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@NautArch one of the guidelines for this stuff is: is someone reproducing material from a book which largely removes the need for someone to buy that book to make the content useable? then in that case they are helping people circumvent copyright and it is probably not fair use.
i can't tell to what degree that spreadsheet is just a huge list of spell information reproduced, or just an analysis on it
but it looks like it's just an analysis
@doppelgreener Okay, I think it's safe then. It's got numbers and data, but no descriptions of mechanics.
and includes references to source and page
But VTC the question on animated daggers because the constraints are not well known enough yet.
This means you still need to go back to the original material to understand how to use those spells, which is fine.
@doppelgreener I'm mostly amazed that I A)remembered it and B)it was still in my gdrive
And should I wait for my answer before commenting that the objects being daggers have no effect on their damage?
@Rubiksmoose mornin' moose!
@NautArch Morning! It has been a bit :)
How are things going for everyone?
They certainly are going
Well I guess that is literally the least we can expect lol
Q: A question has some facts majorly wrong: should I be correcting them in comments or an answer?

doppelgreenerI've come across a question where the querent has some facts majorly wrong, and they seem to be a substantial cause of the problem they're describing. I know that we refrain from answering in comments, and I could imagine pointing out those corrections in an answer. How should I handle pointing...

(not sure specifically so here, have a generic meta)
@NautArch I'm not sure that you need to mention it under the question for sure. If someone makes the mistake point it out in the answers (as you did).
@Rubiksmoose yeah, i think i've even asked that before :) Too many variables left unknown anyway.
I'm also not quite sure that the point of the question is.
@NautArch Possibly, but to be fair, I have found it to be very case-specific when "Note that..." comments are helpful and when they aren't.
@Rubiksmoose not sure if you saw the google sheet I linked to above, though. It's pretty neat (especially for magical secrets time)
@NautArch Oh wow, that is nice.
@Rubiksmoose and animate objects is clearly a damage winner (no surprise there)
@NautArch why do I not see it there?
oh nvm
@Rubiksmoose they've definitely made major edits since i opened this last
omg, I just realized something I need a character to do.
I need to buy a bag of sesame seeds.
Then when we come to a locked door, take out a handful of them, throw the seeds at the door, and proclaim

Q: Has anyone tried adapting "Rivers of London" as a RPG setting?

Berislav LopacI am a big fan of the series of books and graphic novels by Ben Aaronovitch, collectively named after the first book in series, Rivers of London (sometimes also called the Peter Grant series after the main protagonist). For those not familiar, here is a brief extract from the main novel's descrip...

I feel that this is too broad right now but I don't really know how to explain it properly.
I mean it's asking about adapting a setting in general and that's it
This is also the user's first question on our stack
@Sdjz Agreed.
way too many variables
I wrote "this specific context"

And looked at it again.... something was wrong. Thought about it for a second and realized that I had swapped the 's' and the 't'.
@NautArch Wanted to leave a comment explaining though, any ideas?
@Sdjz Are there similar questions that we could point them to?
Q: Running a Norse campaign

KerbI am about to start running a Norse themed Pathfinder campaign set around 800 AD, most likely in Norway. I am looking for ways to make the characters feel as though they are part of the culture of the period without boring them to tears. I am hoping to have a mix of classic Norse monsters and ...

Q: RPG with background in ancient Europe (-1000 to 1000) close to reality

GuillaumeI want to run a game which as both an historical and geographical background matching our own reality. Description of lore should be quite accurate, but can have a pinch of myth, legend and magic as perceived in the ancient time (oracle, healer, tribe's shaman, witches, healing plants, deities, ...

