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Players should not be able to 'take 20"" because they can't know what the consequences for failure are.
but the stack seems okay with the latter, I can be too
@goodguy5 That's why it should be a rule for the GM.
but now the library as promised :)
@SPavel But.... how do you resolve a check without chance of failure
@SirCinnamon The investigation check isn't what you find, but who finds something first.
@NautArch "I think this should work" vs "I've done this before and it definitely solves your issue"
fair. I used to play with a guy that would randomly ask us to roll 1-2 d20 and pretend to write down the results.

He told me years later that it was just to mess with us.
@Rubiksmoose but then how do you compare what one person has done before to what another person has done before?
Leads me to think that the answers are valid, but choosing one is opinion-based.
there isn't an objective way to pick the correct answer (is there ever?)
The scenario should go:
GM: Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a SCROLL. Behind ye scroll is a FLASK. Obvious exits are NORTH, SOUTH and DENNIS.
Player: I get ye flask
GM knows that there is no penalty for not getting ye flask on the first, second, nth attempt, as the deadly Dennis is asleep until the stars align centuries hence.
GM: Ye get ye flask
@SPavel Right - this is what we (or at least I) was referring to by Take 20
except obviously yo ucannot ever get ye flask
@SirCinnamon No, what we have now is a player rule.
@NautArch well it is up to the question to set up a situation in which the solutions can be measured against each other
I prefer Take 5. That is a delicious candy bar.
The players do not know that Dennis slumbers and will not take 20, or will take 20 not knowing that death lurks nearby
@SPavel Nobody ever said it was the players choice to take 20
It''s a waste of time.
@Rubiksmoose AH - that's interesting. So how does one phrase a question that allows subjective but experienced based answers with a system of objectively determining what is best?
@SirCinnamon Except for the rules
@SPavel What rules?
@SirCinnamon "When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a skill that can normally be checked in 1 round, one full-round action, or one standard action), you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20."
The whole idea of "Take 20" is something that I disagree with, I think it was said here earlier, but since there is usually no consequence to failure when a take 20 action is being undertaken, why make the role at all? And if there is consequence and it is a take 20 -then there is still no reason to role the dice, just give the player the consequence (+ possible reward) the whole point of dice is when you DONT know the outcome and want to see what will happen
@InbarRose Right, that's what I'm saying
Great point from Fate
@InbarRose Probably the best idea in all of Fate
@SPavel that and dice that only go -4 to +4
Puts the kibosh on "old school" GMs who make you roll for every 10ft of climbing
Oops, that's actually the wrong link: the proper link
@goodguy5 No, those dice are stupid, 20 sided dice are objectively superior from a physical, moral, and spiritual standpoint
@SPavel I thought you were all about 6-siders. Is that someone else?
@goodguy5 If you mess with the labels, you ruin it
@SPavel Is that 5th edition?
They fall into your cube-master-dice philosophy.
@goodguy5 No, cubes have six faces - one, two, three, etc. Not negative one, negative one, zero, zero...
or whatever it is that fudge dice have'
+ - [blank]
@SPavel --,++,_ _
Which could just as easily be simulated with d6s
/roll 1F
This is like a toddler scrawling finger paints over the Gutenberg Bible
wasn't there a dice roller here?
It's still physically the same thing, but its beauty has been tarnished irreparably
"one and two count as one failure point
three and four are neutral
five and six count as one success point"
this is just removing the extraneous conversion
@NautArch selecting an answer is inherently opinion based though and that is fine. Generally the answer that solves the problem for the questioner is the one supposed to be chosen. That is inherently opinion-based.
@NautArch but yeah that really depends on the question. Generally though it involves outlining the exact criteria a solution needs to meet.
@InbarRose yep

 Dice roller & formatting tests playgr

The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll ...
(note also instructions in the room description)
No Fudge dice support I see.
Q: RPG.SE Chat Fudge dice: a userscript for Fate & Fudge games

doppelgreenerRPG.SE's chat rooms support dice rolls as an easter egg. This script will convert d6 rolls that you see into Fudge dice, using the ordinary conversion rules: 1–2 = minus, 3–4 = blank, 5–6 = plus. You can enable or disable these dice on a per-room basis. It will remember which rooms you picked. Y...

