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@goodguy5 what am I reading?
@Helwar I ran all the races and classes through a markov generator. finds patterns and "makes" "words".
(edited in for clarity)
afk lunch
@DavidCoffron RPG geek lists almost nine thousand. so... maybe. [... tumbleweed, awkward cough in distance]
@Rubiksmoose I am not sure, but you are probably right that it's something like that.
@goodguy5 Depth 3?
@goodguy5 Halflinger and Hobgonbortle are the best I think
Although Fightererfolk is pretty good too
@Anaphory 3, then 2
Which Variant are you asking about specifically? It would be easier to tell you if it's official if you link the wiki source.
@khaos There are some official variant tiefling (in Swords Coast Adventurers Guide), some WoTC playtest variants (in Unearthed Arcana: Fiendish Options)‌​, and many homebrew.
If you are asking about Adventurers League legal, there is another restriction that applies to one of the official variants as well
@GreySage I like that one of the races/classes is "Ran"
Hey D&D 5e community, is this question specific to asking about D&D 5e druid preparation & spellcasting, and can we legitimately retitle it to "How does Druid spell preparation & casting work?" with a tag?
What generator are you using @goodguy5 or is it your own implementation?
@doppelgreener Sounds like a good change.
@Maximillian i think it's an hobgoblementation, not an implementation, or at least it would probably say so
@doppelgreener Yes that works. Cleric works virtually the same, but the question is specific to druid.
@doppelgreener I like the change as well.
Groovy. Change made. Thanks y'all. :)
ooo feeding time?
@Maximillian. here's one: projects.haykranen.nl/markov/demo
I just plugged into it
I was just poking at that one with my list of PF monsters...
@trogdor boids
@doppelgreener good call
Wait, when did the room tags change from to ?
@ACuriousMind When kvirri began to share the eagle feeding video stream ...
Dragon Horse, Werewolf
Oh some goodies in here.
@doppelgreener I accidentally starred KorvinStarmast's post (on mobile) when trying to reply. I don't know how to remove it since it is past the top of the chat log.
Beetle, Carrion (Weaponized). Tome of the Personification (Stand-in). Colour Out of Adoration of Cthulhu. Exoskeleton, Skeleton Elite Minotaur.
@DavidCoffron i can unstar if it you'd like, but it's not a big deal and it's fine to leave starred. do you think it's a conversation visitors a few hours from now might like a landmark pointing them to?
shrug I don't really care either way, but it was a very transient encounter and not relevant to a lot of people
ok, i'll unstar then
babby eaglet reminds me of a grell
ok that's probably enough eagle photo spam for now :)
That eagle brought in some new nest material.
@doppelgreener @DavidCoffron A shooting star, briefly flaring in the night sky, then quickly extinguished. That's me, I guess. :)
beagle looks so silly with their oversized featherless wings
@Yuuki Are you referring to a bird, a dog, or a bird dog? (beagle?)
2 hours ago, by Yuuki
Baby eagle? Beagle?
But yeah, that was awhile back.
@KorvinStarmast and this is a beaglet:
Not to be confused with bagels.
@KorvinStarmast aww. D':
baby's getting close to the edge though...
there'll be other Korvin stars!
Also, different topic entirely, Tim Post got back to us on the arbitration clause:
Q: Electronic opt-out, correcting miscommunication, and additional questions answered about the 2018 ToS update

Tim PostWe’ve listened to what you’ve been telling us about the arbitration clause that our most recent ToS update introduced. While we can't incorporate all of the feedback you offered, we did listen to it, and got with our legal experts and higher-ups to see what we could deliver as a compromise. We ...

I was curious if that would gain momentum.
They processed my opt-out almost instantly.
@doppelgreener It is curious that they state that they aren't concerned about litigation from any SEN users, but won't state who they ARE concerned about.
@GreySage No, they said they aren't concerned about the kind of users who are as involved in the process as the meta users often are.
(That's how it took it at least)
They're probably concerned about their pay-for team stack silos, the data protection policies, and paying customers why may seek legal recourse from them.
@Maximillian ...but all those could easily opt out too (even though I'd assume the paid customers have extra contracts/restrictions/etc.).
Correct. However like may arbitration clauses, they're not expecting the majority to read or be aware of its existence.
THIS is how you post an 'adventurers for hire" ad
And that just feels scummy. Relying on people not being aware of it just gives them incentive to hide it.
Welcome to US Corporate law.
