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@NautArch That's true - the answer doesn't answer my question.
THe questions are dupes, but the answer is incomplete. I'd suggest a meta post about having the first question be a dupe of yours so that @DavidCoffron's answer is the primary one.
@NautArch Makes sense
I don't have time to write one up now :(
Hmm, I'll try and throw something together, quickly.
@NautArch wasn't there a similar question in meta about marking the older question as a duplicate?
@Tiggerous I'm doing now
@DavidCoffron Ok, thanks :)
Q: Duplicate question with better documented answers

OlorinRecently this question has been rightfully closed as a duplicate. However, I feel that some of the answers on the duplicating question are better documented than on the duplicated one. What is the best course of action in this case? Should the users move their answers to the original question? G...

Q: Old Question about Cantrip Level is limited in scope

David CoffronWhile this question: How can I tell how many damage dice to roll for an NPCs cantrip? does have a duplicate here: At what level do monsters cast cantrips?, the example for the older question limited the scope of the answers to Innate Spellcasting while the newer question is more comprehensive. S...

Q: Old Question about Cantrip Level is limited in scope

David CoffronWhile this question: How can I tell how many damage dice to roll for an NPCs cantrip? does have a duplicate here: At what level do monsters cast cantrips?, the example for the older question limited the scope of the answers to Innate Spellcasting while the newer question is more comprehensive. S...

@NautArch Fast fingers on that answer!
@Tiggerous i mean, i guess i could just go and do this myself?
My question's already been reopened by the community...
@Tiggerous oh, look. the other one has been marked a dupe :)
@NautArch It took me a bit but CR 6 (Flesh Golem + Bard College of Satire).
@DavidCoffron hahahaha
someone's got a slow day at work :)
Morning folks
@Alphaeus howdy howdy
@NautArch Hey mate, how's it going?
@Alphaeus not too bad, not too bad. Workin' and browsin'.
@NautArch Pretty much the same on my end, lol. Tinkering with the character I mentioned yesterday a bit for PF on one hand while also trying to learn Blades in the Dark system.
I have no idea about D&D 5 encounter design. How do I construct a fast, nonlethal encounter of 4 mentally distracted wood elf ranger-style people with some kind of boon from the Wild, for 4 level 2 adventurers?
And how to re-frame the same opponents, but less dizzy and more lethal?
I'd start with the MM Scout, modify their stats with elf racial bonuses, and go from there.
I'd also make it 3 rather than 4, depending upon how hard you want the encounter to be. With xp modifier, I read this as hard with 4.
@Anaphory what do you mean by mentally distracted?
With 4 you get a 2x multiplier and it is 400xp which is beyond deadly. So make it 3.
@Anaphory And if you want it to be fast and non-lethal, is this an encounter meant to drive the story forward rather than be a challenge in and of itself?
Also suggest you reduce their attacks per turn to one, rather than two.
@NautArch They are communing with spirits/under mental control/high on some hallucinogenic when the characters meet them in that opportunity.
Will you give them disadvantage on perception checks due to being high?
OK, is the party stumbling upon them, or trying to surprise them?
How hard do you want to make this encounter?
@Anaphory If you use a reflavoured bullywug (forest instead of swamp, speaking with relevant creatures, climbing instead of standing leap) it will work fine
(and just make multiattack use two spear/short bow attacks instead of bite)
I'd also consider a mechanic like confusion during the fight. Maybe give them a save at start of turn to see if they are under the effect.
Do they get disadvantage on attacks due to being high, or if combat begins does it sober them up?
If the party gets the drop on four Scouts, ... who is in the party?
class and archetype
Hmm, two scouts is Hard to Deadly as written ... let me try another reskin
I don't know, I don't know. I'm helping put together bits here and there for a multi-table adventure friends of mine want to run in the near future. I was there for the brainstorming and thus have acquired the expectation that I would help with preparing it, so I'm trying to fill in some of the no- or low-combat sub-modules.
@Anaphory I would consider just roleplaying the "mentally distracted"ness by making them employ sub-par tactics like you might for a less-intelligent creature
If you want a normal difficulty encounter you will need CR 1/4 creatures
Well, for ease of use, I'd modify the scouts to have one attack per turn, not two, and leave it at four of them. Anyhoo, hope it works out ...
The drow in the monster manual are CR 1/4. You could just replace the Innate Spellcasting trait with the Wood Elf racial traits and hand crossbow with a shortbow
Here is the reskin of a guard, turned into a forest ranger. Forest Ranger, Elf.
Armor Class 14 (Studded Leather + dex)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) / Speed 35 ft.
STR 12 (+1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 12 (+0) WIS 12 (+0) CHA 10 (+0) 5
Skills (+5) (Expertise / proficiency in Perception, Stealth: + 4
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages: (Elven, Common)
Actions: one attack (Spear or Bow)
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft(thrown)., one target.
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) or 5 (1d8 + 1)(two hands) piercing damage
LongBow. Ranged Weapon Attack, +4 to hit 1d8+2 damag
(You can add Advantage on Hide checks if you want to emulate "mask of the wild" form Wood Elf kit ....)
@Anaphory (David's idea on reskinning the drow would also work ...)
Sorry, it should read like this for skills Skills (+5) Perception (Expertise / proficiency) ; Stealth: + 4
1 hour later…
My players had a day of downtime today and decided to put on an impromptu play. A couple props, special effects and play acting/fighting plus some advertising via skywrite and they actually drummed up a decent crowd
@SirCinnamon lol, fun
Wasnt the longest play ever but I had them do some performance rolls and such. Drummed up some business for the tavern they were outside and the barman appreciated it
Q: Random Dungeon Generation: How Individual Treasure or Horde Treasure