That's nice!
It's super. It was maintained by other users previously, then I took over to keep improving it.
Anyway, g2g. cheers for now.
Phew, one more vote until the new and improved treasure question is reopened. That was not a trivial amount of work.
@Rubiksmoose did you edit my answer? Or is that comment not supposed to be there
oh, nm. I understand now
@goodguy5 [thumbs up]
ugh, I wish slagmoth was in chat. He's commenting on my answer to that loot question, but I don't understand why. I feel like we said similar things, so I don't get the questioning
how do we clean up comments? i.e. who has the power to? The comments on that loot question are ... cumbersome
@Rubiksmoose Made another change to my improvised weapon answer :)
I am currently having a very noob moment on another stack, so be patient with the baby RPGers :)
and see this for some clarification on what he's trying to do.
if you're IMPROVISING a usage for an object, it's an improvised weapon. period.
In the specific case of a longbow, if a player asked me if they could grapple an opponent, then wrap the bow around their neck and pull the string, hell yea. that can do the full 1d8 of damage
but that's outside the rules.
@goodguy5 That sounds like a rapid-fire quick execution of the rules, to me: things used off-label can be treated like something similar; bowstring on neck sounds vaguely garrote-ish to me; in my world garrotes do 1d8 damage.
@goodguy5 str rather than dex on that attack?
(Obviously that last bit is on-the-spot homebrew, but what better kind is there!?)
Also, I'd probably say that the garotting is what applies the grapple, rather than requiring a separate grapple first =)
@NautArch probably. I'd have to think about it in the moment.
very well might :D
Especially the first time.

I like allowing players to do something neat at least once without a lot of rules "interference".

"Can I cast fireball through this holy water to deal half-radiant damage?"
"Yea, man. That's awesome. Roll damage and describe the effect." If you want to do it again, you and I will work on it.
@goodguy5 flag one as "no longer needed" or whatever applies.
@goodguy5 Holy Steam is probable pretty uncomfortable
@SirCinnamon ALthough doesn't casting fireball underwater (similar) give resistance to fire damage?
@NautArch It's something like that
SO it's half Radiant, half Moisturiser?
@Frezak leading to...same damage :)
Q: What happens when you cast fireball under water?

Lino Frank CiaralliJust like the headline reads, what happens? And does the water remain? Assume a perfectly spherical pool with a 20 foot radius and hole at the top for you to cast the fireball into the pool with. There is a goblin in the center of the pool with 1 HP. This means the fireball will be igniting in t...

Q: Is there a rule for how to handle creative use of spells?

BlueMoon93During a fight in a semi-flooded room, one of my players wanted to use Shocking Grasp on the water: Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch. Make a melee spell attack...On a hit, the target takes 1d8 lightning damage, and it can’t take reactions unti...

