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hi, im new in RPG section, can i do some questions ??
@byte96 sure
@Helwar thanks, i don't understand well the questions of the site...the users develops an rpg game ?
Hum, not really. There are some that do, but this site mainly answers questions about RPGs in general. Either how to make one as you suggest, or how to play them or how to interpret specific rules... As long as it's on the "Tabletop RPG" theme, it's ok
i suggest you take (read) the tour of the site
3x critical.
two handed attack. I think orcs have 20 strength.
12 + 7 for 21
times 3 for 63.

Where's the other nine damage?
regardless, yea. hella dead
@goodguy5 i just half remembered the ballpark of it, it was 15 years ago xD I maybe should have calculated the numbers before saying it, but lazyness...
+3 weapon?
@VoromirKadien nah nah, just regular great axe, and bad memory from my part
what do you do when you get massive-damaged at level 1? I just roll up another one
Though, I loved my scythe wielding barbarian in pathfinder.

2d4 with a 4x crit is nasty
swinging for the fences #allday
@goodguy5 it's so sad that the new crit rules don't allow for a high risk high reward weapon as the scythe anymore T_T
my party was always like "omg how do you get so much damage?!" but I'm like "that's my whole thing"
@Helwar yea, I've thought about introducing higher crit-range weapons into 5e, but keep deciding against it.
@Helwar ah okey okey, i will read it, thanks for the quickly response. and what rpg the majority users plays ?
@byte96 Hi! When you think about RPGs, do you think computer games? Because this site is mostly about tabletop RPGs where people use their creativity and imagination, not some rendered graphics or programmed texts.
@byte96 Currently D&D 5th edition, but there are lots of questions about 4e, Pathfinder, and others
@Anaphory (wich would fit in the "RPG theme", by the way... if we use RAW instead of RAI :P )
(Just in case that is a reason for confusion.)
> for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games.
So, no. It's RAI that we do include LARP and stuff like that, though.
@Anaphory It's en the tour I just recommended. Great.
@byte96 Roughly 80% of the page views on the site come to questions regarding the various editions of Dungeons and Dragons, so I'd guess that's the one that most play :)
I forgot about that, I was just going by the SE name
However, the page views are not indicative of system popularity alone of course.
@Helwar We do have questions about role-playing in the context of MMORPGs, I believe to remember, though.
@byte96 If you're more interested in RPG video games, you may want to check out Arqade, the video game SE site
@byte96 this might help What topics can I ask about here?
@Anaphory @GreySage @Helwar @MikeQ hmm okey thanks, I will investigate more about the subject
D&D first...seems very nice
Although the term "RPG" in context of video games doesn't really mean anything anymore - it's been used to describe many different games that have little in common
@MikeQ too true. Anything is an RPG nowadays
@MikeQ I gaze back in to the past, to the days of wonder when every serious game had to say it's a "<genre> with RPG elements".
It's all different these days, of course. These days everyone wants "<genre> with a crafting system". Unless that's passé too... I haven't been following the video game scene too well.
@byte96 Just don't fall into the trap of assuming that D&D is everything, there's a lot of other stuff out there. D&D is just the most well-known and best-established, but by far not the simplest, or the most fun in every given situation.
Yeah, popularity isn't the only reason why we have a lot of questions about it :)
now, im going to a watch a video about d&d. thanks for the recommendation
@byte96 have you never played an RPG?
@Helwar my english is limited , sorry for that, yes, i played Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Oblivion, same drama...
but no more
im a freshmeat in the rpg world, i want to expand my horizont
@byte96 I'm spanish, if that might help... I meant tabletop RPGs anyway :)
I think the easiest way to start is to find friends who are already experienced, but the downside is that you actually need to have friends who play :)
@Helwar ahh, a pleasure...emm no, i never play tabletop rpg games...
D&D is a tabletop rpg ?
@byte96 yes
@byte96 Tabletop RPGs are sometimes called "pen and paper" RPGs.
@byte96 the advice from @kviiri is the best thing you can do :)
I didn't know about the existence of tabletop rpg games xD, all days i learn something new @Helwar @MikeQ
Some defining features of tabletop RPGs:
1. Many of these games are "cooperative storytelling". Each player chooses the role of a specific character, and you say what you want to do. Then you use the game's rules to figure out the result. In D&D, players use math and dice to see whether they succeed.
2. Whereas a video game hides a lot of math and logic "under the hood", tabletop RPGs have their rules and game mechanics up front.
3. A lot of tabletop RPGs have a special player called the Dungeon Master (DM), or Game Master (GM). DM is the same thing as GM. This person acts as the narrator of the story and referee of how rules are resolved.
So while a video game's logic is limited to a programmed engine, a tabletop RPG uses the DM (or players) as the "engine". This means the game can be very flexible and lets players be very creative.
(@MikeQ From now on I'm going to make my players refer to me as Game Engine)
nice, i understand, so its neccesary play with a partner or i can find one automatically when i start the game ?
@byte96 Tabletop games are more like board games. You find a group of friends and say "Let's play this game"
It's not like an online video game where you have to register an account, although there are some communities that organize games
@byte96 There are some online tools that can help you find groups, but it is traditionally played offline with paper and pencils (computers more recently, but with PDFs and typing)
A: Where can I find other RPG players?

