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@BESW how'd that work? you used real-world locations?
So the "Tavern" is sort of like its own area, where the PCs are safe and we can restock etc, then each time we go off on an adventure, we go through a portal (haven't thought it out exactly) to a new area
@SimonH. Yeah. Like, Morts is set in post-apocalyptic Portland and the rest of the West Coast, so we made a private map instance and annotated the real places with what they're like after the apocalypse.
Or, our Bubblegumshoe game is loosely inspired by my South Carolinian college town. So we have a private instance of that town's map, annotated with changes for the game.
That's really neat, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe I need to get out of the mindset of TTRPGs being just fantasy.
@BESW Portland, OR? does the Steel Bridge still function? :P
@Shalvenay I can't remember, but you can check.
@SimonH. There's also historical games, like Cthulhu Confidential, for which museum map archives are invaluable.
I'm lazy, my fantasy games use the real world map, with fantasy versions of the real ones!
Heck, even for fantasy games I'll use real-life housing blueprints and the like.
On vampires and mirrors: imgur.com/gallery/Xv1tgl8
That's not at all accurate, but it's amusing nonetheless.
@doppelgreener I'm glad I'm alone in the office right now.
@doppelgreener aye :D it's a fun little theory to play with -- that vampires would be able to use aluminum mirrors but not silver ones
(Handy hint: any declaration about "traditional vampires" is probably utter nonsense. The monster wasn't codified as distinct from other creatures like revenants and werewolves until the 19th century, and Stoker used a lot of traditional werewolf lore for Dracula.)
@SirCinnamon This is why ships burn - since they use Tar to keep the deck from being slippery - the downside is, it's flammable
@Ben I don't have the PHB right now, so I'm not sure how this would interact. At best, you would be proficient with throwing battle axex, but the damage would still be 1d4. At worst, it doesn't work.
@Shalvenay hey. I was on bath but let the window here open haha How u doin?
@HellSaint fine here
@HellSaint I believe that Improvised weapons depend on the style of "weapon". Eg. a log isn't going to deal 1d4 damage...
@Ben that would make sense, but sadly that's not how it works.
Thaaat's me!
Pressed enter accidentaly.
Oh really..?
Again, just to be sure, I'm talking about D&D 5e haha
(the rule functionality... I believe the keyboard slip haha)
From PHB:
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the DM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object). If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee attack, or throws a melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1d4 damage. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
I was actually trying to find a message I posted before - if I'm talking about something other than 5e, I'll specify lol
Yeah I was just making sure because on your first question (that I've read) you didn't specify the system
@HellSaint Well there you go
I suppose that's still fine. d4+proficiency isn't bad. Not great, but not bad in a pinch
I once grappled a ghoul and kneed it in the spine until it collapsed.
The damage is 1d4 + STR, actually. The proficiency is applied on the attack roll (1d20 + STR + prof)
@HellSaint Yes. That was a test. You passed. [cough]
@HellSaint Which was why it was so effective (my PC had 18 str)
I DM a lot for new players, that's a test I pass every week hahaha
I'm confused - rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/121165/… - this question is getting some amount of downvotes. Is it THAT bad? It is even self-answered, but it just seems like a new player with nobody close to him that is more experienced for him to ask haha
It's not self-answered.
I meant within the question, he answered his own question
@HellSaint He clearly knows what somatic components are but couldn't be bothered to read the entire section on components...
" Since my sword can be a spellcasting focus and I can perform somatic components with my free hand?"
I didn't downvote but can see the reason why people would
20 minutes before I get the fanatic badge!!
I need to understand something: what is the difference between a spellcasting focus and using Material Components? from my understanding, the Focus is a stand-in for any material components of a spell?
I'm unsure what they mean by "brain lag"
@Ben unless the material components have a cost
@MikeQ From experience, it's just the brain having issues understanding how 1+1 =2
@DavidCoffron Hmm, that would make sense. And yes, I just want to understand why it got downvoted as I didn't see it as so bad, so I can understand our community a little better haha
"A character can use a component pouch or a spellcasting focus in place of the components specified for a spell. But if a cost is indicated for a component, a character must have that specific component before he or she can cast the spell."
@DavidCoffron Is that specified in a spell description or something?
like "A diamond of at least (x) value"?
It is in the spellcasting section in the Player's Handbook (pg. 203)
and yes if it lists a value you need the actual material
Right. I've seen those.
That makes sense :)
@DavidCoffron [holds breath]
@HellSaint I'm generally very generous about not downvoting questions, but this one was pretty low-effort and that is one of the big uses of the down vote button for me.
@Rubiksmoose I don't know the system well enough to comment informedly, but if I did, I suspect I'd be leaving this comment:
> Please [edit] your question to tell us about your own research, and specifically what you're confused by in what you've found.
@BESW I would if it wasn't answered within 30 seconds of him posting it.

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