"Alpha Male" the early version of a male, before testing and bug fixes. Unstable and not suitable for the public
@SPavel hahahahaha.
@SPavel Excellent!
love it
but I guess beta males aren't that much better, either :)
@NautArch I like your point about search order a lot
updoot granted for that alone
@NautArch They're more playable by comparison?
Guys which system would you advise for a persona based tabletop game?
@MaikoChikyu fate is a good catch-all system if you want to have a character driven story, D&D is a good catch-all system if you want rules to argue over
@SPavel A good DM avoids that part, SPavel. D&D is a good catch-all system if you want rules to argue over ... that's part of learning about being a DM. You don't have rules arguments at the table. Session zero material.
Well, it's still the hard way.
A good GM can make anything work, it's just much easier being a good GM in other systems.
@BESW Is this in an article, or in a game product? the fallen paladin trope reflects a fundamental failure of storytellers to understand how religions work -- so true.
@kviiri Having session zero is not "the hard way." It's good DMing.
@KorvinStarmast Sure, but it's not sufficient for good DMing.
@KorvinStarmast Why is avoiding the best part of the game = being a good DM?
In the mathy sense, I mean; "necessary, but not sufficient" is pretty close to describing the relationship between having a session zero and being a good DM.
If you haven't brought your lawyer's robe and curly white wig to the session, you are not sufficiently prepared
Source: we have session zero all the time, and we still have bad campaigns, confused players and wavering GMs.
@kviiri Then you must have a session negative 1 to align on a productive session 0
@SPavel The campaign that follows a seemingly-complete session zero is the session -1 for the next campaign's session zero.
@kviiri You should optimize that cycle, cut out the campaign entirely
Every week, meet with your friends and have a session zero
@SPavel I wouldn't mind this
1 hour later…
@SPavel I guess that you are trying to be funny again. Arguing isn't the best part of the game. It detracts from the game. You sort out disagreements after/before, but not during play. @kviiri Not interested in semantic games today, cheers.
@KorvinStarmast Not very cool of you to dismiss things people say as semantic games.
I mean what I said.
@kviiri He said Session 0 is good DMing - not that it was the entirety of good dming
@KorvinStarmast You are entitled to your opinions, Korvin
@SirCinnamon In response to when I said "[DnD] is the hard way." Implying the hardness somehow goes away with a session zero.
I really wish people would explain why they downvote
@goodguy5 i generally don't
I mean.... neither do I. I still wish it.
mostly because i'm passive aggressive
It's always confusing to come back to a "+8"
@kviiri Is the hardness "being a good DM" then? I would argue that doesnt go away in many games
@SirCinnamon The hardness of being a good GM in DnD versus in many other games.
Basically, I loathe the "good GM" argument. A good GM can run the label of the shampoo bottle as an RPG and it'll work just fine, but it's to the GM's credit, not the shampoo label's.
@kviiri Then that's what can be addressed I suppose, I don't think anyone stated that Session 0 solves all issues
@kviiri But a bad GM can run any ruleset and ruin it
there will always be rules arguments at the table
But you can do your best to mitigate them via session 0 and not being a jerk.
@SirCinnamon The chances for that, similarly, vary greatly between systems. Some systems are much harder to screw up by accident.
mostly, the only times we have a rules argument is when the DM does something off the rails (either by doing something themselves that isn't RAW or not allowing a player to do something in the rules)
@kviiri But that already assumes everyone knows all the rules
@SirCinnamon Even if it does, even that is easier in most systems than in DnD.
Games with GM final say have the potential for abuse but games without it have potential for game-ruining arguments
@kviiri Please elaborate on this Shampoo Bottle RPG
@kviiri I would call that subjective
@SirCinnamon Seriously? I think it's rather objective that DnD has lots and lots of rules compared to eg. Fate Accelerated.
@MikeQ and then repeat, please.
@MikeQ I recommend you try it, it's awesome!
Leaves you fresh and healthy. No tears.
@kviiri 1 example is not most, and I'm not super interested in listing every game and comparing rulesets. I'm sure there are games that are easier to understand or with less rules but that is not always a plus anyway. I have not played every RPG
@SirCinnamon Yet, the point remainds: DnD is not an easy game for GMs.
@kviiri Easy how? Easy to learn all the rules? Easy to make judgment calls and keep a campaign from going off the rails? Easy to balance and keep to an appropriate degree of challenge for the players?
Hence why I said it's the hard way. it's got a lot of rules, a lot of unclear rules, a lot of rules relying on the GM exercising judgment.
@MikeQ The whole package of running a game.
@kviiri Again, subjective
@SirCinnamon In what sense?
@kviiri In the sense that what makes a game "easy to run" varies by who is running it
I'm not so sure.
@SirCinnamon Yeah, the "good GM" argument. The point is, of course it's easy to run if you've already mastered it, figured out some good conventions of your own and have players that like those conventions.
I dont want a game where there is 0 flex to the rules for the gm to judge - then you end up with rules lawyering and arguments. And a game without "a lot of rules" often forces you to make rules up or fit generic rules to specific situations that don't make sense
But other games tell the GM and the players out of the box many of those things you have to learn the hard way, as a DnD GM.
@SirCinnamon 0 flex versus DnD is a rather big false dichotomy.
I think it's easier to design a game and to run a game with less specific and less restrictive rules. The designers can't predict or iterate all possible scenarios and all possible player actions in those scenarios. And if they did, then the game could require the GM to either 1. memorize thousands of rules, or 2. constantly need to look up the rules in response to any and every player action.
It seems to me, the crux of this argument:
Which game is easier to GM? A game with fewer rules or more rules?
@kviiri Well you're asking me to compare "many other games" to DnD - i cant exactly point out counterexamples
And again, I haven't played that many different RPGs
@SirCinnamon Well pick Fate for example, that's where this started.
*Fate Accelerated
@kviiri I'm not familiar enough with the rules to make any arguments about that
I think Roll for Shoes is a good example
@MikeQ I think it's easier to run a game with more constrained and targeted rules. Every rule that's already thought out for me is less time I need to spend thinking at the table. There's a reason why systems even exist, instead of everyone playing just freeform.
@goodguy5 Extremely hard to GM - not enough rules
@SirCinnamon how about Chew Bubblegum (I think I have the name right)
or ANY 1-page rpg
Also, it's not just about the rules, it's about the guidance about using them. DnD doesn't tend to have much. Every group I've played DnD has struggled with the good old "perception check problem" of how to make perception checks without metagaming. Not a single time have I seen a working solution in a DMG.
