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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Ben Yeah, all that stuff about people getting hit in the head and developing magic powers was completely absent from the second game.
@Yuuki That's pretty tenuous. Especially since she was dying in a frozen stone building in the Arctic tundra.
@Miniman I never said I agreed with it.
Pairing people are weird.
@Yuuki Oh, I know. I just felt compelled to point it out.
Yeah ok.... Lol
@Yuuki Including the devs, apparently. I mean...Mia's kid and Piers? Really, guys? Really?
hey there @SoraTamashii
@Miniman Well when you're connecting wires you usually pair the red plug with the red socket... haha
@Yuuki Or Garet's, or Mia's husband.
Also, did Felix and Sheba die, or something?
@Miniman And why do Isaac and Garet seem to live with their kids alone on a mountain?
@Yuuki I think they do mention Jenna leaving, but not why.
Oh yeah, and while we're at it, what's the deal with Psynergy Vortices? You know, those things they introduce as a huge plot point and the thing the whole game is about, then do absolutely nothing with until a random teaser in the end credits?
@Miniman Felix left the other Warriors of Vale to set out on his own journey. According to the game's encyclopedia, nobody has seen him since he departed. However, he is referenced in the Sun Saga, a series of books detailing the journey of the Warriors of Vale. Interestingly, Felix is presented in an antagonistic light for most of the book series, with Felix's true motivations only being revealed near the end.
@Ben Well, all depictions of the story of the first two games in Dark Dawn are worryingly inaccurate.
That tutorial...ugh.
@Miniman As for Sheba, she seems to have just vanished entirely
@Ben Maybe the moon people took her back.
I mean, it seems safe to say she fulfilled her destiny.
Maybe that's why Felix is gone.
But, after all this, I am going to be creating Adepts for my next D&D game(s)
@Yuuki Ohh, I like that theory
Though I think (following the rules of 5e) it's be based off Sheba, Ivan, Mia or Jenna
For equipment reasons
Hey Sha. :)
So, I have been kinda stuck on one class in my whole experience in 5e - the Fighter. But reading through the Sorcerer, they are really cool!
That makes me wonder - they talk about "Captain Piers", does that mean he kept the boat? I mean, technically, he could use Hover with the item, but they always acted in-game as if Sheba was the only one who ever used Hover.
@Ben Well, it'd be fair to say Garet is a less powerful mage than Jenna, so maybe he just dropped one level in Fighter for armor and weapon proficiencies.
> Captain Piers. You get +2 when using Rapport and Provoke to create advantages relating to your authority while standing on a dock.
"Empowered Spell"... it allows you to reroll up to your Cha modifier for damage, and you must use the new rolls... does that mean you have to re-roll all of them, or just until your satisfied?
@Ben Pick the ones you want to reroll and reroll them, I think.
@Ben You roll. Look at the dice. Choose a number of them from zero to CHA and reroll.
@Miniman True... Multiclassing is a thing... and there is the Eldritch Knight Archetype....
@nitsua60 Ohhhh right
@Miniman And action surge =)
And a fighting style.
@Ben Look, Garet isn't my favourite character, but I don't hate him that much.
So, like a spell is "5d4", I have +3 cha, so I pick 3d4, and re-roll them
Also, intelligence-based spellcasting?
@Miniman Snarf
@Ben up to 3d4.
@Ben Up to 3, yeah.
@nitsua60 Yeah. Cool :)
@Miniman Well what about Felix or Isaac? Or Piers?
I would dare say they'd be handled at least through multi-classing
@Ben The same, I'd say.
@BESW lol
@Ben Although in my experience things like sculpt and twin and quicken tend to be more impactful. Bumping up a damage roll by a few points is a nice choice to have available, but not really a go-to. (When things that convert hits vs. not, or double targets, or allow me to cast a spell and my damage-cantrip in the same round are alternatives.)
@BESW Oh right. Forgot about him haha
@BESW I may have had a number of Snarf stuffed animals that was >1.
@nitsua60 Yeah. Even "Careful Spell" would be useful
@Ben which one's careful?
Btw @Miniman @daze did we have a game one tonight?
> When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make
a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures
from the spell's full force. To do 50, you spend 1 sorcery
point and choose a number of those creatures up to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of one creature). Achosen
creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw
against the spell.
@nitsua60 Maybe nobody else is playing Jeff, but I am.
All the time.
you literally have to be
@Ben It's worth remembering, too, that there are other classes in that world. You meet a lot of fighters, a temple of monks, some (probably) rogues, and so on.