ok I'm going to stop link spamming now, apologies
you meant other closed ones, right?
or good examples on how to scope it better?
maybe both
oh hey @BerislavLopac
@BerislavLopac howdy!
I'm just exploring the forum links given at rpg.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5449/2278 :)
@BerislavLopac you've got an interesting question that we were just discussing :)
yes, I saw, thanks! :)
THe hard part about making it stackable is to give enough constraints that it can be answered.
yeah, i know -- I'm used to stack overflow, here much more topics seem to be out of bounds
generally adapting various literary settings is a very dear topic to me, but i haven't seen it much discussed elsewhere
trying to find some forum topics now
@BerislavLopac It's less that they're out of bounds and more that we need bounds in order to answer it well :)
fair point :D
But if you can start with what system you want to use and how you'd want it work, it may become stackable.
I haven't read those books, though :(
highly recommended! :)
i have my own system i't like to use with it; but the biggest issue is figuring the details of the magic system
there are no comprehensive notes available, one needs to dig through the books to figure the system
@BerislavLopac is the series complete?
I can NOT start another incomplete series :)
no, still ongoing
the next novel is due out in November
hmm, although 8 novels is quite a good starting point.
darn it, adding to my list.
novels, graphic novels, novellas, even an audio-only
I'm still waiting for my library so I can finish up the Demon Cycle and First Law series
there were some talks about a tv series
argh, why are there so many rivers of london Body WOrk books? Is that it?
@BerislavLopac Is Rivers of London:Body WOrk Issue 1 the start?
@NautArch Manuals of Bodily Health?
@Javelin Huh?
i'm trying to figure out which is the first book of the RIvers of London series
It sounded like there was a parallel series of books about fitness o-o;
@Miniman Yeah, 5e. So no plane shift =\
@Ben Wild shape's not a spell, so it can't be contingent. Polymorph, though....
@BESW In 5e contingency can only "store" a spell of 5th level or lower, and it has to target yourself. So a lot of shenanigans are off the table.
@NautArch No, Body Work is a graphic novel that was originally published as a series. The first book is "Rivers of London"; in the US they titled it "Midnight Riot" for some reason
@Javelin "Body work" refers to what you do on a car :D
@NautArch here you can see the full bibliography: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@Secespitus I'm having second second thoughts about dimension door....
@nitsua60 Dimension catflap?
@Derpy Who's talking about abortion fantasies/complexes now?
@Yuuki Mostly dimension would-it-really-have-been-that-hard-to-use-semi-consistent-wording-in-all-the-sp‌​ells-that-teleport-people?
Dimension [X] is a classic spell name
Dimension door, dimension slip, dimension step, dimension hop, dimension jump
Dimension hokey pokey
Dimension that's-what-it's-all-about
Dimension X is pretty classic too
@BerislavLopac looks like my library doesn't have it :(
@SPavel awww. ❤️
@SPavel I think the best thing about The Defenders series is that in all of the promotional material I've seen with the group together, Matt is always looking somewhere different from the rest of the group.
@Yuuki Matt is definitely the awkward one of the bunch. He's also the only one who wears a mask.
@GreySage oh, right, Ye olde theory about the game ending. Yep, I know of that. But to be fair I was just referencing the cosmic horror thing, in this case represented by the "you cannot grasp the true form of Giygas' attack" thing
@BerislavLopac Hm, has no-one made a wiki about it that could be pilfered for hard constraints? (I did encounter recommendations for Rivers of London some time ago, but I hardly find the time to read, so I can't help with adapting it's magic system to any kind of RPG.)
@Anaphory Not that I'm aware. The closest thing would be the glossary at the author's blog at temporarilysignificant.blogspot.com/p/…
Speaking of which, any recommendation for a good service to start such a Wiki? ;)
@BerislavLopac What's wrong with wikia
No idea, never used it :D
@Derpy Not really a theory when the game designer flat out said that is what it is, but the cosmic horror aspect actually makes WAY more sense than what is actually going on (Earthbound was weird).
@Anaphory Actually, seems someone did start one: follypedia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Follypedia_Wiki
@GreySage I should really play the other games in the series.
@Anaphory and there is a bit at fanlore.org/wiki/Rivers_of_London
@GreySage Never even found the actual source of that to be fair. Not that I have really looked much into it in the first place, but I used to think there were conflicting sources on that claim, some attributing it to miss-translation, some to hoaxes and such. Never took the time to confirm any version.
@Rubiksmoose Mother 3 was good, but perhaps even more weird. It's also very short, and kind of just pushes you through to the end.
@GreySage I guess that makes sense given that the original name of the game/series is Mother.
Wow, the inline tweet thing does NOT do multiple images well
@nitsua60 So, you would allow it?
@Secespitus Out of curiosity what is this conversation relating to (the linked comment just refers to dimension door)
@Rubiksmoose Contingency + Dimension Door in DnD 5e - possible or not?
@Secespitus I don't immediately see any reason why it wouldn't. Is there a particular counter argument to this or are you just curious?
@Rubiksmoose I thought it was possible. Basically this started with nitsua60 asking for GMs go-to spells for Contingency and I replied with this, which started a bit of discussion about Contingency + Dimension Door.
nitsua60 wanted to write an answer about how DD is targeting a point and not you, while I would say that it can target you (it doesn't need to have a range of self or some wording like that)
5 hours ago, by nitsua60
Dimension door's not a viable contender, as far as I can tell, because it doesn't/can't target the caster. (Unlike, say, misty step. Dimension door targets a point w/in 500'.)
Yeah, but "You teleport yourself" is "Choose a spell [...] that can target you." in my reading and currently I am inclined to just rule that Dimension Door should work with Contingency.
@Secespitus Yeah I can see that point of view. I really hate how vague they left spell targeting. It causes a lot of issues honestly. And there are massive holes in the rules that they have refused to clarify or fix.
That's why I am interested in nitsua60's analysis
@Rubiksmoose The targeting vagueness would be fine if they didn't also print a bunch of spells/abilities that relied on specific targeting.
@Secespitus I would agree with you for a few reasons: 1) Targeting is very unclear in 5e so much of the time it will come down to the DM kind of adjudicating those unclear definitions when appear. 2) As a DM, I see nothing overpowered about allowing DD to be rules as targeting the caster. 3) I see nothing overpowered or broken about allowing DD with contingency even if it was clarified to technically not target anything.
@GreySage Exactly that is the infuriating part. Fine take you standard english definitions, but then don't also expect us to rely on those blindly for cases when the game uses it as a pseudo game term that happens to never be defined.
You know what really sucks? There is no legal way to watch the World Cup for free where I am.
I mean there are plenty of illegal ways that are easy enough, but I can't do those at work
@GreySage Right lol
@Secespitus I'm leaning toward allowing it. It's just annoying as hell that misty step has a "statblock" range of self and teleports you up to 30', where DD has a statblock range of 500' and teleports you to that point. And teleport has a range of 10 feet and teleports you and up to 8 other creatures via ranges further discussed.
@nitsua60 Seems like DD is the odd one out
(I.e. MS is range:self and the "effective range" is in the description, DD is range:effective range and calls out who can be hit in the description, teleport is range:group of targets and calls out effective range in the description.)
So, casting DD as a distant spell would mean you could teleport 1,000 feet right?
I reopened this a bit ago BTW:
Q: Can an Eldritch Knight use their Arcane Charge feature before falling?

