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I think the Gygax tradition would be to have many more spell to add to the flavor of the universe without being useful.
Like sneeze. I did like that.
Silent Spell: Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Sans Somatics
Deep pockets was one that I'd have like to see ported.
Snilloc has a punchable name
Awesome alliteration abilities
@SPavel And a very backwards name
@MikeQ ohhhhhh. Intentional?
@Rubiksmoose VTC, designer intent questions are speculative
I vote we put all of them on hold /s
Internet over.
@Rubiksmoose Bee?
@NautArch Thank you for finding that. That was exactly what I was thinking of.
my goal in life is to be as happy as this cat
@NautArch Those suggestions are underpowered. 1 damage for a bee?
Seems low considering you can wield a bee as an improvised weapon for 1d4 damage
@MikeQ The bee doesn't have a human's muscles
Same way that a longsword, by itself, deals 0 damage, but when wielded deals 1d8
@SPavel did you mean to post to imgur?
@ColinGross No, this chat needs more cat
@MikeQ "wield a bee" you almost killed me by making me inhale tea.
Cat chat
Birds chat has attracted a cat
Cats for the cat chat, birds for the bird throne
@SPavel Mildly interesting story: I often cast the eagle stream onto my TV and my cats LOVE it.
Completely unaware that the eagle would easily beat it in a fight lol
My cats lost their poo when birds were on TV. I was worried about scratches to the screen.
Ok, brainstorm time. Imagine you're a very wealthy member of an evil empire, and you want to conduct a naval campaign to wipe out some pesky pirates. You learn about some sort of magical artifact(s) that you believe will help you with your invasion plans. This is a high magic world where you could easily hire some wizards and druids to cast spells for you. So what's so special about these artifacts?
I'd almost be more concerned about poo on the floor.
@MikeQ you're not beholden to your casters. with the artifact, YOU hold the power.
It's galling to have to depend on underlings.
It's remarkably difficult to cajole or coerce high level casters.
They have bad reactions to attempts... like 7th level bad reactions. Also, they may have friends or similar power. Best not deal with them.... also you have to pay them. None of them, "do it for the exposure."
Hmm... it's technically true, but it doesn't seem like a strong enough motive
Money and power? What motives are stronger?
Having options is always good.
Being liked.
feelings? bah... a constant stream of calm emotions or wine fixes that.
And any artifact that can help you wipe out pirates could probably be used to wipe out your own navy.
@Yuuki I like the options angle.
So you might as well get your hands on it before any meddling adventurers get too big for their britches.
@Yuuki Eyepatch seeking missiles
The flippancy of evil is often the most disturbing part. "you waged an entire campaign of carnage and acquisition just so you could have farging options?!?!"
@Yuuki My BBEGs view adventurers like start ups. Most die. Some sell out and retire. Very few get big. Best to just ignore them until they become a problem.
@ColinGross If I'm sufficiently wealthy, I could offer the wizard some noble titles and more gold than they can conjure. I could offer the druid expanses of untouched land. No, this artifact needs to do something that most spellcasters can't do.
Big bad sacrificing tons of people and resources so he can dimension hop to a dimension where his favorite treat is still made.
@MikeQ sure... they do the job, and get paid. You're out some titles and land. Maybe your limited by available titles and land.
Also, now you don't have much to offer them again.
So it's a one shot deal.
@MikeQ It spreads a deadly and contagious disease to anyone who's committed murder. You pretty it up and let it get robbed by the pirates.
@doppelgreener For details, I'm thinking some kind of nuclear-powered Wind Waker like device
@doppelgreener I like that. A mcguffin the bad guys don't want. A hot potato mcguffin!
A hook I'm planning for a long-term campaign. Half-dwarf King rises to power in a foreign land. Dies without heirs. Which side of the family (dwarf royalty or human royalty) gets to take over?
@ColinGross Being the evil empire, you probably can't handle it, so you send some do-gooders out to handle it themselves (and get robbed by pirates).