@Ben right--like a diffuse version of sculpt.
@Miniman I have wanted to play other classes. But my issues lay with games ending before potential is met. Like, level 5 is good, you get used to a character, learn how they work, etc. You know they can take on a troll, but that's not high enough to see what they're really capable of
@nitsua60 Sculpt is the Evoker's thing, not one of the Sorc options.
@BESW Still pulling the Guam trick, too!
Sep 10 '17 at 14:10, by nitsua60
Dear fictional lurker: BESW pipes all their traffic through Guam, just to up the degree-of-difficulty in their game of .
@Miniman orite.
@Miniman I want to see Toby grapple a dragon. Lol
@Ben :D Jherala looks on grinning as Toby and Teovanth play-wrestle
@Shalvenay "I'm gonna get ya!"
...what happened to my comment?
@BESW Sorcery indeed
@Ben I flagged it - it was an answer in comment form (bad) and also wrong.
@Miniman Ok. It wasn't meant as an answer, and I was probably more just asking for clarification (my experience in spellcasting is amateurish)
That question makes me realize: 5e bards are "full casters." I wonder if that's part of my problem with them.
@nitsua60 you think their casthing should be de-emphasized?
@Shalvenay I don't think about them much. But it's a strong departure from my formative bard experience in 1e.
@nitsua60 It's certainly a departure from any of their previous iterations.
@nitsua60 But you hated them then too, didn't you?
@Miniman No, not at all.
You didn't see them all the time, and when you did it was a serious badge of respect to have achieved it.
@nitsua60 Huh. Didn't see that coming.
It gets even worse if you search for "bard" =)
TIL: chat-search digs into the target of a link!
(I.e. searching for rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/ would presumably grab every time a person's ever linked a question in the room, oneboxed or no.
Yep, whenever I want to find a tweet BESW has posted here I just search for "t.co".
gotta run!
@BESW No idea what this signifies, sorry.
Probably too esoteric. It's the band "The Avalanches."
@BESW Ah, but then I can use the power of ctrl-f. It's a weird situation where something neither of them could do alone can accomplish something amazing.
Download this new Old Spice Gentleman Class for the greatest role playing game of all time, which we cannot mention for legal reasons, to fulfill that fantasy dream you have always had since reading this post. https://goo.gl/jBAK4n
@Miniman Yeah, I use that combo a lot.
@Miniman ("Frontier Psychiatrist" is a brilliant sampling of vintage audio.)
@BESW I'll have a listen when I'm not at work :)
@BESW ah yeah I remember this
Well, that may have been the strangest e-mail I've ever written. It was to my town's mayor explaining why I think we, as a town, probably shouldn't be taking a position on the identity of Jack the Ripper.
well ok then
@nitsua60 that is a strange email
This is what happens when I follow the thought "why is my town being asked to formally exonerate a woman, seventy-five years dead, of murdering her husband by poison?"
It leads me, as one might suspect, to Jack the Ripper conspiracy theorists.
2 hours later…
So I just found a really cool toy...
It's an application the deconstructs an exe and builds the code from it
so it converts it into the code that made it?
@trogdor That's impossible - it would have to convert it into code that could be compiled into that exe.
@Ben Is it language-specific?
@Miniman Right, because code --> exe is going to be a many-to-one mapping?
I just don't entirely understand the usefulness I guess
if it turns it into like, raw code that can't be used for the same thing
@nitsua60 Many-to-many, actually.
@nitsua60 ...I read From Hell. That's a very deep rabbit hole you've got there.
Crows in Australia are learning to eat cane toads like fugu—carefully prepping them to avoid the toxic parts http://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2018/01/can-crows-eat-cane-toads
Rapaxavis pani is an extinct flying dinosaur closely related to birds.
@Ben ... you mean a decompiler?
@trogdor It can make it much easier to start to understand how some program works, or whether or not it does a particular thing. For example, a security researcher might use this kind of thing on a virus to find out how it works.
@Miniman This one is, Framework specific
@JoelHarmon Yeh
The .exe I used is very simple, so it came out fairly neat, but I can see it getting more complex as the program grows
Try pointing your decompiler at itself.
@JoelHarmon ah ok
@trogdor Other interesting options include verifying the output of a new compiler, as well as comparing optimized code to non-optimized code.
@JoelHarmon Danger! Danger Will Robinson!
