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Just any old raw meat isn't a good idea to eat
Ugh... a question about blink and falling and all the extant answers are talking about momentum in D&D. I probably need to step away from the Stack for the evening!
I've had it a couple times
@nitsua60 fair enough
Last time I had lamb was in India,... And it was just a really nice lamb burger
I still think it was way better than cow though
It's possible we just don't get good ground beef here, to be fair
Every so often I'm reminded about how awesome Australia is. I get to eat both great lamb amd great beef all the time.
@trogdor I've had beef tartare, but never raw lamb.
Hmm. I know there's a supplement for the Great Glacier in older editions (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/16832/FR14-The-Great-Glacier-2e?it=1) that probably has some useful info for this, but I don't have a copy.
@Miniman did you like it or was it too icky not being cooked?
For me, the raw lamb was too intimidating the first time to really eat it
It's not something I would be in the mood for all the time
But it has been very nice the couple of times I could manage to eat it
hey there @nitsua60
This episode of the Stop, Hack, and Roll podcast takes a look at the Engagement rules from Tachyon Squadron and how it might be applied to other styles of games, not just space dogfighting. Give a listen. https://twitter.com/stophackandroll/status/1006498228408332288
A deep dive on the Fate Horror Toolkit. If you want to get a feel for what this book is all about, the Stew gives a thorough review here. https://twitter.com/gnomestew/status/1006565356519845888
@trogdor My wife converted to almond milk two years ago. Has not looked back. (It's Ok with cereal for breakfast ...)
hey there @KorvinStarmast
@Miniman likewise, beef tartare is awesome. Raw lamb? never done it yet
@Shalvenay hullo, how is things?
@trogdor I've found there's a significant different between brands of nut milk. The stuff we use is almond milk, and so far the best I've had is Silk brand. Most of the others are too watery or too chunky.
@KorvinStarmast quite fine here :) pops a piece of sashimi into Malik's mouth
Had an Ethiopian dish in Chicago a few years ago that was a lot like beef tartare. Can't recall what it was called. I loved it. (arrgh, hate the holes in the memory)
@BESW seconding your recommendation re: brands of almondmilk
@Shalvenay Malik likes raw fish, but prefers to use it as bait to catch other fish. :)
@BESW silk is what I use too
@Shalvenay Last month we couldn't find any Silk at a good price and got a couple boxes of some organic kind to tide us over. I used a strainer to pour it into my coffee to get the biggest chunks out.
I have not had a true tartare but I have had carpaccio. no raw lamb though. I wish Finely Textured Meat was sold in stores, actually, though....(it's Cargill's name for the stuff that got called "pink slime", they use a slightly different process than BPI does that uses citric acid in lieu of ammonia for the post-treat steps). Beef nuggets, anyone? :)
It was like drinking a very healthy version of the cheap creamer that doesn't dissolve, that office coffee carts often use.
@KorvinStarmast my mom grew up on raw lamb and insisted the last time we went to Ohio that we go to a place
...I think the only raw meat I've had is kelaguen.
@BESW oh? never heard of that stuff, what is it?
It's a local thing
@Shalvenay I'd love to try it. My sister in law is Greek. Lamb is like their thing. I hope she can point me to how to get some of that. We may go to Greece this fall. If we do, I'll pursue that.
@KorvinStarmast oooh yeah Greece might be a good place for it
It's a local dish with raw shredded meat mixed with local citrus juice (or lemon juice, or in a pinch vinegar), shredded fresh coconut, diced green onions, hot local red pepper, a bit of salt... sometimes other things like shredded carrot.
nite all,work comes early tomorrow morning.
@BESW ah
@trogdor Yeah, might be one of those cool once in a lifetime experiences.
sweet dreams.
@KorvinStarmast night
Most of the kelaguen you'll find these days is made with cooked chicken, but if you can get into a small family fiesta you're more likely to find it made with raw deer.