VigilThis Q&A establishes that if you suddenly find yourself mid-air (e.g. by teleportation), you only have time to use a reaction before starting to fall (examples include casting feather fall, or using a readied action if you previously took the Ready action set the trigger to something like "when I...

@BerislavLopac yeah, it looks like my library doesn't carry the first book (but they carry others)
Is this too broad?
there's no question, just fishing for ideas?
It also feels silly to just answer "Write them down". I dunno.
@NautArch The phrasing isn't great, but at its core it's asking for solutions to a specific problem, which I think is narrow enough. It will come down to Good Subjective Bad Subjective, but editing it would help.
@GreySage I put up my answer. Not sure if it'll get downvotes or upvotes, but the question is pretty simple.
@Rubiksmoose Hey! Stop stealing what I wrote :P.
@NautArch lol. You beat me by a bit. But I did back up mine with experience ;)
@Rubiksmoose Look at you, Mr. Experience man!
I am kind of debating about downvoting the question, though.
@NautArch Yeah I'm not sure what it is about the question. Debating as well.
@Rubiksmoose I decided to, mostly because of @DavidCoffron's comment. He's right in that official DO cover a lot of what he's saying isn't covered, and the answer is obvious and doesn't require the community. Unless they're shopping for a sheet, in which case it's off topic.
I mean, it is earnestly looking for a solution to a problem (good) but then rejects the easiest solution (bad) and doesn't explain why it won't work for them (probably worse).
I came in here to ask what about the question was getting downvote and it's already being discussed. You do list good reasons
@DavidCoffron I think we've covered the reasons :)
I was thinking about the harsh tone he takes when discussing the official sheet and his non-acceptance of the easy answer and was going to ask if it warranted an edit to be nicer
with the best case scenario is that it's a shopping topic and off-topic.
@DavidCoffron I'm also trying to figur eout how to answer yours. I've got an answer, but I don't really have anything to back it up besides common sense.
And my sense is not common enough to rely on.
My little brothers all decided they wanted to play dnd randomly yesterday (I haven't dm'd them in like 4-6 years) and they want paper char sheets and I'm like why! Digital ones are so much easier to handle
@DavidCoffron I still like Paper. But I have to say I'm really impressed with Dndbeyond's digitally generated sheets.
@NautArch paper is fine for some rpgs (and some dnd characters) but managing spells (unless everyone knows all the spells) can be a hassle
Especially for druids and clerics (which of course my brothers want to play)
If you want to play a druid you should use a wood carving to manage stats and spells
@DavidCoffron Yeah, the spell decks are pretty neat for that.
@DavidCoffron I like paper for everything except spells. Spells I either do on my device (laptop/phone) or just print out a list of the spells I am likely to use and look them up if I need to.
Personally I prefer using cuneiform and clay tablets, instead of paper or digital
@DavidCoffron You know, I am a pretty tech-savvy and gadget oriented guy. But I really dig paper character sheets because they are just so fool-proof, simple, and versatile.
@Rubiksmoose my table makes fun of me enough for printing out new ones whenever I level (i guess i'm a mix of digital and paper?)
@NautArch I do the same.
@Rubiksmoose I just personally dont see why it makes a difference to people. (I'm also in the digital books are fine camp), but I guess a physical copy can be nice since you can flip through it faster (or not have to scroll, etc.)
I also add in new features and icons digitally when I gain them and then print it.
@DavidCoffron I actually prefer the digital books for most cases. Much faster to find things most of the time. Though I wonder if I would feel the same way if I only had the books digitally.
Our generation was raised on paper, of course it feels better..
You'll have to tear my kindle from my cold dead hands though.
@Rubiksmoose I mean I prefer paper copies on my first reads of the book (so I can read it at the park and stuff) but once I'm familiar with where things are, digital is faster for me
Kids that are now in school are using computers, phones, and tablets probably as much as paper and pen
@Rubiksmoose I have them digitally, and I do wish I had them physically as well.
Ask them if they prefer paper character sheets, and they will probably ask you how you turn it on.
