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hey there @Skyler
Quick question for any 5e enthusiasts… When referring to a mimic's abilities, it says uses the phrase "object form only". In what circumstance is a mimic not in its "object form"?
cc @KorvinStarmast @Shalvenay @Miniman
also @nitsua60
Never mind... I found it
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 it's just every other rule that simply casts a spell is the lowest level of that spell unless otherwise noted (see magic items, class features, monster/racial traits, and even blessings and charms) idk why this should be different.
2 hours later…
@DavidCoffron Can you please elaborate on the comment you posted earlier, what exactly do you mean about the Edits?
2 hours later…
@Thatguy The one about editing close questions? It's just that when a closed/on-hold post gets edited for the first time it gets put into a feed for high reputation users to decide if it needs to be reopened. (the assumption is that the user read feedback and edited their question to be within site policy). If you edit the grammar, that first edit gets pushed through anyway, and we won't automatically see if the OP edits the question. Your edit was fine, and you don't have to wait.
It was just something to consider
Q: How can I reward a good answer without driving more attention to the bad one?

AndrásI think the accepted and most upvoted answer is horribly wrong to a question. The why does not matter now. The third answer I find really great, and I wanted it to get some attention. So I placed a "bounty to reward existing answer", which had the opposite effect, it generated 4 upvotes for this...

1 hour later…
The eaglet is starting to look like an eagle
Oh my gosh, it is!!
Tonight's snack: microwave-popped kernel popcorn sprayed with olive oil and sprinkled with curry powder and garlic salt.
@BESW Sounds delicious. 8)
@doppelgreener "chirp chirp! I is adalt nao"
> Eaglet: "look at me fly momma"
> Mom eagle: "yes baby I see you"
Its flight feathers are growing out. :D
The cottage was nice, although I was super sleepy most of the time
Food --> three hours of coma --> sauna --> three hours of coma --> cheese and wine --> bed
@DavidCoffron Understood!! I appreciate you telling me, I didn't know that, but thank you very much for the update.
@kviiri Sounds amazing. :D
It was ^^ even the cheese was pretty good even though the shop we stopped at had a rather thin selection
I also felt a very strong urge to play NetHack, after all these years
@DavidCoffron Interesting. I can see that. I guess the mental model I have is that wish can cast an 8th-level spell, so "I wish to cast 8th-level dispel magic" parses just fine for me.
1 hour later…
hey there @Helwar
you missed put on the rhyme: "Hey thar Helwar!"
thar? I'm lost if it's more obscure than "thou" :P
@Helwar how're things going?
somewhat ill, salt mines had a fugue of residue that ended in the river and eventually on tap water. I don't drink tap water but I do cook with it... I got the alert to not consume tap water in the afternoon, when I had already eaten breakfast and lunch
so.... i've got the runs
ouch man
@Shalvenay yesterday was the bad day, today i'm "better"... but at work, not at home. So... mostly the same amount of bad :P
@Helwar ouch
@Helwar 1 hour has passed roll Constitution
@DavidCoffron don't joke, i make hourly visits to the throne >_<
hey there @SirCinnamon, welcome to the RPG.SE lair :)
Anyone care to guess why my Q&A is being negatively received? I just don't see it (probably because I wrote it myself)
@Sdjz No idea, I had just read it and found nothing wrong with it
@Sdjz just a consequence of self Q&As. Give it some time (some people are unfairly judgmental. See my comment on this question)
At what point in a story arc do you give away important plot points?
I.e. the fact that 2 out of 3 or your pad were created using alien tech, and biology, harvested from a battle between the two, and that your 3rd PC is living out their own Evil Predestination storyline?
@DavidCoffron Thanks, I see that does make sense. In my case though I think I already what originated the question. I actually played the build in a campaign and thought I'd share.
@Sdjz which is why you got my upvotes. It's a good question to be asked and you had a good answer. Some people are just automatically opposes to that for some reason
@Shalvenay Um, hi!
@SirCinnamon ur new to chat right? ;P
@DavidCoffron Haha i've been a little busy at work, no time to advocate alternative keyboard layouts
@SirCinnamon but my new keyboard idea ABCDE is so innovative c.f.
@DavidCoffron I'll take twelve!
@DavidCoffron Oh I see, thanks :)