@Shalvenay it was a big thing during WWII when the island was occupied by Japan, and those who were hiding from them couldn't exactly make a fire
According to tradition it became part of the culture during WWII when the Chamorus hiding from the Japanese in the jungles couldn't start fires or they'd get caught, so they used local citrus for a kind of chemical cooking effect.
It's often served with a thick sweet tortilla.
@BESW ah. ceviche with meat not fish. but I have to bail myself, food soon
@BESW I mean, it makes practical sense it was done then, but how would they have known how to do it if it started then?
I sorta feel like that's the story because people either don't know or can't prove how long it's been a thing
@trogdor Not that it was invented then, but that previously it hadn't been a traditional dish or a cultural icon; it was just something they knew how to make.
@BESW ooooooooooh ok
That makes way more sense
They definitely would've learned it from the Filipino community before the War, but similar dishes may go back two thousand years on both sides of the Pacific so there's a good chance the Chamorus knew it before they settled the islands--or learned it during their trade with other islands.
But it seems like post-WWII is when it became a major part of the fiesta table.
I wouldn't mind it being the only available food for a little bit
Maybe not so fun for the whole time the island was occupied though
@trogdor I enjoyed it. A little weird, for sure, but I'm pretty comfortable with raw beef. Now, if it was pork or chicken, I would've been a lot more trepidatious.
Oh for sure
I wouldn't touch raw chicken or pork unless I was in the process of cooking it
How goeth the day?
Anyone here with an experience of the game "Dread"?
I am curious if the game suffers from players dying early on and have to sit around and watch the game for another hour or more.
Several folks around here do, yes. Not sure if any of them are here right now though.
@Ben Theatrically, presumably.
Ok. I'll ask at a time when there are a few more present. Have a good night!
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Went around asking for AW games I could join yesterday, prospects look ok
Where did you look?
The various IRC channels I have with known role players :P
Just a bit difficult because I'd like to GM but I don't really have the energy
Then again, I'm super excited at the idea of getting to play again... I'll just need to pick a more assertive playbook and personality this time lest I be sidelined
I was thinking of going Quarantine or Hardholder.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title: goldencondor.org/luminary-v by Thomas Deleon on rpg.SE
How fast spam goes deleted here never ceases to amaze me
That was... fifteen seconds.
I think that's the fastest I've ever seen.
mr deleon is now mr dele...ted
@doppelgreener heh, I know a guy with that name IRL (common name in parts of Texas) who is a Viet Nam vet. I don't think it was him. :)
Good morning, Imaginauts.
@goodguy5 Mornin'!
Happy Wednesday!
@goodguy5 \o
Wednesday is the Little Saturday
are you off on Wednesdays?
I can dig that: I only work half-days on Wednesday, and I get to the gym with my wife (who's also out early on Wednesdays, so we can sneak over there before the kids' bus gets home), and it's AL night.
@Shalvenay hiya.
I can think of several things I'd rather do with my wife than go to the gym, but everyone has their preferences.
@goodguy5 Nah, it's just a traditional party day for polytechnics
ah, I see
Although eh... now that I think about it, yes, I'm off on Wednesdays
3 hours later…
The GM promised I can play Hardholder but warned me that he's aching to see a Hardholder vs Waterbearer conflict and may try to coax others into picking that playbook. Getting serious Guelph vs Ghibelline vibes here :>
Q: How can a pc track a fleeing target

AnonymeI have seen the tracking rules on the survival skill and something bother me : you take a -20 penalty to track a target at twice your speed (a.k.a hustle speed a.k.a a fleeing runaway speed on a long distance chase). So how can you build an npc with a good to catch it's quarry ? Any race class sk...

I see a number of problems here, I am preemptively requesting that we avoid to "help pile" this new user
what is help pile? (I can guess due to it's name, but just to be sure)
@Helwar When multiple users comment in a short time to advise a new user. It's a problem because it easily gets overwhelming.