But I don't like having electronics at the table and I also don't want to have to find/edit/save as I go along during a game. I think the printed version updated after session digitally is a nice solution that covers my desire for paper at the table, but a digital record for myself.
I mean, what better feeling is there than to show up with your bag of dice and a giant stone slab weighing several metric tons
@NautArch Exactly how I do it.
It also solves the problem of having notes/effects/etc that I want to keep track of that may not be on a sheet :P
I mean, i guess you could also roll 'digital dice' at the table, too.
@MikeQ I just etch my character sheet directly into the Moon using an enormous laser, so that I can see it wherever I go
@MikeQ And in a pinch you can use your character sheet as the table itself!
You can even save space on a bag of dice, and instead get a single d(d20) that can simulate the others
@MikeQ a d(d20) would be very hard to use as a simulator since you only get the right sidedness 5% of the time
Just roll 20 times. By the pigeonhole principle, you are guaranteed to get the desired number of sides
@SPavel Selune is very upset about it too
@MikeQ That's... not what the pigeonhole principle says. I'm not convinced it's even close
Just have a 120-sided die and divide by the necessary amount
@MikeQ at that point your probably more likely to be better off just rolling a d20 20 times and using the first result that is in your desired range
I've finally started reading through Mordenkainen's . Lore I never knew (mostly because I haven't read a lot of lore)
Rolling a d20? Divide by 6. Rolling a d10? Divide by 12. Etc.
Actually you just have to roll once, and then use mathematical induction to prove that you have actually rolled 20 times
@DavidCoffron Selune has nothing on my giant laser
@SPavel using a Cieling operator I assume?
@Delioth You're right, I forgot that it only applies when counting pigeons
@DavidCoffron No, the ogre hits you for 3.19 damage
@SPavel what if a system really was that exact. 2 hour combats and stuff lol
@SPavel Oof, that's rough. Only a 1/120 chance to get a real 10 on a d10 (and only a 7/120 chance to get something that's almost a 10)
@NautArch I keep meaning to but get lost in other things (I read the first few pages)
@DavidCoffron I never knew about the Blood War or about the devil/demon relationship.
@Delioth you'll also almost never crit
I'm on elves now, and if I play an elf, it'll defintely impact my RP.
@Delioth Nah it's a 1/12 chance, because 10/120 = 1/12
@NautArch I've been a lore monkey for a while but there are some interesting bits I'm learning more about
@MikeQ hahaha
@MikeQ when I was a math tutor I got answers like that. Thanks for the flashbacks
So anyhoo I could use some game management advice
@Delioth I think your math is off. It's 50/50, either it happens or it doesn't.
Apparently I have a bad habit of rushing things in-game because I'm trying to be efficient DM and not bore the players, but this sometimes means accidentally forgetting plot elements or fast-forwarding through "free time" for the PCs in game. Rather than relying on retconning, do folks have suggestions on good pacing strategies?
@MikeQ what are you players most interested in? Do they like the 'free time'? Do you feel they want more plot elements? Or do they really just want the combat?
@NautArch That's an issue I have to consider. At least one player has the mindset of getting through challenges as quickly as possible, literally rushing ahead (and away from the other PCs). Like a "get to the end and win" attitude. It's bad because the other PCs want to explore and take their time.
@MikeQ Suggestion in case we can't come up with a solution that'd help your specific group: Ask the players (whether they like what you're doing and how you're doing it, or whether they've thought of improvements). They know themselves better than we do, and if they're dissatisfied they've probably put more thought into it. But we also might be able to discuss some stuff
@MikeQ what does 'the end' mean to that player?
@Delioth My tentative solution is to encourage players to call me out if it seems like I'm rushing them or railroading too hard
As an extra: What system are you running? It's mostly irrelevant on the actual pacing issue, but some systems have more tools available (or subsystems) that might be able to help
(I.e. Pathfinder has actual rules for skillful and neat Chase scenes, but I'm pretty sure e.g. 5e or Paranoia don't)
@NautArch In a dungeon, it means running through traps and hallways and jumping down a hole where they deduced the boss was waiting.
@Delioth I'm running PF and I hate the chase mechanics. I've tried it several times before and I can never get it to work coherently.
@MikeQ In that case, you need 'wins' that aren't about killing a creature.