@trogdor Let's say you're making a competitor to a program. Being able to buy a copy of that program, turn it into code, and thereby see how it works is going to be a huge deal for you.
@Ben .NET?
This one is anyway
The fabulous Jane Linskold informs me that Starlight the guinea pig is a fan.
@Miniman You can shoose the language too I believe
IL, C#, VisualBasic, MC++ and F#; and .NET in its different iterations
@Ben Well, even if you couldn't, there's plenty of tools to convert all the .NET languages into each other.
@JoelHarmon cool
@Miniman yes yes it is
Additionally you can mostly only cast 1st-level spells with those slots, the exception being 2nd-level Bard spells, due to simply having no “spells known” access to higher-level spells. — SevenSidedDie ♦ 5 hours ago
This is what I was trying to get at with my comment on the original post @Miniman. It wasn't an answer to the question per se, more along the lines of the ability that class build had
The question was about the spellcaster level (though the title is a bit misleading about that), whereas my comment was simply pointing out the fact that the spell slots were pretty much restricted to first level
But no matter
1 hour later…
Calling all female DMs! I'm trying to get something in the works and would appreciate you to message me if you're interested! I know, it seems so secretive but I can go over more details if you're interested! #DnD #DM #Tabletop #RPG
3 hours later…
"Eponymous" is very nearly "pony mouse".
@BESW it's eponymouses!
Not to be confused with eponymoose.
> Eponymouse. You can use Provoke to create advantages by summoning literal manifestations of terrible puns. Such a creation exacts a terrible punishment on reality: at the beginning of its turn all fractals in its zone (including itself and other punstrosities) take one shift of stress.
1 hour later…
@Miniman How can one piece of code compile to different... oh, are we talking about compiler settings producing strictly distinct binaries, even though they would do the same things?
@nitsua60 That, or compiling to a different target architecture.
I took what you said to imply changing the optimization settings on the compiler, but now realize you may not have meant that.
Different compilers could have different optimisation methods too, resulting in different compiled code that does the same thing as far as a user is concerned.
Some languages also allow for really crazy compile time code execution, so you could do a trivial change like "the binary contains the timestamp of when it was compiled" and technically get a different binary every time you recompile.
@doppelgreener Yeah, this.
1 hour later…
@JoelHarmon I know just enough to know that's a thing, but not much more. So I'll just nod along appreciatively.
[nods appreciatively]
Reminds me of the old bash quote:
<user 1 has joined>
<1> Hello, is this the anime channel?
<1>Ok, great
<1>Can you please tell me how to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD
2 hours later…
> Stats and Magic
> Intelligence: I know a lot of spells.
> Wisdom: I understand how arcane energy works.
> Charisma: Apparently, I'm hot enough to convince Cthulhu to give me magic.
@Yuuki Works for me
Charisma-based casting is just getting the universe to see your point of view
"Je suis le tres bon artiste, monsieur Pelor - and it vould be much more aesthetique if zere vere a fireball zere, n'est ce pas?"
It's like the Reddit rules of dating but with casting magic: 1) Be attractive. 2) Don't be unattractive.
@Yuuki Facebook up, delete the gym, hit your lawyer
Having a great time with the @Wizards folk except Mitzi keeps photo bombing me
Q: Really specific formatting issue with bulleted lists

Hey I Can ChanHere's what happens in a bulleted list that also has subbullets when a bullet's text continues after a subbullet: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci...

Q: Does Mage Armor have any advantages over Studded Leather+1?

LichtbringerI am thinking there are maybe some Items you can wear instead of Armor, that give benefits but no AC? Would the Archmage Robes count as Armor and prohibit me from using Mage Armor? (Not that I would need Mage Armor then...) Besides that it would seem that Mage Armor is strictly worse then Studd...

can we put a hold on this one until we know what OP is asking?
@Rubiksmoose I thought there was an unofficial policy against requesting additional VtCs? :P
@SPavel I'm actually not sure. I've never had anybody tell me that before. If so, then I appologize.
bah it is tiny
OP has edited so no need anyways
It's still not a specific enough question
"Does an apple have any advantage over oranges?"
"Does a chocolate bar have any advantages over a Dodge Caravan"
@SPavel I think it is specific enough, although it is an odd question to ask. It is comparing 2 things that give an AC calculation, Mage Armor and Studded Leather+1, and asking for differences/if one is better than the other.
@GreySage Better in what context though?