Lyndsey FergusonWhat about where you work (if you work)? That's how I found my group 10 years ago! We're still gaming strong and having a blast. I've also gone the route of posting to boards. I gamed with two groups, one was okay, another was wonderful then we kind of drifted apart.

@byte96 you have to meet people to play... There are certain sites that help forming groups for playing, either online or in person. Depending on where you leave there might be a place close to you that runs Adventurer's League sessions every week, they could teach you
@byte96 I have found the roll20.net on line tool OK. But look for a new player friendly game ...
Where do you live?
im from Argentina
Here is a source to find games for a specific type of RPG called D&D Adventurer's League
@byte96 I you want I can explain all this in spanish for you
@Helwar it would be a pleasure, in this moment the boss is in the office but he leaves in a few minutes, so we can create a room to discuss all the topic
@byte96 I'll need to leave in few minutes, but I'll be back in a while
okey, i go to lunch too :V
see you
@byte96 see you
@Tiggerous very good edit! Comment removed.
I like the game masterhood article, but as usual he took 2000 words to say about 500 words worth of content.
So i give a RAW answer that fits exactly what OP asked for, and get only 1 upvote, while other answers that are going against the frame, suggesting homebrew, or otherwise "out-there" are getting heavily upvoted.
what gives?
@Trish Another protip: Mongol bows were recurve for a reason (a lot of players still use straight longbows, though), and some LARP standards limit arrow length at the same time as the draw weight for a reason. Some don't, though. Physics is more interesting than it can seem at first. :)
@inthemanual There's more to RPG than RAW, even though RAW will have a significant impact.
@inthemanual It is the mystery of the stack
@inthemanual Also, your answer arrived after other answers began to attract votes
@inthemanual That's democracy for ya
yeah, figured it was just a late answer thing, but I still feel like mine's much more fitting
@inthemanual Are you sure that's what the asker is looking for?
Also, please review this point
I don't dislike the answer, but part of the problem is that one has to keep recasting the spell ... I got the idea form the question that a more permanent kind of feature is what was being sought.
In your own words The spell lasts for 10 days, and thus must either be refreshed by the caster every so often. It also covers only 1 mile square, so to cover the large area, you'll need repeated castings or multiple casters
@doppelgreener hmm, looks like I misread that question indeed, thanks for pointing it out. I deleted it and am working on something that does answer the question.
@inthemanual Also, this criteria may be hard for your answer to fit into ... The means should be as low-level as possible, and can involve multiple people but fewer is better. The idea is a low-to-mid-level adventuring party might actually be able to overcome the people responsible
FWIW, my initial instinct was to answer with a dragon's regional effects, but 1) someone else got that answer out before I got back to my books and 2) the question is also asking about a Faerun Lore Based answer that has yet to be taken on all that well. (i.e. from which plane might X leak into the land ...)
@inthemanual The highest voted answer covers a lot of ground, however, and in 5e the DM has the latitude to do a great deal. Embrace that is what the second half of that answer recommends.
So, who's up for a round of Mike Crowdsources his GM Homework and is willing to brainstorm with me
@JAD thanks, I like your new response. 👍
pretty much the same message, but from the other perspective
@KorvinStarmast who know that having a schtick of being an angry rambler would have an affect on article brevity...!
@JAD yeah it seems like everyone is aligning at a baseline of making sure everyone's safe, and taking region-appropriate methods to meet that obligation
I can imagine players over here getting very annoyed at the game being paused each time someone falls.
bit of a boy who cried wolf thing
A low-to-mid level party could defeat a spellcaster with a single 7th level spell slot without much challenge.
Dragons or anything with regional affects if much more difficult to overcome, yet those answers have got a lot more attention
@Baskakov_Dmitriy Don't tell the guy who studies physics that - they KNOW that physics is more than meets the eye. Yes, different bows have different functions to deliver the force, but mongol bows are not the pinnacle in that field... it is the modern compound one, which is straight out banned in most LARPs (because there are no 30 lbs ones)
fancy bows is pretty much the pay to win version of Larp :P
well, yea... kind of...
@inthemanual A unicorn is a legendary creature (and therefore eligible for lair actions) at CR 5. There is no reason you couldn't make a similarly powerful creature of a different kind have a lair
then again, winning isn't really the point of larp imo
@Trish You mean no bows that have 30 lbs draw? Bows are never 30 lbs in weight, right? (sorry you just confused me for a second)
@DavidCoffron If a small wooden ballista qualifies as a bow, then yes
Or if it's a specially weighted bow because the LARPer wants one of their arms to be particularly strong
@MikeQ heh, sounds like it'll really help with a steady aim
OTOH, it can then double as a twohanded club
I figured LARP communities have a maximum weight per melee weapon. Is that not the case?
hmm, lemme check our rules
Mommy, mommy, what's a vampire?
Shut up and eat your soup before it clots.
@TRish sub 30# compound bow: ebay.com/itm/…
@SPavel hahahahah, morbid
@MikeQ heh, our rules say "weapons cannot be 'too heavy'"
@DavidCoffron Lair and Legendary actions are fun for boss mobs of all CRs
so it's up to the GM during check-in to decide whether or not they allow it
Especially when they aren't just "xd6 damage"
Forced movement, 1 round conditions, creating environmental hazards all make combat interesting without killing pcs
@GreySage Yes, the discussion was on whether or not Lair Actions was considered a "low-level" option for this question
When compared to 7th level spells
well, can't you scale down lair events to better match their level?
Some great images for Skeleton tokens: twitter.com/shoomlah/status/993643180682657793
@JAD Regional effects (the actual discussion) are typically non-combat things, Lair actions can of course be scaled down
That is a very strange question
It's asking for permission to do something, when that something resides entirely in the realm of GM fiat and worldbuilding
just... make it happen. There doesn't have to be a mechanical reason for it.
@GreySage I took it as asking for ways to do something within the realm of the rules
A: How does a list of prepared spells work with leveling up?