@goodguy5 You can memorize all the rules but their application becomes an argument any time it's not a 1 to 1 match
@SirCinnamon That's not my experience.
Ugh. I'd love to get into this more, but I have a new-hire webinar.
I think I'm supposed to pay attention
The closest we've come to rules arguments in, say, Apocalypse World, are situations where we spend fifteen seconds discussing whether something's Go Aggro, Seize by Force or Seduce/Manipulate, and I don't really mind those.
The adversariality between the GM and the players is a major conduit for serious rules arguments, as is the balance concern. Systems that do away with both tend to have less room for arguing.
@kviiri Seems like there is a big fat line between "seduce" and "seize by force"
Anyway, with a bucketload of spells, subclasses, special cases and so, it's impossible to completely get rid of rules arguing in a DnD table, unless you agree on a "no one criticize the DM's rulings ever policy", which can be detrimental to the game in many other ways.
@kviiri What do you mean? Isn't that just a metagaming issue? If the players all fail the perception checks, the GM can simply say "You don't notice anything out of the ordinary"
@MikeQ The DM called for a perception check, so there was something to see. The players cannot help but act on the knowledge that something unknown is around.
Passive perception/rolls by the DM can solve this
@SPavel Yep, but a much thinner one between seduce/manipulate and "go aggro". Threats of violence are the former if the intimidator is bluffing, the latter if not.
@MikeQ It's "just a metagaming issue", sure.
But "tell your players not to metagame" hasn't really worked well for me, either way around.
Fair enough. Using passive perception is less likely to tempt the players to metagame.
Sure, that's one possible solution, although I find there to be a bit of a problem with it
That being, it's known in advance which traps and secret doors they spot. Spoils the surprise! :P
Also you can use better descriptions than "you see nothing unusual." For example, once I asked for a Spot check, my PCs all got bad rolls, and spotted the poorly concealed spiked pit in the middle of the hallway. So they jumped over it, and landed into the real spiked pit behind the illusion of a spiked pit.
If they had rolled better, they would have seen through the illusion, but they still saw something for rolling.
@SirCinnamon Incidentally, this is one of the things I find hard to do in DnD.
@SPavel Right. I was trying to be brief. Personally, I would get their (low) perception checks and describe some aspects of the environment, to indicate that they at least perceived something.
Things are easy as long as you're in combat, there's all kinds of rules to rely on. No need to really improvise unless a player wants to do something spectacularly out-of-the-ordinary.
But out-of-combat, DnD is rather freeform. Lots of responsibility on the GM.
That's why I keep coming up with transparent house rules for things that deserve it.
The party was chased by a night hag - I made a house rule for determining how close she is, and what kinds of actions could keep her guessing. The party was infiltrating a manor - I made a counter that would cause an encounter with guards every time they had performed enough "time-taking actions" like searching a room carefully or taking a short rest.
Now for some thesis work. See y'all
I feel like the official rulebooks should come with a single bold line above the table of contents: DANDWIKI IS NOT PART OF THE OFFICIAL RULESET.
weird, i'm getting upvotes on answers, but no rep. Not yet at my cap of 200. stuck at 170.
@NautArch Upvotes removed and re-added?
@Yuuki Just get Crawford to tweet that
Honestly, the one reason for "PHB only" that's actually valid is that players won't be coming at you with weird homebrew
@SPavel how is wanting something from xanathar's weird homebrew?
@NautArch I didn't say anything about Xanathar
@NautArch Well, "PHB only" doesn't just rule out Xanathar's, it also rules out dandwiki.
@Yuuki @SPavel I read "PHB ONLY" as "PHB ONLY"
i guess that was incorrect
@NautArch Fox only no items
@SPavel wut
Wut indeed
@SPavel I never really liked those movies.
I mean, I know the point is ridiculously contrived Rube Goldberg death traps but that never appealed to me.
@Yuuki It's a Smash Bros reference
Which is a video game
Yes, the reference continues with "Final Destination". Which is not only the name of a stage in the game but also the name for a movie franchise.
@Yuuki Oh right, I forgot about Final Destination the movies
I'm like Tosh.0 but with references instead of beyond-the-pale gross-out black comedy.
Never seen that one
@Yuuki Which movies?
Tosh.0 is a comedy show where this guy riffs off other content and his self-described comedic style is to make repeated outrageously inappropriate takes until one person in the audience is left laughing.
Not a fan of him myself but I tend to do the same thing with nested references.
Final Destination is an American horror franchise composed of five films, comic books and novels. It is based on an unproduced spec script by Jeffrey Reddick, originally written for The X-Files television series, and was distributed by New Line Cinema. All five films center around a small group of people who escape impending death when one individual (the protagonist of each film) has a sudden premonition and warns them that they will all die in a terrible mass-casualty accident. After avoiding their foretold deaths, the survivors are killed one by one in bizarre accidents caused by an unseen force...
It's basically Gore: The Movies.
@Yuuki Sounds like a version of Jimmy Carr that can't read a room
@SPavel Sort of, but without any semblance of social commentary or wit.
@MikeQ I always disliked the Comedy Central schedule when they placed Tosh.0 right before The Daily Show.
Back in college when I had access to cable via common room TVs.
@Slagmoth there you are
I was getting confused with all the comments.
and comments make for easy miscommunication
@kviiri Your words, not mine, so please let's not go there. That is what I mean by I am not interested in these kinds of games. have a great weekend.
@goodguy5 Agreed. Besides you and I (at least I thought) were fine and understood each other, then everyone wanted to jump on me about my opinion... got frustrating.
@Yuuki True. Crank Yankers was such a better lead-in =)
I've seen the quote in here many times.
"There are many games called D&D. Find the one that best suits your table."
@goodguy5 Dollars & Dress Shirts.
@Yuuki if that's what you and your friends want to play, then by all means.
Isn't that a strip club?
@goodguy5 I'd say "find the ones that suit your table."
Google maps just gives me Ann Taylor Loft and Anthropology
Jul 15 '16 at 23:47, by nitsua60
@Nyakouai This is why I always assume that at a table of N people there are at least 2N+1 distinct games being played.
@nitsua60 I don't know any tailor that designs for furniture.
@Yuuki How about Dark & Dheresy
@Yuuki You don't have tailored silk covers for your chairs and tables?
But how do you keep your Victorian dining set from gathering dust while you are at your Paris penthouse?
alright (presumably) gents. Quittin time. See ya on the morrow.