@MikeQ Any time you start wanting to "fast forward" to something, just ask the players if they want to do anything else before that something occurs. Or is there a reason that doesn't work?
@NautArch I know, and I'm not even structuring the challenges that way. In the last session they skipped over the main objective (social encounter) because they heard about some monsters, which means dragging the rest of the party to the monster fight instead of doing other stuff
@MikeQ let them rush ahead and be trapped/attacked/killed
@ACuriousMind That should work. I'm just forgetful and easily flustered when trying to juggle players.
or make information unreliable.
@MikeQ Was there a penalty for missing out on the social encounter?
Time delays are meaningful.
and the time delays are also a good point.
@MikeQ You could always hide the monster encounters behind the social encounters (i.e. we know of XYZ monster, but have to go talk to the Duke of Birmingham at his party to find out more about them and where they are)
@NautArch Yes and the players probably don't realize it. I will make sure it happens next session.
@MikeQ Just put a post-it on your GM screen to remind you - sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ;)
@goodguy5 is right, @MikeQ. Be interesting for them to show up where they think a 'fight' will be, only to discover there isn't, and now they ahve to travel back. And time has moved forward...
@NautArch The NPC was very lonely and sat at home drinking all the beer he had bought for the party & eating the expensive cheese alone
@SPavel and now he's annoyed. Disadvantage on all social rolls against him.
@SPavel Oh no. It seems I've eaten the entire cheese tray and drank all the wine. How terrible. /s
Your desire to pursue murderhoboism is going to hurt your primary storyline.
@NautArch especially if they can look back at the information that they got and come to the realization "oh yea... that guy seemed pretty .... erratic. maybe he didn't have a hot tip on monsters around the area"
@NautArch I've done this before. They whined about it. But yeah, you're right, it's better to enforce it than to let the inmates run the prison, so to speak.
@NautArch No, he went to the pub to drink more, finally got the courage to speak to a buxom wench, hit it off, got married, and went to a honeymoon in Belize
So now that the PCs need something from him, too bad, he's not there
Lat time my players had free time they put on a play using a wizard for special effects and the druid for animal actors
@SPavel road trip to belize!
it was.... something
They must deal with his secretary, a crotchety old gnome coasting towards a cushy retirement, with 400 years of institutional knowledge that renders him un-fireable
I'd like to go back to belize - that's a pretty beautiful country.
Other question @MikeQ: Have you actually talked to the players about this difference in behavior (i.e. that you're dissatisfied and think the party is dissatisfied with the one speedrunner/murderhobo's thusly named habits)?
@Delioth Not yet, but I'm holding on to that card. I'm keeping an eye on the player because they have a history of being a problem player in various campaigns.
@Delioth Not yet, but I'm holding on to that card, in case they become moreso of a problem player.
@NautArch In your answer here you recommend making your own char sheet. Excellent suggestion, can comply with your recommendation!
@NautArch The Blood War was super interesting for me
@NautArch I had an archaeology prof who worked almost entirely in belize
I made a char sheet for my current DnD character (Monk) from scratch, with ki point gauges and everything. Far better than anything not customized
He seemed quite passionate about the place
@kviiri heh :) A few guys at my table have made their own - some much nicer than others. I've thought about it, then just get lazy and use a pre-gen.l Now that I"ve got a DNDbeyond account, it usually goes through there.
Fair enough. It's also notable that you could talk to them about some of the issues you're facing and not all of them (and also not calling out a player)
@SirCinnamon mesoamerican focus?
@NautArch Must have been, trying to recall his name (it was in first year)
@kviiri What tool did you use to make the sheet (software)?
@GreySage Pen, paper and a ruler :)
Didn't take too long even
@kviiri Then what happens when you level up and everything is different? Do you just erase things?
@GreySage I mean, I made the form in pen, and variables in pencil
Like boxes and stuff in pen
@NautArch Aha! Shawn Morton, Director of the Central Belize Archaeological Survey, and Field Director of the Stann Creek Regional Archaeology Project, both in Belize.