Perrin TealeafYes For Druids the way it works is that everytime you level up you can ready a new spell for the level and if your wisdom modifier is say +3 then you get 3 more spells. So a level 8 Druid with a +3 bonus to Wisdom gets 11 spells. 8 from the level and 3 from the modifier.

TFW when the accepted answer is,frankly, incorrect
how is it incorrect?
@DavidCoffron Isn't there a badge for a negative accepted answer?
@goodguy5 You do not automatically prepare a new list on level up. You have to take a long rest
that's what it says
@goodguy5 Oh, the accepted answer changed
It use to be the -6 answer
That was recently deleted by mod
I don't see a -6 answer
oh, okay that makes sense
I was hella confused
@Trish Aye, but since it is banned, I am not even considering it, and likely ordering a Mongol one, with a very long draw length, draw weight 100% matching the requirements, arrows exactly as heavy as allowed, and the draw weight changing as little as possible across the arroaw's path. I have consulted some manufacturers around my area and some players, they don't find it dangerous, at least not more than any other bow is.
Also, you can make a custom 30 lbs version of a modern compound bow -- it will still be banned.
@JAD It's like "You will not ignore my hits" version. It happens a lot that hits don't even get noticed by the victims.
@JAD Indeed, winning is not the point. But when I am shooting someone, it frustrates me much when they ignore the hit.
@MikeQ We use ballistae, though. They usually employ a torsion mechanism, though, so they aren't actual crossbows.
Are you allowed to tip your arrows in some sort of colored powder, so it would leave a visible mark when it hits?
@MikeQ Around 2 kg around my area (Moscow).
@MikeQ This will still require me to scream something along the lines of "HEY, YOU ARE HIT!!! SIT DOWN!!! HIT!!! HIT!!!"
They just don't notice that in the heat of battle
@JAD Yes, it is typically better to have a rule that allows the GM to arbitrary allow/disallow weapons. I use this principle.
BTW, tipping arrows in powder would probably not be greeted well. Nobody wants powder in their eyes or on their clothes.
@DavidCoffron Usually bows are just given with draw weight yes
@DavidCoffron interesting that SSD said that the answer had enough community delete votes. I didn't even think about deleting it, just downvoting it.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy I assume that if you got shot with an arrow in the eye, you would have bigger concerns that just the powder.
@DavidCoffron I can't believe they actually selected that answer though...
@GreySage You are correct, IMO. We seem to have some impressions that DM's are not allowed to be DM's ... it's odd, but I suspect that this may be a lingering effect from some other game systems/editions.
@Rubiksmoose Which answer?
Which question?
It was accepted for a few minutes
@KorvinStarmast there's no impression DMs are not allowed to be DMs -- there's varying ideas of what being a DM means.
@doppelgreener there're*
phrasing it the way you did suggests there's only one correct way and everyone else is doing it wrong, which isn't going to beget useful discussion
@DavidCoffron their're's
> I refer to the one that inthemanual was disappointed in ... in re votes on the not bad answer he offered.
Yeah, I just found it by accident ... puzzling occurrence.
@doppelgreener they're's?
@doppelgreener 5e goes back to a different attitude than "unless the book says you can, you can't" which for some players is a new idea. I find that unfortunate, but I use the term DM not GM purposefully in that remark. The question about the growth of stuff maybe should have been closed as opinion based or idea generation?
@KorvinStarmast If anything I would say Too Broad (since there are essentially limitless solutions)
But experience can allow for some "best solutions" (in quotes because it is subjective)
@GreySage that's the one
@DavidCoffron Or 'more helpful' or 'easier to implement' ... :) OK, I am off. be well, all.
@Baskakov_Dmitriy if you're hitting their eyes, you're doing it wrong. But yeah, archery is tough in larp. Players dodge arrows, which shouldn't be possible. They'll charge you, making it unsafe to fire at them, etc etc
that's when you bring out the trebuchet
(or the airsoft smg)
@JAD why shouldn't dodging arrows be possible? I thought there were some people that made a game of actually catching arrows.
I could've sworn Mythbusters did an episode on that and concluded that you basically needed superhuman senses to be able to catch an arrow.
(i.e. it's basically impossible)
But it is possible to turn a cement truck to mostly vapor.
@ColinGross reaction speed. Larp arrows fly many times slower than normal arrows. Dodging them is close to trivial. Not fun.
Keep in mind that you're shooting distances of max 30m or so. That's enough time to step aside.
Can't wait until we get really good VR. Then we'd be able to do proper reenactment.
Gotcha. So it's easier to dodge arrows from a nerfed bow.
Yep, weak bow, big arrow tips, so slow arrows
All for good reason. Something with real arrows killing peoplle
@Yuuki People who caught arrows in the past new where the arrow was going and moved in advance. It was more of a trick than anything
Lasers. Can't dodge those.
@Yuuki An arrow flying at normal speeds would also strip the skin off your hand. People who do it as a trick intentionally fire the arrow at low speeds.
I guess that comes with the larping territory. The melee weapons don't have the same characteristics either.
@DavidCoffron IIRC, the Mythbusters episode concluded that you basically had to start moving your hand/arm before the archer actually fired. And that was with a robot arm, which moves significantly faster than a human one.