"One more thing..." "Don't forget..." "You should..."
My rule of thumb is to not comment on questions when two other users have already commented.
(Unless it's like a one-line joke or something)
Ok it is what I thought :)
As I see it right now we could be saying "is it PC or NPC", "what level is the pursuer", "is this effectively just 'how can I max survival'", "are the other NPCs also allowed to have any class, skills, etc", the part about the NPC still being able to capture/kill "does it mean it needs to win against the pursued in a fight?"
and probably a bunch more questions we could be asking
I predicted a flood of comments, that's all
Q: How to reward an answer that isn't my accepted answer

BloodcinderI asked the question Handling critical hits easily when using average damage and literally every answer is good. I've up-voted them all accordingly. For context, I accepted Rubiksmoose's answer, then later Glen_b posted an answer that is mathematically equivalent but expressed in a more intuitiv...

Eagle nest looks interesting now
hey there @Vylix and @Helwar
If I was at 29/33 HP, get hit by a wraith's life drain attack and fail my save, for 32 necrotic, do I instantly die?
hi @Shalvenay
@kviiri The eaglet freaking doubled in size in the last week or so
@Vylix Assuming DnD 5e?
@GreySage Yeah, eaglets begin doubling in size weekly around that age. A few months and I'll be able to see it with my naked eye in Helsinki.
@Vylix No, the MM states that you die if your max hp reaches 0. Your max will be 1 (33-32).
hmm, might should be asking in the site, I think.
oh thanks :)
Agree with GreySage.
You will be dying, because your current hp dropped to 0, but can be stabilized as normal.
@Vylix how're things going?
Great! In a session right now, that's why I ask here instead at the main site :P
33 max HP has to be <5th-level, right?
Not necessarily, my Monk has 39 HP at level 6.
@GreySage @Vylix i think there's an order of events problem here. If the drain occurs before the HP reduction, then you are dead. If the drain occurs after, then you are making death saves and have 1 Max HP.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body, pattern-matching website in body: Is having multiple Power Jewels by user45181 on rpg.SE
I've posted at the main site, with my interpretation and my DM's
@NautArch Nah, it says HP max is reduced by the amount of damage taken, so damage has to be taken first
@GreySage yuyp, and it's a dupe question: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/118874/…
ah right
I'm surprised the suggestion didn't show that question when I type the question
hey there @NautArch and @Anaphory
Hey there!
@Shalvenay howdy! sorry I missed the session this week :(
@NautArch interesting...
@Vylix good luck on your death saves!
@NautArch I had to miss as well -- was worth it though.
(got to bottom-fish in the Pacific Ocean :D)
2 success right now, and the battle is ending, so... this will be a memorable moment for this session
To be fair, a good night's sleep barely helps with anxiety so I would imagine it'd take more than one to fix my life essence being drained from my body.
@Shalvenay nice! always good to be out on the open water :)
@Vylix assuming you got a long rest after...:P
@NautArch yeah, the first encounter in this dungeon :o
Now I can't even afford to trip or whatever
@Vylix ruhroh
@Yuuki Anxiety is far worse
@Vylix and just realized that DM nearly rolled max damage. on that.
Yes, and crit...
@Vylix oh, he critted? THen you got SUPER LUCKY with rolling low damage!
He throw a bunch of animated armors and a wraith...
I was going to use Fade Away
when I realized I was down, lol
@Vylix so you did... not fade away?
@Vylix Uh oh, crit failure?
no, crit hit from wraith's attack
Normally when someone takes damage from tripping, it's because the DM has some weird sense of critical failure/fumble.
or it's nethack
@kviiri I'd argue that Nethack operates under an adversarial DM model.
@Yuuki It operates under a model where there's a whole council of adversarial GMs who try to surpass each other in cruelty
But yep
@kviiri Weird, this message didn't show but I did get the ping.
Someone killed the Mail Demon ;)
I did see "But yep" but I had to refresh the page to show the pinged message.