If that is their intention, then they are trying to take advantage of ignorance, which seems very much in conflict with SEN principles.
@SPavel I'm pretty uncomfortable that corey has no shirt on
guys, i have a very opinion based question :S
@Helwar Is it based on shirtless adventurer for hire ads?
@GreySage not exactly. There is shirtlessness involved though
@Helwar for the last time, you're not allowed to post shirtless pics of yourself and ask us to judge them.
@goodguy5 OMG, why not? If you see them the least you can do is rate them!
The Campaign Setting I made uses greek/roman mythology, and in theyr adventures my players have collected a wand that's made of the scales of Echidna, mother of monsters
@goodguy5 Vestments only inhibit his fearsome strength and compassion
it was a mcguffin more than anything else, i was needed for a certain thing and all, but they decided to keep it
@goodguy5 I got a pretty entertaining list of superhero names from this...
@GreySage David has it right — they're not categorically saying they're not concerned about legal action from stack exchange users. Tim is saying if you're one of the stack exchange users who's reading this, you're not one of the ones they're worried about.
@Rubiksmoose oh boy!
@SPavel that's heartwarming
Tiny sample:
Savage Dredible Warheadman
Lightningbird Man Woman
Jack Fan of Herclar
It's a simple +1 magic wand... nothing else. But I wanted to give it a passive efect regarding monsters, since it's made from a peice of the mother of monsterrs... And I'm trying to decide between some sort of bonus to knowledge about them (advantatge? rerolling 1s? Something of the sort), or to DETECT and track them
@Rubiksmoose Lightningbirdman Woman, Lightningbirdman Woman, does whatever a Lightningbirdman can
wich would be cooler? :)
Lightningbird Man Woman
Savage Dredible Warheadman is my favorite.
Sounds like a The Tick foe.
Are dredibles when you have one too many edibles and it becomes a bad trip?
I assume it is something that is capable of being dreaded.
Dredibles are made of hemp.
A hemp warhead.. I suspect this is one of those fellows who really likes making stuff out of hemp.
@SPavel if it isn't, it absolutely should be now.
I think you're all looking at this the wrong way. Dredibles are foods cooked by an M.D. or Ph.D.
Alternately, foods made out of M.Ds or Ph.Ds.
(wew cannibalism)
Too much linguistic gimnastics for me to follow the present conversation :P
@Yuuki nice :D
The Dredible Hulk
@Yuuki Ah, the stuff professors subsist on
@ACuriousMind Professors don't gain nourishment
Whatever they got when they became professors needs to last them their whole lives, that's why there is a "freshman 15" when they first start to study, but by the end they are all skin and bones
I think that's my coworker.
Why are all superheroes Captain
Where is Lieutenant Hindsight
What about Colonel Obvious
alright, the final chain in this markov game for me. classes and subclasses

Fighter - Beast Mastermind
Monk - Draconic Bladesinging
Ranger - Beast Mast Master Slayer
Monk - Draconic Bloom Stalker
Ranger - Shadow Machine
Wizard - Tranquisitive
Paladin - Conquilighter - Swords
Barbarian - Venger - Protem Warrior
not quite as good
but not bad
They're pretty realistic
Beast Mastermind, I'd play that
Beast Mast Master Slayer. I'm assuming an entire ships main mast is his weapon.
@SPavel I mean, there's Colonel Nick Fury.
So Colonel Fury, I guess.
A few more favorites (from superheroes):
Flack Amelet Rip The Owl
Blue Duckwinguin
Copycate Ghost Raccoon Knight
Garbage Dredd
Anger Girl
Mr Inch
Captain Hindsight
@Maximillian No, he's just really good at killing people wielding cool-looking ship mains.
Captain hindsight sounds like an snl skit
"Oh man, I need to file a tax extension, I never filed." "YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT TWO MONTHS AGO." "Gee, thanks Captain Hindsight. Get off my balcony."
"Today, Captain Hindsight was sentenced to five months in prison for sexual harassment."
"How can he fly? That's a legit superpower." "He was only able to fly after he booked a weekend trip to Vegas and got a four digit price for the package. Cheaper to fly himself."
Booms day is also great
@goodguy5 I may legit use that as the name of a minor villain in my campaign lol
Boomsday Evil Plan: Step one - Need to come up with a days-of-week joke using name.
Step two - Timing.
All Mr. Inch needs to do is get really pissed off and then find Harry Potter's owl.
@Rubiksmoose For a second, I read that as "Corporate Ghost Raccoon Knight".