Dwarves are pretty strict about the rights of royal lineages.
Humans are all about "it's mine because I want it, but it's also kind of actually mine"
@Axoren sounds like a backdrop to smaller more obtainable intrigues. Which side do they choose?
Does your party have dwarves and humans?! That would be sweet.
Honestly, it's planning for a long-term campaign, there's no one yet.
@Axoren Nobody. A dwarf king without a beard is no king.
Ok, maybe I should re-frame this: If you're a storm/sea god and have all associated powers, what can you do that a wizard or druid can't do?
Tailor the human faction to be more amenable to sensibilities of the dwarf characters of the party and visa versa for humans.
@MikeQ a diety level power vs mortal wizard power?
@MikeQ It summons krakens. Many krakens. A catastrophe of krakens if you will. Potentially but not limited to inside people. Or it makes volcanoes manifest. Don't know if there's a spell for summoning a volcano up through the middle of a pirate ship.
@MikeQ Literally be the sky.
@MikeQ Gods tend to be slightly more immune to sneak attacks.
Or it breaks open a portal to the elemental plane of fire or water at a distance.
Like, not just rule it. Those frenchbois can BE it.
I don't think you're limited at all by diety level powers.
@doppelgreener Or both thus making a plane of steam!
They're more like forces of nature. They drive some mechanic. I don't think I'd set one up to be wielded directly.
@Rubiksmoose you might like the game magicka
@ColinGross If I wield a god does it count as an improvised weapon?
Improvised god? Isn't that all of them?
@Rubiksmoose Canonically actually exists in the great wheel cosmology... I think.
@doppelgreener Unlike Half-Life 3.
Which sounds about right.
I'm wielding Thor currently. Writing myself a nice little CLI with it.
Pretty improvisational.
Country Lemon Irrigation
@Axoren Instrument of the Bards :)
@ColinGross Liar.
@Yuuki 🔥🔥🔥 🚒
That joke would have been much better not in text. (liar == lyre)
CLI, Conquering Laser Incinerator. You know, for bards!
It still wouldn't have been good, but better.
It's not nice to harp on other people in the chat
@ColinGross Clavichord.
Never allowed that spell at my table. Too looney toons.
It's all fun and games until a mess of wood, keys, levers, and blades falls on your CR3 encounter.
I should also mention that since this is a high magic setting, the pirates (who you're trying to wipe out) also have wizards, druids, and other tricks. So having something that can counter their casters would be useful.
@MikeQ At first I read "tricks" as "ticks" and was going to say that I would just let the lyme disease take care of them.
@MikeQ I'm not sure there's a bartender high-level enough for that.
Then again, spellcasters might have lower CON saves.
@Rubiksmoose But since they are pirates, the lime would just cure their scurvy
@SPavel Well done lol
@SPavel Yeah, but lyme disease only cures scurvi.
Well played
@MikeQ how much are the players going to see or use that stuff? or can they just hear about it, and the mechanics don't really need to be worked out.
@ColinGross The artifact is currently broken, and the PCs will gradually gain pieces of it
It's like moisture vaporators in Star Wars... i have no idea what they are nor do, but I got the impression that you farm with them and it's not very lucrative.
Honestly, I have trouble imagining wizards or druids wanting to be pirates. Pirates were poor and desperate people, by and large. Wizards and druids have no need of knocking about in a ship full of smelly idiots and no fresh food.
It's a multipart mcguffin ?
@SPavel this is true. High magic doesn't imply wide magic.
@ColinGross Yes. Individually, the pieces provide some cool but limited power.
Just food for thought, but personally I think secret weapons are at their best when they aren't really weapons at all in the conventional sense but overcome some more fundamental limitation in interacting with the world.
@MikeQ Neat. I'd avoid thinking too in depth about mechanics that the players aren't going to use or encounter directly. I'd describe the effects for color though.
@kviiri Yes, I meant "weapons" in a figurative sense.
@MikeQ And at the end of the adventure, the players refuse to put the artifact together because they like having their own little bits with special powers.
