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@SPavel how many times do I have to learn not to eat/drink while reading this chat?
@Rubiksmoose Until you're fed up replacing your keyboard.
@NautArch Or in this case replacing my lungs.
Which did not take kindly to the surprise round introduction of solid matter into them.
@Rubiksmoose there are new lungs you can get with a built in alert feat. Then you'll be set
Look how alert they are
@DavidCoffron oh dear. I think I'll pass on the sentient lungs with faces thanks.
@Rubiksmoose but they are so friendly
Won't get annoying at all...
@Rubiksmoose but they are so friendly
Is there a point where a GM is overprepared? I mean, I have named all the 3400 people that are still in the city...
@Rubiksmoose good call. they need their own separate lungs to sustain them.
@Trish yes. you have reached it.
or long since passed it
you probably won't need to name more than a hundred, ever
@Trish Prepare for the players to burn down the entire city and move to a new region within 5 minutes of the next session, then.
@Trish that point was reached 3496 names ago.
@Trish you coild be using that time to he preparing othe parrts of the world that may be more imoortant to the story (i just use a random name genetator)
@ACuriousMind correct
There's no prep determined players won't be able to run past ;)
@doppelgreener But... I automated the process! and my players ran a census in the encirrcled town... and now I can tell them exactly who died!
@ACuriousMind I think players can sense prep and have an intuitive sense on how to make it useless.
@DavidCoffron technically I did use a Random Name Generator... 4000 times, together with hair colors and sizes
@Trish No bloodtype? useless. :P
@Rubiksmoose blood type is not usefull in TDE, but indeed, I forgot to roll for eye color and did not apply a random profession...
You don't need 3400 names to tell players "this many people died. this many people lived. if you want to know more i'll come up with something."
Oh, it's TDE
Then I don't know. :P I hear that one gets pretty prep-heavy.
The Dark Eye, aka Das Schwarze Auge
@goodguy5 The Dark Eye, Germany's answer to D&D :P
got it
@Trish Curse. I assumed some form of D&D :S
@Trish What if I wanted to set up a Red Cross?
@doppelgreener I prep a lot more for my Shadowrun sessions than I do for my TDE sessions
@Rubiksmoose Well, you could... the orcs wouldn't honor it.
@ACuriousMind Do you GM The Year of the Griffon? One of my players should know some third of the people in the town by name... well, I have ALL the names to tell them who died...
@Trish 'fraid not, I haven't run a premade adventure in years
@Anaphory So, regarding Friday, what would you like to do? What's your schedule like?
Hmmm, are the eagles attempting to expand the nest?
where'd the baby eagle go?
wait, is the big fuzzy eagle the baby eagle?
@SimonH. Yes, it gained additional hit dice
@MikeQ but hasn't gotten it's class feature (flight)
@MikeQ man, they sure level up fast, huh?
@SimonH. farming dead fish
@SimonH. The parents cast Enlarge Baby Eagle on it every day
they must have a lazy GM though because size bonuses shouldn't stack
@NautArch their GM should've just had them skip to the third level instead of starting at first :/
An actual conversation regarding same page tool I had with a friend
> (after me explaining the basic idea) her: "So why is it not a questionnaire?"
> Me: "What's the first question?"
> Her (looking it up): "It's 'do we play to win?'"
> Me: "Well do we?"
> Her: "Uh, I guess that depends on what 'winning' means..."
> Me: "Exactly."
(turns out those kinda vague questions can provoke really good conversations)
@DavidCoffron I claim to be a "rules jurist," not a rules-lawyer =D
I'm still studying for the rules bar exam.
@Yuuki I'll go to the bar and examine the rules for studying while sipping a beer.
No spoilers, but anyone see Solo?
Yup. It's okay
Will be going on Friday with my son. (Put up deflector shields to prevent spoiler penetration ...)
@ACuriousMind Yah, I liked it. A fun caper movie set in the star wars universe.
@kviiri sounds like you're using it right :D
@NautArch I have and I enjoyed it. :)
I went to see it with a friend who is a huge fan of the series (they were even born on star wars day) and they were disappointed by star wars episode 8... but they enjoyed Solo a lot. And some of the things I was worried wouldn't sit well with them, they enjoyed the most.
I'm sure people have discussed this to death already but browsing the Hot Network Questions has brought this up again: The obstacles to get to the Philosopher's stone in the first Harry Potter book make absolutely no sense.