(same to ladies, should you be here)
Do we have ladies?
I see a sheep and some generic squiggles
@Yuuki Or even worse, D&D&D&D&D: Dungeons, Dragons, Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives?
@Slagmoth Coincidentally, I started reading this about 15 minutes ago and point #2 very accurately describes my position.
@MikeQ I think if I make another venture into the Mines of Flavor-delver, I'll end up with a +2 dagger of diabetes.
@Yuuki I believe it would take place in the dynamite city of Flavortown, located in the funkalicious world of Flaevorûn
@nitsua60 Do you know why this is?
@SPavel I am an abstract mathematical pattern, thank you.
@NautArch what does your last day's worth of entry on rpg.stackexchange.com/reputation look like?
(That should be a plaintext listing of every event on your account that implicates reputation, even when zeroed-out.)
@nitsua60 It says 200
for today
162 for yesterday
which is weird when I look at the main page it says 172 for yesterday. I did lose 20 from a deleted user, but that still doesn't add up
@NautArch could it be because that user being deleted?
@Rubiksmoose could have sworn it was just the -20 for that, which should have been on today i thought. But that still doesn't add up.
Could be that that negative rep can't be regained like downvote rep. That is the case when you start a bounty.
which is fine, but 200-20 should be 180. not 170.
That would seem to be true yes lol
i mean, i stink at math. but i'm pretty sure i got that right.
Very strange
@goodguy5 Yeah, I like his stuff for the most part and have gotten rid of a lot of extraneous dice rolling. I give my players choices. They can describe to me what they are doing and if that should reasonably glean success... no rolls. But if they just say (I search the room) I make them roll after they tell me where they are searching. As he says "Players don't make rolls they declare actions" or something to that effect.
@NautArch you've angered the SE overlords. No more rep for you
@goodguy5 But I do like the hidden gems that can be found throughout adventures. Things no one really knows about or the ones that did are dead. They are fun little Easter Eggs to find.
Q: Reputation report total slightly off from SO rep I see?