But the problem is, high-level wizards are pretty much unlimited in what they can do already...
Seems like a fine end to a campaign @Yuuki
They retire with their little bits of god slowly corrupting them.
Makes for nice re-occurring adversaries in subsequent stories.
@kviiri And such is the problem with writing ANY plot device in a high-magic setting. "But wizards exist".
Or a legend to chase for subsequent adventurers
@MikeQ Alas, my solution would be to change the setting...
I like Eberron... wide magic.
There's high magic, but it's rare to interact with aside from environment for players.
Although, outside the DnD style of "high magic" which is like REALLY high, you could just impose some serious constraint on it while still preserving a high magic feel.
Parenting is tiring work
Adorable :3
Sometimes those eyes need a rest.
That "no, I'm awake" head shake.
@kviiri If you want some mechanical terms as a reference point, one of the region's most powerful spellcasters is a 15th level druid with several mythic ranks.
@MikeQ Planar travel maybe? It's something that can be restricted without the world feeling less magical, but would have immense strategic value to those who possess it.
@kviiri Yes, the ability to teleport a fleet of ships would be immensely powerful
@MikeQ There's a single level 15 caster for a region? That sounds reasonable.
@MikeQ Not to mention countless worlds to conquer, to set up secret hideouts in, to mine for resources and exploit for slaves...
@MikeQ it could be even more benign and still be an absurd advantage at a navy scale. Like being able to predict the direction of the wind for the next week.
@ColinGross It's pathfinder, there are spellcasters everywhere. I was just giving an example of the upper limit.
@ColinGross Why predict the direction of the wind when you can command it :)
You can hire the L15 guy?
Also, control weather is pretty localized. Not going to help an entire navy and their supply lines.
Small logistical advantages win war campaigns.
Okay, so we're looking at... wide-area weather control, the ability to teleport fleets, and command over unspeakable sea horrors. I like this.
Sounds like a wet & wild ride.
@ColinGross no he said "horrors" not...
"Hey Wizard, what'cha doing?" "Using Scrying to watch this eagle mom."
The little known school of Youtube Wizards.
Channeling a wealth of knowledge and cat antics.
Yeah so basically the PCs are treasure hunters, racing against a rival treasure hunter (hired by the wealthy imperial baddies) to gather pieces of the macguffin
... why does this have a bounty on it now? rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/122391/…
@Hobo_warrior decided to put one on there because: "This question has not received enough attention.

Free bounty guys have fun!!!!!"
@Maximillian Hey y'all my name is Dankromancer555 and welcome to my ritual spell, today I'm gonna cast a Locate Object spell for you. Be sure to like and subscribe to my spellbook, and follow me on Snapscroll and Instaffgram.
It has an answer with a score of 50 on it.
It's been seen nearly 3,000 times
That's weird, isn't it?
@Axoren Neither statistic is that strange honestly on the whole. Posts do reach those numbers not uncommonly IMO
If you mean it seems weird for this question to have that many, then maybe.
Yeah, but don't they usually count as "not received enough attention?"
"This question has not received enough attention."
I disagree.
Yeah. Any of the answers seem acceptable.
@jpmc26 I went ahead and made a small edit to your comment just so that it's a touch more transparent. There've been a few swaths of answer-in-comment deletions; "related: linkylinky" generally get left alone by mods, and I didn't want your good link to get lost in the shuffle.
Maybe hobo just got enough rep to use the bounty feature and was testing it out
@Rubiksmoose 51 upvotes on an answer isn't enough attention?
I really wouldn't bother with questioning bounties. It's someone else's rep and they're free to do what they want with it.
@Axoren Ah I see where you are coming from.
Maybe he's over from reddit
If you don't like my re-wording of it or want it to say something a little different go ahead and ping me and I can edit it again.
Besides, you can also use bounties if you feel like rewarding a particularly good answer.
Instaffgram got me to chuckle.