DallasSo I've got a dungeon I've mapped out using the DMG's random Dungeon Tables. I've fleshed it out save for the treasure. There are times I have "Monster" or "Monster with treasure." There's a separate room designated for treasure, so obviously, use the "Treasure Horde" table for random treasure....

Interesting, how did this happen? It looks like someone (OP with a registered account probably) just posted an answer to this question even though it was closed yesterday...
@Rubiksmoose weird, it says closed 5 minutes ago (answer posted 12 minutes ago) - why do you think it was closed yesterday (or maybe itw as...but reopened?)
@NautArch Well it doesn't now... Maybe I just hallucinated it lol
@Rubiksmoose hanging out with wood-elves again, eh?
@NautArch Are those the green fairies I hear tell about? lol
Does anyone have MToF already? I thought release date was the 29th (I ask because there is already buzz about it and this bounty)
@DavidCoffron Picked mine up last night; it'd been around the FLGS for nigh-a-week, I think?
@DavidCoffron have the digital version
haven't had a chance to start getting into yet
It definitely has Orcus-stuff in it, but I'm AFB.
@nitsua60 Argh. I preordered. Still waiting
@nitsua60 And this raises a problem with citing sources :) When I cite to that, it'll be digital links only.
There's a meta post somewhere that has some bearing on that... [rummages]
A: Stance on using D&D Beyond for references?

keithcurtisUse either for convenience, but prefer the physical book if available at hand My reasoning is that books have a permanence that digital media (in the format of D&DBeyond) lack. Most of the online material for 3rd and 4th edition is either gone, or requires a trip to the Wayback Machine, resultin...

Q: Please consider using book references that will be understood internationally

nvoigtThis originally was an off-topic comment elsewhere. I think it's important enough to warrant it's own post. As this is an international site, our language is English. However, many people play games in their native language, using translated books. Posting here means we can translate language fr...