DVKMy reputation report shows: ** total rep 9434 :) Yet, on my SO banner, the rep shows as "DVK 9,432●5●33" Which one is correct? Why? The "2" difference makes this unlikely to be related to some timing/lag issue, since I only had a +10 vote and an accept all day today. Please note that this is...

@NautArch possible mismatch due to lag from votes on deleted posts... but you also said it seems to be capping low?
@nitsua60 Yeah, i've definitely gotten upvotes since it capped at 170.
I actually haven't been hit by a deleted user yet thankfully
@Rubiksmoose thta was the first time i've seen that
@Rubiksmoose I got hit by a bunch
@SPavel I'm sure it's just because I haven't been active that long really. I'm sure my day too shall come.
@Rubiksmoose Usually it's only a few tens of points
Users with hundreds of votes don't get themselves deleted
@SPavel challenge accepted
[hoard-of-the-dragon-queen] == [horde-of-the-dragon-queen]
Ran into this problem in my last session
Dragon starts talking about his horde and the players says "...Where are they, I don't see them"
[Dragon voice]: "......... No, H - O - A - R - D, please don't interrupt"
@SirCinnamon Better than wh- you know what? Not going there.
@Slagmoth I don't mind things of little value being thrown in for flavor purposes. But an ornate 10gp dagger in the wall doesn't compare to the 1000gp they found in the chest earlier. It stops being "loot" and starts being "fluff".
If a question is "read the rules to me" or "The rules say x, do they mean x?", what reason to close is it?
@GreySage downvote don't close
A low effort question is still a valid stack question
Closed questions are not bad questions. And questions are not closed because they are bad.
A close vote is not a super downvote.
@Yuuki yup -- I've been known to hand out close vote + upvote before
That's one of my favorite Stack activities.
... Wow, phone, is it too early in the morning for you?
[was trying to make "Stacktivities" happen]
I really hate when people answer super tersely to questions that don't really deserve it (eg the dream question).
It's a potentially confusing idiom and if you're not going to be helpful just don't answer.
@goodguy5 And to me Loot is fluff the overall story is the real reward, my players mostly agree, but everyone wants their toys.
@Rubiksmoose Downvote, and respond to their pleas for explanatory comments with terse comments that just quote the downvote tooltip?
Old (closed) question appears in my news feed... Find a spelling error... Now that I've edited it, will it appear in the reopen list?
I have not cast a reopen vote
The awesome night sky petunia.
The amazing Egernia depressa skink from Australia! (Photos: Henry Cook)
Anyone have punny shop names for shops run by goblins, orcs, gnolls, trolls, etc? #dnd #dnd5e #DungeonsAndDragons
(A thread.)
@BESW "Sticks and stones", except it is filled with magical artefacts that the goblin owner has... Nicked
@BESW Those look very... spikey.
I think they fall into my category of "it's a dragon if you wouldn't want to argue with it if it claimed to be a dragon."
@doppelgreener I don't know if this comes across as mean to the answerer, but I do want to thank you for removing that answer. One of the things I like about this community is how respectful and civil it is on the whole. Being rude especially to new people really grinds me gears.
+1 for top-notch moderating
@Rubiksmoose thanks. :)
I probably would've left it to be downvoted into oblivion, but the ensuing comments weren't helping its case.
@BESW It was actually getting upvotes though. I like to think that it would have corrected, but it wouldn't be the first answer of its type to get upvoted.
Bad first answers tend to get upvoted until a good second answer shows up for comparison.
@BESW i was considering that, but chose to remove it more for the querent's sake.
at best it's setting a bad example of what we're here to do.
It was definitely condescending, and without empathy--the sentence structure's use of semicolon does not make it obvious that the secondary clause is a re-phrasing of the first. It could easily be an elaboration or continuation, unless you already know what the idiom in question means.
Yes, all of that.
And semicolons are not a signifier one is explaining what came before the semicolon
@KorvinStarmast I talked about it, and linked to discussions by Vernon, here.
I also try to consider the fact that many people do not speak English as a first or primary language and idioms especially are extremely tricky.
Aye. And even for folks who speak it as a first language, D&D tends to get a bit more elaborate than everyday text.
Throw in that D&D is often talking about fantastical unreality, and stuff that one might assume is an idiom in everyday conversation suddenly could be literal.
Do elves dream about fashion runways and what color goes best with their complexion this season and how to keep their hair so nice? I would believe it.
We've already established that Thranduil lives in a perfume ad.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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