Actually, I think there is a classic weapons fighting competition that's similar to fencing now... real longswords and such... lemme see if I can find that again.
@Yuuki so don't larp with robots?
@ColinGross Or maybe we should have robot vs. robot LARPing. Which is basically Battlebots, huh?
Which is kinda boring because everyone just makes pushbots.
Found it
German longsword
Hello, QQ. Is deleting your own bad question to ask a better but still related one frowned upon or encouraged?
Are the questions significantly different?
@GreySage As soon as it is a LARP arrow, not really. They are designed to be safe even in this regard. It can be discomforting, but usually not too much. Of course, unless the arrow or the bow didn't meet the safety standards.
For sure, it is still not allowed to shoot the eyes. But I am among those promoting safety glasses like those used in airsoft.
Well the scope has changed and the answer changes from an undefinable number to a set of situations. Here is the question after it was edited to be better: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/122054/…
@JAD Moreover, they deflect arrows with swords. Which, IMO, is cool and should be possible.
I realize the right thing to do is wait for it to be reviewed in the moderation queue but that doesn't appear to be a very fast process.
However, yes, generally it is your fault if you hit their eyes. Again, safety glasses solve the problem.
@Yuuki Ironically, trebuchets are more safe because their projectiles typically cannot penetrate an eye under any circimstances. So are LARP cannons firing tennis balls.
@Yuuki This
@YannickMG You are right, in both that the right thing to do is wait, and that it tends to be slow. For reference, that question is sitting at 4 reopen votes, 1 more will reopen it
@Baskakov_Dmitriy it's cool to do it once, when you're in a pinch. If you're doing it all the time, it's pretty much ruining the archer's fun
that should count for something
Even with a LARP bow, it is hard to do it consistently
Even though not impossible
chance of success is many times higher than it would be if it wasn't larp though
idk, archery is already hard enough without those shenanigans
This is why you should bring a Nerf thermonuclear device just in case.
does it come with a mushroom cloud?
if so, those would be awesome for post-apoc larps
If you only bring it on cloudy days, then I guess it comes with a mushroom cloud.
Even has a silly video.
But it's not real.
@YannickMG what is the question you are considering asking?
ugh. I need to decide if these magitech items I want to make are going to be a bygone race or something existing, like gnomes
or .... low-tech.
Why not all three?
at once, or separate divisions?
Why not both?
3 mins ago, by goodguy5
at once, or separate divisions?
@goodguy5 What if they're from an alternate dimension that is more technologically advanced
Or a race that's gone into magical cryogenic hibernation.
So they're both bygone and yet still existing.
One of the issues with the "ancient civilization with future tech" cliche is that it forces the awkward question of why the ancient civilization disappeared despite their technological advantages, and why their knowledge never spread elsewhere
which is why I like the idea of it being low-tech stuff that's been eschewed...
like a lot of eastern medicine
Like the dwemer in Elder Scrolls. The lore is just a big collective shrug, kind of poking fun at how there is no reasonable explanation behind their disappearance.
@MikeQ Reapers?
@MikeQ The Dwemer disappeared because they tinkered with reality.
And so disappeared in a puff of logic.
@Yuuki In both of those cases, some higher power decided that the technology was too advanced, and intentionally destroyed it because reasons
@MikeQ they developed nukes
@MikeQ Not with the Dwemer. They wanted to be gods and tinkered with reality-shaping tools, which ended up disappearing their entire race. It's not like one of the Daedra decided to get rid of them.
that's the theory right?
I'm fairly certain that it's was confirmed by the one Dwemer that managed to not get disappeared.
that's new to me
Oh. Well then. There's a plausible explanation. The ancient civilization made all the magitech, inadvertently caused some Great Disaster, and it left their magitech behind.
@goodguy5 How do you like that idea? Would that be compatible with your existing lore?
@MikeQ it's kinda the premise of most post-apoc themes
but it's not post-apoc. it's just "standard" D&D setting
@goodguy5 If you think about it, any setting is after the apocalypse of some past civilization
so, I feel that "ancient tech race that's gone because reasons" would just make me have to explain the reasons
not really, TES get's away with not really explaining the dwemer
plus, it's not something you necessarily need to explain right now
@JAD It doesn't explain the dwemer, but I wouldn't say that it "gets away" with it
Like it's obviously something that the writers didn't think about
maybe, either way, they didn't explain it
or did, in a way that's not readily available
Alright, so you could intentionally leave it blank, so it's forever a mystery in your lore. But if you think that won't sit well with your players, then... das no good
hell, they may not even ask. not entirely sure. Last group I ran had a bunch of hyper-inquisitive folks, so I'm a little gun-shy about intentionally leaving holes
@goodguy5 I guess it depends on what sort of powers the magitech is capable of doing. Do you have any examples?
well, most likely it's a mystery to the people of the world as well
so how are they going to find information about it?
are they actively looking?
if so, you could spend some sessions on it. Or you give a bit of information every now and then, so that they can eventually piece everything together
yea, nothing super sophisticated.