@Yuuki Fury isn't a superhero
@SPavel On what grounds?
Also he's not a real colonel, who is his general?
@Yuuki Man, all the Ghost Raccoon Knights are going corporate these days.
@Yuuki On no grounds, he has a helicarrier that flies
I mean, if Black Widow can be a superhero, Fury should also count.
And if Captain America is a superhero, so is Fury.
@SPavel superheros do have a long history of not needing superpowers necessarily (if that is the main objection)
@Rubiksmoose Calling Fury a superhero is like calling the bartender an adventurer
He serves a different, related function
Never mind, I could've sworn the Infinity Formula gave him Captain America-like powers, but it only slows his aging.
@SPavel Uhh... Fury has had his own solo series.
@SPavel Well the bartender used to be an adventurer. But then he took an arrow to the knee...
He's not like Alfred.
@Yuuki Pretty sure Alfred has his own solo series too, probably
@Yuuki Nick Fury isn't enhanced or specially trained. Not a superhero. Hero? sure. Badass? Definitely. Super? I think not.
It's comics, every intellectual property is milked until it's dry, then killed off, then revived, then joins the Avengers, then becomes the Phoenix Force, then dies again
1 min ago, by Yuuki
Never mind, I could've sworn the Infinity Formula gave him Captain America-like powers, but it only slows his aging.
Also, Fury wasn't specially trained?
Define "special training".
@Yuuki Not like Black Widow, for sure\
(Along with define "superhero)
Hawkeye wasn't trained either but he has special aiming powers or something
@SPavel What even is Black Widow's training? Seems like Russian black ops with some added brainwashing (and "let's make you infertile on top of that").
@Yuuki She was kidnapped as a child and went through like 20 years of over the top stuff in a secret Eastern European facility
Typically the spetsnaz waits for people to enlist
I feel like Green Beret training counts as "special training" at the very least.
@Yuuki Not superhero grade
@SPavel So "special training" means involuntary training?
@Yuuki Fury was just a boxer and in the military. Not what I would call super (I know plenty of guys personally who fit the bill)
@Yuuki I would define "special" as "unusual, extreme, and producing skills at or beyond peak human"
I'd argue that Iron Man/Batman isn't a super hero either.
Normal special forces are normal.
Batman has had EVERY kind of training
You kinda have to if you're a walking talking author's saving throw.
Iron Man...mostly causes problems instead of, or while, solving them
I'd wager that anyone who can kill The Watcher counts as super or beyond peak human.
@Yuuki Who has killed who is a VERY bad metric because of wildly fluctuating power levels
ugh. subclasses get weird with weight 2 instead of 3
See: squirrel girl
Druid - Conjurathbuckleric - Pact of Circle of Sour - Paladin Hand
@SPavel She still counts as "super" even at her lowest power level though.
@SPavel That's ultimately true of every super hero, mostly because authors need to prolong serieses.
@GreySage I think "series" is like "deer" in that the same word can be plural.
Or "fish".
Even though "fishes" is also a proper word.
@SPavel and honestly, often the more super the character the more problems they cause in my experience.
@SPavel Iron Man does have some actual canon super powers though when he took Extremis
@Rubiksmoose You have real-life experience with superheroes?
@GreySage Yeah but in Iron Man's case it's because he is a) a barely functional alcoholic and b) a metaphor for the military-industrial complex
What is momma eagle doing?
Looks like she's eating something.
On my feed she's chilling
And baby eagle is preening
Now she is. She was just digging around where the baby was sitting and then it looked like she was eating something.
Ah, I see what she's doing
I think she's cleaning her talons
and chat goes silent as everyone switches to the eaglecam
eh, I was still playing with markov chain
@Yuuki Well, I don't mean to brag, but Batman is a good friend of my family.
I only say it because I trust you guys that much.
@Rubiksmoose Commissioner?
@Rubiksmoose You shouldn't. I know Penguin
@SPavel Nah, I'm on salary ;)
@Helwar Advantage to detect and track; advantage on Nature or Lore checks regarding monsters. (Is she mother of monsters, or mother of monstrosities?)
@Rubiksmoose Is he a man who is also a bat or is he a bat who is also a man?
@DavidCoffron Do you? Seems fishy to me...
And what about Batman Bat?
Or Manbat Man?