@GreySage Very few things in Harry Potter make sense
@SPavel Indeed, but these much less than others
For example: "technology" stops working at Hogwarts but wtf is a "technology"
A quill is technology, ink is technology
If I have an aspirin tablet, will it stop working?
Like, ignoring the obvious insanity of "Transfiguration" being used to make something the same material but alive for the chess set, why have solvable puzzles in the first place?
@doppelgreener I've definiteyl read a lot of negative reviews, but that wasn't my experience.I'm a huge star wars fan and have enjoyed the new movies (barring phantom menace and clone wars), so my opinion tends to err on the side of Star Wars Good!
@GreySage Yeah big HP fan but that bothers me every time still...
Good mythical morning is weird
but hilarious
It's not a trial or a game, it's a security system. Why would you lock a door, and make the keys fly around in the same room as the door? Why not take the keys with you? Why not have every potion in Snape's obstacle be poison?
Don't forget that J.K. Rowling is terrible at math (dates often don't match up)
@GreySage Honestly that would be very Snape
Imagine him sitting in his office chuckling at the idiots dropping dead
Also, if there is an enchanted car that works fine at Hogwarts, why can't someone make an enchanted tank
and blow up Voldemort from 1km away
@NautArch Seems very mixed, and people who don't like a movie are usually the most vocal. (Loads of people were outraged by Star Wars 7 and 8... they're still extremely highly rated on IMDB and Rotten tomatoes.)
There were some weak parts of the movie for me but they were unrelated to the core characters or their backstories, which I felt were strong.
@Rubiksmoose It's improved, but still not very good and still completely misses what a Readied Action is.
@doppelgreener 8 was actually one of my alltime favorites.
Plus loads of people are going in with 30+ years of expectations and most of them won't get exactly what they expected exactly how they expected it.
@GreySage Never said I agreed with it, but I think it is a solid opposing view now and doesn't rely on the incorrect comparisons before.
@Rubiksmoose So what Action are you Readying?
Or is this an argument for Action vs action?
@doppelgreener I also go into all of these STar Wars movies not having read or watched any trailers, etc. (if I can help it and I'm not watching a trailer in a theatre that I can't escape.)
@NautArch The latter I believe. Though as I said above, I still don't agree with it.
Or at least I'm not convinced
@Rubiksmoose I asked them to provide examples.
Of Action vs action.
@GreySage Simple answer is that it was a children's book at the time of writing and the need for it to make more sense was applied retroactively :-)
@kviiri Even children's stories need to make sense for them to be good.
@doppelgreener Rogue One the SW prequel, was a very enjoyable film for someone who has been a fan since the first movie came out. (I was a sophomore in college at the time). They captured the feel of the original film better than some of the other ones.
@GreySage Well, I disagree about the extent to which they need make sense
@KorvinStarmast I loved it and K2SO stole my heart.
@KorvinStarmast I also liked it quite a lot.
One of my friends even developed a crush on him. 😂
@kviiri They can make a different kind of sense (like magic being a thing, talking animals, whatever), but they should remain internally consistent and logically sound, even if that logic is different from real-world logic. HP fails at both of these.
They made plenty of sense for me as a kid.
@KorvinStarmast R1 was a great Dirty Dozen movie.
(the Harry Potter novels)
@GreySage Such happens when whimsical stories get retroactively angstified
never bothered me really
@doppelgreener was your friend's name: <spoiler> :D
@doppelgreener I think independently, some of the character arcs work OK
But the way it's glued together is not good
As a story they make sense, kinda. As a story that takes place in a world similar to ours... not so much (the thing which strikes me as annoyingly wrong is how bad the dates are, especially since all of them are in the very real past - you shouldn't be getting it wrong that X person's birthday was a Saturday when that actual date in history is a Sunday; and that isn't the only date mistake in the books - that's just chapter 2 of book 1!)
@Delioth Maybe the wizard calendar is different from ours. Suspension of disbelief and all.
Hell, even the first day of the book was supposedly a "dull, grey Tuesday"... but November 1, 1981 is a Sunday
Harry Potter's wizards probably have a living calendar where the dates move around and sometimes there are five Sundays in a row because it forgot to update itself
@Delioth Honestly the date stuff doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't affect the story if its a Saturday or a Sunday, and it could easily be fixed by changing the date or the day. It's the actual story elements not being inconsistent or down-right bad that get me.