I'm far too young to have actually played NetHack when it was "big", but later on I learned that I played it quite close to "how it's meant to be played".
I mean, no spoilers, but I did a healthy amount of information sharing with my brother (and sharing intel was apparently the big draw of the game back in the days)
These days I don't really bother with roguelikes apart from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, although I'm still hopeful I'll get to code one myself :)
I actually the various interactions among potions and how you could use them to identify which kind of potions did what.
And also the hilarity that was a cursed potion of gain level making you ascend an actual level.
Yeah, it's not like NetHack's devoid of fun... I just don't think it's a very good game by its design for the modern world
Yeah, there's a reason why nobody's made money off Nethack. And that reason is that it's open source and you can basically download and play it for free but that's beside the point.
Dungeon Crawl's approach of being challenging without being unfair (or a variety of other things) is really good
Also, the fact that they have a design document as a part of the normal readme. I wish every non-trivial game had that.
I wonder what the various implications would be in a setting where metals and minerals aren't mined but grown from plants?
Instead of fields of golden wheat, you'd have literal fields of gold.
Or rather, you'd have that and wheat because gold doesn't fill an empty belly.
@Yuuki Unless you are a mineralvore
@Yuuki metal wouldn't have 'intrinsic value' (think gold), all metals would have productive value (like iron).
Hypothetically you could use fission to generate energy from gold
Would druids be able to wear metal armor because it’s “grown”?
@Yuuki That question is meaningless, druidic vows would be different in such a world.
@Yuuki VTC: Opinion based
2 hours later…
@HellSaint I can confirm playing SKT in 30 sessions, each ranging 3 to 3.5 hours. You can certainly "shortcut" plenty of parts of it, and if OP is set on SKT in ~50 hours it might be worth them posting a new question: "what's the critical path for SKT?"
what the
how did this question get closed as a dupe 20 minutes ago, but someone answered it 16 minutes ago...
@NautArch I don't know, but I was 1 sentence away from posting my answer when you closed it
@NautArch If the answerer's connection to the server is flaky, they don't get directly notified when the question is closed. There is a window where the server still accepts answers that were started before closure.
I.e. the logic that blocks users from answering the question directly after it is closed is client-side, not server-side
@ACuriousMind Curse my good connection!
@GreySage Heh, i was working on an answer when i found the dupe :)
I knew I should have just posted stuff without bothering to take the time to lookup exact definitions, but nooooo I had to be diligent.
@GreySage i also never noticed it was a Wisdom CHECK and not SAVE after the initial SAV. May have to try and use that.
@nitsua60 I'm not sure that's their plan, or they just want to play as much as they are able to.
@nitsua60 Btw, my answer focus more on the gaming part because I have some good amount of experience with preparing for games that are happening 3 months from now and not having time to actually prepare to them closer to the date. I can't say I have that much experience with actually playing for 8h a day, 7 days straight :P
Although we did that one once... but most of us were drinking and laughing, so improvising was the default tbh haha
Morning all.
Came in 2 hours early, only to find the meeting I was meant to have was cancelled. Blegh
Hey, at least you didn't run in late, panicking, and then find out it was cancelled.
@nitsua60 I am forwarding that link from angry's blob to my brother. I think he could use another tool for his encounter building.
@Yuuki This is true
Mr Crawford is now auditioning for MOTO: The force created by the unseen servant spell is neither a creature nor an object. It's a force I guess this puts a whole new spin on "May the force be with you." I guess someone is wishing that we all had an unseen servant .... which would not be a bad thing. Whenever I said "watch this -- hold my beer" the US would be there to hold my beer.
@KorvinStarmast I would appreciate a permanent Unseen Servant.