hey there @Anaphory
How's life treating you?
alright here, as for you?
Excellent! On holiday, just visiting friends in Turku. Amazing weather, Time for reflection, fun-programming, drawing, listening to short stories, etc. Learning random stuff about vikings and ships because those topics recur in museums.
It's a nice town
I went for a walk on Ruissalo today, I'll explore the town in more detail on Wednesday.
(Part of exploring the town will be visiting museums, and Wednesdays are a lot better for that than Mondays.)
Turku is pretty much the oldest "civilized" place in Finland, too bad a lot of its history was lost in the 1827 fire
It had lost a lot of its status before that because the Czar considered it to be too close to Sweden so he moved the administration to Helsinki
2 hours later…
I could've sworn this question had been asked before for a different swallower. Anyone re member?
(Might have been a different but related feature instead of FoM)
hey there @ACuriousMind
how're things going?
Just back from work, about half an hour before I run off to join one of my FATE tables
ah, nice
@Sdjz it's only one downvote.... I assume if a post of mine doesn't have a downvote it's just not being seen.
@nitsua60 /me goes to downvote all of your posts to prove they've been seen
@nitsua60 Ah yes I was surprised at the time because the downvote came first, and with nothing but a single downvote I got worried :)
@DavidCoffron I appreciate the validation =)
@Sdjz Yeah, I don't know. Nothing jumps out at me, but it's only one....
@nitsua60 but, but it was 100% downvotes! Ah nevermind, probably overreacted.
1 hour later…
Greetings. I just wanted to pop in and say that if you're looking for a solid fantasy book series, you should read The Malazan series by Steven Eriksson (first book Gardens of the Moon). This guy turned his DnD campaign into a pretty unique world and his writing is excellent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Erikson
I'm on the second book and it's superb. Very mature, but not often gratuitous.
That's ^^ a nice combo that you don't find too often.
Also, long time no chat, @PremierBromanov o/
hey there @PremierBromanov
Quick! Name the first word that pops in your head. First 5 are part of my next character design
@Shalvenay Hello! I'm not as active because I moved out of the place that had all the books, so I can't make as many good answers lol. But I'm hopefully starting a new job with way better pay (50-100% more money than normal, at least 200% more than right now as I'm being paid minimum wage salary) so I might have extra cash lying around to buy the books.
@nitsua60 you are also part of this reply lol
@PremierBromanov ah.
but I have to move away from my home town to another state and thats always hard. I bet. I've only ever lived here
I think I need to take advantage of this beautiful day and ride my bike. Toodles!
Moving can be rough. The settling-in is helped a lot if you find a way to engage with the local community as a peer, like joining a sport or service team or the like.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: Can vampire-bitten corpses be affected by the Resurrection spell before they rise? by kyle on rpg.SE
Now that's the kind of spam we know and use as springboards for WoD campaigns.
Graaah, I was off for a few days and I come back writing the most extensive Q&A I remember doing.
Aaand it gets closed.
@BESW lol
back on track it seems
@HellSaint Many people on the planet would be offended by the casual use of those first few words; some are likely in this room or will be looking over today's conversation. Would you mind (a) if I went back and edited your message and (b) being a little more careful with language in the future?
@nitsua60 Don't mind at all. Will be. Sorry for that.
No worries--we all let it slip most days. Some of us just have the courtesy to do it in front of our small, impressionable children, rather than in front of strangers on the internet =)
It's pretty common to use it (or My God, My Lord, Dear Lord, etc) here to express surprise or being tired. I never actually thought people got offended by that (not too much world experience it seems).
@nitsua60 I'll use the fact that you're here and ask for help. rpg.stackexchange.com/q/123456/43856 - Since I'm already getting Too Broad votes :P do you have any suggestion on how to make it not get closed? It's a pretty frequent situation for many people and I would love it to not get closed and forgotten haha
@HellSaint "I'm not referring to any particular group/person I've played with, but a general set instead."
Q: Why was my question closed as too broad, unclear, or opinion-based?