Given enough time you could brute-force character sheets by choosing black or white for every pixel on a paper-sized image. I mean, it'd probably take longer than the heat death of the universe to generate one that was actually something (since there are 2^n possible pages, where n is the number of pixels, at 8.5ish million pixels)
And 2^n exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe around 2^75 IIRC
What about knitting your character sheet on a large blanket, that way you can stay warm during games
Character bedsheet
@SirCinnamon very cool!
Someone who actually became an archaeologist :)
Inscribe your character on clay tablets, bury them far underground, organize a hybrid D&D/archaeology dig in 300 years.
Fun for the whole family!
@NautArch Haha yeah, it always seemed very adventurous and exciting, but sort of just an interesting way to earn some extra credits for me
But clearly the most effective approach is to represent your character sheet using quipu
Now for some HoMM III with sweetheart :) take care!
@SirCinnamon It's also months away from family. That's the main reason I didn't pursue a career in it after my master's.
@NautArch A masters in Archaeology?
@Yuuki That's way too much prepwork for an RPG night. I'm lucky to get 2 hour prep. 300 years? I'm not entering lichdom so we can have pizza and beer only to argue that my clay tablets aren't historically accurate.
@SirCinnamon technically anthropology. But very specifically nautical archaeology.
@NautArch Oh sweet. Do you teach it or did you end up doing something else entirely?
@Maximillian Hell, 2 hours? I usually spend a month or so building a world (or reuse a prior world, I have one that I really like right now), and then just improvise... everything.
@Maximillian Unlife hack: Nobody can say it's not historically accurate if you were there at the time and did it
@SirCinnamon something else entirely. Teaching involves publishing, publishing involves research, research usually involves field work.
@NautArch and field work involves fear, and fear leads to the dark side
@NautArch So you are Scuba Indiana Jones?
@Delioth The best worldbuilding is done after the session begins.
@SPavel More like Scooby.
@Yuuki Yeah, I usually only get as far as facets of the world (magic, domains, planes of existence), map, and some big kingdoms or important landmarks
@Yuuki I've come up with more ideas about my world based on how the players have interacted with it in the first session than I did prior.
@Delioth Think bigger. No magic, no planes, representative democracy
Hell, I'll usually even improvise the premise for the initial quest if I didn't get struck by inspiration
@SPavel Ugh, then we're just here in the shitty real world
@Delioth The first thing that happens in any game should always be the bad guy doing something bad that hurts the PCs personally
No better hook than "this jerk called our rogue a midget and wouldn't serve him beer"
@GreySage I've been trying to figure out if I can get it into my campaign, but it doesn't make a lot of sense (they're pretty much stuck on the plane/world they're on and no in or out access...minus the PC who somehow got there which will provide a good plot hook)
@SPavel Problem: You assume there's actually a bad guy
@SPavel Or some other form of "hero's calling" that introduces the main conflict
@SPavel Only if you are organizing a revenge-hunt. There are other styles of game.
@MikeQ Nah, the point is the conflict needs to be personal, otherwise PCs won't care
My games are way more freeform, there might not be a main conflict or bad guy to start with
"Save the princess? I mean yeah whatever" and then they go open a coffee shop
@SPavel Final Destination.
Best way to do it is to steal a PC's item, greed is the main emotion they understand
Yeah- I just skip the pretending to give them a quest to go save the princess and just let them go open the coffee shop
Then Starbucks opens a franchise next door!
Or rather, I'll tell them X, Y, and Z are happening around them (or that they took N job as a prerequisite to joining the campaign)
@SPavel Funnily enough, this is exactly what I tried to do in my game... but the players don't seem to care too much because the valuable item had no combat function
@MikeQ That was your mistake
Give them a mega awesome sword, then steal it
@SPavel Yes. Yes it was. And I'm very frustrated about it and willing to just cancel the game at this point. If you have suggestions on how to remedy this, I am all ears
@Delioth That's more of what I've got going on. I do have a main plot that they can choose to ignore (but ignoring it will eventually lead to the destruction of the world so...)
@NautArch Bummer dude, if the world is destroyed, we'll get almost no foot traffic to the coffee shop