Yeah the person who posted it said "Free bounty guys have fun!!!!!" so maybe they just chose a reason at random.
Maybe we should start starring every message in chat. Free stars everyone! :P
Who knows.
@Axoren you like the stars? How many pieces of flair do you have on your vest? I think you're required to have at least 13... and your name tag doesn't count. :-p
@Axoren Starr ring: what Ken gave to Alice one romantic evening.
I know you are joking, but just to reiterate, stars are really nice to use as signposts for useful things people say that are worth coming back to if someone pops into chat a day or two later. Let us not spam the star board please because it really diminishes its usefulness.
This already got out of hand.
Please don't ruin the sidebar with wanton starring.
Not anymore. @Axoren started it. you get a star! you get a star!
This is why we can't have nice things.
I may have been the one to set the world on fire, but at least I didn't keep doing it. That's gotta count for something!
It's been burning since the world's been turning?
@Rubiksmoose We oughtn't spam the starboard, but can we still spam port?
@SPavel I find port is much more enjoyable in small doses. And definitely not with canned meat.
@Rubiksmoose For small doses I prefer sherry
Port should be quaffed with gusto
@SPavel I think coiffing to port depends on the prevailing winds, no?
@nitsua60 And also your hat.
Or whether you have a good barber.
The sheer number of upvotes I'm getting on that question is kind of baffling tbh
There seems to be little correlation between the amount of effort I put into an answer, and how well it is received by the community
@MikeQ Predicting/explaining how votes/views go on Qs and As is a fools errand.
Some people up/downvote as intended. Some users are primordial chaos.
@Rubiksmoose Well, I'm a fool, so this does not deter me
Some people star things just to watch the sidebar burn.
For a while my highest voted answer was a one sentence answer to a very easy question and I got over 30 upvotes on it.
Apr 5 at 21:58, by Rubiksmoose
@SPavel Stars are not for extended discussion. This conversation has been moved to a random question on the mainsite.
Jun 27 '16 at 0:06, by nitsua60
If I repcap on sheep I may have to rage-quit RPGSE. Or at least opt out of the entire reputation system.
You're not alone ^^
Sheep were overpowered and left out of 5e.
@Rubiksmoose Heh. Just saw that only 2 out of my top 5 answers have been accepted.
Fine! More updoots for you updoot wanters.
@nitsua60 That is an incredible upvote:effort ratio on that answer
@Maximillian Don't you mean cows? There is an entire plane of cows. It's a secret though.
@nitsua60 Can we clean up this chat and move the non-relevant bits somewhere (the stuff about other feats and crossbow xpert, etc.)
a new question is up and it references the discussion in the chat and I don't want to make it hard for folks to read it because of our rambling.
@Maximillian Sheep are underpowered in d20. I have had it with this "masterwork goat" bull****. Sheep deserve better than that. Much, much better. I should know - I commissioned a genuine sheep from New Zealand for 10,000 NZD (that's about $200). I've been practicing with my sheep every day and can even cut through solid fields of grass with my sheep. During WWII, the Japanese targeted the Kiwis first because they feared their sheep of destruction.
My top-voted answer is a class III rules lookup to what is essentially a trivia problem.
I'm actually currently pretty happy with my top answer.
My top answer is about holes
My best answer was how to deal with a rules lawyer....
@Maximillian you're an expert in dealing with us!
@Maximillian Distract them by sending them to RPG.SE?
And my best question goes back to beta, I think.... Differences beetwen PF and 3.5
@Maximillian That's an easy one, about 20% more SKR
@Rubiksmoose For a time that worked, but I'm slowly losing faith in Stack as a whole.
@Maximillian I just come here for the bird chat
I like History stack
> Class I: The rules are exactly where one'd expect to find them.
> Class II: The rules are in a single non-obvious place or a small set of those.
> Class III: The rules exist in a variety of disconnected places with little in common.
> Class IV: The rules theoretically exist but have never been read, because they're in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
@Maximillian that is sad to hear :(
@kviiri Class V: The rules are published in Crawford tweets
Class VI: The rules are written in blood on a podium beneath the studio of that one game company you do not enjoy.