Things like minor-damage "grenades". Mostly consumables.
I could just make them regular magic items, potions, etc.
I was just thinking that it might be neat to have some things be a little different.
But to compare it to the dwemer again, if they disappeared many hundreds years ago, would you expect the random nords of Skyrim to know how/why?
that's a valid point
everyday people with the internet barely know what the Romans did
and we still don't quite know what was in greek fire
or that we don't know the location of Sodom and Gomorra (or whether they even existed)
Another good example is the Precursors from Halo. They had super-advanced technology, far moreso than the Forerunners. Unfortunately, all of their tech depended on a single principle and the Halo Array ended up destroying every Precursor artifact in the galaxy.
people will be making up their own stories, filling in the gaps with what they like
which also muddles the waters
@JAD That's the strategy I personally prefer. The less the truth is known, the more room for false legends to spread.
I just realized....
Magic didn't always exist
also, natural disaster is also a way to remove the race if they are heavily localized
so, the old tech broke when magic was introduced because it highly relied on physics
@goodguy5 Presumably, fire was in Greek Fire.
@Yuuki and the fire was in Greece
@Yuuki we think that it was napalm... basically
@JAD and grease was in the fire?
yep, that makes it sticky
Q: How to completely destroy a city, without leaving clues for humanity 4,000 years later?