Like: The orcs have taken X important mountain pass fortress, some elven sky-pirates are screwing with our trade, and some people have been found brutally murdered in a nearby village. As a prerequisite to the campaign, you've taken a contract to hunt down at least one flying ship from the sky pirates, with some sort of penalty if they don't in such-and-such timeframe
@SPavel Yeah, it's bad for sales.
@MikeQ Steal one of their souls
This has no in-game effect but now they have no soul
I could just have the villain do the same thing again, just with things that the players care about
When the PCs wake up, the villain has tattooed hurtful racial slurs onto the elf's forehead
@SPavel If your PCs are driven solely by revenge and greed, I'd argue they are already pretty soulless
@GreySage That is why it has no in-game effect
@Delioth 2 hours is enough for me to work with pre-written material, usually. I haven't made my own since college. No time for it.
@MikeQ Logically: if it worked once, benefited the villain, and he was never inconvenienced by it... why wouldn't the villain do it again?
At the end of the quest, they will discover that the real soul was the friends they made along the way
@Delioth That is a very good point
Especially if they're Evil, and thus generally do things that benefit them with little regard to how it affects others
@SPavel Another idea is to have someone retroactively appraise it and say it was worth a large, but finite, amount of money
@MikeQ DOes the world notice their 'evil' acts?
@NautArch What do you mean
Also I should probably slow down on using this chat room to brainstorm my campaign ideas
@MikeQ we can always take it to the backroom or notabar?
I saw a question and an answer on the main site and my brain went off rails from that. Follow me.
> "I have a problem, I have many players and if I run many monsters the combats grow long, if I don't the controllers make combats easy"
@MikeQ I meant, if they've been stealing/rude/killing non-monsters, etc. then word may get around. Someone also mentioned, awhile ago, to have other adventuring parties out there. Maybe they start getting the jobs instead?
So some guy asked if the querent was running enough encounters, so that the controllers ended their dailies...
And my brain was all: Ok, let's just play the combats after the controllers used their dailies, the other encounters are boring.
(In real life, I'm DMing a party where there's a big monster that should send the party down holes, but the controller plans on keeping the big guy with a huge threat range under his own control to pound enemies. I'm a little angry at controllers right now.)
@NautArch I dunno. Maybe. For now I'm going to stop dumping plot ideas in here, because I need to abandon the mindset that the campaign story must fit a script of events. Although I'm still open to ideas for individual challenges/encounters.
@MikeQ Yeah - I'm a fan of building a script of what's happening without the players' actions (i.e. so-and-so is preparing X scheme, he'll do Y in a few weeks and next year he'll complete X and such-and-such will happen). Then become the so-and-so to figure out what you do when a wrench is thrown in your plans, with the resources available to so-and-so
@Delioth That's a good idea. Write a list of "Unless X happens, person Y will do thing Z"
Yeah. Sort of. Can't do that for very granular stuff (document gets much too long), but for big-picture things it works. It's especially good if you're getting out of the "script/railroad" mindset - as you get away from that mindset you find actually writing that stuff is less necessary because you're used to getting into the heads of the NPC's and just reacting how they would
Though it's still a good idea to write down your/villain's plans, in case you have a dozen in the works
Though if you do work on that improvisation of what the external forces are doing, you can come up with some neat interplays between multiple forces (that the party is allied with, opposed to, unaware of, neutral to, etc)
I've started mine with a basic set of events that they don't even know are going on yet (and won't until they reach a certain level when I'll start providing clues.) For now, I set up some combat that may lead to a plot if they pursue it (totally by accident, the monster I chose i read later could be summoned and now the players think someone is ummoning them. So...plot!)
@NautArch "ummoning" is what happens when the spellcaster forgets the words to the arcane ritual. :D
@Rubiksmoose Also what happens when a spellcaster hiccups during an incantation.
Accidental plot is the best kind of plot. Once had some characters set off to cleanse a forest of a vast corruption... because they chose not to kill the werebear that was attacking them. So I had to improvise quite a bit. I think that was the next 5 sessions.