Man-Bat (Robert Kirkland "Kirk" Langstrom) is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly as an adversary of the superhero Batman. Man-Bat was created by Frank Robbins and Neal Adams in collaboration with editor Julius Schwartz, and the character debuted in Detective Comics #400 (June 1970). == Publication history == The character made his first appearance in Detective Comics #400 (June 1970) and was created by Frank Robbins and Neal Adams in collaboration with editor Julius Schwartz. Man-Bat was the star of his own eponymous series in 1975–1976,...
@KorvinStarmast In Mythology, Mother of Monsters. I don't see the difference now with "monstrosities" :S
@DavidCoffron That's a cute little fella; when he grows up, he'll get hungry and livestock will look very tasty. :)
@Helwar A monstrosity is a particular creature class in D&D 5e, as are dragons, undead, constructs, beasts, humanoids, etc.
All monsters works too.
Monstrosities is cool then, I don't exactly know wich creatures fall under that category though... hopefully Manticores, Chimeras, Sphinxes and the sort
@Helwar Generally if it's a living creature that is not a dragon, humanoid, or beast it is a monstrosity
@Helwar Yeah, or an aberration ... I'll get you the list ..
@GreySage great then
@KorvinStarmast no need thanks! :)
don't wanna bother you with it
@Helwar All of those are monstrosities
@KorvinStarmast gorgeous, thanks!
@Helwar Just add @doppelgreener and you've got 'em all (I doubt his status as humanoid)
@DavidCoffron haha
hey @KorvinStarmast, when you look at the site analytics can you see any traffic data outside of April 4-11 2018?
@Rubiksmoose let me check
@GreySage So monstrosities are like D&D's version of protists?
They're living things, but they're not plants, animals, or fungi...
@KorvinStarmast the other day I was looking for Slaads, and coudln't remember their names, i just remembered they were aberrations and looked like toads. I've just seen their name in this pdf and connected the dots. THANKS!
@Helwar glad to help. :)
@Rubiksmoose On posts and votes I go back to January, on traffic the time domain is truncated to 4-11 april. Makes no sense to me.
@Yuuki Kind of. Monstrosities are kind of neutral monsters, magical creatures, while Abberations are pretty much all evil.
@KorvinStarmast Same. I can't see anything before 4-4 either. Can you?
@KorvinStarmast April Fools'!
@KorvinStarmast oops disrregard. I read 4-11 as a date not a range at first.
I deragged it back to 2014 and traffic it only gives me that week.
> the other two graphs move to the new date
@doppelgreener Hee hee
@doppelgreener You should add doppelsöldner
Q: Traffic (views, visits) isn't correctly registered on Site Analytics or Area 51

GlorfindelIn the site analytics, privileged users can monitor some things like the total traffic on the site. However, it seems to be broken at the moment, all figures are almost zero. This is how it looks for Meta Stack Exchange (other sites show similar pictures):

Huh. Looks like it is a known issue.
@KorvinStarmast oh and thanks for checking :)
@doppelgreener "3-ish" heehee.
@SPavel you can't call those people monsters!
@DavidCoffron :D
what happens if I try to change the Staff of the Woodlands (roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/… ) in a space that's too small for it... does it grow until it fits and stops, tries to grow to full height and destroys everything, or i cannot summon it at all?
Who knew that Groucho was a German swordsman? The Marx brothers (German Marxbrüder), or Brotherhood of Saint Mark was the name of the most important organization of German swordsmen in the 16th century
@doppelgreener I don't know you seem pretty be9 (b9-and-a-half for you Scrubs fans) to me actually.
@Rubiksmoose hehehehe :D
@Helwar Looks like a question we can answer on RPG.SE! :)
true enough
I'll do that
@Rubiksmoose I am not aware of any association Scrubs has with the number 9.
i got too used to just ask here, sorry :)
Did they just release a new season without telling anyone?
@doppelgreener No, but they might be münsters
@Helwar there are several other questions regarding size changes in small spaces you might want to look into first in case they overlap.
@Helwar no problem! it's fine to ask things here but it's great when mainsite-worthy ones can get pointed there. :D thanks @Korvin
@SPavel that's a different table :D
@Rubiksmoose I saw one of the fortress thingy, gonna look there :)
@doppelgreener I hope you keep track of your tables in a table
@Rubiksmoose All I see is "B'████. ████ and a half."
@Helwar Hmm, in a desert, you could plant the tree, but then when you wanted to Awaken it ... wait, where'd I put my staff?? Absent-Minded druid shenanigans follow ..
@SPavel - of contents!
@KorvinStarmast you just use your other Staff of the Woodlands, obviously
@Helwar Hey. This is a Christian Minecraft D&D server.