Although it is true that if the Wizards lived in their own world without muggles the whole thing would make a lot more sense.
Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch has much better urban fantasy worldbuilding
As a child I was not concerned with calendar consistency
(the movies are not very good though)
@SPavel great series
Are Potterverse wizards actual wizards or are they sorcerers
Realistically, in those books Moscow is infested by an ethereal fungus that drains away all positive emotions
Eh, the date stuff bothers me precisely because it's a trivial fix and something that should have been correct from the start.
@MikeQ ...please not this again
@NautArch I didn't like book 2 and didn't read past 4 which was also not that great
Though it didn't bother me as a kid (it likely only bothers people who are actually analyzing the books and notice the inconsistencies)
But 1 and 3 are good
@MikeQ Magic is clearly an innate trait, so sorcerers
Monday begins on Saturday is still supreme though
> "Yer an arcane trickster, Harry"
I cast Wish to stop all the shoehorning of other works of fiction into the DnD frameworks
@SPavel Just double-taked. Didn't realize two prequels came out. But I enjoyed the first three.
Hermione from the movies is clearly an Enlightened Fist
malfoy puuuuuunch
In one of our DnD campaigns one of the players was playing a Warlock who was expelled from their wizard academy after they learned the true source of his powers. A cool gameplay-story integration bit there.
@Delioth I was 10 when I read the first 3 HP books and all the non-numerical inconsistencies bothered me even then.
@kviiri Why would a warlock attend a wizarding academy anyway
what would he learn there
@DavidCoffron can't believe nobody took you up on this. If it helps the first word I thought of was "muffin".
it's not like it would be a party school
@SPavel To get a degree, duh
@DavidCoffron cheese. Now, why is "cheese" always the first word to pop into my head?
@kviiri What is the value of a degree for a warlock?
@SPavel The public sector won't hire them without it
@kviiri Surely a warlock would make a terrible public servant anyway
Well, joking aside, they were actually trying to be a wizard but got bored at school and found a "shortcut" through a devil pact.
@kviiri Ah, they learned jQuery
@kviiri Was the wizard of oz an actual wizard or
@MikeQ No, but The Wizard was.
@MikeQ Bard.
I hate when people don't put anything in the subject line for work emails
How am I supposed to know what I am not reading?
@SPavel jQuery is the universal answer to all problems on SE
Need to build a phone app? Use jQuery.
Can't find a missing DLL? Use jQuery.
GM with a problem player? Use jQuery.
@MikeQ Need to download jQuery? use jQuery
@SPavel ^^
Need to join the illuminati or cast a spell on your ex-husband? Use jQuery
@SPavel Did you try jQuery?
Need to find that ring you lost, or perhaps it was stolen by a sneaky Bagginses? JQuery's your answer.
@nitsua60 roll credits
@MikeQ $(this).children("").parent(".ex.husband").removeClass("ex");
Just realized that orcs in LotR are just a bunch of mordorhobos.
@Rubiksmoose <slow clap>
Did you accidentally warp your fleet slightly too far away to get a good shot at the runaway rebels? Use jQuery (instead of, you know, accelerating forward to close the gap. Or just chase them slowly for the next 2 hours)
I'd like to see Vince Offer pitching jQuery.
@MikeQ In Artemis, I warped the ship directly into an enemy fleet
In retrospect I should have used jQuery
[crane shot pulls away, zooming up through Minas Morgul, over the Mountains of Shadow, as we hear Smeagol's echoing voice cry out: "JQuery!!!!!!!!"]
I also, on two occasions, warped us into a mine field
@NautArch woo! that's two on the slow clap meter today lol
@Rubiksmoose you're on a roll
@NautArch time to quit my job and go pro with this comedy gig.
@Rubiksmoose use a jQuery plugin to write your material
@nitsua60 and so ended the age of jquery, as the elves took it and departed to the West, never to return. in its eve, the age of Frameworks, HTML5, and ECMA6+ dawned.
Just put a bounty for the first time on my own question! (and I even did it without jQuery)
@Rubiksmoose Good job! That's quite the accomplishment.
@Rubiksmoose Is it a question about Jquery
@SPavel every question is about jQuery if you believe hard enough.
@Rubiksmoose I voted!
@NautArch Your sticker is in the mail
@Rubiksmoose if you think about it, "just be a wizard instead" is the "just use jQuery" of D&D
@Rubiksmoose And it's a good question too, also has two almost equally popular opposite answers which is always neat to see.