There wasn't even a corruption of a forest when I planned that encounter
@KieranMullen I could ask the guy who hit the tower while gesticulating right after the game started. I think I'll see him this August.
a list of X things. Where BBEG needs Y number of them.

If players mess with Z number of the things, BBEG takes notice and begins attempted smoting.
@Delioth So what you mean to say is that they essentially corrupted the entire forest, just so they could cleanse it. The jerks.
@Rubiksmoose ummmmm
@MikeQ Do you want to move to the back room?
Hell, there wasn't even really anything about the forest, I had just narrated them walking through one at the start of the session. They also created the forest, and everything in it. It had been blank canvas... so... net positive?
@NautArch Actually no, I'm at work. Maybe later.
@MikeQ heh, ok. But, uh, what's the difference between chatting here at work or in the backroom?
not much
@NautArch Uh? Wasn't the Not-a-bar the room where people moves conversations to?
argh, how is the animate objects question on it's way to reopened? Mindwin still hasn't answered the vast majority of the questions in the comments :(
@Zachiel oh, yeah. that may be better. Backroom is for live tabletop games. Not sure what the actual difference is.
Anyone here run the Murder in Baldur's Gate adventure during the playtest? I am considering getting that book, even though it seems to have been issued more or less between editions. IT has stats for what looks like 3.5e, 4e, and an early look at 5e.
@NautArch Opened now.
@Rubiksmoose oh well
@NautArch yeah. whatya going do eh?
@Rubiksmoose not try to answer it? :D

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