no, I was thinking of this:
@DavidCoffron ...and it no mention of symbols
It's coming from the stance of "books might be paginated differently during translation," but I think the general reasoning "cite chapter and section by name" will probably help across the digital divide, too.
@nitsua60 without a book...there is no reference i can cite.
@nitsua60 I usually do that because I don't have the book on hand but have some rules memorized verbatum, but I guess I'l supplement page numbers in the future
@NautArch Cite the heading of the section you're in--it should be findable by the owner of a book.
@nitsua60 good idear,
@DavidCoffron I've gotten in the habit of still using page number (because it's most-useful to a large portion of the audience) but including heading. E.g. "when your GM asks you to foo a bar, you make a foo check using baz (PHB p.123 at "placeholder variables")."
@NautArch (And then the next reader with a book can put in the page number if they like.)
I want proficiency in foo. Teach me your ways @nitsua60!
@DavidCoffron Only Jon Skeet is proficient in foo
I did a thing!
@goodguy5 Cool, but I think applying/removing Demerits and advancement need more substance to them.
I mean, I agree a bit, but I was at 199 words lol
Definitely +1 for d12 promotion.
@GreySage Just reached level 17 with a character and get to roll a d12 for proficiency. I'm way too excited.
@nitsua60 Interestingly, this also helps me look up the book reference digiatlly since sometimes search fails and there are no pages to flip to on DndB
@goodguy5 Feels very Fate-y
@SPavel that was mostly intentional
Honestly the fact that you can pare it down so much and not lose the essence is a testament to how well the conceptual model works
You could try to do the same with d20 but it goes splat a lot more
Something like: the 6 stats, each starts at -1 and you have X points to apportion, roll 1d20+relevant stat VS a DC set by the DM
But that loses a ton of the richness
@NautArch thanks for that forcecage link. It led me to the Q I was looking for. I knew it existed but could not remember the wording.
@Rubiksmoose np, even feels like a potential dupe but it's a different spell.
@NautArch you mean the forcecage one potentially a dupe of the polymorph one? Or forcecage potentially a dupe of the current one?
@SPavel Dungeon World works somewhat like that, i.e. just having the 6 stats and rolling 2d6+stat vs. a fixed three-tiered set of "DC"s: Less than 6: Failure, 7-9: Success with a complication, 10+: Full success. While the full system has a lot of specifc moves that tell you what more specifically happens in these three cases, you can go a lot of the way just rolling 2d6+stat and making up the consequences as appropriate.
@Rubiksmoose the latter
Creature X fits originally in Space A, but then becomes Bigger than Space A...wuhappen?!
@NautArch Ah yeah. Definitely would have been close if not for the obivous dupe.
I think that it could be argued that it could be a dupe of the one the Q is now closed to, but like you said different spell...
oh hey no wonder you found that so quickly!
@Rubiksmoose :D
tarrasked already, eh?
@NautArch seems that way don't it? :P
I couldn't decide between tarrasked and tarrasqued
@Rubiksmoose good call on the more obvious pun
I thought the former would be clearer if not funnier.
The parallel to other words with the same suffix would be -qued (see calqued, torqued)
@SPavel Even more direct comparison: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/basqued
@SPavel You've piqued my interest, sir.
Although I don't trust wiktionary 100%
@Rubiksmoose I find the two questions related but still different since the fact that there would be no "outer" space to be ejected Ruwould leave me with few to no choises on how to rule this situation... I not sure whether the monster could be instakilled or not, are there other possibilities? May the demiplane laverate and eject the Tarrasque in the ethereal plane? — Dinisaur 4 mins ago
hmmmm thoughts?
I guess there is a point there. Being in an extradimensional space seems like a unique enough factor to warrant a separate question I suppose.
@Rubiksmoose Yeah. I left a comment asking for an edit so future readers identify his specific problem. Don't now how to word it though.
@DavidCoffron Don't you mean wiquetionary
@SPavel wiquetionarasque is my new homebrew titan.
Q: How do I secure demon remains after the demon is defeated?

Kriek van der MeulenI was wondering; In a regular dnd game, would it be possible to cut off part of a demon in the material plane and not have it dissappear when the demon is defeated? For example: to gather demon bones. We are running a campaign designed by our dm using all the 5e books published so far. However...