@Rubiksmoose sure, ignore the Chat link in the comments :)
@kviiri I also find it funny that one answer is based only on the first sentence of the quote and other answer is based entirely on the other sentences.
@NautArch doh! moved.
"Because Ovid described the Minotaur as half-man, half-bull, but neglected to say which half was which some depictions show him as a kind of centaur-like creature with the head of a human and the lower body of a bull"
This seems like a great one to pull on PCs
NPC: "Powerful minotaurs are plotting to attack us"
@Helwar hola amigo
buenas noches!
@Rubiksmoose can't decide to throw in my own answer or give Illustro something to add.
@Helwar lo siento, mi Español es muy malo
Is it ok to spam my own question from another SE here?
also I'm using a USA keyboard so typing accents is muy dificil
good enough to say that at least! :)
@Helwar Only if it's about jQuery
@Helwar Is it about an RPG or JQuery?
it is about worlbuilding
@Helwar We only accept spam about illuminati and witch doctors who specialize in locating husbands
@Helwar For an RPG?
Kiswahili changu kidogo sana.
a book xD
@ColinGross but I've run 2 one shots in that universe, does it count?
@Helwar Worldbuilding stack is very low quality, better ask here
@Helwar So a single two shot? Like an espresso or a double vodka soda?
@SPavel is it? it's the first SE i knew of ever...
@Rubiksmoose I took a crack at it.
@ColinGross nah, one shot. Then later, another different shot xD
@Helwar You have our sympathies
@Helwar So like that song about shots?
if it's bad, delete it plz :)
@ColinGross wich one?
@NautArch hmmm I'm not actually certain it is clear what you are counterspelling. I guess it would have to be wish but does that really prove your point?
@Rubiksmoose Wish is the spell you're casting.
You ahve used a 9th level slot.
@Helwar Seems like you could use the handwavium god to create a super precise sensor, and then a cleric of handwavium could use that sensor to detect individual cancer cells and teleport them into space
@Helwar Short answer to your question is: yes. There are a number of surgeries where you do not have significant vascularization to the thing you want removed.
@NautArch right but how does that help us?
See the last paragraph of my answer for the direct counterarguement
@SPavel The Moon becomes a dumping ground of everything. Cancer cells? Banished to the Moon!
@NautArch @Rubiksmoose cheese muffin
Got it
@SPavel Yeah well, I prefer to leave the omnipotent (not omniscient) god outside of it... Noone likes superman interefering.
He exists, and through him some people can use a modicum of his powers, that's it :P
@DavidCoffron Walrus
@Helwar Probably wouldn't use tumors as an example. They have quite a range of complications. Removal of foreign bodies or tissue replacement might be more straight forward.
@Helwar Yeah so they could use his power to create a better tool
Like a ladder: Cleric uses X power to create hat of accuracy +1 which allows him to more precisely craft the hat of accuracy +2
And he keeps using his hat to print better hats
@SPavel yeah. I figured they would have already improved things with the use of his powers
@SPavel Hey! I like playing Factorio
like robots building better robots
What about when I make the hat of perfect accuracy (never miss). Then what?
Say it takes some time, so you don't get instantaneous singularity, but maybe the resolution only increases every X years or something
@Helwar Seriously... what do you guys have against Factorio?!
@DavidCoffron Then you can teleport subatomic particles and are god.
@SPavel So wait, is this god Bethesda?
@ColinGross nothing. Where do you get that Idea?
@Yuuki Do not use His name in vain or He will delay Elder Scrolls 6 again
@SPavel "It just works," so sayeth the Lord
@Helwar Saying using robots to make better robots like it's a bad thing.
@SPavel half life 3 confirmed?
Thing is, this godly being comes from another story, let's say that in his origins as a kid accidentally discovering his powers, he struggled to use them and not break reality. He was the paradigm of infinite power and minimum control.
@Rubiksmoose For your counter, kyou still haven't actually cast that other spell. You have cast wish and gotten the effects of another spell.
@Helwar One rule you could make is that due to how borrowing power works, a cleric's strength is more or less permanently invested into an item. So you would need one cleric to run the +1 hat, one cleric to run the +2 hat, and so on, and once you reach the resolution necessary for surgery, one last cleric to benefit from the +1000 hat
@ColinGross Like it's an example :P Nothing else
@Rubiksmoose that's my argument (I tried to clarify that)
@Helwar Actually, you could get around the vascularization issue of tissue removal by teleporting in shunts or absorbent material or extracellular matrix... etc...