mxyzplkThere are a good number of questions, especially from users new to the site, that get closed as too broad or opinion-based. This is a post we can link them to for more guidance than what comments can reasonably provide, and more focused than "read the help center". Feel free and add answers/tips ...

Q: When asking, how broad is "too broad"?

nitsua60Hoping to hear some others' perspectives, so as to better-calibrate mine to the community's. I'm struck by two of yesterday's questions, one closed as too broad, the other answered many times. Now I totally get that context matters: we can answer questions about spell use and expect relatively t...

@HellSaint Yeah, I'd suggest changing the lede to make clear: "this is something I run into with new players all the time, here's how it should look from the experienced person's POV."
(Rather than "here's a thing that might be useful," that makes it "here's a thing that has been useful.")
@HellSaint Interesting. Where's "here"? Here, in the northeast US, I read it as frustration.
(Personally, that a reason I urge my kids to eschew such language: it tends to be imprecise, if nothing else.)
@nitsua60 Brazil :P
or, more specifically, south of Brazil haha
@BESW I'm a little confused if that's a problem by itself or if it's the way I wrote it that made it unclear.
What I mean is that I had dozens of groups with new players and I'm not talking about any specific one of them. I don't see how the question would get better by narrowing it to a specific group that I have played with instead.
> If your problem is "I have a player playing a paladin and he's bugging the other players being a stick-in-the-mud and it's causing bad feelings" - that's a good question! Overthinking it and instead asking "well how have paladins been handled across D&D versions" is a bad question - both by the rules, and because it's a lot less likely to actually help you! Ask about your problem specifically. That overcomes most scoping issues. (source)
Questions are judged by their ability to attract good answers, and answers which address a particular problem by explaining general principles are better than answers which explain general principles without application.
Feb 9 '17 at 21:41, by BESW
@fectin Long, grueling experience has shown that when we design questions to be as broadly applicable as possible, answers tend to be so broad and vague that they're useless as actionable solutions to anyone.
How can we vote on answers if we don't know whether they're helpful since there's no particular problem to weigh them against as a solution?
@HellSaint I also think (personally) that self-answering (in one composition) an opinion-dependent question like this is a high-degree-of-difficulty proposition. Self QA on "how much damage does foo do?" strikes me as pretty safe. In this case, though, there may well be other useful POVs to bring to bear, but the presence of a well-fleshed-out answer whose author "unfairly" knew to write it before anyone else might crowd out competition.
All that ^^ means that some may be more critical when reading the self-answer than they might be of an independent answerer.
You know what problems you've faced in all those different games, but you don't tell us about them: you tell us the situation but not what's making you feel like it's a problem that needs to be solved.
(Or maybe I'm just projecting. Gotta run!)
So your answer looks useful to you, but anyone ELSE trying to answer it... can't.
Rewriting it, brb.
As you can see from the comments on the answer, everybody's coming at it with their interpretation of the problem because you haven't actually told them what your problem is. That leads to answers that try to give ALL possible solutions without any ability to differentiate between the useful or un-useful ones because expertise is useless when you don't know how your experience relates to the querent's problem.
@BESW if you can, check it again. I've mostly just reworded it, tbh. But if you think there are more details that I can add, either about the setting or the player I'm talking about, now it's actually possible, since I'm talking about a particular person.
> I want to help her to create her own character and, additionally, keep her interested in playing.
That's good, but why do you think she'll lose interest?
> She has never played any RPG before, but she's highly interested in playing them - she just couldn't do it before because she hadn't a group to play with.
No indication that loss of interest will be a problem, so the question comes out of nowhere.
@BESW Kay, I'll add that. The problem comes from experience - I've had players that had a lot of interest in playing, but since they didn't have the time for reading and by then I couldn't help them (because I didn't have much time either) they ended up just not playing at all
That's situation 1.
Are you worried about this problem?
@BESW i'm more worried about the person not liking a premade character
Q: Quick in-session character generation without using pre-generated ones

Chris WilliamsI'm surprised that there haven't been any questions regarding this, leading me to believe my situation is unique. I have 3 players who are extremely interested in trying D&D 5e out. They love the idea and want to play as soon as possible. However they also want to make their own characters and ...

Q: How to make character creation quick, interactive, and fun?

snuggles08I am playing DnD in weekly 1 hour 15 minute sessions, with the first session focusing on the basics of the game. By the end of the second session, all 7 players (most of whom are new) should have their own characters and preferably have gotten through some simple plot hooks. My goals for characte...

@BESW this is an interesting one.
I'm not exactly worried about the quick part though, more about not having to learn everything from the book before being able to create it.
Q: Keeping it simple for new players

BlueMoon93I've been DMing for a couple of years, and I have this recurrent problem. My players are now quite experienced, they know the rules, they know how to play. But every once in a while, we invite someone new to D&D to play with us (or a couple of people). When we invite someone new, we describe th...

Q: How can a GM alleviate a new player's analysis paralysis when creating a character?

SolidusVerumMy players are paralyzed about making their characters and as a GM what can I do to help? The players are new to role playing games let alone D&D 5e, and are getting bogged down. They tried out their characters in the first session, but I could tell some were not really happy with the game. Thre...

@BESW "Help them build their characters, step by step, keeping it simple when necessary, and allowing them to customize when I feel it's important (weapon or spell choices, for example)" - again, the problem is HOW to do it, exactly
That'd be what the answers are for.
Actually he mentions it's something he's doing, that's not his question though
Specifically, my problem is that they're not bored by so many rules, they just don't have time to read every possible option they are given.
Oh, that helps. Brb editing lol
(I found those by looking through the intersection of and )
I'm essentially trying to narrow down the question to the specific person and letting the "general case" in the answer, which should be fine, as the answer is the product from all my previous tables, right?
That's how I'd try to handle it.
The Stack works best when it's providing actionable solutions to specific challenges.
yeah, I'm learning that it's hard to write a question about a problem you've already solved :P
I want to share my experience on solving it, but writing the question itself becomes a lot harder haha
Yup! Self-answered questions are some of the hardest to write.
I try to approach it by first writing the question as if I hadn't solved it. If I write it with my answer in mind, I'm shutting out all the other answers that it could get.

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