He actually came back!
@DavidCoffron Does it rampage across the cosmos, sporting magic immunity, giant claws, and poorly sourced definitions?
@GreySage and mediocre logos
@Rubiksmoose Tarrasque has a +9 to WIS saves, advantage on the saving throw, and legendary resistance. Odds are...they're not failing that WIS save.
@NautArch Saw that as well. When looking for the dupe lol.
Yeah that monster is not getting polymorphed unless that is some seriously drained tarrasque and a very lucky spellcaster.
@NautArch What if you go back in time (via gynosphynx lair action), infuse wild magic into the Tarrasque fetus/egg, and activate its wild magic in the present through ritual and it rolls 41-42 on wild magic surge?
[plants flag]
A Tarrasque isn't a monster. It's an environmental condition.
@nitsua60 i've got a bad feeling that may be our next combat in my frustrating DM group
@NautArch I can guarantee it won't be your next combat in your largely-absent-DM group =D
@NautArch You could complain that it is tarrasquement
@nitsua60 hehehe. Although that DM also fudges stats (i think), so who knows. I still can't figure out how I killed that Kraken.
@nitsua60 Tarrasque encounters are either tedious (if you take him on with a big party) or not a direct fight (if you have few members of the party just trying to stop him from doing damage to the city). It's a very different kind of combat
@NautArch I wouldn't want us getting bogged down in a Tarrasque.
Can I be a Tarrasque-kin. Is there a dandwiki for that?
@nitsua60 ::A tarrasque eats the flag::
@DavidCoffron The most recent time I've pulled the Tarrasque in a game I'm pretty sure, years later, the players still don't even know it.
(Some of them are in this room--I forget if I ever mentioned it to them.)
[leans back and grins]
What do you mean they don't know it?
@DavidCoffron Ask @trogdor, @BESW, @Shalvenay =D
@DavidCoffron apparently we had an opportunity to get plans for a weapon to fight it with...but we didn't. Because awkward DM puzzles are awkward.
@nitsua60 I've been meaning to ask - Do yall play online or in meat space?
@MikeQ Instantly checks if demiplane can make a "meat space"
but only wood or stone sadly
@DavidCoffron Darn, no meat elementals
Flesh golem?
@DavidCoffron I hear Meat Space is an up-and-coming social network
Question reopened BTW
@DavidCoffron Variant flesh golem with the "delicious" template
Has an aura of BBQ smoke, creatures must make a wisdom save or be charmed and hungry
@MikeQ Online--we span 4 time zones, so it's Roll20 for us.
@DavidCoffron caaarrrllll
I don't know why but the number of 1's in a line here made me smile
That's it. I'm making a kabob golem when I get home today.
@nitsua60 You span 4 time zones? Like each? you all are giants
@DavidCoffron Each of them lives exactly at the border between zones
which means they can move a few meters and travel back in time
@DavidCoffron beautiful!
@MikeQ Is that how time travel works? Dangit, I knew all these quantum mechanics classes were a waste of time
semi-pun unintended
Hey, just curious...
Has anyone here played the Blades in the Dark RPG system?
I'd play it
Base Pokemon: Egg, stage 1 evolution: this, stage 2 evolution: mama eagle
@SPavel Eggs are their own thing, not base pokemon.
did it just pass out?
@SPavel Mega evolution:
Well, except exeggcute, I guess
@ACuriousMind Tell that to Togepi
@DavidCoffron It evolves into an elf?
@MikeQ I just started giggling and my coworker looked at me funny
Awww sleepy eagles
Oh I see it now. There's an eagle hiding behind the elf.
@MikeQ That's no eagle...
That's a... space station?
I was confusing my references. Was going for Jaws, but that isn't from Jaws...
@DavidCoffron looks like we're gonna need a bigger eagle?
@NautArch Yeah. I don't know. I need a bigger brain lol
@ACuriousMind There are eggy Pokemon
Togepi, Vullaby, Exeggcute
7 mins ago, by ACuriousMind
Well, except exeggcute, I guess
Exeggcute is seeds cough cough
@DavidCoffron Exseedcute?
@DavidCoffron Aren't eggs just animal seeds?
"Often mistaken for eggs. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms."
But that is gen I
then it became: "Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated." in gen IV
@Rubiksmoose ^
the eagle is watching us back
@NautArch That eagle belongs in a museum
@Rubiksmoose I find myself wanting to disagree with this, but it's a fair point :D
Mama eagle is trying to sleep, but the baby keeps poking her
@ACuriousMind @Rubiksmoose ova become eggs, ovules become seeds (both of which house the embryo of the animal/plant). They are functionally equivalent