"which thing is better" without qualifiers is almost by definition an opinion-based answer
@SPavel There are only a finite number of ways the 2 items differ. I think Thyzer's answer is pretty much complete.
@GreySage Should add that Mage Armor is magical.
And therefore disappears in an AMF whereas well-made leather stays leather.
@Yuuki Feel free to mention that to him in a comment then
Hmm, since magical effects are suppressed in an AMF and not removed, would a leather armor +1 revert to normal leather armor?
@Yuuki Pretty sure it would lose the +1 while in the AMF yeah
I wonder if there are non-cursed items that get better in an AMF
Incidentally, are all +1 armor magical in origin?
I remember that 3.5e/Pathfinder allows some +1 armor/weapons to be non-magical by virtue of being masterwork.
@Yuuki In 3.5 there were special metals that could make your weapon +1 nonmagically, but masterwork armor is just -1 to ACP
(Masterwork weapons are +1 to hit, and baatorian greensteel is +1 damage)
What about 5e?
Given how tightly AC is regulated, how powerful and rare magic items are meant to be, and how little material has been published, my gut feeling is no.
Is the +1 effect considered magical effect targetable by Dispel Magic?
In 5e, the only +X armors are magical.
@Yuuki no, you can't dispel an item. But an antimagic field should remove the +1.
@NautArch I thought AMFs suppressed magic and didn't remove magic?
Crossed Bandoliers: Gives +X to your armor.
@Yuuki yes, *temporarily remove
aka suppress
@doppelgreener Brunch Armor: Gives +eggs to your armor
> Rust monster: Gives +"ex-" to your armor.
@Yuuki Divorce: gives ex- to your amour
@Yuuki LOL
oh no
that's terrible
"this is my ex-plate armor"
When running an RPG and I want a city or town to feel old, I talk about how the buildings are reused. The bakery and tavern share space in an ancient stone church, dedicated to a now unknown god.
“The streets of this district are too narrow and irregular to permit carriages, and thus it became the slums you see today despite the amazing homes.”
@Yuuki that is my understanding
@doppelgreener That feels like less old and more poor urban planning and no zoning laws.
@SPavel I certainly brought posts to this room's attention plenty of times encouraging chatizens to consider whether they think a vote's called for. And it looks like I'm far from the only one: VtC, VtRO's much less common. (cc: @Rubiksmoose)
@Yuuki Yeah, your magical ability score summary is nice. You could refluff charisma as "I talked Cthulhu into giving me magic" ... or "I bullied Cthulhu into giving me magic"....
@KorvinStarmast But “Cthulhu thinks I’m sexy” is innately humorous.
@nitsua60 Come to think of it. The first time I came to chat was to post about a vote VtRO I think. Someone told me that was one way to do it.
@Yuuki OH, yeah, it's very good.
@Yuuki right, urban planning and zoning laws are pretty modern, so, success
@nitsua60 we have T inus 21 hours before out of town guests arrive. arrgh, it's wet and I need to cut the grass. :( Momma is not happy.
@doppelgreener Sure, but you can be modern and still have poor urban planning and no zoning laws.
It also comes to mind as a mechanism of layering to convey age:
A: Giving a setting a feeling of ancientness

BESWTo have a sense of ancientness either the world needs to have an ancient history to call on, or you'll need strategies to give the impression of one. Pulsehead's answer provides one way to create a history, but many worldbuilders never design so thoroughly and it doesn't stop them at all. Either ...

I love the feeling of solving a problem and getting some code that has been stubborn to finally work.
@doppelgreener >implying that rich people would let a little thing like "no space for carriages" get in the way of having posh buildings
the spares would be demolished to create roomy avenues
Being able to afford to buy up extra property so you could clear the way to your villa would be seen as a sign of wealth
That's true
That one isn't so plausible but I like the reuse one. It even applies to a lot of buildings I've been in.
@doppelgreener Or if it's a fantasy setting, rich people could buy miniature shrink person carriages, the smaller, the more expensive
The richest would teleport directly into their homes
As for "bakery and tavern" there's a great history.se answer that explores why these things probably did not exist at all (short answer: no capitalism back in medieval times)
@SPavel The good old Barter System
@GreySage BAR-ter.
@GreySage There was no barter system because everybody had the same thing.
@SPavel nothing?
Peasants paid their lord in either time or produce, and grew or made their own stuff
this happened in my game last night...what would you do?
