@SPavel A Russian guy died in the sauna championships less than ten years ago too. Personally, I disapprove of treating sauna as a competition even when no casualties are involved.
@Rubiksmoose Like, I'm a regular on this IRC channel where we discuss the IT consultancy biz, strategy games, formal computer science, math etc geeky stuff. And jokes. I have this problem where I try to describe some really cool computability thing and people just reply "I was totally expecting a punchline by now"
some stuff i read about eagles said they never get pushed out of the nest, and don't need to -- they're often eager themselves to get started on flying and don't need prompting, but the parents might do things like put food on a nearby branch to encourage them to fly to it.
Khalkin Gol was won due to superior tactics, the European theatre was won due to superior logistics, Napoleon was beaten due to terrible logistics, I could go on
@SPavel By convention, the outcomes of the Winter and Continuation wars are referred to in Finnish as "defensive victories" (although I think the usage is waning)
@Yuuki Regarding this, there's a fair bit of discussion among historians about the true extent of the Russian winter and its effects... the Western powers have a history of considering Russia as a "less worthy" state or a barely civilized wilderness, and exaggerating the effects of the winter season are a plausible psychological and political defense because heavens forbid the Russians actually having good strategies, men or equipment amirite?
The keys to his defeat lay in the Russian fall: the dirt roads turned to mud as the rains came, bogging down artillery and supply trains. Partisans burned crops, denying the army any forage.
In the summer Napoleon was doing well
@kviiri Actually Russian strategies tend to be very bad, but the equipment varies in quality. For example, at the start of WWII, the best tanks in the world were Russian.
At the start of the Napoleonic wars, however, Russia was using garbage obsolete equipment, same goes for WWI
"we need good tank for motherland" was a good move by the Soviets, but instead of writing doctrine for those tanks, they shot all the officers
@kviiri I guess, but personally I don't think blaming your losses on the winter season is really a good defense when it's not a particularly rare phenomenon (it's a quarter of the year).
What would be the consequences of making all attacks genuinely simultaneous in combat? (Initiative is only a factor for abilities and order of literal rolling)
What if one person, upon seeing how another person moves, wishes to change the move - in the way that a football player will try and run the other way from the defense
@DavidCoffron Then you run into problems with things like: John has one attack per round and Jack has four attacks per round, how many "ticks" is an attack?
@ColinGross that's strange. If I see someone running towards me, im not just gonna ram into them. I'll stop or dodge to the side, or put up my spear. You know?
@kviiri On the outside of the card it looks like it's the Adam West Batman theme song. But "Nana" is an affectionate term for a grandmotherly figure too. So it's a kid bugging his nana for attention. The inside of the card, instead of being a Batman joke, is a nana's typical exasperated response to being pestered so much--"Nai" is kind of an exasperated intensifier pronoun.
@ACuriousMind oh don't talk about epicycles. I designed a hyper realistic sci-fi rpg where that was actually how the universe worked and we spent forever targeting our "death stars"
@DavidCoffron Being German, the "default" fantasy RPG around here is The Dark Eye, not D&D. I also play Fate, PtbA games and recently some oneshots of VtM and Cthulhu, but my sole experience with D&D are the computer RPGs based on it
They have powers like drooping their ears to look sad when they fail a check, in order to gain Feelings equal to their relationship with someone else in the scene.
@BESW What does "henge" mean there, though? I only know it as in "Stonehenge", so I'm guessing I'm playing a circle of huge monoliths in the shape of rabbits?
@Yuuki from what i can tell that would be incorrect: the word is ε€ε, or γΈγγ; romanizing it as hengei would suggest the word is γΈγγγ when it isn't
@doppelgreener Yeah, storyteller mode, not tour guide mode. It's the only word they give any pronunciation guide for at all in the book, presumably just because the word comes up so much and looks like a totally different English word.
@BESW as a former tour guide, we do make stuff up on occasion
Like tough questions that we don't feel like explaining fully or ones that we don't know the answer to, but know that the person won't fact check and isn't important enough to ask the resident expert
@SPavel French had the best medium tanks as the war began, but we never hear about them due to their being awfully deployed. Russian tanks in WW II were good.
@kviiri US Army still studies Russian WW II Operational Art at War College. The White Russian Campaign (Bagration) is a clinic in how to do that.
@trogdor Are we on for Saturday night, or is that another week off? My son graduates college and we have a dinner early evening. Daughter in town. Hi odds I will not be in ToA.
@DavidCoffron I never made stuff up, but I had the benifit of being able to just read stuff, I was very enthusiastic volunteering at the park when I was doing that
not so sure I would be willing to spend my free time on that anymore though
@DavidCoffron that is good. I enjoy learning but student life is not something I care to deal with long term. Luckily Japanese is a work thing so I'm getting paid to learn it.
@Rubiksmoose I have been low-key studying some Japanese for a while. learning some words, and learning hiragana. i've got some more immediate goals to handle first over the next 3-4 months, but after that i'll be assessing attending a biweekly meetup to learn & converse in japanese over dinner.
@doppelgreener I think the language is fascinating honestly. So different from English in so many ways. I really enjoy learning it even though it is a lot of work.
I hope you definitely have the time to attend those meetings.
Saina is to manåmko as elder is to elderly. I.... guess I sort of knew that? But somebody used it to make that distinction and I went "What, what? Explain!"
(The difference between being old and wise, and just being old. And the respect and gravitas and especially the leadership position that comes with the former.)
@trogdor We sang them both every morning in middle school, but nobody ever sang it in English outside of that context, and I could read along with the English on the board, so I never bothered memorizing it--the Chamoru was the only one people ever sang when I didn't have the words right there in front of me.
@BESW we had it written on the board but practiced it without it on the board too until we could do it, and we also got that sheet so we could practice at home
This answer to the "Finding ways to βnerfβ a PC that is too strong with base stats, after a long period of playing" question raises 5 different points which are 5 different methods to solve the problem. They all don't seem to be compatible, it seems to me that each solution is supposed to be used...