@GreySage Seems legit
Can ghost ships sail in doldrums because the wind is dead?
@Yuuki you should just change your name to /showerthoughts
@Yuuki Not a traditional ghost ship. Ghost ship is a regular ship with a dead crew
@Yuuki I see what you did there.
For some reason, I'm picturing a storyline where some dude teams with a necromancer and they scam villages by having the necromancer summon undead that the dude "kills" (but really, the necromancer just releases them or whatever) in return for a reward from the village.
They repeat this over and over and it slowly morphs from a scam into fantasy WWE.
And now villages pay the duo to come over and perform for entertainment.
@Yuuki Wasn't this the plot of a Fairly Odd Parents episode
And then they hire a bard to hype up the "battles" and such.
@Yuuki do campaigns you play in often veer from the original quest?
@ColinGross I'm not 100% sure what the original quest in my current campaign was.
Do you play in the demiplane of meatspace or internet space?
...campaigns are supposed to have quests instead of players wandering around doing random and hilarious things? :)
Meatspace sounds unsanitary.
@ACuriousMind lol, why can't the quest be to wander around doing random hilarious things? I'm in a homebrew PF campaign that is a party of 6 bards.
@ACuriousMind why not both
@MikeQ (echos)
@MikeQ I think the later just happens no matter what.
@MikeQ thta's how i'm planning my upcoming campaign. There's a main storyline, but i'm going to let my players direct a lot of what's going on. I'll keep track of things happening in the world and provide information so they'll know if their wanderings are creating a bigger problem.
@Alphaeus 6 bards sounds brutal to write encounters for.
@NautArch That sounds good.
@ColinGross The Big Boss Battle is just the Eurovision Song Contest...
@ACuriousMind roll for random protester interruption ?
@ColinGross Seemed like the best compromise I could think of? What's the worst thing that'll happen if they don't follow the main plot? The freaking world ends. :)
The party is obviously completing quests using the Goblin Assassin method (The more victims he kills, the more likely he is to get the right one.)
@NautArch No no, there's no investment in that. Players don't care about the world. What happens if they don't follow the main plot? Every magical item in the world disappears.
The more stuff they do, the likelier it is that they will fulfill the objectives of a quest
@SPavel random walk method of adventuring? What's the party name? Brownian Motion?
What happens if they don't follow the main plot? A goblin acquires a genie lamp and makes a wish that makes combat grant no EXP.
@Yuuki That's also kind of happening. Weave gets unstable and things start happening randomly.
@ColinGross lol, it seems to be going well. The DM created a means of diversity (you can buy training that essentially amounts to abilities from other classes, but it's expensive).
Still, it's funny
Enemy approaches
What happens if they don't follow the main plot? Hephaestus sneezes and all weapons become improvised, dealing 1d4+STR bludgeoning damage.
Cue dancing, bagpipes, drum, flute, violin, and poetry
@Alphaeus Cue dancing, bagpipes, drum, flute, singing wolf companion, and RAAAAAGE
@MikeQ My char has rage because he got barbarian training, so yes :P
My character is a 12 foot tall 6 armed predatory arthropod who wears an armored kilt, plays the bagpipe, and has a gun the size of a cannon.
(the Bagpipe is the gun...he's a crafter, too)
Not precisely optimized, but surprisingly effective
He's also got negative mods on Int and Wis
@Alphaeus What!? No. It is super wise to rig your bagpipe with explosive powder in order to fire metal projectiles at your enemies.
@Alphaeus Right, right, the iconic bard, we've all seen it before
@Alphaeus So... you're playing a Scot?
@Alphaeus So when he attacks, it's considered bombardment?
(too many mentions at once, lol)
@Yuuki Save against eye-roll or suffer the groan condition for 1d4 rounds
IIRC the original favored race of the bard class was the giant Scottish bug commando
@Alphaeus I've long argued bagpipes should be considered weapons, but I didn't mean it that way...
pretty much
It's a 7 foot bagpipe
And yes, he speaks with a scottish accent
DM said he had to be hard to understand due to low intelligence and a race that didn't normally speak common
Like this?:
"aye pure luks like iss an that by the waay, ya ken?