Getting that many clerics together to perform the most complex surgeries is difficult and expensive
Ddn5e: When you duplicate a spell using wish, do you choose the spellslot "used", or is it automagically the highest/lowest spell slot it could be?
Especially if they have other jobs
@NautArch wish is instantaneous though. What is left after the instant wish disappears?
@Rubiksmoose the effect you've wished for :)
@SPavel like moving every spaceship ever and powering factories and whatever? xD
@Helwar I don't know, I don't play Factorio
@NautArch I thought it duplicated any other spell, not duplicated the effects of another spell.
@Rubiksmoose The water that you used to activate your instant wish.
@SPavel me either. I don't even know factorio, that's why I can't be against it :P
@Helwar You seem imaginative enough!
5:00 EDT, Crawford is on twitch.tv/dnd to discuss rules design. Maybe they'll have a Q&A @Rubiksmoose @NautArch
@DavidCoffron What does Crawford know about rules design
@NautArch that doesn't make much sense to me.
@Helwar I'll pop in a brief answer to your question.
Or is he hosting a working group so the fans can help him design better rules
How to design rules:
1. Get on twitter
2. Make statements
3. ???
4. Balanced gameplay achieved
@ColinGross Oh thanks! :)
@Rubiksmoose IT doesn't? I wish for cheese muffins. Cheese Muffins appear. Did they appear because of the wish, or because somewhere a baker named David quickly made a batch of Cheese Muffins? I'm positing that they appeared because I wished for them. However else they may have been created isn't relevant to me.
Crawford makes the game balanced by writing just enough errata and rules decisions so that you can rest the PHB on a needle.
@NautArch great, now I crave cheese muffins
You seem to have an extra step added there, Mike. 1. Get on twitter
2. Make statements 3. ??? ... That seems to be the actual process involved. :)
@NautArch I think it's because of the great walrus God (@GreySage)
I'd throw on there that there may be more than one reason for something to occur (you wished for them, so you got them because of the wish. The wish then caused David to quickly make a batch, so you got them because of David making them)
@NautArch You stole my muffins? (I'm David, I made some muffins last week. I only got to eat one, the other 19 disappeared (my family ate them ¬¬))
@NautArch Let us use an example closer to the actual application. I use wish to use Geass on a person. Then use detect magic. What do I sense?
they weren't cheese though
@NautArch And if you wish for more wishes, you'll find yourself in 10th century Spain.
@Rubiksmoose You sense that you wasted a detect magic spell. :)
@Helwar Perhaps NautArch stole the muffins and later added the cheese
@KorvinStarmast hahaha
@Rubiksmoose I think that's not the case you're asking about :) Detecting Magic on the target of the WIsh spell is now under the effects of Geas, with all the trappings thereof. But the casting to get Geas was conjuration.
Unless I misunderstood the question. Which I very well may have.
@Helwar You thought your family ate them. In reality they were whisked away by a Wish.
@NautArch It is exactly what I am asking about actually. Wish is always conjuration full stop.
But what is the spell that results from it is the core question.
@Rubiksmoose I think you may need to clarify the question. I definitely didn't read it as that initially. Give the example you gave just now. I have a feeling that's the problem with the votes.
@GreySage So that's why I'm always hungry right after lunch, somebody used Wish to magic the food out of my stomach.
but I'll be deleting my answer as that isn't what I understood at first attempt.
Uugh.. I just got the tumbleweed badge xD
huh.... I just learned that warlocks don't automatically learn the slots from their patrons
@goodguy5 so how do they learn them
they're just spells that the warlock can choose from, in addition to their regular warlock spells.
Ok, I see what you are referring to. Yeah, expands the choices, not like cleric domain spells.
@NautArch The same should be true with a wished fireball though.
You should essentially detect an instantaneous flash of conjuration and evocation magic.
@Rubiksmoose If you could Detect Magic atthat time...which you can't unless you've been readying an action :)
@NautArch even then you can't I think...
@Helwar Is this along the lines of what you were looking for?
@ColinGross let me take a look! :)
@kviiri I just came here to ask the same.
@NautArch I wish I could phrase this logic pithily because I think it would be much more convincing.

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