looks good
Didn't know I could do that
huzzah! and much learning was achieved :D
@doppelgreener Ripple effect moment, thanks to you. A while back you explained to someone how getting one's question marked as a dupe was not a punishment, but a good thing, and I've just had a chance ...
... to share that perspective with someone at SE meta in a way that seems to have been well received. Had I not read your comment on that (not sure how many months ago) I'd not have been moved to try and replicate that explanation. So thanks for the inspiration.
Always plug "closed questions are not bad questions".
Hum, does anyone here know how to play Star Wars: Edge of the Empire?
I've never played myself, but I'm curious how well it plays.
I have it, it's been collecting dust for longer than a year
and now my friends just told me: hey, since not everyone is here this weekend, we could try that Star Wars game you bought!
And I don't remember jack about the game :P
So if anyone knows the game and has time to impart a crash course in like... a couple of hours? I'd be very grateful :)
It looks like SevenSidedDie has some experience given their answers in
Though they usually don't pop into chat.
Not in a long time.
@KorvinStarmast hooray. :) it looks like they received that well and i'm glad that helped them out.
@DavidCoffron fyi just removed a welcome comment from you, but because there was another just like it already present & the doubling-up is undesirable on account of help piling
@doppelgreener I started typing before I saw and didn't refresh to check (on mobile). I don't mind though. Thanks for removing
i expected it was something like that, your comments were seconds apart
@doppelgreener to be honest I thought it didn't send and was about to try again, but then I saw another and figured one of the mods had adjusted for pile on. XD
Which is good bc overwhelming new users is never good
@DavidCoffron fwiw JC has answered this question (not intent-wise, but ruling-wise) here and here
@Rubiksmoose yeah I've seen those. I'm not in a position to do full answers though tbh (mobile), especially with links and stuff lol
@DavidCoffron Same lol. But the question isn't even open so I just thought I'd drop you a line in case you were in a position to answer and weren't aware of them when it does.
@Rubiksmoose thanks. Now if only I could convince myself again that Crawford rulings are as important as I once thought. Ignorance is bliss...
@DavidCoffron Right? We just can't recapture that time of pure innocent trust in our rules authority figure.
There's a White Wolf game. Authority Figure: The Ruling
When worlds collide! Created a much needed addition to the Atomic Robo pantheon: a faction founded by Seymour Papert and some “floor turtle” inspired mecha. #MakerEd #roleplaying #fatecore @devlin1
Looks like an old Zoids kit there.
Now there is a name I haven't heard/read in years
I'll add one: Beyblades
Spinning bladed top toys, what could possibly go wrong?
@Maximillian if it's anything like playing with Skydancers.....plenty.
I remember those.
3 hours later…
@KieranMullen You are among friends! I know there are other daily chatizens who started whitebox (or maybe brown box). I started with BECMI and had (still have) the same Deities & Demigods you mention.
I'd describe the 5e Wz/So/Wk split as:
Wizards are your M-U of old: collecting spells via scrolls and spellbooks, enjoying the widest breadth of spells possible, INT-based.
Sorcerers have a smaller breadth available to them but can do things *to* the spells via metamagic points, and are CHA-based.
Warlocks are basically clerics with (a) self-control issues and (b) less-respectable deities.
@KorvinStarmast I think that's a good point on MSE about the introduction of D&D5e probably overwhelming other possible signals in site traffic.
@nitsua60 I dunno, retention ratios should still be meaningful.
@BESW Good point.
On the LB thing, I think having the text-crawl posted in a few places where other games might be getting out could help--if someone's finished and waiting ten minutes for their friend they might read and then swing by to ask you what it's all about.
But who knows. With what little you have on the space/organization, probably just bringing three of each and winging it the morning of will be the best use of your time =)
Yeah. [sigh]
I dunno if they'll be in the central court, or in the gallery space.
Either way I expect everything will be crammed into one shared space.
@KieranMullen From what I recall, Paladins have actually changed quite a bit.
(I've asked for more info, but nothing yet.)
@nitsua60 You just made me picture Warlocks as rebellious teens telling greater gods, "You're not my source of power, dad!"
This.... is not inaccurate.
@Maximillian The truth is, the Raven Queen should've spent less time at work and more time with her... contractees?
"Where did you learn to tear the soul from your enemies and re-animate them as your minions?!"
"I learned it from you, dad/mom/eldritch-being-i-made-a-deal-with-a-long-time-ago!"
"The only time you should eat a soul, young man, is when you add lobster soul to the ultimate sandwich."
@Maximillian lol
"You're not my real dark god." "NO BUT I'M THE ONE YOU HAVE."
"Jeff's Dark God lets him cast fire." "Jeff's dark god is Azathoth, an umbral, uncaring, malignant evil with no direction or objective beyond annihilation. I at least have goals and a plan for you to turn you into a horrific monster over time."
"Are we there yet?"
"Jeff's god lets him be a monster whenever he wants." "WELL JEFF'S GOD ISN'T YOUR GOD."
@Yuuki "I swear to the Abyss I will halt the rotation of this planet and slide you all into the negative material plane like cleaning off a plate if you ask me again if we are there yet."
".... Oh. Oh Jeez. Are you crying? There's no crying in the dark arts. Come ooonnnnnnn."
"I miss my dark god. It said it would go down the street to the cornerstore to consume some souls but I haven't communed with it in ten years."
"Hey Kth'klar the Immortal, your crystal is ringing." "Oh F--.. Leave the cover on it, I'M NOT HOME."
This all results in some reaper-like figure stepping out into an alley for a smoke break.
Either to smoke a cigarette, or to literally emit smoke for 15 minutes.
> "Where did you learn divine magic?"
> "I learned it by watching you!"
(Talk to your worshipers about the risks of divine magic before someone else does.)
@BESW Yes! That's a metric that may or may not be measurable, but I agree that it can be a valuable signal.
I miss Scrubs. I wish they'd revive it for a Season 9, but then again the final episode wrapped stuff up pretty neatly.
@Maximillian Max, yer killin' me. Ribs took 3 HP humor damage ... 8^D
@Yuuki "Scrubs, the Walking Dead edition", or "Scrub the Walking Dead" season 1?
hey there @KorvinStarmast and @Maximillian
@Shalvenay Hello Shal, I was away enjoying our new fridge. Delivery went smoothely, we are happy.
good, good
It's been a weird week with no fridge, living out of coolers ... but we are done with that.
@Maximillian This comes from my semi-serious question about what is actually the difference between a cleric and a warlock? (in 5e) But I do like your headcanon, too =)
They got back to me about the signs. I'll be at a 6'x6' table in the middle of the hall, but they'll provide an easel and a 24''x36'' frame, and I can do table tents and signs that hang off the table sides.
Great. Middle of the hall means I have to think about 360 visibility. Also it'll be noisy.

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