Ken's barry but d'ye ken Barry?"
Actually, yes
He's charming as hell, though
@ColinGross Jr. Front End Developers
for something that freaky
full on 18 charisma
@Alphaeus Anyone is "charming" when you can roll 24 on Intimidate (oh wait. I just presumed system. umm.. ignore)
Lol, even better, I'm planning on getting permanently enlarged so I can take the Snatch feat.
And I already mentioned PF, so you're good
Ain't anybody gonna tell a 12-foot raging insectoid with a giant gun they're not charming!
Raging *with a gun
Savage Technologist barbarian archetype
That's the pic from the book of his race
He's the joke character of the group, pretty much.
But considering he's also the damage output person of the group, no one complains
@ACuriousMind "Good sir! While I most heartily object to you rampaging through my house and exploding my butler, I must nonetheless congratulate you on your excellent etiquette and wit."
@GreySage Once a barbarian enters your house, it is no longer your house
@GreySage "Weel ah thank ye for bein a man of gud culture"
Also, no longer your butler
@SPavel Particularly at 12 foot tall one
@SPavel You're lucky if it is still a house at all
It's the same as "if an attacker has physical access to your machine, it is no longer your machine"
If PCs have access to your things, these are no longer your things, they are treasure.
So far we've only had one person complain about his bagpipes, too
@Alphaeus Did the barbarian make an example of him?
@Alphaeus My choir director HATES bagpipes so you can make it 2
"Ahh, I suppose it doesn't bug me that much," said the deputy as he wiped the sheriff's organs off his glasses
@SPavel the tavern where it happened recently changed its name to Redwall, by DM prerogative.
@SPavel They'd be playing DOM and Dragons?
@SPavel "bug" may be a risky word choice in this case...
@Alphaeus Bagpipes sound better the further away from them you are.
@ColinGross Yes, but this bagpipe can deal up to 80 damage in a single round at 500 ft.
WITHOUT a crit
@Alphaeus That is fortississimo fo sho
@Alphaeus Shatter eardrum ability? or Melodious Mockery?
@ColinGross It's called "Crafted with a Double Hackbut inside"
@DavidCoffron Obligatory reference: imgur.com/gallery/f2HXU
Hackbut? Is that a kind of l337 flat fish?
@ColinGross it's a PF gun that typically requires a mounted wheeled tripod to fire unless you want to be flung backwards onto the ground, and does more damage than some siege weapons.
Because he's large, though, the gun lists the option of a large enough creature using a gun one size too small and skipping the need for the tripod
Essentially he's carrying around a light cannon.
But it's a bagpipe
Did I mention this lovable and dumb creature (he's only 13, since his race matures fast) named this lethal bagpipe Snuffles?
Because reasons.
@DavidCoffron tfw the critical player for this session gets forgets that he didn't tell you he had a date.
@Alphaeus Tfw when the 2 add-on players are here but the group of 3 friends that you started with hasn't shown up
@Alphaeus like the 2e arquebus?
@DavidCoffron OOo so true. I've had that. I just pile all the shame on the friends.
Didn't those things historically explode more often harming the user?
@ColinGross This deals well over twice that damage
@ColinGross In this case, a bit, but mine is magic with the Reliable enchantment, so no.
The reason this gun is so powerful is because 1) it normally takes a full round to set up, 2) it normally takes two full rounds to fully reload
I can reload it in one round and don't need set up, hence the practicality
@Alphaeus Does it ever explode and kill the wielder?
@ColinGross In PF, any gun can do that (well, not advanced ones, but those usually aren't played). A roll that is low enough (each gun has a threshold) is a misfire, which makes the gun broken. You can keep shooting at a penalty, but if it misfires again, it creates an explosion.
The explosion is equal to gun damage...and with the most powerful gun in the game, that's pretty lethal.
Thankfully, there are ways around this with magic and whatnot.
@Alphaeus I like this system.
@Alphaeus I do not like that.
@ColinGross Arquebus and Hackbut are two words for the same thing
@ColinGross Well, it depends. Like, on more dangerous guns, you're pretty much stuck. The only surefire way to prevent misfires also limits you to firing only once every two rounds (magical tiny construct cleans the gun after each shot).