The moment before JD was checking the Janitor's ...erm... broomstick to look at a tumor and said it looks benign to him.
@Yuuki hum... I don't get it
I watched way too much Scrubs in my youth.
> Swearing on a Christian Server refers to a series of jokes about cursing in family-friendly online communities that have strict rules forbidding swearing. In 2017, they became the subject of image macros and other memes joking about the servers’ strict rules on swearing on the servers, particularly for the sandbox mining game Minecraft.
@Helwar Some double entendre is going on here ..... naughty jokes ...
> wood is often used in American slang for the state of tumescence ... @Helwar
@KorvinStarmast I learned a new word today.
@Rubiksmoose Once I learned that word, I had the suspicion that CS Lewis engaged in a bit of word play in naming a fawn/satyr "Mr Tumnus" ... but perhaps he did not.
@KorvinStarmast Given that CS Lewis would probably know about the portrayal of satyrs in Greek mythology, I wouldn't doubt that was on purpose.
@yuuki Yeah; word play and he seems to have gotten away with it
@KorvinStarmast I knew there was some double entendre there, and I know what "wood" is used for.... specially if it's beside a "morning", but still, my mind was slow and i didn't get it :P
@doppelgreener You're at least a CR 4. Your icon is capable of the occasional polymorph!
@Maximillian it's mostly aesthetic though
Hey @goodguy5 somebody finally asked your question (I'm not sure why I remember this)
Apr 2 at 22:12, by goodguy5
Can a character with action surge ready two actions?
@Rubiksmoose I don't believe so.
Because using the Ready action means you have to use your reaction to start the readied action. And you only get one of those until its your turn again.
@Yuuki As far as I can tell you can.
@Yuuki You can only use one readied action, but you can Ready multiple (if you have multiple actions to spend)
A: Can you Ready two actions using Action Surge

RubiksmooseYes, but you can only act on one of them Action Surge allows you to: take one additional action on top of your regular action There are no restrictions on what you can do with this action, so taking the Ready action qualifies. Taking the Ready action spends one action but there is nothing...

Well, I guess you can technically use two Ready actions but you can't trigger those sequentially.
@doppelgreener What do you call the KGB's political dissident registry index? A table of malcontents.
If you Ready an attack for the guy comes around the corner. And Ready movement to move around the corner if he doesn't. Makes a little sense
@DavidCoffron Action Surge is a pretty costly resource to blow on it though.
I agree there could be situations where I might want to.
@Rubiksmoose valid
@doppelgreener oh wow, that kid got big fast
@SPavel What do call Richard Karn vomiting at dinner during an episode of Home Improvement? A table of Al's contents.
@Yuuki I don't get it
@SPavel Richard Karn is an actor who portrayed a character by the name of Al Borland on the TV show Home Improvement.
@Yuuki Ok
My players trying to navigate simple tasks. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e https://t.co/BIW60LPe1r
@SPavel I did not know Rabbit Hurdles was a sport
@GreySage Everything is a sport if you're drunk enough
I think the only activity my sophomore roommates didn't turn into a drunken sport was their monthly mutual head-shaving ritual.
That was Serious Business.
@SPavel This is a very good life philosophy :D
@BESW I think your roommates might have been skinheads
There are some rather Serious Business sports that somehow, probably because they are so serious, manage to turn into rather macabre affairs. Eg. tug-of-war is surprisingly often lethal.
@BESW To be fair, you likely only ever get to do drunken head shaving once.
...and it's one of those Stock Student Competitions.
@Rubiksmoose There was definitely drinking. It just wasn't a sport.
Would not recommend drunken polo.
@kviiri being stocky is a good advantage for tug of war
@BESW oh. well then. lol
As a wee lad, when my side was losing the tug, I would drop to the ground to greatly amplify my side's traction
There was this traditional annual tug-of-war between Mathematicians and Physicists at our Universities every fall. It was discontinued just a few years ago, when a mathematician lost their finger in it.
Nasty biz
@kviiri I was 100% waiting for the punchline to a joke there.
But I can't put my finger on why exactly.
@kviiri Sounds like every other Finnish sport
@Rubiksmoose ...and you don't even know me that well! (I do have a thing for very lame jokes with elaborate set-ups in real life)
@SPavel To their credit, they passed the very low bar of "not skinheads." Foul-mouthed bigots without the survival instincts God gave a concussed chihuahua, yes, but on the "golf bro" end of that spectrum.

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