Lords had servants to make things for them - a lord would have a baker, but not a public bakery
You are a paladin of vengeance, oath is to destroy the great evil that has taken over a kingdom. The king is part of the great evil. King tells you to kneel. Do you kneel to the false king (he's actually a demon) even though your oath is to destroy him?
What is a paladin of vengeance?
@NautArch Do they know the king is a false king? Or that he's a demon?
Also, why does kneeling violate your oath?
@MikeQ yup, know both.
See for example the movie Hero where the titular character pays all the respects due to the king he has come to assassinate
@SPavel That's the question. My oath is to destroy the great evil. The King is basically the great evil - removing him and getting the true king crowned is the goal.
@NautArch I don't see the problem
Is your oath "do literally nothing else but fight this dude" in which case you violate it whenever you eat, sleep, do side quests, train, etc
@NautArch You could play it as an intent thing. Kneeling with the intent to swear loyalty and let the demon do as he pleases, that's probably not kosher with the oath. But kneeling with the intent to sprint at the king and stab him in the gut, or kneeling because it will keep your allies alive, that is plausible.
Or is it sensible, in which case not murdering at the earliest opportunity is not a violation
Why is swearing loyalty to the thing you plan to kill a violation of the oath?
No, my oath is to destroy the great evil upon the land. Bending the knee and parlaying with the false leader/demon/leading the great evil seemed like something I wouldn't have done or might technically have broken my oath to destroy him.
You're not abandoning it
The only way to break an oath to destroy the evil is to make destroying it impossible.
That is the problem with an oath that is a discrete event and not continuous
Like making a deal with him?
Making a deal with him is fine
If the deal involves removing the evil, then... maybe it could work? Paladins are weird because it's usually the GM's judgment.
Unless the deal ends with "but you can't kill me and if you try your head will magically fall off"
Also what happens to the paladin's powers after they destroy the great evil?
so basically do everything with my fingers crossed?
@MikeQ the campaign ends?
and we move onto new characters.
@NautArch Not even. You can serve the evil faithfully even if you intend, in the future, to undercut it.
So the paladin's oath is to win the campaign. Got it.
As an evil, it will expect a certain amount of power jockeying so it's a great cover
I guess it seems okay to pretend to play nice. Maybe I was just frustrated in the events leading up to it were pure railroad.
Basically you are Stalin in 1928 and your goal is to become Stalin in 1938
And the evil king in this case is Trotsky I guess
@SPavel I dunno. That's definitely not the character I've played. I mean, i'm at campaign end so I can do whatever, it just didn't feel right.
@NautArch Let me guess... things were building up to the encounter with the king, and then the GM put up a big narrative sign that said "Sorry you can't kill this NPC yet, ha ha" ?
You never promised not to become a greater evil
Aside: Does it count for removing the evil from the land if you destroy the land
@MikeQ We had to somehow sneak into the king's castle. Rather than resting and giving time for the troops to find us/discover our plans, we went straight to the guy who knew of a secret entrance.
secret entrance was sealed and covered with a steel plate.
@NautArch Rust monster, I choose you!
One PC had a robe of useful items and pulled a steel door and put it on the seal.
DM said it opened...into concrete.
so he pulled out a window. DM said window was only 1ft x 1ft, but showed the tunnel.
@NautArch Earth Elemental, I choose you!
so we dimension doored/teleported into the space.
inside, we found another locked door (after we sealed ourselves in so that no one could follow us)
inside that space, people at had to make wis saves or potentially lose magic items.
so we again dimension doored/misty stepped into the castle area.
where we were then quickly surrounded (we think we were being scryed)
a bummer to come up with a creative solution to get in (we were dumping the final spells we had in order to make it work) and have it just meet back up with the railroad.
@NautArch That's what we in the business call a target-rich environment
where it was "kneel or die".
And i seriously considered dying in an attempt to kill the king.
Wait, you spent all your spells getting into the king's chamber?
What were you going to do when you got there?
How far into the campaign is this, either content-wise or level-wise?
@MikeQ Level 15ish, end stages of campaign.
it's been going on for about 4 years IRL
Hmm. If it was earlier, I'd reckon that this was a hamfisted way of introducing the villain, but...
meeting approx twice a month for 5-6 hour sessions
Whoa, okay, then yeah it seems like a setup for the BBEG showdown. What did y'all end up doing?
@MikeQ kneeled (all but one, who is now in jail). Currently eating lunch with the demon-king and he wants to talk to us and persuade us to switch sides.