@GreySage Interesting. I find both terms entertaining.
On more well-built ones, you have to pay for at 32k Gold magical enchantment to prevent a misfire...which is a alot of money
@Alphaeus Have you considered firing every round anyway?
@Alphaeus Can that be reversed?
@ColinGross The way that construct works, you cant. You fire once, the construct cleans the gun, and then you have to reload, and then fire again. Under enough magic, you might get one shot per round, but that's still suboptimal
@ColinGross Not really. I mean, there are complicated ways of removing enchantments (one third-party class can do this with just a touch), but the fastest way is merely for someone to attack your weapon directly, thereby breaking it
@Alphaeus Can the construct be killed? What happens if you accidentally shot the construct?
@ColinGross Oh pft, the construct has 1 HP and essentially no AC.
So yeah, you could annihilate that easily
@Alphaeus What if I attack the weapon with another hackbut. Is that like a bag of holding into a portable hole?
@Alphaeus Now I feel kinda bad for the construct. What a crap job. Cleaning a thing that's going to explode and might not kill the sucker forcing you to do this awful work, but will definitely kill you.
years later? I am afraid that confuses me greatly
@ColinGross Not really. It's a gun shooting a gun. If you did enough damage to completely break my weapon, game over. In My case, it's also an arcane bonded item (essentially a familiar), so it heals to full HP each day
@ColinGross Well, true, but it isn't a sentient construct. So no feelings hurt.
@Alphaeus Have you considered that's why it has so few HP?
@Alphaeus If it dies do you have to bury it?
@ColinGross Eh, maybe.
@ColinGross Lol, if that thing died, it would be in some situation that blew it to pieces...so no
@NautArch More than 80 companies, really.
@BESW i get it, but compared to the volume of sales from others i'm guessing it's a very small percentage.
but i'd be happier if i was wrong
Since the original conversation was about how impractical/impossible that policy is, rather than how common it is... I'll take Bits & Mortar as a good sign.
Aw, I missed a discussion on how messed up US politics is?
@Yuuki We can always have a second one, at least until we get banned
@KorvinStarmast Nice! Thanks for doing that! I had it open to go through and add stuff too at some point (who knows if or when that point was going to happen though).
I mostly wanted to contribute that the point of state's rights is a bit laughable because the state governments always complain about federal overreach but then turn around and impose their own laws on local governments.
Still stuff to add from MTF of course now.
Like in Dallas, a county gov't decided to ban fracking and the state legislature turned around said "no you can't do that, we're the state and we say fracking is good".
@Rubiksmoose I ended up waiting for the paint estimator guy here at the house, so I thought "while I am waiting, and XGTE is here, why not?"
And Texas leads the country in number of lawsuits brought against the federal government, so that was pretty hilarious.
@Yuuki Nope, not laughable. A fundemental bit of this particular model of federalism. There are other models.
@Yuuki This just in: Texas leads the nation in being Texas.
@Rubiksmoose And the folks in Oklahoma aren't even trying anymore. I hear they are building a wall too. :p
@KorvinStarmast The thing is, these legislators always make the argument that "local government knows better because it's local". Which, by that logic, city councils should be able override state. But they don't actually care about state's rights. They just want excuses to pursue their own financial incentives.
@Rubiksmoose wew texas
@BESW here here for good signs!
@Rubiksmoose honestly Alaska is at least as Texas as Texas, if not more so
or is it hear hear
@NautArch Hear, hear
hear hear it is. loooong day.
Yeah, it's basically telling everyone around you "Listen to what this guy's saying!"
Hyuck hyuck?
But it fills the same idiomatic niche as "this" does in online text, so "here here" is an interesting collocation.
....collocation isn't the right word. Hrm.

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