Oof. Found a Pathfinder PbP campaign on Myth-Weavers that seems neat. Playing recently-awakened gods... so we get some serious bonuses (though some of those can apparently be "turned off" from outside forces), the dice to roll are 6d6, reroll 1's, drop lowest 2, it's Tristalt (more than Gestalt), and Path of War/Psionics are available
I don't even know what to do with a Tristalt Character other than "everything"
Stabby McBlastsnheals.
@BESW Stab things in triplicate?
I mean, my reaction to that setup would be to see if Pathfinder allows for doppelganger/wildshape crossover like 3.5 did.
And if that doesn't work, I'd go with the good old invisible, inaudible, intangible bard.
Speaking of Pathfinder, apparently I'll be starting a new Pathfinder campaign this week. My first time.
I'm not sure if I hope the GM has all the Character Creation manuals so that I know where to look to know what I need to do, or that he doesn't so that I don't embarrass myself.
Don't need no manuals, Pathfinder is OGL (all content is online for free)
Well, seeing as my experience of Pathfinder is that there are multiple manuals for character creation, whether or not they are available wasn't exactly the point haha.
I have issues balancing a single-class 5e character on a good day lol
@Ben If you want to maintain your sanity, don't multiclass, don't prestigeclass, pick at most 1 archtype, and have everyone pick classes around the same power level (or agree to play them around the same power level).
Business Idea: Building PCs for people
Charge by Game/Edition, extra for multiclassing and optimisation paths
@Ben Have you read Constrained Optimization in Dungeons and Dragons : A Theory of Requirements Generation for Effective Character Creation, by Brian Ballsun-stanton and Samuel Russell?
The link in Brian's profile is dead, but you can dig it up pretty easy with a Google search.
@BESW Well, I skimmed that title... so no. Lol
@BESW example link I found.
Aw, it doesn't have any citations
I found it... though I am having trouble not skimming it.
"I took a break from my software development job to read a research paper about effective character optimization in DnD", may be the nerdiest thing I have ever done.
This is why I never went to University
@GreySage Something about being able to see me
Because this is exactly what I'm doing
@Ben We're secretly clones
WELL IT'S NOT SECRET ANYMORE. [throws hands in the air] Great job guys, the experiment's ruined.
@BESW Well that would explain my terrible memory at least. How many times has this happened?
I don't know what you're talking about. Push the button, Frank.
It's scary how accurate this is... Are you saying that my father is actually just my handler?
@Ben Quick, escape through the window! We'll rendezvous and take down the experimenters.
Okay, I finished Master of the House of Darts so maybe now my brain can stop trying to convince me that it'd be AWESOME to write up a detailed setting bible for 15th-century Tenochtitlan and then make a bunch of Gumshoe One-2-One adventures for it.
@BESW Well, I finished that... roughly.
Is that aimed at the DM or the player?
Fair enough
Well, I already had a general understanding of all that already. Not in that specific detail, of course.
But it's partially the reason why I make the big dumb guy that punches stuff. Lol
My games are usually at the end of that day, my brain has already shut down so my ability to interact in the game is little more than that. I occasionally have good ideas, but most of the time my good ideas are just the good ideas someone else had 10 mins ago that was decided wasn't such a good idea, for the reasons they just finished explaining.
Yeah, that's yet another reason I've been gravitating toward systems that may be complex, but aren't complicated.
...despite recent trends. [glares at Cthulhu Confidential and Fate of Agaptus]
@BESW hey Agaptus is a beautiful wonderful baby (and I fully intend to eventually figure out how the $$##& it works XD)
It is very,.... Voluminous
My biggest personal problem with it is how much non-rules reading there is between rules
yeah, though the table of contents helps keep it straight, and being Fate the narrative stuff is really the foundation for the rules.
Yeah but,.... I would probably understand the rules better if 80% of my reading wasn't still setting story stuff
To be fair, I could be reading more of it every day than I have been
I do think I really like Agaptus,... But I have to agree that the rules seem relatively complicated
Basically all the normal Fate rules with some completely new stuff rolled into it that I have never seen in other Fate systems

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