@SPavel That is sad by true actually lol.
Do you people know the Free Parking rule in Monopoly, where any losses incurred due to taxes, Community Chests or such are deposited in the Free Parking tile, and collected by the player who lands there?
If you don't, congrats, because that rule is actually just a very popular houserule.
(and a very ill-conceived one)
Class VII: The rules have been scattered into several pieces, and the hero and villain race to collect them and use the power of the rule to win the galactic civil war
I wonder if DnD 5e has house rules common enough to be mistaken for actual rules...
@kviiri Fumble charts probably
I hate fumble charts.
@SPavel Critical fails, that's a good example in general
@kviiri The fact that mounts and riders turns are technically supposed to be separate might be one.
Auto 5% miss is punishment enough.
@kviiri Just earlier here I realized that flanking was not an actual 5e rule
@kviiri Critical fails are not a houserule
Flanking might be optional in 5e?
@ColinGross I tried to hate fumble charts, but I rolled poorly and now I'm married to one
But people do like to make up new ones
@ColinGross Optional for sure
@kviiri ha!
@MikeQ Well, sorta... it's an official rule, as in printed in the book. It's just labeled "optional"
@kviiri And also critical success on skill checks.
@Yuuki that and crit fails comes up all the time with my players.
Or really critical success on anything other than an attack roll.
I personally like positioning in combat, but flanking rule just... felt weird to me.
@Yuuki I see that one all too often in D&D memes and stories
Oh boy this again :S
@MikeQ I wish people'd make more realistic DnD memes
There's really only one rule in D&D memes: the rule of funny.
or more varying RPG memes in general
@SirCinnamon definitely not getting into this again lol
@kviiri The requirement of memes is that they have critical mass of understanding, not many tabletop games have that for any memes to spread effectively
@SirCinnamon I have a handful of acquaintances whose only perception of D&D is through memes, and their idea is that you either roll a 1 or a 20 and that's the game
@SirCinnamon Yeah. But it could be sorta system agnostic :)
@kviiri Heroes who land on the free parking space do not collect the paid fees and fines of other players.
@MikeQ Quite many of my new players have been like this. But they're usually quite malleable too :)
@Maximillian Any magic items not purchased immediately go to auction to the other PCs
It's not strictly an RPG but my copy of Pandemic Legacy arrived today, excited to try and set up a weekly game of that
@Maximillian Good lord I hate that house rule.
People have so many complaints about how Monopoly is a horrible game that takes forever and then when you ask them about it, you realize that they have a ton of frankly terrible house rules.
I just hate Monopoly
@Yuuki Well yeah it kills the economy of the game with pure luck, A player who is essentially out of the game can suddenly be the richest even if they have no property
@Hypersapien I don't recall chatting with you before but I already like you a lot.
Anyone for a rousing and stimulating game of Candyland?
So many meaningful choices to make
All these "move around the perimeter of the board by the number of spaces on the dice" games all suck.
Oh my god, have you ever read the wikipedia page for candyland? It's.... savage
"Due to the design of the game, there is no strategy involved: players are never required to make choices, just follow directions. The winner is predetermined by the shuffle of the cards. A perennial favorite, the game sells about one million copies per year"
It's like, dude. Here. Take a look at this game. It's called "Settlers of Catan". It'll seriously change your life.
that is most of the opening paragraph
@Hypersapien Roll and move is a very terrible and lazy mechanic honestly
I just give my players stock warnings when we're about to play DnD: weak characters aren't as fun to play as they seem, being chaotic is neither a license nor an obligation to do anything you like, party splits are a pacing nightmare and enjoying the game is the prime concern, not realism nor faithfulness to the characters' personalities. Gets rid of the memescale better than Cillit Bang.
Some people house-rule a hand of three cards into Candyland, at least.
@Rubiksmoose I personally like Roll and Choose games like The Royal Game of Ur and other ancient games.