Rolf ツBackground I want to burn down a city completely. Nothing must remain, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Even though I'm a supernatural being, I want this to happen in a natural way. I also want the destruction to not leave any traces that can be used by humanity 4,000 years later to identify what e...

some inspiration maybe :)
I look at that question and think it's an alien overlord trying to slide in a question unnoticed.
Oh. It's even phrased that way. Nevermind
Please don't help the annihilation of one of our cities. D:
@JAD Vacuum decay?
Although that has the side effect of also destroying the universe along with the city.
But hey, no evidence.
Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Well no, another way to be Sure is to be a stick of deodorant.
I raise my arm to you, sir.
@Maximillian I for one welcome our new alien overlords
Oh that is interesting. Is it always true that a selected answer is not pinned to the top if it gets negative enough voting?
@Rubiksmoose It's pinned to the top for me, what order are you sorting by?
@GreySage Votes
It's pinned no matter which order I sort by.
@Yuuki that is very strange. It is not pinned if I sort by votes but it is at the top if I sort by active because it was the last edited.
Ah ok. It was one of the scripts I had running I guess.
Odd feature to have, but ok.
Disappointing though, I thought at first that the answer had gotten fixed or that SE had a protection for when a poor answer gets chosen. But alas. Still, it is what it is I guess.
accepted answer with negative score doesn't necessarily go to the top
@JAD It doesn't? It seems to me that evidence is suggesting otherwise...
Under what conditions does it not?
@trogdor your avatar changed!
lemme see if I can find examples
it does that
@trogdor Well tell it to stop would you? :P
nope, not gonna happen
Q: Fixing "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" for a 'stuck" Mysql table?

TomFrom a script I sent a query like this thousands of times to my local database: update some_table set some_column = some_value I forgot to add the where part, so the same column was set to the same a value for all the rows in the table and this was done thousands of times and the column was in...

Q: How to list all dependencies of a Package on Linux?

Flan AlflaniHow do you list all the dependencies of a Package on Linux? For example: GNU Make Package Is there any command can list the package dependencies? I don't have any package manager therefore I cannot use apt-rdepends or dpkg. I need to list any package dependencies without the use of package ...

idk what triggers it
oh, hmm, the first example is a self-answer
maybe that's the condition
@Rubiksmoose yep, seems to be only self-answers that are accepted that are not necessarily sorted
@JAD I think you are right
negatively scored accepted selfanswers ^
@JAD you read my mind lol
@MikeQ Another issue is that social cycle theory tends to be really racist (especially the old-school/fantasy versions).
Fun stuff. Always something new to learn about the wonderful world of SE.
I guess it makes sense, at least a bit. Normally you have two users, one that posted the answer, he thinks the answer is good (hopefully), and if it's accepted, then so does the OP. With a self answer, those are the same person.
Heh, SE has a lot of experience-based learning, which is very cool.
Q: Let's move some negatively scored answers from the top spot

TarynInternally, we've been discussing how we can deal with obsolete or out-of-date answers. A few weeks ago, I requested some feedback on how to encourage edits to these types of answers, while I'm still wading through everything on that post but now I'm focusing my attention on the problem of negat...

yep, found that one too
but that's
@JAD is it? how can you tell?
not sure if sarcasm
But assuming it's not, it has been 3 years since that post
@Rubiksmoose is not a real tag. He was making a reference to the evidential status
Not sarcasm lol. I saw and confused that for the implemented tag. oops.
ah lol
sorry for the snark then :P
@DavidCoffron thanks :)
have the big red tags to show the official response
if any
Also, accepted answers not added by the asker are at the top. — a cat Sep 22 '11 at 17:17
@JAD yeah I just goofed. I'm pretty brain dead right now. It has been a day.
I'm determined to find where this is documented though lol
as an example :)
I'd expected a mention in the feature-request tag-info, but it's not there

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