@NautArch He had you dead to rights and decided not to kill you, he seems pretty reasonable as far as evil guys go
I think you should do it
That wouldnt make sense
The party should use this opportunity to buy time, learn about the king's plans, find weaknesses, etc., while preparing a counterattack
Right and in the meantime, not get murdernated
heh, true. I also nearly just did it so we could die and move onto the next campaign :P
but yeah, I can roll with that theme. I did refuse to partake of the lunch.
No no, I see what the GM's doing. Sounds like the party wasn't in the best shape for the showdown anyway, so now you have time to prepare.
Which turned out to be the meat of a beloved camel that was a party members steed in the early stages of the campaign. A camel that dealt the killing blow to a dragon.
@NautArch Isn't camel kind of gross
Horse-quality meat?
If this was a JRPG, I'd say the party has passed the "final dungeon point of no return", but can still sort through menus and arrange party members, before challenging the final boss
@SPavel it's actually delicious :)
@NautArch Is it delicious as a function of the amount of spices that are added in preparation or is the meat delicious?
@Yuuki a good question. I found the whole experience delicious.
As stereotypical as it sounds, I have eaten dog twice. Once was passable because they literally smothered it with herbs and spices. Dog does not taste good on its own.
The most unusual thing I have eaten is kangaroo, which is tough and bland
@Yuuki Hmm. I had eaten it about 25 years ago, so my memory is hazy.
but it was a relatively simple preparation and I liked it.
stereotypical...tastes like chicken.
But I still prefer kangaroo to buckwheat kasha
Buckwheat is an acquired taste.
Still not a fan of either buckwheat tea or noodles.
@Yuuki I ate it all through my childhood, and can attest that the taste was not acquired.
Buckwheat is a great grain for flour, and the tea is not bad either
@SPavel Really? My brother in law likes kangaroo. Maybe it's all in how you make it.
Buckwheat honey is the best honey (though obviously it does not use the same parts)
My oddest meat is probably squirrel.
Buckwheat mead is the best mead.
I want to try camel at some point.
I expect that kangaroo tastes spicy
Because it has a kick
There's a place in Brooklyn that does fancy meats
But who has time for that
@SPavel are you in brooklyn?
@MikeQ giggles
@NautArch No ew
@SPavel hahaha
@SPavel That would explain why you wouldn't have time to get to Brooklyn to get fancy meats.
Capybara is where it's at
Hi all.
@GreySage Thank you for editing an answer to my question yesterday.
@DOOManiac You're welcome. Which question was it?
[wave] Hi!
It was the one about scrolls being a higher level than the PC
@DOOManiac Oh, right. We had just finished resolving a very similar question, and I wanted to make that answer reflect what we had learned.
[f(x)=sin(x)] Hello!
yesterday was clearly Multiclass Spellcasting Day
@NautArch was it ever.
howdy @TomFoolery
@NautArch oh hey it looks like your answer won!
@Rubiksmoose From lone voice against to chosen answer.
Light pillars arise from the reflection of sunlight or moonlight off ice crystals in the atmosphere.
@BESW gorgeous
@NautArch 0 to hero
@TomFoolery welcome!
So, there's a few questions that might help you refine your question
First is if you aren't interested in pricing, you should probably remove the tag
but ultimately, I think there's some confusion in if you're looking for a Rules answer on IS there something different between a War Dog and the Mastiff OR if you want to homebrew a new War Dog.
Q: Are we comfortable with our current position on deleting general answers to system specific questions?

WibbsSo this has come up a few times now, with different systems. Most recently the main issue has been with Dungeon World questions. We've had a rash of these, with answers from people that know nothing about the system who answer in a general, vague way. I generally supported the deletion of these a...

I am open to suggestion or official responses on pricing but I kind of came up with a work through on that. I would love a rules answer on the difference between a war dog and a normal mastiff but can't find one so was wondering if I missed it. Lacking a official rules answer I would like peoples thoughts and ideas for a home brew I guess.
@TomFoolery Well, those are all separate questions - and the stack does much better with separate rather than grouped questions. I think you might want to start with the difference between a war dog and a normal mastiff. There is a mechanical difference even thought he stat blocks are the same.
If you don't like what the RAW is, then you could try and ask for a specific homebrew suggestion. In order for that to be stack friendly, I would suggest creating specific guidelines you'd like to adhere to in coming up with that creature.
otherwise, it will likely be closed as opinion-based and you'd be recommended to visit a forum like Giant in the Playground.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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