@SirCinnamon I only heard of Candyland recently (because it was on SMBC or something) and cringed a bit when reading that myself.
Luck determines the choices you have. Skill determines the choices you make.
Candyland is passable for a kid's game because nobody loses due to a lack of skill
@Hypersapien I like to believe that the game is designed to drive children into abolishing themselves from the confines of the rules and doing this.
@MikeQ *most kids games.
Splice in rules from other games
For example, start with a hand of 7 and allow mulligans
Add in counterspell cards
@Hypersapien Classic Sartre
@SPavel I'll trade 2 Sheep for 1 Blue
@SPavel shuffle in a deck of munchkin cards and play on a twister board
And if the deck runs out, everyone takes 1 damage per draw until they run out of life points.
@kviiri Wow that really definitely fixes a lot of things if people listen
@Rubiksmoose By my experience it works quite well for new players at least :)
@Axoren I summon the Jack of Hearts in attack mode
@SPavel That triggers my trap card. Left hand green.
Me and my father used to argue about solitaire games, because he preferred the classic Klondike solitaire and I Freecell. Gameplay-wise, the chief difference is the chance factors: Klondike is only winnable very roughly half of the time (the exact number is afaik still unknown), and has hidden information that might ruin otherwise winnable games (similar to eg. Minesweeper).
@SPavel Luckily, the time of day is Dusk so Black cards are going to have advantage for the next two turns.
@MikeQ You don't have to put up with the foibles of those annoying arcane casters ... that's what's so special about these artifacts. And they can summon loads of dinosaurs to fight on your behalf. :)
@Rubiksmoose I have a hotel on green so I collect 2 fighters and 1 corruption
Freecell, on the other hand, is almost always winnable to the point where non-winnable games are interesting outliers and there's no hidden information... but my father thinks it's not exciting :(
@SPavel Well that gives me enough energy to evolve my hotel to a space cruiser. Take 15 damage
I personally like the 99 Cards solitaire when played with a 52 deck.
I just wish that Microsoft Freecell let you turn off the automove. You open up a card and suddenly the whole game completes itself. Incredibly anticlimactic.
@NautArch what do you mean "clean up"? Do you want stuff selectively deleted?
When I was a kid we played a lot of Afrikan tähti. Far better than Monopoly, if only because it didn't take the whole day and was honest about largely being a game of chance.
The best Microsoft game is Hearts when you know nothing about the rules.
@Yuuki It's pretty good even if you do!
@Rubiksmoose I play a white piece on the other side of your damage, turning it into health instead
@kviiri Nah, it loses some of the wonder.
@Yuuki Blatantly ignoring "Minesweeper when you dont know the rules"
@Yuuki hah! I used to do that to and try to figure out the rules from playing it.
@Yuuki "OKaaaay so I have the most points but I'm losing?"
"Minesweeper when you are just trying to make the smiley face in the middle do funny faces"
The players tour Africa looking for the eponymous diamond the Star of Africa by visiting towns and flipping little cardboard markers. The results can be either lesser jewels for more money, blank for a miss, robber that steals all your money, a horseshoe or the diamond itself. The game is won by whomever finds the diamond and brings it back to Tangiers or Cairo.
You essentially have 4 empty stacks, two "Up" stacks and two "Down" stacks. Each card is ranked by (number, suit). Once you place a card in one of the stacks, that's its starting position. You need to place cards in ascending order in the "up" stacks, and descending order in the "down" stacks. You start by drawing 4 cards. Every turn consists of placing two cards, each on an appropriate stack, and then drawing two cards. If you can't proceed, the game ends and you count up the cards as points.
However, should someone find the diamond, other players can win by finding a horseshoe (which is otherwise worthless) and returning to Cairo/Tangiers beforehand.
Money can be spent on flights or sea travel. Famously, the original rules lacked a rule for sea travel without money, leaving players stranded on Madagascar or St. Helena.
@kviiri Can you find a horseshoe and just camp by one of the cities waiting for a diamond to be found?
@kviiri Is there any point in the game where I can perform a consecration ceremony during the monsoon season?
With the 99 Cards game, there's a "reverse" mechanic where you can go backwards by 10s, but with a 52 deck, you just don't do that rule.
@Rubiksmoose No, only horseshoes found after the Star of Africa count.
@kviiri darn.
@Yuuki No, unless you houseruled it. We always houseruled our own rituals in :)
@kviiri That's a shame. I, for one, would like to bless the rains down in Africa.
What do you people think of Talisman?
The digital version on Steam is fun, but DLC crazy.
@Hypersapien I've never played but I've heard pretty divisive things about it.
I think it's ok, but the mechanics could have used a little more work before release.
I never tried the version made by Fantasy Flight.
It's been recommended be a friend, having found it in stores.
@Yuuki I always thought Toto was blessing the reigns down in Africa. And that was in the 1980's... a proud supporter of Apartheid, it seemed.
@kviiri Hey, there were other countries in Africa in the 1980s than South Africa
@SPavel You can't prove that.
@Maximillian Then don't head to SF & F stack .... ;-D
@SPavel One would be tempted to believe South Africa didn't encompass all of Africa, yes
Like, instead of moving the number of spaces on the dice, you should be able to move up to the number on the dice. There's one character that can do that normally, they should be able to always move up to 12.
@Rubiksmoose Someone could tell me that all of Africa was a country in the 1960s and I wouldn't be able to prove them wrong. I don't think anyone knows that much about Africa.
@Axoren Wasn't Algiers still part of France in the 60s?
I'd believe it.
That's not even some random country no one's heard of, that's France
I have the Tanzanian socialist leader Julius Nyerere's book in my bookshelf... in Swedish. Socialism i Tanzania.
Fun fact: France and the Netherlands share a border...in South America
Literally could have fooled me.
Decolonization happened surprisingly recently
Canada closed its last First Nations residential school in the 90s
Yeah, it's not entirely implausible Astro-Brits of 2400's will remember Queen Elizabeth II as the fool who gave away an empire.
@SPavel Those were disgusting. At one point wasn't it literally illegal to teach native children their own ancestral language?
@kviiri Oh boy, that'll be fun.
Cool Soviet animation about borders and border wars.
And escalation I guess.
@Hypersapien And when the children were caught speaking it, they had their mouths washed with soap or lye
"Our soldiers are more than a match for yours!"
America had similar anti-language policies within living memory, and still has pericolonial holdings with several grades of secondary citizens. And Australia still has groups defending the kidnapping of indigenous children to be raised in white families.
Hmm, isn't Politics SE over there? -------------->
@KorvinStarmast This is very clearly History SE
I wish people were in general more aware of the colonial policies of US
@kviiri Ah yes, the totally subtle greens vs grays
@kviiri Afrikan tähti looks like it's got some cool mechanics but could use an aggressive re-skin.
@BESW Yeah, generally things about Africa from the 1950's haven't aged well.
@SPavel i cry everytime
@SPavel I still drop by History.SE now and again; there's some good things asked and answered among the noise. I really hope it graduates ...
@KorvinStarmast Not anytime soon, too many politically charged "questions"
And middle schoolers fishing for homework questions
@Spavel I try to help with the "community mod" bit where I can, but I think you are right about that second bit... middle schoolers fishing for homework questions 8^D
Speaking of something on topic, for this SE that is, I don't seem to be seeing as many "read the book to me" questions as previously. Anyone else getting that sense, or is this just my perception?
The only stacks I've browsed with significant regularity are SO, Math.SE and this one
Math.SE has, for a relatively quiet SE site, quite a lot of noise.
@kviiri I enjoy Christianity.SE and I may ask a few more questions there about that Lutheran group you mentioned from Finnland (Lestadian?) the other day. Again, thanks for that tip.
@kviiri What is this SO? I only know jQuery.stackexchange.com

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